MT :: Volume #3

#223: Devil goon

This huge spirit power piles up in within the body, Chu Tian can feel clearly that breaks through the cultivation base bottleneck to be in front of the goal a foot on the difference. 这一股庞大灵力在体内堆积,楚天能清楚地感觉到,冲破修为瓶颈就差临门一脚而已。 However the place of wilderness open country, place of not the suitable breakthrough. Chu Tian with the mystique the spirit power seal in the body, this strength cannot in any case be inescapable, therefore why eagerly for a while? 不过荒郊野外之地,绝非适合突破之处。楚天用秘法把灵力封印在身体中,反正这股力量跑不了,所以又何必急于一时呢? Draws a sword, Fire seed opens broken, degenerates into a piece of mediocre crushed stone thoroughly. 拔剑而起,火种碎开,彻底沦为一片平庸碎石。 Netherworld Sword of ten thousand years of cold ice, still looks like the mirror smoothly ice-cold, but the surroundings are covering light black air/Qi, making the air present the slight distortion...... That is the aura of abyss! 万年寒冰似的幽冥剑,依然像镜子般光滑冰冷,只是周围笼罩着一层淡淡的黑气,让空气都出现细微的扭曲……那是深渊的气息! After sword absorption abyss Fire seed, not only restores a stronger strength, the quality as if also presents the change. 当剑吸取深渊火种后,不仅仅恢复更强的力量,品质似乎也出现改变。 When Chu Tian stimulation of movement sword Secret Art, flame gushes out from the sword blade edge, that flame is still the blue color, but the color becomes brighter, just likes the busy blue quartz is sincere. 楚天催动剑诀时,有一股火焰从剑刃上涌出,那火焰依然是蓝色的,只是颜色变得更亮,犹如无暇的蓝色水晶般淳厚浓郁。 Blue combustion Sword Qi lasing. 蓝色的燃烧剑气激射而出。 Bang! 砰! The front giant stone cleft in two directly. 前方一块巨石被直接劈成两半。 Two giant stone margin residual blue flame, flame explosive growth with process of growth, giant stone under the flame swallows, unexpectedly little decomposition ash, put in order giant stone burnt not being able to find finally. 两块巨石切口残留蓝色的火焰,火焰迅速增长伴随着增长的过程中,巨石在火焰吞噬之下,竟然一点点分解化灰,最终整块巨石都被烧的找不到了。 Quite fierce! 好厉害! Although Netherworld Flame has the ghost nature in the Ghost King within the body breeding innumerable years, therefore there is a certain corrosive substance qualitative ability, but itself has not burnt down the thing qualitative ability directly. 虽然幽冥火鬼王体内孕育无数年而具备鬼性,所以有一定腐蚀物质的能力,但是本身没有直接焚烧物质的能力。 Now completely changes. 现在完全改变了。 The fire is still cold Huo, almost does not have the temperature, can actually decompose the material, thus achieves stronger physical injury effect. 火依然是冷火,几乎没有温度,却能分解物质,从而达到更强的物理伤害效果。 If beforehand Netherworld Sword, is various kinds defends the credibility of Cultivation Technique. Then present Netherworld Sword, it not only can the igniting probability and combustion Source Energy, once after contacting the material, but can also cause the damage continuously, is against has with the difficult adversary of weapon! 如果说以前的幽冥剑,是各类防御功法的可信。那么现在的幽冥剑,它不仅仅能够点燃能力和燃烧元力,一旦接触到物质之后,还能持续不断造成伤害,是防具和兵器的克星! Without doubt! 无疑! The Chu Tian sword was more formidable! 楚天的剑更强大了! The decomposition of abyss green fire tears into shreds effect, the Netherworld Ghost Flame burning down ability effect, all the complete retention ice forms brand-new abyss Netherworld Flame, even if cultivates Immortal body Nangong Yun is very difficult to block the attack of Netherworld Sword. 