MT :: Volume #3

#220: Tempts the enemy

When Three Marquis and abyss devil launches struggles hard, Chu Tian left the white jade city dozens kilometers, the back white jade city direction actually fiercely erupts a wild aura, just likes tidal one embezzles here that comes. 三侯与深渊恶魔展开苦战时,楚天已经离开白玉城几十公里,背后白玉城方向却猛地爆发出一股狂暴气息,犹如汹涌而至的潮水般一下吞没这里。 Hissing hissing!” “嘶嘶!” Several people of warhorses lose control immediately frightened, crazy scurries about in the lawn, several people of waste good strength, finally warhorse controlling. 几人战马顿时受惊失控,正疯狂在草地乱窜起来,几人废好一番力气,总算把战马给控制住了。 At this time an urban direction green column of flame shot up to the sky, the most piece sky was covered by the green fire. 这时城市方向一道绿色火柱冲天而起,大半片天空都被绿火覆盖了。 The innumerable small meteorites keep crashing like the raindrop, even if separated by that far distance still to have the tremors, the fearful scene is magnificent to shock. 无数小陨石就像雨点般不停坠落,哪怕相隔那么远的距离依然能有震感,可怕的场面非常壮观而震撼。 My God, that is anything!” “我的天,那是什么!” When Nangong Yun turns head to look, a gigantic monster stone shoots up to the sky following the column of flame, afterward layer on layer pounds to fall in a direction. 南宫云回头望去时,正一颗硕大妖石顺着火柱冲天而起,随后又朝着一个方向重重砸落。 Thump! 咚! The earth shakes! 大地又是一震! Some huge and ancient evil strength erupts unceasingly, Three Marquis was hard to imagine the monster that to hit with one obviously. 某种庞大而又古老邪恶力量不断喷发,三侯显然与一头难以想象的怪物打起来了。 It seems like not mistakenly.” Chu Tian saw that monster stone crashes and looks at the everywhere hot rain, both eyes flashes through an unusual appearance, has almost been able to affirm: This is name Hellfire the element abyss devil, is in abyss world one type the inferior devil variety.” “看来不会错了。”楚天见到妖石坠落又看着漫天火雨,双目闪过一丝异样神采,几乎已经可以肯定:“这是一种叫做‘地狱火’的元素深渊恶魔,是深渊世界一种中下等的恶魔品种。” Inferior devil?” Yun Yao is a little hard to imagine: How in this inferior devil will have such strong strength!” “中下等的恶魔?”云瑶有点难以想象:“这中下等的恶魔怎么会有这么强的力量!” „The life of abyss world, is not this small country can imagine.” Chu Tian spoke of here to stop, „the life life of Hellfire devil was glorious, in the long years through swallowed plundering to grow unceasingly. If grows tens of thousands years of Hellfire, then can destroy completely entire Southern Summer Country easily.” “深渊世界的生命,不是这种小国能想象的。”楚天说到这里停顿一下,“地狱火恶魔的生命寿命非常悠久,漫长岁月中通过不断吞噬掠夺来成长。若是一只成长几万年的地狱火,那么轻易就能灭掉整个南夏国。” Yun Yao asked: „Is this strength how is it?” 云瑶问:“这一只实力怎么样?” Chu Tian looks to look at an urban direction, according to my estimation should the millenniums be less, strengthens the line to surmount the other dimension crack again, now the vitality has damaged severely, the opportunity that otherwise we escape will not have.” 楚天望看一眼城市方向,“据我估计应该千年不到吧,再加强行跨越位面裂缝,现在已经元气大伤了,否则我们连逃命的机会都不会有。” In Feng Caidie heart one tight, was worried for the father: „Should that be what to do good?” 风彩蝶心中一紧,不禁替父亲担心:“那该怎么办才好?” Three Marquis definitely hits this only Hellfire, but can persist in also consuming its strength some time, we must make the best use of the time now.” After Chu Tian the warhorse comforts, immediately toward the east side continues to go forward, you follow me!” 