MT :: Volume #3

#214: One the fist second kills

Western Marquis Shangguan Hong knows mostly the Central State City matter, Shangguan Ming by Chu Tian lesson maliciously, was working as the surface of several thousand audiences, gave to step on including the fruit breaks to pieces. 四方候上官泓多半知道中州城的事情,上官明楚天狠狠的教训,更当着几千观众的面,连蛋蛋都给踩碎了。 This is the Shangguan Family person! 这是上官家族的人啊! Even if good-for-nothing, even if bad, how could to turn to obtain the bystander to teach? 哪怕不成器,哪怕再恶劣,何曾轮得到外人来教训? Does not know the mudskipper who in which ravine drills does dare to urinate above the brave fighter? 一个不知道哪条山沟里钻出的泥猴敢在猛虎头上撒尿? Imperial City the too big sound, mainly has not been Shangguan Ming is in itself in the wrong at present, sends the Central State special envoy as Imperial City, must carry out the secret task, but the exposed status runs up to the procedure that the Central State main city goes, is openly is violating the Imperial City order absolutely, what on more wrong adds is wrong, he seeks after Central State to hide away unexpectedly, flaunts the Imperial City special envoy banner to want forcefully its plundering, this has violated the procedure of big death anniversary! 王城目前没有太大动静,主要是上官明本身理亏,作为王城派到中州的特使,是要执行秘密任务的,而暴露身份跑到中州主城去的做法,绝对是在公然违背王城命令,更错上加错的是,他竟贪图中州秘藏,打着王城特使旗号想强行将其掠夺,这是犯了大忌的做法! Shangguan Family blocks off the flow of news, Imperial City few knows personally, if the matter makes too greatly, instead was paid attention easily, making the Shangguan Family reputation be damaged, is unsuitable to retaliate on a grand scale. 上官家族封锁住消息,王城没有几个人知道,若是事情闹得太大,反而容易被人关注,让上官家族名誉受损,也就不便大张旗鼓去报复。 Let alone, Divine Wind Marquis is mediating to mediate afterward, the Southern Xia eight marquises face must, therefore let it go. 何况,神风候在事后斡旋调停,南夏八侯的面子要给,所以不了了之了。 Western Marquis Shangguan Hong is a family important branch, although with the Shangguan Ming not anything intercourse, but as the Shangguan Family member, the family sense of honor is very intense. The Chu Tian boy dares to regard the Shangguan Family prestige in not having the thing, how could easily has forgiven him? 四方候上官泓是家族一个重要分支,虽然跟上官明没什么往来,但是作为上官家族的成员,家族荣誉感是非常强烈的。楚天小子敢视上官家族威名于无物,又岂能轻易的饶了他? If there is not met. 若没有遇到就算了。 Since just runs upon, cannot let off easily! 既然刚好撞上,决不能轻易放过! Shangguan Hong does not believe that Divine Wind Marquis is a junior, with is of he eight marquises gets angry. 上官泓根本不相信神风候会为一个小辈,跟同为八侯之一的他翻脸。 At this moment, powerful looking Giant walks, just likes a silent hill horizontally in the Chu Tian front, making the person have an intense constriction! 此刻,一个彪形巨汉走出来,犹如一座沉默的小山横在楚天的面前,让人有一种强烈的压迫感! Wei Long with Wuyang is the super talent of South State large clan, but in comparison, Wei Long strength slightly weakness. Shangguan Feichen plays a word game intentionally, most people one erroneous concept, probably the defense formidable person, the attack ability certainly is weak. 卫龙跟舞阳都是南州大族的超级天才,只不过相比之下,卫龙实力稍弱点。上官飞尘故意玩一个文字游戏,大多数人都有一种思想误区,好像防御强大的人,进攻能力就一定薄弱。 Actually is not this. 其实并不是这样的。 Wei Long truly defends the type master, but to defend him who grows perceptibly, does not hinder to have the tyrannical destructive power, this two is in itself not contradictory! 