MT :: Volume #3

#226: Once again becomes famous

In the future the several days time, the victory report will come again and again, after the Hellfire devil was eliminated, the abyss demon soldier starts to be weak day after day, the Thunder State army with irresistible force, is delivering its elimination at the extremely quick speed. 未来数日时间,捷报连连传来,地狱火恶魔被消灭之后,深渊魔兵开始日渐虚弱,雷州军队势如破竹,正以极快速度将其消灭产出。 At this time the people entirely believed. 这个时候人们完全相信了。 This youth from Central State, real Miracle eradicates including the Hellfire devil that the strength of Three Marquis is unable to eliminate, how everyone is unable to explain this exactly to occur, Chu Tian achieved! 这一个来自中州的少年,真的奇迹般铲除连三侯之力都无法消灭的地狱火恶魔,谁都无法解释这到底是怎么发生的,楚天偏偏做到了! Chu Tian became famous thoroughly! 楚天彻底出名了! This name extremely short time spreads over entire Thunder State, he thoroughly becomes in the Thunder State several million people of eyes Savior existence. Chu Tian also dug out at the Central State growth course, is occupying in Thunder State regional newspapers unceasingly, enters everyone in others, becomes the object of innumerable Thunder State person exclamation and worship. 这个名字极短时间传遍整个雷州,他彻底成为雷州几千万人眼中救世主般的存在。楚天中州成长历程也被纷纷挖出,正不断占据雷州各地的报纸上,进入千家万户人家之中,成为无数雷州人惊叹和崇拜的对象。 Ten million people realize Chu Tian, therefore realizes Miracle Commerce. 数以千万的人认识到楚天,也因此认识到奇迹商会 Southern Summer Country presents an monstruous talent talent! 南夏国出现一个妖孽般的天才! Chu Tian saw right in front of one Golden Arrow Marquis to say to him: „The Thunder State danger has solved freely, following trouble actually not completely clear, by the land of abyss aura pollution, in hundred years was hard to be used.” 楚天面见金箭候对他说:“雷州危险尽管解决了,后续麻烦却没有完全清楚,被深渊气息污染的土地,百年内都难以被使用。” Golden Arrow Marquis sighed the one breath: Matter that this does not have the means!” 金箭候叹一口气:“这也是没办法的事啊!” I have two solutions, looked how Golden Arrow Marquis used!” “我有两种解决方案,就看金箭候怎么用了!” „Can you renovate the polluted land? That quickly mentioned listens!” “你能整治被污染的土地?那就快说来听听!” The issue that Golden Arrow Marquis most has a headache about at present is the aftermath, the Thunder State city is polluted the land unable to plant any crops and herbal medicine, even survives is a problem, Demon Beast for a long time by abyss aura invasion, easy variation, and is more offensive. 金箭候目下最头疼的问题就是善后工作,雷州城被污染土地不能种任何农作物、草药,甚至生存都很成问题,魔兽长时间被深渊气息侵染,也容易变异且更具攻击性。 Who knows that Chu Tian also has the solution! 谁知道楚天对此也有解决方案! Chu Tian prepared on the Thunder State road, was Golden Arrow Marquis presents two Scroll directly, solved the process to write in inside in detail. 楚天早在来雷州路上就准备好了,直接为金箭候呈上两份卷轴,详细解决过程都已经写在里面了。 „The first type, I open a purification plan to you, only needs some common materials, Thunder State can purify the land, reduces polluted area/proportion, recalls many fertile soil and losses.” “第一种,我给你开一个净化方案,只需要一些常见材料,雷州就能净化土地,缩小被污染的面积,挽回许多沃土和损失。” „The second type, simply non- pollution management the soil, I leave behind several special material cultivation methods, this material can only plant in the implication abyss aura soil, exactly because of so, their very rare precious, if can carry out in Thunder State, naturally can recycle waste, making this bring the land of disaster to Thunder State, becomes a Thunder State big specialty economy origin!” “第二种,干脆不治理污染过的土壤,我留下几种特殊特殊的材料培育方法,这种材料只能在蕴含深渊气息的土壤中种植,也恰恰因为如此,它们非常稀罕珍贵,若能在雷州推行起来的话,自然能够变废为宝,让这块给雷州带来灾难的土地,成为雷州一大特色经济来源!” Good! Good! Good!” “好!