MT :: Volume #3

#224: Shan Tiao

Shen Bingyu usually remains silent the non- throat, snow and ice beautiful woman who is keeping aloof, but temperament compared with Nangong Yun also suddenly Pi, moreover it can be said that kills without batting an eye, once begins certainly to slaughter. 沈冰雨平时闷声不吭的,是一尊高高在上的冰雪美人,但脾气比南宫云还暴脾,而且可以说是杀人不眨眼,一旦动手肯定要大开杀戒。 Chu Tian prevents saying: Stop!” 楚天阻止道:“住手!” Shangguan Feichen courted death, cannot make the innocent cavalry soldier be buried along with the dead, Chu Tian did any matter to have the principle, should not the person of killing, he not kill. 上官飞尘找死就算了,总不能让无辜骑兵陪葬吧,楚天做任何事都是有原则的,不该杀的人,他不会去杀。 You repeatedly three come Looking for me to be troublesome, is actually understandable.” Chu Tian resigned-looking said to Shangguan Feichen: Who makes me grow is more graceful than you, talent compared with you, is richer than you, even the female personal connection also compares hello, if both of us exchange, I think I can also envy wishes one could to kill you.” “你屡次三番来找我麻烦,其实是可以理解的。”楚天一脸无奈对上官飞尘说:“谁让我长得比你帅,天赋比你强,又比你有钱,甚至女人缘也比你好,如果我们倆对换一下,我想我也会嫉妒的恨不得杀死你。” Nangong Yun was speechless. 南宫云都无语了。 This fellow narcissism was unable to cope. 这家伙自恋没治了。 The Shangguan Feichen complexion is pale: You think that depends the True Soul master to protect, can have no more worries in Southern Summer Country? True Soul Expert in Shangguan Family is not anything!” 上官飞尘脸色铁青:“你以为仗着真魂高手保护,就能够在南夏国高枕无忧了吗?一个真魂强者上官家族不算什么!” Good! 好啊! ** Bare threatens the father with the family! **裸拿家族威胁老子啊! This grandson feared also on this skill! 这个孙子怕也就这点本事了! I know that you are not convinced very much, then duel that comes to the field one to one to hit how?” Chu Tian is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements, I give you an opportunity, makes me have a look at your this Western Marquis heir apparent while convenient, has any skill!” “我知道你很不服气,那么来场一对一打的单挑如何?”楚天语不惊人死不休,“我给你一个机会,也顺便让我看看你这个四方候世子,到底有什么本事!” A Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak person. 一个魂醒三重巅峰的人。 Challenges the Awakened Soul 5th Layer master! 去挑战魂醒五重的高手! This Awakened Soul 5th Layer master is not an average person, he is the Western Marquis heir apparent. Not is only Chu Tian person is shocked, several hundred cavalry soldiers deeply were also shocked. 魂醒五重高手不是一般人,他是四方候的世子啊。不仅仅是楚天身边的人被惊呆,几百个骑兵也被深深震撼到了。 Chu Tian by trivial Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak cultivation base, challenges Awakened Soul 5th Layer Shangguan Feichen! 楚天以区区魂醒三重巅峰修为,挑战魂醒五重上官飞尘 Can this win? 这有可能获胜吗? In the middle of this strength disparity is not little! 这当中的实力差距不是一点点! The Southern Summer Country title has the condition hereditary, Marquis successor, most little must be 30 years old, cultivation base is lowest must reach the True Soul level. 南夏国的爵位是有条件世袭,其中侯爵继承者者,最少要年满30岁,修为最低要达到真魂级。 Shangguan Feichen is the honored Western Marquis heir apparent, from infancy to maturity receives Western Marquis to cultivate fully, although is 25 or 26-year-old, but the strength surpassed past Western Marquis , therefore inherited the Western Marquis title is the ninety percent sure matter. What is Chu Tian? Person who repaired the birth wildly, how many opportunities even if there are, how also to compete with the heir apparent? 上官飞尘是尊贵的四方候世子,从小到大就受到四方候全力栽培,虽然才二十五六岁,但实力超过当年的四方候,所以继承四方候爵位是十拿九稳的事情。楚天算什么?