MT :: Volume #3

#219: Invincible

Who strikes the first blow has the advantage! 先下手为强! Divine Wind Marquis starts the hurricane to soar, a both hands show, terrifying strength, suddenly unretentive release. 神风候掀起飓风腾空而起,双手一展,恐怖力量,骤然无保留的释放出来。 Four green tornado condense forming baseless, appears in the Divine Wind Marquis whole body respectively, the enormous and powerful power and influence, by the easily accomplished imposing manner, closes up to the meteorite crater suddenly, this flash world wind and cloud changes. 四个青色龙卷风凭空凝聚成形,分别出现在神风候的周身,浩浩荡荡的威势,以摧枯拉朽般的气势,骤然向陨石坑靠拢,这一瞬间天地风云都为之变化。 Storm Source Spirit! 风暴元魂 Divine Wind Marquis takes the storm as Source Spirit! 神风候以风暴为元魂 Therefore can have one's wish the control storm! 因此能随心所欲操控风暴! Divine Wind Marquis lifts in the hands is storm, by attack range, by mammoth, is violent by the attack, when is the head of eight marquises! 神风候抬手间就是一场风暴,论攻击范围,论声势浩大,论攻击猛烈,当属八侯之首! The only flaw is, is too formidable because of the destructive power, Divine Wind Marquis does not have the means to fight for a long time, no matter facing what conveniently, he must whole-heartedly, in order to finish the fight directly most in a short time. 唯一缺陷就是,正因破坏力太强大,神风候是没有办法长时间战斗,所以不管面对什么样的随手,他必须直接全力以赴,以求最短时间内结束战斗。 That concentrates not the loose green flame to be extracted by the strong strength, is draining at the extremely quick speed by the tornado is brought to the midair, is four blue black dragon volumes, finally suddenly turns into four flame Dragon Juan, that strange abyss green fire releases the intense ray, lets the dim world by well-illuminated of photo. 那凝而不散的绿色火焰被强劲力量抽取,正在以极快速度流失被龙卷风带到半空中,本来是四个青黑色的龙卷,结果眨眼间就变成四个火焰龙卷,那诡异深渊绿火释放出强烈光芒,让昏暗天地都被照的一片通亮。 Goes!” “去!” Four wild tornado gather mutually in together, congeal unexpectedly huger super tornado, the innumerable green abyss fire was led by the storm, changes to together the earthshaking rough sea waves suddenly, pats maliciously to a front big piece of demon soldier. 四道狂暴龙卷风互相汇聚在一起,竟然凝结成一个更加庞大的超级龙卷风,无数绿色深渊火被暴风带动,骤然化作一道惊天动地的巨浪,狠狠向前方一大片魔兵拍下去。 In an instant! 刹那间! The earth was burnt to melt a huge scar! 大地被烧融出一个巨大疤痕! The hundreds of demon soldiers were decomposed in abyss green fire irrelevant, almost the ashes could not find including the dregs. 数以百计魔兵在深渊绿火中被支离分解,几乎灰烬连渣都找不到了。 Western Marquis and God Arrow Marquis secret heart startled, Divine Wind Marquis lives in seclusion for many years in Central State, as if became compares was more formidable before, the energy in this casual getting rid meteorite crater eliminated part, now is to destroy the good opportunity of monster stone. 四方候神箭候暗暗心惊,神风候中州隐居多年,似乎变得比以前更强大,这随便一出手陨石坑里的能量剥夺一部分,现在就是摧毁妖石的好机会。 Heart's Eye opens! 心眼开! Golden Arrow Marquis locks monster stone position with Heart's Eye, pulls open the golden color to fight a bow arrow whirlwind to shoot to enter, this abyss green fire is extremely strange, is overbearing than the ordinary flame hundred times. 金箭候心眼锁定妖石位置,拉开金色战弓一支箭飚射而入,这深渊绿火极其诡异,比普通火焰更霸道百倍。 