好!好!” Golden Arrow Marquis excited does obeisance to Chu Tian once more. 金箭候激动的再次对楚天一拜。 Mister unrivalled great ability, why not keeps Thunder State, my hoping makes you make Thunder State City Lord!” “先生旷世大才,何不留在雷州,我愿让你来做雷州城主!” City Lord! 城主 Moreover is the main city! 而且是主城! Really big fat! 真是好大一块肥肉! „The regard of marquis, declined with thanks below, however Chu Tian will not in this.” Chu Tian refuses Golden Arrow Marquis to invite him in the Thunder State resident idea: My duty is accomplished, therefore this chapter of Central State went, please several marquises make the best use of the time to report after carrying out orders to Imperial City!” “侯爷的心意,在下心领了,然而楚天志不在此。”楚天拒绝金箭候邀请他在雷州常驻的想法:“我的任务完成,所以该回中州去了,请几位侯爷抓紧时间到王城去复命吧!” „The Central State day calls upon the gods in this way, is really the luck of Southern Summer Country. Comes the person, goes to the treasury to draw out 200 million gold coins, grants the mister, the Thunder State disaster, has a hundred things to do, at present the economy is uptight, hopes that the mister do not consider too little.” The Golden Arrow Marquis feeling said one, afterward called the vice general: This time enters Imperial City to report after carrying out orders, my direction detection Wu'an Monarch for your big taking undeserved credit!” 中州天降神才如斯,真乃南夏国之福。来人,去金库支取200000000金币,赠与先生,雷州大难,百废待兴,目下经济拮据,希望先生不要嫌少。”金箭候感慨说一句,随后叫来自己副将:“此番进王城复命,我定向武安君为你大大的邀功!” 200 million gold coins is a great sum of money! 200000000金币是一笔巨款! However by words that the merit weighs, this reward a little are truly few. But understandable, the Thunder State trade is in itself not too developed, now suddenly encounters a disaster, everywhere is the spending money places, can put out 200 million to give Chu Tian, is the limit. 不过以功劳来衡量的话,这点奖励确实有点少。但可以理解的,雷州商业本身不是太发达,现在又忽然遭遇一场大难,到处都是用钱的地方,能拿出200000000送给楚天,已经是极限了。 Divine Wind Marquis, Golden Arrow Marquis and Western Marquis leave Thunder State to go to Imperial City to report after carrying out orders. 神风候金箭候四方候都离开雷州前往王城复命。 Before Divine Wind Marquis just before leaving, gives Chu Tian the Central State cavalry soldier, making Chu Tian return to Central State to go the remaining forces belts. Chu Tian excessively has not stayed in Thunder State, travels by boat directly to the Central State direction goes. 神风候临走前把中州骑兵交给楚天,让楚天把剩余部队带回到中州去。楚天也没有在雷州过多停留,直接坐船向中州方向而去。 Sir Chu Tian, front was the Great Shark Gang domain! „ 楚天大人,前面就是巨鲨帮地盘了!“ Such quickly came back, does not know that fellows are what kind, walks us to go in!” “这么快就回来了,不知道那帮家伙想怎样,走我们进去!” Yun Yao said to Chu Tian that you do have confidence?” 云瑶楚天说,“你有把握吗?” Chu Tian is self-confident: no problem!” 