MT :: Volume #3

#210: Thorough enemy nest

When Chu Tian mentioned after bucket the full beard, the visceral cleft after full beard ear gradually gathered vanishes. 楚天把大胡子从水桶里提起以后,大胡子耳后的鳃裂就渐渐并拢消失了。 A people exclamation. 人们一片惊叹。 Why will have such ability? 为什么会有这样的能力? This absolutely is not the effect that Cultivation Technique brings! 这绝对不是功法带来的效果! I think very strange, the pirate can hide under water such for a long time, even can the diving chisel our ship's bottoms!” The Nangong Yun binocular circle stares to the full beard exclaims: Said quickly that you are any monster classes, immediately confesses honestly clearly!” “我就觉得非常奇怪,水贼在水底能藏这么久,甚至能神不知鬼不觉的潜水来凿我们的船底!”南宫云双目圆瞪对大胡子吼道:“快说,你们到底是什么妖类,立刻老实交代清楚!” Monster class? Ignorant idiot!” The full beard laughs several, proud proud saying: This is the talent that the lake gods grant, how these worldlings will understand! Above this waters, nobody dares to oppose with Great Shark Gang, even if the South Summer King country also takes us not to have the means that annoys Great Shark Gang to pay the price!” “妖类?无知的蠢货!”大胡子哈哈大笑几声,一脸骄傲自豪的说道:“此乃湖神赏赐的天赋,这些俗人又岂会了解!这片水域之上,没有人敢与巨鲨帮作对,就算南夏王国也拿我们没办法,惹上巨鲨帮就付出代价吧!” Said that exhibits not sparing a glance appearance, must kill to hack entirely at your convenience! 说完摆出不屑一顾样子,要杀要剐悉随尊便! This group of pirates in four continent lakes like into the fish of water, even if the South Summer King country dispatches troops to cut down very difficultly to catch the whole lot in a dragnet them, once Great Shark Gang retaliates, the shipping of four continent lakes simply do not have the means that then to Southern Summer Country is a very big loss! 这帮水贼在四洲湖就像入水的鱼儿一样,哪怕是南夏王国派兵来伐很难将它们一网打尽,巨鲨帮一旦报复,四洲湖的航运根本没有办法进行,那对南夏国来说是一个很大损失! „Do lake gods grant?” The people feel the thorny time, only had a Chu Tian face taunt saying: In my opinion, the talent not necessarily, said that is curses is more suitable!” “湖神赏赐?”众人都感到棘手时候,唯有楚天一脸嘲讽说:“依我看,天赋不见得,说是诅咒更适合吧!” Curse? Lake god's curse! 诅咒?湖神的诅咒! The full beard face rises red, angry exclaiming: You dare to insult the great lake god!” 大胡子脸涨得通红,愤怒的吼道:“你敢侮辱伟大的湖神!” Do not install! What lake god? Ficticious thing!” Chu Tian as if already had seen through all, you nothing but are open a lake bottom to hide away, obtain an ancient inheritance. However what makes you not think, after obtaining this hides away the inheritance, makes you pay the high price! I said right?” “别装了!什么湖神?子虚乌有的东西!”楚天似乎早就已经看穿一切,“你们无非是打开一座湖底秘藏,得到一座古老的传承而已。不过让你们万万没有想到的是,获得这座秘藏传承之后,却让你们付出高昂的代价!我说的对吗?” Nonsense!” Full beard angry exclaiming: Great Shark Gang benefit lake gods blessed, now some gang audiences 100,000, the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) four continent lakes, all are our domains!” “胡说八道!”大胡子愤怒的吼道:“巨鲨帮得益湖神祝福,现在有帮众100000,方圆数千里四洲湖,全都是我们的地盘!” Right, you obtain similar Sea Race ability, can in the submarine breath survival, the big four continent lakes whatever you galloped. If leaves four continent lakes, you can like the present free and easy?” “没错,你们获得类似海族的能力,能够在水下呼吸生存,偌大的四洲湖就任凭你们驰骋了。