MT :: Volume #3

#208: Mystical pirate

The day daybreak, the light cyan sky is inlaying several remaining stars gradually. The level of the lake has fog, the dim looks like covers the silver-gray fine gauze, the rosy-colored clouds at dawn is dyeing the cloud of accumulation horizon, like is soaks the blood, appears the light red. 天渐渐破晓,淡青色天空嵌着几颗残星。湖面起一层雾,朦朦胧胧像罩着银灰色的轻纱,朝霞染着聚集天边的云彩,像是浸血一样,显出淡淡的红色。 Five warships go at the steady rate. 五艘军舰以稳定速度行驶。 About before a half hour, five ships enter the special waters, is wind does not have seriously, if not the warship is advanced, is providing the gathering sail, perhaps could not start. 大约半个小时前,五艘船就进特殊水域,当真是一点风都没有,若非军舰先进,配备着聚风帆,恐怕是开不动了。 In Meng Yingying is holding a canned food of heating pot, lazy has the yawn to ventilate to the deck, deeply inhales icy cold air, when by the light dense fog, can see indistinctly, the front has the outline of islands. 梦莹莹手里捧着一个加热锅的罐头,慵懒的打着哈欠到甲板上透气,深深吸一口冰凉的空气,当透过淡淡迷雾,隐隐约约能看见,前方有岛屿的轮廓。 „!” “哇!” Has many ships!” “有好多船啊!” Meng Yingying sends out to call out in alarm. 梦莹莹发出惊呼。 The massive worn-out ancient ships anchor on the tranquil level of the lake, some are the merchants, some are the civilian boats, some military vessels, the size is different, dissimilar in shape and form, part of years are quite ancient, start including the hull that the lignum vitae produces rottenly, it is estimated that were abandoned hence are hundred years. 大量破旧古船停泊在平静湖面上,有一些是商船,有一些是民船,有一些军船,大小不同,形态各异,其中一部分年月相当古老,连铁木造的船身都开始腐烂,估计被废弃至此长达百年之久。 Do these ships come? 这些船是怎么来的? Meets the storm to be blown probably, might be has astrayed here, or by robber seizing. 大概是遇到风暴被吹来,也有可能是误入了这里,又或者是被强盗给捉来的。 In brief the ordinary large-scale ships entered the calm area unable to start, finally entirely rotten in waters. 总之普通大型船只一进无风区就开不出去了,最后统统烂在水域之内。 However the quantity also were too rather many, light now can see, more than hundred, did this piece of region how many abandon the ships? 不过数量未免也太多了吧,光现在能看见的,就足足有百余艘,这片区域到底有多少废弃船只? Resounds an intermittent bugle from the front the cry. 从前方响起一阵阵号角呜鸣。 Meng Yingying makes an effort to rub the eyes, stares big eye to make an effort to take a look at one, when line of sight across light dense fog, 78 jet black giant warships, the neat platoon becomes a row, by a trend of surrounding, is encircling slowly to the warship. 梦莹莹使劲揉揉眼睛,瞪大眼睛使劲瞅一眼,当视线穿过薄薄迷雾时,78艘漆黑的巨大战船,正整整齐齐的排成一排,正在以一种包围的趋势,正在缓缓地向军舰围上来。 These black ships as if have the special power unit, can therefore like the warship in slightly the calm region normal speed. 这些黑色船似乎有特殊的动力装置,所以能像军舰一样在丝毫无风的地带正常行驶。 When! 当! The warship alarm was sounded! 军舰警钟被敲响! Has the situation!” “有情况!” Various ship soldiers run out of the cabin in abundance, one riding a crossbow character exhibits, the giant crossbow car(riage) is released, has prepared fight. As was the Southern Summer Country most advanced warship, the warship above equipment does not certainly miss. 各舰士兵纷纷冲出船舱,一把把骑弩一字摆开,巨型弩车纷纷推出,已经做好战斗的准备。作为是南夏国最先进的战船,军舰上面的装备当然也差不了。 