MT :: Volume #3

#207: Cursed lake

Next morning, Miracle Commerce headquarters. 翌日清晨,奇迹商会总部。 Chu Tian will complete several materials to give Meng Qingwu at the same night, has Miracle Commerce several material items, such as said the core technologies of electromagnetism mechanics of communication. 楚天将连夜完成几份资料交给梦轻舞,有奇迹商会几项重要项目,如说电磁通讯技术的核心技术。 The research of Cloud Sect research institute cannot stagnate. 云门研究院的研究不能停滞。 Chu Tian in Central State, not making Meng Qingwu be responsible for! 楚天不在中州,让梦轻舞来负责吧! New Cloud Sect is more than 100 Elite scholar composition teams, is mainly responsible for revision around the clock insufficient, attacking and capturing the flaw, tests the collection data massively, undergoes a series of research and development to improve again, finally uses in the practice. 云门是100多精英学者组成团队,主要负责昼夜不停的修正不足、攻克缺陷,大量测试收集数据,再经过一系列研发完善,最终用到实践里面去。 Meng Qingwu has Heaven Book Source Spirit , studies knowledge ability ultra-fast, in the short moon/month time, only depend on Heaven Book Source Spirit the consciousness memory to add again constantly study, will not have given ordinary Cloud Sect scholar. 梦轻舞天书元魂,学习知识能力超快,短短月余的时间里,只凭天书元魂内苏醒记忆再加不断学习,已经不会给一个普通的云门学者了。 Let her be in charge, Yun Tianhe is auxiliary. 让她来主管,云天鹤辅助。 Chu Tian can feel relieved completely. 楚天就能够完全放心了。 A Meng Qingwu face is depressed: Finally decides to participate in this duty?” 梦轻舞一脸郁闷:“结果还是决定参加这次任务吗?” This with Wu'an Monarch's order irrelevant.” Chu Tian very mysterious smiles, I am interested in the duty itself, accurate is to falling is interested in the Thunder State abyss devil, its body perhaps just has the thing that I need!” “这跟武安君的命令无关。”楚天非常神秘的一笑,“我对任务本身感兴趣,准确来讲是对落在雷州的深渊恶魔感兴趣,它的身上或许刚好有我需要的东西!” Your it has many does not know that dares to take risk easily?” “你连它有多强都不知道,就敢轻易冒险?” Relax, in my hand has the secret weapon.” “放心吧,我的手里有秘密武器。” Chu Tian has diluted massively the Spiritual God blood, this not only can explain the strength of curse, copes with the devil evil spirit is also very useful, arrives at few days the abyss devil, where it is estimated that fierce to does not go. 楚天有大量稀释过的神灵血,这不仅仅能破解诅咒之力,对付恶魔妖魔也是非常有用的,一只降临没有几天的深渊恶魔,估计也厉害不到哪里去。 Was not first day knows Chu Tian, this fellow kept promises, since made the decision to go, she may not have the skill to stop. 不是第一天认识楚天了,这个家伙说一不二,既然做出决定要去,她可没有本事阻拦。 Meng Qingwu is the intelligent woman, cannot prevent as far as possible to support: You also need anything, I help you prepare!” 梦轻舞是聪明的女人,不能阻止就尽量支持:“你还需要什么,我帮你准备!” I want some superior animal skin, moreover secret silver becomes the flagpole......” “我要一些上等兽皮,另外秘银制成旗杆……” Chu Tian said big pile of materials. 楚天说出一大堆材料。 Meng Qingwu can hear, this seems the lineup uses, the Miracle Commerce current ability, is not difficult to make these things, asked the person to prepare without demur. 梦轻舞能听得出来,这似乎是布阵用的,奇迹商会当前能力,不难弄来这些东西,二话不说就叫人准备去了。 Chu Tian! Chu Tian!” The Meng Yingying hot sharp fire singes to run in the room: I saw to announce, do you want to go to Thunder State?” 楚天楚天!”梦莹莹火急火燎跑进屋里来:“我看见公告了,你要去雷州?” Chu Tian nods: In the evening!” 楚天点点头:“傍晚出发!” Meng Yingying is busy at shouting: Takes me!” 