MT :: Volume #3

#221: The town kills the devil

The Thunder State city, the innumerable city people wait for the news with trepidation! 雷州城,无数城民提心吊胆等待消息! Miserable gloomy!” “惨惨惨!” Three Marquis defeats!” 三侯战败!” Thunder State Storm Cavalry is annihilated!” 雷州疾风骑兵全军覆没!” Thunder State had been finished, the devil must attack, the escape, everybody escapes quickly!” 雷州完蛋了,恶魔就要攻来了,逃命吧,大家快逃命吧!” Including the Western Marquis heir apparent, the Golden Arrow Marquis heir apparent, the Divine Wind Marquis only daughter, Sanzhou entering the war talent lost in the battlefield unites!” “连四方候世子,金箭候世子,神风候的独女,三洲参战天才都在战场失联了!” The entire Thunder State city blasted out! 整个雷州城炸开了! Squad severe wound Storm Cavalry ran away, whole bodies brave the black smoke, the body separation, covered with blood, is simply horrible to look , the people were shocked. 有一小队重伤疾风骑兵逃了回来,一个个浑身都冒着黑烟,皮肉分离,血肉模糊,简直惨不忍睹,人们都惊呆了。 Devil must attack!” “恶魔就要攻过来了!” Runs away quickly!” “快逃啊!” Is scared quicker than the plague rate of fire spread, but is in the several hours, the entire Thunder State city had been exploded by the frightened point, the people carry the belt female in abundance, wears the valuables family belongings in abundance, rushing to be first fled from calamity. 恐慌比瘟疫蔓延速度还快,只不过是短短几个小时里,整个雷州城就被恐惧点爆了,人们纷纷携儿带女,纷纷戴着细软家当,争先恐后的逃难去了。 Such large-scale running away people are in the Thunder State history have not occurred, if the people leave the Thunder State city, the Thunder State city has become the dead city? 这么大规模逃民是雷州历史上没有发生过的,人们要是都离开雷州城,雷州城岂不是成了死城? This is a main city of state! 这是一州的主城啊! The Thunder State city soldiers hurry to stop. 雷州城士兵慌忙阻拦。 When the street was lived crowd, in the city the huge crowd bursts with joy the crowded, frightened and angry city people riot. 当街道被拥堵住了,城内人海沸腾拥挤,恐惧而愤怒的城民暴乱。 Damn!” “他妈的!” You do not have the skill to protect the Thunder State city, has not made us escape!” “你们没本事保护雷州城,还不让我们逃命!” Dies in evil spirit dies, dies also dies in your hands, not Tathagata happiness!” “死在妖魔手里是死,死在你们手里也是死,还不如来个痛快!” The innumerable angry rioters attack blocking the way army, the Thunder State city immediately a piece in confusion, the innumerable houses were lit, the soldier was besieged by the city people, was killed while still alive countlessly. 无数愤怒暴民纷纷攻击拦路军队,雷州城顿时一片狼藉,无数房屋被点燃,士兵被城民围攻,被活活打死不计其数。 Mom! Mom!” “妈妈!妈妈!” Is gripping two girls and family members of sheep's-horn braids is lost, is sitting in the chaotic street central startled sob. 一个扎着两个羊角辫的女孩与亲人走失,正坐在混乱的街道中央惊慌哭泣。 Thunder State great misfortune, Thunder State great misfortune!” 雷州大劫,雷州大劫啊!” Who can rescue Thunder State!” “谁能救救雷州!” An old person face upwards to look at the fishy Thunder State city, face upwards sad howling several, a blood spits, fell down. 一个老人仰天望着乌烟瘴气的雷州城,仰天悲嚎几声,一口血吐出来,倒在了地上。 Meng Yingying stands in the street, the wood, if looking of dull chicken focuses on the prospect shape. 梦莹莹站在街道,木若呆鸡的望着眼前景象。 Why can like this? 为什么会这样? How to lose! 怎么会输呢! This is impossible! 这不可能啊! Lin Mu and Fang Han hurry: Second Young Lady, here danger, we also remove.” 