MT :: Volume #3

#213: Thunder State

Five battleships just patched. 五艘战舰刚刚修补完毕。 Chu Tian came back!” Under Meng Yingying raises the head to hope, discovered that sees Chu Tian that returns, immediately happy wielding small hands: Chu Tian, did you go to the den of pirate really? In that is any appearance, is amusing!” 楚天回来了!”梦莹莹翘首以盼之下,发现见到返回的楚天,立刻开心的挥挥小手:“楚天,你真的到水贼的老巢去了吗?那里面是什么样子的,好不好玩啊!” The people are speechless, this Meng Yingying is also the nerve big strip fellow. 众人无语,这梦莹莹也是个神经大条的家伙。 Chu Tian enters the Great Shark Gang den, that braves Qi Xian the procedure. 楚天巨鲨帮老巢,那是冒奇险的做法。 Nangong Yun hurriedly asked: How is it that you discussed?” 南宫云则急忙问:“你们谈的怎么样?” Ninety percent sure.” Chu Tian smiled, to say to Yingying afterward that you waited, your canned food can sell half Southern Summer Country immediately, even entire Southern Summer Country.” “十拿九稳。”楚天神秘一笑,随后对莹莹说,“你等着瞧吧,你的罐头马上就能卖遍半个南夏国,甚至整个南夏国了。” The Divine Wind Marquis vision dodges. 神风候目光一闪。 He knows that these words think anything! 他知道这句话以为什么! This boy goes in that a while, already and do this group of maneating pirates reach some agreement? If is really so, pours is also a good deed! Otherwise Divine Wind Marquis will not tolerate Great Shark Gang to continue to stir up trouble, if certainly wants the means to eradicate the pirate completely. 这小子进去才那么一会儿,难道就已经和这帮凶悍的水贼达成某种协议?若真是如此的话,倒也是一件好事!否则神风候不会容忍巨鲨帮继续兴风作浪,一定要想办法将水贼全部铲除。 Has the emergency task in the body, is unsuitable to continue to delay in this.” Chu Tian said to Divine Wind Marquis: Pirate will not be harassing us, now full speed goes to Thunder State.” “有紧急任务在身,不便在此继续耽搁。”楚天神风候说:“水贼不会在骚扰我们,现在全速前往雷州吧。” Divine Wind Marquis nods: Immediately!” 神风候点点头:“立刻出发!” Five warships start, swaggering passes through from the calm waters, navigates above the smoke wave vast level of the lake. 五艘军舰重新开动,大摇大摆从无风水域经过,航行在烟波浩渺的湖面之上。 This time besides encountering Great Shark Gang annoys not to be small troubles, is only occasionally by several aquatic Demon Beast attacks, pours has not met any big trouble again. 这次除了遭遇巨鲨帮惹到不小麻烦外,只是偶尔被几只水生魔兽袭击,倒也没有再遇什么大的麻烦。 Next day dusk, the warship arrives in the Thunder State wharf. 翌日黄昏,军舰抵达雷州的码头。 Reason that Thunder State called Thunder State, because the Thunder State environment was very special, here multi- thunder rain, had the meteorite to crash frequently, the climatic change relapse, guessed according to Chu Tian that Thunder State above space structure was not quite stable, this also presents one of the other dimension crack reasons. 雷州之所以叫雷州,因为雷州环境很特别,这里多雷多雨,经常有陨石坠落,气候变化反复,根据楚天猜测,雷州上方空间结构不太稳固,这也是出现位面裂缝的原因之一。 Army disembarks!” “全军下船!” The warship deck opens, the elite cavalry soldier diverts the warhorse to land. 军舰甲板打开,精锐骑兵牵制战马登陆。 The Central State City sharpest cavalry unit, generally has Body Refinement ** becomes the strength, rides the warhorse is Level 1 high-grade goods Demon Beast Azure Storm Colt, fresh single horn, azure all over the body unicorn, not only there is a strong endurance explosive force, but can also launch the wind blade edge to attack the enemy. 中州城最精锐的骑兵部队,普遍具备炼体**成实力,骑战马是1级上品魔兽疾风青驹”,头生独角,遍体青麟,非但有超强耐力爆发力,还能够发射风刃攻击敌人。 