MT :: Volume #3

#238: Wang Shu issues

Reported the elder sister!” Meng Yingying returns to the headquarters: I have delivered to the thing according to your request, they are very happy! However doubts, since delivers the compounded drug and magnetic recording machine helps them practice, why isn't giving some economical support? I thought that they live are very uptight.” “报告姐姐!”梦莹莹回到总部:“我按照你的要求把东西送到了,他们都很开心呢!不过有一个疑惑,既然送丹药和磁音机帮他们修炼,为什么不在给些经济上的支持呢?我看他们生活很拮据呢。” Meng Qingwu shakes the head: Yingying, you must understand that anything goes too far is as bad as not far enough.” 梦轻舞摇摇头:“莹莹,你要明白任何事情过犹不及。” Meng Yingying ignorant did not understand very much, according to her idea, since must help others, that should help to very end, coming out that the Miracle Commerce current strength and scale, 32 million gold coins can take casually! 梦莹莹懵懵懂懂不是很理解,按照她的想法既然要帮别人,那就应该一帮到底嘛,奇迹商会目前的实力和规模,32000000金币随随便便都能拿的出来呢! Meng Qingwu just about to well explains. 梦轻舞刚要好好解释解释的时候。 Sister Qingwu!” Feng Caidie runs hurriedly: I obtain the news, the father came back, brings a Imperial City special envoy, perhaps is Imperial City sends to investigate Central State chaotically!” 轻舞姐姐!”风彩蝶急急忙忙跑进来:“我得到消息,父亲已经回来,更带来一位王城特使,恐怕是王城派来调查中州之乱的!” What? 什么? Imperial City came the person! 王城来人了! Two sisters moods are disturbed! 两姐妹心情不禁忐忑起来! What status is the Imperial City special envoy?” 王城特使是什么身份?” I do not know.” “我也不知道。” Meng Qingwu most was worried that the Imperial City special envoy came from Shangguan Family, Chu Tian offends heavily Shangguan Family, if were discards a Shangguan Family elder merely, finally in Thunder State, caused heavy losses to the Western Marquis heir apparent, Western Marquis was a Shangguan Family very important branch! 梦轻舞最担心王城特使来自上官家族,楚天上官家族得罪不轻,若仅仅是废掉一个上官家族长老就算了,结果在雷州的时候,重创四方候世子,四方候上官家族非常重要的一个分支啊! Do not come the Shangguan Family person! 千万不要来上官家族的人啊! Otherwise the matter does not know how should develop. 否则事情就不知道该怎么发展了。 Meng Qingwu does not dare to neglect, immediately calls Yingying to go to Cloud Sect, draws forcefully Chu Tian. 梦轻舞不敢怠慢,立刻叫莹莹云门去,把楚天给强行拉出来。 Chu Tian knew that Imperial City comes the special envoy, brow is also slightly a wrinkle, now Central State is the Miracle Commerce world, moreover Miracle Commerce is popular in Central State, if Imperial City wants to strip Miracle Commerce forcefully, perhaps is not an easy matter. 楚天得知王城来特使,眉头也是微微一皱,现在中州已是奇迹商会天下,而且奇迹商会中州深得民心,若王城想要强行剥离奇迹商会,恐怕也不是一件容易的事情。 Divine Wind Marquis!” 神风候到!” Imperial City special envoy Nangong Zhi!” 王城特使南宫炙到!” An scholarly middle-aged person of blue robe walks with a middle-aged guy of wear red armor. 一个青袍的儒雅中年人与一个穿着赤色铠甲的中年汉子走进来。 Nangong Clan special envoy? 南宫家族的特使? Feng Caidie reveals a happy expression! 风彩蝶露出一丝喜色! Chu Tian, Meng Qingwu and Meng Yingying three people are Nangong Clan Guest Official. 楚天梦轻舞梦莹莹三人都是南宫家族客卿 Nangong Yun is the Nangong Clan talent, since will be Nangong Clan that should be better to speak some are. 南宫云更是南宫家族的天才,既然是南宫家族那应该会更好说话一些才是。 