MT :: Volume #3

#217: Demon flame soldier

The abyss demon soldier is human Cultivator by the monster that strength of demon abyss forms, although in demon process, battle efficiency promotion several fold, but the strengthened degree is eventually limited, in front of the Southern Summer Country sharpest cavalry soldier, simply sticks on and paper equally frailly! 深渊魔兵是人类修士被深渊之力魔化形成的怪物,虽然魔化过程中,战斗力提升数倍,但是强化程度终究有限,南夏国最精锐的骑兵面前,简直就跟纸糊一样脆弱! 1000 cavalry soldiers kill to putting on abyss demon soldier directly, makes a long-range raid dozens li (0.5km) smoothly to spread out with the abyss demon soldier, immediately starts to decelerate slowly. 1000骑兵直接把深渊魔兵杀一个对穿,奔袭出好几十里顺利与深渊魔兵拉开距离,立刻开始缓缓地减速。 Turns around!” “掉头!” Continues to rush ahead!” “继续冲杀!” Shangguan Feichen brandishes a long great pen, that sharp writing skill lance point is likely sharp, at this moment dropped the jet black demon blood, the warhorse also maliciously is plated completely a thick black blood. 上官飞尘挥舞一支长长的巨笔,那锋利笔头像枪尖般锐利,此刻已经滴满漆黑魔血,战马也被狠狠镀一层浓稠黑血。 Storm Cavalry just transferred the wharf. 疾风骑兵刚刚调转马头。 The innumerable abyss demon soldier front surface gathers, looks from the upper air like several thousand bloodthirsty ants, is condensing a mighty current crazily, is initiating the charge to the game. 无数深渊魔兵迎面汇聚起来,从高空望去就像数千嗜血蚂蚁,正疯狂地凝聚成一股洪流,正在向猎物发起冲锋。 The part of demon degrees appeared with the high demon soldier. 有一部分魔化程度跟高的魔兵出现了。 These demon soldier burned black skins are more tenacious thickly, probably a keratinize natural armor, the double elbow joint place has the variation, entire foreleg like a jet black pointed knife, the motion speed, is the maneating degree, is more formidable than the ordinary demon soldier. 这些魔兵焦黑皮肤更坚韧厚实,好像一层角质化的天然铠甲,双臂肘关节处发生变异,整个前肢就像一把漆黑的尖刀,无论是行动速度,还是凶悍程度,都比普通魔兵要强大很多。 The innumerable demon soldiers just like the apes and monkeys are common, agile and rapid gushes out from the collapsing city wall. 无数魔兵犹如猿猴一般,正敏捷而迅速的从坍塌城墙涌出。 Cruel, crazy of bloodthirsty and hysteria, making the people feel to be afraid. 残忍、嗜血、歇斯底里的疯狂,让人们感到不寒而栗。 The Storm Cavalry oppression of the people cannot deter them. 疾风骑兵铁蹄没能威慑到他们。 Instead stimulates ominous! 反而更加激发起凶性! This demon life does not have much difference with Undead, almost does not have any terrifying mood, do not say the trivial human cavalry soldier, even if a big dragon blocks in front, they dutifully will also initiate the rush! 这种魔化生命跟亡灵没有太大区别,几乎不存在什么恐怖情绪,不要说区区人类骑兵,哪怕是一头巨龙拦在前面,它们也会义无反顾的发起冲杀的! Kills!” “杀杀杀!” All kills off to me “全都给我杀光” Shangguan Feichen one time initiates the charge. 上官飞尘一次发起冲锋。 The green turbulent current impact black tide, flesh and blood and [gold/metal] Tie collide once again. 青色激流冲击黑色潮水,血肉与金铁又一次碰撞。 Azure Storm Colt erupts a wave of wind blade edge, first eliminates forefront one group of strongest demon soldiers, drops sharply the tendency that the demon soldier attacks, afterward the elite cavalry soldier comes, once again shows the formidable battle efficiency. 疾风青驹爆发出一波风刃,先将最前面一批最强魔兵消灭,重挫魔兵冲击的势头,随后精锐骑兵呼啸而至,又一次展现出强大的战斗力。 Rides the bayonet to cross the place, demon soldier another is torn. 骑枪刺过地方,魔兵一只又一只被撕裂。 