深渊绿火的分解撕碎效果,幽冥鬼火焚烧能力效果,全都完整的保留冰形成全新的深渊幽冥火,哪怕修炼不灭体南宫云也很难挡住幽冥剑的进攻。 Naturally also incessantly so. 当然还不止如此。 Netherworld Sword the spirit basically restored. 幽冥剑的器灵已经基本恢复了。 Spirit has the consciousness, ordinary spirit refines with the demon Spirit Beast soul, the spirit can the strength of amplification weapon, as well as the function of self- maintenance weapon. 器灵是有意识的,普通器灵是用魔兽灵魂炼制而成,器灵能增幅武器的力量,以及自我维护武器的作用。 Netherworld Sword spirit is one type the first Heaven Spirit fire, in some sense is a complete element life, but is not the independent soul body. Since is the complete life, it could be separated from the weapon! 幽冥剑器灵是一种先天灵火,从某种意义上来说是一种完整的元素生命,而不是单独的灵魂体。既然是完整的生命,它或许能够脱离兵器! Chu Tian thinks before one, has practiced one summoned Secret Technique...... might as well to give a try! 楚天想到自己以前修炼过的一种召唤秘术……不妨试试看! Source Energy instills into the sword blade continuously, blue color flows rapidly like the crystal limpid flame, just likes Beng Teng rivers front gathers likely, the massive flame condense in together, forms the human body shape unexpectedly gradually. 元力源源不断灌输进剑身,蓝色如水晶般清澈的火焰迅速流淌出来,犹如一条崩腾的河流般像面前聚集起来,大量火焰凝聚在一起的时候,竟然渐渐形成人体形状。 Is flame devil!” “是火焰恶魔!” Nangong Yun and the others surprised screaming. 南宫云等人都惊讶的叫出声来。 The image that this blue flame condenses, is exactly the same as the small devil that the Hellfire devil summoned, but with the flame devil of sword fire release was the blue color, composes the flame and green hot devil of body was not quite same. 这个蓝色火焰凝聚起来的形象,就跟地狱火恶魔召唤出的小恶魔一模一样,只不过用剑火释放的火焰恶魔是蓝色的,所组成身体的火焰和绿火恶魔不太一样。 The small fox has a scare, is this is teasing this fox? 小狐狸吓一跳,这是在逗本狐吗? This fox superiority feeling forms also few minutes, did the master society summon? The masters are so abnormal, how making this fox live! 本狐优越感形成还没几分钟,主人怎么也学会召唤了?主人这么变态,让本狐怎么活! Nangong Yun asked with amazement: „Will you summon the monster?” 南宫云更是惊讶问:“你怎么也会召唤怪物?” This strict is not summon.” “这严格来说不是召唤。” The summon of small fox, so long as there is a soul to suffice, achieved basically fabricated comes baseless, this ability was rare is also very difficult, was the technique of great antiquity monster clan. 小狐狸的召唤,只要有灵魂就够了,基本做到无中生有凭空而来,这种能力非常罕见也很困难,是洪荒妖族的手法。 The Chu Tian situation is different, the Chu Tian fabricated ability, abyss Netherworld Flame has not had the consciousness actually not to model the body ability, Chu Tian uses an element to transform Secret Technique to help its, can therefore summon present flame devil. 楚天的情况则就不一样了,楚天没有无中生有的能力,深渊幽冥火有意识却无塑体能力,楚天就用一种元素改造秘术帮它一把,所以能召唤出眼前的这只火焰恶魔。 The flame devil body is not quite stable, it looks like a rogue robust man, the whole body flaming burns the blue flame, on the head is having pair of single horn, all over the body is covering the devil aura, like a typical abyss devil. 火焰恶魔身体不太稳定,它看起来像一个凶恶的壮汉,浑身熊熊燃烧着蓝色火焰,脑袋上有一对独角,遍体笼罩着恶魔气息,就像一只地道的深渊恶魔一样。 When the flame devil appears, first is around confused look, afterward arrives in front of Chu Tian, a spiritual fluctuation releases: I advocated to liberate me!” 当火焰恶魔出现的时候,先是迷茫的看看周围,随后走到楚天面前,一股精神波动释放出来:“吾主解放了我!” It spoke!” “它说话了!” It spoke!” “它说话了!” How will it speak?” “它怎么会说话?” The people have a scare including the small fox. 