梦莹莹忙喊道:“带上我吧!” Yingying!” The Meng Qingwu beautiful eye stares, publicly reprimanded: Do not add to the chaos!” 莹莹!”梦轻舞美目一瞪,非常严厉斥责道:“你不要添乱!” I will not add to the chaos!” Meng Yingying grabs the Chu Tian arm, makes an effort to sway: I want to go out to have a look with you, I have not gone compared with a main city farther place. Thunder State, that is ten thousand li (0.5km) distance, do I want to grow in experience am not good?” “我不会添乱的!”梦莹莹抓着楚天胳膊,使劲摇晃起来:“我想跟你们出去看看,我没有去过比主城更远的地方呢。雷州,那是万里的距离呢,我想长长见识也不行么?” „It is not good!” Meng Qingwu is usually temperate, but is severe, that is also vigorous and resolute, Chu Tian is shoulders the important missions is not travels, what to do do you make him divert attention with Chu Tian?” “不行!”梦轻舞平时温和,不过严厉起来,那也是雷厉风行的,“楚天是背负重要任务又不是去旅游,你跟着楚天让他分心怎么办?” I...... I have the duty!” Meng Yingying does not dare directly to face the elder sister, but hides behind Chu Tian, reveals a head to argue: Cannery that we and Great Generals cooperate in preparing, the Miracle Commerce canned food output suddenly to increase, will sell the place outside Central State sooner or later. The officers in this number of times state county concentrate Thunder State, opens the good opportunity in market! You said is right? Chu Tian!” “我……我也是有任务的嘛!”梦莹莹不敢直接面对姐姐,只是躲在楚天后面,露出一个脑袋辩解:“我们和大将军合作的罐头厂在准备中,奇迹商会罐头产量将暴增,早晚会卖到中州以外的地方去。此次数个州郡的将士集中雷州,正是一个打开市场的好机会呢!你说对不对?楚天!” The small girl make an effort the winking eyeball to Chu Tian. 小丫头对楚天使劲挤挤眼睛。 How regardless of the younger sister said that Meng Qingwu did not agree. 无论妹妹怎么说,梦轻舞坚决不同意。 After all in the Meng Qingwu heart, younger sister is the most important family member, she does not permit the younger sister to brave hardships and dangers by the body. 毕竟在梦轻舞心中,妹妹是最重要的亲人,她决不许妹妹以身涉险。 Young lady has considered thoroughly, Yingying has Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak cultivation base, Starlight Immortal Body cultivates Diamond Body, this defensive power nobody can injure her.” Chu Tian helps Meng Yingying speak: Yingying wants to see the world makes her have a look. I will call Lin Mu and Fang Han to protect her, does not go to the thorough disaster area, only does the backup work, does not have the issue.” “大小姐多虑了,莹莹拥有魂醒三重巅峰修为,星光不灭体修炼到金刚体,这种防御力没有什么人能伤她。”楚天梦莹莹说话:“莹莹想见见世面就让她去看看吧。我会叫林木方寒保护她,不去深入灾区,只做后勤工作,没有问题的。” Meng Yingying has Starlight Immortal Body, the battle efficiency is not much, defends is greatly strengthened! 梦莹莹拥有星光不灭体,战斗力不怎么样,防御已是极强! Even if common Awakened Soul 4th Layer Cultivator cannot injure her, making her be responsible for doing the backup work, almost does not have the risk. 哪怕寻常魂醒四重修士都伤不到她,让她负责做做后勤工作,几乎没有风险的。 Meng Qingwu knits the brows, still somewhat hesitated: This......” 梦轻舞皱皱眉,仍然有些犹豫:“这……” Chu Tian said: Yingying cannot live in the easy and comfortable environment, making her have a look at the world disaster is also the good deed. Has me, all right!” 楚天说:“莹莹不能一直生活在安逸环境里,让她去看看人间灾难也是好事。有我在,没事的!” Meng Qingwu clenched teeth, stares the younger sister saying: You must listen to the Chu Tian words!” 梦轻舞咬咬牙,瞪着妹妹说:“你一定要听楚天的话!” „! Chu Tian long live! Such happily decided!” Rushing out through the door that Meng Yingying is wild with joy, I prepared!” “耶!