MT :: Volume #3

#216: Abyss demon soldier

Next morning, the Thunder State armed forces build up. 翌日清晨,雷州军集结。 The Thunder State city sets out 40,000 armies, launches the offensive to the polluted villages and small towns, the primary mission is the steady anchorage region, constrains the massive demon biology. Three Marquis leads sharpest Storm Cavalry to bring day of grain ration, from camp enormous and powerful, just likes a pointed knife, in -line disaster area midpoint. 雷州城出动40000部队,向被污染的村镇发起攻势,主要任务是稳定住区域,拖住大量魔化生物。三侯则率最精锐的疾风骑兵带一天口粮,从营地浩浩荡荡出发,犹如一把尖刀,直插灾区正中央。 Fight a battle to force a quick decision! 速战速决! Destroys the monster stone at one fell swoop! 一举摧毁妖石! Innumerable Thunder State city people come out to deliver the armed forces spontaneously. 无数雷州城民自发出来送军。 This rare disaster, is the loss that Thunder State incurs is too big, the Thunder State person all hopes, pins on Three Marquis, hopes that the Three Marquis formidable strength can still the disaster, is Thunder State brings peacefully. 这场百年难遇的大难,为雷州带来的损失太大,雷州人把所有希望,都寄托在三侯身上,希望三侯强大的力量能平定灾祸,为雷州重新带来安宁。 The Golden Arrow Marquis comforting will of the people said: Everybody should not be worried that has the force support of Central State and South State , this war can destroy the monster stone surely, but also my Thunder State Wo Yuan thousand li(500 km)!” 金箭候安抚人心道:“各位不要担心,有中州南州的强力支援,此战定能摧毁妖石,还我雷州沃原千里!” Long live!” “万岁!” Long live!” “万岁!” The innumerable city people shouted loudly. 无数城民高呼起来。 Many people shed bitter tears at the scene. 不少人当场痛哭流涕。 This disaster brings is not only the property damage, makes countless people be destitute and homeless, making countless people lose the family member child. 这场灾难带来不仅仅是财产损失,更让无数人流离失所,让无数人失去亲人孩子。 Now finally does not need to be worried to be afraid! 现在终于不用担心害怕了! Southern Xia eight marquises is Southern Summer Country top Expert! 南夏八侯南夏国顶尖强者 They are equally formidable on and Spiritual God in the average person mind, now in eight marquises one time sets out three, what issue but also there is not to handle? 他们在普通人心目中就跟神灵一样强大,如今八侯中一次出动三位,还有什么问题搞不定呢? Well, felt strange.” Divine Wind Marquis rides in the gust of wind immediately, about looked, asked to nearby Chu Tian curiously: Where did Shen Bingyu go to?” “咦,奇怪了。”神风候骑在疾风马上,左右的看了看,向旁边楚天好奇问:“沈冰雨去哪里了?” Divine Wind Marquis started not to see Shen Bingyu yesterday. 神风候昨天开始就没见到沈冰雨了。 Chu Tian smiles mysterious: I make her go to make some preparations ahead of time, the occurrence of guarding against mishap situation.” 楚天神秘兮兮一笑:“我让她去提前做一些准备,以防不测情况的发生。” But Divine Wind Marquis nods, Shen Bingyu and his friendship, this woman disposition Divine Wind Marquis is a little clear, even if Divine Wind Marquis is unable to order her, who knows that Shen Bingyu always does as one is told to Chu Tian, is really a thing to subdue thing! 神风候无奈点点头,沈冰雨和他有点交情,这个女人性格神风候一清二楚,哪怕是神风候都无法命令她,谁知道沈冰雨楚天唯命是从,真是一物克一物啊! However. 不过话说回来。 What is this boy planning? 这小子又在谋划什么? Asked everybody to return to the city awaits calmly the victory report!” “请各位回城静候捷报!” Army!” “全军出发!” Golden Arrow Marquis shouted. 金箭候大喊。 The bugle is intermittent, the three services set out. 军号阵阵,三军进发。 The Southern Summer Country sharpest knight army is the gust of wind knight, Thunder State sets out 2000, Central State sets out 1500, South State sets out 1500! Entire 5000 cavalries, enormous and powerful, flowing, pushes onward to the disaster area core! 南夏国最精锐的骑士部队就是疾风骑士,雷州出动2000,中州出动1500,南州出动1500!