Ordinary flame incinerator object has a process of proceeding in an orderly way, in the abyss green fire contains the formidable being disillusioned strength, when object by abyss green fire surrounding instantaneous, first will tear to decompose rapidly, was swallowed burning down. 普通火焰焚烧物体是有一个循序渐进的过程,深渊绿火中却蕴含强大破灭力量,当物体被深渊绿火包围瞬间,先会迅速撕裂分解,接着才被吞噬焚烧。 For example the steel and iron falls into together. 比如一块钢铁掉进其中。 The steel and iron cannot be melted by the fever from outside to inside gradually. 钢铁不会由外至内被被渐渐烧融。 It will be torn to stand by one first first formidable, beside was ground the powder by, this process was being burnt down thoroughly! 它会先先被一股强大撕扯立,由内之外被碾碎成粉末,这个过程在被彻底焚毁! When the arrow shoots the meteorite crater, immediately tears to vibrate! 当箭一射进陨石坑,立刻就撕扯而抖动起来! Naturally, Golden Arrow Marquis cannot be underestimated, the arrow body high-speed rotation gets up, a great power melts the surrounding four evacuations, chisels the channel stiffly, hits the monster stone in meteorite crater instantaneously. 当然,金箭候不容小觑,箭身高速自转起来,一股强大力量化解周围四撤离,从中硬生生凿开通道,瞬间击中陨石坑里的妖石。 Ka! 咔咔! The dark green monster stone surface innumerable fissures distribute. 墨绿妖石表面无数裂痕分布开来。 Has the effect!” Western Marquis Shangguan Hong sees this vision to move: Comes an arrow again, the crushing monster stone!” “有效果!”四方候上官泓见此目光一动:“再来一箭,击碎妖石!” Golden Arrow Marquis just prepared to draw, the earth vibration sways, the meteorite crater center erupts a fluctuation of energy of terrifying suddenly, a green flame impact wave direction erupts in all directions. The abyss green fire has spread place, the stone wooden land was decomposed tears into shreds, afterward was fired the ashes in the flame. 金箭候刚刚准备拉弓,大地震动摇晃起来,陨石坑的中央骤然爆发出一股恐怖的能量波动,一股绿色的火焰冲击波向四面八方爆发出来。深渊绿火蔓延过的地方,无论是石木土地被分解撕碎,随后在火焰中被烧成灰烬。 Very strong strength!” The Divine Wind Marquis complexion changes: Be careful!” “好强的力量!”神风候脸色一变:“小心!” Lets I'm coming!” “让我来!” The Western Marquis Shangguan Hong long pen spear|gun condenses Source Energy, originally sharp such as the tip of lance point, becomes softens instantaneously, just likes catches a black ink. 四方候上官泓长长笔枪凝聚元力,本来锋利如枪尖的笔锋,瞬间变得软化,犹如染上一层墨。 He draws a huge circular arc void! 他虚空画出一个巨大圆弧! Erupted, but abyss green fire, just likes is pulled by some strong attraction, was attracted to this circular arc in completely, was lived to the seal by the Western Marquis strength! 本来爆发而出深渊绿火,犹如被某种超强吸引力拉扯,全部被吸到这个圆弧里面,被四方候的力量给封印住了! On giving up study black ink of government authorities is firm! 上官家的绝学墨牢! Shangguan Hong draws one to be able barrier of absorbed energy, not only can absorb almost any energy attack, can the energy high density compression, and rebounding, this is very fierce one giving up study. 上官泓画出一个能吸收能量的结界,非但能够吸收几乎任何能量攻击,更能将能量高密度压缩,并且给反弹回去,这是非常厉害的一种绝学。 At this moment! 此时此刻! Endless abyss green fire reduces condensation, almost turns into a head big ball, the surface is a jet black black ink, under the Western Marquis strength crazy release, the head big energy ball turns into the fist size, the energy condensability achieves the extreme, soon tore including the surrounding air. 