楚天万岁!这么愉快的决定了!”梦莹莹欣喜若狂的夺门而出,“我去做准备了!” A Meng Qingwu headache appearance. 梦轻舞一副头疼样子。 All considers an exercise.” Chu Tian had not thought that any improper place, we must leave Central State sooner or later, even must leave Southern Summer Country, in the future the journey has the unknown risk, a lot must always face.” “全当是一次锻炼吧。”楚天没觉得什么不妥的地方,“我们早晚要离开中州,甚至要离开南夏国,未来旅途有很多未知风险,很多事情总是要面对的。” Meng Qingwu was speechless. 梦轻舞无话可说了。 Yingying leads a mercenary soldier to be responsible for the rear service, this will really not have the too big danger. 莹莹带着一支佣兵负责后勤,这样确实不会有太大危险。 Just like Meng Yingying just said is the same, this disaster is an opportunity, the opportunity makes the canned food flow to the place of Sanzhou, can further expand the chamber of commerce influence, thus opens the marketing channel outside Central State. 正如梦莹莹刚刚所说一样,此次灾祸不失为一次商机,藉此机会使罐头流入到三洲之地,也能进一步扩大商会影响力,从而打开中州以外的销售渠道。 Ten eight guard Yin Corpse leaves you to defend self.” Chu Tian does not allow the young lady to oppose that then said: Shen Bingyu enough protected me.” “十八阴尸护卫留给你来防身。”楚天不容大小姐反对,接着就说道:“沈冰雨足够保护我了。” The young lady has learned to control Yin Corpse to compose Array. 大小姐已经学会控制阴尸组成阵法 These 18 god blood Yin Corpse battle efficiencies are extraordinary, if coordinates Chu Tian invention Array to use, almost can surpass the Awakened Soul 5th Layer master, runs into the Awakened Soul 6th Layer character also to mediate some time. 这18神血阴尸战斗力非凡,若是配合楚天发明的阵法来用,几乎能超过魂醒五重的高手,遇到魂醒六重的人物也能斡旋一段时间。 The young lady himself has the Starlight Immortal Body guard, 18 god blood Yin Corpse protections, her personal safety guaranteed sufficiently. 大小姐本身具备星光不灭体护身,又有18只神血阴尸保护,她的个人安全是足以保证了。 This duty is urgent, if carries on according to the Chu Tian plan does not use too for a long time, it is estimated that 78 days can come back, forgive Three Great Clans this courage not to begin! Even if takes an action, Central State City has Yun Tianhe and Xiong Wuji attendance, support such several days has more than enough to spare. 这次任务非常紧急,不过若按楚天计划进行不用太久,估计78天就能回来,谅三大家族没这胆子动手!即使真的有所行动,中州城云天鹤熊无忌照顾,支撑这么几天绰绰有余。 Chu Tian found Shen Bingyu in the practice room. 楚天在修炼室找到沈冰雨 Shen Bingyu follows the Chu Tian practice some time, the Cultivation Technique flaw improved completely, the Cultivation Technique quality even to bring it up a level, she can feel clearly the bottleneck becomes less crowded, soon can thoroughly break through. 沈冰雨跟随楚天修炼一段时间,功法缺陷已经全部改善,功法品质甚至更上一层楼,她能够清楚的感觉到瓶颈松动,不久就能彻底的突破了。 Shen Bingyu is Awakened Soul 8th Layer peak cultivation base! 沈冰雨已是魂醒八重巅峰的修为 Her strength can also be imagined! 她的实力也就可想而知! Chu Tian has not opened the mouth. 楚天都没有开口。 Shen Bingyu driving demand protection Chu Tian, this makes Chu Tian feel the surprise actually, it seems like that this great beauty was dead set on to him! 沈冰雨主动要求保护楚天,这倒是让楚天感到十分诧异,看来这个大美女对他是死心塌地了啊! On the other hand, has such a super bodyguard to look in the side, even if encounters the worst situation, the most minimum whole body draws back is no problem. 话说回来,有这么一个超级保镖在身旁照顾,哪怕遇到最糟情况,最起码全身而退是没问题的。 ......... ……… On the same day. 当天。 At dusk. 傍晚时分。 