MT :: Volume #3

#215: Fights Wuyang

The Shangguan Hong fathers and sons are cloudy the face, solemn Wei Long loses to a silly girl, is really to a South State talent huge insult, if the news passes to Thunder State, their face countenance what Cun? 上官泓父子阴沉着脸,堂堂卫龙输给一个黄毛丫头,真是对南州天才一次巨大侮辱啊,若消息传到雷州,两人颜面何存? „Can I walk?” Meng Yingying is more anxious much the flexure head: I must send the canned food!” “我可以走了吗?”梦莹莹急得直挠脑袋:“我得发罐头呢!” Not your matter.” Chu Tian nods, goes!” “没你事了。”楚天点点头,“去吧!” Wei Long will lose is an accident. The Meng Yingying duplication ability and in Martial Arts process, the speed of Source Energy consumption is fast, if Wei Long fights steadily, Meng Yingying does not have the stratagem which ensures success certainly. 卫龙会输是一个意外。梦莹莹复制能力和武学的过程中,元力消耗的速度非常快,若卫龙稳扎稳打,梦莹莹绝无胜算。 Who knows Wei Long to be too ruthless, starts the strongest style to rumble directly to kill Meng Yingying! 谁知卫龙太狠,直接就发动最强招式想轰杀梦莹莹 The result injures someone causes self infliction finally, the strongest ball to oneself on, adds the strength impact of Meng Yingying again, making the Wei Long solid defense flash collapse, caused heavy losses at the scene, in a short time feared cannot restore. 结果害人终害己,最强弹到自己身上,再加梦莹莹的力量冲击,让卫龙坚实防御一刹那崩溃,当场就受到重创,短时间内怕是恢复不过来了。 Golden Arrow Marquis Jiang Xiong laughs several: Fierce! Fierce! Divine Wind Marquis makes Jiang broaden the outlook!” 金箭候江雄哈哈大笑几声:“厉害!厉害!神风候让江某大开眼界!” Divine Wind Marquis also thought that on the face has much up: Luck is good.” 神风候也觉得脸上很有光:“运气好而已。” Wei Long as the talent of becoming famous, loses to common Meng Yingying, this makes all people be surprised sufficiently. 卫龙作为成名的天才,败给不起眼的梦莹莹,这足以让所有人都大吃一惊。 Golden Arrow Marquis heir apparent Jiang Shan also applauds: Central State person outstanding Earth Spirit, Four Great Young Masters three have not come worthily, this lineup still lets person cannot be underestimated!” 金箭候世子江山也鼓掌:“中州不愧人杰地灵,四大公子就算三个没来,这阵容依然让人不容小觑啊!” The inexpensive broken armed forces, Lin Changge nod. 廉破军,林长戈点点头。 Actually they have discovered a strange phenomenon. 其实他们已经发现一个奇怪的现象。 Although Chu Tian cultivation base looks like not high, no matter Awakened Soul 5th Layer Yun Yao, is irritable Nangong Yun, even is Divine Wind Marquis only daughter Feng Caidie, faintly is unexpectedly centered on him. The team surface of Central State talent is team leader Yun Yao, the genuine leader possibly is this Chu Tian. 虽然楚天修为看起来不高,但是不管是魂醒五重云瑶,还是性格火爆的南宫云,甚至是神风候独女风彩蝶,竟然都隐隐以他为中心。中州天才的队伍表面是云瑶领队,真正的领头者可能是这个楚天 This person has forte. 此人定有过人之处。 I refuse to accept!” Wuyang comes out in the Shangguan Feichen suggestion next station, Wei Long was negligent, hasn't put forth the strongest strength, how the South State talent to be inferior to Central State?” “我不服!”舞阳在上官飞尘的暗示下站出来,“卫龙不过是大意了,没有使出最强的力量,南州天才岂会不如中州?” My Wuyang is South State rectifies names!” Wuyang pulls out a sword, points to Chu Tian to exclaim: You must be a man do not want to flinch, hits one with me frankly and uprightly!” “我舞阳为南州正名!”舞阳抽出一把战刀,直指着楚天吼道:“你要还是一个男人就不要在退缩了,光明正大跟我打一场!” Divine Wind Marquis is somewhat disgruntled: „Was Western Marquis certain entanglement?” 