MT :: Volume #3

#211: Yu Boss

Four continent lake center is a large-scale archipelago region. 四洲湖中央是一片大型群岛区域。 These archipelago area/proportion are not big, just likes is ripped the paper of pulp, the disorderly disorder loses on the water surface, coverage area has over a hundred li (0.5km). 这些群岛面积不怎么大,犹如一张被撕得稀巴烂的纸,杂乱无序丢在水面上,覆盖面积足足有上百里。 And largest an island, approximately with Central State City city area/proportion Good enough, because the shape looks like a skeleton, therefore is named as the skeleton island. 其中规模最大一座岛,大约跟中州城的城区面积差不多,因为形状像一个骷髅,所以被命名为骷髅岛。 The skeleton island, is Great Shark Gang core headquarters! 骷髅岛,是巨鲨帮核心总部! Chu Tian and Shen Bingyu, Yu Laowu, three people while a small boat, are shuttling back and forth in the archipelago slowly. 楚天沈冰雨,余老五,三人乘一只小舟,正缓缓在群岛穿梭。 Islands have not had the human activities trace, for example the wright crude construction, exposes to the sun the fish to do shrimp crab wait / etc. food. 没一座岛屿都有人类活动痕迹,比如建造者简陋的建筑,晒着鱼干虾蟹等等食物。 The Great Shark Gang strength is freely formidable, but does not have what source of income, adds the population to be numerous again, has a hard life, is good is rich because of four continent lake aquatic products, trivial 100,000 people of is unlikely can die, helping the audiences close right up against aquatic product food to live, is really not good tribulations the tribulation merchant to earn an extra income, pours reluctantly is also assembling. 巨鲨帮实力尽管强大,但是没有什么经济来源,再加人口数量众多,日子过得紧巴巴的,好在四洲湖水产非常丰富,区区100000人不至于会而死,帮众们就靠着水产食物来过日子,实在不行就劫劫商船赚点外快,倒也勉强凑合着过。 The boat arrives in the skeleton island. 小船抵达骷髅岛。 Yu Laowu jumps down the water personally, because Great Shark Gang simply does not have the wharf, unarmed draws the shore from the shoal the ships, two, please along with I'm coming!” 余老五亲自跳下水,因为巨鲨帮根本没有码头,徒手把船只从浅滩拉到岸边,“二位,请随我来!” Chu Tian takes the lead, Shen Bingyu follows in back, they saw first a white stone builds the great gate, after the gate, is alley that a flagstone spreads, has wound the islands halfway up the mountainside. There opens a small square, is standing and waiting for a long time several giant dignified lake god statues. 楚天走在前面,沈冰雨跟在背后,两人先见到一个白色石头堆砌起巨门,门后是一条石板铺成的小路,一直蜿蜒到岛屿半山腰。那里开辟一个小广场,伫立着几座巨大威严的湖神雕像。 For many years, Great Shark Gang was extremely antiforeign. 多年来,巨鲨帮极其排外。 Almost does not have the stranger to enter archipelago, let alone most core skeleton island. Therefore Chu Tian such one, immediately causes in the island to help the audiences pay attention, takes the weapon to encircle. 几乎就没有生人进过群岛,更别说最核心的骷髅岛了。所以楚天这么一来,立刻引起岛上帮众注意,一个个都拿着兵器围上来。 Five masters came back!” “五帮主回来了!” I said how five masters will be seized?” “我就说,五帮主怎么会被捉?” Five masters, are these two people the belt come back to offer sacrifices to give the sacrificial offering of lake god?” “五帮主,这两个人是带回来献祭给湖神的祭品吗?” The Great Shark Gang fellow dresses up is strange, makes the boots, vest and braving with the shark alligator skin, the clothes as if are also tattered, just like flee from calamity to be common to the fisherman of island. 巨鲨帮的家伙打扮一个个非常怪异,用鲨鱼鳄皮做靴子、背心、冒着,衣服也都似乎破破烂烂,犹如逃难到海岛的渔民一般。 