无尽深渊绿火压缩成凝聚,几乎变成一个头颅大的球,表面是一层漆黑的墨,四方候力量疯狂释放之下,头颅大的能量球变成拳头大小,能量凝缩达到极点,连周围空气都快要撕裂了。 Western Marquis bellows with Source Energy: Ball goes back!” 四方候元力一荡大吼:“弹回去!” The jet black energy ball vibrates several, seems very heavy, was promoted several meters merely slowly, stops unexpectedly in the midair, the overbearing strengths corrode outer layer black ink to be firm unceasingly, in the massive fissures blooms the dazzling ray, the jet black energy ball turned into the dark green little, moreover blows up many bulge, the build also becomes more and more greatly, just likes a bulk anomalous tumor. 漆黑能量球抖动几下,仿佛无比沉重,仅仅被缓慢推出几米,竟然就停在半空中,有一股霸道力量不断腐蚀外层墨牢,大量裂痕中绽放出刺眼光芒,本来漆黑能量球一点点变成墨绿色,而且鼓起很多凸起,体型也变得越来越大,犹如一大块不规则的肿瘤。 What's the matter?!” “怎么回事?!” Shangguan Hong square inch chaos, are unable to suppress this strength. 上官泓方寸大乱,无法压制这股力量了。 The energy ball becomes more and more greatly, the fissure quantity also becomes more and more. 能量球变得越来越大,裂痕数量也变得越来越多。 An intermittent vigorous strength fluctuation, the 1st Layer review puts, making people feel the palpitation! 一阵阵蓬勃的力量波动,正一重重释放出来,让人感到心悸! „It is not good!” Divine Wind Marquis yelled: Draws back quickly!” “不好!”神风候大叫:“快退!” Divine Wind Marquis both hands transform the long strong wind from afar whip, instantaneously after Golden Arrow Marquis and Western Marquis cling, entrains. 神风候双手幻化长长风鞭,瞬间把金箭候四方候卷住后拽。 Bang!” “轰!” In terrifying fulmination. 恐怖的爆鸣中。 Shangguan Hong explodes with the abyss green fire of barrier seal, that strength direct ground deeply gouges a bulk, in the surroundings crushed stone was involved to rip the powder, finally thoroughly was burnt for the ashes. 上官泓结界封印的深渊绿火重新爆开来,那力量直接地面深深剜去一大块,周围碎石纷纷被卷入里撕成粉末,最后又被彻底焚为灰烬。 Dark green flame soars, just likes a giant mushroom, goes against in the white jade city suddenly splits open spatially! 一股墨绿色火焰腾空而起,犹如一朵巨大蘑菇,骤然在白玉城顶空绽开! Three Marquis was hit by the complementary waves, all falls to the ruins, everyone corners of the mouth overflow the blood. 三侯都被余波击中,全都落到废墟当中,每个人嘴角都溢出血。 Roar roar roar!” “吼吼吼!” At this time the meteorite crater resounded angry and manic roaring! 这时陨石坑响起一阵愤怒而又狂躁的咆哮! Suddenly another huge green column of flame shoots up to the sky, this strength compared with just also wanted big ten times, just likes a supporting-heaven pillar, inserts the low and deep cloud layer instantaneously, the vault of heaven seems lit, maps a set directly glossy dark green. 突然又一道巨大绿色火柱冲天而起,这股力量比刚刚还要大十倍,犹如一根擎天柱般,瞬间插进低沉的云层,天穹仿佛都被点燃,直接映成一片油绿。 Bad! 糟了! Three big marquis complexion big changes! 三大侯爷脸色大变! Devil strength compared with imagination in also strong, moreover is not strong little, is not they can resist simply, this devil goes far beyond the Awakened Soul level absolutely the strength! 恶魔实力比想象中还强,而且不是强一点点,简直就不是他们能对抗的,这恶魔绝对远远超过魂醒级的实力! Southern Xia eight marquises strength Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak Expert! 