MT :: Volume #3

#225: Savior in Leizhou

After several hours of riot, the Thunder State most city people are forming the long line, is dragging money valuables and wife and entire families starts to become a fugitive in a hurry. 几个小时暴乱之后,雷州大半城民排着长长队伍,正拖着金银细软和妻儿老小开始匆匆逃亡。 Naturally, the big Thunder State city, is impossible to run away really up. The city people who now leaves are primarily Cultivator or merchant, is not rich is competent, even if leaves the Thunder State city not to fear that does not have the food to eat. 当然,偌大雷州城,不可能真的逃光。现在离开的城民以修士或商人为主,不是有钱就是有实力,哪怕离开雷州城也不怕没饭吃。 Thunder State city most low social strata temporarily have not left, because of the livelihood in the Thunder State city, they leaves this city also to eat to the full the belly for generations? 雷州城多数中低阶层暂时没有离开,因为祖祖辈辈生计在雷州城,他们离开这座城市还怎么吃饱肚子? Leaves the Thunder State city, they will become the non- root duckweeds. 离开雷州城,他们将成为无根浮萍。 Leaves the Thunder State city, they will live will be difficult to sustain. 离开雷州城,他们生活将难以为继。 Leaves the Thunder State city, they mean to drift about destitute. 离开雷州城,他们意味着颠沛流离。 300 years of Thunder State cities, lively not inferior Central State City, how many days ago also heavy traffic, how many days ago the noise is prosperous, the rude any main city, will this kind of heavy city suddenly end up to turn out the so bleak scene? 300年的雷州城,繁华不逊色中州城,几天前还车水马龙,几天前还喧嚣昌盛,不逊任何一座主城,这样一座重城怎会突然落得如此荒凉的场面? God bless Thunder State! 天佑雷州 God bless Thunder State! 天佑雷州 Countless hoary-headed old people wear the child, kneels in the street square spontaneously, is being the Thunder State city prays. Even if clearly knows the hope to be uncertain, is still longing for the Miracle occurrence. 无数白发苍苍的老人戴着小孩,正自发跪在街道广场上,正在为雷州城祈福。哪怕明知道希望渺茫,依然渴望着奇迹发生。 Golden Arrow Marquis low-spirited sits in the City Lord palace. 金箭候则黯然坐在城主府。 The entire city is elderly and infirm's pray and sob, this makes him feel deep remorse. Thunder State saw with own eyes that must fall into the abyss, but is unable to save, is really the unseemly behavior Thunder State protector. 整座城市都是老弱妇孺的祈祷与哭泣,这让他感到深深的自责。雷州眼见就要陷入深渊而无法拯救,真是妄为雷州守护者。 This situation goes far beyond Wu'an Monarch's estimate seriously, 这次事态严重远远超过武安君的估计, Now three Monarch leaves to fear also without enough time! 现在就算三君动身怕也来不及了啊! Can the Thunder State city be destroyed in a moment really? 雷州城真的要毁于一旦吗? Marquis!” A general of complete armor walks, hates shouting that soars to the heavens generous: Thunder State defense force three battalions built up, is willing the dying war, to instruct!” “侯爷!”一个全副铠甲的将军走进来,慷忾冲天的喊道:“雷州防军三营已经集结完毕,愿意死战,请指示!” Golden Arrow Marquis is somewhat surprised: „Hasn't military compound been defeated and dispersed?” 金箭候有些惊讶:“军营没有溃散?” Thunder State military spirit, the heads of eight state!” This general shouts loudly: Disaster current, our servicemen should go help in dangerous situation by the body, truth how can there be also to retreat? This is the marquis usually teaches me! We are willing to cling to tenaciously the Thunder State city, with the Thunder State city altogether life or death, the city in the person , the city broken people perishes!” 雷州军魂,八州之首!”这位将军大声喊道:“大难当前,吾辈军人应以身赴难,又岂有溃逃的道理?这是侯爷平时教我么的!我们愿意死守雷州城,与雷州城共存亡,城在人在,城破人亡!” Good! Good! Good!” Golden Arrow Marquis sighed generously: My Jiang Xiong can have a such army, not in vain in the Thunder State many years! This marquis helps you defend the Thunder State city, waits for the Imperial City rescue!” “好!