Chu Tian and Meng Qingwu facial color is dignified, because in two will of the people clear, Nangong Clan is not the monolithic bloc, otherwise by the Nangong Yi talent and ability, won't be able to obtain key training? If could not obtain key training, they were sent far away South Sky City to go, this clarified is the preparation pair of talent extremely good father and daughter marginalizations. 楚天梦轻舞面色凝重,因为两人心里都清楚,南宫家族不是铁板一块,否则以南宫毅天赋和能力,又怎么会得不到重点培养?若得不到重点培养就算了,两人更是被打发到偏远的天南城去,这摆明是准备将一对天赋极佳的父女边缘化。 Nangong Clan Guest Official status , after is Nangong Yi becomes an elder, recommends, the component is not high, is not necessarily easy-to-use. 南宫家族客卿身份,也是南宫毅成为长老后举荐的,分量并不高,不一定好用。 Who is Chu Tian?” Nangong Zhi swaggering walks: Oneself stand!” “谁是楚天?”南宫炙大摇大摆走来:“自己站出来吧!” This manner is very unfriendly. 这态度很不友善啊。 Chu Tian knits the brows, now the situation is not clear, he does not want to offend Nangong Clan for no reason, has to hold the fist in the other hand, puts on airs: „Below Chu Tian, has seen the special envoy!” 楚天皱皱眉,现在情况不明朗,他也不想平白无故得罪一个南宫家族,只好一抱拳,装模作样:“在下楚天,见过特使!” Bold Chu Tian!” The Nangong Zhi vision becomes swift and fierce, you stir up Central State to disrupt, destroy completely Three Great Clans, causes several thousand people of casualties, the rivers of blood, shocking nation. What unforgivable is, your soldier encircles the City Lord palace, regards City Lord is not to have the thing, has a swelled head, the crime may not!” “大胆楚天!”南宫炙目光变得凌厉起来,“你煽动中州打乱,灭掉三大家族,造成数万人伤亡,血流成河,震惊全国。更不可饶恕的是,你兵围城主府,视城主为无物,妄自尊大,罪不可恕!” Chu Tian sneers: How then the kingdom can handle me?” 楚天冷笑一声:“那么王国要怎么处置我呢?” Nangong Zhi snort|hum said: Please leave Royal Proclamation!” 南宫炙哼道:“请出王书!” An official opens the Purple gold box case respectfully, takes out shining Scroll from inside, is more magnificent than Wu'an Monarch's Monarch book. 一个官员恭恭敬敬打开紫金匣子,从里面取出一部金灿灿卷轴,比武安君的君书还要华丽。 Nangong Zhi loudly shouted to clear the way: „Hasn't Royal Proclamation before, you knelt to welcome?!” 南宫炙大喝道:“王书在前,尔等还不跪迎?!” Chu Tian stands in straightly same place, damn, the father god demon does not kneel, let alone is trivial Southern Summer Country Little Wang?! 楚天直挺挺站在原地,他妈的,老子连神魔都不跪,更何况是区区一个南夏国小王?! A Wu'an Monarch has right to execute person of three clans. 一个武安君就有权利诛人三族。 Now Royal Proclamation before, if affronts Wang Wei, perhaps the consequence is more serious. 现在王书在前,若冒犯王威,恐怕后果更严重。 Nangong special envoy.” Divine Wind Marquis also knows the Chu Tian temperament, Chu Tian is Central State well-known scholar, the knowledge also above Yun Tianhe. According to our country statute book, the renowned scholar authorization scope king does not kneel.” “南宫特使。”神风候也知道楚天脾气,“楚天中州知名学者,学问还在云天鹤之上。按照我国法典,著名学者有权面王不跪。” scholar? The joke, you can also calculate scholar!” Nangong Zhi laughs, good, since Divine Wind Marquis spoke for you, I exempted your vast to regard crime of Wang Wei the!” 学者?笑话,就你还能算学者!”南宫炙哈哈大笑起来,“好吧,既然神风候为你说话,我就免了你渺视王威之罪!” Nangong Zhi does not pay attention to Chu Tian: Read out Royal Proclamation!” 