MT :: Volume #3

#212: The father is rich

Boss Yu slightly shivers. 余老大不禁微微颤抖起来。 Simply is unbelievable, simply with having a dream to be the same. 简直是难以置信,简直跟做梦一样。 Boss Yu is the buried treasure biggest beneficiary, let one once cultivation base average Awakened Soul Cultivator, did not have under the situation of too multi-resource support, grew to the Awakened Soul 9th Layer strength smoothly. If fights in the underwater warfare, even if super Expert of Southern Xia eight marquises rank, Boss Yu also has can contend with 12 self-confidently. 余老大是宝藏最大受益者,让一个曾经修为平平的魂醒修士,没有太多资源支持的情况之下,顺利成长到魂醒九重的实力。若是在水中战斗的话,哪怕南夏八侯级别的超级强者,余老大也有自信能够抗衡12。 Boss Yu is also the buried treasure biggest victim, because of by the corrosion of strength of curse, Boss Yu was been deeply higher than the ordinary gang audiences worsening degree, he entire five years had not stepped the earth, even if in the skeleton island also all day long soaks in the basin, otherwise body rapid withered feeble, about ten hours will be in danger. 余老大也是宝藏最大的受害者,因为深受诅咒之力的侵蚀,余老大比普通帮众恶化程度更高,他已经整整五年没有踏上大地,即使在骷髅岛也终日泡在水池里,否则身体就会迅速干枯衰弱,十小时左右就会有生命危险。 What is most fearful, the Boss Yu body has the disassimilation, his personality, his habit, was affected, not only becomes the person non- person ghost is not clever, ruthless torture that bring is hard to imagine, usually can only maintain by the massive analgesia medicines . Moreover the disassimilation speed is speeding up, perhaps is going the crisis to the life. 最可怕的是,余老大身体发生异化,他的性情,他的习性,都受到影响,非但变得人不人鬼不鬼,更带来难以想象的残酷折磨,平常只能以大量镇痛药物来维持,而且异化速度在加快,恐怕将要危机到生命。 Boss Yu has not held anything to hope. 余老大已不抱什么希望。 Who knows that at this time, Miracle at present is occurring. 谁知道就在这个时候,奇迹在眼前发生了。 Boss Yu is shaking fifth child's hand merely: You...... You extricated really!” 余老大仅仅握着老五的手:“你……你真的解脱了!” Yu Laowu is also with tears, nod of effort: This mister has the means really!” 余老五也是眼含热泪,用力的点点头:“这位先生真的有办法!” The water dungeon bursts immediately, Chu Tian regains freedom, falls returns to the ground. Shen Yanyu must hold him, Chu Tian beckons with the hand, indicated one are all right. 水牢顿时破裂,楚天恢复自由,落回到地面。沈烟雨就要扶他,楚天摆摆手,表示自己没事。 A white hair old man blue color eye is staring at him: „Can you help us really?” 白发老者一双蓝色眼睛盯着他:“你真的能帮我们?” Chu Tian shows a self-confident smile: This mutation is a special curse creates in the final analysis, I just means that can explain all forms of curse, even is this thorough blood bone! Although does not dare saying that nobody of Continent besides me can solve, however in Southern Summer Country this place, you could not find second again!” 楚天露出一个自信的微笑:“这种异变归根到底是一种特殊诅咒造成,我刚好有一种办法,能破解任何形式的诅咒,甚至是这种深入血骨的!虽然不敢说大陆除我外无人能解,但是在南夏国这种地方,你们再也找不到第二个了!” The Yu five brothers reveal cannot believe the color. 余氏五兄弟露出不敢相信之色。 White hair old man breath shortness, shouts with the hoarse sound: Mister obligation! Please rescue Great Shark Gang!” 白发老者呼吸急促起来,用嘶哑声音喊道:“先生大恩!请救救巨鲨帮吧!” World free lunch, has not sought after the Sea Race strength like you, but receives Sea Race make backlash to be the same.” The Chu Tian vision becomes swift and fierce, has swept from the Great Shark Gang high-level character, unemotionally said that I no doubt can break the blood relationship to curse for you, but to I'm coming said that needs to pay the high price, I and you usually do not have the connection, not having the duty to save you.” “天下没有免费的午餐,就像你们贪图海族力量,而受到海族反噬一样。”