卫龙确实是防御类型高手,不过以防御见长的他,不妨碍拥有强横的破坏力,这二者本身就不矛盾! South State Wei Clan inherits several hundred years of Cultivation Technique «To move Mountain Secret Art», in Southern Summer Country fame not inferior Chu Family «Soul Sword Secret Art», it is said cultivates the acme, moves strength of Shan Xieling , the prestige of reclamation town monster, is outstandingly vigorous formidable Cultivation Technique! 南州卫族传承好几百年的功法《搬山诀》,在南夏国名气不逊色楚家魂剑诀》,据说修炼到极致,搬山卸岭之力,填海镇妖之威,是万夫莫当的强大功法 Shangguan Feichen smiled was saying: Wei Long in South State , is the talent that is listed third.” 上官飞尘微笑着说:“卫龙南州,是排名第三的天才。” The Wei Long words are not many, the binocular twinkle cold brightness, let somebody cool off or calm down stares at Chu Tian, the jar sound jar air/Qi was saying: „Do you, dare to compete with!” 卫龙话不多,双眼闪烁寒光,冷冷盯着楚天,瓮声瓮气的说:“你,敢不敢比试比试!” Wei Long skin yo black, the build is tall, is less inferior than Wuyang, but compared with verve violent Wuyang, Wei Long like together the firm rock, lets the feeling that the person has to plant not to be possible to shake. 卫龙皮肤哟黑,体型五大三粗,一点不比舞阳逊色,不过与刚猛暴烈的舞阳相比,卫龙就像一块坚固的磐石,让人有种无可撼动的感觉。 Divine Wind Marquis a little hesitates...... Chu Tian should be able to win. 神风候有点犹豫……楚天应该能赢吧。 Wei Long slightly is also stronger than Central State Luo Xianglong little, Chu Tian can two defeat Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang by an enemy, moreover afterward has not paid the too big price, explained that Chu Tian strength already by far toward this level, looked that he is willing to accept a challenge. 卫龙也就比中州洛降龙稍强一点点,楚天能以一敌二打败洛降龙叶天狼,而且事后并没有付出太大代价,说明楚天实力已经远远朝过这个层次,就看他愿不愿意应战了。 Chu Tian compares a look to Nangong Yun. 楚天南宫云比一个眼神。 Nangong Yun was long with Chu Tian, has a mind the feelings of some cleverness, from the eye can know that expression meaning, her faint smile looks at Wei Long: Big fellow, you determined that can challenge us to be weakest?” 南宫云楚天久了,颇有心有灵犀的感觉,从眼中中就能知道表达的意思,她似笑非笑看着卫龙:“大块头,你确定要挑战我们最弱的?” Naturally!” Wei Long said that thinks probably a little improper, supplements one: From weakest hitting!” “当然!”卫龙说完,大概觉得有点不妥,又补充一句:“从最弱的打起!” Good, you wait / etc., I called the person!” “好,你等等,我去叫人!” Nangong Yun leaves Marquis Palace directly. 南宫云直接离开侯府 Chu Tian smiled and explained: Since you must hit weakly, we called the weakest person then. First defeats in us to be weakest, then challenges my this second from the bottom weakly is not late.” 楚天微笑着解释说:“既然你们要打最弱的,我们就把最弱的人叫来便是了。先打败我们中最弱的,再来挑战我这个倒数第二弱的也不迟啊。” Chu Tian! Did you call I'm coming to do?” After several minutes, a young beautiful green clothes girl comes, she seems like only 15-16 years old, the whole face is childish, a face complained: I the officers am sending the canned food to Sanzhou, very busy awareness?!” 楚天!你叫我来干什么?”几分钟后,一个年轻美丽的绿衣女孩进来,她看起来才十五六岁,满脸稚气未脱,一脸埋怨说:“我在给三洲将士们发罐头呢,很忙的知不知道?!” This big fellow is the talent that South State is listed third.” Chu Tian fingers of Meng Yingying said: „Our young misses called Meng Yingying, she was born the small family of Central State small town, feared that was 100 cannot arrange.” “这位大块头是南州排名第三的天才。”楚天指指梦莹莹说:“我们这位小姑娘叫梦莹莹,她出生中州小城的小家族,怕是100名都排不进去。” Wei Long thought one were insulted: Your what meaning?” 卫龙觉得自己受到侮辱:“你到底什么意思?” Snort, the courage that Central State Chu Tian fights does not have, instead makes a little girl come out to bring death?” Shangguan Feichen with despising the pungent tone said: This, if passes on, rather harms the Central State honor! The little girls, I thought that your beauty is good, might as well with this heir apparent, always feel better this heartless generation.” “哼,中州楚天一战的勇气都没有,反而让一个小女孩出来送死?”