Shen Bingyu sees this somewhat to be puzzled, although has the out of the ordinary strength, is actually living the beggar same life, this in Southern Summer Country is really rarely seen! 沈冰雨见此都有些不解,虽然有着非比寻常的实力,却过着乞丐一样的生活,这在南夏国真是不多见! In the faction juniors, there is an old person, has the woman, even there is a child. 帮派子弟中,有老人,有女人,甚至有小孩。 The great whale gang constructs for about 20 years, is impossible to develop this scale, most group of audiences afterward joined. 巨鲸帮建20年左右,不可能发展到这种规模,大多数帮众都是后来加入的。 As for joins? 至于怎么加入进来的? Does not need to guess that knows! 不用猜都知道! Great Shark Gang has attacked the ships villages and small towns, always together rob with the goods, reason that Great Shark Gang likes catching the captive, on the one hand is prevents the captive to complain to bring in troublesome, on the other hand to increase the Great Shark Gang population. 巨鲨帮袭击过的船只村镇,从来都是连人带货一起抢走,巨鲨帮之所以喜欢抓俘虏,一方面是防止俘虏告状引来麻烦,另一方面就是为增加巨鲨帮的人口。 The inheritance strength that forces great whale to help will be sharp the captive, entrust with them the Sea Race talent and bloodlines, similarly will be cursed to fetter, did not have the means to leave four continent lakes again. 这些把俘虏会强制巨鲸帮的传承力量犀利,赋予他们海族的天赋和血脉,同样会被诅咒所束缚,再也没有办法离开四洲湖了。 Finally also has to join Great Shark Gang. 最终也就不得不加入巨鲨帮 Runs away? That is impossible! Once the Great Shark Gang member comes ashore, will be detained for 1-2 days weakly withered, finally died directly. 逃走?那是不可能的!巨鲨帮的成员一旦上岸,滞留一两天就会虚弱干枯,最终直接死亡。 Go away!” “滚!” Leave to me!” “都给我滚!” Yu Laowu dismisses the gang audiences who watches the fun, afterward brings Chu Tian to the halfway up the mountainside, enters a moist cave deep place, in this cave is living in the Great Shark Gang genuine high level, only then the Branch Lord above character has the qualifications to go. 余老五斥退看热闹的帮众,随后把楚天带到半山腰,走进一个潮湿山洞深处,这个山洞里居住着巨鲨帮真正的高层,只有舵主以上人物才有资格进去。 Fifth child! How you came back!” Grasps the skinny middle-aged person of double blade therapy in inside, when sees Yu Laowu to come back, immediately reveals the pleasantly surprised color, „has that gang damn Central State person of put you? They have not made anything to you!” “老五!你怎么回来了!”一个手持双刀的干瘦中年人在里面疗伤,当见到余老五回来,立刻露出惊喜之色,“那帮该死的中州人放了你?他们没对你做什么吧!” Yu Laowu arches cups one hand in the other across the chest: Xie Fourth Brother relates, I do not have the matter......” 余老五拱拱手:“谢四哥关系,我没有事……” Fifth child!” Yu Laowu words have not said that a hoarse and severe sound, passes from the jet black cave, how you lead the bystander to take into here, has forgotten the custom?” “老五!”余老五话都没说完,一个嘶哑而又严厉的声音,从漆黑山洞里传出来,“你怎么带外人带进这里,难道忘了规矩吗?” Chu Tian transmits the direction to look following the abyss. 楚天顺着深渊传来方向望去。 In a jet black moist cave deep place natural big pool, suddenly flood the intermittent wave, a rickets person's shadow slowly rises from the water, the whole body is wet, is dropping the water drop unceasingly, a fearful and cloudy and cold aura, fills the entire cavern suddenly, making people think to be afraid. 漆黑潮湿山洞深处一个天然大池子内,突然泛起阵阵水波,一个佝偻人影缓缓从水中升起来,浑身湿漉漉,不断滴着水珠,一股可怕而又阴冷的气息,骤然弥漫整个洞窟,让人觉得不寒而栗。 Big brother! Please listen to me to explain!” Yu Laowu hurries to cup one hand in the other across the chest respectfully: This Central State person can explain we many years of curses!” “大哥!