Besides the crossbow car(riage) of deck exhibition, by the hull has the fire window, each ship provides over 60 heavy crossbow car(riage)s, the heavy crossbow arrow that uses has two meters fully, builds the arrow body with high energy Crystal Stone, the firing distance can be more than 2000 meters. 除甲板陈列的弩车外,船身两侧都有射击窗口,每艘船都配备60辆以上的重型弩车,所用的重型弩箭足有两米长,用高能量晶石打造箭身,射程能达到2000多米。 This arrow fabrication is expensive, is not the dependence strong penetrating power kills the enemy, but is direct activation energy Crystal Stone eliminates the enemy by the explosion of terrifying. 这种箭造假非常昂贵,不是依靠强劲穿透力杀上敌人,而是直接激活能量晶石恐怖的爆炸来消灭敌人。 The ordinary medium ships, 12 arrows can attack and sink! 普通的中型船只,12箭就能够击沉! Ha...... Big courage!” “哈哈哈啊……好大的胆子!” Many years of nobody dares to rush in the domain of lake god!” “好多年没人敢闯进湖神的地盘了!” You dare to come in unexpectedly, then tastes our Great Shark Gang fierce!” “你们竟然敢进来,那么就尝尝我们巨鲨帮的厉害吧!” Chu Tian feels outside unusual circumstance, therefore curious under arrives at the deck to wait and see. 楚天感觉到外面异常情况,所以好奇下就走到甲板来观望。 Nangong Yun and Meng Yingying are pleasantly surprised: Just right that Chu Tian, you come! We ran into the pirate!” 南宫云梦莹莹则又惊又喜:“楚天,你来的正好!我们遇到水贼了!” Pirate?” Chu Tian is looking at the opposite ten black great ships, this scale also was too rather big, light here had 2,000-3,000 pirates!” “水贼?”楚天望着对面十艘黑色巨船,“这规模未免也太大了吧,光这里就有两三千水贼!” This marquis has not thought.” Divine Wind Marquis terrifying Source Energy ferments in within the body, said lightly that in my South Summer King country mirror, is hiding a such influence unexpectedly!” “本侯也没有想到。”神风候一身恐怖元力在体内里酝酿,平淡的说,“我南夏王国镜内,竟藏着一支这样的势力!” The Divine Wind Marquis sound is not loud, actually by far puts on near the opposite party ear. 神风候声音不大,却远远穿到对方耳边。 This Great Shark Gang deploys ten ships, although the scale does not have the warship to be big, but the deck has stood the person, altogether adds at least to have 2,000-3,000 greatness! 这个巨鲨帮出动十艘船舰,虽然规模没有军舰大,但甲板站满了人,总共加起来起码有两三千之巨! These person of wear outlandish clothes, look like maneating and barbaric, just likes the disciple of barbarian refuses to accept to enlighten. 这些人一个个穿着奇装异服,看起来凶悍而又野蛮,犹如不服教化的蛮夷之徒。 On!” “上!” Their ships are good!” “他们的船不错!” Treated as to give to the lake gods!” “就当做献给湖神了!” Everybody gives on me, do not destroy the ships!” “大家给我上,不要打坏船只!” The water pirate ship resounds one to start the charge toot, the hundreds of pirates, at the back of the weapon, grasp the hook lock, under just likes the stuffed dumpling jumps down the deck. 水贼船响起一阵发动冲锋号角声,数以百计的水贼,背着兵器,手持钩锁,犹如下饺子般跳下甲板。 The people were shocked. 众人都惊呆了。 Do they directly jump down the water? 他们怎么直接跳下水? Everyone wears such heavy ordnance equipment! 每个人都戴着这么重的兵器装备啊! Was dumbfounded to occur, the pirate has not sunk to the water , the both feet stepped in the level of the lake, the tranquil level of the lake surging wave, they treadonned the ocean waves suddenly, just liked the surfing is ordinary, was encircling rapidly to the warship. 让人目瞪口呆一幕发生了,水贼没有沉到水里去,双脚踩在湖面上,本来平静湖面忽然涌动波浪,他们脚踏碧波,犹如冲浪一般,正急速向军舰围过来。 