整整5000铁骑,浩浩荡荡,一泻千里,向灾区核心挺进! In entire world, dizzy, will be dusky, seems covering an evil and formidable aura, 整个天地之间,昏昏沉沉,会灰蒙蒙,似乎笼罩着一股邪恶而强大的气息, The people approach the disaster area center unceasingly, the plant withering situation is getting more and more fierce. 众人不断靠近灾区中央,植物枯萎情况越来越厉害。 The other dimension crack is very short. 位面裂缝是非常短暂的。 Because other dimension crack, once forms, space and time principle automatic repair fissure. 因为位面裂缝一旦形成,时空法则会自动修复裂痕。 If before the fissure has not repaired completely, the abyss world has the thing to rush to other dimension, will then smash the space barrier, thus takes to bring in the strength of abyss world, arrives at the earth along with the abyss devil together. 若裂痕没有完全修复前,深渊世界有东西强闯位面,那么就会打破空间壁垒,从而把深渊世界的力量带进来,随着深渊恶魔一起降临大地。 The invasion devil is more formidable, affects will be worse. 入侵恶魔越强大,影响就会越恶劣。 Now wide scope land by abyss aura pollution, explanation invasion devil is powerful! 现在大范围土地被深渊气息污染,说明入侵恶魔的实力非常强大! Therefore the devil invaded the Thunder State instantaneous, massive city people died directly, part of Cultivator turned into the abyss demon soldier by the demon. 所以恶魔入侵雷州瞬间,大量城民直接死去,一部分修士都被魔化成深渊魔兵。 These receive the abyss aura pollution land, in the future a long time will have the influence to the plant animal, humanity lives for a long time in this multiplication life, will obtain some special capabilities gradually, naturally needs to pay the price, light, then the personality tyrannical bloodthirsty is testy, the heavy body abnormally degenerates into the different races. 这些受到深渊气息污染的土地,未来很长一段时间都会对植物动物产生影响,人类长时间生活在此繁衍生活,也会渐渐地获得一些特殊能力,当然是需要付出代价的,轻则性情暴虐嗜杀易怒,重则身体畸形沦为异类。 After three hours. 三个小时之后。 5000 light cavalries dispel in the hillside. 5000轻骑兵在山坡排开。 The flag flap flap, withers dignifiedly, is the pre-war deathly stillness. 旗帜猎猎,肃杀凝重,是战前的死寂。 Looks!” Golden Arrow Marquis is drawing the reins, grasps the golden long bow, front is the direct stricken white jade city, the day subdue demons stone falls from the sky in the center of white jade city, the entire city almost does not have the survivor, 80% average people died directly, about 20% Cultivator, turned into the monster by the demon.” “诸位看!”金箭候一手拉着缰绳,一手持金色长弓,“前方是直接受灾的白玉城,天降妖石就陨落在白玉城的中央,全城几乎没有幸存者,80的普通人直接死去,大约20的修士,大多数被魔化成怪物。” A tattered burned black orphaned city standing erect front plain, the white jade city center has a hollow endocrater, its shape likely is the meteorite hit. However what is strange, burns the green flame spout in the pit. 一座破破烂烂的焦黑孤城屹立前方平原,白玉城中央有一个凹陷巨坑,其形状像是陨石撞击而成。不过非常诡异的是,一股燃烧着绿色火焰在坑中喷涌。 The people can still feel clearly that from the center of giant meteorite crater, the formidable consciousness and ability, is beating by some rule. 众人依然能够清楚感觉到,从巨大陨石坑的中央,正有一股强大意识和能力,正在以某种规律跳动着。 It is very strong! 它很强! Just likes a volcano. 犹如一座火山。 Has the possibility of eruption anytime! 随时都有爆发的可能! The vigorous divine horse comes under the aura influence becomes lathers, now also only then this skill is very strong, moreover well-trained Demon Beast mount can resist reluctantly. If the ordinary cavalry unit arrived here, perhaps has not made war randomly has become nest gruel, 疾风马受到气息影响变得焦躁不安,现在也只有这种本事就很强,而且训练有素的魔兽坐骑能勉强抵挡。若普通的骑兵部队来到这里,恐怕没开战就已经乱成一窝粥了, This nearby proliferates the demon biology, the density compared with the imagination in high.” The Divine Wind Marquis vision observes the situation the time, discovers around the white jade city to have the major stockholder major stockholder abyss demon soldier: Three of us kill directly, perhaps Source Energy will consume ahead of time completely.” “这附近遍布魔化生物,密度远比想象中高。”