三侯肯定是打不过这只地狱火的,不过能坚持一段时间并且消耗它的力量,我们现在必须抓紧时间。”楚天把战马安抚好以后,立刻朝东侧继续前进,“你们跟我走!” Also goes forward for several minutes. 又前进几分钟。 A small basin appears in field of vision 一个小盆地出现在视野里 A mature beautiful black clothed woman waited there for some time, in her hand is grasping several long flags, each flag by the material plan of red light emission in Source Energy Array, some energy seemed suppressed, momentarily can release. 一位成熟美丽的黑衣女人等候多时,她手里握着十几根长长的阵旗,每一面旗帜都以红色发光的物质绘制上了元力阵,某种能量似乎被压制在其中,随时都能够释放出来。 Well? Isn't this Auntie Shen?” Nangong Yun is a little accidental: You how here!” “咦?这不是沈姨吗?”南宫云有点意外:“你怎么在这里!” Chu Tian asked: „Did a flag bury?” 楚天则问道:“阵旗埋好了吗?” Shen Bingyu nods: All deferred to your request cloth to be good!” 沈冰雨点点头:“全都按照你的要求布好了!” The flag, as the name suggests, is used for lineup one stage prop, will start probably widely to be used in next several thousand years. 阵旗,顾名思义,用来布阵的一种道具,大概在未来几千年才开始广泛被使用了。 The flag is first Source Energy Array beforehand the seal in the flag, when must use, only need insert toward the ground the flag, unties in a flag the strength of seal, Source Energy Array can spread out all over instantaneously. 阵旗是先将一个元力阵事先封印在旗内,当要使用的时候,只需将旗子往地面一插,解开阵旗里封印的力量,一个元力阵瞬间就能铺展开来。 The flag lineup, facilitates quickly, which inserts can where form Source Energy Array, will not receive the terrain and environmental constraint, mostly the matrix flag and Talisman are the disposable consumables. 阵旗布阵,方便快捷,插哪就能在哪里形成元力阵,不会受到地形和环境约束,大多数阵旗和符箓都是一次性的消耗品。 Chu Tian altogether manufactures 14 area array flags, four sides large array of flag ** in mountain valley four directions, another ten small flags by the Shen Bingyu belt on body. 楚天一共制作14面阵旗,四面大型阵旗**在山谷四方,另外十面小阵旗则被沈冰雨带在身上。 Chu Tian nods, was good, everybody starts to get ready, we must spell, hoping Array can be effective!” 楚天点点头,“好了,各位开始准备,我们要拼上一把,希望阵法能奏效!” Yun Yao is half believing and half doubting: Abyss devil is so formidable, can Array have the effect?” 云瑶将信将疑:“深渊恶魔这么强大,一个阵法能够有效果吗?” This set of Array thinks the blood manufacture, suppresses the weak abyss devil with strength of the Spiritual God, I think that should have more than enough to spare.” Chu Tian looks is thundering shocking city, „after Hellfire and Three Marquis fight, the strength will also consume greatly, this can further increase our stratagem which ensures success!” “这套阵法是用神血制作的,借一丝神灵之力来压制虚弱的深渊恶魔,我想应该是绰绰有余了。”楚天望着轰鸣震天的城池,“地狱火三侯交手之后,力量也会消耗巨大,这能进一步增加我们的胜算!” Feng Caidie asked: Here is quite far with the white jade city distance, how can we direct the devil?” 风彩蝶则问道:“这里与白玉城距离相当远,我们要怎么样把恶魔引过来呢?” This did not need to be worried, I have sent out the bait.” “这就不用担心了,我已派出了诱饵。” Bait?” “诱饵?” Three talented people discovered that has lain on the Chu Family shoulder, almost with the small fox that Chu Tian is always together, does not know when left! 三个人才发现那条一直趴在楚家肩膀上,几乎跟楚天形影不离的小狐狸,不知何时已经离开了! ............ ………… Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! Strength too terrifying of Hellfire devil, strikes to rumble every time the ground a big hole. 地狱火恶魔的力量太恐怖,每击都将地面轰出一个大坑。 Under Sanzhou Allied armies the thorough rout, most cavalry soldiers lost control, finally extinguishes by the demon soldier and flame devil kills, minority luck good outside self-satisfied escape to going out of town. 三洲联军已经彻底溃败,绝大多数骑兵失控之下,最终被魔兵和火焰恶魔灭杀,少数运气好冲出城外得意逃命。 „The seal of black ink!” “墨之封印!” The Hellfire devil chases down in the Three Marquis process, steps on carelessly in beach ink material, these jet black such as the ability of black ink looks like the ant to move instantaneously the crawling full whole body immediately, forms tadpole tiny Rune, Hellfire flame immediately the gloomy integral, seemed suppressed by a seal strength. 地狱火恶魔追杀三侯过程中,不慎踩在一滩墨水般的物质中,这些漆黑如墨的能力顿时像蚂蚁搬瞬间爬满全身,形成一道道蝌蚪般细小的符文,地狱火身上火焰顿时暗淡积分,似乎被一股封印力量镇压住了。 Frozen arrow!” “冰封之箭!” Golden Arrow Marquis seizes the chance to draw the ripple fire several crystal blue rays, just likes several bunches of lasers falls above the Hellfire devil huge body, the massive cold air will shortly spread with the solid ice. 金箭候趁机拉开弓连射数道晶蓝光芒,犹如几束激光般落在地狱火恶魔庞大身躯之上,大量寒气伴随着坚冰顷刻蔓延开来。 Roar! 吼! The Hellfire devil explodes the roar! 地狱火恶魔爆吼! The whole body green fire surges upward, the solid ice splits shatter, the black mark evaporates entirely, has almost not come under any influence, the right fist condenses the compression roaring flame, ejects a giant fireball to pound directly to three people. 浑身绿火高涨,坚冰破碎裂开,黑色印记统统蒸发,几乎没有受到任何影响,右拳凝聚起压缩烈焰,直接抛出一个巨大火球向三人砸去。 Hurricane impact!” “飓风冲击!” Divine Wind Marquis lifts both hands, violent hurricane erupts, the fireball direct ignition hurricane, the flame will shortly swallow. Three Marquis was raised to fly by the hot flame crest, the injury was getting more and more serious, moreover Source Energy surplus are not many. 神风候抬起双手,一股猛烈飓风爆发出来,火球直接点燃飓风,火焰顷刻吞噬过来。三侯被火焰波掀飞出去,伤势已经越来越严重,而且元力也剩余不多了。 Even if abyss devil extremely feeble, has to surmount the Awakened Soul level the strength, although the style is that violent, but still the remaining most strengths, are not the strength of Three Marquis can contend! 深渊恶魔哪怕极度虚弱,也具备超越魂醒级的实力,虽然招式都是那么猛烈,但是依然残余大多数力量,绝不是三侯之力能够抗衡! Tries harder again!” “再加把劲!” The Divine Wind Marquis green long gown scorched, covered with blood that the both arms skin burns, a long hair is scattered, it can be said that unprecedented distress, but he has still not given up. 神风候青色长袍都已经烧焦,双臂皮肤都烧的血肉模糊,一头长发更是稀稀落落,可以说是前所未有的狼狈,但是他依然没有放弃。 If this time cannot eliminate devil. 若此次不能消灭恶魔。 Southern Summer Country not only forever loses the place of Thunder State, moreover abyss devil full of wisdom, becomes second nature cruelly, plundering becomes second nature, slaughters becomes second nature, this will be a huge hidden danger! 南夏国非但永远丧失雷州之地,而且深渊恶魔是有智慧的,残忍成性,掠夺成性,杀戮成性,这将会是一个巨大的隐患! Western Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis could not support. 四方候金箭候都支撑不住了。 