一个野修出生的人,纵然有过几次机遇,又如何敌得过世子? Nangong Yun has fought one time with Shangguan Feichen, she can feel the strength of Western Marquis heir apparent, by her Awakened Soul 4th Layer Immortal body , can only will resist the Shangguan Feichen strength. 南宫云上官飞尘交手过一次,她能够感觉到四方候世子的力量,以她魂醒四重不灭体,也只能堪堪抵挡住上官飞尘的力量。 Chu Tian again strong, eventually be only the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak Source Energy intensity, from the defensive power is definitely compared with Nangong Yun, can block the Shangguan Feichen strength really? 楚天就算再强,终究只有魂醒三重巅峰元力强度,从防御力来说是肯定比不过南宫云的,真能挡得住上官飞尘的力量吗? Shangguan Feichen stares. 上官飞尘一愣。 Chu Tian had the superiority obviously, will actually make such decision, but is this just right for his intent? 楚天明明已经占据优势,却会做出这样的决定,不过这样岂不是正合他意? duel on duel!” 单挑单挑!” You draw back!” Chu Tian said to Shen Bingyu: „Can no one meddle, hears?” “你们退开!”楚天沈冰雨说:“谁都不许插手,听到了吗?” Chu Tian disposition everybody is not does not know, several females helpless draws back. 楚天性格大家不是不知道,几女无奈的退下去。 Does not know really should say you ignorantly stupidly!” Shangguan Feichen held a big burin, the whole face sneers was saying: You think really can resist with me, Overconfident often can not die a natural death!” “真不知道该说你愚蠢还是无知!”上官飞尘持一只大铁笔,满脸冷笑着说:“你真以为能和我对抗吧,不自量力往往不得善终!” These words use on you are similarly appropriate!” Chu Tian slowly horizontal Netherworld Sword, crystal blue color sincere limpid blue color flame, slowly spout from the sword blade edge, „the Overconfident person often can not die a natural death!” “这句话用在你身上同样合适!”楚天缓缓横起幽冥剑,一股水晶般蓝色淳厚清澈的蓝色火焰,从剑刃里面缓缓喷涌出来,“不自量力的人往往是不得善终的!” Extremely arrogant laughable! I am the Western Marquis heir apparent, does not know the wild monkey that in what ravine drills, dares to challenge me?” Shangguan Feichen felt that by the deep insult, I was wanted you dead!” “狂妄可笑!我是四方候世子,一只不知什么山沟里钻出来的野猴子,难道也敢挑战我?”上官飞尘感觉被深深的侮辱了,“我要你死!” The great pen wields. 巨笔一挥。 The wind kills! 风杀阵! That great pen sprinkles innumerable drop spirit black ink, just likes the raindrop arrangement side Chu Tian, the interconnection, forms one big suddenly, in an instant is stranded Chu Tian in the strength of central, innumerable wind fetters him is in-situ. 那巨笔洒出无数滴灵墨,犹如雨点般布置在楚天身边,互相连接起来,眨眼形成一个大阵,刹那间就把楚天困在中央,无数风之力将他束缚在原地。 Dozens green wind edges chop at the extremely quick speed. 几十道青色风刃以极快速度劈过来。 The Netherworld Sword strength release, breaks through the strength of fetter, Chu Tian instantaneous vanishes same place, wipes the swift and fierce sword light to tear big, turns toward Shangguan Feichen to puncture directly. 幽冥剑力量释放,冲破束缚之力,楚天瞬间原地消失,一抹凌厉的剑光撕裂大阵,直接向着上官飞尘刺过去。 What strength is this? 这是什么力量? Breaks through the enemy lines unexpectedly with ease! 竟然轻松破阵! Shangguan Feichen hurries the burin to keep off, the blue spark spatters in all directions, Chu Tian launches the attack from another direction, Shangguan Feichen sweeps conveniently, gives the parry the sword light once more. 上官飞尘赶紧铁笔一挡,蓝色火花迸溅而出,楚天又从另一个方向发动攻击,上官飞尘随手一扫,再次将剑光给挡开。 Chu Tian consecutively for several times attacks fruitless. 楚天连续几次进攻无果。 Your swordsmanship is mediocre, speed, but was too weak!” “你的剑法不过如此,速度还可以,但是太弱了!” A Shangguan Feichen burin stamp, unexpectedly accurate hit Chu Tian, falls on the Chu Tian sword blade edge suddenly, Chu Tian was compelled directly, falls back on beyond several meters, sword blade edge in unceasing shivering. 上官飞尘铁笔猛然一戳,竟然精准命中楚天,落在楚天剑刃上,楚天被直接逼出来,退到几米之外,剑刃在不断颤抖中。 