上官飞尘用鄙夷辛辣口吻说:“这要是传出去的话,未免有损中州脸面吧!小女孩,我看你姿色不错,不如跟着本世子,总好过这个无情之辈。” I!” Although Meng Yingying has not made clear the situation, but she cannot others insult Chu Tian absolutely, that is insulting itself to be the same simply, „do you actually want to do?” “我呸!”梦莹莹虽然没搞清楚情况,不过她是绝对不许别人侮辱楚天的,那简直就是在侮辱自己一样,“你们到底想干什么?” Chu Tian said to face blurry Meng Yingying: This big fellow must try your defensive power, do you accompany him to play how is it?” 楚天对一脸迷糊的梦莹莹说:“这大块头要试试你的防御力,你就陪他玩玩怎么样?” Early said! That comes!” “早说嘛!那就来吧!” The Meng Yingying good and evil also has to be skilled in the level «Starlight Immortal Body», if competes with the combat capability, she cannot compare the average person, but must say the defensive power, even if Awakened Soul 4th Layer also gave up any idea of that breaks easily. 梦莹莹好歹也具备精通级的《星光不灭体》,若是比试战斗能力,她比不上普通人,但是要说防御力的话,就算魂醒四重也休想轻易打破。 I have not misunderstood!” Wuyang laughs, unexpectedly can with Wei Long compared with the defense? Such a delicate little girl? It is not good admits defeat, I am shamed for you!” “我没听错吧!”舞阳大笑起来,“居然要跟卫龙比防御?就这么一个弱不禁风的小女孩?不行就认输,我都替你蒙羞!” damn! 可恶 Dares to look down upon me! 敢瞧不起我! Meng Yingying is angry immediately, starts Immortal body directly, seeps Starlight from the body, originally on clear such as the skin of jade, at this moment becomes nearly transparent general, refracts variegated just likes the diamond gloss. 梦莹莹顿时大怒,直接发动不灭体,从身体中渗透出星光,本来就晶莹如玉的皮肤,此刻变得近乎透明一般,从中折射出斑斓犹如金刚石的光泽。 Innumerable mist Source Energy condense in top of the head, ultimately forms a mirror shape Source Spirit. 无数水雾般的元力在头顶凝聚,最终形成一面镜子形态的元魂 „Do you want to challenge Chu Tian? That first passes this pass!” “你们想挑战楚天?那就先过这一关!” Wei Long lets somebody cool off or calm down one, the mountain aura, fills the air from within the body, after the Source Energy condensation changes from, impressively is a grand mountain peak, the Wei Long body surface, presents the massive solid rocks rapidly. 卫龙冷冷一哼,山岳般的气息,从体内弥漫开,元力凝聚化形之后,赫然是一座雄伟山峰,卫龙身体表面,迅速出现大量坚石。 Mountain Source Spirit? 元魂 No wonder has the formidable defense! 难怪拥有强大的防御! A trivial Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak little girl, how could and does Wei Long become famous for a long time super talent to compare like this? Wei Long roars, the right arm suddenly duplicate coping stone armor, inflates 67 times instantaneously, just likes has thousand honored weights. 一个区区魂醒三重巅峰的小女孩,又岂能和卫龙这样成名已久的超级天才比?卫龙怒吼一声,右臂骤然覆盖石铠,瞬间膨胀67倍,犹如有千钧般的重量。 Mountain Source Spirit not only can bring the mountain defense, can unite a mountain vigorous strength! 元魂不仅仅能带来山岳般的防御,更能凝聚出一股山岳般浑厚的力量! Wei Long is not person of the showing tender affection. 卫龙不是一个怜香惜玉之人。 The little girls courted death first give to extinguish her! 小女孩找死就先将她给灭了! That Chu Tian must cope, this is the duty that the heir apparent arranges, mostly also Western Marquis decree, perhaps if can attractive completion, be able to obtain the reward of Western Marquis . 那个楚天一定要对付,这是世子安排的任务,多半也四方候的旨意,如果能漂漂亮亮的完成,或许就能得到四方候的奖励。 Southern Xia eight marquises is not indifferent to fame and fortune like Divine Wind Marquis. 南夏八侯不是都像神风候一样淡泊名利。 