神风候目光环视时候,发现白玉城周围有大股大股的深渊魔兵:“我们三人直接杀进去,恐怕元力会提前耗损殆尽。” Golden Arrow Marquis nods: Now must try to delay the demon biology, three of us seize the chance to destroy the devil.” 金箭候点点头:“现在必须设法拖延住魔化生物,我们三人趁机一举歼灭恶魔。” Three Marquis cultivation base hits not to be actually difficult. 三侯修为打进去倒是不难。 The issue is crazily what to do will receive surely besieges? 问题是必定会受到疯狂围攻怎么办? Three Marquis tyrannical incomparable, Source Energy rapidly will also exhaust, if Cultivator loses Source Energy, that did not have what battle efficiency. 三侯就算强横无比,元力也会迅速耗尽,修士要是失去元力,那也没有什么战斗力了。 I suggested to fan out in three groups.” Western Marquis gave the comment: „ The left wing 1000 ride, the right 1000 ride, the middle of the mill 3000 ride, about two groups back and forth fast strangle to death regarding Shiroishi Castle, on the one hand eliminates the threat of surrounding, on the one hand attracts the demon biology attention, directs in Kaesong the majority of demon soldier. In three of us fall the middle of the mill to kill to enter a city again at one fell swoop directly, goes directly to the central meteorite crater, eliminates the release evil energy the monster stone! „ “我建议兵分三路。”四方候提出意见:“左路1000骑,右路1000骑,中路3000骑,两路左右围绕白石城来回快速绞杀,一方面是清除外围的威胁,一方面是吸引魔化生物注意,引开城中大部分魔兵。我们三人摔中路再一举直接杀进城里,直达中央的陨石坑,消灭释放邪恶能量的妖石!“ I think feasible.” Golden Arrow Marquis said: Demon kills kills extremely, the best means by the mobility of cavalry soldier, to divert with the aid of the plain terrain of white jade city, makes for us strikes, but opportunity!” “我认为可行。”金箭候说道:“魔物杀不胜杀,最好办法是以骑兵的机动性,借助白玉城的平原地形来牵制,为我们制造一击而中的机会!” Divine Wind Marquis does not have the opinion. 神风候没有意见。 Tactic has decided that prepares to move.” Golden Arrow Marquis Jiang Xiong announced: Today kills demon and battlefield kills the enemy the same meritorious military service, the meritorious military service highest will report Wu'an Monarch Reward, you display well, do not miss an opportunity.” “战术已定,准备行动。”金箭候江雄宣布道:“今日杀魔物与战场杀敌同战功,战功最高者将上报武安君封赏,你们好好表现,不要错过机会。” Feichen!” Western Marquis called one suddenly: „The South State three people remain one, you are responsible for the left wing with the Central State talents.” 飞尘!”四方候突然叫一句:“南州三人就剩一个,你就跟中州天才们负责左路吧。” Let Shangguan Feichen be responsible for the left wing, doesn't this look for trouble to Chu Tian? 上官飞尘负责左路,这不是给楚天找麻烦吗? Divine Wind Marquis gave the comment: Two heir apparents can exchange position, to help the team such as arm wielding cause.” 神风候提出意见:“两位世子可以对换位置,以便于队伍如臂挥使。” Snort, has Feichen difficultly inadequately, didn't have the means such as arm wielding to cause? This is any truth!” Western Marquis Shangguan Hong as if not plan to sell Divine Wind Marquis this face, „the Golden Arrow Marquis heir apparent and inexpensive broken armed forces and Lin Changge team up for a long time, had already fostered the tacit understanding. Now dismantles, how could it not be instead to reduce the battle efficiency?” “哼,难不成有飞尘在,就没有办法如臂挥使了?这是什么道理!”四方候上官泓似乎不打算卖神风候这个面子,“金箭候世子与廉破军、林长戈长期搭档,早就已经养成了默契。