楚天自信满满:“没问题!” When the warship arrives at four continent lake calm regions slowly, immediately has been discovered by the Great Shark Gang person, in a while a black great turtle comes toward this slowly, on the great turtle stands two people, one is the beard sloppy rough robust man, another is the thin high middle-aged person. 当军舰缓缓开到四洲湖无风地带,立刻就被巨鲨帮的人发现了,没过多久一只黑色巨龟缓缓朝此而来,巨龟上面就站两个人,一个是胡子邋遢的粗犷壮汉,另外一个是精瘦高个的中年人。 They are True Soul level Expert, is Yu Laosi and Yu Laowu. 两人都是真魂强者,正是余老四和余老五。 The Great Shark Gang manner has 180 degrees big reverse, when they see the warship to appear, all bends down to salute respectfully: We had waited there for some time.” 巨鲨帮态度发生180度的大反转,当两人看见军舰出现,全都恭恭敬敬俯身行礼:“我们已经恭候多时了。” How is it!” Chu Tian both hands surround the chest advance party in deck: „Did big master consider clearly?” “怎么样!”楚天双手环抱胸前站在甲板上:“大帮主考虑清楚了么?” Big master passes through long time gives careful consideration, decided that accepts Mr. Chu Tian to suggest!” Yu Laowu manner performance unusual is humble, even the awe, he knows that Chu Tian in all that Thunder State makes, knows the energy that the present person has, asked Mr. Chu Tian to enter the island with us!” “大帮主经过多日慎重考虑,决定接受楚天先生建议!”余老五态度表现的非常谦卑,甚至有一丝敬畏,他知道楚天雷州做的一切,更知道眼前之人拥有的能量,“请楚天先生跟我们入岛!” Chu Tian not anxiously complying: My several hundred sergeants what to do?” 楚天没有急着答应:“我的几百军士怎么办?” Asked Sergeant Central State to enter the island.” Yu Laosi is very clear, from now on Great Shark Gang must live hand to mouth to eat with this young people, therefore the manner also has very big transformation, Great Shark Gang prepared to host a banquet to welcome everybody.” “请中州军士们都入岛。”余老四心里很清楚,今后巨鲨帮是要跟着这个年轻人混饭吃,所以态度也发生很大转变,“巨鲨帮准备好设宴款待大家了。” The people thought that does not imagine. 众人都觉得不思议。 Before Yu Laowu several days dates , when Divine Wind Marquis captures alive, that manner really conceited soars to the heavens, who knows that in such short time has such big change. 余老五数日前被神风候生擒时,那态度真叫一个牛气冲天,谁知道这么短的时间里就发生这么大的变化。 That Yu Laosi initially was also stubborn incomparable, now acts like a different person to be the same simply! 那个余老四当初也是桀骜无比,现在简直判若两人一样! Even if the Divine Wind Marquis ability cannot cause the instinct maneating pirate, has the so huge change. But during all these are Chu Tian plan, all matters as if deferred to his arrangement to develop. 哪怕神风候的能力也不能使天性凶悍水贼,发生如此巨大的改变的。而这一切都是楚天计划之中,所有事情仿佛都按照他的安排去发展了。 Great Shark Gang occupies four continent lakes throughout is a disaster, if can change the gangster is the South Summer King people, is the Southern Summer Country creation value, might be considered as a huge merit. 巨鲨帮盘踞四洲湖始终是一个祸害,若能变匪徒为南夏王民,为南夏国创造价值,堪称是一件天大的功劳。 Big master is a smart person, we again walk lie down.” Chu Tian does not think accident, sets sail! Before we go home, advanced Great Shark Gang eats a lake to be fresh greatly!” “大帮主是聪明人,那我们就再走一躺吧。”楚天一点都不觉得意外,“开船!我们回家之前,先进巨鲨帮大吃一顿湖鲜!” Long live!” “万岁!” Long live!” “万岁!” The Central State soldiers shouted loudly. 中州士兵们纷纷高喊起来。 