南宫炙根本不把楚天放在眼里:“宣读王书!” Central State causes the casualties randomly several thousands, the rivers of blood, vibrate Southern Xia, is hundred years of rare turmoil. Central State Chu Tian rate four continent lake rates very enter the city, participates in the family battle, putting under house arrest the Central State City lord, private moves Storm Cavalry, even did not report the royal court but annexed Chu Luoye three big old clan family property secretly, various this all sorts have seriously violated the Southern Xia statute book, received the heavy fine by rights ought to......” 中州之乱导致伤亡数万,血流成河,震动南夏,为百年罕见之动乱。中州楚天率四洲湖率贼入城,参与家族争斗、软禁中州城主,私动疾风骑兵,甚至不上报王庭而私自吞并楚洛叶三大老族家产,诸此种种已严重违背南夏法典,理当受到重罚……” The Meng Qingwu sisters complexion becomes is not quite attractive. 梦轻舞姐妹脸色都变得不太好看。 Some this people went certainly to Imperial City to complain, moreover evaded the important questions for the easy specially, did not say that the reason only spoke the process and result, his heart evil and cruel clearly wants to set at Chu Tian in the deathtrap! 这一定是有人去王城去告状了,而且还专门避重就轻,不说原因只讲过程和结果,其心之歹毒分明是想置楚天于死地啊! However, Chu Tian and Thunder State, extinguish kill outside the territory the devil, rescues the Thunder State common people water and fire, this is the non- world great merit! The merit temporarily puts aside, specially appointed messenger Nangong Zhi goes to Central State to investigate Central State to seem real, makes the award and punishment resolution again, Central State must coordinate to investigate!” “然,楚天雷州,灭杀域外恶魔,救雷州万民水火,此乃不世大功!功过暂时搁置,特派使者南宫炙前往中州调查中州之乱真相,再做赏罚决断,中州务必配合调查!” Royal Proclamation read. 王书念完了。 Divine Wind Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis just in Imperial City, therefore the news passes to Imperial City time, they strongly will definitely help Chu Tian, therefore South Summer King makes the decision that does not enjoy does not punish. 神风候金箭候刚好在王城,所以消息传到王城的时候,两人肯定会竭力帮楚天的,因此南夏王做出一个不赏不罚的决定。 The words from Royal Proclamation, the findings are essential. 王书来看的话,调查结果非常关键。 Enjoys greatly, punishes greatly, all in Nangong Zhi this Imperial City special envoy hand! 是大赏,是大罚,全在南宫炙这个王城特使手里! Divine Wind Marquis said to Nangong Zhi: Special envoy coming from far away Fatigue of travel, this marquis arranges the grand feast to wash the travel fatigue for the special envoy, the matter of this investigation not eagerly for a while.” 神风候南宫炙说:“特使远道而来舟车劳顿,本侯备好盛宴替特使洗洗风尘,这调查之事不急于一时。” That had the work marquis!” “那就有劳侯爷了!” The Nangong Zhi word finished swaggering leaves. 南宫炙言毕大摇大摆离开了。 Meng Yingying stands panting in indignation: Is unfair! South Summer King is unfair! Chu Tian rescues Thunder State is the fact, but Central State is Three Great Clans jumps randomly, we counterattack in self-defense, can this matter blame to our heads? South Summer King did not reward us, sent such a repugnant special envoy to come, wasn't this disgusting we?” 梦莹莹气呼呼站起来:“不公平!南夏王不公平!楚天救下雷州是事实,而中州之乱是三大家族跳起来的,我们只是自卫反击而已,这种事情怎么能怪到我们头上来?