The Western Marquis heir apparent really has real skill. 四方候世子果然有两下子。 Chu Tian broke his with ease. 楚天轻松破了他的阵。 His relaxed broken Chu Tian swordsmanship. 他轻松破楚天剑法。 I want to know, after losing the sword in hand, can you also display such attack?” A Shangguan Feichen face taunt said: Has a look at oneself weapon!” “我想知道,当失去手中的剑后,你还能发挥出这样的攻击吗?”上官飞尘一脸嘲讽说:“看看自己武器吧!” Netherworld Sword quartz clear smooth sword blade edge, hoodwinks a pitch-black energy unexpectedly, just likes big quick jet black ink, the energy constantly changes forms tiny like tadpole Rune, forms strength of the giant seal instantaneously. 幽冥剑水晶般晶莹光滑剑刃,竟蒙一层乌黑的能量,犹如一大快漆黑的墨汁,能量不断变化形成一道道细小如蝌蚪般的符文,瞬间形成一股巨大的封印之力。 In the Chu Tian hand sinks. 楚天手中一沉。 Netherworld Sword flash serious thousand times, making him almost unable to hold up. 幽冥剑一刹那沉重千倍,让他几乎都举不起了。 How is it? Your sword has abandoned!” Shangguan Feichen said happily: This strikes to discard your sword, then strikes to discard you!” “怎么样?你的剑已经废了!”上官飞尘说得意:“这一击废掉你的剑,接下来一击废掉你这个人!” such insignificant ability.” Chu Tian releases abyss Netherworld Flame to spurt, instantaneously on seal wrinkle sword blade edge evaporating. 雕虫小技而已。”楚天释放出深渊幽冥火喷出来,瞬间就把剑刃上封印皱纹给蒸发掉了。 Shangguan Feichen in great surprise. 上官飞尘大惊。 It seems like, you could not have sealed up my sword.” Chu Tian lifts up the sword with ease, said to Shangguan Feichen: You have a look at your weapon again!” “看来,你还封不住我的剑。”楚天轻松扛起剑,对上官飞尘说:“你再看看自己的武器吧!” Shangguan Feichen stares, looks down, complexion sudden change, that hard such as on the burin of diamond, presents fissures unexpectedly, above is remaining few flame. 上官飞尘一愣,低头看去,脸色骤变,那硬如金刚的铁笔上,竟然出现一道道裂痕,上面残留着少量的火焰。 What? This is best quality goods soul, was damaged by Chu Tian unexpectedly! 什么?此笔乃极品魂器,竟被楚天损伤了! damn! 可恶 Shangguan Feichen becomes angry out of shame, the burin flies high to wave, a tip stamp, spirit black ink spurts, each drop changes to incantation seal, Yang-yang sprinkles the surrounding ten zhang (3.33 m) scopes, ultimately forms huge incomparable Source Energy Array, the entire ground hollowly gets down in a tremendous strength, „the seal of gravity!” 上官飞尘恼羞成怒,铁笔凌空舞动,笔锋一戳,灵墨飞洒,每一滴都化作成咒印,扬扬洒满周围十丈的范围,最终形成一个巨大无比的元力阵,整个地面都在一股巨大的力量中凹陷下去,“重力之印!” The Chu Tian body sinks, just likes hill presses suddenly on the body. 楚天身体一沉,犹如小山骤然压在身上。 Shangguan Feichen another wields the big burin, a big group jet black spirit black ink explodes to break to pieces, but a dense and numerous black ink lasing, most of them transforms together incantation seal, is howling the lasing, each contains the formidable destructive power. 上官飞尘又一挥大铁笔,一大团漆黑灵墨爆碎开来,密密麻麻的墨点激射而至,其中大多数幻化成一道咒印,呼啸着激射而出,每一道都蕴含强大的破坏力。 Sword!” “剑!” Demon God Sword Source Spirit releases. 神魔剑元魂释放出来。 The Netherworld Sword ray rises sharply. 幽冥剑光芒大涨。 Chu Tian tyrannical Sword Qi cuts together, raids incantation seal to be burnt to extinguish entirely. Finally turns into a little bit jet black spirit black ink to fall on the ground. These spirit black ink have not actually vanished, actually mutually flows to connect, changes to one gigantic incomparable law. 楚天一道强横剑气斩出,袭来咒印统统被焚灭。最终变成一滴滴漆黑灵墨落在地上。这些灵墨却没有消失,却互相流动连接起来,化作一个硕大无比的法阵。 black ink shade step!” “墨影步!” Shangguan Feichen speed quickly to acme. 上官飞尘速度快到极致。 Each tip of the toe place time, just falls in black ink. 每一步脚尖点地的时候,都刚好落在墨点上。 