Central State has 1000 elite cavalry soldiers, only then more than 300 survivals turn over , the frigid degree had can at that time be inferred, after these people return to Central State, certainly can be supported greatly, is promoted raises in salary is also the matter of being settled. 中州出1000精锐骑兵,只有300多个幸存而归,当时惨烈程度就可见一斑了,这些人回到中州以后一定能大受拥戴,升职加薪也是板上钉钉的事情。 This is lucky Chu Tian! 这多亏楚天 If no Chu Tian to destroy completely the Hellfire devil, do not say that can live is returning to Central State becomes, even if can live is returning to Central State, is the failure turns over to defeat to turn over , the defeated troops do not punish well, but also having reward? 若没有楚天灭掉地狱火恶魔,不要说能不能活着回中州都成为替,即使能够活着回到中州,也是失败而归战败而归,败军不罚就不错,还有奖励可言? Can they not be grateful to Chu Tian? 他们能不对楚天感激涕零么? Under several great turtles escort, the warship sails to the Great Shark Gang archipelago slowly, thousands of Great Shark Gang gang audiences already waited for a long time, Sergeant Central State City just approach shored, various crabs, great shrimp, clam and other good food deliver, very warm rewards with food and drink the Central State City army. 几只巨龟护送之下,军舰缓缓驶进巨鲨帮的群岛,数以千计的巨鲨帮的帮众早就等待多时,中州城军士刚刚一靠岸,各种螃蟹、巨虾、蛤蜊等美食纷纷送上来,非常热情的犒劳中州城的军队。 More than 1000 Great Shark Gang elite members, arrange the neat two rows, from the entrance to the halfway up the mountainside, the place that any Chu Tian passes through, Great Shark Gang Elite bends down to salute. The lineup of such lordly flag, is only for welcome. 1000多名巨鲨帮的精锐成员,排列成整整齐齐的两排,从正门口一直到半山腰,凡是楚天走过的地方,巨鲨帮精英纷纷俯身行礼。这样气派大旗的阵容,只是为欢迎而已。 Great Shark Gang establishes, from not having bystander has received so the courteous reception! 巨鲨帮成立来,从没有外人受过如此礼遇! Chu Tian is leading several core members, in the support of innumerable Great Shark Gang Elite enters the cave. 楚天带着几个核心成员,无数巨鲨帮精英的拥护中走进山洞。 The Great Shark Gang five master unfolding banquets, several people walk to be introduced the seat of honor immediately, Great Shark Gang big master Boss Yu stand personally, carries one bowl of liquor water, said with the hoarse sound: This bowl of liquor, respect the Central State sergeants, this time goes to the Thunder State major success, the reality is a big distinguished merit!” 巨鲨帮五位帮主铺开宴席,几人一走进来立刻被引进上座,巨鲨帮的大帮主余老大亲自站起来,端起一碗酒水,用嘶哑声音说:“这一碗酒,敬中州的军士们,此次前往雷州大捷,实乃一大奇功!” Great Shark Gang other masters also carry the liquor, in the vision has been full of the respect, especially to Chu Tian. 巨鲨帮的其他帮主也纷纷端起酒来,目光中充满了敬意,特别是对楚天 Nangong Yun and the others are unusual the surprise. 南宫云等人都非常诧异。 This fellows know matter that Thunder State has? 这帮家伙怎么知道雷州发生的事情? In such short time, news has not travelled is! 这么短的时间里,消息还没传开才是! Great Shark Gang Yu Laosan is a fatty, he stands, the arch cuped one hand in the other across the chest saying: Is open about the facts the marquis, after you leave here, Great Shark Gang sends out the brothers to inquire the situation, all matters that therefore Thunder State has, we knew.” 巨鲨帮的余老三是一个胖子,他站起来,拱拱手说:“不瞒侯爷,你们离开这里以后,巨鲨帮派出兄弟打探情况,所以雷州发生的一切事情,我们都已经知道了。” When the news feeds in Great Shark Gang. 当消息传回巨鲨帮的时候。 All Great Shark Gang help the audiences be surprised! 