Thunder State Golden Arrow Marquis is also good, South State Western Marquis is also good, is not only the protector in state county, is the lord of main city, the military authority and political power, the high degree of concentration. Therefore in Thunder State and South State , half resources by marquis's family monopoly, only then a super family, other large-scale families must look at its complexion. 雷州金箭候也好,南州四方候也好,不仅仅是州郡的守护者,更是主城之主,军权、政权,高度集中。所以在雷州南州,一半资源都是被侯爷的家族垄断,只有一个超级家族,其他大型家族都得看其脸色。 The heir apparents of two marquises early on breakthrough Awakened Soul 5th Layer, must be higher than much compared with Chu Xinghe cultivation base. 两位侯爷的世子早早就突破魂醒五重,比楚星河修为还要高出不少。 Naturally cultivation base is higher than Chu Xinghe, uncertain strength is stronger than Chu Xinghe, the Chu Xinghe itself talent is very rare, meanwhile obtains far Ancient Sword to repair the inheritance, by Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak strength, even if encounters with these two heir apparents, the stratagem which ensures success is also very big. 当然修为楚星河高,不一定实力比楚星河强,楚星河本身天赋很罕见,同时还获得远古剑修传承,以魂醒四重巅峰的实力,即使与这两位世子交锋,胜算也是很大的。 Roar!” “吼!” Wei Long gives out wild roaring! 卫龙发出狂暴的怒吼! That covers the rock armor of right arm, unexpectedly gradually Crystal Stone, just likes a jet black quartz, is full of the brown deep meaning the Rune ray. 那覆盖右臂的岩石铠甲,竟然渐渐地晶石化,犹如一层漆黑的水晶,其中充满土黄色奥义的符文光芒。 Landslide fist! 山崩拳! As the name suggests! 顾名思义! Once this Fist Arts makes, just likes the potential of landslide, overbearing incomparable, is hard to imagine, ordinary Awakened Soul Cultivator by a fist, will be ground the muddy flesh instantaneously! 此拳法一旦打出,犹如山崩之势,霸道无比,难以想象,普通魂醒修士挨一拳,瞬间就会被碾成肉泥的! The Nangong Yun complexion sinks slightly. 南宫云脸色微微一沉。 She has not thought that the Wei Long strength is so strong, if early knows so, she personally went forth to battle. This fist feared that has Diamond Body Meng Yingying also to be shaken the wound. 她万万没有想到,卫龙力量这么强大,若早知道如此,她就亲自上阵了。这一拳怕是拥有金刚体梦莹莹也会被震伤的。 The bastards are quite ruthless, to young miss also so heavy hand! 王八蛋好狠啊,对小姑娘也如此重手! Meng Yingying is unhurriedly, stimulates to movement magic mirror Source Spirit, mountain Source Spirit produces an inverted image, embodiment, Meng Yingying felt gradually immediately a vigorous strength pours into the body, the Source Energy nature changes all of a sudden, becomes is vigorous and firm. 梦莹莹不慌不忙,催动魔镜元魂,山元魂被倒映出来,渐渐地具象化,梦莹莹顿时感到一股浑厚力量注入身体,元力性质一下子发生变化,变得浑厚而坚固。 Looks my!” “看我的!” Meng Yingying reprimanded one tenderly, had a rock material, rapidly in body surface production! 梦莹莹娇斥一声,有层岩石般的物质,迅速在身体表面产生! Duplicates Source Spirit?” “复制元魂?” Divine Wind Marquis, Golden Arrow Marquis and Western Marquis , three people have all been shocked, the girl who this no one has cared about, actually has this rare special talent. 神风候金箭候四方候,三人全都惊呆了,这个谁都没在意的女孩,竟然具备这种罕见的特殊天赋。 No!” “不!” Not is only the right arm!” “不仅仅是右臂!” Martial Arts also one and duplicated!” 武学也一并复制了!” Meng Yingying raises the right hand time, the filament delicate white wrist|skill surface, concentrates unexpectedly Crystal Stone material, this fist rumbles, similarly as if erupts the prestige of landslide! 梦莹莹举起右手的时候,纤细嫩白手腕表面,竟也凝出一层晶石般的物质,这一拳轰出去的时候,同样仿佛爆发山崩之威! Landslide fist! 山崩拳! Can she landslide fist? 她怎么会山崩拳? This is giving up study of Wei! 这是卫家的绝学啊! The Wei Long face darken was fearful, studies was also what kind in the past, had its shape spatially: Dies!” 