This is an exquisite movement, making displaying unify with spirit, Shangguan Feichen can transfer to any drop on instantaneously, the rapidness of speed, is hard to catch, can therefore erupt the violent storm attack instantaneously, he does not believe Chu Tian to be able simultaneously to defend many positions. 这是一种精妙的身法,让施展者与灵阵相结合,上官飞尘能瞬间挪移到任何一个墨滴上,速度之快,难以捕捉,所以能瞬间爆发出狂风暴雨般的攻击,他就不信楚天能同时防御多个位置。 Having real skill. 有两下子。 However to Chu Tian, this type of technique also too department of pediatrics! 不过对楚天来说,这种手法也太小儿科了! Chu Tian Demon God Sword Source Spirit releases a strong energy, Netherworld Sword inserts in the ground directly, a turbulent column of flame erupts, gave to evaporate instantaneously the full Earth Spirit black ink, simultaneously got angry the flame to cut to Shangguan Feichen to divide together. 楚天神魔剑元魂释放出一股强劲的能量,幽冥剑直接插进地面里,一股汹涌火柱喷发出来,瞬间把满地灵墨都给蒸发掉了,同时一道怒炎斩向上官飞尘劈过去。 When! 当! Shangguan Feichen was divided to fly directly. 上官飞尘直接被劈飞出去。 The long pen of that best quality goods soul level, was cut unexpectedly to break directly! 那支极品魂器级的长笔,竟然直接被一斩而断! The people are all dumbfounded, a sword chops the weapon of Western Marquis heir apparent, has this really achieved the Soul Communication Tool intensity the weapon? 众人无不目瞪口呆,一剑劈断四方候世子的兵器,这把武器果然已经达到通灵魂器的强度了吗? Do not think that depends a good sword to win me, I will make you understand that the cultivation base disparity, is not a weapon can make up!” “你别以为仗着一把好剑就能胜我,我会让你明白,修为的差距,不是一把武器能弥补的!” Shangguan Feichen wild with rage long and loud cry, whole body Source Energy spews out, changes to a giant spirit black ink suddenly, just likes the rough sea waves soars to the heavens, imposing manner Beng Teng who to swallow myriad things together under. 上官飞尘狂怒的长啸一声,浑身元力喷涌而出,骤然化作一股巨大灵墨,犹如一道巨浪般冲天而出,以吞噬万物的气势崩腾而下。 Chu Tian holds up the long sword high. 楚天高高举起长剑。 The flame that all around erupts, gathered in the midair completely, condenses above the sword point, forms a giant fireball, blooms the solar generally dazzling ray extremely. 四周喷发出来的火焰,全部被聚集到半空,凝聚在剑尖之上,形成一个巨大火球,绽放出太阳一般耀眼万分的光芒。 Death!” “死!” Shangguan Feichen comes in waves, place visited, everywhere Array, everywhere Rune. 上官飞尘踏浪而来,所过之处,遍地阵法,遍地符文 A Chu Tian sword wields, but the blue fireball rolling, against the wind rises suddenly instantaneously, turns into a diameter several feet giant fireball, the frontage bombardment above the black black ink wave. 楚天一剑挥出,蓝色火球滚滚而至,瞬间就迎风暴涨,变成一个直径数丈的巨型火球,正面轰击在黑色的墨浪之上。 Just likes the collision of water and fire, suddenly refuses to compromise! 犹如水与火的碰撞,一时间僵持不下! Shangguan Feichen loudly exclaimed: Was I wins!” 上官飞尘大吼道:“是我赢了!” His self-confidence well-founded, Chu Tian strikes the might to be huge, but almost exhausts Chu Tian Source Energy, Shangguan Feichen cultivation base is deep, Source Energy still surplus most, even if these time shares half and half, he also still preserves very complete battle efficiency. 他的自信是有理由的,楚天一击威力非常庞大,但是几乎耗尽楚天元力,上官飞尘修为深厚,元力依然剩余大半,哪怕这一次平分秋色,他也依然保存非常完全的战斗力。 Can Chu Tian contend short is also useful? 楚天能短暂抗衡又有什么用? Finally the victor still belongs to Shangguan Feichen! 最终胜利者依然是属于上官飞尘的! When Shangguan Feichen thinks has victory in the hand, finally has one unexpected one. After the black ink wave and fireball contact, unexpectedly is not in the imagination the mutual smiling face, but is inversely related relations. 上官飞尘以为胜券在握时,结果发生一个意想不到的一幕。墨浪和火球接触之后,竟不是想象中互相笑容,而是一种此消彼长的关系。 