南夏八侯实力不过魂醒九重巅峰的强者啊! If encounters above Awakened Soul Realm formidable existence, only then the characters of three Monarch levels can contend, let alone this devil demonstrated the power and influence and strength that may also want on strongly to accumulate several points compared with three Monarch! 若遭遇魂醒境以上的强大存在,只有三君级的人物才能够抗衡,更何况这恶魔展示出来的威势和力量,有可能比三君还要强上积几分! Hissing hissing! 嘶嘶! When the pressure erupts. 当威压喷发出来的时候。 Inside or outside the city, the warhorses of all cavalry soldiers, were all frightened, immediately sends the alienation to jump, the cavalry soldier team collapsed completely, entire randomly has become pot gruel. 无论是城内城外,所有骑兵的战马,全都受到惊吓,顿时发狂乱蹦,骑兵队伍全部崩溃了,整个已经乱成一锅粥。 In the middle of that everywhere hot cloud hears the sharp from out of the blue sound. 那漫天火云当中又传来尖利破空声。 Be careful! Meteorite shower!” “小心!陨石雨!” After that soars to the heavens the column of flame in-line vault of heaven, the innumerable giant stones give to throw into the upper air, after the giant stone stains the abyss green fire, just likes the raindrop is equally crazy to all directions the bang to pound. 那冲天火柱直插天穹后,无数巨石都给抛到高空,巨石沾上深渊绿火之后,犹如雨点一样疯狂向四面八方轰砸下来。 Several ride in the war disasters flushing process, 十几个骑兵乱冲过程中, Suddenly thought that the earth turns into the green! 突然觉得大地变成绿色! When knights Qi Qi looks up, all shows with amazement the expression, a diameter zhang (3.33 m) combustion giant stone, turns toward their center to fall directly. 当骑士们齐齐抬头看去,全露出骇然表情,一块直径丈余的燃烧巨石,直接向着他们中央落下。 The warhorse lost control! 战马已经失控! They do not have the means evasion! 他们根本没办法回避! Thump! 咚! The earth vibrated maliciously also creates a combustion the big hole, the cavalry soldier escapes without enough time is killed. 大地狠狠震动并且造成一个燃烧的大坑,骑兵来不及逃命就都被干掉了。 Afterward, the monster that green flame transforms, has stood from the big hole center, its body is the flame composition, does not have corpse material, plunges nearby cavalry soldier instantaneously, lights with horse, fires the hard coke at the scene. 随后,一头绿色火焰幻化成的怪物,从大坑中央站了起来,它的身体都是火焰组成,没有一丝尸体物质,瞬间扑向附近一个骑兵,连人带马都点燃,当场烧成焦炭。 The massive combustion giant stones pound unceasingly to all around. 大量燃烧巨石不断砸向四周。 Each giant stone has pounded the place, drills a flame devil from inside! 每一块巨石砸过的地方,从里面都钻出一个火焰恶魔! The flame devil simply does not have the entity, is completely invalid with the weapon attack, is the thorough element life, they can float void, but can also change various shapes the body, almost every spot can turn into the weapon...... This monster is too formidable, even if Illustrious Soul level humanity is very difficult is his match. 火焰恶魔根本没有实体,用兵器攻击完全无效,是彻彻底底元素生命,他们能够虚空漂浮,还能把身体变化各种形状,几乎每一个部位都能变成武器……这种怪物太强大,哪怕是显魂级人类都很难是其对手。 Damn!” “该死!” Scene lost control!” “场面失控了!” Divine Wind Marquis wields the tornado to be involved to twist together broken 34 flame devils, however after and other tornado diverged, in the midair scatters the flame that has not extinguished to gather, turns into two flame devils, only kills 1-2! 神风候挥出一道龙卷风把34个火焰恶魔卷入绞碎,然而等龙卷风散去以后,半空中飘散尚未熄灭的火焰重新聚集起来,又变成两只火焰恶魔,只干掉一两只而已! This monster stone also in summon devil! The quantity were getting more and more! We must destroy this monster stone, otherwise the consequence is dreadful!” “这妖石还在召唤恶魔!