Feng Yuntian, you actually want to do!” Some Shangguan Hong angers reprimanded: „The strength of this monster is too strong, only three Monarch arrive at the side to have some stratagem which ensures success!” 风云天,你到底想干什么!”上官泓有些愤怒斥责道:“这个怪物的实力太强,唯有三君亲临方有一些胜算!” Golden Arrow Marquis produces draws back intent: We cannot make senseless sacrifice!” 金箭候都产生退意:“我们不能做无谓牺牲!” Divine Wind Marquis unemotionally: Must draw back you to draw back, I must draw out it!” 神风候面无表情:“要退你们退,我必须将它引出成去!” The word finishes. 言毕。 Divine Wind Marquis soars, several wind edges chop to Hellfire, Hellfire devil angry bellowing, these small and weak other dimension biology too damn, not only hinders it to recover, moreover harasses to keep like the fly! 神风候腾空而起,几道风刃劈向地狱火,地狱火恶魔愤怒的大吼,这些弱小的位面生物实在太可恶了,非但妨碍它恢复元气,而且像苍蝇一样骚扰个不停! Is the other dimension biology so stupid? 难道位面生物都这么愚蠢吗? Knew perfectly well that the attack cannot break including the defense, regardless of does many again diligently is the futile efforts, harassment that actually still always enjoys...... This brings about own destruction simply! 明知攻击连防御都打不破,无论做再多努力都是徒劳,却依然乐此不疲的骚扰……这简直是自寻死路! Since you must die! 既然你们要死! That helps you! 那就成全你们吧! So long as swallows you several strengths, I will become more formidable! 只要吞噬你们几个的力量,我将变得更加强大! The Hellfire devil erupts a stronger strength, the strong winds attack raindrop brashly raids! 地狱火恶魔爆发出更强的力量,狂风骤雨般的攻击似雨点般袭来! Could not block!” “挡不住了!” Withdraw!” “撤!” Western Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis decide to retreat. 四方候金箭候决定撤退。 Divine Wind Marquis still insisted, finally departs the white jade city time, the Hellfire devil pursues, but, that combustion body hits in the city wall, the white jade city firm East city wall avalanche, was dislodged a big gap by Hellfire loudly, 神风候则依然坚持,终于飞出白玉城的时候,地狱火恶魔追赶而至,那燃烧身体撞在城墙上,白玉城坚固的东城墙轰然崩塌,被地狱火撞出一个大缺口, Source Energy is almost about to exhaust! 元力几乎快耗尽了! Divine Wind Marquis also reached the limit. 神风候也已经到了极限。 The Hellfire devil to coming into sight to come. 地狱火恶魔已经冲到眼前来。 It is not good! 不好! This time at a crucial moment, suddenly together the ash-gray smog presents the front, turns into a adorable miniature small arctic fox suddenly. 这个千钧一发时刻,突然一道灰色烟雾出现面前,骤然化成一只可爱迷你的小白狐。 The small arctic fox jumps to the Hellfire facial countenance on, fiercely to a Hellfire inspiration! 小白狐跳到地狱火头脸上,猛地对地狱火一吸气! Hellfire flame leaves the body in abundance, all of a sudden suction by the small fox most. 地狱火身上火焰纷纷离开身体,被小狐狸一下子吸走大半。 Is the Chu Tian fox!” “是楚天的狐狸!” Divine Wind Marquis has not thought that he will have been rescued a life by the common fox. 神风候万万没有想到,自己会被不起眼狐狸救了一命。 The procedure of small arctic fox like an abnormal lovelace, suddenly throws to the young girl face on kisses one to be the same, how could doesn't the Hellfire devil fly into a rage? 小白狐的做法就像一个变态色魔,突然扑到少女脸上强吻一口一样,地狱火恶魔岂能不勃然大怒? Bang! 砰! The Hellfire devil spouts an abyss green fire from the mouth. 地狱火恶魔从嘴里喷出一股深渊绿火。 Finally the fox personal appearance dodges, immediately appears in the Hellfire devil back, is attracting to Hellfire, Hellfire flame dissipates again some. 