但是一旦离开四洲湖,你们能像现在一样洒脱吗?” You......” “你……” Chu Tian does not give the full beard the opportunity that starts talking, breaks him to say directly: Great Shark Gang has the gang audiences 100,000, moreover many True Soul level Expert, even if takes a broad view at Southern Summer Country, can calculate the first-class influence. However for these years, Great Shark Gang has taken in four continent lakes robbing as to live, actually does not dare to come ashore to contend for the domain, the influence is not big, why can you tell me are?” 楚天不给大胡子开口说话的机会,直接打断他说道:“巨鲨帮有帮众100000,而且有多位真魂强者,即使放眼南夏国,也能算一流势力。但是这么多年来,巨鲨帮一直在四洲湖上以盗为生,却不敢上岸抢地盘,以至于影响力并不大,你能告诉我是为什么吗?” Five masters bah. 五帮主呸一声。 You will certainly not say, because the Great Shark Gang person cannot long time leave four continent lakes, right?” “你当然不会说,因为巨鲨帮的人不能长时间离开四洲湖,对吗?” Meng Yingying like the curious baby, the whole face is the color of doubts: Why they cannot live to ground!” 梦莹莹像个好奇宝宝一样,满脸都是疑惑之色:“他们为什么不能到地面生活啊!” „The Sea Race inheritance buried treasure that because Great Shark Gang opens, obtains to belong to the inheritance of Sea Race. Can humanity accept the Sea Race inheritance? Therefore occupies the result of inheritance forcefully has the variation, and receives the curse of this vestige, so long as leaves four continent lakes to exceed some time, they will be dried up weak and die!” “因为巨鲨帮开启的海族的传承宝藏,获得属于海族的传承。人类又怎么能接受海族传承?所以强行占据传承的结果就是发生变异,并且受到这座遗迹的诅咒,只要离开四洲湖超过一段时间,他们就会干枯虚弱而死!” Moreover relies on to deepen to this strength unceasingly, their bodies will change gradually, for example presents the fish gill, for example grows the scale, hands and feet Chairman leaves the web, gradually turns into Sea Race from humanity, finally died by the body repel!” “另外对这股力量不断依赖加深,他们身体会渐渐发生变化,比如出现鱼鳃,比如长出鱼鳞,手脚都会长出蹼,从人类渐渐地变成海族,最终被身体排斥而死!” The full beard from disdains at first angrily, finally has been shocked completely. 大胡子从最初不屑到愤怒,最后已经完全的惊呆了。 Why? This is the Great Shark Gang secret! Does this boy know? 为什么?这是巨鲨帮的秘密啊!这个小子怎么会知道? Really is very strange, simply is the unthinkable matter, but from the expression of full beard, perhaps real? 真的是非常离奇,简直是匪夷所思的事情,不过从大胡子的表情上来看,又或许是真的? Has such strange vestige to exist really? 难道真有这么奇怪的遗迹存在? Naturally has! 当然是有的! Chu Tian more than once has seen in the ancient book, when understood that the Great Shark Gang influence and scale, Chu Tian thinks very strange, these schools have the extraordinary strength obviously, why too doesn't know about them Divine Wind Marquis? 楚天在古书里就不止一次见过,当了解到巨鲨帮的势力和规模,楚天就觉得非常奇怪,这些个门派明明有着非凡实力,为什么连神风候都对他们不太了解呢? Said that they are indifferent to fame and fortune unique, mediocre? 说他们淡泊名利、超脱凡俗? What thief does that also work as? Kills and burns to plunder, damages a side! 那还当什么賊?烧杀抢掠,为害一方! Has this strength and scale, handles other matters to have anything not to be good! 有这种实力和规模,做些别的事情有什么不好! Then, Chu Tian saw that Divine Wind Marquis asks the price with no intention of buying in the water the Great Shark Gang gang audiences, they can be free under water shuttle like the sea-monster unexpectedly, adds the special royal purple blood again, Chu Tian basically can affirm that their bodies have some mutation! 