The people gather at the Central State City wharf. 众人聚集在中州城码头。 Meng Qingwu has sent the material that Chu Tian wanted, Chu Tian can use to go by boat several days of time to prepare. 梦轻舞楚天要的材料都送来了,楚天可以利用乘船几天时间做准备。 Meng Yingying called Underworld Mercenaries to ship in 100 box of canned food, gave this motion on behalf of the Miracle Commerce support. 梦莹莹则叫黄泉佣兵运来100箱罐头,代表奇迹商会赞助给这次行动的。 The sergeants cheer in abundance. 众军士纷纷欢呼起来。 Is the Miracle canned food how the precious thing? 奇迹罐头是多么珍贵的东西? Central State already snatched insanely, one can is simply difficult to ask! The underground market price was cooked up high 45 times seriously to be out of stock, where the average person has the opportunity to taste! 中州早就抢疯,简直一罐难求!地下市场价格就被炒高45倍都严重缺货,普通人哪里有机会品尝! Meng Yingying 100 box support, everybody had the luck of having good things to eat, the morale naturally rose sharply! 梦莹莹100箱子赞助,大家是有口福了,士气自然是大涨! This disaster relief pick-up operation, speed is very important, in your book also specially instructed that is quick, cannot drag slow. Rescue armed forces again fine, but not in many, the Divine Wind Marquis ten li (0.5km) select select 1500 people of cavalry soldier Vanguard/Pioneer, only brings on several days of road the grain ration, gets rid of all supplies goods, arrives in the Thunder State disaster area with great speed. 这种救灾救援活动,速度是非常重要的,君书中也特别指示,必须要快,不能拖缓。救援军再精而不在多,神风候十里挑一甄选1500人骑兵先锋,只带几天路上口粮,抛弃一切补给物品,火速抵达雷州灾区。 This Vanguard/Pioneer army according to the suggestion of Chu Tian, no matter other seized cities, push onward to the disaster area core region directly, Thunder State will build up the ordinary army, the transportation military baggage, the cloth defends the rear area. 这支先锋部队按照楚天的建议,不管被占领的其他城镇,直接向灾区核心区域挺进,雷州自会集结普通军队,运输辎重,布守后方。 If Vanguard/Pioneer encounters situation in the core disaster area , the convenience support, or coordinates retreats! 先锋在核心灾区遇到情况,也方便支援,或策应撤退! Ship came!” “船来了!” Five giant warships approach shore slowly. 五艘巨大军舰缓缓靠岸。 Chu Tian is also the first short distance watches this time the warship. 楚天也是第一次近距离观看这个时代的战船。 This ship obviously is very ancient, unexpectedly is structure of wooden sailing ship, engraves Array on the hull and canvas, it is estimated that is reduces the weight and enhancement speed, reinforces the use of hull. 这船显然是非常古老的,竟然是木质帆船的结构,不过在船身和帆布上面都刻印阵法,估计是减轻重量、增强航速,加固船身的用处。 Five warship modeling Good enough, a scale of flagship is slightly big, the captain 50 meters, 12 meters in width, main mast 30 meters in height, measures with the eye 600-700 tons displacement, is divided into 14 independent cabins the entire ship by the compartment wall, is divided into high and low two, nine underfloor areas were changed to the beast cabin, puts cavalry soldier mount specially, five upper-deck cabins are the ordinary cabins. 五艘军舰造型差不多,一艘旗舰的规模稍大,船长50米,宽12米,主桅杆高30米,目测六七百吨的排水量,由隔舱壁将全船分成14个独立的船舱,分为上下两层,九个下层舱被改成兽舱,专门放骑兵坐骑,五个上层舱是普通船舱。 Even if the scale big point flagship, can think of more than 400 people merely, after all includes mount in inside, this is the limit. 哪怕是规模大一点的旗舰,也仅仅能装400多人而已,毕竟包括坐骑在里面,这已经是极限了。 Nangong Yun wonders to ask very much: Goes to Thunder State to travel by boat?” 