MT :: Volume #3

#209: Great shark gang

The full beard after the place, the water spray turns in abundance wells up, if carefully observes to discover that the full beard is stepping on a giant shark, the shark is the water energy transforms completely, in water speed simply quickly to the extreme. 大胡子经过地方,水浪纷纷翻涌,若是仔细观察会发现,大胡子踩着一只巨大鲨鱼,鲨鱼完全是水能量幻化而成的,水中速度简直快到极点。 Ten steamships have discarded, more than thousand groups of audiences fall in the water in abundance, the casualties are also very serious. 十艘大船都已经报废了,千余帮众纷纷落水,伤亡也是非常惨重。 The full beard face darken looks up, a blue robe middle-aged person of semblance scholarly, the both feet is stepping on small tornado, the long sleeve is floating, floats is spatial and vertical, just likes a deity dignity and great strength, a point cannot completely understand its strength unexpectedly. 大胡子脸色阴沉抬头望去,一个外表儒雅的青袍中年人,双脚踩着一个小龙卷风,长袖飘飘,浮空而立,犹如一尊天神般威严而强大,竟然一点都看不透其实力。 Who although does not know, but common people! 虽然不知何人,但是绝非泛泛之辈! Your excellency excels at rushing to lake god forbidden area, injures to help the disciples be numerous!” The full beard let somebody cool off or calm down said: Doesn't plan to give a Great Shark Gang confession?!” “阁下擅闯湖神禁区,更打伤帮众弟子众多!”大胡子冷冷地说:“难道就不打算给巨鲨帮一个交代吗?!” Confession?” Divine Wind Marquis smiles tranquilly, the four directions are blustery, Tianwei is fearful, making the person shock, „in four continent lakes are the South Summer King earth govern, you and others constructed the gang here, this marquis is speechless. However, you year to year plunder the caravan, even comes ashore the cities to kill and burn to plunder, thought Southern Summer Country nobody seriously?” “交代?”神风候平静一笑,四方风起云涌,天威惶惶,让人震撼,“四洲湖乃南夏王土辖内,你等在此建帮,本侯无话可说。但是,你们常年掠夺商队,甚至上岸进城镇烧杀抢掠,当真以为南夏国无人了吗?” You...... You are Southern Xia eight marquises!” “你……你是南夏八侯!” „The strength of control wind, you surely are Central State Divine Wind Marquis!” “控制风之力,你定是中州神风候!” The full beard is shocked thoroughly, Divine Wind Marquis is the full Southern Summer Country great person! 大胡子彻底惊呆,神风候是名满南夏国的大人物! The full beard has not fought intent immediately, in the water the great shark turns around fiercely, raises the giant wave, sharply escapes to run away unexpectedly at the scene! 大胡子顿时没有丝毫战意,水中巨鲨猛一掉头,掀起巨大波浪,竟当场急遁而逃! Five masters!” “五帮主!” The Great Shark Gang gang audiences are scared, five master marvelous abilities are unparalleled, hit unexpectedly does not hit runs away? 巨鲨帮的帮众都傻眼,五帮主神功盖世,竟连打都不打就逃了? Since came, that stays behind accompanies this marquis to drink one cup of tea!” The Divine Wind Marquis personal appearance flickers overtakes suddenly, blocks straightly in front of the full beard, the right arm changes to a several feet green great hand, grasps straightly to the full beard. “既然来了,那就留下陪本侯喝一杯茶吧!”神风候身形一瞬眨眼追上,直挺挺拦在大胡子面前,右臂化作一只数丈长的青色巨手,直挺挺向大胡子抓过去。 I spelled with you!” “我跟你拼了!” The full beard extracts the trident, the strength of Source Spirit blooms suddenly, the result has not launched attacks with enough time, a Divine Wind Marquis palm chops by far the trident, the violent strength rumbles the full beard dozens meters, a royal purple blood spurts from the mouth. 大胡子抽出三叉戟,元魂之力骤然绽放,结果没来得及发动攻击,神风候远远一掌就把三叉戟劈断,猛烈力量更是把大胡子轰出几十米,一口蓝紫色的血从嘴里喷出来。 Divine Wind Marquis crosses the hands behind the back to stand, as if accomplishes a task with ease: Awakened Soul 7th Layer, but will reaches the True Soul level?” 