林木方寒慌忙过来:“二小姐,这里危险,我们也撤吧。” „It is not good, Chu Tian has not come back!” A Meng Yingying face said firmly: He, if has not come back, then all also hopeful!” “不行,楚天还没回来呢!”梦莹莹一脸坚定的说:“他要是没回来,那么一切就还有希望!” When sees a Meng Yingying face to be firm, they show the expression that has no alternative. 当见梦莹莹一脸坚定,两人露出无可奈何的表情。 It is not does not believe the boss really! 真不是不相信老板啊! The issue is...... Was defeated including Three Marquis 问题是……连三侯都失败了 In canned food that Thunder State city riot promotes, Divine Wind Marquis, Western Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis, three big marquises came back. Three people tattered dirty, seems like same as the beggar, completely does not have the elegant demeanor of Marquis aristocrat. 正在雷州城暴乱升级的罐头,神风候四方候金箭候,三大侯爷回来了。三人破破烂烂灰头土脸,看起来跟乞丐一样,全然没有侯爵贵族的风采。 Stop!” Western Marquis flies into a rage: „Did this group of damn rioters revolt? Does not kill to be hard the law of the land!” “住手!”四方候勃然大怒:“这帮该死的暴民造反了吗?不杀难以正国法!” Ok!” Golden Arrow Marquis sighed frequently, did not blame them, this marquis as the Thunder State protector, but cannot protect them, was my incompetent.” “算了!”金箭候却常常叹息一声,“不怪他们,本侯作为雷州守护者而不能保护他们,是我的无能。” Golden Arrow Marquis announced directly: „The Kaesong gate, making city people flee from calamity!” 金箭候直接宣布:“开城门,让城民逃难!” The Divine Wind Marquis facial color sighed heavily. 神风候面色沉重一叹。 Had the innumerable badly beaten soldiers by the order of Golden Arrow Marquis being shocked, where overawed four directions invincible Golden Arrow Marquis past? At this moment, only remains a mail-armor and helmet to be stave, the whole body burned black severe wound always died! 无数头破血流的士兵们被金箭候的命令给惊呆了,昔日威震四方战无不胜的金箭候哪里去了?此时此刻,只剩一个甲胄破碎,浑身焦黑的重伤老卒! In addition marquises so, how? Nye how! 侯爷尚且如此,奈若何?奈若何! ! 啪啪! Long spear discarding in place. 长戈一把把丢弃在地。 The innumerable soldiers also join the ranks of fleeing from calamity. 无数士兵也加入逃难者的行列。 Who wants to escape from the place that lived for generations? Who has wanted the refugee life of drifting about destitute! However, Thunder State was unsafe, except for fleeing from here, they have no alternative! 谁又想逃出世世代代生活的地方?谁又愿意过颠沛流离的难民生活!但是,雷州已经不安全了,除了逃离这里,他们别无选择! Three Marquis looks at the chaotic Thunder State city to be speechless. 三侯望着混乱雷州城无语。 First time feels the strength tiny! 第一次感觉到力量的渺小! Feichen has not come back, mostly being lost direction in confusion.” Western Marquis knits the brows: damn! Early knows that should not drip Thunder State this turbid water!” 飞尘没有回来,多半在混乱中走失方向。”四方候则皱着眉:“可恶!早知道就不该淌雷州这浑水!” Divine Wind Marquis stares at a direction from afar, although the possibility is not big, but he hopes really that youth creates Miracle again. 神风候远远凝视一个方向,虽然可能性不大了,但是他真的希望,那个少年再创造一次奇迹 Thunder State is one of the Southern Xia eight states. 雷州南夏八州之一。 Thunder State loses, the national strength damages greatly, Southern Summer Country year to year faces the northern Spirit Beast threat, can the aspect of originally been in serious danger, how receive the so big attack? 