神风候有些不悦:“四方候是一定纠缠到底了?” But Western Marquis appearance: Actually South State usually encouraged to compete, therefore the matter of young people, I never meddle, making them decide.” 四方候一副无奈样子:“其实南州素来鼓励竞争,所以年轻人的事情,我从来不插手,让他们自己决定吧。” Golden Arrow Marquis also knits the brows. 金箭候也皱皱眉。 Western Marquis too intentional in view of this young people. 四方候太故意的针对这个年轻人。 Although does not know that has any gratitude and grudges, but really not being the nobilities should have the bearing. 虽然不知道有什么恩怨,但是实在不是王侯该有的气度。 However Golden Arrow Marquis does not want to offend Western Marquis in this time, Thunder State needs the strength help of Western Marquis greatly troublesome, several young people are see the world informed and experienced, it is estimated that will not have the too major function, injured has also injured, was not important. 不过金箭候不想在此时得罪四方候,雷州大麻烦需要四方候的力量帮忙,几个年轻人是来历练见世面的,估计不会有太大作用,伤了也就伤了,不打紧。 Good.” Chu Tian extracts Netherworld Sword to walk, the blue white flame lingers in the sword blade edge: I accept the challenge!” “好吧。”楚天抽出幽冥剑走出来,蓝白火焰在剑刃萦绕:“我就接受挑战吧!” Divine Wind Marquis sees this to sigh. 神风候见此叹息一声。 Is worried about Chu Tian injured actually, is feared that this mountain ridge knot is deeper! 倒不是担心楚天受伤,是怕这梁子越结越深啊! You listened, my inherited «Day Flame Knife skill» to buy in the spirit fire to practice, the name shook South State , the might was infinite!” Wuyang reveals a ferocious color, the long blade spout the roaring flame that roasts red: In my blade integrates the Earth Spirit fire, chops to burn including the steel and iron instantaneously melts, the defense of Wei Long is unable to resist. Because the might is too big, feared that is very difficult to show mercy, if incautiously created disabled even died, do not blame me.” “你听好了,我祖传的《天炎刀法》以吸纳灵火来进行修炼,名震南州,威力无穷!”舞阳露出一丝狞色,长刀喷涌出红炙的烈焰:“我的刀中融入地灵火,劈出瞬间连钢铁都能烧融,就算卫龙的防御也无法抵挡。正因为威力太大,怕很难手下留情,若一不小心造成残废甚至死亡,你可不要怪我。” A Chu Tian face is confident, that has a look is your blade is more formidable, is the sword in my hand is sharper, is your Earth Spirit hot temperature is high, is my Netherworld Flame is sharper.” 楚天一脸坦然,“那就看看是你的刀更强大,还是我手中的剑更锋利,是你的地灵火温度高,还是我的幽冥火更犀利。” Extremely arrogant ignorant, that dies!” The flame of Wuyang condensed completely completes, releases Source Spirit suddenly, the power and influence immediately suddenly to increase, erupts strongest one move: „The dance of Burning Heaven!” “狂妄无知,那就死吧!”舞阳的火焰已经完全凝聚完成,骤然释放出元魂,威势顿时暴增,爆发出最强的一招:“燃天之舞!” A handle long blade as if summoned the flame of hell, contained to destroy the day to extinguish the place the power and influence to raid. 一柄长刀仿佛召唤出地狱之炎,蕴含着毁天灭地的威势袭来。 Comes well!” Chu Tian Netherworld Flame also condenses the extreme, the whole person escapes suddenly into Netherworld , changes to together combustion dazzling sword light Netherworld Raging Flame Slash! “来得好!”楚天幽冥火也凝聚到极点,整个人骤然遁入幽冥,化作一道燃烧的耀眼剑光幽冥怒炎斩 When! 当! The weapons of two combustion encounter directly, the Marquis Palace hall wall was broken by the violent strength directly, the blade is mad Sword Qi to collide, the intense able to move unhindered lasing, two entirely different strengths, almost mutually counter-balanced. 