That fireball implication tears the strength formidable, regardless of Shangguan Feichen is condensing again the multi- seal incantation, the fireball can always decompose and burn, treats as the fuel to come unceasing strong oneself! 那火球蕴含强大撕扯力,无论上官飞尘在凝聚出再多封印咒文,火球总能分解并且燃烧,当做燃料来不断的壮大的自身! Almost is the time between moments, Shangguan Feichen summons the black ink wave to be burnt down the larger part! 几乎是片刻之间的功夫,上官飞尘召唤出来墨浪被烧掉一大半! The fireball was just huger than one time! 火球却比刚刚庞大一倍! This is anything “这到底是什么” In Shangguan Feichen panic-stricken vision! 上官飞尘惊恐的目光中! The fireball has the strange change, the instantaneous high density contracts, splits up the four limbs, turns into a build huge flame devil, an eye releases the scarlet ray, the whole body is burning the cyan flame, the head grows the corner/horn of fierce incomparable devil. 火球发生诡异的变化,瞬间高密度收缩起来,从中分化出四肢,变成一尊体型庞大的火焰恶魔,一双眼睛释放出猩红光芒,浑身都燃烧着蓝绿色的火焰,头上长出狰狞无比的恶魔之角。 This is not the illusion! 这绝不是幻觉! Shangguan Feichen can feel the devil clearly the strength, its strength even not under oneself! 上官飞尘能真切感觉到恶魔的力量,它的实力甚至不在自己之下! The order that Chu Tian lets somebody cool off or calm down said: Kills him!” 楚天冷冷的命令道:“干掉他!” Compliant, I advocate!” “遵命,吾主!” A Netherworld fist bang puts on the black ink wave, the bang on Shangguan Feichen, abyss Netherworld Flame erupts, swallows the body of Shangguan Feichen at the scene. 幽冥一拳轰穿墨浪,轰在上官飞尘身上,深渊幽冥火喷发出来,当场就吞噬上官飞尘的身体。 „!” “啊!” Shangguan Feichen called out pitifully sad and shrill, by a fist bang but actually opposite hillside on. 上官飞尘凄厉惨叫一声,被一拳轰倒对面山坡上。 How?” Saying with a smile of Chu Tian taunt: „Is this strength of Western Marquis heir apparent?” “怎么了?”楚天嘲讽的笑道:“这就是四方候世子的力量么?” Shangguan Feichen wants to run away distressedly. 上官飞尘狼狈想要逃走。 The flame devil changes to the innumerable filariasis, blocks instantaneously in front of Shangguan Feichen, palm high Highland lifts, inflates several times instantaneously, changes to one to hold up the day macrobrachia, blocks the sky to pat to Shangguan Feichen. 火焰恶魔化作无数流火,瞬间拦在上官飞尘面前,手掌高高地举起来,瞬间膨胀好几倍,化作一只擎天巨臂,遮天蔽日向上官飞尘拍下去。 Stop!” “住手!” An arrow flies high, but to 一支箭凌空而至 Across the arm of flame devil, an incorruptible strength covers the devil whole body instantaneously, making the Netherworld movement for one slow. 瞬间穿过火焰恶魔的手臂,一层冰霜力量覆盖恶魔全身,让幽冥的动作为为之一缓。 Speeds along to come a cavalry soldier from the distant place. 从远方飞驰而来一支骑兵。 Is one person is Golden Arrow Marquis heir apparent Jiang Shan, just an arrow was he projects. 为首一人是金箭候世子江山,刚刚一箭是他射出的。 Chu Tian somewhat discontentedly narrows the eye: Jiang brother, you a little minds others'business!” 楚天有些不满眯起眼睛:“江兄,你有点多管闲事啊!” Elder Brother Chu cannot kill him!” Jiang Shan as if just experienced one to struggle hard, now cut and bruised, 1000 cavalries surplus 200-300, you, if has killed him, has considered the retaliation of Western Marquis ?” 楚兄不能杀他!”江山似乎刚刚经历一番苦战,现在已经遍体鳞伤,1000铁骑剩余两三百而已,“你要是把他干掉了,考虑过四方候的报复么?” Chu Tian shrugs: I do not want to kill him, but wants to abandon him!” 楚天耸耸肩:“我本来就没想杀他,只是想废了他而已!” Jiang Shan was speechless immediately. 江山顿时无语了。 Is this different? 这还不一样么? Jiang Shan hurries to advise: You sell my face, he already by severe wound, ok!” 江山赶紧劝阻:“你就卖我一个面子,他已经被重伤,算了!” Good!” Chu Tian looks at barely alive Shangguan Feichen, has to sigh the one breath saying: Sells your face!” “那好吧!”楚天看着半死不活的上官飞尘,只好叹一口气说:“就卖你一个面子!”
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