现在临阵拆解,岂不反而降低战斗力?” Around Central State does not have the danger, the Central State young people have not gone to the battlefield. The Feichen inadequate crucial moment, the good and evil slaughters with the south Barbarian Tribes battle for many years, has to cut the enemy to break through the enemy lines the experience, although the energy of non- command army, but led a team actually to have more than enough to spare.” Shangguan Hong spoke of here, took a fast look around Chu Tian several people of one with arrogant vision: Naturally, the premise is nobody impedes intentionally.” 中州四面无险,中州年轻人都没有上过战场。飞尘就算不成火候,好歹与南部蛮族交战厮杀多年,有斩敌破阵之经验,虽无统帅大军之能,但领导一支队伍却是绰绰有余了。”上官泓说到这里,用傲慢目光扫视楚天几人一眼:“当然,前提是没有人故意掣肘。” Shangguan Hong is not groundless. 上官泓不无道理。 Divine Wind Marquis actually did not think so that yesterday Shangguan Family picked a quarrel twice, finally loses, but also makes two talents cause heavy losses, are these two talents right-hand of Shangguan Feichen, Shangguan Feichen possibly swallow this tone? Will give Chu Tian to look for trouble in the battlefield mostly intentionally! 神风候却不这么看,昨天上官家族两次寻衅,结果都铩羽而归,还使两名天才被重创,这两名天才又都是上官飞尘的左膀右臂,上官飞尘怎么可能咽下这口气?多半在战场会故意给楚天找麻烦! Is faced with an archenemy, does not count individual gratitude and grudges.” Divine Wind Marquis has not spoken, Chu Tian instead on own initiative agreed that that makes Shangguan heir apparent not lead to the army.” “大敌当前,不计个人恩怨。”神风候没有说话,楚天反而主动同意,“那就让上官世子来领导不对军队吧。” Chu Tian overwhelms with numerical strength to fear the fart! 楚天人多势众怕屁啊! Shangguan Feichen dares to look for trouble, Chu Tian made Nangong Yun abandon him is! 上官飞尘真敢找麻烦,楚天南宫云把他废了就是! This Shangguan Feichen strength has much does not know, but the Nangong Yun battle efficiency has not lost to Awakened Soul 5th Layer, Feng Caidie compares Nangong Yun, that also merely is weak the slightly number plans, another grasps Soul Communication Tool Thunder Spirit Bead Yun Yao. 上官飞尘实力有多强不知道,不过南宫云战斗力已经不输给魂醒五重,风彩蝶相比南宫云而言,那也仅仅是稍弱数筹罢了,另外有一个手持通灵魂器雷灵珠云瑶 What is most important is. 最重要的是。 Super bodyguard Shen Bingyu will be protecting in secret! 超级保镖沈冰雨会在暗中保护! If this Shangguan Feichen is honest, that perhaps everybody Xingan safe, otherwise bad luck certainly is he. 这个上官飞尘要是老老实实的话,那或许大家都兴安无事,否则倒霉的就一定是他自己。 After Divine Wind Marquis understands the idea, did not have to say anything again. 神风候明白想法之后,就没有再多说什么了。 The people are divided into three armies, the left wing is Shangguan Feichen leads, the right is Jiang Shan leads, three big marquises lead 3000 elite to be responsible for the middle gently. 众人分为三支部队,左路是上官飞尘率领,右路是江山率领,三大侯爷带领3000精锐轻轻负责中间。 Before Chu Tian embarks, said to Divine Wind Marquis: Abyss devil strength fears the ratio to be expected, if the marquis does not have the means to cope, that thinks the means to direct to go out of town it outside east side, then retreats fast.” 楚天出发前对神风候说:“深渊恶魔实力恐怕比预料中更强一点,若侯爷没有办法对付,那就想办法将它引出城外东侧,然后快速撤退。” Divine Wind Marquis is startled: What meaning, you thought that we couldn't cope with it?” 神风候一怔:“什么意思,你觉得我们对付不了它?” „...... Chu Tian from the present situation knits the brows the staring endocrater, was very difficult to say!” “从目前形势来看……”楚天皱着眉凝视巨坑,“很难说啊!” Couldn't the strength of Three Marquis cope with trivial Outerspace devil? 三侯之力对付不了区区一只天外恶魔? If the strength of Three Marquis does not have means to cope with it, what then Chu Tian can play to affect? 三侯之力真没有办法对付它,那么楚天又能起到什么作用? Chu Tian said to Divine Wind Marquis seriously: Asked the marquis to be sure to remember words that I spoke, if did not beat courses the east side.” 楚天郑重对神风候说:“请侯爷切记我说的话,如果不敌就引向东侧。” Army prepares to attack!” “全军准备冲击!” Shangguan Feichen rides to be above mundane thoughts to front, other people control the illness divine horse, more than 1000 green warhorses look like a wave of angry class, in fast is flushing crazily from the hillside. 