好!好!”金箭候慨然一叹:“我江雄能有一支这样的部队,也不枉在雷州多年!本侯便于你们共守雷州城,等待王城救援!” Golden Arrow Marquis makes the decision. 金箭候做出决定。 The Thunder State city cannot lose, the abyss devil projects on the Thunder State city, then also can only go help in dangerous situation by the body! 雷州城不能丢,深渊恶魔真打到雷州城,那么也只能以身赴难了! Western Marquis and Divine Wind Marquis walk, their complexion is very unattractive: Now one after another comes back some cavalry soldiers, however Shangguan Feichen, Jiang Shan and Chu Tian they had not found.” 四方候神风候走进来,两人脸色都很不好看:“现在陆陆续续回来一些骑兵,然而上官飞尘江山楚天他们都没有找到。” The Golden Arrow Marquis heart sinks. 金箭候心一沉。 Such has not come back, what mishap has difficultly inadequately? 这么就都没有回来,难不成有什么不测? Western Marquis Shangguan Hong said: Golden Arrow Marquis, I want you to send the Thunder State army to go to search, must find to me the person!” 四方候上官泓说:“金箭候,我要你派雷州军队前往搜索,一定要把人给我找回来!” Search? 搜索? Searches! 怎么搜索! Nearby the white jade city is the demon soldier, the foot soldiers, once falls, is almost equal to bringing death. That devil also regained consciousness, sharpest Storm Cavalry does not have the means to approach, because mount cannot resist the devil the pressure, perhaps other could not go in beyond hundred li (0.5km).” 白玉城附近都是魔兵,步卒一旦陷进去,几乎等于送死。那只恶魔也已经苏醒,最精锐的疾风骑兵没办法靠近,因为坐骑根本抵挡不住恶魔的威压,其他恐怕在百里之外就进不去了。” Western Marquis is angry: Golden Arrow Marquis! You dismantle the bridge after crossing! We to rescue Thunder State come difficultly, now my son is uncertain of one's fate, your this fear hand fears the foot is anything!” 四方候大怒:“金箭候!你这是过河拆桥!我们为救雷州之难而来,现在我儿子生死未卜,你这畏手畏脚算什么!” Please note your words! The Western Marquis heir apparent is the life, didn't the lives of myriad sergeant assign?” “请注意你的言辞!难道四方候世子是命,万千军士的命就不是命了吗?” Ordinary sergeant assigns inexpensively! What is the death ray? At the worst South State compensates to you!” “普通军士命贱!死光又算什么?大不了南州赔给你!” Sufficed! My son was also missing!” “够了!我的儿子也失踪了!” Golden Arrow Marquis itself is very aggrieved, Shangguan Hong is a lot of anger, two big marquises must erupt the contradiction shortly. 金箭候本身就很憋屈,上官泓更是一肚子怒气,两大侯爷眼看就要爆发矛盾。 Divine Wind Marquis sighed the one breath, was preparing to mediate time. 神风候叹一口气,正准备调停的时候。 Marquis! Marquises! Has the good news!” A bodyguard runs hurriedly: Marquis, marquis! The heir apparents came back!” “侯爷!侯爷!有好消息!”一个侍卫匆匆忙忙跑进来:“侯爷,侯爷!世子们都回来了!” Came back several?” Divine Wind Marquis is busy at asking: Other people?” “回来了几个?”神风候忙问:“其他人呢?” Divine Wind Marquis does not need to be worried that the Central State talent came back, they are all right!” 神风候不用担心,中州天才都回来了,他们都没事!” Three Marquis hear that relaxes immediately. 三侯闻言顿时松一口气。 Chu Tian Jiang Shan rides a horse to enter the Thunder State city, 3000 cavalry soldiers go out of town to come back 500 fragmentarily, other cavalry soldiers feared that was more unfortunate than fortunate. 楚天江山骑着马走进雷州城,3000骑兵出城零零碎碎回来500不到,其余骑兵怕是都已经凶多吉少了。 Meng Yingying runs over excitedly: Chu Tian, Chu Tian, I know that you are all right!” 梦莹莹激动跑过来:“楚天,楚天,我就知道你没事的!” Chu Tian shows a faint smile to Yingying: Excuse me, making you be worried!” 楚天莹莹微微一笑:“不好意思,让你担心了!” „, I am not worried about you!” Meng Yingying shakes the head: On this day under can to subdue the thing not be born! The trivial devil is anything!” “切,我才不担心你呢!”梦莹莹摇摇头:“这天下能克你的东西还没出生呢!区区一只恶魔算什么呀!” This girl is really mindless! 