神风候负手而立,似乎游刃有余:“魂醒七重,不过堪堪达到真魂级么?” You dare to look down upon the father!” “你敢瞧不起老子!” The full beard bellows angrily, making Source Spirit release completely, is a silver great shark, full beard both hands one round, silver great shark Source Spirit drills into the level of the lake impressively, pours into full beard Source Energy the lake water completely. 大胡子愤怒大吼,让元魂完全释放出来,赫然是一头银色巨鲨,大胡子双手一轮,银色巨鲨元魂钻入湖面,将大胡子元力全部灌注湖水里。 All around waters seethe with excitement immediately. 四周水域顿时沸腾起来。 Hundreds of shark broken water, each 34 meters, the whole body is the water energy constitution, flies just like Wan Jianqi enormously and powerful, walks randomly in the midair like winged completely, each contains the savage strength, can entire swallow Awakened Soul Cultivator. 数以百计鲨鱼破水而出,每一只都有34米长,浑身都是水能量构成,浩浩荡荡宛若万箭齐飞,全部像长翅膀一样在半空游走,每一只都蕴含凶残的力量,一口可以把魂醒修士整个吞掉。 Makes you experience the lake gods to grant to our strength!” “让你见识见识湖神赏赐给我们的力量!” The sharks of innumerable water maneating to Divine Wind Marquis killing in the past, Divine Wind Marquis reveals surprised actually, has not thought really that this full beard strength is stronger than the imagination. Depending on present one, ordinary True Soul Expert definitely cannot resist. 无数水之鲨鱼凶悍向神风候扑杀过去,神风候倒是露出一丝惊讶,真没有想到,这大胡子实力比想象中更强。光凭现在的一手,普通的真魂强者肯定招架不住。 However wants to cope with the Southern Xia eight marquises level Expert? Then on bad was too far! 不过想对付南夏八侯级的强者?那就差的太远了! Wind and cloud sword song!” “风云剑歌!” Around Divine Wind Marquis body emerging out of thin air innumerable Sword Qi wind blade edge, just likes the storm scatters densely and numerously, each great shark most at least was hit 2-3, explodes to break to pieces instantaneously completely, turned into everywhere water drop. 神风候身体周围凭空出现无数剑气风刃,犹如暴风雨般密密麻麻撒下去,每一只巨鲨最起码被击中三两下,瞬间全部爆碎开来,变成了漫天的水珠。 Has not ended!” The full beard roars: Lake god! Bestows my strength!” “没完呢!”大胡子怒吼一声:“湖神!赐我力量!” Drops the water drop to stop innumerably in midair, condenses a specially huge super great shark completely, this great shark is the energy transforms freely, was ordinary with the living creature, on that thick silver-white skin is clearly discernible including the texture, angry throws to Divine Wind Marquis. 无数落下水珠都停在半空,全部凝聚成一只特别庞大的超级巨鲨,这巨鲨尽管是能量幻化而成,却已经跟活物一般,那厚厚银白色皮肤上连纹理都清晰可见,愤怒的向神风候扑去。 Divine Wind Marquis snaps fingers. 神风候一弹指。 Huge Sword Qi sweeps. 一道巨大剑气扫下来。 This momentum scary great shark cleft in two directly, the full beard was also hit by the complementary waves, just likes throws away carelessly falls on the water surface unceasing ball, departs several feet far instantaneously. 这声势骇人的巨鲨直接被劈成两半,大胡子也被余波击中,犹如打水漂般在水面不断弹落,瞬间就飞出十几丈远。 Very strong!” “好强!” Worthily is Southern Xia eight marquises!” “不愧是南夏八侯!” This enmity Great Shark Gang takes down, is waiting to me!” “这仇巨鲨帮记下,给我等着!” The full beard wants to drill toward the water, he attempts to flee through the lake water. 大胡子就想往水里钻去,他企图通过湖水遁走。 Where is so easy!” “哪有这么容易!” Divine Wind Marquis throws into the level of the lake small tornado, the entire lake water was mixed, forms a giant vortex, in dozens zhang (3.33 m) the lake water was curled arrives at the midair, includes the form of full beard. 神风候把一个小型龙卷风丢进湖面,整个湖水都被搅动起来,形成一个巨大漩涡,几十丈内湖水都被卷到半空,其中就包括大胡子的身影。 Divine Wind Marquis grasps conveniently, the full beard was attracted, finally was seized the neck by Divine Wind Marquis. 