南宫云很纳闷问:“去雷州非要坐船吗?” Must travel by boat!” Yun Yao said: Thunder State northeast Central State, east Central State is the continuous several thousand li (0.5km) primitive mountain range, the north side is actually a giant lake. Our army is impossible to glance through the Dongfang Demon Beast hills, that inside Demon Beast quantity feared that are more than Central State City person . Moreover the terrain is complex precipitouy. Under compares, waterway are many on convenience!” “必须坐船!”云瑶解释说:“雷州中州东北侧,中州东面是连绵几千里的原始山脉,北侧却是一片巨大的湖泊。我们部队不可能翻阅东方魔兽群山,那里面魔兽数量怕是比中州城人还多,而且地形非常复杂险峻。相比下,水路就方便多了!” These ships were the Central State quickest warships!” Feng Caidie is also first going far, therefore appears very excited: Hull originally builds with the hard and lithe special lumber, engraves advanced feather falls, significantly reduces the weight of hull, on the ship's sail engraves gathering wind gust, even if under calm environment, can bring in the wind element to accelerate directly, the speed can be about 60 kilometers, the full speed advance can be 80 kilometers speed!” “这几艘船是中州最快的军舰了!”风彩蝶也是第一次出远门,所以显得非常的激动:“船身本来就是用坚硬而轻盈的特殊木材打造,更刻印着最先进的‘羽落阵’,大幅度降低船身的重量,船帆上面则刻印着‘聚风阵’,哪怕在无风环境之下,也能直接引来风元素来加速,时速能达到60千米左右,全速前进能达到80千米的速度!” Meng Yingying one hear of this saying, are breaking off the finger immediately: I.e., can the smooth words, how two days arrive at Thunder State?! Really quite quick!” 梦莹莹一听这话,立刻掰着手指头算起来:“就是说,顺利的话,咋们两天就能到雷州?哇!真的好快啊!” Did this also call the most advanced warship? 这也叫最先进的军舰? But Chu Tian sighed! 楚天无奈叹息一声! Divine Wind Marquis found several guides specially, these guides are the captains of experience very old [say / way], several 20 years flutter in four continent lakes, therefore are clear to the environment of four continent lakes. 神风候特别找到数个向导,这些向导是经验非常老道的船长,十几20年都飘在四洲湖上,所以对四洲湖的环境一清二楚。 Preparation!” “准备出发!” Chu Tian several people board flagship with the army. 楚天几人跟着军队登上旗舰。 The Meng Yingying excited small face is ruddy, stands on the deck, is lifting up high both hands, shouted to the wharf: Elder sister, relax! Yingying will be safe! Yingying will also develop other state counties the canned food business! You felt relieved that buys several big ship transport canned food to trade the gold!” 梦莹莹兴奋的小脸红扑扑,站在甲板上面,高举着双手,对码头大喊:“姐姐,放心吧!莹莹会安安全全回来!莹莹还会把罐头生意发展到其他州郡去!你就放心买几条大船运罐头换金子吧!” Meng Qingwu looks at the younger sister to go far away gradually, hangs up the happy expression that has no alternative. 梦轻舞望着妹妹渐渐远去,挂起一丝无可奈何的笑意。 Really could not provide lodging more and more this girl! 真是越来越管不住这个丫头了! Four state lakes, in Southern Summer Country area/proportion biggest lake! 四州湖,南夏国面积最大的湖! Because of acquires fame with four Dazhou counties clearly, the level of the lake is gentle, the thousand li(500 km) does not have the danger, big promotion all around shipping unearned gain. After five warships leave Central State, goes well organized for 78 hours. 因为与四大州郡截然而得名,湖面平缓,千里无险,大大促进四周航运渔利。五艘军舰离开中州之后,四平八稳行驶78个小时。 Meng Yingying and Nangong Yun, fresh shouts and wrangles in the deck. 梦莹莹南宫云,新鲜的在甲板大呼小叫。 