雷州一失,国力大损,南夏国常年面临北方兽灵威胁,本来就已经危如累卵的局面,如何受得住如此大的打击? ...... …… No one knows. 谁都不知道。 The chief criminal of this disaster, had been stranded in a small basin. 这场灾难的罪魁祸首,已被困在一个小盆地里。 The Hellfire devil is born to live in the abyss world, that is one does not have the chaos space of civilization, slaughters and plunders, is the only principle! 地狱火恶魔诞生来就活在深渊世界,那是一个没有文明的混沌空间,杀戮、掠夺,是唯一的法则! How could has it seen the method of other dimension life? 它何曾见过位面生命的手段? Chu Tian, Yun Yao, Feng Caidie and Nangong Yun, occupy a mountain valley corner/horn respectively. 楚天云瑶风彩蝶南宫云,各自占据山谷一角。 Everyone is grasping an area array flag, projects one giant French from the flag, happen to seal on the body of Hellfire devil. This law with diluting god blood plan, therefore law is in itself not freely formidable, is containing the strength of weak Spiritual God! 每人握着一面阵旗,从旗帜上投射出一个巨大法阵,正好印在了地狱火恶魔的身上。这法阵是用稀释过的神血绘制的,所以尽管法阵本身并不强大,却蕴含着微弱的神灵之力! The Hellfire devil was suppressed by this strength. 地狱火恶魔就是被这种力量镇压住了。 It does not know how should deal with, but the intuition told it, if did not get rid, perhaps will have the great danger! 它不知道该怎么应付,不过直觉告诉它,若再不摆脱出来,恐怕会有极大危险! Roar!” “吼!” Hellfire in intense restless, steps forward fiercely forward one step, the strength of Hellfire devil is too strong, Nangong Yun and the others felt that pulls the strength formidable, almost can screen out from the hand the flag forcefully. 地狱火在强烈不安中,猛地向前跨出一步,地狱火恶魔的力量太强,南宫云等人都感觉一股强大拉扯力,几乎能把阵旗强行从手中抽走。 Grasps!” “抓紧!” Cannot let go!” “不能松手!” Otherwise we died!” “不然我们死定了!” In the Chu Tian both feet being embed soil, clenches teeth closely to entrain a flag, other three people with hardship are also resisting the Hellfire devil, for this reason spells to try. 楚天双脚都嵌进泥土里,咬着牙紧紧地拽着阵旗,其他三人也苦苦抵挡着地狱火恶魔,为此拼尽了全力。 The Hellfire devil and Three Marquis fight, as well as pursues in the fennec process, it uses up too many strengths, now very difficult to escape from the big fetter. 地狱火恶魔与三侯战斗,以及追赶小狐过程中,它用掉太多的力量,现在已经很难从大阵束缚中逃脱出来了。 The Hellfire devil face upwards to bellow. 地狱火恶魔仰天大吼一声。 Several the green hot devil that wanders in the nearby is summoned by far, immediately floats in the direction of basin, these green hot devils have Illustrious Soul level the battle efficiency of nearly, therefore is decidedly highly regarded. 几只在附近游荡的绿火恶魔远远受到召唤,立刻朝盆地的方向飘来,这些绿火恶魔具备近乎显魂级的战斗力,因此断然不可小觑。 Do not be affected!” Chu Tian shouted loudly: This fellow did not have the strength quickly, we insisted the period of time again!” “不要受影响!”楚天大声喊:“这家伙快没力气了,我们再坚持一阵子!” When the green hot devil soon arrives at the basin, the small arctic fox rushes to front of them, screens out a big energy from their bodies fiercely. Afterward, the black form follows a lot of snowflakes to drop from the clouds together, the green hot devil was hit by the innumerable snowflakes, immediately annihilation at the scene. 绿火恶魔快要到盆地时,小白狐冲到他们面前,猛地从它们身体里抽走一大片能量。随后,一道黑色身影伴随千百片雪花从天而降,绿火恶魔被无数雪片击中,立刻当场的湮灭掉了。 The Hellfire devil struggled several times, finally ends in failure, its strength becomes more and more feeble. 