神风候随手一抓,大胡子被吸出来,最后被神风候掐住脖子。 Lets loose me!” “放开我!” The full beard good and evil is Expert of True Soul level, in the hand of Divine Wind Marquis, actually looks like one not to have the chicken of strength of struggling. 大胡子好歹是个真魂级的强者,不过在神风候的手中,却像一只毫无挣扎之力的小鸡。 Divine Wind Marquis is selecting to the full beard on continuously several, lives in cultivation base of full beard to the seal with vigorous Source Energy directly. This person of cultivation base and strength are not weak, certainly is the top chieftain, captures alive is more useful. 神风候对着大胡子身上连续点几下,用浑厚元力直接把大胡子的修为给封印住。这人修为和实力都不弱,一定是个顶级头目,活捉更有用。 Five masters were seized!” “五帮主被捉了!” Important matter is not good, told other masters quickly!” “大事不好,快告诉其他帮主!” The pirates call out in alarm to shout that all sneaks in the lake water, before long vanished. 水贼一个个惊呼大喊起来,全都钻进湖水里,不一会儿就消失了。 Divine Wind Marquis to small any interest, has not soared, flies back to the ship, throws the full beard conveniently in the deck. 神风候对小喽啰没什么兴趣,腾空而起,飞回船上,随手把大胡子丢在甲板上。 Other people deeply were shocked. 其他人都被深深震撼。 Everybody early knows Divine Wind Marquis cultivation base to be high, the strength is also very formidable, has not actually thought of terrifying in this way, this fight makes all people broaden the outlook! 大家早知神风候修为非常高,实力也是非常强大,却万万没有想到恐怖如斯,这场战斗让所有人大开眼界! The full beard reveals a panic-stricken color: Dares to injure my fine hair, Great Shark Gang will not let off your! Southern Xia is eight marquises great? If alarms the big brother Second Brother, making you unable to eat to capture walking!” 大胡子露出一丝惊恐之色:“敢伤我一根汗毛,巨鲨帮不会放过你们的!南夏八侯就了不起?若是惊动大哥二哥,让你们吃不了兜着走!” The full beard is True Soul level Expert, 大胡子是真魂强者 However actually just achieved shortly after Awakened Soul 7th Layer cultivation base. 不过却是刚刚达到魂醒七重修为不久。 Therefore do not say that, compared with Divine Wind Marquis this rank, even if compared to miss with Shen Bingyu far. However from his words, is it possible that Great Shark Gang also to have compared with he stronger person? 所以不要说跟神风候这种级别比,哪怕跟沈冰雨比起来都差远了。不过从他的话来看,莫非巨鲨帮还有比他更强的人? Nangong Yun cannot bear ask: „Is that what big brother Second Brother stronger than you?” 南宫云忍不住问:“那什么大哥二哥比你更强?” Nonsense!” The full beard energy is very as if full, in Great Shark Gang 100,000 groups of audiences, I am situated fifth, big brother, Second Brother, Third Brother and Fourth Brother, all above me! You encroach upon the forbidden area of lake god, aide but who also injures the lake gods! Once the lake gods get angry, you wait for death!” “废话!”大胡子似乎底气很足,“巨鲨帮100000帮众里面,我不过排行第五而已,大哥、二哥、三哥、四哥,全都远在我之上!你们侵犯湖神的禁区,还打伤湖神的侍从!湖神一旦发怒,你们就等死吧!” 100,000 groups of audiences! 100000帮众! At least five True Soul Expert! 至少五个真魂强者 Nangong Yun dumbfounded! 南宫云一个个都目瞪口呆! Divine Wind Marquis knits the brows, the vision was somewhat disgruntled! 神风候一皱眉,目光有些不悦了! This fellow is captured so rampant? It is estimated that will not coordinate to interrogate, the simple palm kills to consider as finished! 这家伙被俘虏还这么嚣张?估计是不会配合审问,干脆一掌击毙算了! However changes mind another to think! Hasn't this fellow lain accidentally? If the Great Shark Gang really 100,000 groups of audiences, at least five True Soul Expert assume personal command, that absolutely is a huge incomparable school influence. 不过转念又一想!这家伙万一没有撒谎呢?若巨鲨帮真有100000帮众,至少五个真魂强者坐镇,那绝对是一股庞大无比的门派势力。 Divine Wind Marquis does not fear them actually. 神风候倒是不怕他们。 