请听我解释!”余老五赶紧恭恭敬敬拱手:“这个中州人能破解我们身上多年的诅咒!” Bold! Fifth child! You dare to slander the lake god!” A hair is grayish white, the tall guy walks, exclaiming of whole face scowl: „Do you know that you are making anything!” “大胆!老五!你敢污蔑湖神!”一个头发灰白,五大三粗的大汉走出来,满脸怒容的吼道:“你知不知道自己在做什么!” Yu Laowu urgently was saying: Second Brother, I do not have......” 余老五急着说道:“二哥,我没有……” Lake god? Ha Ha Ha Ha!” Chu Tian is disinclined to listen to the brothers to argue, how many immediately laughs, the sunny sound reverberation cavern of that clear pronunciation and mellow voice, to rule this piece of archipelago, rules your 100,000 groups of audiences, compiles a -called lake god to prostrate oneself? What is most laughable, compiling of rumor, deceived including oneself!” “湖神?哈哈哈哈!”楚天懒得听兄弟争辩,立刻哈哈大笑几声,那字正腔圆的晴朗声音回荡洞窟,“为统治这片群岛,统治你们的100000帮众,就编造出一个所谓湖神让人膜拜?最可笑的是,谎言的编造者,连自己都骗进去了!” Where has what lake god? 哪有什么湖神? Great Shark Gang at best is a special school! 巨鲨帮充其量是一个特殊门派! Great Shark Gang is better to rule the school, therefore compiles a mysterious color lake god, nothing but wants spiritually, to tie up the general gang audiences firmly, making these person of firm lake gods exist, thus works for oneself. 巨鲨帮为更好统治门派,所以就编造出一个神秘色彩的湖神,无非是想在精神上,牢牢地拴住广大帮众,让这些人坚定湖神存在,从而为自己而效力。 Otherwise. 否则的话。 This unreadable binding force, was very difficult to find the reasonable explanation. 这难以理解的约束力,实在很难找到合理解释。 The falling hair robust man of grey hair gets angry: Insult lake god! Court death! Should catch the offering sacrifices lake god him!” 灰白头发的披发壮汉怒道:“侮辱湖神!找死!应该把他抓去献祭湖神!” Tarnish lake god, death!” “玷污湖神,死!” Has killed him!” “杀了他!” All around Great Shark Gang high-level violent anger, sharp and fearful killing intent cover. 四周巨鲨帮高层暴怒,一股股犀利而可怕杀气笼罩而来。 The Shen Bingyu brow wrinkles tightly, cavern was too black, almost does not have the ray, therefore looked that is not quite clear. However, the words from the aura and killing intent, the Great Shark Gang master are really many, this really far exceeds the imagination. 沈冰雨眉头紧皱起来,洞窟太黑了,几乎没光线,所以看不太清楚。不过,从气息和杀气来看的话,巨鲨帮高手真不少,这实在是远远超出想象。 Chu Tian is still without turning a hair, said directly: „If there is not guessed that wrong, you obtain the Sea Race buried treasure, was ancient times Sea Race is used to strengthen the altar of bloodlines. Sea Race offers sacrifices in the altar using the sacrificial offering, thus stimulates in the bloodlines the hidden potential. This is some Sea Race exclusive hiding away, you actually ignorant has taken him, is used to promote own strength.” 楚天依然面不改色,侃侃而道:“若没猜错的话,你们得到海族宝藏,是一座远古海族用来强化血脉的祭坛。海族利用祭品在祭坛献祭,从而激发血脉中暗藏的潜能。这是某一种海族所专属的秘藏,你们却无知的占用了他,用来提升自己的实力。” But, you do not know that the Human Race body withstands Sea Race to offer sacrifices, if carries on this offering sacrifices forcefully, eventually will cause the Human Race bloodlines to have the mutation, little changes to Sea Race, the fish gill merely is the initial change. Once this variation starts, did not have the means to terminate, you are unable to leave the boiling water, even is unable to stop offering sacrifices, otherwise day of time, your whole body will be split, finally weak dying!” “但,你们并不知道,人族身体去承受海族献祭,若强行进行这种献祭,最终就会导致人族血脉发生异变,一点点的向海族变化,鱼鳃仅仅是最初的改变而已。