MT :: Volume #3

#218: The city of death

These from exploding the speed of demon flame soldier are quick, full speed runs is not slower than the cavalry soldier many, with from exploding the forms of defensive action of release energy, makes this monster turn into the satchel charge that makes the person be awed at the sight! 这些自爆魔炎兵的速度非常快,全速奔跑不比骑兵慢多少,用自爆来释放能量的攻击方式,更让这种怪物变成一个个让人望而生畏的炸药包! Even if Expert of True Soul level were besieged bombing to be also more unfortunate than fortunate! 哪怕真魂级的强者被围攻轰炸也会凶多吉少的! Chu Tian actually dutifully leaves cavalry soldier team, raises the sword to progress, the enhanced dust several hundred meters, kill from exploding in the demon soldier directly. 楚天却义无反顾的离开骑兵队伍,提剑策马起,扬尘数百米,直接杀进自爆魔兵之中。 That build is extremely fat, the ugly monster of whole body chap, just likes the sea that turbulent sea seethe with excitement, like bloodthirsty, but the hungry wild animal discovery game, all roars to surround to four people. 那一只只体型臃肿、浑身龟裂的丑陋怪物,犹如一片汹涌海洋般沸腾的海洋,就像嗜血而饥饿的野兽发现猎物,全都怒吼着向四人包围过来。 Nangong Yun and the others the complexion changed. 南宫云等人脸色都变了。 Chu Tian raises Netherworld Sword, Sword Qi chops together, at the scene from exploding the soldier who throws cuts in half. In body of that tearing the blooming ray, the vigorous energy must release immediately, changes into giant energy fireball that inflates unceasingly erupts. 楚天扬起幽冥剑,一道剑气劈出去,当场就把一个扑来的自爆兵切成两半。那撕裂的身躯内顿时绽放光芒,蓬勃的能量就要释放而出,化为一个不断膨胀爆发的巨型能量火球。 This time at a crucial moment. 这个千钧一发时刻。 A small arctic fox jumps to attract to the energy of spout, the green fireball as if receives some hauling, turns into two rivulets instantaneously, had been pouched in the belly by the fennec. 一只小白狐跳出来对着喷涌的能量就是一吸,绿色火球仿佛受到某种牵引,瞬间变成两股细流,被小狐吞进了肚子里。 From exploding the demon flame soldier erupts the flame, besides burns links the ash oneself not to have remaining, has not created any Shanghai to several people. 自爆魔炎兵喷发出来火焰,除把自己烧得连灰都没有剩下外,没有对几人造成任何的上海。 Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie and Yun Yao see this to be suddenly enlighted, this no wonder Chu Tian is also secure, the small fox can restrain the demon flame soldier from exploding. So long as from exploding the demon flame soldier release energy must be certain density, the small fox can absorb instantaneously, making the energy reduce below the explosion critical point. 南宫云风彩蝶云瑶见此恍然大悟,这也难怪楚天有恃无恐啊,小狐狸是能克制魔炎兵自爆的。只要自爆魔炎兵释放能量须达到一定密度,小狐狸能瞬间吸取,让能量降低爆炸临界点以下。 Then from exploding turned naturally. 那么自爆就变成自然了。 The demon flame soldier fires himself ashes, is actually not able to injure to Chu Tian nobody. 魔炎兵把自己烧成灰烬,却无法伤到楚天无人。 Small fox does well!” The Nangong Yun confidence increases: Kills! Destroys completely this group of monsters entirely!” “小狐狸干得好!”南宫云信心大增:“杀呀!把这帮怪物统统灭掉!” Yun Yao controls Thunder Spirit Bead by Awakened Soul 5th Layer formidable cultivation base, blooms one after another series lightning, every time can hit several demon flame soldiers. 云瑶魂醒五重的强大修为控制雷灵珠,从中绽放出一道又一道连环闪电,每一次都能击中数只魔炎兵。 Feng Caidie starts wind and cloud sword song, innumerable Sword Qi revolve around four people, forms a guard ring. 风彩蝶更是发动风云剑歌,无数剑气在四人周围回旋,形成一个保护圈。 