The issue is the present has the duty in body, does not have the time entanglement here, if erupts the contradiction with Great Shark Gang, perhaps wanted to throw away this repugnant fellows so not to be easy. 问题是现在有任务在身,没有时间纠缠在此,若跟巨鲨帮爆发矛盾,恐怕想要甩脱这帮讨厌的家伙就没这么容易了。 Ping! 砰砰! Several warship ship's bottoms transmit explosive! 几艘军舰船底都传来爆响! Several soldiers shout startled: Marquis is not good! The ship's bottom was destroyed! Our ships quickly by scuttle!” 几个士兵惊慌喊道:“侯爷不好!船底被砸破了!我们的船快被凿沉了!” What?” “什么?” This warship is the Southern Summer Country most advanced speed is quickest, if the ship's bottom were broken, causing the warship to submerge, then the consequence is dreadful! How not to mention over a thousand sergeants escape, Central State will definitely harm the order of Monarch book, that is the serious matter! 这军舰是南夏国最先进速度最快的,若船底被打破,导致军舰沉没,那么后果不堪设想!姑且不说上千军士如何逃生,中州必然会误了君书的命令,那可是严重的事情! Marquis!” “侯爷!” Front presents many monsters!” “前方出现很多怪物!” The people look at the time to the distant place, several giant incomparable turtles, are walking randomly on the level of the lake slowly, each turtle carries on the back is carrying over a hundred people, even preparation large-scale machinery crossbow and so on weapon. 众人向远处望去时候,十几只巨大无比乌龟,正在湖面上缓缓游走,每一只乌龟背上都载着上百人,甚至准备大型机弩之类的武器。 A thin middle-aged guy portable sword, whole face angry exclaiming: Puts the Fifth Brother! Otherwise makes you be buried in fish abdomen!” 一个精瘦中年汉子手提战刀,满脸愤怒的吼道:“放五弟!否则让你们都葬身鱼腹!” All around current of water is rapid. 四周水流湍急起来。 Has put five masters! Has put five masters!” Thousands of Great Shark Gang help the audiences appear, holds up the weapon in hand to exclaim high: Makes them taste the anger of lake god!” “放了五帮主!放了五帮主!”数以千计巨鲨帮帮众露出头来,高高举起手里的武器吼道:“让他们尝尝湖神之怒!” Ended, ended!” Meng Yingying complexion one white: Pirate quantity how these many! We held the hornet's nest!” “完了,完了!”梦莹莹脸色一白:“水贼数量怎么这么多!我们捅马蜂窝了!” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” The full beard laughs: This offends the fate of lake god!” “哈哈哈哈!”大胡子大笑起来:“这就是得罪湖神的下场!” Court death! 找死! Divine Wind Marquis both eyes flash through cold killing intent. 神风候双眼闪过一丝冷冽杀气 No person dares such to threaten him, such being the case executes one person as a warning to others! 从来没有人敢这么威胁他,既然如此就杀一儆百吧! Marquis holds on a minute!” Chu Tian arrives in front of Divine Wind Marquis, preventing Divine Wind Marquis to kill five masters, urgent matter repels the pirate, this person makes I'm coming process!” “侯爷且慢!”楚天走到神风候面前,阻止神风候击毙五帮主,“当务之急是把水贼击退,这个人就让我来处理吧!” Divine Wind Marquis cultivation base is immeasurably deep, Great Shark Gang several masters come, that not necessarily is victorious he. However, here is the Great Shark Gang domain, where is to hit can hit? 神风候修为深不可测,巨鲨帮几个帮主就算都来,那也不一定打得过他。但是,这里是巨鲨帮的地盘啊,哪里是想打就能打的? Great Shark Gang says 100,000 people! 巨鲨帮自称100000人! From at present the battle formation, the authenticity perhaps is very high. 从目前阵势来看,真实性恐怕是非常高的。 These fellows as if are skilled in the river character, but can also control aquatic Demon Beast, any chisel ship's bottom, various sinister sneak attacks, everybody means do not have. 这些家伙似乎非常精通水性,还能够驾驭水生魔兽,什么凿船底,各种阴险偷袭,大家一点办法都没有。 Divine Wind Marquis is not bandits suppression, if makes the big pile of trouble in this, the surplus larger part ranges gave up any idea of that these pirates tagged along after to disturb inevitably, to have harmed the important matter? 