这丫头真是没心没肺! However most understands Chu Tian, non- Yingying was! 不过最懂楚天的,非莹莹为首了! In this time, Three Marquis has been catching up in a hurry. 正在此时,三侯匆匆的赶了过来。 Feichen, you how?” 飞尘,你怎么了?” The Western Marquis heir apparent cut and bruised, ties up comes back in the warhorse former generation, almost suffocated. 四方候世子遍体鳞伤,绑在战马上代回来,几乎奄奄一息了。 Father revenges for me!” Shangguan Feichen opens eyes to see the father, the handsome face was dark, body one scorched, the hissing shouts immediately: Chu Tian this bastard wants to be the military deserter, I pursue to condemn, finally instead was plotted by him!” “父亲替我报仇!”上官飞尘睁开眼看见父亲,本来英俊的脸都黑乎乎,皮肉都一片焦烂,立刻嘶声喊道:“楚天这个混蛋想做逃兵,我只是追上去问罪,结果反而被他暗算!” Dares to injure my son, I want you to pay with a life!” “敢伤我儿,我要你偿命!” Western Marquis killing intent like the landslide Tsunami eruption, a long pen front surface must puncture to Chu Tian. Divine Wind Marquis hurries to block, grasps the Western Marquis long pen. 四方候杀气就像山崩海啸般爆发出来,一根长笔迎面就要向楚天刺去。神风候赶紧拦过来,一把握住四方候的长笔。 All around bystander also stares. 四周围观者也是一愣。 These people come back safely, is a celebration. 这些人安全回来,本来是一件喜事。 Did Western Marquis actually personally begin to take the Chu Tian life at this time? 四方候却在这时候亲自动手取楚天性命? Feng Yuntian! You dare to keep off me!” Shangguan Hong is red the eye to exclaim: This marquis heir apparent, the body of daughter, was plotted against the severe wound unexpectedly, today was you cannot guarantee him!” 风云天!你敢挡我!”上官泓红着眼睛吼道:“本侯世子,千金之躯,竟然被暗算重伤,今天就算是你也保不了他!” Right! 没错! Shangguan Hong must kill Chu Tian! 上官泓非杀楚天不可! Southern Xia eight marquises killing intent is intense, the people cannot bear shrink the neck. 南夏八侯杀气何等强烈,众人都忍不住缩缩脖子。 Military deserter? Joke!” Chu Tian Ha Ha said with a smile: „Were you are saying you? Meets to make match to run away! Several thousand cavalry soldiers such abandoned do not attend to! Also Southern Xia eight marquises, I lose face for you!” “逃兵?笑话!”楚天哈哈笑道:“你是在说你自己吗?遇到打不过的对手就逃!数千骑兵就这么弃之不顾!还南夏八侯呢,我都替你丢脸!” Golden Arrow Marquis and Divine Wind Marquis reveal the awkward color, this boy mouth is really impolite! 金箭候神风候都露出尴尬之色,这小子嘴巴真是一点都不客气! Shangguan Hong is red the eye: You dare to quibble!” 上官泓红着眼睛:“你敢狡辩!” At that time situation total collapse, Three Marquis was giving a thought to the escape, other people broke certainly through the self-preservation, was difficult to be inadequate also remains waits to be killed same place? Therefore the Western Marquis heir apparent pursues Chu Tian by the military deserter charge, could not stand firmly. 当时情况全面崩溃,三侯都顾着逃命,其他人当然突围自保,难不成还留在原地等着被杀?所以说四方候世子以逃兵罪名追击楚天,本来就是站不住脚的。 Jiang Shan progressing stood saying: „ Sir Western Marquis , I showed that is the heir apparent begins before. „ 江山策马站出来说:“四方候大人,我证明是世子动手在前。“ Whom I do not dare to begin first, dares to injure this marquis heir apparent, must die!” “我不敢谁先动手,敢伤本侯世子,就得死!” Western Marquis appeases anger first, heir apparent injury, likely is not the sword cut that Chu Tian creates.” The procedure of Golden Arrow Marquis to Western Marquis this ignoring other people lives is very discontented, his face asked Chu Tian seriously: This what's the matter?” 四方候先息怒,世子身上伤势,不像是楚天造成的剑伤。”金箭候四方候这种漠视他人生命的做法很不满,他一脸郑重问楚天:“这到底是怎么回事?” What's the matter? One look!” “怎么回事?自己看!” Chu Tian takes the big bottle gourd, a racket on the bottle gourd, an entire vice- Hellfire devil body, loses fiercely completely above the avenue, the flash occupies half street. 