Brave Azure Storm Colt oversteps the place, the demon soldier is stepped on broken to become Ni, grinds in the soil maliciously. 骁勇的疾风青驹踏过地方,魔兵被踩碎成泥,狠狠碾进泥土中。 The second wave of rush successfully is completed once again, although the demon soldier quantity is filling to increase unceasingly, but the cavalry soldier instead morale gradually surges upward. Because two rounds rushes kill numerous demon soldiers, situation that the gust of wind knight has almost not presented the casualties. 第二波冲杀又一次顺利完成,虽然魔兵数量在不断填补增加,但是骑兵反而士气渐渐高涨。因为两轮冲杀干掉众多魔兵,疾风骑士几乎没有出现伤亡的情况。 These fellows are also scary on the semblance. 这些家伙也就外表吓人而已。 They do not have the wisdom, does not have what tactical rules, pure motley crew! 它们没有智慧,没有什么战法,纯粹乌合之众罢了! Clashes again!” “再冲!” Kills again!” “再杀!” Must attract this group of monster attention, insists the Three Marquis elimination monster stone!” “一定要吸引住这帮怪物注意力,坚持到三侯消灭妖石!” Shangguan Feichen leads the cavalry soldier to run out of the tight encirclement taking advantage of the plain terrain, spreads out also to turn around with the demon soldiers once more, the people exhibit the charge the battle formation, afterward erupts to the dense demon soldier. 上官飞尘率领骑兵借着平原地形冲出重围,再次与魔兵们拉开距离并且掉头,众人都摆开冲锋的阵势,随后冲着黑压压的魔兵爆发。 Third round harvesting started! 第三轮收割开始了! This time has the accident, when everybody kills to 50%, from the innumerable demon soldiers, runs out of an out of the ordinary demon soldier suddenly. Its height compared with ordinary demon person high one section . Moreover the build is extremely fat, the whole body burned black cover is full of the fissure, is surging the green flame from the fissure, blooms very bright eye ray. 这次却出现意外,当大家杀到一半时,从无数魔兵当中,突然冲出一个与众不同的魔兵。它的身高比普通魔化人高一截,而且体型非常臃肿,浑身焦黑外皮充满裂痕,从裂痕里面涌动着绿色火焰,绽放出很亮眼的光芒。 Vivid rushing strength, as if wants the bulge to break this frail skin, erupts to be the same from the body! 有一股呼之欲出的澎湃力量,仿佛就要胀破这脆弱的皮肤,从身体里爆发出来一样! Death!” “死!” A cavalry soldier charges rapidly, but , a spear|gun this demon soldier selecting on spear|gun, carries over several meters far instantaneously. While knight skilled shakes spear|gun, when prepares to be pierced the demon soldier to throw flies. 一个骑兵急速冲锋而至,一枪将该魔兵给挑在枪上,瞬间带出十几米远。正当骑士熟练的一抖枪,准备把被刺穿魔兵抛飞时。 ! 啪! Two cover entirely the fissure the big hand, suddenly grips the rifle stock stubbornly. 两只布满裂痕的大手,突然死死握住枪杆。 This cavalry soldier has not a very wonderful feeling: What's the matter?” He does not have the time to ponder that the entire enterprise was covered by one green rays. 这个骑兵产生一种很不妙的感觉:“怎么回事?”他都没时间进行思考,整个事业被一片绿色光芒笼罩。 Demon soldier whole body fissure erupts suddenly, but breaks to pieces. 魔兵浑身裂痕骤然爆发而碎开。 The innumerable green flame divulge, in an instant swallows several cavalry soldiers, was exploded with horse flies. Only remained the burned black fragment to fall on the ground, even/including Quanshi could not find. 无数绿色火焰宣泄而出,刹那间就吞噬好几个骑兵,连人带马都被炸飞了。只剩焦黑碎块落在地上,连全尸都找不到。 In the people heart is one startled...... Had the casualties! 众人心中都是一惊……有伤亡了! Demon soldier who unexpectedly appearance from exploding! 竟出现会自爆的魔兵! Runs out of illumination from the city wall the forms, each is the big fellows, moreover chap all over the body, the flame flows continues, demon soldier who the quantity has over a thousand fully, all can from exploding! 