A little meaning, cultivates some strange Cultivation Technique!” “有点意思,真是修炼一些奇怪的功法呢!” Chu Tian knows that the pirate can tread the wave the line, certainly is some Cultivation Technique creates, this Great Shark Gang as if truly somewhat good inheritance. 楚天知道水贼能踏波而行,一定是某种功法造成的,这个巨鲨帮似乎确实有些不俗的传承。 Kills!” “杀呀!” The pirates tread the wave to come in a threatening manner, cramp iron locks must look like on the warship to wrap, finally the pirates with enough time have not approached, five warships sprinkle the next wave of lasing directly the arrow rain! 水贼们气势汹汹的踏波而来,一把把钩锁就要像军舰上套,结果水贼都没有来得及靠近,五艘军舰直接洒下一波激射的箭雨! „!” “啊!” In me arrow!” “我中箭了!” Shields me quickly!” “快掩护我!” What the pirates meet is Central State City, is the sharpest army, which the motley crew who they usually plunder? Was shot but actually one piece instantaneously! 水贼遇到的是中州城,最精锐的军队啊,哪是他们平时抢掠的乌合之众?瞬间就被射倒一片! damn!” 可恶!” For lake god!” “为了湖神!” For Great Shark Gang!” “为了巨鲨帮!” The pirates are bellowing, many people release Source Spirit, its Source Spirit image uniformly is the giant shark, their speed direct rising suddenly several fold, parry arrow arrow, rapid advance. 水贼大吼着,不少人释放出元魂,其元魂形象清一色都是巨大鲨鱼,他们速度直接暴涨数倍,挡开箭矢,急速前进。 Well? 咦? These pirate cultivation base are not weak! 这些水贼修为不弱呢! Because can release Source Spirit generally is the Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak! 因为能释放元魂一般都是魂醒九重巅峰! These pirates generally have the Awakened Soul 60%-70% strengths, in every ten has a Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak master! 这些水贼普遍都具备魂醒六七成的实力,其中每十个里面就有一个魂醒九重巅峰的高手! In this time! 正在此时! Vast such as sea Source Energy erupts. 一股浩瀚如海的元力爆发出来。 Divine Wind Marquis flickers to arrive at the midair from deck one suddenly, consecutively for several times leaps, suddenly the gate pulse leaves several kilometers, the sharp sound as if must rip open the space from out of the blue, Divine Wind Marquis has flown the place, including the bright mirror water surface, had been separated by rapid about, the pirate loses completely balanced, falls in the water in abundance. 神风候从甲板突然间一个瞬身到半空,连续几次飞跃,眨眼间冲出几千米,尖利破空声仿佛要将空间撕开,神风候飞过的地方,连明镜般的水面,都被迅速的左右分开了,水贼全部失去平衡,纷纷摔进水里。 The Divine Wind Marquis both arms void stroke, a huge incomparable green wind blade edge lets go! 神风候双臂虚空一划,一道巨大无比青色风刃脱手而出! Just likes the maneuver dart, chops together the path! 犹如回旋镖般,劈出一道轨迹! ! 啪啪啪啪! Ten neat crack sounds! 十声干脆利落裂响! Pirate ship mast were divided completely! 贼船桅杆一根根全部被劈断! At this time, the Divine Wind Marquis strength blotted out the sky spout, the surroundings lake water seemed attracted to be the same by the black dragon, the mutual encirclement chose the attire, the diameter thick 30-40 meters, enough hundred meters high giant tornado, were almost the instantaneous formations. 这时,神风候力量铺天盖地喷涌出来,周围湖水仿佛被青龙吸起一样,互相环绕选装,一个一个直径粗大三四十米,足足有百米高的巨型龙卷风,几乎是瞬间形成的。 Thick mast Qi Qiza is in deck, the pirate was pounded leans this way and that. 粗大桅杆齐齐砸在甲板上,水贼被砸得东倒西歪。 Has not made the response with enough time, the pirate ship by leaning this way and that the following strong winds blow. 