南夏王不奖我们就算了,偏偏派这么一个讨厌的特使来,这不是恶心我们吗?” But Meng Qingwu shakes the head: Yingying, low voice, do not ask the special envoy to listen.” 梦轻舞无奈摇摇头:“莹莹,小声点,别叫特使听了去。” Your matter I heard.” Divine Wind Marquis shakes the head to Chu Tian: This matter was too sudden, luckily I just in Imperial City, otherwise Imperial City that group of people collaborated to cope with you dead!” “你的事情我已经听说了。”神风候楚天摇摇头:“这次事情太突然了,幸亏我刚好在王城,否则王城那帮人联手对付你们就死定了!” On the side of Imperial City situation unusual bad risk! 王城一边的情况非常凶险! Does not need to ask knows that is Shangguan Family wants to cope with him mostly. 不用问都知道,多半是上官家族想对付他吧。 Naturally, does not remove is touched the benefit by Miracle Commerce the influence. 当然,不排除一些被奇迹商会触及利益的势力。 I strive to avoid Shangguan Family becoming famous as far as possible, this Nangong Zhi is a key man, if he proposed anything to request, you can satisfy as far as possible satisfy him.” From the Divine Wind Marquis expression, the situation is perhaps more serious than the imagination, your Imperial City does not have the ally again, offends Nangong Clan again, from now is hard to start inevitably.” “我尽量争取避免上官家族出名,这个南宫炙是一个关键人物,他要是提出什么要求,你能满足就尽可能的满足他。”从神风候表情来看,情况恐怕比想象中更严重,“你们再王城没有盟友,再得罪一个南宫家族,从此以后必然举步维艰。” Chu Tian still thinks otherwise to the Divine Wind Marquis gentle reminder, when the father must think that the honors of these lackeys did handle affairs? 楚天神风候善意提醒依然不以为然,老子什么时候要看这些狗腿子的脸面行事了? Nangong Zhi just manner, nothing but gave Chu Tian demonstration of authority first, making Chu Tian scared, then the lion greatly opened the mouth to butcher ruthlessly. 南宫炙刚刚的态度,无非是先给楚天一个下马威,让楚天恐慌无助,再狮子大开口狠宰而已。 Joke! 笑话! Chu Tian is the person of opening to persuasion but not to coercion! 楚天是吃软不吃硬的人! Divine Wind Marquis does not know the Chu Tian at heart idea: You prepare well, today evening banquet must attend, should better also take Nangong Yun, no matter what Miracle Commerce has Nangong Clan one, looks in the benefit common share, he may give a face.” 神风候不知道楚天心里想法:“你们好好准备准备,今天晚宴要出席,最好把南宫云也带上,不管怎么说奇迹商会南宫家族一份,看在利益共同份上,他或许会给点面子。” Has a look. 姑且去看看吧。 Chu Tian also gave up any idea of that knows this so-called special envoy, actually in the bottle gourd sells any medicine. 楚天也休想知道这个所谓的特使,究竟葫芦里卖什么药。 Nangong Yun knew again the family came the person, eyebrow curled upwards the space quickly. 南宫云再得知家族来人了,眉毛头快翘到天上去了。 Nangong Yun does not have too many sentiments to the family, because there are to record to recall the family the impression not to be good to her, the father has been pushed aside in the family, but Nangong Yun after examining strong talent, is receives various envy and suppressions. 南宫云对家族没有太多感情,因为有记忆起家族给她印象就不好,父亲一直在家族里被排挤,而南宫云在检测出超强天赋后,更是受到各种嫉妒和打压。 Many years ago, Nangong Yi was sent South Sky City to work as polished rod City Lord, young Nangong Yun goes to the place of this remote place. 多年前,南宫毅被打发到天南城当个光杆城主,年幼南宫云跟着来到这个穷乡僻壤的地方。 