两把燃烧的兵器直接交锋,侯府大厅墙壁直接被猛烈力量震碎,刀气剑气碰撞,激烈纵横激射,两种截然不同的力量,几乎是互相的抵消了。 Wuyang is surprised, can this fellow block a full blade? 舞阳大吃一惊,这个家伙能挡住全力的一刀? Chu Tian is a little also astonished, Luo Xianglong cannot block this sword, the Wuyang strength compared with the imagination in! 楚天也有点惊愕,洛降龙也挡不住这一剑,舞阳实力比想象中强很多啊! They seem share half and half, actually Wuyang is even better, because sword collision instantaneous, the flame that explodes, has a large number to spurt on Chu Tian, if no Immortal body guard, Chu Tian suffered defeat. 两人看上去是平分秋色,其实舞阳是更胜一筹的,因为刀剑碰撞瞬间,爆裂开来的火焰,有相当一部分都喷到楚天身上,若没有不灭体护身,楚天已经败北了。 This move of knife skill is not inferior gets angry the flame to cut! 这一招刀法不逊色怒炎斩! The weapon of Wuyang is also best quality goods soul! 舞阳的武器也是极品魂器! The Chu Tian Source Spirit [gold/metal] link is more formidable, cultivation base of Wuyang profound too many are too many! 楚天元魂金环更加强大,舞阳的修为却高深太多太多! Ha Ha, this blade calculates that we are even!” The Wuyang long blade burns once more: How can you keep off my second blade?” “哈哈,这一刀算我们平手!”舞阳长刀再次燃起来:“不过你要怎么挡我的第二刀呢?” Wuyang clear own superiority cultivation base suppression of maliciously! 舞阳清楚自己的优势修为的狠狠压制! Awakened Soul 4th Layer Cultivator and Awakened Soul 3rd Layer Cultivator compares, not only the Source Energy vigorous degree is stronger . Moreover the Source Energy output speed is also faster, therefore Wuyang can complete in a short time again strikes „the dance of Burning Heaven, but Chu Tian did not have the time to condense that move of swordsmanship. 魂醒四重修士魂醒三重修士比起来,非但元力浑厚程度更强,而且元力输出速度也更快,所以舞阳能短时间内再完成一击“燃天之舞”,而楚天却没有时间凝聚那一招剑法了。 Who knows that Wuyang just condensed half, Chu Tian waist precious pearl blooms the ray, massive Netherworld Flame spew out, directly was attracted by the long sword. 谁知道,舞阳刚刚凝聚到一半,楚天腰间一颗宝珠绽放出光芒,大量幽冥火喷涌而出,直接被长剑吸过去。 What?!” In the Wuyang panic-stricken vision, a Chu Tian sword punctures, wait / etc., I admit defeat!” “什么?!”舞阳惊恐目光中,楚天一剑刺过来,“等等,我认输!” Too late! 太迟了! The combustion sword light breaks the long blade directly! 燃烧剑光直接破开长刀! That sharp sword pierces protecting body Source Energy of Wuyang directly, innumerable sinister and ruthless Netherworld Flame sneak in his body instantaneously. Wuyang called out pitifully on stupor. 那犀利一剑直接刺穿舞阳的护体元力,无数阴毒幽冥火瞬间钻进他的身体。舞阳惨叫一声就到底昏迷过去。 Also lost? 又输了? Moreover neat that loses! 而且输的干脆利落! Can't the talents of two Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak, fight the people of two Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak unexpectedly? 两个魂醒四重巅峰的天才,竟然斗不过两个魂醒三重巅峰之人? Shangguan Feichen stabilizes with Source Energy lives in the Wuyang injury, after simple inspection, immediately flies into a rage saying: „The meridians five internal organs of Wuyang are damaged extremely seriously, perhaps the non- high-grade goods wondrous medicines are uncurable!” 