众人包括小狐狸都吓一跳。 This with the devil that the flame makes, actually can also talk with the person? Naturally, element life does not have organ, speech way not possibly with mouth, but transmits the thought with the psychic force. 这个用火焰造出来的恶魔,竟然还能够与人对话?当然,元素生命是没有器官的,说话方式不可能是用嘴巴,而是用精神力来传达思想。 Good!” Chu Tian satisfaction nods: Starting today, you called Netherworld !” “不错!”楚天满意点点头:“从今天开始,你就叫‘幽冥’吧!” Flame devil Netherworld said respectfully: Yes, I advocate!” 火焰恶魔幽冥恭恭敬敬的说:“是,吾主!” Chu Tian mentioned the sword saying: Comes back!” 楚天提起剑说:“回来吧!” The blue hot devil decomposes, returns to Netherworld Sword instantaneously. Netherworld strength in the Awakened Soul four 5th Layer strengths, its intensity besides own intensity, but also has the direct relation with Chu Tian. Because Netherworld must appear in the devil shape, must display Secret Technique by Chu Tian! 蓝火恶魔分解开来,瞬间回到幽冥剑中。幽冥实力在魂醒五重的实力,它的强度除自身强度外,还与楚天有直接关系。因为幽冥要以恶魔形态出现,必须由楚天来施展秘术 This risk successfully ended. 这次冒险圆满结束。 Netherworld Flame Sword Big accomplishments, cultivation base strives greatly, accidentally are more an powerful goon. 幽冥炎火剑大成,修为大大精进,更意外多出一个强悍的打手。 The Netherworld intelligence quotient is not quite high, therefore appears quite simple-hearted, but the intelligence quotient is not high has the intelligence quotient not high advantage, if the goon also with the small fox same ghost essence, that Chu Tian really must want to cry but have no tears continually. 幽冥智商不太高,所以显得比较木讷,不过智商不高有智商不高的好处,若连打手也跟小狐狸一样鬼精的话,那楚天就真的要欲哭无泪了。 This Netherworld growth space is huge, has high research value, in the future will could be separated from Netherworld Sword, will henceforth become independent existence. 这个‘幽冥’成长空间巨大,有着非常高的研究价值,未来或许能脱离幽冥剑,从此成为一个独立的存在。 Good, this harvest is very big!” “不错,这次收获很大!” You harvest certainly in a big way, but we also offered not the small strength!” Nangong Yun seizes the chance to create a disturbance, how do you want to enjoy us?” “你当然收获大啦,可我们也出了不小的力气呢!”南宫云趁机起哄,“你要怎么赏我们呢?” Enjoys! Naturally must enjoy! Moreover wants the generous recompense!” The Chu Tian mood is at this moment excellent: You want anything, although opens the mouth is, I satisfy you as far as possible!” “赏!当然要赏!而且要重赏!”楚天此时此刻心情大好:“你们想要什么,尽管开口就是,我尽量满足你们!” Nangong Yun scratches the head: „Does the Yun Yao elder sister, Caidie, Auntie Shen, what you want?” 南宫云挠挠头:“云瑶姐,彩蝶,沈姨,你们想要什么?” Three people have not thought this issue, but suddenly shakes the head. 三人都没想过这个问题,一时间都无奈摇头。 Feng Caidie upheld justice said: Removes the big devil is the duty, goes back to have the Wu'an Monarch generous recompense, how can also ask that big hero Elder Brother Chu can reward?” 风彩蝶仗义的说:“除掉大恶魔是义务,回去自有武安君重赏,又怎么能问大功臣楚兄要奖赏呢?” Look. 看看。 What is the quality! 什么叫是素质! The wind young lady has the beautiful woman of family education worthily, not like Nangong Yun this insane girl! 风大小姐不愧是有家教的美女,不像南宫云这个疯丫头! However Chu Tian confessed that a righteousness thin Yun Tianhe person, cannot certainly make them suffer a loss, therefore the unusual heroic spirit said: How your three said that is also the person on one's own side, that gives internal personnel special-purpose Cultivation Technique «Starlight Immortal Body» , can you also satisfy?” 