楚天目光变得凌厉起来,从巨鲨帮的高层人物扫过,面无表情的说,“我固然能为你们打破血统诅咒,但是对我来说是需要付出高昂的代价,我与你们素无瓜葛,没有义务救你们。” This saying implication is: Let me save you? Ok! First comes out with the sincerity! 这话言外之意是:让我救你们?可以啊!先拿点诚意出来吧! The white hair old man silent several seconds of hissing said: Great Shark Gang is destitute, does not have valuables and money money.” 白发老者沉默几秒嘶声说:“巨鲨帮穷困,没有财宝金银。” Great Shark Gang 100,000 groups of audiences are the wealth!” Chu Tian came straight to the point saying: Makes me save you? Ok! But I want Great Shark Gang to work for me!” 巨鲨帮100000帮众就是财富!”楚天开门见山说:“让我救你们?可以!但我要巨鲨帮为我做事!” Such remarks! 此言一出! The people reveal the angry look! 众人露出怒色! Insatiably greedies greedily, did not fear that eats to choke? 贪心不足蛇吞象,难道不怕吃噎着吗? Great Shark Gang develops fully for 20 years, finally has to help the audiences 100,000 scales, light True Soul level Expert has five, Illustrious Soul Expert has dozens, including ** has achieved the Illustrious Soul peak strength! 巨鲨帮整整发展20余年,终于拥有帮众100000规模,光真魂强者就有五个,显魂强者有好几十个之多,其中有**个都已经达到显魂巅峰实力! A such strong influence, does this boy want one to swallow? 这样强的一股势力,这小子想要一口吞下? That has a dream radically! 那根本是做梦! Did not say that has this ability, Great Shark Gang helps the audiences not agree. 不说有没有这个能力,巨鲨帮帮众也不会同意的。 The Great Shark Gang good and evil is a faction, is alternative Sect, has oneself Dao Lineage and inheritance, the basic dignity has! 巨鲨帮好歹是一个帮派,是一个另类的宗门,有着自己道统和传承,基本的尊严还是有的! You really untie restraint, we will actually fall into the new restraint, your excellency did not think did one request excessively to be rather high?” The white hair old man voice said low and deep: Great Shark Gang has the pride of Great Shark Gang, will not give loyalty to like anybody!” “你就算真的解开约束,我们却又会落入新的约束中,阁下不觉得自己要求未免过高了吗?”白发老者声音低沉说:“巨鲨帮巨鲨帮的骄傲,绝不会像任何人效忠!” Right!” “没错!” This boy wild ambition, clarifying wants to swallow my Great Shark Gang!” “这小子狼子野心,摆明是想吞我巨鲨帮!” Our Great Shark Gang cannot be natural in the land, most at least in four continent lakes, in having the water place still gallops, foot soldier attendant who why degenerates into a wool boy!” “我们巨鲨帮就算不能在陆地潇洒,最起码在四洲湖,在有水的地方依然驰骋,何必沦为一个毛小子的马前卒!” Turns over, was Chu Tian is too young! 归更到底,是楚天太年轻了! Great Shark Gang Expert like clouds, can occupy its under? 巨鲨帮强者如云,又怎么能屈居其下? The Great Shark Gang numerous indignation protested that does not think strange, gang school usually very tasteful rank. Now a young little rascal runs over, wants the big great whale gang to submit to him, isn't this fantasy story? 巨鲨帮众愤慨抗议,一点也不觉得奇怪,帮会门派素来很讲究辈分。现在一个年纪轻轻的小鬼跑过来,就想要偌大巨鲸帮向他屈服,这不是天方夜谭吗? Don't anxiously rejection!” Chu Tian smiles with great confidence: First listened to me to say the words.” “别急着拒绝嘛!”楚天从容一笑:“先听我把话说完。” The Boss Yu hissing said: Regardless of adds any condition again, Great Shark Gang does not degenerate into a tool!” 余老大嘶声说:“无论再加什么条件,巨鲨帮绝不沦为一个工具!” You work for me, may not give loyalty to me.” Chu Tian emphasized: We are the cooperation, but is not the subordinate relationship, said that understands?” “你们为我做事,不一定要效忠于我。”