This is Southern Summer Country elite cavalry soldier special-purpose mount, itself can accelerate with the wind attribute strength, the normal speed can be 300 kilometers with ease, the eruption even can fully over 400 kilometers. 这是南夏国精锐骑兵专用坐骑,本身就能借风属性力量加速,正常时速能够轻松达到300公里,全力爆发甚至能超过400公里。 Such high-speed , the average person successive breathes can become very difficult, let alone brandished weapon preying to fight. Therefore the Storm Cavalry standard standard is strict, must achieve Body Refinement 7th Layer lowly, cultivates a necessary marksmanship skilled, even if made a long-range raid on the 1st over a thousand li (0.5km), can put into the fight rapidly. 这样高速之下,普通人连呼吸都会变得很困难,更别说挥舞武器搏杀战斗了。所以疾风骑兵的标准标准非常严格,最低都要达到炼体七重,熟练修炼一种配套的枪法,哪怕一日奔袭上千里,也能迅速投入战斗。 This is the superelevation mobile pointed knife team that deserves. 这是当之无愧的超高机动性尖刀队伍。 Thousand ride to come ashore, sets up in an array, with lightning speed, flows swiftly. 千骑上岸,一字排开,风驰电掣,一泻而出。 Meng Yingying also receives a vigorous divine horse, sits on the big horseback high-spirited, with city that a horsewhip finger of front towers high, excited shouted loudly: Chu Tian, Chu Tian, I saw the Thunder State main city!” 梦莹莹也领取到一匹疾风马,正意气风发坐在高大马背上,用马鞭一指前方高高耸立的城区,激动的高喊起来:“楚天,楚天,我看见雷州主城了!” The Thunder State main city is the same with the Central State main city, constructs in all around lakeside, for shipping good communications. 雷州主城和中州主城一样,建在四周湖畔,为航运交通方便。 The Thunder State city at this moment covers in a dignified atmosphere, all city gates closely are closing, the city wall covers entirely the army of Thunder State city, outside the ground is bumpier, as if has experienced several field very intense fights. 此刻的雷州城笼罩在一股凝重氛围中,所有城门都紧紧闭合着,城墙布满雷州城的军队,外头地面更是坑坑洼洼的,似乎经历过数场非常激烈的战斗。 The pasture in suburbs was destroyed, farmland, medicine field and fruit trees by some strength pollution, crops entirely withered and yellow on the wane, is really the loss is extremely serious. 城郊的牧场都已经被破坏,农田、药田、果林被某种力量污染,农作物统统枯黄凋零,真是损失极其惨重。 The Central State people are alarmed! 中州众人都触目惊心! even/including Zhucheng did receive to affect? 难道连主城都已经受到波及了吗? The seriousness of this disaster, is perhaps higher than the imagination in! 这场灾难的严峻程度,恐怕比想象中更高! When everybody arrives under the Thunder State city, sees only the ground sores all over the eye, the grand city wall also presents the breakage, puts on the sergeant of Southern Summer Country soldier armor, is transporting corpses, piles up digs in the good big hole to the city outside. 当大家来到雷州城之下时,只见地面满目疮痍,雄伟城墙也出现破损,一些穿着南夏国士兵铠甲的军士,正把一具具尸体搬运出来,堆积到城外挖好的大坑里。 The big hole has entire six! 大坑有整整六个! Each pit piles up 3,000-4,000 corpses, just likes the hill that sticks out high is common. 每个坑堆积三四千具尸体,犹如高高隆起的小山一般。 The people have been shocked thoroughly, where has seen such terrifying picture? Especially Feng Caidie and Meng Yingying these quite pure person! 众人都彻底惊呆了,哪里见过这样恐怖的画面?特别是风彩蝶梦莹莹这些比较单纯的人! Too was really fearful! 真是太可怕了! Has not seen same has lost person trash at the scene puts, that innumerable broken body body stack distortion, just likes picture scrolls satanically. But the sulfur type smell fills the air in the air, but also follows the intense odor the burnt smell, lets their stomach inside tumbling, at the scene has almost not spat. 