没来得及做出反应,贼船又被随之而来的狂风吹的东倒西歪。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Withdraw quickly! Withdraw quickly!” “快撤!快撤!” The Divine Wind Marquis speed is too fast, first gets rid to cut off the masts of ten steamships, then shortly will condense the destructive power infinite giant tornado. 神风候的速度实在太快,先一出手斩断十艘大船的桅杆,接着又顷刻间凝聚起破坏力无穷的巨型龙卷风。 No!” “不!” Storm came!” “风暴来了!” Quick! Abandoning a ship diving!” “快!弃船跳水!” That enormous and powerful tornado hits on the first ship, the terrifying strength throws off the ship directly, then hits on the second ship, not accidental threw off, third, fourth...... Tenth searches for! 那浩浩荡荡的龙卷风撞在第一艘船上,恐怖力量直接把船掀翻,接着又撞在第二艘船上,毫无意外的又被掀翻,第三艘,第四艘……第十搜! Entire ten search for the steamship, several seconds, were all turned one upside down, countless people called out pitifully are thrown into the sky high, just liked rains in the same unceasing dropping water. 整整十搜大船,几秒钟时间里,全被翻一个底朝天,无数人惨叫着被高高抛到天空,犹如下雨一样不断的落进水里。 The calm level of the lake, the mighty waves are turbulent, a scene piece in confusion! 无风湖面,波涛汹涌,现场一片狼藉! Meng Yingying was shocked: These ships at least have dozens tons, marquis flash their entirely complete threw off! This is the what kind strength!” 梦莹莹惊呆了:“那些船起码有好几十吨重,侯爷一瞬间就把它们统统的全部掀翻了!这是何等的力量啊!” Other person of armed forces are also one piece with amazement! 其他人军将也是一片骇然! Even if under formidable Illustrious Soul time Expert, strikes fully, but creates the large hole big hole, Divine Wind Marquis actually by strength of the directly ten dozens tons steamship overthrowing in level of the lake! 哪怕强大的显魂强者,全力一击之下,不过造成大洞大坑,神风候却以一己之力直接把十艘几十吨大船给推翻在湖面里! Is this what kind strength? 这是何等的力量? The gods worthily are the Central State first person! 神不愧是中州第一人! That terrifying storm still wreaks havoc, even if separated by such far distance, Chu Tian one line of still felt that the hydron blue turbulent current turns wells up. Finally green storm place visited, almost all warship quilts ** comes, breaks the innumerable fragments, the pirate is distressed runs away everywhere. 恐怖的风暴依然肆虐中,哪怕相隔这么远的距离,楚天一行人依然感到水蓝激流翻涌。最终青色风暴所过之处,几乎所有战船都被**开来,断裂成无数碎片,水贼更是狼狈到处逃窜。 Meng Yingying said: This fellows looked like must be drown to death!” 梦莹莹说:“这帮家伙看来都要淹死了!” Chu Tian nods the head slightly, but has not spoken, suddenly discovered that a strange phenomenon, several steamship ripped fragmentations, breaks the wood still to float innumerably on the water surface. Properly speaking the person of falling in the water, meets instinct to seek for the floating matter, especially in wave so turbulent environment. 楚天微微颔首,不过还没有说话,突然发现一个奇怪的现象,十几艘大船被撕裂成碎片,无数断木依然漂浮在水面上。按理说落水之人,会本能寻找漂浮物,特别是在水波如此汹涌环境下。 Chu Tian is very surprised. 楚天感到非常惊讶。 Pirate has not held the floating matter to seek livehood, instead all rushes to be first drills toward the water, on the ship the person also in abundance discards the weapon to jump toward the water in directly, the pirates of falling in the water sneak in the water the disappearing trace. 