楚天强调道:“我们是合作关系,而不是隶属关系,这么说,懂吗?” Chu Tian had self-knowledge. 楚天是有自知之明的。 Miracle Commerce currently does not have to annex the Great Shark Gang ability. 奇迹商会目前不具备吞并巨鲨帮的能力。 That hair grayish white Yu Laoer asked: Do not change the concept, what do the two have to distinguish?” 那个头发灰白的余老二问:“你不要偷换概念,二者有什么区别吗?” You want to be completely mistaken!” Chu Tian said to Yu Laoer the words sharply: Cooperation is parallel relations, therefore does not have the high and low division, the great whale gang is Miracle Commerce works, the great whale helps also to obtain to have the repayment, just like this, how could it be otherwise!” “你这么想大错特错!”楚天对余老二言辞犀利说:“合作关系是平行关系,所以没有上下之分,巨鲸帮为奇迹商会做事,巨鲸帮也能得到应有回报,如此而已,岂有他哉!” Yu Laosan asked: What your can Miracle Commerce give us?” 余老三问道:“那你奇迹商会能给我们什么?” Chu Tian looks straight ahead Yu Laosan vision: That must think that what you most do lack? Money! Reputation!” 楚天直视余老三目光:“那就要看你们最缺什么?金钱!名誉!” The Great Shark Gang person looks at each other in blank diamay, Great Shark Gang is very indeed destitute, moreover is the pirate image, this easily cannot change! 巨鲨帮人面面相觑,巨鲨帮的确十分穷困,而且一直是水贼形象,这可不是轻易能改的! Miracle Commerce invests 100 million gold coins to Great Shark Gang directly!” 奇迹商会直接给巨鲨帮投资100000000金币!” This start to talk is 100 million gold coins, this filthy rich manner, shocked sufficiently the ordinary gang audiences! 这开口就是100000000金币,这财大气粗的态度,足以把普通帮众震撼到了! Yu Laosi some did not satisfy said: „The Great Shark Gang 100,000 people, 100 million gold coins seem to be insufficient!” 余老四却有些不满意说:“巨鲨帮100000人,100000000金币似乎不够!” Also said is!” Chu Tian shows a faint smile, that 200 million gold coins!” “说得也是!”楚天微微一笑,“那就200000000金币吧!” The people are silent, this boy was too rich! 众人都沉默,这小子太有钱了吧! Also insufficient? That 400 million!” “还不够?那400000000吧!” The people hold breath cold air, this boy eyes do not wink, quadruples unexpectedly directly! 众人倒吸一口凉气,这小子眼睛不眨,竟然直接翻两番! Great Shark Gang the situation, 400 million gold coin investments solve the urgent matter at present sufficiently.” Chu Tian said finally: So long as is willing to cooperate with my good faith, I want representative Miracle Commerce in six months, invests 1 billion gold coins to Great Shark Gang!” 巨鲨帮目前情况来说,400000000金币投资足以解燃眉之急。”楚天最后说道:“不过只要愿意跟我诚信合作,我愿意代表奇迹商会半年内,给巨鲨帮投资1000000000金币!” What? 什么? Supplements to 1 billion! 追加到1000000000! This is inside story deep Central State Four Great Families, perhaps was also the sum total of several years of earning! 这就算是底蕴深厚的中州四大家族,恐怕也是好几年营收的总和了! The great whale helps to be pounded confused by the gold coin big stick hits, Boss Yu deeply was also shocked: „Did you say really?” 巨鲸帮被金币大棒砸得晕头撞向,余老大也被深深地震撼:“你说真的?” father is very rich!” In Chu Tian the air/Qi said fully: I can speak of can achieve! We can look for the Divine Wind Marquis notarization to set up a contract, Miracle Commerce six months, if cannot pay enough gold coin, regards as the Miracle Commerce treaty of alliance, Great Shark Gang fully regains the independence, the earlier defray expenses when the violation spent!” “老子有的是钱!”楚天中气十足说:“我能说到就能做到!我们可以找神风候公证立一份契约,奇迹商会半年时间内,若不能支付足够金币,视为奇迹商会盟约,巨鲨帮完全恢复独立,前期支付费用就当违约费了!” This is one group of robbers! 