从来没见过把人当场垃圾一样丢放,那无数残破的肢体身躯堆积扭曲,犹如一幅幅恶魔般的画卷。而硫磺样的气味弥漫在空气中,还伴随着强烈恶臭的焦味,让她们胃里面一阵翻滚,差点没有当场吐出来。 Meng Yingying was shocked thoroughly: This...... Is this victim?” 梦莹莹被彻底惊呆:“这……这都是受害人吗?” Probably!” “大概是了!” The Chu Tian observation corpse, each seriously withers, both eyes are hollow, whole body burned black, seemed lit by some magic arts has been same, the small fox has a relish stares at the corpse to look, effort has attracted the inspiration, as if felt that lets dark attribute strength that it likes. 楚天观察尸体,每一具都严重萎缩,双眼凹陷,浑身焦黑,似乎是被某种法术点燃过一样,小狐狸饶有兴致的盯着尸体看,用力的吸了吸气,似乎感觉到让它喜欢的暗属性力量。 „When abyss devil across the other dimension crack, will carry a major stockholder abyss aura to arrive. These should by the city people of abyss strength pollution, thus was controlled by the abyss devil, is the demon soldier under devil control!” “深渊恶魔穿过位面裂缝时,会携带一大股深渊气息降临。这些应该就是被深渊力量污染的城民,从而被深渊恶魔控制住了,是恶魔支配之下的魔兵!” Feng Caidie does not reveal the color of enduring: Now Thunder State feared that has massive such demon humanity, Chu Tian...... you can find the way to save them? They after all as if innocent victim, but the unexpected disaster makes them turn into this, the direct slaughter was too rather cruel!” 风彩蝶露出不忍之色:“现在雷州怕是有大量这样的魔化人类,楚天……你能不能想办法救救他们?他们毕竟似乎无辜的受害者,只是飞来横祸让他们变成这样,直接屠杀未免太残忍了!” Yes!” Meng Yingying urgently was also saying to Chu Tian: You are all-resourceful, finding the way to help them!” “是啊!”梦莹莹也急着对楚天说:“你神通广大,想办法帮帮他们吧!” You are clear, the biological demon response, is almost irreversible, even if there is means is not the resources that in our present has can achieve.” Chu Tian smiles bitterly: Each by the biology of demon, the human body was twisted the disassimilation, the spirit is torn to crush, the soul was also polluted by the depth, in some sense, turned into the devil...... Copes with the demon life, the best method directly fundamentally to purify them, making them get rid from the endless pain.” “你们要明白,生物魔化反应,几乎是不可逆的,纵然有办法也不是我们现在手里掌握的资源能做到的。”楚天苦笑一声:“每一个被魔化的生物,肉体已经被扭曲异化,精神已经被撕裂粉碎,灵魂也被深度污染,从某种意义上讲,已经变成恶魔……对付魔化生命,最好方法就是直接从根本上净化他们,让他们从无尽痛苦中摆脱出来。” The Thunder State soldier has filled to the brim the fuel oil toward the endocrater, afterward a fire lights thousands of corpses completely. 雷州士兵已经往巨坑里倒满燃油,随后一把火将数以千计尸体全部点燃。 Meng Yingying and Feng Caidie look at six huge fiery pits to be speechless for a very long time. 梦莹莹风彩蝶望着六个巨大火坑久久无语。 Before this cruel scene is them, cannot believe. 这种残忍的场面是她们以前不敢相信的。 Do not be sad.” The Chu Tian racket the Yingying shoulder, we come Thunder State, to not help them?” “别难过了。”楚天拍拍莹莹肩膀,“我们来雷州,不就是为帮助他们么?” Meng Yingying nods. 梦莹莹点点头。 She realizes the strength once more importance! 她再次认识到力量的重要性! Divine Wind Marquis, you were too slow!” 神风候,你们太慢了!” At this time the city gate opened, two middle-aged people walked, two people of aura were formidable, almost not inferior Divine Wind Marquis, it is estimated that was two in Southern Xia eight marquises. 这时城门打开,两个中年人走了出来,二人气息都非常强大,几乎不逊色神风候,估计是南夏八侯中的两个。 