MT :: Volume #3

#222: Swallows the abyss fire!

Soul puppet?” “灵魂木偶?” Chu Tian recognizes the thing in small fox, this is an extremely precious special treasure, it can substitute the human body, becomes the carrier of soul. When the small fox takes in the soul of Hellfire devil the puppet entirely, the ordinary soul puppet, superficial above adsorbed a Hellfire empty shade. 楚天认出小狐狸手里的东西,这是一种极珍贵的特殊宝物,它能够替代肉体,成为灵魂的载体。当小狐狸把地狱火恶魔的灵魂统统收进木偶里,本来普普通通的灵魂木偶,表面上面吸附一个地狱火的虚影。 Small fox to this puppet gently air flush. 小狐狸对这木偶轻轻一吹气。 The Hellfire soul was thrown, sees only the ray to dodge suddenly, changes to the entity shape suddenly, Hellfire of diminished version appears in several people of front. 地狱火的灵魂被抛出去,只见光芒骤然间一闪,骤然间化作实体形态,一个缩小版的地狱火出现在几人的面前。 Hellfire that this was summoned, not killed great strength, aura that but following the current reveals, certainly is also very formidable, it is estimated that the character of Southern Xia eight marquises level can also reluctantly a war. 这被召唤出的地狱火,没有被杀死的这只强大,不过从流露出来的气息来看,一定也是非常强大的,估计就算更南夏八侯级的人物也能勉强一战。 Most important point. 最重要的点。 Hellfire does not have the thought. 地狱火没有思想。 It completely was controlled by the small fox. 它完全是被小狐狸控制的。 Feng Caidie and Nangong Yun have a big shock, this is any magic arts, through a Hellfire soul, summoned brand-new Hellfire unexpectedly directly! 风彩蝶南宫云都大惊失色,这到底是什么法术,竟通过一个地狱火灵魂,直接召唤出一个全新的地狱火 The small fox great happiness chirp chirp was called several. 小狐狸大喜叽叽叫几声。 Hellfire turns into a puppet, returns in small fox, it hurries one to pouch in the belly. 地狱火重新变成一个木偶,又重新回到小狐狸手里,它赶紧一口吞进肚子里。 Chu Tian touches the chin. 楚天摸摸下巴。 The monster techniques of this magic arts some looks like great antiquity monster clans. 这种法术有些像洪荒妖族的妖术。 Did this small fox with Chu Tian for a long time, finally also awaken a skill? 这小狐狸跟着楚天那么长时间,终于也觉醒出一点本事了么? Chu Tian asked: You are trying to practice the tower to trade to hide the truth from me, to change this puppet?” 楚天问:“你在试练塔换瞒着我,就是为换这个木偶?” The small fox happily nods, a I fiercest appearance. 小狐狸得意点点头,一副我最厉害的样子。 How your his mother early did not tell me!” The Chu Tian direct brain collapses to hit hard: „Will I rare with you snatch this broken gadget?” “那你他妈怎么不早告诉我!”楚天直接一个脑崩重击上去:“难道我会稀罕跟你抢这个破玩意儿?” The small fox feels to reveal the color of despising, who knows! 小狐狸摸着头露出鄙夷之色,谁知道呢! Chu Tian then said: With the magic arts of soul summon biology, this seems like the technique of monster clan. I have not thought actually that your this fellow also calculates evolves a skill. Such being the case, why to receive Hellfire?” 楚天接着说:“用灵魂召唤生物的法术,这看起来是妖族的手法。我倒是没想到,你这家伙也算进化出点本事。既然如此,干嘛把地狱火收起来?” The small fox gesticulates several. 小狐狸比划几下。 The magic arts of small fox have the limit. 小狐狸的法术有限制的。 The soul puppet is the soul storage tool of best quality goods, but best to live the time to extract the soul in Hellfire directly, such soul is new, and is energetic, can long-term used. 灵魂木偶是极品的灵魂储存工具,不过最好是在地狱火活着时候直接抽取灵魂,这样灵魂新鲜且有活力,就能够长时间的去使用了。 Hellfire was killed, soul has been at the withering away condition. The small fox soul puppet promptly attracts , can only maintain for two months. 地狱火被杀死的时候,灵魂已处于消亡状态。小狐狸就算灵魂木偶及时吸进去,也只能维持两个月而已。 Once the soul dries up, this soul was useless. 一旦灵魂枯竭,这个灵魂就没用了。 The small fox most summoned 34 times Hellfire, because just short tested to use one time, now only remains three opportunities, therefore did not arrive to have no recourse, the small fox is not willing to use! 小狐狸最多召唤34次地狱火,因为刚刚短暂测试使用一次,现在只剩三次机会了,所以不到迫不得已,小狐狸才不愿意动用呢! The conversion price of this soul puppet is not definitely cheap. 