Demon flame soldier speed is fast, destructive power strong, his body is actually extremely frail, the defensive power almost does not have, an attack can hit to explode slightly. 魔炎兵速度快,破坏力超强,其身体却是极其脆弱,防御力几乎没有,稍微一点攻击就能打爆。 The small fox goes all out to absorb the energy, lets all the demon flame soldiers of nearness, all loses from exploding ability. 小狐狸拼命吸取能量,让所有靠近的魔炎兵,全都失去自爆的能力。 Four people straight across over a thousand from exploding demon flame soldier, just likes the sharp fruit knife cuts the watermelon to be equally easy, the place visited from exploding the demon flame soldier falls to the ground, from in within the body blowout massive flame, and periphery lights the body, formed a long death sea of fire instantaneously, instead prevented other kind of demon flame soldiers. 四人直挺挺穿过上千自爆魔炎兵,犹如锋利水果刀切进西瓜一样容易,所过之处自爆魔炎兵纷纷倒地,从体内喷出大量的火焰,把身体和周围都点燃,瞬间形成一片长长的死亡火海,反而阻挡住其他各类魔炎兵。 Continue!” “继续!” Chu Tian had several people to kill a maneuver, the demon flame soldier is annihilated one less than half, the cavalry soldier team that at this time Shangguan Feichen led already looked to disappear. 楚天带着几人又杀一个回旋,魔炎兵被消灭掉一小半了,这时上官飞尘带领的骑兵队伍早就已经看不见了。 „The surrounding demon soldier were more, we were surrounded quickly!” “周围魔兵原来越多,我们快被包围了!” I know certainly!” Chu Tian cannot continue to treat here, otherwise cannot resist numerous demon flame soldier by four person strengths: Follows me, kills.” “我当然知道!”楚天不能在这里继续待下去了,否则以四个人力量根本抵挡不住众多魔炎兵:“跟我走,杀出去。” Four people ride a horse go to the white jade east side directly. 四人骑着马直接向白玉城东侧而去。 Actually Chu Tian follows the order of Shangguan Feichen actually, reason that he will agree to constrain the demon flame soldier refreshedly, the main purpose is separated from the cavalry soldier team, this has more time and opportunities prepares. 其实楚天倒不是遵循上官飞尘的命令,他之所以会爽快同意拖住魔炎兵,主要目的是为脱离骑兵队伍,这样才有更多时间和机会去做准备。 ............ ………… Three big marquises have observed in distant place hillside, three thousand Storm Cavalry hold troops, around the white jade city the tactical situation, almost gets a panoramic view. 三大侯爷一直在远处山坡观战,三千疾风骑兵按兵不动,白玉城周围战况,几乎都是尽收眼底。 Golden Arrow Marquis heir apparent Jiang Shan pushes onward regarding the city right, naturally also encounters to massively from exploding demon flame soldier, but Jiang Shan is deep the Golden Arrow Marquis true line, archery technique is superb, even if above the horseback, can still an arrow kill the enemy beyond the kilometer. 金箭候世子江山围绕城市右侧挺进,自然也遭遇到大量的自爆魔炎兵,不过江山深得金箭候真传,一身箭法是出神入化,哪怕在马背之上,仍能一箭杀敌千米外。 Jiang Shan Source Spirit is a white jade arrow. 江山元魂是一支白玉箭。 String time, the fingertip bursts out Source Energy, forms a white jade Source Energy arrow instantaneously, is hard to distinguish the speed to shoot by the naked eye. Along with the Jiang Shan string continuously, the white jade arrow continuously projects, an arrow has not been fails, has hit completely the target. 拉弦的时候,指尖迸发元力,瞬间形成一支白玉般的元力箭,以肉眼难以分辨速度射出去。随着江山连续不断的拉弦,白玉箭就源源不断射出,没有一箭是落空的,全部都击中了目标。 When the troop wells up from exploding the soldier, two legs closely grip the horseback, Jiang Shan call loudly: Arrow preparation!” 