这就是一群强盗而已! The main source of income is some tribulation merchants, occasionally comes ashore to snatch some villages and small towns, how many income can have? 主要经济来源就是劫一些商船,偶尔上岸去抢一些村镇,能够有多少收入? Resources that harvests, not only needs to consume to offer sacrifices, needs to satisfy own use, is really uptight very! 所收获来的资源,非但需要消耗献祭,更需要满足自身使用,实在是拮据的很! Ten hundred million gold coins! 十个亿金币啊! Great Shark Gang that this pounds sufficiently could not find direction! 这足以砸的巨鲨帮找不到方向了! Miracle Commerce lives up to one's words, 95% middle and lower level group of audiences will not have any comment again! 奇迹商会真的说到做到,95的中下层帮众就不会再有任何意见了! Miracle Commerce not only leaves 1 billion gold coins invests Great Shark Gang, has the duty to help Great Shark Gang complete reforming, provides the road of appropriate making a living after you. Naturally, we need the great whale to help 50% stocks, only later enjoyment dividend(s), but does not interfere the management, you in domestic affair, completely independent independence!” 奇迹商会不但出1000000000金币是投资巨鲨帮,更有义务帮助巨鲨帮完成转型,为你们提供合适的谋生之路后。当然,我们需要巨鲸帮50%的股份,只以后的享受分红,不过不干涉管理,你们在内政方面,完全自主独立!” The good boy, the giant to regard the investment recipient Great Shark Gang. 好个小子,巨人把巨鲨帮当成投资对象了。 Can Great Shark Gang create that big value really? 巨鲨帮真能创造那么大的价值? He did not fear that a big investment does throw away carelessly? 他就不怕一大笔投资打水漂? Finally, you must be willing to arrive at Miracle Commerce to hold an office, we will give you appropriate yearly salary.” Chu Tian stopped saying: I pledged that the True Soul level cultivation base Cultivator yearly salary is not lower than 50 million gold coins!” “最后,你们要愿意到奇迹商会内部任职,我们会给你们合适年薪。”楚天停顿一下说:“我承诺,真魂修为修士年薪不低于50000000金币!” Great Shark Gang was knocked again faints! 巨鲨帮再次被敲晕了! Chu Tian each few words as if are duplicating an information father to be rich, father people silly money are many, mixes with the father can fill of enjoyment! 楚天每一句话仿佛都在重复一个信息老子有钱,老子人傻钱多,跟着老子混就能吃香喝辣! From these country bumpkin expressions. 从这些土鳖的表情来看。 Chu Tian knows that has fooled them thoroughly. 楚天就知道已把他们给彻底哄住了。 Actually the Miracle Commerce finance is a little intense, 1 billion gold coins one with, but Miracle Commerce is at the high-speed eruption stage, even if braces oneself must buy this influence, this is very meaningful and investment of strategic value! 其实奇迹商会财务有点紧张,1000000000金币一下拿不出来,不过奇迹商会目前处于高速爆发阶段,即使硬着头皮也要买下这个势力,这是很有意义和战略价值的投资! Great Shark Gang is in itself very strong. 巨鲨帮本身很强。 This is formidable arming. 这是一支强大武装。 Only Great Shark Gang is Miracle Commerce increases the influence, is not 1 billion gold coins can weigh! 巨鲨帮奇迹商会增加势力,就不是1000000000金币能衡量的了! What is more important, Great Shark Gang is enormous in the waters superiority, four continent lakes with four state counties clearly, moreover can go down to various state counties following rivers, thus arrives in the different cities. 更重要的是,巨鲨帮在水域优势极大,四洲湖与四州郡截然,而且能够顺着一条条河流深入各州郡,从而抵达不同的城镇。 Once Miracle Commerce grasps four continent lakes, then grasps the huge transport network. Meng Qingwu some purchased the plans of several excellent fleets, now looks like with it spends money on the purchase fleet, would rather the direct large sum of money pounds on Great Shark Gang. 奇迹商会一旦掌握四洲湖,那么就掌握庞大的运输网络。