数量越来越多了!我们必须打碎这块妖石,否则后果不堪设想!” These many terrifying devils. 这么多恐怖的恶魔。 The strength of Three Marquis is also hard to eliminate! 三侯之力也难以消灭! If they wreak havoc in Thunder State, that is really a world catastrophe! 它们要是在雷州肆虐开来,那真是一场人间浩劫! Divine Wind Marquis releases four tornado, revolves regarding three people around unceasingly, the green hot devil that all attempts to approach, all attracting to twist the innumerable fragments by the tornado. 神风候释放出四个龙卷风,围绕着三人周围不断旋转,所有妄图靠近的绿火恶魔,无不被龙卷风给吸进去绞成无数碎片。 Golden Arrow Marquis draws to seek for the monster stone. 金箭候拉开弓想去寻找妖石。 Currently only has the crushing monster stone, has a slim chance of survival. 现在唯有击碎妖石,方有一线生机。 What the result has not thought that the meteorite crater monster stone vanished to disappear! 结果没有想到的是,陨石坑的妖石已经消失不见了! In top of the head!” “在头顶!” Three Marquis simultaneously looks up, the house huge dark green monster stone, appears in three people of top of the heads unexpectedly, obviously the column of flame erupts is when also sent to the sky. 三侯同时抬头看去,有一栋房子庞大的墨绿妖石,竟然出现在三人的头顶,显然也是被火柱喷发时送上天空的。 This broken mark full Bu monster stone, all over the body is flooding the flame, the ray is dazzling, just likes green Sun, is crashing at a terrifying speed fast. 这块碎痕满布的妖石,遍体充斥着火焰,光芒刺眼无比,犹如绿色太阳,正以一种恐怖的速度快速坠落。 Withdraw!” “撤!” Three Marquis does utmost to draw back. 三侯竭尽全力退开。 The monster stone bombardment in the ground, the entire earth vibrates, the ground presents a diameter dozens meters big hole, green flame Putian this erupts, the surroundings ruins were destroyed, only remains the big piece smooth open area. 妖石轰击在地面上,整个大地都震动起来,地面又出现一个直径几十米大坑,绿色火焰普天该地爆发开来,周围废墟都被摧毁,只剩大片平坦的空地。 Three Marquis was affected by the flame impact. 三侯被火焰冲击波及。 That strength causes not the small damage to them. 那股力量对他们造成不小创伤。 The place of monster stone crash raises a dreadful imposing manner, that monster stone internal rumbling the broken sound, the entire dark green giant stone constantly is changing the shape, splits up the body, the head and both arms, the both legs...... Finally stands from the ground! 妖石坠落之处又掀起一阵滔天气势,那妖石内部一阵轰轰的碎响,整块墨绿色巨石不断变化着形状,分化出身躯,头颅、双臂,双腿……最终从地面站立而起! When Three Marquis looks up dirtily, all was at the scene scared! 三侯灰头土脸抬头看去时,全都当场傻眼了! That giant stone turns into a complete human form, straight standing in front, it that big, has more than ten meters fully, three people of again its under feet like reptile pitiful! 那巨石化成一个完整的人形,正直挺挺的站在面前,它是那么的高大,足有十多米,三人再它的脚下像爬虫一样可怜! A monster of hearing something never heard of before! 一个闻所未闻的怪物! Is this true colors of abyss devil? 这就是深渊恶魔的真面目吗? The monster stone turns into one to burn the stone person of green fire, the interior is the flame of high density, the outer covering is the dark green stone composition, the innumerable green fires flow in within the body body surface, the great strength of momentum, terrifying of aura, is Three Marquis has not always seen. 妖石变成一尊燃烧着绿火的石头人,内部是高密度的火焰,外壳则是墨绿石头组成,无数绿火在体内体表流淌,声势之强大,气息之恐怖,是三侯平生未曾见过的。 