卫龙脸色阴沉可怕,学过去又怎么样,空有其形而已:“去死吧!” Two fists no matter the size, strength, momentum and speed, all completely differ so much as to be beyond comparison, is actually duty-bound not to turn back collides together. 两个拳头不管是大小、力量、声势、速度,全都完全不成比例,却义无反顾的碰撞在一起。 Meng Yingying «Starlight Immortal Body» was not weak, duplicates 6677 Wei Long mountain Source Spirit! 梦莹莹的《星光不灭体》本就不弱,又将卫龙元魂复制6677! The double fist clashes instant. 双拳对撞的刹那。 Meng Yingying by the rock armor that mountain Source Spirit concentrates, starts to disrupt from the right hand place immediately, after the dark rock explodes piece by piece, that blooms the adamantine luster skin to show, very perfect resisting follows closely the strength of landslide comes! 梦莹莹以山元魂凝成的岩石铠甲,从右手处开始顿时碎裂,当黑乎乎岩石片片爆裂后,那绽放着金刚石光泽的皮肤展现出来,非常完美的抵挡住紧接而来的山崩之力! Dual defenses! 双重防御! This is simultaneously is displaying dual defenses! 这是在同时施展双重防御! Bang!” “轰!” The Wei Long strength was rebounded directly, the Meng Yingying strength also falls on his body. 卫龙的力量直接被反弹回来,梦莹莹力量也落在他的身上。 That thick rock explodes entirely shatter, the right hand bone sends out a series of parched beans broken sounds, face upwards a blood to spurt, hits to put on a Marquis Palace wall at the scene, fell faints to outside street on. 那一身厚厚的岩石统统破碎爆开,右手骨头更是发出一连串爆豆般碎响,仰天一口血喷出来,当场撞穿侯府一面墙壁,落到外面的街道上晕死了过去。 How possible?!” “怎么可能?!” People damn type expression! 众人一副见鬼样的表情! Chu Tian is startled, how can like this? 楚天都吃一惊,怎么会这样? Starlight Immortal Body has certain reflection injury ability, but properly speaking is unlikely such formidable! 星光不灭体就算具有一定的反射伤害能力,但是按理说不至于如此之强大啊! The small fox is baring the mouth, early has the appearance of material. 小狐狸龇着嘴巴,一副早有所料的样子。 Meng Yingying looks at this own fist dull, said ignorant: Day, my fist is so fierce!” 梦莹莹呆呆看这自己的拳头,懵懵懂懂的说:“天呐,我的拳头这么厉害啊!” She remembers anything suddenly, pulls out the ancient small bronze mirror from bosom, the mirror surface ray gets down at the same time gloomily, as if had some strength to use up. 她忽然想起什么,从怀里掏出一面古旧的小铜镜,镜子表面光芒暗淡下去,似乎有某种力量用掉了。 I knew, this mirror has played the role!” Meng Yingying excited holds up the small mirror: This mirror can increase the strength of reflection, thanks the small fox to give me such easy-to-use gift!” “我知道了,这面镜子发挥了作用!”梦莹莹激动的举起小镜子:“这个镜子能加大反射之力,谢谢小狐狸送我这么好用的礼物!” The small fox pouts, puts on airs to beckon with the hand, indicated the small gift! 小狐狸努努嘴,装模作样摆摆手,表示小意思啦! No one has thought that can be such result. 谁都没有想到会是这样的结果。 Chu Tian comes out Meng Yingying tenderly, hopeless Meng Yingying wins Wei Long, the best result to fight to a draw with Wei Long, no one has the means how anyone. Who knows that a Meng Yingying fist almost Wei Long discarding, the result of such shocking is everyone is unforeseen. 楚天梦莹莹娇出来,没指望梦莹莹打赢卫龙,最好结果就是跟卫龙打个平手,谁也没有办法奈何谁。谁知道,梦莹莹一拳差点把卫龙给废掉了,这么震撼的结果是谁都无法预料的。 Especially the South State fellow, complexions are pale. 特别是南州的家伙,一个个都脸色铁青。 Wei Long is the talent that South State is listed third. 卫龙南州排名第三的天才。 This little girl not only cultivation base Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak, moreover does not have including a roll-call sound, is only one obscure individual. The South State famous talent fought with the fists by the Central State nameless girl remnantly, where this makes the face of South State person toward put! 这个小女孩非但修为魂醒三重巅峰,而且连一点名声都没有,只是一个无名之辈。南州著名天才被中州无名女孩一拳打残,这让南州人的面子往哪里放啊!
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