接着,楚天看到神风候巨鲨帮的帮众打落到水里,他们竟然能像游鱼一样在水底穿梭自如,再加特殊蓝紫色血液,楚天就基本可以肯定,他们身体发生某种异变! The historical site vestige that this age temporary shortage, first civilization or ancient times left behind everywhere was. 这个年代青黄不接,前文明或远古留下的古迹遗迹到处都是。 Chu Tian guessed that ten have ** is accurate, but carries on an experiment to the full beard, to further confirm own guess, when saw that on the full beard presents the fish gill, after this typical Sea Race characteristics, Chu Tian can 100% affirm. 楚天猜测十有**是准确的,而对大胡子进行一次实验,是为进一步验证自己的猜测,当看到大胡子身上出现鱼鳃,这种典型的海族特征之后,楚天就能100肯定了。 „Who you are!” “你到底是什么人!” „Who I am unimportant.” Chu Tian was saying to the full beard: What is important, I can help you get rid of this curse!” “我是什么人不重要。”楚天对着大胡子说:“重要的是,我能帮你们摆脱这个诅咒!” Is impossible!” The full beard whole body shakes, a face does not dare to believe that afterward the whole face exclaimed angry: 20 years! Nobody can escape! You gave up any idea of that deceives me with this method!” “不可能!”大胡子浑身一震,一脸不敢置信,随后满脸恼怒吼道:“20年了!没有人能逃脱!你休想用这种方法欺骗我!” Full beard, you were in luck!” Meng Yingying walked saying: Chu Tian, but the Miracle Commerce founder, he said that can handle certainly can handle!” “大胡子,你们走运了!”梦莹莹走过来说:“楚天可是奇迹商会的创始人,他说能搞定就一定能搞定啦!” Miracle Commerce Chu Tian? 奇迹商会楚天 Miracle Commerce has not cleared the shipping trade, therefore many merchants settled on this opportunity, purchases the Miracle Commerce commodity massively, transports goes to the high price to undersell to other state counties. And several freighters got down to the truncation by Great Shark Gang, the ticket this full beard personally has the person to do, therefore has some understanding to Miracle Commerce. 奇迹商会没有开通航运贸易,所以很多商人看中了这个商机,大量收购奇迹商会的商品,运输到其他州郡去高价抛售。其中数艘货船被巨鲨帮给截下来,有一票还是这个大胡子亲自带人干的,所以对奇迹商会有一些了解。 This is wool does not have the long uneven little rascal obviously, can be the Miracle Commerce founder unexpectedly? 这明明是一个毛都没长齐小鬼,竟会是奇迹商会的创始人? However is he Miracle Commerce founder is also how is it? 不过就算他是奇迹商会创始人又怎么样? Great Shark Gang find mercies in the inheritance, limited to this inheritance, this inheritance makes them formidable, this inheritance also makes them lose the freedom, has loses, this does not have the matter of means. 巨鲨帮受惠于传承,也受限于这个传承,这个传承让他们变得强大,这个传承也让他们失去自由,有得就有失,这是没有办法的事情。 „Don't you believe?” “你不相信?” Chu Tian from Space Storage item of big bottle gourd, looks for small light red liquid. 楚天从大葫芦的储物空间里,找出来一小支淡红色液体。 Nangong, feeds him to drink.” “南宫,喂他喝下去。” Nangong Yun pries open the full beard directly, the entire bottle of light red liquids rinse in the full beard mouth forcefully. 南宫云直接撬开大胡子最,整瓶淡红色液体强行灌进大胡子嘴巴里。 The full beard immediately just likes small fry curling up body, in the ground pain struggling convulsion and twitching, is presenting the massive light red blood thread shape thing from the body surface. 大胡子顿时犹如虾米般蜷曲身体,正在地上痛苦挣扎痉挛和抽搐,从身体表面出现大量淡红色血丝状东西。 Heat! Hot! Good heat!” “热!热!