结果狐狸身形一闪,立刻在地狱火恶魔后背出现,又对着地狱火一吸,地狱火身上的火焰再消散一些。 Roar roar!” “吼吼!” Hellfire was enraged thoroughly. 地狱火彻底被激怒了。 It gives up Divine Wind Marquis directly, the whole body whips the fox that this only scurries about. 它直接放弃神风候,浑身拍打这只乱窜的狐狸。 Divine Wind Marquis seizing the chance imperial wind the line, the fast backlash, in the heart sighed frequently: I to the limit, then looked your!” 神风候趁机御风而行,快速的后退,心中常常一叹:“我已经到极限了,接下来就看你的了!” Hellfire devil whole body flame erupts at several fold intensity, flame giant who almost turns into a fierce combustion. 地狱火恶魔浑身火焰以数倍强度喷发,几乎变成一个剧烈燃烧的火焰巨人。 The small fox has no way to stop over, immediately wants to turn head to sneak off. 小狐狸没法落脚,立刻想要扭头开溜。 The Hellfire intelligence quotient is not freely high, actually also knows that the small fox lures the enemy out of his stronghod, its urgent matter restores the strength, not having the time to pester with this ants, while it the strength recovery body, prepares to return to the white jade city time. 地狱火智商尽管不高,却也知道小狐狸是调虎离山,它的当务之急是恢复实力,没有时间跟这个蝼蚁纠缠,正当它把力量回收体内,准备返回白玉城的时候。 The small fox 2-3 pursue to attract. 小狐狸三两下追上来又是一吸。 Hellfire violent anger like thunder. 地狱火暴怒如雷。 This biological strength is not strong, the ability of absorbed energy, is makes the tooth that Hellfire hates itchy. Small fox absorption strength is not high, light depends on this means unable to kill Hellfire, actually looks like a damn hornet to be repugnant, often coming up hibernation of insects, loathful! 这个生物实力不强,吸收能量的能力,却是让地狱火恨的牙痒痒。小狐狸吸收强度不高,光靠这种办法是杀不死地狱火的,却像一只该死的黄蜂般讨厌,动不动就上来蛰一下,让人讨厌! Good! 好吧! First patted you to say again! 先拍死你再说! Hellfire gives up chasing down the Divine Wind Marquis three people, pursues the small fox to hit all over. 地狱火放弃追杀神风候三人,漫山遍野追着小狐狸打。 The small fox like this is bringing Hellfire, crossed two hillsides fully, finally in Small Valley anchored. 小狐狸就这样带着地狱火,整整翻过两座山坡,终于一个小山谷里停住了。 Actually the small fox flickers to move to move continuously fast is not the infinite use, it at this moment, was very exhausted. 其实小狐狸连续快速瞬移挪动也不是无限使用的,此时此刻的它,已经十分疲惫了。 Hellfire also feels the fennec roll-of-yaw weakly. 地狱火也感觉到小狐速变得虚弱。 Repugnant fellow! 讨厌的家伙! You can die! 你可以死了! Hellfire steps forward one step, must stamp the small fox. 地狱火跨出一步,要把小狐狸踩死的时候。 The Small Valley four directions, the raising red light beam, four scarlet law unfold in the mountain valley suddenly, happen to overlapped on Hellfire, 小山谷四个方向,突然升起红色光束,四个猩红法阵在山谷内铺开,正好重叠在了地狱火身上, Source Energy Array that in these sets of flags releases, its strength mutually overlapping, just likes the spider web, turns round on the Hellfire devil, that blood red filament directly fetters Hellfire, making the flame of his body rapid. 这几套阵旗中释放出的元力阵,其力量互相交叉,犹如蜘蛛网般,覆在地狱火恶魔身上,那一根根血红的细丝就直接把地狱火束缚住,让他身体的火焰迅速虚弱。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Hellfire devil in great surprise! 地狱火恶魔大惊! This strength not strong...... Can suppress it unexpectedly! 这股力量不强……竟然能镇压住它!
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