On combustion Green Flame Giant, a wild energetic wave erupts! 燃烧的绿火巨人身上,一股狂暴的精神波爆发出来! Base and low small and weak other dimension life!” “卑微弱小的位面生命!” The Green Flame Giant both arms wield fiercely, the innumerable abyss green cremations make a lot of hot blade hot edges, exits by extremely quick speed lasing. 绿火巨人双臂猛一挥,无数深渊绿火化作千百道火刀火刃,以极快速度激射出去。 Outside territory evil spirit! Rests wildly!” Golden Arrow Marquis draws an arrow to project, changes to the dense and numerous arrow shades instantaneously, just likes the violent storm sprinkles on the monster unceasingly, dies!” “域外妖魔而已!休得猖狂!”金箭候拉弓一箭射出,瞬间化作密密麻麻箭影,犹如狂风暴雨般不断洒在怪物身上,“死吧!” Western Marquis Shangguan Hong also leaves one to fill with being disillusioned aura with the radical the tally seal, falls on Green Flame Giant directly: „The seal of death!” 四方候上官泓也用笔画出一个充满破灭气息的符印,直接落在绿火巨人身上:“死亡之印!” Wind and cloud sword song!” Divine Wind Marquis summoned a lot of Sword Qi, congealed together the great arrow with Sword Qi, the detachment of overhead to Green Flame Giant. “风云剑歌!”神风候召唤千百道剑气,用剑气凝成一道巨箭,当头向绿火巨人头上劈去。 Three Marquis does utmost strikes. 三侯竭尽全力一击。 Green Flame Giant dark green rock outer covering was hit explodes broken, that huge body is also a distortion, but is quick, outer covering spot of disruption, reply again, sends without the wound unexpectedly! 绿火巨人墨绿岩石外壳被打得爆碎,那庞大身体也是一阵扭曲,不过很快的,碎裂的外壳部位,又重新的回复过来,竟然毫发无伤! Was too strong!” “太强了!” We completely are not the matches!” “我们完全不是对手!” In the Three Marquis heart trembles, this monster seriously is unthinkable! 三侯心中都是一颤,这怪物当真是匪夷所思! Green Flame Giant releases fierce spiritual fluctuation, seems is ridiculing the other dimension biology of these Overconfident, although its strength is also far from the restoration, but grinds these tiny ground lives, actually had more than enough to spare! 绿火巨人释放出狰狞的精神波动,仿佛是在嘲笑这些不自量力位面生物,虽然它的力量还远远没有恢复,但是碾碎这些渺小地面生灵,却是绰绰有余了! Western Marquis did not have the resistance thought: Withdraw! Otherwise died!” 四方候已经没有对抗念头:“撤吧!不然就死定了!” A Golden Arrow Marquis face is unwilling, seems not better to choose: This must report three Monarch to be solved!” 金箭候一脸不甘,却似乎没有更好选择:“这必须上报三君来解决!” „It is not good!” Only has the Divine Wind Marquis fist to grip tightly, he remembered Chu Tian to say the words, this abyss devil passed through other dimension, at present is the vitality damaging severely condition, if gave it to restore again some time, perhaps three Monarch was not a match!” “不行啊!”唯有神风候拳头紧握,他想起楚天曾经说过的话,“这深渊恶魔穿过位面,目前是元气大伤状态,若再给它一段时间恢复,恐怕三君也不是对手!” That depends on us to be also useful! Remains dead!” Western Marquis does not want dead in this place. “那凭我们又有什么用!留下来就是死!”四方候不想死在这种地方。 Divine Wind Marquis clenches teeth: Most at least directs to go out of town outside!” 神风候咬着牙:“最起码引出城外!” Golden Arrow Marquis gawked: What meaning?” 金箭候愣了:“什么意思?” Does not have the time explanation!” Divine Wind Marquis shouts to them: Begins, we direct to go out of town it!” “没时间解释!”神风候对两人喊道:“动手,我们把它引出城去!”
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