所有巨鲨帮帮众都大吃一惊! The Central State goal is outside a fearful territory the devil, most makes people feel what is unbelievable, collaborates unable to defeat that devil including Three Marquis, instead actually at one fell swoop was killed finally by Chu Tian! 中州目标是一只可怕的域外恶魔,最让人感到难以置信的是,连三侯联手都没能战胜那头恶魔,最终反而倒是被楚天给一举干掉了! Does not need to doubt! 无需置疑! This Chu Tian contributes to the great merit, Imperial City certainly grand Reward, therefore Chu Tian made a rapid career advance inevitably, the method that in addition Chu Tian provided was truly effective, can break really puzzles the Great Shark Gang more than 20 years of curses, making the Great Shark Gang gang audiences restore the body of freedom! 此次楚天是立大功了,王城一定会隆重封赏的,所以楚天必然飞黄腾达,再加上楚天提供的方法确实有效,真能打破困扰巨鲨帮20多年的诅咒,让巨鲨帮的帮众重新恢复自由之身! Great Shark Gang sends for inquiring Miracle Commerce quietly, now knew Miracle Commerce, this is one large-scale chamber of commerce of eruption development, therefore works with this chamber of commerce is very promising. 巨鲨帮悄悄派人打听过奇迹商会,现在已经知道奇迹商会,这是一家正在爆发式发展的大型商会,所以跟着这家商会做事是很有前途的。 Boss Yu no longer hesitates! 余老大不再犹豫! This good opportunity misses does not have, must therefore firmly grasp is good! 这好的机会错过就没有,所以一定要牢牢把握才行! Chu Tian laughs: You make a correct choice, to show the Miracle Commerce sincerity, I also makes a point to express! Yingying, makes one to move!” 楚天哈哈一笑:“你们做出一个正确选择,为表现奇迹商会诚意,我也做出一点表示吧!莹莹,去叫人搬上来!” About after dozen minutes. 大约十几分钟后。 Several big treasure box bring in the cavern. 十几口大宝箱抬进洞穴。 The Meng Yingying atmosphere beckons with the hand: Opens!” 梦莹莹大气一摆手:“打开来!” Instance when several big treasure box open, the innumerable shining gold coins, suddenly present at present, the Great Shark Gang people were scared, has not seen these much money one time. 当十几口大宝箱开启的瞬间,无数金灿灿的金币,骤然呈现在眼前,巨鲨帮的人都傻眼了,从来没有一次性见过这么多钱。 This is 100 million gold coins!” Chu Tian still maintains the filthy rich appearance, advances the prepay to the Great Shark Gang brothers, so long as the Great Shark Gang brothers mix with my Chu Tian, greatly will be in the future many opportunity of making money is!” “这是100000000金币!”楚天依然保持财大气粗样子,“先行预付给巨鲨帮的兄弟,只要巨鲨帮的兄弟跟着我楚天混,往后大把赚钱的机会多得是!” The Great Shark Gang high level looks the excited color. 巨鲨帮高层都面露激动之色。 This master is really the rich God of Wealth! 这位爷真是有钱的财神啊! The eye does not wink to deliver 100 million gold coins unexpectedly! 竟然眼睛不眨就送出去100000000金币! These 100 million gold coins to Four Great Families, calculate that not a small wealth, took regarding these plundering as the fresh pirate, that was an unexpected wealth of day falling! 这100000000金币对四大家族而言,都算一笔不小的财富了,对于这些以抢掠为生的水贼而言,那更是一笔天降的横财! Chu Tian not only able, has talent, but also is so rich, and heroic spirit upholds justice, what is most important is can be Great Shark Gang relieves the curse, but also the bodies of Great Shark Gang 100,000 groups of numerous freedom! 楚天不仅有能力、有才华,还这么有钱,且豪气仗义,最重要的是能为巨鲨帮解除诅咒,还巨鲨帮100000帮众自由之身! Great Shark Gang really cannot find out, holds true by can reject him! 巨鲨帮上上下下实在想不出,到底还有什么理由能拒绝他!
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