不过楚天自认一个义薄云天的人,当然不能让她们吃亏了,所以非常豪气的说:“你们三个怎么说也是自己人,那就给一部内部人员专用的功法星光不灭体》,你们可还满意?” Starlight Immortal Body! 星光不灭体 Yun Yao and Feng Caidie were shocked. 云瑶风彩蝶都愣住了。 The Shen Bingyu eye opens the eyes, this serious in speech and manner beautiful woman excited jumps quickly, immediately comes to hold the Chu Tian clothes: I practice!” 沈冰雨眼睛一睁,这个不苟言笑的美女激动的快跳起来,立刻过来拽住楚天衣服:“我练!” Shen Bingyu is martial arts maniac. 沈冰雨是一个武痴 Although drooled «Starlight Immortal Body» for a long time, was only continuously the embarrassed start to talk! 虽然垂涎《星光不灭体》很长时间了,只是一直不好意思开口而已! Chu Tian seizes the chance to touch Shen Bingyu to slide the tender icy cold small hands: Shen Meinv, should not be excited, these many people look that affects many are not good? The person who does not know also thinks that you want under the broad daylight, seizes the respectable family beautiful male!” 楚天趁机摸一把沈冰雨滑嫩冰凉的小手:“沈美女,你不要激动,这么多人看着,影响多不好啊?不知道的人还以为你要光天化日之下,强抢良家美男呢!” Shen Bingyu face one red, hurried to loosen the hand: Sorry.” 沈冰雨脸一红,赶紧松开了手:“对不起。” Relax, I go back to copy one to you!” “放心吧,我回去就抄一份给你们!” Yun Yao and Feng Caidie are also very inspired, this «Starlight Immortal Body» had certain fame in Central State, is almost Central State and even Southern Summer Country most outstanding defense Cultivation Technique! 云瑶风彩蝶也很振奋,这《星光不灭体》在中州已经有一定名气,几乎是中州乃至南夏国最优秀的防御功法 Nangong Yun stares saying: I?” 南宫云瞪着眼睛说:“我呢?” I do not know that what you do need?” Chu Tian is somewhat awkward, did not say very much properly: „It is not really good can only put in great inconvenience itself, gives you to consider as finished my young man's body!” “我也不知道你需要什么?”楚天有些为难,很不正经的说:“实在不行就只能委屈自己,把我少男之身送给你算了!” Nangong Yun rare face one red: Ghost cherishes you!” 南宫云难得脸一红:“鬼稀罕你呢!” Chu Tian said: Then helps you crosses the threshold how is it «Great Nirvana Scripture»?” 楚天道:“那么帮你把《大涅槃经》入门怎么样?” Deal!” “成交!” Nangong Yun reaches an agreement with Chu Tian. 南宫云楚天达成一致。 Does not have the means with the insane girl really! 真拿疯丫头没办法! Chu Tian stops work for the day to prepare to leave, actually broadcasts a cavalry garrulous voice of some side hillside. About 200-300 Storm Cavalry rapid comes toward this, the leader is Shangguan Feichen. 楚天收工准备走人,从某侧山坡却传来一阵铁骑沓沓的声音。大约两三百疾风骑兵迅速的朝此而来,其中为首者就是上官飞尘 Good Chu Tian!” “好个楚天!” You dare to be the military deserter unexpectedly!” “你竟然敢做逃兵!” The Shangguan Feichen person has not arrived, that sharp scolding sound transmitted. 上官飞尘人还没有到,那尖利的呵斥声就传来了。 Yun Yao said with a smile directly: Joke! Don't you have the long eye? Chu Tian eliminated the devil!” 云瑶直接笑道:“笑话!你难道没有长眼睛?楚天消灭了恶魔!” In Small Valley remains the massive green flame, but does not have too fierce battle trace, on the stone including Hellfire had been taken away by Chu Tian, depends on Yun Yao a few words, the Shangguan Feichen reply? 小山谷内残留大量绿色火焰,不过没有太激烈战斗痕迹,连地狱火身上石头都被楚天收走了,就凭云瑶一句话,上官飞尘回信? Can Chu Tian defeat the devil? 楚天能打败恶魔? Breaks wind simply! 