上官飞尘元力稳定住舞阳伤势,简单的检查一番后,立刻勃然大怒道:“舞阳的经脉五脏受损极其严重,恐怕非上品圣药不能治愈!” damn!” Shangguan Hong whole face angry killing intent is staring Chu Tian, martial arts contest compares notes, Wuyang admitted defeat finally obviously, your why under this violent treachery breaks the person future, how Central State can leave your like this evil and cruel generation!” 可恶啊!”上官泓满脸愤怒杀气瞪着楚天,“比武切磋而已,舞阳最后明明已经认输,你又何必下此毒手断人前程,中州怎么会出你这样的歹毒之辈!” „If not show mercy, this waste is deceased person one!” Chu Tian inserts in the sword the scabbard, „when the next time will look for the person trouble, the multi- thinking over component, will not take a palm of the hand to pull out actually to hit on own face.” “若不手下留情,此废物已经是死人一具!”楚天把剑插进剑鞘里,“下回找人麻烦时,多掂量掂量分量,不要一巴掌抽出去却打在自己脸上。” Many year nobody dare to provoke Western Marquis . 多少年没人敢挑衅四方候了。 The Western Marquis good and evil is one of the Southern Xia eight marquises! 四方候好歹是南夏八侯之一! Golden Arrow Marquis holds in high esteem to Chu Tian, the present young people link their pressure is very difficult to resist, this was called the Chu Tian youth in front of Western Marquis self-poise, instead dares to speak the satire provocation, poured also some courage. 金箭候则对楚天刮目相看,现在的年轻人连他们的威压都很难抵挡,这个叫楚天少年在四方候面前镇定自若,反而敢出言讽刺挑衅,倒也有一些胆魄。 Goes too far!” Shangguan Feichen stands angrily: I'm coming compares with you!” “欺人太甚!”上官飞尘愤怒站出来:“我来跟你比比!” Shangguan Feichen is the Western Marquis heir apparent, in the future will inherit the Marquis person hopefully, resources that this person invests, is not Shangguan Ming such elder can compare absolutely. Therefore the Shangguan Feichen strength, by far is perhaps stronger than Shangguan Ming, even if is also about the same as startled certainly colorful Chu Xinghe. 上官飞尘四方候世子,未来有希望继承侯爵的人,这种人身上投入的资源,绝对不是上官明那样的长老能比的。所以上官飞尘的实力,恐怕远远比上官明更强,即使跟惊才绝艳的楚星河也在伯仲之间。 Divine Wind Marquis for fear that Chu Tian will make crazy matter. 神风候生怕楚天会做出疯狂事情。 Chu Tian should uses the complete strength to Wuyang, is impossible to fight this Shangguan Feichen, making Chu Xinghe return Good enough! 楚天对舞阳应该是动用全部实力了,不可能斗得过这个上官飞尘,让楚星河来还差不多 Sufficed!” Divine Wind Marquis had an anger, „can Western Marquis go too far seriously? How is inferior to your me to compared with!” “够了!”神风候已经有一丝愤怒,“四方候当真要欺人太甚?不如你我必比如何!” Divine Wind Marquis was gets angry realistic. 神风候是动真怒了。 Shangguan Hong by the family background, is unlikely fears Divine Wind Marquis, but is small Chu Tian, does not need with to be of Divine Wind Marquis eight marquises contracts enmity. 上官泓凭借家族背景,不至于神风候,但是为一个小小的楚天,没必要和同为八侯之一的神风候结怨。 Wind brother spoke discreetly.” Shangguan Hong disguises to reprimand: Feichen, you said that is also heir apparent’s body, how could also from falling the status challenges one base and low to repair wildly? Wei Long and Wuyang technique is inferior to the person, lost also lost, the competition stopped!” “风兄言重了。”上官泓假装斥责道:“飞尘,你怎么说也是世子之身,又岂能自降身份去挑战一个卑微野修?卫龙、舞阳技不如人,输了也就输了,比试到此为止吧!” Shangguan Feichen cold snort|hum. 上官飞尘冷哼一声。 Shaking the head of Golden Arrow Marquis forced smile: Rescues Thunder State to come, how to make the situation so? Jiang Shan, you entertain the talents of two states, I must discuss the detailed strategy of elimination disaster with two marquises in detail.” 