这个灵魂木偶的兑换价格肯定不便宜。 However, from the effect of soul puppet, the small fox exchange thing is reasonable. 不过,从灵魂木偶的效果来看,小狐狸兑换东西还算靠谱。 Most at least, has the small fox of soul puppet, has the Hellfire soul, it can momentarily release the Awakened Soul 9th Layer super battle efficiency! 最起码,拥有灵魂木偶的小狐狸,又拥有地狱火的灵魂,它能随时释放出魂醒九重的超级战斗力! This time generally did not haggle over with you.” Chu Tian said to the small fox wickedly that is not to a precedent!” “这次就不跟你一般计较了。”楚天恶狠狠对小狐狸说,“下不为例!” Small fox clever nod, how thinks at heart, who knows! 小狐狸乖巧的点点头,心里怎么想的,谁又知道呢! Nangong Yun stared at everywhere the stone saying: How do these wreckage process?” 南宫云盯着满地石头说:“这些残骸怎么处理?” These are material from abyss, the abyss fire millennium calcines do not damage slightly, is very good material, naturally must bring.” “这些是来自深渊的材料,深渊火千年煅烧而不损丝毫,是非常不错的材料,当然是要带回去了。” This everybody is the approval. 这点大家是认同的。 Is the Shen Bingyu strength formidable? 沈冰雨实力何等强大? A Shen Bingyu fully palm, but not energy lose it slightly. 沈冰雨全力一掌,而不能损其丝毫。 Can see from this point, the firm degree of Hellfire devil rock outer covering. In addition, this type of stone can surmount the space barrier, but was not torn, year to year by abyss green fire burning down, but does not melt, manifested thermostable and characteristics of ultra strength sufficiently. 从这一点就能够看出,地狱火恶魔岩石外壳的坚固程度。此外,这种石头能够跨越空间屏障而不被撕毁,常年被深渊绿火焚烧而不融化,足以体现耐高温和超高强度的特点了。 These stones attach the complimentary gift.” Chu Tian somewhat mystically said: I will not hesitate to take risk to arrive at Thunder State, actually the primary cause comes to this Hellfire devil.” “这些石头只是附赠品罢了。”楚天有些神秘说:“我会不惜冒险来到雷州,其实主要原因是冲着这头地狱火恶魔而来的。” The Hellfire devil in the abyss world, is not the strange devil. 地狱火恶魔在深渊世界,不是什么稀奇的恶魔。 The abyss world compares its more higher formidable more fearful devil, is simply innumerable. However, the abyss world to the other dimension biology of this time, is one piece not the space that is possible to survey, therefore the abyss life arrives to be possible with, but cannot ask. 深渊世界比它更高等更强大更可怕恶魔,简直就是数不胜数的。不过,深渊世界对本时代的位面生物来说,是一片不可能探测到的空间,所以深渊生命降临可遇而不可求。 The value of this Hellfire devil naturally appeared precious. 地狱火恶魔的价值自然就显得弥足珍贵了。 Hellfire can be Chu Tian brings outside an abyss material, most lets the thing that Chu Tian is interested, that was the abyss fire as well as devil heart. 地狱火能为楚天带来一笔深渊材料外,最让楚天非常感兴趣的东西,那便是深渊火以及恶魔之心了。 The abyss world environment is very special. 深渊世界环境很特殊。 The abyss is a chaos world, when has the myriad things to inaugurate the nature. 深渊是一片混混沌沌的世界,具有万物初开时的性质。 Under the environment of abyss world, will is born the innate treasure, even many life bodies are innate breeding but the non- parent substance lives. The Hellfire devil is a quite common innate life. 深渊世界的环境之下,常会诞生出先天宝物来,甚至很多生命体都是先天孕育而非母体所生。地狱火恶魔就是一种比较常见的先天生命。 This living thing itself has not multiplied ability, cannot split like the element clan, the essence that they are born is the rich abyss aura condenses to the certain extent, adds some special turning point to accomplish again becomes Fire seed. 这种生物本身没有繁衍能力,也不能像元素族一样分裂,它们诞生的本质是浓郁深渊气息凝聚到一定程度,再加某种特殊的契机造就而成一颗火种 Innate Fire seed contains formidable abyss aura, finally has the thought gradually, starts to roam in the abyss world, through swallowing the energy mineral, continuouss growth to multiply finally, evolves an abyss world to walk randomly plundering in all directions the flame meteorite. 先天火种蕴含强大的深渊气息,最终渐渐地产生思想,开始漫游在深渊世界,通过吞噬能量矿物,最终不断地壮大滋生,演变成一颗深渊世界四处游走掠夺的火焰陨石。 