简直是放屁! Shangguan Feichen sneered was saying: You not only has been the military deserter, but also dares to argue absurdly that is simply unforgivable!” 上官飞尘冷笑着说:“你们不但做了逃兵,还敢荒唐的辩解,简直不可饶恕!” Nangong Yun shouts angrily: Your his mother eyes long on buttocks? Chu Tian destroyed completely the abyss devil also to rescue your father life, you also dare full mouth randomly to bark here!” 南宫云愤怒喊道:“你他妈眼睛长在屁股上吗?楚天灭掉深渊恶魔也是救了你老子一命,你还敢在这里满口乱吠!” „Did you hear?” Shangguan Feichen does not believe that these people can cope with that monster, he turns head to shout to other cavalry soldiers, these people are the military deserter also to compile the absurd excuse, today cannot forgive them! Listens to my verbal command to take the military deserter, punishes properly according to law leader Chu Tian directly!” “你们听到了吗?”上官飞尘根本不信,这几个人能对付那头怪物,他回头对其他骑兵喊道,“这几人做逃兵还编造出荒唐借口,今天决不能饶了他们!听我号令拿下逃兵,直接将为首者楚天明正典刑!” How many people why leave the battlefield? 几人为什么离开战场? Shangguan Feichen did not care! 上官飞尘不关心! This good opportunity! 这一个好机会! Nangong Yun is Nangong Clan, although collateral branch, but must sell a face. Feng Caidie is the Divine Wind Marquis daughter, therefore cannot move easily. Yun Yao is the Central State large clan makes noise, Cloud Sect is very good because of the Southern Summer Country reputation, therefore can also let off. 南宫云南宫家族的,虽说是旁系,但还要卖一点面子。风彩蝶神风候的女儿,所以也不能轻易动。云瑶中州大族出声,云门南夏国口碑很好,所以也可以放过。 Chu Tian must kill only! 惟独楚天要杀! This fellow harms him to lose two efficient arms, harmed Shangguan Family to lose the honor! 这家伙害得他损失两个得力臂膀,更害得上官家族丢了脸面! That black clothed female...... Strange, why hadn't seen? No matter that many, one and killed and that's the end! 那个黑衣女子……奇怪,为什么一直没见过?不管那么多了,一并干掉就是了! When Shangguan Feichen must lead the cavalry soldier to clash. 上官飞尘就要率领骑兵冲上来的时候。 Brush! 刷! Snowflakes fall on the Shangguan Feichen warhorse, in an instant frozen becomes the ice sculpture the entire warhorse, exploded to become enlightened everywhere the flesh and blood fragment at the scene broken, Shangguan Feichen was caught off guard to fall. 一片雪花落在上官飞尘战马上,刹那间把整个战马都冻成冰雕,当场爆碎开成了满地血肉碎片,上官飞尘措手不及摔了下来。 You......” “你……” Shangguan Feichen has not thought that this black clothed female really has such strength, 上官飞尘万万没想到,这黑衣女子竟然有这样的实力, Shen Bingyu double handles gently Qingwu to move, the innumerable snowflakes fall gently, killing intent covers the world...... She must slaughter! 沈冰雨双手轻轻舞动,无数雪花飘落下来,一股杀气笼罩天地……她要大开杀戒了! By the strength of Shen Bingyu True Soul level. 沈冰雨真魂级的实力。 If this group of cavalry soldiers directly rush ahead from the beginning, perhaps can also pose a threat to Shen Bingyu, now is impossible to cope she, sufficiently called them the complete group to extinguish depending on Shen Bingyu. 这帮骑兵要是一开始就直接冲杀,或许还能对沈冰雨造成一点威胁,现在根本不可能对付的了她,光凭沈冰雨就足以叫他们全部团灭了。 Shangguan Feichen said with amazement: Chu Tian! You dare to send for intercepting the Kingdom Army team, under your important criminal treason grave offense?” 上官飞尘骇然道:“楚天!你敢派人截杀王国军队,你要犯下叛国重罪吗?” A military deserter. 一个逃兵。 A treason. 一个叛国。 This fellow buckles being unjustly discredited skill to have one set. 这家伙扣黑锅本事真有一套。
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