神风候不是来剿匪的,若在此惹上大堆麻烦,剩余一大半航程就休想走完了,这些水贼必然一路尾随捣乱,岂不是误了大事? Wu'an Monarch an angry no small matter! 武安君一怒非同小可! Good, gave you!” Divine Wind Marquis knows that the Chu Tian wicked idea are many, is urgent is repelling the pirate to protect the ships, again has not managed any five masters: Shen Bingyu , helping my helping hand!” “好,就交给你了!”神风候知道楚天鬼点子很多,再加急着打退水贼保护船只,就没有再管什么五帮主:“沈冰雨,助我一臂之力!” Shen Bingyu with some Divine Wind Marquis friendship, pours not to refuse, not to say a word to jump the lake water directly. 沈冰雨神风候有些交情,倒也没有拒绝,一言不发直接跳到湖水。 In an instant! 刹那之间! A severely cold strength releases. 一股严寒力量释放出来。 The level of the lake freezes the congealing ice in abundance, is destroying the pirate of hull, moves aside to be frozen in the ice. Divine Wind Marquis has also gotten rid, everywhere wind blade edge wind blade violent storm incline. 湖面纷纷冻结凝冰,正破坏船身的水贼,躲闪不及被冻结在冰里。神风候也出手了,漫天风刃风刀狂风暴雨般倾斜出去。 Two big masters together, this group of pirates is a cinch. 两大高手一起,这帮水贼不在话下。 Chu Tian arrives in front of the full beard master: Now makes us chat.” 楚天走到大胡子帮主面前:“现在就让我们聊聊吧。” Boy, you thinks that who you are? Do you have the qualifications to speak to father?” Full beard both eyes angrily rebuke Chu Tian, had the skill to kill the father! My 100,000 fraternities revenge for me!” “小子,你以为你是谁?你有资格跟老子说话吗?”大胡子双目怒斥楚天,“有本事杀了老子!我的100000兄弟会为我报仇!” You were the captive so to be rampant!” Nangong Yun clashes is a foot: I thought that this fellow is owes to tidy up, making I'm coming punch him one, I have not hit Cultivator of True Soul level!” “你都做了俘虏还那么嚣张!”南宫云冲上来就是一脚:“我看这家伙就是欠收拾,让我来揍他一顿吧,我还没打过真魂级的修士呢!” Nangong, do not disturb!” Chu Tian beckons with the hand to Nangong Yun: I thing that wanted you to prepare prepare?” “南宫,别捣乱!”楚天南宫云摆摆手:“我要你准备的东西准备好了吗?” Nangong Yun raises vat lake water in front of Chu Tian: Strange, do you want me to fetch water to do?” 南宫云把一大桶湖水提在楚天面前:“奇怪,你要我打水来干什么?” Chu Tian raises directly five masters, presses the head to hold to go in! 楚天直接把五帮主提起来,按着脑袋就捅里塞进去! „Are you do do?” “你这是干什么呀?” Chu Tian said to several people: You look!” 楚天对几人说:“你们自己过来看!” Meng Yingying first collects to look that cannot help but is surprised: Oh, behind his ear grew the fish gill!” 梦莹莹第一个凑过来看,不由得大吃一惊:“哎呀,不得了,他的耳朵后面长出鱼鳃了!” Everybody originally not but under naturally looks, all was shocked by the strange picture at the scene, behind the full beard ear, presents a visceral cleft really long, is gathering in one is breathing. 大家本来不信然而一看之下,全都被诡异画面惊呆当场,大胡子耳朵后面,真长出现一条鳃裂,正在一张一合呼吸着。 Person how possible Chairman to leave the fish gill?” “人身上怎么可能会长出鱼鳃?” Monster! These fellows at all are not humanity!” “怪物啊!这些家伙根本不是人类!” The sergeants are from the heart to feel frightened. 众军士发自内心感到一丝惊悚。 Lake god, has the lake god really!” The old guide who Divine Wind Marquis invited frightened trembles, the mouth muttered: These people are lake God Servant, since, therefore has this ability, we brought the big trouble! The lake gods meet the violent anger!” “湖神,真的有湖神!”神风候请来的老向导吓得哆嗦,嘴里喃喃说:“这些人是湖神侍从,所以拥有这种能力,我们闯大祸了!湖神一定会暴怒的!” ( This week's in addition, but is convenient to subscription list for next week, the additional time is later from Saturday Sunday, changes to Monday night, backward moves on Sunday for day, later per week this.) (本周会加更,不过为下周冲订阅榜方便,加更时间从周六周日晚,改为周日周一晚上,向后挪一天,以后每周都这样。)
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