这种变异一旦开始,就没有办法终止了,你们将无法离开水,甚至无法停止献祭,否则不出一天时间,你们就会浑身干裂,最终虚弱的死去!” Naturally, you can through offer sacrifices unceasingly repeatedly, making in within the body Sea Race blood always maintain the active conditions, such does will make the Sea Race blood relationship stronger and stronger! Your bodies will also present more and more Sea Race characteristics. Thus turns into the monster of person of not Merpeople not fish, when the human blood relationship is not enough to suppress the foreign race blood relationship, you will die of the repel of blood relationship!” “当然,你们可以通过不断反复献祭,让体内一丝海族血始终保持活跃状态,这么做却会使海族血统越来越壮大!你们的身体也将会出现越来越多海族特征。从而变成人不人鱼不鱼的怪物,当人类血统不足以压制异族血统的时候,你们就会死于血统的排斥!” Gives up the sacrificial offering , to continue maintains the sacrificial offering, finally is the dead ends, I said is right!” “无论是放弃祭祀,还是继续保持祭祀,结果都是死路一条,我说的对不对!” These words are forceful, reverberate in the cavern, making the Great Shark Gang arrogance frustrate, completely suddenly complete silence! 这一席话铿锵有力,回荡在洞窟内,让巨鲨帮气焰为之一挫,全部骤然间鸦雀无声! Coughs!” That stands the white hair old man in basin stands up slowly, said with the cloudy and cold and hoarse sound, your excellency where sacred?” “咳咳咳!”那位站在水池里的白发老者缓缓站起身,用阴冷而又嘶哑声音说,“阁下到底何方神圣?” „It is not at all, below Chu Tian......” “不敢当,在下楚天……” The body of white hair old man was very big, but becomes the rickets is at this moment skinny, on the face also wears an ancient fish person mask, in the hand is grasping a fish bones long stick. 白发老者的身材本来很高大,只是此刻变得佝偻干瘦,脸上还戴着一个古老的鱼人面具,手中握着一根鱼骨长杖。 The Chu Tian words have not said! 楚天话都没有说完! The white hair snaps fingers gently, a drop of water drop lasing flies to Chu Tian. 白发轻轻地一弹指,一滴水珠激射向楚天飞去。 Quite quick! 好快! Chu Tian has not avoided with enough time, the water drop falls front, bloomed instantaneously, forms a giant incomparable water polo, happen to Chu Tian wrapping , a strength entrains Chu Tian to the midair. 楚天没来得及回避,水珠就落到面前,瞬间绽放了开来,形成一个巨大无比水球,正好把楚天给包在其中,一股力量把楚天拽到半空中。 This water polo seems like frivolous, is actually very firm. 这个水球看似轻薄,其实是非常坚固的。 Chu Tian current cultivation base, even does not have the means to break him. 楚天目前的修为,甚至都没有办法打破他。 A white hair old man pair of strange blue color eyeball, is jumping projects fearful killing intent: You think that has Divine Wind Marquis to support to you outside, you can four shameless randomly my Great Shark Gang? Even if Divine Wind Marquis comes in personally, old man must fight one fight with him, with, let alone your this yellow mouth young child!” 白发老者一双诡异蓝色眼珠,正迸射出可怕杀气:“你以为有神风候在外面给你撑腰,你就能肆无忌荡的乱我巨鲨帮吗?哪怕是神风候亲自进来,老夫也要跟他斗一斗,跟何况你这黄口小儿!” In Shen Bingyu eye stern countenance. 沈冰雨眼中一丝厉色。 Releases fearful cold air from the right palm, a palm to white hair old man detachment. 从右掌释放出一股慑人寒气,一掌向白发老者劈去。 The white hair old man springs a drop of water drop, shoots directly to Shen Bingyu, a Shen Bingyu brow wrinkle, releases the white light suddenly, instantaneously water drop freezing. 白发老者又弹出一滴水珠,直接向沈冰雨射去,沈冰雨眉头一皱,骤然释放出白光,瞬间将水珠给冻结住。 Snort!” “哼!” White hair old man cold snort|hum. 白发老者一声冷哼。 That ice bead disruption starts, a violent energy burst, floods cavern each corner instantaneously, making other people even somewhat not stand steadily. 