从城墙里面冲出一个个发光的身影,各个都是大块头,而且遍体龟裂,火光流淌不止,数量足有上千个之多,全都是能自爆的魔兵! Bad! 糟了! Does this hit? 这怎么打? This demon soldier touches explodes! 这种魔兵一触就爆! Simply is the difficult adversary of cavalry soldier! 简直就是骑兵的克星! Except that from exploding demon soldier, but also emits one batch have not seen the demon soldier one after another. 除自爆魔兵,还陆陆续续冒出一批没见过的魔兵。 If said these demon soldiers who city wall the appearance outside of demon soldier a little person, newly comes out completely were transformed the devil. Their skins completely , the whole body green, have not flowed the flame, the head live biangular, both eyes reveal the cruel ray. 若说城墙外的魔兵有一点人的样子,新出来的这些魔兵则完全被转化成恶魔。他们的皮肤都已经完全不在了,浑身绿色,流淌火焰,头生双角,双目流露出残忍光芒。 Bang! 轰! The devil projects the flame javelin directly, the cavalry soldier simply does not have the opportunity to resist, was stabbed by the flame javelin, was shot down from the warhorse directly on the ground, was flushed the warhorse to step on the fragment by behind. 有一个恶魔直接投出火焰标枪,骑兵根本没有机会抵挡,被火焰标枪刺中,从战马上直接被射落在地上,被后面冲上来战马踩成碎片。 Currently continually does the long-distance attack have? 现在连远程攻击也有了吗? Words then, thousand people of cavalry soldiers are impossible to cope, from exploding the demon soldier sufficed them to drink a pot depending on a troop, should this be what to do good? 如此一来的话,千人骑兵根本不可能对付的了,光凭一大群自爆魔兵就够他们喝一壶了,这该怎么办才好? Enemy quantity are getting more and more! We had been surrounded, once the cavalry soldier charge superiority loses, we will fall into the danger, must find the way to break through!” Shangguan Feichen shouted several loudly, afterward referred to bit by bit the front densely and numerously from exploding the demon soldier, we cannot touch with these fellows hardly! Chu Tian, I order you to go them to lead away!” “敌人数量越来越多!我们已经被包围了,骑兵冲锋优势一旦失去,我们就会陷入危险中,必须想办法突围!”上官飞尘大声喊几句,随后指着着前方密密麻麻的自爆魔兵,“我们不能和这些家伙硬碰!楚天,我命令你去把它们引开!” From exploding the might of demon flame soldier, everybody has experienced. 自爆魔炎兵的威力,大家都已经见识到了。 The Awakened Soul Initial Stage Cultivator short distance is unable to withstand an explosion, even if the Awakened Soul Intermediate Stage Illustrious Soul master, if massive from exploding the demon flame soldier will sphere also to be killed. 魂醒初期修士近距离根本无法承受一次爆炸,哪怕是魂醒中期显魂高手,若被大量自爆魔炎兵围住也会被干掉的。 This troop demon flame soldier, most at least over a thousand, quantity in unceasing growth, even if Shen Bingyu such True Soul level Expert, once were stranded in must die without doubt. 这一大群魔炎兵,最起码都有上千只,数量又在不断的增长中,哪怕是沈冰雨这样的真魂强者,一旦被困在其中也是必死无疑的。 Shangguan Feichen orders Chu Tian to lead away them unexpectedly. 上官飞尘居然命令楚天去引开它们。 Doesn't this clarify to call Chu Tian to bring death? 这不是摆明叫楚天去送死吗? The Nangong Yun first opposition: How your his mother does not lead away them!” 南宫云第一个反对:“你他妈怎么不去引开它们!” You clearly know that from exploding the demon person is extremely dangerous!” Yun Yao also feels to the Shangguan Feichen order very angry, also asked others to bring death, what is motive!” “你明知道自爆魔人极度危险!”