梦轻舞本就有收购几支精良船队的打算,现在看来与其把钱花在收购船队上面,倒不如直接重金砸在巨鲨帮上。 This to Great Shark Gang is also an opportunity! 这对巨鲨帮来说也是一个机会! First, Chu Tian can solve them to curse, this is the biggest chip, is Great Shark Gang is hard to resist. 首先,楚天能解决他们诅咒,这就是最大的筹码,是巨鲨帮难以抗拒的。 Next, 1 billion gold coins pound, Great Shark Gang can escape from poverty. Moreover, can put out the chamber of commerce that 1 billion gold coins invest casually is far from a commonplace, this person relates with Divine Wind Marquis such top powerful official really densely, Great Shark Gang reforming needs the influence help like this! 其次,1000000000金币砸下来,巨鲨帮就能够脱贫了。而且,一个能随便拿出1000000000金币来投资的商会绝非等闲,此人又跟神风候这样的顶级权贵关系甚密,巨鲨帮转型就需要这样的势力帮助! Brothers' day passes too impoverished. 兄弟们的日子过得太清苦。 Perhaps...... Truly needs to improve well. 或许……确实需要好好改善一下了。 My words said.” Chu Tian natural turns around, selfish walks toward outside, Shen Bingyu keeps close to follow in the back, I give you time to consider that I will come back several days later again, hopes that at that time you can give me an affirmative answer.” “我的话已经说完了。”楚天潇洒的一个转身,自顾自的向外面走去,沈冰雨寸步不离跟在背后,“我就给你们一点时间考虑考虑,我过几天会再回来的,希望那时候你们能给我一个肯定的答复。” Chu Tian walked! 楚天走了! His going out cavern swaggering! 他大摇大摆的走出洞穴! Great Shark Gang nobody stops, because everyone falls into the deep ponder. 巨鲨帮没有一个人去阻拦,因为每个人都陷入深深思考。 When looks at the back that this boy is departing, the people are speechless for a very long time, this person young...... Unexpectedly to person immeasurably deep feeling! 当望着这小子离去的背影,众人久久无言,此人年纪轻轻……竟给人深不可测的感觉! Big brother, we have brought to the attention of Divine Wind Marquis!” A Yu Laowu face said heavily: „If not pick to hurry to stand up from failure, Divine Wind Marquis will not let off our!” “大哥,我们已经引起神风候的注意!”余老五一脸沉重说:“若不接机赶紧翻身的话,神风候不会放过我们的!” Divine Wind Marquis this time passed by, at is not crusades against Great Shark Gang, however Great Shark Gang offended Divine Wind Marquis, perhaps Divine Wind Marquis to ignore will influence not continue to expand in four continent lakes. 神风候此次是路过,根本不是来讨伐巨鲨帮,然而巨鲨帮已经得罪神风候,恐怕神风候不会放任该势力在四洲湖继续扩展。 Great Shark Gang does not hope conflicts with the Southern Xia eight marquises eruption. 巨鲨帮绝不希望与南夏八侯爆发冲突。 Let alone Boss Yu cultivation base misses one section compared with Divine Wind Marquis eventually, even if fights Divine Wind Marquis to be what kind of? Divine Wind Marquis is one of the Southern Xia eight marquises, if he stands to unite four continents, forms the allied armies to bandit suppression, most at least can have four marquises, Great Shark Gang can also escape by luck? 别说余老大修为神风候终究差一截,就算斗得过神风候又怎么样?神风候南夏八侯之一,他要是站出来联合四大洲,组成联军进行剿匪,最起码会出四位侯爷,巨鲨帮还能幸免吗? If there is alarmed three Monarch, that is the disaster result. 若是惊动了三君,那更是灾难般的结果。 The Boss Yu order said: „The fifth child with their fleet, has a look them to do. The fourth child leads several people to go to Central State, finds out the Miracle Commerce background, first has a look at this influence to be worth cooperating.” 余老大命令道:“老五跟着他们船队,去看看他们干什么去了。老四带几个人去中州,摸清楚奇迹商会的底子,先看看这个势力到底值不值得合作。” This matter relates significantly, is prudently for wonderful! 此事关系重大,还是慎重为妙啊! ( in addition! Sought the support!) (加更!求支持!)
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