那颗冰珠碎裂开始,一股猛烈能量爆发出来,瞬间充斥洞窟每一个角落,让其他人甚至有些站立不稳。 The Great Shark Gang high-level complexion changed. 巨鲨帮高层脸色都变了。 This woman cultivation base is quite high, although compares some disparities with the big master, but does not only fear under two masters. 这个女人修为好高,虽然跟大帮主比有些差距,但只怕不在二帮主之下。 Shen Bingyu was shaken draws back several steps, her complexion also slightly sinks...... This old strange strength compared with the imagination, she not necessarily is his match. 沈冰雨被震退好几步,她的脸色也是微微一沉……这老怪实力比想象中强很多,她不一定是其对手。 The white hair old man also feels to be startled. 白发老者也感到吃惊。 This woman age ice is not big, cultivation base plans merely weakly, adds of again Divine Wind Marquis Southern Xia eight marquises eyes covetously, this time arrives at the Great Shark Gang person, is very not simple! 这个女人年龄冰不大,修为仅仅比自己弱一筹而已,再加南夏八侯之一的神风候虎视眈眈,这次来到巨鲨帮的人,恐怕都很不简单啊! Yu Laowu will for fear that have an accident: Big brother stops! Cannot kill him!” 余老五生怕会出事:“大哥住手!不能杀他!” Chu Tian locked by the water dungeon, although could not move, actually not flurried, because of white hair old man not true killing heart. 楚天被水牢锁住,虽然已经动弹不得,却一点都没有慌乱,因为白发老者没有真正的杀心。 Great Shark Gang Boss Yu is really fierce, must be not as good including Shen Bingyu unexpectedly.” Chu Tian was saying leisurely, has not degenerated into the consciousness of captive: But, you were been deepest by the strength of Sea Race inheritance, if has not guessed that wrong, your body started the variation, your sole grows the fish web, your body grew the scale, even the joined bodies endoskeleton changes.” 巨鲨帮余老大果然厉害,竟然连沈冰雨都要略逊一筹。”楚天优哉游哉的说着,一点都没有沦为阶下囚的觉悟:“不过,你受海族传承之力最深,如果没有猜错的话,你的身体已经开始变异,你的脚掌长出鱼蹼,你的身上已经长出鱼鳞,甚至连体内骨骼都发生变化。” The Great Shark Gang gang audiences stare. 巨鲨帮的帮众都一愣。 Really are big master many years have not taken off mask, but usually also put on solid, the body have the mutation? 大帮主多年没有摘下面具,而平时也穿的严严实实的,难道真是身体发生异变? The white hair old man was silent. 白发老者沉默了。 I asserted that you did not live for a half year!” Chu Tian shouted to clear the way loudly: You died also died, you must drag the entire Great Shark Gang gang audiences, is buried along with the dead with the brothers who you did risk one's life?! Also or, you must look that with brothers who you risk one's life, all turns like you person non- person ghost not ghost the monster?!” “我断言,你活不过半年了!”楚天大声喝道:“不过你自己死了也就死了,难道你要拖着整个巨鲨帮的帮众,还有跟你出生入死的兄弟陪葬?!又或者,你要看着跟你出生入死的兄弟,全变成像你一样人不人鬼不鬼的怪物吗?!” The white hair old man whole body trembles. 白发老者浑身一颤。 Big brother!” Yu Laowu hurries: Mr. Chu Tian is really helps our. The my strength of curse, complete relieving, you have not believed to have a look!” “大哥!”余老五赶紧走上去:“楚天先生真是来帮我们的。我身上的诅咒之力,已经全部的解除,你不信可以看看!” The white hair old man gets rid to grip Yu Laowu wrist|skill in vain. 白发老者徒然出手握住余老五手腕。 That pair of strange blue eyeball becomes more and more dignified, afterward shocks with astonished, finally reveals cannot believe the wild with joy color. 那一双诡异的蓝色眼珠变得越来越凝重,随后是震撼和惊愕,最后露出不可置信狂喜之色。 Really...... Eliminated? 真的……消除了吗? ( Today and tomorrow's about 12 : 00, various chapter of in addition!) (今天和明天12点左右,各会有一章加更!)
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