After the Hellfire devil was killed, the thought and strength will vanish rapidly, but Fire seed often can preserve tenaciously, will form years later a Hellfire devil. 地狱火恶魔被杀死之后,思想和力量会迅速消失,但是火种往往能顽强的保存下来,若干年后又会形成一个地狱火恶魔。 As for devil heart, is the abyss devil life gate. 至于恶魔心脏,则是深渊恶魔命门。 The abyss world environment is bad, devil wants to survive to multiply in such environment, then must go all out to reduce own weakness, most abyss devils are killed very much difficultly, finishes a job and breaks the leg and beheading, even dismembers a body, is very difficult to be effective its deathtrap of setting. 深渊世界环境非常恶劣,恶魔想在这样环境里生存繁衍,那么就必须拼命减少自身弱点,绝大多数深渊恶魔是很难被杀死的,断手、断腿、斩首,甚至大卸八块,都很难有效的将其置之死地。 The reason is very simple. 原因很简单。 An abyss devil another special skill, they can condense the vitality, form a life core, all life strengths, souls and spirit, all in core, so long as the core were not destroyed, the hand cut off to be long, the leg cut off also to be long, even was beheaded also the is unlikely death while still alive. 深渊恶魔又一种特别的本事,它们能把生命力凝聚,形成一个生命核心,所有生命力量、灵魂、精神,全都在核心当中,只要核心不被破坏,手被砍断能长出来,腿被砍断也能长出来,甚至被活活斩首也不至于死亡。 This core is devil heart. 这颗核心就是恶魔心脏。 When Chu Tian installs black ink stone fragment with the bottle gourd, found 45 devil heart fragments, Chu Tian reveals a happy expression, this devil is not formidable, but to present stage Chu Tian, is actually very useful. 楚天用葫芦把墨石碎片一块块装进去,从中找到45块恶魔心脏碎片,楚天露出一丝喜色,这头恶魔不算强大,但是对现阶段楚天来说,却是非常有用的。 In addition found a fist size just likes amber green Crystal Stone. 此外找到一颗拳头大小犹如琥珀的绿色晶石 This is not Crystal Stone is one group of high-density flame, is Hellfire devil source of strength Fire seed of! 这不是晶石是一团高密度火焰,也就是地狱火恶魔的力量之源火种 This abyss Fire seed has the formidable strength, has the strength of rich abyss. A most important point is, the abyss Hellfire nature, very suitable to practice the «Netherworld Flame Sword» material as Chu Tian! 这枚深渊火种拥有强大的力量,更具备浓郁的深渊之力。最重要的一点是,深渊地狱火的性质,非常适合作为楚天修炼《幽冥炎火剑》的材料! If can swallow this fire, sword Secret Art inevitably Big accomplishments! 若能吞噬该火,剑诀必然大成 Actually in Divine Wind Marquis indicates the Thunder State situation, Chu Tian has judged almost the status of abyss devil. This Fire seed is Chu Tian does not hesitate to take risk also to participate in the duty, the most main reason! 其实在神风候表述雷州情况时,楚天就已经把深渊恶魔的身份判断7788。这枚火种就是楚天不惜冒险也要来参加任务,最为主要的一个原因! «Netherworld Flame Sword» that ten thousand corpse ancient graves obtain is ancient sword Secret Art of a record in Netherworld Sword, is remnant that some wrap far Ancient Sword Secret Art leaves behind, is in itself one set of very fierce swordsmanship. Chu Tian in process of practice, continuously makes the transformation to optimize, now might gradually several fold in first edition swordsmanship! 万尸古墓获得的《幽冥炎火剑》是一篇记载于幽冥剑中的古老剑诀,是某套远古剑诀遗留的残篇,本身就是一套非常厉害的剑法。楚天在修炼的过程中,又不断进行改造优化,现在威力渐渐数倍于原版剑法! «Netherworld Flame Sword» a little similar «Starlight Immortal Body», if there is an enough material definitely to be intensive, however the practice material is very difficult homing. Chu Tian found such an opportunity with great difficulty, will he possibly be resigned to give up? 幽冥炎火剑》有点类似《星光不灭体》,若有足够的材料完全能速成,然而修炼材料偏偏是非常难寻的。楚天好不容易找到这么一个机会,他又怎么可能会甘心放弃呢? This risk is really worth! 这次冒险果然值得! You help me look at the surroundings.” Chu Tian extracts Netherworld Sword: I must absorb this Fire seed now!” “你们帮我看着周围。”楚天一把抽出幽冥剑:“我现在要吸收这枚火种!” The Hellfire devil died, Fire seed in the rapid weaken, Chu Tian goes back to build up the Fire seed belt without enough time, therefore simply the direct scene built up results in! 