地狱火恶魔数次挣扎,结果都以失败告终,它的力量变得越来越衰弱。 Good enough!” The Chu Tian order said: Shen Bingyu, on!” 差不多了!”楚天命令道:“沈冰雨,上!” Shen Bingyu extracts a pennant immediately, leaps fiercely jumps in the basin. 沈冰雨立刻抽出一杆小旗,猛地一跃跳进盆地中。 A Hellfire devil fist rumbled the past to her, was only regardless of the speed and might, significantly reduced. 地狱火恶魔一拳向她轰过去,只是无论速度和威力,都已经大幅度降低。 Shen Bingyu avoids the attack with ease, circles to the Hellfire devil behind, bounces, sets up the flag. 沈冰雨轻松避开攻击,绕到地狱火恶魔背后,弹跳而起,把旗一插。 Hellfire carries on the back the flame to extinguish a big piece, Xiaoqizi is the center, the innumerable blood thread energies, spread instantaneously half back. 地狱火背上火焰熄灭一大片,小旗子为中心,无数血丝般能量,瞬间蔓延半个后背。 Just likes a mountain presses suddenly on the body. 犹如一座山骤然压在身上。 Thump! 咚! The Hellfire huge body partly knelt when the ground, it struggled unable to stand several times, Shen Bingyu extracted the second pennant, was preparing to begin once more. 地狱火庞大身躯半跪在了地上,它挣扎数次都没能站起来,沈冰雨抽出第二杆小旗,正准备再次动手时。 Unexpectedly, the Hellfire devil head reverses 180 degrees suddenly, the green flame changes to a rocket to shoot at her. 谁料,地狱火恶魔脑袋猛然扭转180度,绿色火焰化作一支火箭射向她。 Chu Tian in great surprise: Be careful!” 楚天大惊:“小心!” Bang! 砰! Fog appearance! 灰雾出现! The small fox flickers to move to keep off in front of Shen Bingyu, these flame pouch in the belly entirely, these also rises suffices, the small belly changes was perfectly round. 小狐狸瞬移挡在沈冰雨面前,那些火焰统统吞进肚子里,这一下也涨得够强,小小肚皮都变的滚圆了。 Does well!” Chu Tian hurries to order: Inserts its knee!” “干得好!”楚天赶紧命令:“插它膝盖!” A flag inserts to the Hellfire knee. 一根阵旗向地狱火膝盖插去。 Also suddenly, some massive blood thread energies cover the entire right leg, Hellfire entire kneel on the ground, as if cannot crawl. 骤然间,又有大量血丝般的能量覆盖整条右腿,地狱火整个跪在地上,似乎已经爬不起来了。 Four people feel a loosen. 四人都感觉到一松。 The Hellfire devil did not have the strength to continue to resist big. 地狱火恶魔没有力量继续抵抗大阵了。 Shoulder!” “肩膀!” A Shen Bingyu flag inserts in the left shoulder place, the massive blood thread shining energies, twine to jump the arm suddenly, making the entire arm also lose the strength. 沈冰雨一根旗插在右肩处,大量血丝般发亮能量,骤然间缠绕住正跳手臂,让整个手臂也失去力量。 Each area array flag has Array. 每一面阵旗都有一个阵法 These Array by strength of constitution Spiritual God, the strength of Hellfire devil were suppressed, did not have the means to revolt again. Do not be this is not strong Hellfire, even if ten thousand years of Hellfire, 100,000 years of Hellfire in the face of the Spiritual God, still does not have what difference with the ants. 这些阵法以神灵之力构成,地狱火恶魔的力量被镇压,再也没有办法反抗了。不要是这头并不算强的地狱火,哪怕是万年地狱火,100000年地狱火在神灵面前,依然跟蝼蚁没有什么区别。 It is not good! Tries harder again!” “它不行了!再加把劲!” Under the instruction of Chu Tian, several flags insert on Hellfire in abundance. 楚天的指示之下,几根阵旗纷纷插在地狱火身上。 Hellfire whole body dense and numerous capillaries, the strength of devil lost completely, only remains a dark green skull body to belch smoke, actually linked an abyss green fire unable to burn. 地狱火浑身密密麻麻血丝,恶魔之力彻底丧失了,只剩一具墨绿色空壳躯体在冒着烟,却连一丝深渊绿火都燃不起来了。 Ices the soul palm!” “冰魄掌!” A Shen Bingyu palm in the past. 