A person of whole body puts on the golden armor, the skin is swarthy and rough, just likes the Great General attire, the whole body is full of the resolute capable makings, the back is hanging a dragon shape long bow, the whole person aura just likes the lasing, but the advantage arrow is incisive. 一人浑身穿着金色铠甲,皮肤黝黑而粗糙,犹如大将军般装束,浑身充满果决干练气质,背后挂着一张龙形长弓,整个人气息犹如激射而出利箭般尖锐。 Feng Caidie said in a low voice: This person certainly was Golden Arrow Marquis!” 风彩蝶低声说:“此人一定是金箭候了!” Another two temple grayish white middle-aged people, look probably about 50 years old from the semblance, the straight square features, bridge of the nose tall Ting, the bearing is uncommon, puts on dark golden color not to know that any material qualitative long gown, the right hand instead grasps a jet black pen spear|gun, should be Western Marquis . 另外一个两鬓灰白的中年人,从外表看大概50岁左右,端端正正的方脸,鼻梁高挺,器宇不凡,穿着一件暗金色不知什么材质的长袍,右手反握一根漆黑的笔枪,应该就是四方候了。 Golden Arrow Marquis said: Wind brother and Shangguan brother, Jiang many thanks two rescues Thunder State, in requests personally!” 金箭候说道:“风兄、上官兄,江某多谢二位救援雷州,里面请!” What, is Western Marquis Shangguan Family?” “什么,四方候上官家族的?” So to be how bad luck!” “怎么这么倒霉!” A Chu Tian face is depressed, other people are also very helpless, hope that Western Marquis has not known matter that Central State has! 楚天一脸郁闷,其他人也很无奈,希望四方候还不知道中州发生的事情吧! The Thunder State city is one with the Central State City same lively lord city, but faces the relations of giant crisis, the Thunder State Chengjia front door shuts tightly, store few are also opening the door, street pedestrian few, only then the soldier goes on patrol. 雷州城本是一座和中州城一样的繁华主城,只是面临巨大危机的关系,雷州城家家大门紧闭,商铺也没有几家在开门,街头行人寥寥,只有士兵巡逻。 The cavalry soldiers are stationed in the suburbs. 骑兵驻扎在城郊。 Meng Yingying is leading the mercenary soldier, transports the canned food gratuity army. 梦莹莹则带着佣兵,去搬运罐头犒赏军队去了。 Other people enter Golden Arrow Marquis Marquis Palace, six young people are waiting in the Marquis Palace hall. In six young people, three come from Thunder State, three from South State . 其他人走进金箭候侯府,有六个年轻人正在侯府大厅等候。六个年轻人中,三个来自雷州,三个来自南州 The Thunder State talent has, Golden Arrow Marquis Jiang Xiong heir apparent Jiang Shan, General's Thunder State son inexpensive broken armed forces, Thunder State large clan successor Lin Changge. 雷州天才有,金箭候江雄的世子江山,雷州大将之子廉破军,雷州大族传人林长戈。 The South State talent has, Western Marquis Shangguan Hong heir apparent Shangguan Feichen, the other two are called Wei Long and Wuyang separately, is the super talent of South State large clan. 南州天才有,四方候上官泓的世子上官飞尘,另外两人分别叫做卫龙、舞阳,是南州大族的超级天才。 Jiang Shan and Shangguan Feichen, all are Awakened Soul 5th Layer cultivation base. 江山上官飞尘,皆为魂醒五重修为 The inexpensive broken armed forces and Lin Changge, Wei Long, Wuyang, uniform are the Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak masters! 廉破军、林长戈、卫龙、舞阳,清一色是魂醒四重巅峰的高手! Golden Arrow Marquis Jiang Xionglang smiles several crisply: Central State is abundance of capable people, Four Great Young Masters prominence, rare talent Chu Xinghe, point haughty, sharp unparalleled, why hasn't this time arrived here?” 