好热!” damn, you have drunk anything to me!” 可恶,你们给我喝了什么!” The full beard can feel clearly that already the icy cold blood, along with an influence of strange medicament, unexpectedly little restored the heat degree, some strength in that thorough blood, as if gradually melts to disappear. 大胡子能清楚感觉到,本来早已冰凉血液,随一支奇怪药剂的影响,竟然一点点恢复热度,那股深入血液中的某种力量,似乎渐渐地消融不见了。 This...... 这…… Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Chu Tian orders saying: Cuts open his hand, having a look at the effect to be what kind.” 楚天又命令道:“割开他的手,看看效果怎么样。” Nangong Yun pulled out a dagger blade, the full beard palm is lacerated, the blood tick-tock dropped the wooden barrel, the blood color was not strange purple blue becomes the purplish red color, has done not have much difference with normal humanity. 南宫云抽出匕首一刀,大胡子手掌被割破了,血液滴滴答答落进木桶,血液颜色不在是诡异紫蓝而成紫红之色,已经与正常人类没有太大区别了。 Full beard stares to fill the blood that for a very long time has not recovered. 大胡子愣愣的盯着弥漫开的血液,久久都没有回过神来。 Great Shark Gang establishes for 20 years, no person can escape this curse! 巨鲨帮成立20年来,从来没有人能逃脱这个诅咒! This young people pull out one bottle of strange medicament casually. 这个年轻人随便掏出一瓶奇怪药剂。 Eliminates the larger part the strength of curse unexpectedly! 竟把诅咒之力消除掉一大半! Your submarine breath ability still retains.” Chu Tian reveals an anxiety, that has diluted the Spiritual God blood, he has not used with enough time: This medicament effect eliminated all limits, from now on, you were free!” “你的水下呼吸能力依然保留。”楚天露出一丝肉疼,那是稀释过的神灵血,他自己都没来得及用呢:“这支药剂效果已经消除一切限制,从现在开始,你自由了!” If the full beard wood the dull chicken, were convinced finally thoroughly! 大胡子木若呆鸡,终于彻底服气了! If this person can Great Shark Gang lift limit, but also Great Shark Gang 100,000 groups of audiences are free, that is really Great Shark Gang is living the parents! 若此人能巨鲨帮解除限制,还巨鲨帮100000帮众自由,那真是巨鲨帮的在生父母啊! This full beard splash kneels: Mister saves us!” 这个大胡子扑通跪下来:“先生救我们!” Chu Tian said lightly: Makes your people leave!” 楚天淡淡地说:“让你们的人离开!” Yes! Yes!” “是!是!” The full beard pulls out Zhi Duan, effort has blown several, four surrounding hundreds of person's shadows, everyone ambushes in the water, behind the ear grows the fish gill. 大胡子掏出一支短号,用力的吹了几声,四周围数以百计的人影,每一个人都潜伏在水里,耳朵后面都长出鱼鳃。 Five masters!” “五帮主!” Five masters should not be startled!” “五帮主不要惊慌!” „Our saved you!” “我们这就来救你了!” All leave to me!” The full beard is anxious and place of anger roars loudly, the Great Shark Gang for 20 years fully suffered to suffer, such as today fall a liberator, if firmly do not hold it, that will again have the opportunity? Informs the big master to greet the honored guest quickly!” “全给我滚回去!”大胡子又急又怒的地大声咆哮,巨鲨帮20年来饱受折磨,如今天降一个救星,若不将其牢牢抓住,那还会再有机会吗?“快去通知大帮主迎接贵客!” The Great Shark Gang gang audiences were silly. 巨鲨帮的帮众都傻了。 Honored guests? 贵客? Great Shark Gang never allows the bystander to step in this waters, that is to affronting of great great lake god, now five masters' performance are really make people think very unusual. 巨鲨帮从来不允许外人涉足这片水域,那是对伟大湖神的冒犯,如今五帮主的表现实在是让人觉得非常反常。 Full beard angry exclaiming: You deaf? Has not gone!” 大胡子愤怒的吼道:“你们都聋了么?