沈冰雨一掌过去。 Dark green Stone Ke is entirely still. 墨绿石壳纹丝不动。 This gadget very firm! 这玩意儿非常的坚固啊! Chu Tian shouts: This body you cannot break, do not manage its outer covering, Hellfire devil within the body has a devil heart, is the life gate of devil, destroys it!” 楚天喊道:“这躯壳你打不破,不要管它的外壳,地狱火恶魔体内有一颗恶魔心脏,是恶魔的命门,摧毁它!” Shen Bingyu observes by dark green Stone Ke, the Hellfire devil body central location, really has one group of likely values of heart according to some rule beat, for the core of body slowly conveying capacity. 沈冰雨透过墨绿石壳观察,地狱火恶魔身体中央位置,确有一团像心脏瓣按照某种规律跳动,为身体缓缓输送能量的核心。 Do not kill me!” The Hellfire devil releases an energetic wave: I am your servant!” “别杀我!”地狱火恶魔释放出一股精神波:“我做你的奴仆!” Nangong Yun and Feng Caidie are startled. 南宫云风彩蝶都是一惊。 Hellfire devil so strength, if restores the prosperous strength, perhaps above three Monarch, if can use for humanity, that inevitably is a strong goon. 地狱火恶魔如此力量,若是恢复鼎盛的实力,恐怕更在三君之上,若是能够为人类所用的话,那必然是一尊超强的打手。 „Does my meeting believe an abyss devil?” Chu Tian lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, remains unmoved slightly: Begins!” “我会信一只深渊恶魔?”楚天冷冷一笑,丝毫不为所动:“动手!” Shen Bingyu releases massive snowflake Source Spirit, condenses a giant incomparable ice cone, pierces the implication life strength at the scene the heart of devil. 沈冰雨释放出大量雪花元魂,凝聚成一根巨大无比冰锥,当场就洞穿蕴含生命力量的恶魔之心。 No!” “不!” The Hellfire devil is miserable. 地狱火恶魔惨嚎。 A rock outer covering cuns (2.5cm) collapse, just likes the building block loses the support, collapses instantaneously place quarry stone. 岩石外壳寸寸崩溃,犹如积木失去支撑,瞬间倒塌成一地乱石。 Died! 死了! This incomparably hard to deal with including the monster that Three Marquis is unable to cope with, dies under Chu Tian arrangement Array unexpectedly. Although kills the Hellfire devil, four people were also exhausted, exhausts Source Energy including Shen Bingyu, almost lost the battle efficiency. 这无比难缠连三侯都无法对付的怪物,竟死在楚天布置的阵法之下。虽然杀死地狱火恶魔,四人也都已经精疲力竭,连沈冰雨都耗尽元力,几乎都已经丧失战斗力。 „Did it die?” “它死了?” We won!” “我们赢了!” We won unexpectedly!” “我们竟然赢了!” Father knows that will be certainly proud for us!” “父亲知道一定会为我们骄傲的!” Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie and Yun Yao excited cheers. 南宫云风彩蝶云瑶都激动的欢呼起来。 Although merely is auxiliary, but incomparably formidable Hellfire devil, was destroyed completely in their several individual hands, everybody will be exceptionally proud! 虽然仅仅是辅助,但是无比强大地狱火恶魔,在她们几个人手里被灭掉,无论是谁都会感到无比自豪的! The small fox licks the claw, is swinging the furry big tail. 小狐狸舔舔爪子,正摇着毛茸茸的大尾巴。 That two sparkling eye is staring at the Hellfire corpse. 那两只亮晶晶眼睛盯着地狱火尸体。 Suddenly both eyes dodge. 突然双目一闪。 The small fox puts out a devil wood person, carries the wooden figurine with two small claw in the hand, it jumps to the Hellfire corpse on, shaking of effort wooden figurine. 小狐狸吐出一个小木人,用两个小爪子把木人端在手里,它跳到地狱火尸体上,用力的晃晃木人。 Purple thing, flutters a repeatedly from Hellfire within the body. 一屡屡紫色东西,从地狱火体内飘出。 Nangong Yun asked with amazement: „Is this little thing doing?” 南宫云惊讶问:“这小东西在干什么?”
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