云瑶也对上官飞尘命令感到很愤怒,“还叫别人去送死,居心何在!” Shangguan Feichen gets angry: This is the chief of cavalry soldier brigade, you are violating the military order, I had the right to cut you depending on this point!” 上官飞尘怒道:“这是骑兵大队的大队长,你们是在违背军令,凭这一点我就有权斩了你们!” Mother, can you cut me?” Nangong Yun is angry to progress to pursue, dies in any case, I hammered Bian Nizai to say first!” “妈的,你要斩我?”南宫云大怒策马就追上去,“反正都是死,那我先锤扁你再说!” Nangong Yun is a powder keg disposition, refuses to accept anybody except Chu Tian, the Western Marquis heir apparent of this smelly fart repeatedly picks a quarrel, Chu Tian has not haggled over with him, this time simply makes Chu Tian bring death? Too paternal grandmother, if this can endure, he hasn't regarded the soft egg Central State? 南宫云就是一个火药桶性格,除楚天就不服任何人,这臭屁的四方候世子屡次寻衅,楚天都没有跟他计较就算了,这次干脆让楚天送死?太奶奶的,若这都能忍,那他还不把中州都当成软蛋? You......!” “你……!” Dares the character not to say. 一个敢字都没说出口。 Nangong Yun pursues to Shangguan Feichen in front, that great hammer surface covers entirely red Rune, bursts out to melt the steel and iron suddenly sufficiently the strength, illuminates Shangguan Feichen to pound instantaneously on the bang. 南宫云就追到上官飞尘面前,那巨锤表面布满红色符文,骤然迸发出足以融开钢铁的力量,瞬间照着上官飞尘就轰砸上去。 Nangong Yun has cultivation base of Illustrious Soul level, has the great strange general supernatural power, if really hits on Shangguan Feichen, Shangguan Feichen had not been battered to death, perhaps must be pounded down the horse by a hammer, was surrounded by the demon person must die without doubt. 南宫云具备显魂级的修为,又拥有巨怪一般的神力,真要是打在上官飞尘身上,上官飞尘就算没有被砸死,恐怕也要被一锤砸下马去,被魔人包围也是必死无疑。 The people are with amazement. 众人都是骇然。 Was this woman insane? 这个女人疯了吗? A anger kills the Western Marquis heir apparent on the hammer unexpectedly! 竟然一怒就锤杀四方候世子! The generation of Western Marquis heir apparent can it be that commonplace, the Shangguan Feichen strength and Shangguan Ming ratio are not only weak, a long pen in airborne picture several strange Rune, the Rune spider net explodes afterward likely. 四方候世子又岂是等闲之辈,上官飞尘实力与上官明比只强不弱,一支长笔在空中画几个奇怪的符文,随后符文像蜘网般爆开。 Turns into shield of Rune knitting instantaneously, thin as a cicada's wing does not have the thickness at the same time, however the ray is concise, felt to the person firmly. 瞬间变成一面符文编织的盾牌,薄如蝉翼般没有厚度,然而光芒凝练,给人坚固的感觉。 Bang! 轰! A hammer crushes directly. 一锤直接粉碎。 The Shangguan Ming complexion changes immediately: This woman good terrifying strength!” 上官明脸色顿时大变:“这女人好恐怖的力量!” That combustion great hammer layer on layer falls, Shangguan Feichen takes to select as the spear|gun, luckily after the cushion of light shield, the might of great shield considerably was weaken, therefore a parry Nangong Yun sledgehammer. 那燃烧巨锤重重落下,上官飞尘以笔为枪一挑,幸亏经过光盾的缓冲后,巨盾的威力已经大大减弱,所以一下挡开南宫云大锤。 Dies!” “去死!” That tip sways several drops of black ink energies, this is not the ink, with the Shangguan Family mystique, the liquid energy that congealing density Source Energy becomes, each drop sufficiently pierces the inscription on stone tablet and bronze, even if protecting body Source Energy of Illustrious Soul level also meets is torn into shreds instantaneously! 那笔锋一挥洒出几滴墨般的能量,这可不是什么墨水,是用上官家族秘法,凝浓度元力而成的液态能量,每一滴都足以洞穿金石,哪怕显魂级的护体元力也会瞬间被撕碎! Ping! 砰砰砰! Several resounding! 