当大群涌来自爆兵时,两腿紧紧夹住马背,江山高声喊道:“箭阵准备!” Then, Jiang Shan from quivering of warhorse, extracts glittering yellow Golden Arrow fiercely, all over the body covers entirely complex abstruse Rune, since he with the strength of arrow Source Spirit, this has been the first time direct has used the real arrow. 说完,江山从战马的箭筒里,猛地抽出一支金光闪闪的黄金箭,遍体布满复杂深奥符文,他一直以来都是以元魂之力化箭,这还是第一次直接使用真箭。 Meteor arrow rain!” “流星箭雨!” Jiang Shan drew to the day air-launched, a grating keenly blowing, Golden Arrow was the smoke and fire air burst opens in the day likely, the hundreds of light arrow likely meteor shower crazily sprinkled, much from exploding the demon soldier was hit, had the large explosion at the scene. 江山拉开弓向天空射了出去,咻的一声刺耳尖啸,金箭像是烟火般在天空爆开,数以百计光箭像流星雨疯狂洒下,不少自爆魔兵被击中,当场就发生大爆炸。 Cavalry soldier team that Jiang Shan leads, many are Thunder State Storm Cavalry, the Thunder State cavalry soldier mostly wear the bow and arrow, another wave of arrow arrow scatters the supplement attack. 江山率领的骑兵队伍,多数都是雷州疾风骑兵,雷州骑兵大多是佩戴弓箭的,又一波箭矢撒出去补充攻击。 Although there is a fish slip through to cause certain casualties to team, overall is smooth. 虽说有漏网之鱼给队伍造成一定伤亡,总体而言却还算顺利。 Divine Wind Marquis nods saying: „The Golden Arrow Marquis heir apparent has the Golden Arrow Marquis elegant demeanor.” 神风候点点头赞道:“金箭候世子颇有金箭候风采。” Golden Arrow Marquis laughs: This boy talent is very high, in the future will deliver to the battlefield to whet for several years, I will think the achievement definitely above me.” 金箭候哈哈一笑:“这小子天赋很高,未来送到战场磨砺几年,我想成就肯定远在我之上。” In this time. 正在此时。 A Western Marquis brow wrinkle: Feichen had troublesome!” 四方候眉头一皱:“飞尘有麻烦了!” Three people simultaneously looked, Shangguan Feichen leads around the team, most at least was surrounded by 10,000-20,000 demon flame soldiers, the present situation some are not quite as if wonderful. 三人同时看了过去,上官飞尘率领队伍周围,最起码被一两万魔炎兵包围,现在的处境似乎有些不太妙。 However at this moment. 然而就在这时。 The sudden several people are separated from the team, directly from exploding the demon flame soldier clashes to the troop. 突然几个人脱离队伍,直接向大群自爆魔炎兵冲进去。 Divine Wind Marquis is surprised: Is Chu Tian they!” 神风候大吃一惊:“是楚天他们!” Are these people doing? Does not know that such does will be very dangerous? 这几个人到底在干什么?难道不知道这么做会很危险吗? What dumbfounded is, Chu Tian has three to ride from exploding in the demon flame soldier kills to kill, does not have one from exploding the demon flame soldier throughout from exploding successfully, just liked is suppressed stubbornly by some strength! 让人目瞪口呆的是,楚天带着三骑在自爆魔炎兵中杀进杀出,却始终没有一头自爆魔炎兵自爆成功,犹如被某种力量给死死压制住了! Four people block over a thousand dangerously from exploding demon flame soldier. 四个人挡住上千只危险的自爆魔炎兵。 This matter Shangguan Feichen leads other cavalry soldiers, already smooth broke through from the demon flame soldier tight encirclement. 此事上官飞尘带领其他骑兵,已经顺利的从魔炎兵重围中突围出来了。 Golden Arrow Marquis laughs: Chu Tian several people have rescued an entire army life, moreover eliminates these many from exploding the demon flame soldier, when records great merit one!” 金箭候哈哈大笑一声:“楚天几人救了整支部队一命,而且消灭这么多自爆魔炎兵,当记大功一件啊!” Western Marquis look disgruntled snort|hum: Majority of demon soldiers were attracted by two sides, we were the time initiate to the city charge.” 