金箭候苦笑的摇摇头:“诸位救援雷州而来,何以闹得如此地步?江山,你招待招待两州的天才,我要与二位侯爷详细探讨消灭灾祸的详细战略。” Jiang Shan has two big Thunder State talents to walk: „The Thunder State nice wine is famous, I treat to invite several to drink to heart's content!” 江山带着两大雷州天才走来:“雷州好酒非常出名,我请客邀请几位痛饮!” Exempted!” Shangguan Feichen having mind filled with anger, how also with Chu Tian one group in the same place, „the Wei Long Wuyang heavy losses, I must therapy to them, does not accompany!” “免了!”上官飞尘满腹怒火,又岂会跟楚天一伙在一起,“卫龙舞阳重创,我要给他们疗伤,就不奉陪了!” Said. 说完。 His did not return to leave. 他头也不回离开了。 Nangong Yun disdained saying: Is small-minded, the heart is narrow, is really not a man!” 南宫云不屑说:“小肚鸡肠,心胸狭隘,真不是个男人!” Jiang Shan does not hope to annoy again troublesome, immediately has several people to leave here. 江山不希望再惹麻烦,立刻带着几人离开此处。 The Jiang Shan three people, the Chu Tian four people, look for a tavern to go. 江山三人,楚天四人,找一间酒馆进去。 „The Elder Brother Chu strength is impressive!” Golden Arrow Marquis heir apparent Jiang Shan sits, immediately laughs, to be honest, I also looked that the Shangguan Family person is not feeling well, isn't depends the life experience to be prominent? Since arrives at Thunder State to gesticulate to my fathers and sons, appearance that keeping aloof! This started to teach, ha ha ha ha!” 楚兄实力让人刮目相看!”金箭候世子江山一坐下来,立刻哈哈大笑起来,“老实说,我也看上官家族的人不爽,不就是仗着身世显赫么?自从来到雷州就对我父子指手画脚,一副高高在上的样子!这下手教训了吧,哈哈哈哈!” I have not thought actually really that Elder Brother Chu can defeat Wuyang unexpectedly directly!” The inexpensive broken armed forces are whole face beard dregs, although only then 87, look like probably 30-40 years old is the same, I, if to he, victory and defeat also only then 55 open. My cultivation base already Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak, but Elder Brother Chu is also only the Virtual soul boundary, is really inconceivable!” “我倒是真没想到,楚兄竟然能正面击败舞阳!”廉破军是一个满脸胡子渣,虽然只有87,却看起来好像三四十岁一样,“我要是对上他,胜负也只有55开。我修为早就魂醒四重巅峰,而楚兄还只是虚魂境界,真是不可思议!” Lin Changge sighs with emotion: Chu Family leaves Chu Xinghe, Chu Tian, all has the capital of crack earth conferring nobility upon, Central State is not simple! Central State Chu Family is not simple!” 林长戈则感慨到:“楚家出一个楚星河,又出一个楚天,皆有裂土封侯之资,中州不简单啊!中州楚家不简单啊!” Wrong!” Nangong Yun corrects promptly: Chu Xinghe is Chu Xinghe, Chu Tian is Chu Tian, relations do not have. Moreover Chu Tian, although is also surnamed Chu, but does not have with Central State Chu Family relations.” “错!”南宫云及时纠正:“楚星河楚星河,楚天楚天,一点关系都没有。而且楚天虽然也姓楚,但是跟中州楚家一点关系都没有。” Jiang Shan, the inexpensive broken armed forces and Lin Changge gawked. 江山、廉破军、林长戈都楞了。 The Chu Tian potential is so formidable, doesn't stem from Central State Chu Family unexpectedly? 楚天潜力如此强大,竟不是出自中州楚家 Feng Caidie described the matter simply: Must say really that Chu Xinghe, Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang, do not have the means to join this motion, all because of the relations of Chu Tian.” 风彩蝶将事情简单描述一遍:“真要说起来,楚星河洛降龙叶天狼,没办法参加这次行动,全都是因为楚天的关系。” I hold!” The inexpensive broken armed forces explode a thick mouth directly: „Did you abandon their three?!” “我操!”