金箭候江雄朗爽笑几声:“久违中州人才济济,四大公子声名鹊起,其中奇才楚星河,锋芒傲世,锐利无双,为什么本次没有来到这里?” Chu Xinghe, Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang are wounded, therefore is unable to participate in this duty.” Divine Wind Marquis introduced that Central State Purple Lightning Young Master Yun Yao was responsible for leading.” 楚星河洛降龙叶天狼都负伤,所以无法参加这次任务。”神风候介绍起来,“中州紫电公子云瑶负责带队。” Yun Yao does not dare to neglect: Has seen two marquises below Yun Yao, these are Feng Caidie, Nangong Yun and Chu Tian.” 云瑶不敢怠慢:“在下云瑶见过两位侯爷,这几位是风彩蝶南宫云楚天。” Chu Tian?! 楚天?! The Shangguan Hong vision dodges. 上官泓目光一闪。 Anything!” A sound makes a sound: I said person who this Central State comes, the quality so is why bad, originally Chu Xinghe not in! I also want to compete with the Central State talent!” “什么嘛!”一个声音响起来:“我说这次中州来的人,为什么质量这么差,原来楚星河不在!我还想跟中州天才比试比试呢!” This is a wear vest, reveals a section of sturdy arm, the skin superficial red robust man, named Wuyang, is one of talents Western Marquis brings. 这是一个穿着背心,露出一截粗壮手臂,皮肤泛红的壮汉,名叫舞阳,是四方候带来的天才之一。 This person has Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak strength, style similar Central State Luo Xianglong, and strength under Luo Xianglong, truly is not a top talent. 此人具备魂醒四重巅峰实力,风格类似中州洛降龙,且实力不在洛降龙之下,确实是一个顶级天才。 The Yun Yao complexion sinks. 云瑶脸色一沉。 This fellow clarifies must provoke 这家伙摆明是要挑衅啊 The Nangong Yun disposition is irritable: You dare saying that we aren't good?” 南宫云性格火爆:“你敢说我们不行?” Not?” Wuyang sneered was saying: Isn't convinced to compare?” “难道不是吗?”舞阳冷笑着说:“不服气来比比?” Nangong Yun lu has the sleeve, will be gigantic the great hammer to pull out from the back: Come! Compared with on ratio!” 南宫云一把撸起袖子,从背后将硕大巨锤抽出来:“来啊!比就比!” A Divine Wind Marquis brow wrinkle: Cannot be impolite! Do not forget our duties!” 神风候眉头一皱:“不可无礼!不要忘记我们的任务!” Western Marquis Shangguan Hong said: Divine Wind Marquis, the young people spirit is heavy, vies for supremacy to try to outdo others is the good deed, otherwise can enhance? Wu'an Junan row of young people come Thunder State to be informed and experienced, the book is makes them grow in experience, so as to avoid does not see the forest for the trees, does not know that day Highland is thick. Talent meets by chance rarely, might as well compete with slightly.” 四方候上官泓笑着说:“神风候,年轻人锐气重,争强好胜是好事,不然怎么能提高呢?武安君安排年轻人来雷州历练,本就是让他们长长见识,免得一叶障目,不知天高地厚。诸位天才难得相逢,不如稍微比试比试吧。” Shangguan Feichen proposed: I agree with the father view, but cultivation base is too high, hits to be unavoidably beyond control, causes the unnecessary casualties. Might as well invite among us, a strength weakest person, comes out to compete with.” 上官飞尘提议道:“我同意父亲看法,不过修为太高,打起来难免无法控制,造成不必要的伤亡。不如就请我们当中,实力最弱的一个人,出来比试比试吧。” Also good!” Western Marquis Shangguan Hong does not give other opposition time, Wei Long, you to defend to grow perceptibly, the striking power is not your special skill, asked you to come out with Central State Chu Tian to compare.” “也好!”四方候上官泓根本不给其他反对时间,“卫龙,你以防御见长,攻击力不是你的特长,就请你出来跟中州楚天比一比吧。” Chu Tian! 楚天 As soon as the people listened to understand! 众人一听就明白了! Has circled for quite a while, this fellow is looks for Chu Tian to be troublesome! 绕了半天,这家伙就是来找楚天麻烦的!
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