四方候神色不悦哼一句:“大部分魔兵都被两边吸引,我们是时候向城内发起冲锋了。” Good enough was the time.” Golden Arrow Marquis stares is leaving uncultivated the urban center, the meteorite crater in that combustion, we get rid!” 差不多是时候了。”金箭候凝视着荒废城市中央,那一个燃烧中的陨石坑,“我们出手吧!” The hillside resounds a charge bugle of low cry. 山坡响起一阵低鸣的冲锋号角。 3000 cavalries send out finally. 3000铁骑终于出动。 This elite cavalry soldier team, the neat composition charge lineup, with the toot, flows swiftly from the hillside, rushes to the white jade city front enormously and powerful. 这支精锐骑兵队伍,整整齐齐的组成冲锋阵型,伴随着号角声,从山坡一泻而下,浩浩荡荡冲到白玉城前方。 The demon soldier first was already sent two Vanguard/Pioneer to confuse the position, when realized a huger team kills, where also with enough time composes the resistance? 魔兵早就被先发两支先锋搅乱阵脚,当意识到有一支更庞大的队伍杀过来的时候,哪里还来得及组成抵抗? The cavalry soldier team that Three Marquis leads easily accomplished rips open the barrier of demon soldier. 三侯率领的骑兵队伍摧枯拉朽般撕开魔兵的屏障。 Golden Arrow Marquis direct bowstring, vigorous Source Energy condenses Golden Arrow, originally is a Source Energy arrow of normal size, but when escapes the string, but instant, rises unexpectedly fast against the wind, curls up gang of Ling Lie storm, the place visited demon soldier is twisted the fragment. 金箭候直接一拉弓弦,浑厚元力凝聚成一支金箭,本是一支正常尺寸的元力箭,但当脱弦而出的的刹那,竟然快速迎风而涨,卷起一股凌冽的风暴,所过之处魔兵纷纷被绞成碎片。 When the arrow shoots the city wall, turns into 78 meters instantaneously, the thickness of general person waist, impressively is a super great arrow, just likes tears into shreds a paper, penetrates the white jade city broken city wall with ease , to promote channel in a straight Dacheng stiffly. 当箭射到城墙的时候,瞬间变成78米长,大概人腰的粗细,赫然是一支超级巨箭,犹如撕碎一层纸般,轻松将白玉城残破城墙击穿,硬生生推出一条直达城内的通道。 Southern Xia eight marquises does not have generation of one commonplace really! 南夏八侯果真没有一个等闲之辈! A Golden Arrow Marquis arrow city wall shooting through! 金箭候一箭就把城墙给射穿了! Kills!” “杀进去!” After Golden Arrow Marquis projects the gap the city wall, the cavalry like a flood, directly emerges from here. Although the cavalry soldier does not favor the battle efficiency displaying in the urban environment, but Azure Storm Colt is not the ordinary warhorse, so long as there is a street also enough to launch the rush space. 金箭候将城墙射出缺口后,铁骑就像一支洪水般,从这里直接涌入进去。虽说骑兵在城市环境不利于战斗力施展,但是疾风青驹不是普通战马,只要有街道也就足够展开冲杀空间了。 Powder!” “散!” Golden Arrow Marquis waves. 金箭候一挥手。 An entire cavalry soldier team disperses several squads, covers entirely nearby street at the extremely quick speed, cuts in the city fast full Bu the demon soldier, further provides the time for the crushing monster stone. 一整支骑兵队伍分散成十几之小队,以极快速度布满附近街道,快速切割城市内满布的魔兵,为击碎妖石进一步提供时间。 Three big marquises must preserve Source Energy, destroys the implication evil strength the monster stone, therefore had not gotten rid, leads several hundred Storm Cavalry, following the major street in white jade city, to the speed rush to the urban center like lightning, finally saw the meteorite endocrater smoothly. 三大侯爷必须保存元力,摧毁蕴含邪恶力量的妖石,所以一直都没有出手,率领几百个疾风骑兵,顺着白玉城的主要街道,以闪电般速度冲到城市中央,终于顺利看到陨石巨坑了。 Very strong evil aura! 