廉破军直接爆一句粗口:“你把他们三个都废了?!” Lin Changge also quite a while, raised up the thumb saying: Strong! You were too strong!” 林长戈也楞半天,竖起大拇指说:“强!你太强了!” No wonder Divine Wind Marquis so takes seriously Elder Brother Chu! Really anticipated that can one day, together rush toward the northern battlefield with Elder Brother Chu, attacks fiercely a Spirit Beast show skill!” During Jiang Shan speeches, very heroic holds altar|jar liquor: My Jiang Shan admires hero character, today runs into Central State everybody also to calculate to be predestined friends, even if makes the next friend, should not be polite, drinks freely!” “难怪神风候如此重视楚兄!真是期待能有一天,跟楚兄共同奔赴北方战场,去痛击兽灵一展身手啊!”江山说话间,非常豪迈的抱起一坛酒:“我江山最敬佩英雄人物,今天遇到中州各位也算有缘,就算交下一个朋友,不要客气,尽管喝!” Actually Golden Arrow Marquis also calculates Southern Summer Country one generation of characters. 其实金箭候也算南夏国一代人物。 Although was born in a small family, the natural talent is extraordinary, under the chance coincidence, obtained ancient times the archery inheritance, half a lifetime army horse, meritorious military service illustrious, finally was labeled as Golden Arrow Marquis, until now still grasps the kingdom military order, Thunder State was his military compound! 虽然出生在一个小家族,却天资超绝,机缘巧合之下,获得远古箭术传承,半生戎马,战功赫赫,最终被封为金箭候,至今依然手持王国将令,雷州就是他的军营! Although Golden Arrow Marquis already not on battlefield, army that but the northern front and Spirit Beast battle, Good enough has one-third is the Thunder State training. Golden Arrow Marquis is marching the shivering aspect, perhaps cannot compare Southern Summer Army god Wu'an Monarch, but actually is extremely skilled in the [say / way] of training. 虽然金箭候已经不上战场了,但是北方前线与兽灵作战的部队,差不多有1是雷州训练的。金箭候在行军打战方面,或许比不上南夏军神武安君,但是却极其精通训练之道。 Golden Arrow Marquis has one set of special method training army, army that trains, is Southern Summer Country elite. The Thunder State people take enlisting to join the army for the honor, therefore fosters the heroic spirit capable attitude. Jiang Shan and inexpensive broken armed forces, Lin Changge, hold an office in the armed forces, year to year good five lives, eats together to live together with the sergeant, in the Thunder State prestige is very high. 金箭候有一套特殊方法训练军队,所训练出来的军队,无不是南夏国精锐。雷州人都以入伍从军为荣,所以养成豪气干练的作风。江山、廉破军,林长戈,都在军中任职,常年的行伍生活,与军士同吃同住,在雷州声望是很高的。 Jiang Shan freely is honored heir apparent status, does not have the arrogance of common aristocrat. 江山尽管是尊贵的世子身份,却没有寻常贵族的傲气。 Inexpensive broken armed forces and Lin Changge, although the birth established aristocrat, has not actually fostered the domineering disposition. 廉破军、林长戈,虽说出生老牌贵族,却也没有养成跋扈性格。 Several people are worth becoming friends with. 几个人是值得结交的。 Your again here!” When several people drink Good enough, Meng Yingying pants to run over, the back is responsible for giving her to overcome Lin Mu and Fang Han of hand, we issue Sanzhou sergeant 100 box of canned food, now everybody has caused a stir, receives very warm welcome! Here remaining, left you to eat!” “你们再这里啊!”当几人都喝得差不多时,梦莹莹气喘吁吁跑过来,背后跟着负责给她打下手的林木方寒,“我们把100箱罐头都发给三洲军士,现在大家都轰动了,受到非常热烈的欢迎呢!这里剩下一点,留给你们吃了!” Jiang Shan is curious: What is canned food?” 