上官飞尘一骑绝尘冲在前面,其余人纷纷驾驭疾风马,1000多匹青色的战马像一波怒流般,正在快速从山坡疯狂冲下来。 Everybody clashes with me!” “大家跟我冲!” Jiang Shan leads a cavalry soldier, initiates the charge from the hillside to Shiroishi Castle, the cavalry soldier team that on the withered and yellow dim earth, two are full of the explosive force rushes, immediately wanders abroad demon that tows to fight with Shiroishi Castle. 江山率领一支骑兵,从山坡向白石城右侧发起冲锋,枯黄昏暗的大地上,两支充满爆发力的骑兵队伍冲下,立刻就与白石城外游曳的魔物交手了。 Thousands of abyss demon soldier is at outside city the plain to loaf. 数以千计的深渊魔兵在城外平原游荡。 The abyss demon soldier was once is city people demon. 深渊魔兵是曾经是城民魔化而成的。 Roasts the whole body like the fire at this moment pitch-black, both eyes are hollow, the mouth opens, can see the green flame to be mobile from the seven orifices, early did not have the consciousness, only remains the instinct that cruel and slaughters. 此时此刻一个个都像火烤一样浑身乌黑,双眼凹陷,嘴巴张开,从七窍内都能看见绿色火焰流动,早已经没有了意识,只剩残暴和杀戮的本能。 When the cavalry soldier just likes the flood same flows swiftly , the ground for it vibrates, the abyss demon soldier gives out wild animal roaring, is hard to imagine the speed rapid traverse that by the average person, from the upper air looking at the time, just likes green flame of big piece of twinkle star, from collects in all directions fast, collides with the green cavalry mighty current together. 当骑兵犹如洪水一样一泻而下的时候,地面都为之震动时,深渊魔兵纷纷发出野兽般的怒吼,以普通人难以想象的速度快速移动,从高空望去的时候,犹如一大片星星点点的绿色火焰,从四面八方快速汇集起来,与青色的铁骑洪流碰撞在一起。 Probably is distanced 580 meters time. 大约相距580米的时候。 Green warhorses unite the strength in abundance, a big wave light cyan wind blade edge, just likes wave of ocean waves, howls instantaneously is sprinkling to this batch of monsters, the earth is cut instantaneously tattered and torn, innumerable abyss demon soldier directly heartless ** comes. 一只只青色战马纷纷凝聚力量,一大波淡青色风刃,犹如一波海浪般,瞬间呼啸着洒向这批怪物,大地瞬间被切得千疮百孔,无数深渊魔兵直接被无情**开来。 The green cavalry is brandishing the carbine whiz, however. 青色铁骑挥舞着骑枪嗖然而至。 Horse's hoof like tide! 马蹄如潮! Thousand ride to raise snatches! 千骑提抢! The cavalry soldiers accelerate to promote the speed taking advantage of the hillside to 400 kilometers, these well-trained elite cavalry soldiers, itself have not weak cultivation base, under the so high-speed sprint, a bayonet leaves is preliminary Awakened Soul Cultivator protects body Source Energy, in the same old way can chisel to open. 骑兵借山坡加速把时速提升到400公里,这些训练有素的精锐骑兵,本身就有着不弱的修为,如此高速冲刺之下,一枪刺出就算是低级魂醒修士护体元力,都照样能够一凿而开。 These had been strengthened Tongcheng people by the abyss strength corrosion, even if has is not inferior in the strength of elite soldier, does not have the suspense was suppressed. 这些被深渊力量侵蚀强化过普通城民,纵然拥有不逊色于精锐士兵的力量,却也毫无悬念的被压制住了。 Flesh and blood and [gold/metal] iron charge directly, 一场血肉与金铁正面冲锋, The cavalry soldier mighty current has howled, everywhere is the pitch-black demon blood, everywhere falls completely the burned black stump residual limb, after a round long rush, the dense and numerous abyss demon soldier, leaned this way and that instantaneously a big piece, the earth by the demon blood dyeing the black. 骑兵洪流呼啸过,漫天都是乌黑的魔血,满地落满焦黑残肢,当一轮长长的冲杀后,本来密密麻麻的深渊魔兵,瞬间东倒西歪一大片,大地都被魔血给染成黑色。 The Southern Xia sharpest cavalry unit is really sharp, this completely is the one-sided slaughter! 南夏最精锐的骑兵部队果然非常犀利,这完全就是一边倒的屠杀!
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