好强的邪恶气息啊! The cavalry soldiers almost soon could not control the warhorse! 骑兵几乎快要控制不住战马了! Extremely evil, but the burning hot energy, fills the air to release from the endocrater center, even if by three big marquis cultivation base, feels an illness at this moment, surroundings everywhere fluttering full green Mars. 有一股极其邪恶而炙热的能量,从巨坑中央弥漫释放开来,哪怕是以三大侯爷修为,此刻也感觉到一阵不适,周围到处都飘满绿色火星。 Discovery monster stone!” “发现妖石!” Here radioactive negative energy is too strong, we cannot stay for a long time, otherwise the army horse and soldiers will have by the demon danger.” “这里放射性的负能量太强,我们决不能久留,否则军马和战士都会有被魔化的危险。” Three Marquis soars directly, simultaneously falls on the endocrater edge. 三侯直接腾空而起,同时落在巨坑的边缘。 This big hole diameter has more than 1000 meters, without bias and without favor in the midpoint of city, the shock-wave that creates instantaneously, destroys the construction of less than half place city, terrifying of this monster stone might, could be imagined. 这个大坑直径有1000多米,不偏不倚在城的正中央,瞬间造成的冲击波,摧毁小半座城市的建筑,这颗妖石威力之恐怖,也就可想而知了。 Now in the entire meteorite crater is covered by the green flame, the flame concentrates not to be loose, crystallizes like the green, is giving to seal up the entire meteorite crater, from amber crystal monster different flame, not only reveals the strong evil aura, releases strength of the formidable life. 现在整个陨石坑内都被绿色火焰覆盖,火焰凝而不散,像绿色结晶,正将整个陨石坑给封住,从琥珀水晶般的妖异火焰中,非但流露出浓厚的邪恶气息,更释放出一股强大的生命之力。 One volt, shouted together attracts. 一起一伏,一呼一吸。 Really has the life to be ordinary! 竟然有生命一般! Just likes is breeding the life parent substance, that deep sleep in meteorite crater inside monster stone, greedily and is absorbing the life energy crazily, aura that reveals in unceasing growth. 犹如一个孕育着生命的母体,那颗沉睡在陨石坑里面的妖石,正贪婪而疯狂吸收着生命能量,流露出的气息在不断增长中。 Chu Tian predicted that unexpectedly is not the least bit off! 楚天预言居然丝毫不差! Monster really in unceasingly Become stronger, if the strategy carries on according to Wu'an Monarch from the beginning, first controls the disaster area, then fortifies at every step, fights steadily to reduce the encirclement ring, at that time this devil has not known that will grow to any situation! 怪物真的在不断变强中,若照武安君一开始战略来进行,先控制住灾区,再步步为营,稳扎稳打去缩小包围圈,那时候这恶魔还不知道会成长到什么地步! The earth sways to shiver gradually. 大地渐渐地摇晃颤动起来。 A formidable and savage consciousness, is regaining consciousness from the deep sleep slowly. 一股强大而凶残的意识,正在缓缓从沉睡中苏醒。 It as if felt that outside existed.” Divine Wind Marquis has not always seen such living thing, „is this abyss devil that in the Chu Tian mouth said?” “它似乎已经感觉到外面存在了。”神风候平生从来没有见过这样的生物,“这就是楚天口中所说的深渊恶魔吗?” Abyss world. 深渊世界。 Can breed this life the place, what place can that be? 一个能孕育出这种生命的地方,那到底会是什么样的地方? Does not have the time! Our officers casualties are getting more and more serious!” Storm Cavalry is the Southern Summer Country sharpest cavalry regiment, each state most 2,000-3,000, trains not to be easy, if impairment has been a pity in this completely, Golden Arrow Marquis bellows: Begins directly!” “没有时间!我们的将士伤亡越来越严重!”疾风骑兵南夏国最精锐的骑兵团啊,每一州最多两三千,培养起来非常不容易,若全部折损于此就太可惜了,金箭候大吼:“直接动手!”
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