楚天把大葫芦取出来,猛地在葫芦上一拍,一整副地狱火恶魔躯壳,全部丢在大街之上,一刹那就占据半个街道。 Meng Yingying surprised opening mouth: This is anything!” 梦莹莹惊讶张大嘴:“这是什么呀!” Hellfire was extinguished kills, but the dark green body as well as the winding of jade stone above the body, that formidable incomparable abyss aura, are actually not able to imitate. Three Marquis has fought with the Hellfire devil, therefore almost can identify, this body is the Hellfire devil remains. 地狱火已经被灭杀,但似玉似石的墨绿躯壳以及缠绕在躯壳之上,那一种强大无匹的深渊气息,却是无法仿制的。三侯都跟地狱火恶魔交过手,所以几乎一眼就能辨认出来,这个躯壳就是地狱火恶魔留下来的。 Three Marquis was shocked. 三侯都惊呆了。 Divine Wind Marquis reveals the wild with joy color: This is the demon that the monster petrification becomes, you gave to kill it!” 神风候露出狂喜之色:“这是妖石化成的魔,你把它给杀了!” Such remarks! 此言一出! The surroundings surround the city people whole body to shake. 周围围观城民都浑身一震。 This then causes the chief criminal of Thunder State disaster? 这便是导致雷州大难的罪魁祸首吗? Chu Tian facing countless people anticipated, but the disturbed rock, does not evade to nod, announced loudly: Abyss devil died! The danger of Thunder State relieved!” 楚天面对无数人期待而忐忑的岩石,毫不避讳点点头,大声宣布道:“深渊恶魔已死!雷州之危解除了!” A scene deathly stillness! 现场一片死寂! Is this matter? 这到底是怎么一回事? Devil that Three Marquis is unable to defeat, why bewildered was killed, this news comes also to shock too suddenly, everyone cannot respond. 三侯都无法打败的恶魔,为什么会莫名其妙的被干掉,这个消息来得太突然也太震撼,每一个人都没能从中反应过来。 You deaf?!” Meng Yingying gets hold of the fist excitedly, she guessed correctly that Chu Tian will certainly handle, in this world cannot his matter, strain the voice to shout for Chu Tian immediately: Evil big devil by the Central State Chu Tian elimination! From now on Thunder State will be safe! You were also safe! Everybody can go home!” “你们都聋了吗?!”梦莹莹激动握紧拳头,她就猜到,楚天一定会搞定的,这世界上没有能难道他的事情,立刻替楚天扯开嗓门喊:“邪恶的大恶魔被中州楚天消灭!从现在开始雷州安全了!你们也安全了!大家可以回家了!” Here time. 说到这里的时候。 The Meng Yingying eye socket feels slightly moistly, because sees with one's own eyes the Thunder State city collapse riot, then to her impact was really too big. 梦莹莹眼眶都感到微微湿润,因为亲眼看到雷州城崩溃暴乱,那对她的冲击实在是太大了。 Meng Yingying fully realized that everybody is painful and helpless! 梦莹莹深知大家痛苦和无奈! Now was good! 现在好了! Has been all right, did not need to be afraid, the child can go home, everybody did not need to be forced to leave native place! 没事了,不用害怕了,孩子能回家了,大家不用背井离乡了! The city people in Thunder State city are speechless for a very long time, isn't this Miracle that they have prayed? When Miracle puts at present, they actually cannot believe! 雷州城的城民却久久无言,这不就是他们一直祈祷的奇迹吗?当奇迹摆在眼前的时候,他们却又不敢相信了! Real? 到底是不是真的? This real! 这到底是不是真的啊! Golden Arrow Marquis looks at the Hellfire devil dull the dark green stone body, entire silent long time, arrives in front of Chu Tian, very serious is doing obeisance to Chu Tian under: You are the Thunder State savior! This marquis thanked you on behalf of the Thunder State several million people!” 金箭候呆呆看着地狱火恶魔的墨绿色石头身躯,整整沉默半晌,走到楚天面前,非常郑重对着楚天一拜而下:“你是雷州的救命恩人!本侯代表雷州几千万人们感谢你!” A people piece cheers suddenly. 众人骤然一片欢呼。 Golden Arrow Marquis gives the affirmative answer without doubt! 金箭候无疑给出肯定的答复! Long live! Long live!” “万岁!万岁!” Chu Tian long live! Thunder State long live!” 楚天万岁!雷州万岁!” „The Central State hero rescues my Thunder State!” 中州英雄救我雷州!” „......” “……” The innumerable city people choke with sobs. 无数城民都泣不成声。 