几声脆响! The drop that Nangong Yun protecting body Starlight was splashed, creates the massive slight fissures, at the scene has not actually broken to pieces. 南宫云的护体星光被溅开的墨滴,造成大量细微的裂痕,却没有当场碎开。 The Shangguan Feichen complexion changes, this defends Cultivation Technique is...... Chu Tian and has Chu Tian person, all studied this set of Cultivation Technique? 上官飞尘脸色一变,这门防御功法是……难道楚天楚天身边的人,全都学了这套功法吗? Nangong Yun disdains to laugh: „The Western Marquis heir apparent is mediocre, looks at hammer!” 南宫云不屑嗤笑:“四方候世子不过如此,看锤!” She must hammer to pound. 她又要一锤砸去。 Shangguan Feichen got angry: You think really I don't dare to kill you? Death!” 上官飞尘怒了:“你真以为我不敢杀你?死!” Nangong calls a halt!” Chu Tian shouted one, now does not begin the time, all around was the demon flame soldier, more than 1000 cavalry soldiers fell into the tight encirclement, where had the time to fight in this: First breaks through importantly!” “南宫停手!”楚天喊一句,现在不是动手时候,四周都是魔炎兵,1000多个骑兵身陷重围,哪有时间在此内斗:“先突围要紧!” Attacks the team leader, when this crime executes!” The Shangguan Feichen complexion is pale: Now only the opportunity that the merit makes reparations, immediately leads away from exploding the demon blade edge!” “袭击队长,此罪当诛!”上官飞尘脸色铁青:“现在唯一将功赎罪的机会,就是立刻去引开自爆魔刃!” Shangguan Feichen and Nangong Yun fight only in instantaneous, but actually felt that leaves the opposite party powerful strength, hits to win Nangong Yun, perhaps must pay not the small price! 上官飞尘南宫云交手仅在瞬间,不过却感觉出对方强大实力,真的打起来就算能胜南宫云,恐怕也要付出不小的代价吧! damn! 可恶 A Nangong Family trivial collateral branch, really has such strong strength! 一个南宫家的区区旁支,竟然有这么强的实力! The front demon flame soldier quantity are getting more and more, the cavalry soldier brunts is weakening rapidly, from exploding the demon flame soldier quickly pursues, now the situation is critical, from exploding demon flame soldier, once draws close, then faces will be the disastrous result. 前方魔炎兵数量越来越多,骑兵冲势在迅速减弱,自爆魔炎兵就快追来,现在情况非常危急,自爆魔炎兵一旦贴近,那么面临的将是灾难性的结果。 Such excellent rendering meritorious service opportunity gives Chu Tian, truth how can there be I did not appreciate kindness rendered?!” Chu Tian turns head to shout to the Nangong Yun three people: You follow me, leads away from exploding demon flame soldier!” “这么大好立功机会让给楚天,我岂有不领情的道理?!”楚天回头对南宫云三人喊道:“你们跟我走,去引开自爆魔炎兵!” Such easily agreed. 这么容易就同意了。 Shangguan Feichen wishes for earnestly simply! 上官飞尘简直求之不得! Let several fellows die in the tight encirclement of demon flame soldier is best! 让几个家伙都死在魔炎兵的重围最好了! Chu Tian holds up Netherworld Sword high: „A great merit before, do not want in vain, rushes ahead with me!” During the speeches is separated from the team, turns around flushes away to the dense and numerous demon flame soldier. 楚天高高举起幽冥剑:“一个大功在前,不要白不要,跟我冲杀!”说话间脱离队伍,掉头向密密麻麻的魔炎兵冲去。 Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie and Yun Yao have gawked, was really too not awfully, but trust Chu Tian, three people of followeds without hesitation behind Chu Tian. 南宫云风彩蝶云瑶愣了,真是太不要命了,不过对楚天的信任,三人毫不犹豫的跟随在楚天背后。 Cannot control that many! 管不了那么多! Spells! 拼一把! Several people rides a horse to crash in enormously and powerful from exploding among the demon soldier! 几人骑着马一头冲进浩浩荡荡的自爆魔兵当中!
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