地狱火恶魔已经死了,火种在迅速的衰减,楚天来不及将火种带回去炼化,所以干脆直接现场炼化得了! Chu Tian places the ground Fire seed, when is looking at gloomily blue such as the ice sword blade edge: Abyss Hellfire quality not inferior Netherworld Ghost Flame, even the quality above you, looked that now you can withstand.” 楚天火种放在地上,当望着幽蓝如冰的剑刃:“深渊地狱火品质不逊色幽冥鬼火,甚至品质在你之上,现在就看你能不能承受了。” Said. 说完。 A Chu Tian sword inserts in the middle of Fire seed! 楚天一剑插进火种当中! Spreads final wail from Fire seed, the Hellfire devil resurrecting hope is crushed finally, a tyrannical strength fluctuation erupts, sweeps across instantaneously in all directions! 火种里面传出最后的哀鸣,地狱火恶魔最后复活希望都被击碎,一股强横的力量波动爆发出来,瞬间席卷四面八方! The green flame was absorbed from Fire seed, is following the sword blade edge to flow slowly. 绿色火焰从火种里被吸取,正顺着剑刃缓缓流淌着。 Chu Tian can feel clearly that Netherworld Sword is excited and anxious, reason that it is excited, because of this strength too delicacy, if can swallow this strength, Netherworld Sword can restore the most might, returns Soul Communication Tool to have the level that. Reason that it is anxious, is because this strength is not inferior in it, if no means to defeat the fire of abyss, finally instead ignites **. 楚天能清楚感觉到,幽冥剑兴奋和紧张,它之所以兴奋,是因为这股力量太美味,若能够吞噬这股力量,幽冥剑就能恢复大半威力,重新回到通灵魂器该有的水平。它之所以紧张,则是因为这股力量并不逊色于它,若没有办法击败深渊之火,最后反而是引火**。 Blue white flame spout, two types of flame interwine, pulls mutually, swallows mutually, is engaging in very intense battle. 一股蓝白色火焰喷涌出来,两种火焰交织在一起,互相拉扯,互相吞噬,正展开非常激烈的交锋。 From quality, abyss green fire not inferior Netherworld Flame. 从品质上来说,深渊绿火不逊色幽冥火 Netherworld Ghost Flame has the consciousness, can therefore become Netherworld Sword spirits. 幽冥鬼火拥有意识,所以能成为幽冥剑的器灵。 The abyss green fire also has the consciousness, can therefore evolve the formidable abyss devil. 深渊绿火也有意识,所以能进化成强大的深渊恶魔。 Without doubt, the abyss green fire can exist independently, even can practice the devil independently, from the potential perspective, it is stronger than Netherworld Ghost Flame! 无疑,深渊绿火能独立存在,甚至能独立修炼成恶魔,从潜力方面来说,它比幽冥鬼火还要强! However abyss green fire is at the extremely feeble condition eventually, but Netherworld Flame has the home game superiority, therefore crushes the green fire to get the winning side gradually. 不过深渊绿火终究处于极度虚弱状态,而幽冥火则占据主场优势,所以渐渐地压倒绿火而占据上风。 The abyss fire was absorbed little by Netherworld Sword. 深渊火一点点被幽冥剑吸收掉了。 However, the abyss fire stratagem which ensures success is freely uncertain, has not actually given up the final stand, Netherworld Flame in the absorption abyss hot process, by the abyss aura influence, was started to have in some nature to transform gradually. 然而,深渊火尽管胜算渺茫,却没有放弃最后抵抗,幽冥火在吸收深渊火过程中,也渐渐被深渊气息影响,开始发生某种性质上转变。 Netherworld Sword is shivering unceasingly! 幽冥剑不断颤动着! After suing, the great powers, spill into the Chu Tian body. 诉后,有一股强大力量,涌进楚天身体里。 The abyss devil by the Netherworld Sword extraction process, had extremely formidable spirit power, the complete transportation to the body of Chu Tian, Chu Tian can feel clearly that this strength that formidable, even lets the Chu Tian direct breakthrough bottleneck sufficiently. 深渊恶魔被幽冥剑萃取过程中,产生一股极其强大的灵力,全部输送到楚天的身体里,楚天能够清楚感觉到,这股力量是那么的强大,甚至足以让楚天直接突破瓶颈。 Chu Tian reveals a happy expression. 楚天露出一丝喜色。 This spirit power is vigorous pure, made him break through Awakened Soul 4th Layer sufficiently directly! 这股灵力非常浑厚精纯,足以让他直接突破魂醒四重了! This is also natural, the abyss devil is so formidable, after Chu Tian absorbs its strength, a small bottleneck is a cinch radically! 这也是理所当然的,深渊恶魔那么强大,楚天吸收它的力量后,一个小小瓶颈根本不在话下!
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