Benefactor has saved my families, please receive me to do obeisance!” “恩人救了我一家老小,请受我一拜!” A tall and strong guy kneels directly to Chu Tian, after having he takes the lead, other people kneel, thousands of people, knelt down to Central State several people directly. 一个魁梧大汉直接向楚天跪下来,有他带头以后,其他人纷纷跪地,数以千计的人,直接给中州几人跪下了。 Nangong Yun, Yun Yao, Shen Bingyu, Feng Caidie as well as Yingying, when saw the scene that like this shocks deeply was also touched. 南宫云云瑶沈冰雨风彩蝶以及莹莹,当见到这样震撼的场景也被深深触动了。 It is not really easy! 真是太不容易了! Initially Chu Xinghe scenery most abundant time, passed through it place, the people knelt down in abundance. However, the people kneel he to do obeisance him, is the fear in his military force, has to act servilely. The Southern Xia eight states little have appeared to at present this, the entire city people are from the heart to kneel down and thank the scene. 当初楚星河风光最盛时候,所经过之处,人们纷纷下跪。然而,人们跪他拜他,是恐惧于他的武力,不得不卑躬屈膝而已。南夏八州很少出现过向眼前这样,全城人们发自内心跪谢场面。 Several people of moods surge, are hard to describe this moment feelings, joyful, excited...... What are more is proud! 几人心情激荡,难以形容此刻心情,喜悦,兴奋……更多的是自豪! If grows the path according to their themselves, perhaps cannot make such imposing matter for a lifetime! 若按照她们本身成长轨迹,恐怕一辈子都做不出这样轰轰烈烈的事情啊! They have benefitted from Chu Tian, is extremely honored into the participant, the life can so sight, what regret but also there is?! 她们沾了楚天的光,非常荣幸成为参与者,人生能如此风光一把,还有什么遗憾呢?! Nangong Yun seizes the chance to shout: Chu Tian helps overcome difficulties not to hesitate to brave Qi Xian for Thunder State, actually pair of intention dangerous fathers and sons, over and over again want to kill Chu Tian, what to do you said should!” 南宫云趁机大喊:“楚天雷州解难不惜冒奇险,却一对用心险恶父子,三番五次想要杀楚天,你们说该怎么办!” Kills! Kill! Kills!” “杀!杀!杀!” Who dares to move a benefactor fine hair, that is the Thunder State common people are an enemy!” “谁敢动恩人一根汗毛,那就是与雷州百姓为敌!” The people shouted indignantly, had a sound to roar. 众人义愤填膺的喊起来,其中更是有一个声音在咆哮。 Shangguan Hong tumbles out Thunder State!” 上官泓滚出雷州!” Tumbles out Thunder State!” “滚出雷州!” Tumbles out Thunder State!” “滚出雷州!” Countless people shout crazily. 无数人跟着疯狂大喊起来。 Shangguan Hong is one of the Southern Xia eight marquises, eight marquises in common people mind, then does not have what difference with the Spiritual God. Now such picture, Southern Summer Country is unique! 上官泓南夏八侯之一,八侯在普通百姓心目中,那跟神灵没有什么区别。现在这样的画面,南夏国是绝无仅有的! Golden Arrow Marquis also directly took a stand: I think that the matter was very clear, Chu Tian finds the way to remove the devil, the Western Marquis heir apparent actually chases down in him, finally instead made into the severe wound. I thought that this matter is the Western Marquis heir apparent has only self to blame, Chu Tian has not killed him directly, already to the foot Western Marquis face! If Western Marquis also insists on coping with Chu Tian, that first passes Jiang this pass!” 金箭候也直接表态:“我想事情已经很清楚,楚天想办法除掉恶魔,四方候世子却追杀于他,结果反而被打成重伤。我看这件事情是四方候世子咎由自取,楚天没有直接杀了他,已经是给足四方候面子了!若四方候还执意对付楚天,那就先过江某这关!” You......” “你……” Such scene, the Western Marquis no doubt tooth quickly bites, but does not have the means. He cannot brave not to disobey to kill Chu Tian greatly, is more impossible to block Golden Arrow Marquis and Divine Wind Marquis they , can only relinquish! 这样场面,四方候固然牙齿都快咬碎,但是也没有办法啊。他不能冒着大不违去杀楚天,更不可能挡得住金箭候神风候两人,也就只能作罢了! The innumerable city people cheer and in the praise, this Thunder State disaster, draws to a close finally! 无数城民欢呼和赞颂里,这场雷州的大难,总算落下帷幕!
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