江山非常好奇:“罐头是什么?” Central State Miracle Commerce invention one Canned Food of easy preserve!” Feng Caidie loses to a three people of canned food respectively, told you while convenient, Elder Brother Chu was Miracle Commerce Chairman, if thought delicious, can ask that he decided!” 中州奇迹商会发明的一种易储藏的食品!”风彩蝶分别丢给三人一个罐头,“顺便告诉你们,楚兄就是奇迹商会会长,如果觉得好吃,可以问他定哦!” Miracle Commerce?” The inexpensive broken armed forces first time heard, Chu little brother's chamber of commerce? Ha Ha, this was actually fresh! The Elder Brother Chu also starting business came young!” 奇迹商会?”廉破军第一次听说,“楚小兄弟的商会?哈哈,这倒是新鲜了!楚兄年纪轻轻还做起生意来了!” Chu Tian said reluctantly: I do not live like you in the respected family, has vigorous training of family. The practice such spends, does not do a business not to be good.” 楚天无奈地说:“我可不像你们一样生在大家族,有家族的大力培养。修炼这么花钱,不做点生意可不行啊。” During the speeches, three people open the canned food. 说话间,三人都打开罐头。 Well? Is the Demon Beast meat!” “咦?是魔兽肉!” Meng Yingying said self-confidently: You taste quickly, flavor is very good!” 梦莹莹自信满满的说:“你们快尝尝吧,味道很不错哦!” Three people half believing and half doubting tastes one, their this has not eaten the Source Energy cooking Canned Food person, how could also to imagine delicacy that such Demon Beast meat can also make? 三人将信将疑的品尝一口,他们这样从来没吃过元力烹饪食品的人,又岂能想象魔兽肉也能做的这么美味? This......” “这……” This was too inconceivable!” “这太不可思议了!” When the Demon Beast meat became such delicious!” 魔兽肉什么时候变得这么好吃了!” The inexpensive broken armed forces and Lin Changge show the unbelievable expression. 廉破军和林长戈都露出难以置信的表情。 Jiang Shan is excited asking: How long can this canned meat guarantee nature probably?” 江山更是激动的问:“这肉罐头大概能保质多久?” Meng Yingying somewhat shy smiles: By Miracle Commerce the technology, can at present probably in normal environment head nature one year!” 梦莹莹有些腼腆的一笑:“以奇迹商会目前技术,大概能在正常环境里保质一年!” What? One year!” “什么?一年!” This is canned meat! 这是肉罐头啊! One can guarantee nature all year round meat! 一罐能保质整年的肉! Jiang Shan realized immediately the importance of canned food to army, the body of Cultivator needs the massive energies, the demand of ordinary food is very big. Ordinary Awakened Soul Cultivator, one can eat one entire only to roast the sheep, therefore in the marching process, is huge to the demand of military provisions, has to smuggle some Demon Beast meat! 江山顿时意识到罐头对军队的重要性,修士的身体需要大量能量,普通食物的需求量很大。一个普通魂醒修士,一顿能吃掉一整只烤羊,所以行军过程中,对军粮的需求量非常庞大,不得不夹带一些魔兽肉! The Demon Beast meat intensity is very high, is very difficult to cut open with the blade, is not only unpalatable, moreover cannot eat, will otherwise possibly have problems. 魔兽肉强度很高,用刀都很难切开,非但十分难吃,而且不能够多吃,否则可能会出问题的。 This canned meat is different! 这肉罐头就不一样了! The Elite soldier brings a canned food, basically meets a day of consumption need. Body Refinement Cultivator eats the Level 1 canned food, Awakened Soul Cultivator eats the Level 2 canned food, Cultivator of different boundary, regarding different rank Demon Beast, to promoting the army battle efficiency are greatly advantageous. 精英士兵带一个罐头,基本就满足一天消耗需求。炼体修士1级罐头,魂醒修士2级罐头,不同境界的修士,对于不同等级魔兽,对提升军队战斗力大大有利。 