还不快滚回去!” Yes!” “是!” Compliant!” “遵命!” The Great Shark Gang gang audiences sink to water in abundance, several thousand groups of audiences withdrew in abundance. 巨鲨帮的帮众纷纷沉入水中,几千帮众纷纷撤走了。 Divine Wind Marquis and Shen Bingyu think very surprised, when they repel the skinny middle-aged person, returns in the deck time, sees only the full beard to stand in front of Chu Tian respectfully, a face said sincerely: Asked the mister to be Great Shark Gang helps people overcome their difficulties!” 神风候沈冰雨都觉得很吃惊,当他们打退干瘦中年人,重新回到甲板上的时候,只见大胡子恭恭敬敬站在楚天面前,一脸诚恳说:“请先生为巨鲨帮解困!” How many minutes, this fellow transferring nature? 几分钟而已,这家伙就转性了? I truly can help you restrain the corrosion of Sea Race blood relationship.” Chu Tian stopped then saying: But, this to I'm coming said that needs to pay not the small price, you said why I can help you?” “我确实能帮你们克制海族血统的侵蚀。”楚天停顿一下接着说:“不过,这对我来说需要付出不小代价,你说说我为什么要帮助你们呢?” Yes!” Meng Yingying said in side: These people kill and burn to plunder definitely are the unprincipled people! We do not have the duty to help one group of villains! Otherwise if they return to normal, that has not known that many people must meet with a disaster!” “是啊!”梦莹莹在旁边说:“这些人烧杀抢掠肯定是坏人!我们没有义务帮住一帮恶棍!否则他们要是恢复正常,那还不知道多少人要遭殃呢!” Divine Wind Marquis also let somebody cool off or calm down said: Great Shark Gang these year of crimes are countless, after the matter of Thunder State finished, the strength of this Hou Bianlian four state suppress duplicate, how to allow them to continue again wildly?” 神风候也冷冷地说:“巨鲨帮这些年罪行累累,待雷州之事了却之后,本侯便联四州之力剿覆,岂容他们再继续猖狂?” The full beard hurried saying: We have no recourse!” 大胡子慌忙说:“我们也是迫不得已!” Marquis does not use anxiously.” Chu Tian determines the Great Shark Gang inheritance nature, then naturally understood how they is a matter, he said to the full beard: This, I go to your den personally, discussed that condition, you think what kind.” “侯爷不用急。”楚天确定巨鲨帮传承性质,那么当然了解他们是怎么一回事,他对大胡子说道:“这样吧,我亲自去一趟你们的老巢,谈一谈条件,你觉得怎么样。” Naturally!” “当然可以!” Elder Brother Chu!” Feng Caidie stands: This group of pirates are ferocious, you are the extreme danger!” 楚兄!”风彩蝶站出来:“这帮水贼穷凶极恶,你这是羊入虎口!” Divine Wind Marquis did not suggest the Chu Tian risk. 神风候也不建议楚天冒险。 Makes Shen Bingyu follow about to protect to be enough, you are responsible for outside coordinating again.” Chu Tian said self-confidently: Relax, I can handle this matter!” “让沈冰雨跟在左右保护足以,你们负责再外面策应。”楚天自信满满的说:“放心吧,我能处理好这件事情!” The Great Shark Gang gang numerous quantities are too many, if not find the way to solve them, perhaps is hard to go through smoothly. Divine Wind Marquis sees Chu Tian to be self-poise, seemed confident, then again has not prevented. 巨鲨帮的帮众数量太多,若不想办法解决他们,恐怕难以顺利穿行。神风候楚天镇定自若,似乎已经成竹在胸,便没有再阻止。 Divine Wind Marquis deters personally, forgives them not to dare to be what kind. 神风候亲自威慑,谅他们不敢怎么样。 Chu Tian has Shen Bingyu one person, in addition captive Yu Laowu, takes a boat, the orphaned boat goes to the Great Shark Gang headquarters. 楚天就带沈冰雨一人,再加上俘虏余老五,共乘坐一只小船,孤舟前往巨鲨帮总部。
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