The night falls, they do not have the new vigor gradually, therefore returns to the cabin, everybody gathers together eats the canned food. They had not seen Chu Tian, result asked that Yun Yao knows, Chu Tian embarks to close oneself, secret reserve anything. 夜幕降临,两人渐渐没有新鲜劲,所以回到船舱里面,大家聚在一起吃罐头。两人一直没见到楚天,结果一问云瑶才知道,楚天上船就把自己关起来,正在秘密准备什么。 The fellow is frequently mysterious, they were already used. 那家伙经常神秘兮兮,两人早就习惯了。 At this time an old person looked flustered to run: Marquis! Marquises! I died important matter Bing Bao who since birth affects!” 这时一个老人神色慌张跑进来:“侯爷!侯爷!我有生死攸关的重要事情禀报!” What is so important?” The Divine Wind Marquis a little surprise sees the old person. “何事如此重要?”神风候有点诧异看着老人。 This person guide who is he looks, most experienced senior captain. 此人是他找的向导,最经验丰富的老船长。 Cannot the straight line walk!” An old person face said panic-stricken: Now the route walks, we will enter the dead territory! That is the grave of ship, is the lake gods presides the place, is four continent lake biggest forbidden areas!” “不能直线走了!”老人一脸惊恐的说:“现在航线走下去,我们就会进入死域!那是船的坟墓,是湖神统辖地方,是四洲湖最大的禁区啊!” Divine Wind Marquis asked the captain of warship: How long detours to need?” 神风候问军舰的舰长:“绕行需要多久?” Must increase a day of range probably!” “大概得增加一天航程!” A Divine Wind Marquis brow wrinkle: „Have you heard this region?” 神风候眉头一皱:“你听说过这片区域吗?” This...... Slightly has hearing!” Captain slight bow: This place seems four state lake forbidden areas, is a stretch of calm region, the ordinary ship went in has no way to move, therefore was called the grave of ship.” “这个……略有耳闻吧!”舰长微微点点头:“此地似乎是四州湖禁区,是一片无风地带,普通船进去就没法动弹了,所以被称为船之坟墓。” This to the ordinary ship is a trouble. 这对普通船是个麻烦。 Five warships are advanced, what fears the calm area? 五艘军舰非常先进,又何惧无风区呢? The old guide plump kneels on the ground: Marquis, cannot go in really! No person can come out, went in again does not come back! That is the domain of lake god! Intrudes the lake god domain rashly, the Lake Empathize punishes our!” 老向导扑通一声跪在地上:“侯爷,真不能进去啊!从来没有人能出来过,一进去就再也回不来了!那是湖神的地盘!贸然闯入湖神地盘,湖神会惩罚我们的!” Divine Wind Marquis asked: What view are lake gods?” 神风候问:“湖神是什么说法?” The captain disdained saying: Merchant fisherman and ordinary army will bypass this region , because besides is year to year calm, this waters have an important goods desperado. These pirates seem to be fierce, Southern Summer Country dispatched troops to suppress several times cuts down failed, finally also let it go...... As for lake god view? I look purely am nonsensical talk!” 舰长不屑说:“商人渔民及普通军队会绕过这片区域,是因为除常年无风外,该水域还有一大帮亡命之徒。这些水贼似乎非常厉害,南夏国数次出兵剿伐都失败了,最后也就不了了之了……至于湖神说法?我看纯粹是无稽之谈!” Four state lake so broad lengths and breadths, just like sea are ordinary, has the bandits and thieves to occupy here, pours is not the strange matter. 四州湖如此宽阔广袤,犹如一片海洋一般,有盗贼盘踞在此,倒也不是什么奇怪的事情。 This ha-ha average person Good enough. 这吓吓普通人差不多 How will Divine Wind Marquis fear these petty people? 神风候岂会怕这些鼠辈? We did not have time route!” Divine Wind Marquis issues an order, does not change direction, the direct navigation, passes through!” “我们没有时间该路线了!”神风候一声令下,“不改方向,直接航行,穿过去!” The old guide sits on the ground: Ended! Ended!” 老向导一屁股坐在地上:“完了!完了!” He frightens looks ashen, the pants crotch was wet. 他吓得面如土色,裤裆都湿了。
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