This thing was really good!” Jiang Shan is full of praise: Elder Brother Chu, I represent the father to discuss with you, how many canned food you can supply every year?” “这东西真是太好了!”江山赞不绝口:“楚兄,我代表父亲跟你谈一谈,你每年可以供应多少罐头?” Chu Tian shows a faint smile: This must ask Yingying.” 楚天微微一笑:“这个得问莹莹。” „The Miracle Commerce cannery had two to begin, it is expected that in the near future will open over ten again, a factory in the material sufficient situation, can produce 20,000-30,000 high qualitative canned food every day.” 奇迹商会的罐头工厂已经有两座在开工,预计近期会再开十座以上,一座工厂在材料充足的情况下,每天能够生产两三万个高品质的罐头。” The canned food output is good! 罐头产量还不错啊! Jiang Shan two shine, appears very excited! 江山两眼放光,显得非常激动! From the canned food popularity, our canned food is falls short of demand.” Meng Yingying thinks: Every month the Level 1 canned food are most to Thunder State provides 300,000 cans, because Level 1 Demon Beast also has the division of height, if the military canned food, the quality must be very high, probably in needing 1000 - 15 million gold coins!” “从罐头受欢迎程度来看,我们的罐头是供不应求的。”梦莹莹想了想:“每月1级罐头最多给雷州提供300000罐,因为1级魔兽也有高低之分,如果是军用罐头的话,品质肯定要很高,大概在需要1000-15000000金币之间!” This canned food trading value is not cheap! 这罐头出售价格不便宜! After is intercontinental transaction has venture capital. 毕竟是跨洲交易有风险成本的。 300,000 cans were too few!” Jiang Shan wants not to say: 40 million gold coins, every month 600,000 cans of how is it?” “300000罐太少了!”江山想都没想就说:“40000000金币,每月600000罐怎么样?” This price was very good. 这个价格算是很不错了。 When sees Meng Yingying to hesitate, Jiang Shan hurried and said: Jiang Family has no intention to store up the canned food, these canned food must transport in the northern front finally, was does to contribute for the kingdom. We do not publicize in the market condition resell, therefore Miracle Commerce can still trade with the Thunder State local area merchant.” 当见梦莹莹犹豫,江山赶紧又说道:“江家无意囤积罐头,这些罐头最终是要输送北方前线上的,也算是为王国做贡献了。我们绝不公开在市面上倒卖,所以奇迹商会依然可以与雷州本地商人交易。” Naturally, the kingdom must disburse money. 当然,王国也是要出钱的。 Goes is very troublesome the Central State direct transportation to the front, Thunder State holds the natural geographical advantage, this canned food hands over, every month gains 120 million is not anything, the kingdom will not care about this money, after all the canned food can effectively promote the army battle efficiency. 中州直接运输到前线去会很麻烦,雷州却占有天然的地理优势,这罐头转手一下,每月赚个120000000不算什么,王国不会在乎这点钱,毕竟罐头能有效的提升军队战斗力。 Good!” Meng Yingying has decided that 600,000 600,000!” “好!”梦莹莹决定了,“600000就600000!” Meng Yingying just arrived at Thunder State to discuss that a big list, the Thunder State Jiang Family order, can be every month Miracle Commerce creates 2-3 surely gold coins the profits! 梦莹莹刚到雷州就谈一笔大单,雷州江家的订单,每个月能为奇迹商会创造两三千万金币的利润! ( This chapter is big Zhang Jiageng about 5000 characters! The subscription is not very powerful, enters new book first three is very difficult, hopes to have the book friend generous support traveller far from home of condition!) (本章为近5000字的大章加更!订阅还是很不给力啊,进新书前三名都很困难,希望有条件的书友多多支持一下游子!) .
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