South Sky City has not practiced the resources, therefore the practice progress is slow, however in Central State several years, she had felt unusual is merry, wants her to choose, even if the family is willing to train, she does not want to return to that depressing place. 天南城没有修炼资源,所以修炼进度非常缓慢,但是在中州几年时间里,她感觉过的非常快活,真要她选择,哪怕家族愿意重新培养,她也不想回到那个压抑的地方去。 Chu Tian comforted Nangong Yun saying: Do not be worried that has me.” 楚天安慰南宫云说:“你别担心,有我呢。” Right, my Yingying!” Meng Yingying volunteers: Nangong Clan fellow, if dares to bully you, my Yingying helps you punch him!” “对呀,还有我莹莹呢!”梦莹莹自告奋勇:“南宫家族的家伙要是敢欺负你,我莹莹帮你揍他!” Meng Qingwu has no alternative to them: save your breath, Nangong Zhi is the Nangong Clan senior elder, the Three Great Clans senior elder at least is True Soul Cultivator, had not seen that can sell his three points of face including Divine Wind Marquis?” 梦轻舞对两人无可奈何:“省省吧,南宫炙南宫家族的资深长老,三大家族资深长老起码都是真魂修士,没看到连神风候都要卖他三分面子么?” Meng Yingying said: True Soul Cultivator? We have to overthrow! The Three Great Clans remote antiquity elder is not True Soul Cultivator!” 梦莹莹道:“真魂修士怎么了?我们又不是没打倒过!三大家族太上长老不都是真魂修士么!” Meng Qingwu sighed: „Different, Nangong Zhi is not anything, truly what needs to dread is back Nangong Clan, even...... South Summer King!” 梦轻舞叹道:“不一样,南宫炙不算什么,真正需要忌惮的是背后的南宫家族,甚至……南夏王!” Do not think these many.” Chu Tian is actually unhurriedly: You attend evening banquet with my obediently, should eat eats, should drink drinks, other I'm coming process!” “不要去想这么多了。”楚天倒是不慌不忙:“你们跟着我乖乖出席晚宴,该吃就吃,该喝就喝,其他我来处理!” In the evening, several people arrive at the City Lord palace. 当晚,几人来到城主府。 Divine Wind Marquis comes back the first matter, City Lord Feng Yunlong rushing to the Vice-City Lord seat, now starts to hold the post of Central State City City Lord personally. Divine Wind Marquis was also looks, several good-for-nothing younger brothers simply have not held the post of the City Lord ability, has them to govern Central State only to make Central State more chaotic! 神风候回来第一件事情,就是把城主风云龙给赶到副城主位子上,现在开始亲自担任中州城城主神风候也算是看出来了,几个不成器的弟弟根本没有担任城主的能力,有他们治理中州只会让中州更乱! The evening banquet starts. 晚宴开始。 Nangong Zhi sees Nangong Yun, both eyes to flash through an unusual ray: I have not thought actually will see the Nangong Clan posterity here, Nangong Yi is one has the potential later generation, the family sends Central State to come him, to discipline well he, I think that he should not have the complaint.” 南宫炙看见南宫云,双眼闪过一丝异样光芒:“我倒是没有想到会在这里见到南宫家族的后人,南宫毅是一个有潜力的后辈,家族将他派到中州来,也是为好好磨练磨练他,我想他应该不会有怨言吧。” Nangong Yun knit the brows saying: Father has been familiar in Central State City now lives.” 南宫云皱皱眉头说:“父亲现在已经习惯在中州城生活了。” That is good!” Nangong Zhi satisfaction nods: Nangong Yi is very insightful, is lucky, since enters with the Miracle Commerce cooperation ahead of time, but Miracle Commerce two Chairman, will be Nangong Clan Guest Official, family naturally to your many will look at present also.” “那就好!”南宫炙满意点点头:“南宫毅很有眼光,也非常幸运,既然提前进和奇迹商会合作,而奇迹商会的两位会长,目前也是南宫家族客卿,家族方面自然会对你们多加照顾的。” The people are silent. 众人都沉默不语。 Nangong Zhi suddenly transferring nature? 南宫炙又忽然转性了吗? Did the manner become temperate? Perhaps is uncertain! 