水贼没有一个抓住漂浮物求生,反而全部争先恐后的往水里钻,船上人也纷纷丢掉兵器直接往水里跳,落水的水贼都钻进水里不见了踪影。 Several thousand people! 好几千人啊! All jumps to the water in disappears! 全跳到水里不见了! Blood that these casualties pirates flow out, unexpectedly is some royal purple, is different from the blood of normal person completely. 那些伤亡水贼流出的血,竟然是一些蓝紫色的,跟正常人的血液完全不同。 Divine Wind Marquis also discovers the strange phenomenon, therefore gradually storm stopping, however does not need carefully to observe, resounds fearful roaring from the front! 神风候也发现奇怪的现象,所以渐渐地把风暴给停止了,然而不待仔细去观察,从前方响起一个可怕的咆哮! Where person of high skill randomly my Great Shark Gang domain!” “何方高人乱我巨鲨帮地盘!” Did not fear that angers lake gods?!” “难道不怕惹怒湖神吗?!” A sound wave comes in waves, is vigorous and resonant, has almost covered the sound of mighty waves. 一个声波滚滚而来,浑厚而又嘹亮,几乎盖过波涛之声。 The Shen Bingyu book does not have the interest, actually opens both eyes at this moment, flashes through a confusion from the vision: In these pirates has True Soul level Expert!” 沈冰雨本没有兴趣,此时此刻却睁开双眼,从目光中闪过一丝困惑:“这些水贼中有真魂强者!” Cannot! 不会吧! Other people are one startled! 其他人都是一惊! True Soul level Expert Central State is few! 真魂强者中州都屈指可数! If really has True Soul level Expert, why is willing to work as a pirate, regardless of arrives at Southern Summer Country any place, by the great person who ten thousand people respect! 若真是具备真魂强者,为什么甘愿当一个水贼,无论走到南夏国任何地方,都是受万人敬仰的大人物! A robust man treads the wave to come, at the back of a trident, the hair is thick, the whole face is a full beard, on chest that opens wide, is the hydron blue pigment figure body, puts on also with the barbarian not different! 一个壮汉踏着波浪而来,背着一根三叉戟,头发浓密凌乱,满脸是大胡子,敞开的胸膛上面,全都是水蓝色纹身,穿着也与蛮夷无异! Five masters!” “五帮主!” Five masters saved us!” “五帮主来救我们了!” The True Soul level robust man just arrived, the pirates who front vanishes, the ball from the water raise one's head, this fellows have not been drown to death, actually entirely hides in the water. 真魂级壮汉刚刚到来,前面消失的水贼们,一个个从水里弹出头来,这帮家伙根本就没有淹死,却统统藏在水里面。 A Nangong Yun face is shocking: I also think that they were drown to death, has not thought that unexpectedly was also living, why can such long time not come out to take a breath?” 南宫云一脸震惊:“我还以为他们都淹死了呢,没想到居然都还活着,可为什么这么久时间都不出来换气?” Feng Caidie also frowned: Is it possible that does Great Shark Gang help the audiences practice the turtle rest merit? Therefore can not take a breath for a long time!” 风彩蝶也皱起眉头:“莫非巨鲨帮帮众一个个都修炼龟息功?所以能长时间不换气!” „It is not Cultivation Technique, is the pirate himself a little issue.” Chu Tian is sees some clue finally, the corners of the mouth hangs up a happy expression, no wonder can the rampant that many years in four continent lakes, but throughout does not have not to exterminate! Now looked like the matter becomes interesting. Nangong, you help me prepare a thing, I need to confirm something, if the eternal truth I suspect such, the value of this fellows may be big.” “不是功法,是水贼本身有点问题。”楚天总算是看出一些端倪,嘴角挂起一丝笑意,“难怪能在四洲湖中嚣张那么多年,而始终没有没剿灭!现在看来事情变得有意思了。南宫,你去帮我准备点东西,我需要验证一些事情,如果真如我猜想那样,这帮家伙的价值可就大了。”
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