态度变得温和了?恐怕不一定吧! The strategy that this nothing but the big stick sweet jujube employs two methods to achieve one goal, gives Miracle Commerce demonstration of authority first, then gives Miracle Commerce comforting, then feared is the lion big start to talk. 这无非大棒甜枣双管齐下的战略,先给奇迹商会一个下马威,再给奇迹商会一点安抚,接下来怕就是狮子大开口的时候了。 Calamity of Miracle Commerce this rushing is not small, although you and Nangong Clan quite have the origin, but I lead the imperial edict to go abroad on a diplomatic mission Central State, what represents is the kingdom interests, but cannot by private damage the merit, therefore hopes that you can understand me.” 奇迹商会这次闯的祸不小,虽你们与南宫家族颇有渊源,但我领王命出使中州,代表的是王国利益,而不能以私损功,所以希望你们能理解我。” A Nangong Zhi have a strong sense of righteousness appearance. 南宫炙一副大义凛然的样子。 Chu Tian light asking: Then the king does cause the meaning is?” 楚天淡淡的问:“那么王使意思是?” I just consulted Central State the chaotic reason, this time is three courts destruction, therefore main mistake not in you, but...... Miracle Commerce annexes the Three Great Clans procedure secretly, causes Imperial City many great people discontented, must know to discuss the qualifications, by the prestige, by the inside story, Miracle Commerce is bad, now alone big Central State, how can make other established families be convinced?” “我刚刚查阅中州之乱的原因,这次是三家自取灭亡,所以主要过错不在你们,不过……奇迹商会私自吞并三大家族的做法,引起王城很多大人物不满,要知道论资历,论威望,论底蕴,奇迹商会还差得很远,如今一家独大中州,怎么能让其他老牌家族服气?” Nangong Zhi spoke of here, suddenly stopped. 南宫炙说到这里,突然停顿一下。 Has a plan for the present, wants to survive, Miracle Commerce must be thoroughly open to the family! According to the Li HuoHou meaning of Nangong Clan, is admits Miracle Commerce becomes the Nangong Clan industry, only has so may guarantee you to be safe,” “为今之计,想要生存,奇迹商会必须彻底向家族开放!按照南宫家族离火候意思,是接纳奇迹商会成为南宫家族旗下产业,唯有如此才可保你们平安,” Meng Qingwu several people of complexions change. 梦轻舞几人脸色都是大变。 Miracle Commerce develops today's scale with great difficulty, Nangong Clan is actually good, do a few words need entire to swallow? 奇迹商会好不容易发展到今天规模,南宫家族倒是好,一句话就要整个吞掉? Chu Tian does not get angry not startled: We lose Miracle Commerce, to have nothing to eat?” 楚天不怒不惊:“我们失去奇迹商会,岂不是喝西北风去?” This point please feel relieved.” Nangong Zhi said: Li HuoHou will order your Guest Official status , to promote for the Asian minister directly, its status treatment is equal to the senior elder. So long as continues is Nangong Clan works for ten years, seals you as on minister, its status is even higher than the senior elder!” “这一点请放心。”南宫炙说道:“离火候会下令将你们客卿身份,直接提升为亚卿,其地位待遇等同资深长老。只要继续为南宫家族效力十年,就封你们为上卿,其地位甚至比资深长老更高!” I understood.” Chu Tian smiled: In other words, not only need give to Nangong Clan chamber of commerce, but can also sell into servitude for you make the cow to make the horse ten years?” “我懂了。”楚天笑了:“也就是说,不仅仅要把商会献给南宫家族,还要卖身为你们做牛做马十年咯?” The Divine Wind Marquis complexion also sinks. 神风候脸色也是一沉。 Nangong Clan was insatiably greedy seriously! 南宫家族当真是贪得无厌了!
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