MT :: Volume #3

#206: Abyss devil

This completely is the thunderbolt. 这完全是突发事件。 Let a person preparation not have! 让人一点准备都没有! Of Wu'an Monarch Southern Xia three Monarch, must obey the order including Divine Wind Marquis, let alone is Central State City these small families? 南夏三君之一的武安君,连神风候都必须听从命令,何况是中州城的这些小家族? This duty is extremely inevitably dangerous, City Lord wants taking the opportunity to cope with you obviously, even if cannot remove you at one fell swoop, must cut out our wings.” City Lord walked, a Meng Qingwu beautiful face disclosed that worried thickly, I think Divine Wind Marquis owes you a big favour, does this matter have the leeway of mediation? The gentleman not vertical danger wall, does not need to take risk “此次任务必然极其危险,城主显然想借机对付你,即使不能一举除掉你,也要裁剪我们的羽翼。”城主已经走了,梦轻舞一张绝美面庞透露出浓浓担忧,“我想神风候欠你一个大人情,此事是不是有斡旋的余地?君子不立危墙,没有必要去冒险” Chu Tian badly badly smiles: „Is young lady worried about me?” 楚天坏坏一笑:“大小姐在担心我么?” Was,” Meng Qingwu jade cheek dyed light pink / white to be dizzy, the vision somewhat dodged, lightly snort|hum: Who lets you are big Chairman, we must follow to live hand to mouth to eat in your side, Miracle Commerce develops at crucial moment, cannot accommodate the least bit accident now. And...... Who knows isn't the idea of luring the enemy out of his stronghod? You leave main city with Divine Wind Marquis, we in Central State on weak trend.” “就算是了、”梦轻舞玉颊顿染一层淡淡粉晕,目光有些闪躲,轻地哼一声:“谁让你是大会长,我们都得跟在你身边混口饭吃,奇迹商会发展到关键时候,现在容不得半点闪失啊。而且……安知不是调虎离山之计?你跟神风候都离开主城,我们在中州就弱势了。” This woman attaches importance to face. 这个女人就是好面子。 Cares about me obviously very much, must pull out a reason. 明明很关心我,偏偏要拉出个理由。 Chu Tian has the obligation to Divine Wind Marquis, can definitely use this favour. Although said that the Wu'an Monarch blood and iron murders intrepidly decisively, but Divine Wind Marquis is also the Southern Summer Country great person, Wu'an Monarch can not sell the average person face, the Divine Wind Marquis face must consider. 楚天是对神风候有大恩,完全能利用这份人情。虽然说武安君铁血强悍杀伐果断,但是神风候也是南夏国大人物,武安君可以不卖一般人面子,神风候的面子还是得照顾一下的。 Southern Xia three Monarch eight marquises, three Monarch assumes Imperial City, eight marquises distributed state county, although Monarch nobility is higher than Marquis, but Marquis is similarly important. 南夏三君八侯,三君坐镇王城,八侯分布州郡,虽说君爵比侯爵更高,但是侯爵同样非常重要。 Danger often follows the opportunity.” The Chu Tian manner is somewhat strange, I understood first clear said again.” “危险往往伴随机遇。”楚天态度有些诡异,“我先了解清楚再说。” When really Chu Tian is silly? 真当楚天傻啊? If the risk and harvest differ so much as to be beyond comparison completely, naturally will not arrive to take the senseless danger bored! 若风险与收获完全不成比例,当然不会无聊到去冒无谓之险! In fact, Chu Tian is interested to combustion monster stone that” in Monarch book described, a combustion monster stone of dropping from the clouds, almost destroyed an entire city, killed over a million city people, the innumerable subjects were destitute and homeless, the local area was the evil spirit grows thickly. 实际上,楚天对君书中描述的“燃烧妖石”非常感兴趣,从天而降的一块燃烧妖石,几乎摧毁一整座城市,造成上百万城民死亡,无数子民流离失所,当地更是妖魔丛生。 What is the monster stone? 妖石是什么? Why has such strength! 为什么具有如此力量! Therefore might as well first understood that clear makes the decision again. 所以不妨先了解清楚再做决定。 Chairman Chu, Young Lady Feng asked you to pass!” 楚会长,风小姐请你过去!” They should attain the material, we had a look in the past!” “她们应该是拿到资料了,那我们过去看看吧!” Feng Caidie, Nangong Yun and Yun Yao already in the private talk, the Central State super talent that several people were chosen, goes to Thunder State to carry out the task to participate in the informed and experienced candidate. Divine Wind Marquis brings a number of secret restricted data, issues along with Monarch book together. 风彩蝶南宫云云瑶已在密谈,几人都是被选上的中州超级天才,前往雷州执行任务参加历练的人选。神风候带来一批机密资料,是随君书一起下发的。 My God! Direct casualties 2 million people! About 4,000,000-5,000,000 people are destitute and homeless!” After Nangong Yun examines the detail, feels dumbfounded: Obviously your book has not written is so serious!” “我的天呐!直接伤亡2000000人!大约四五百万人流离失所!”南宫云查看详细资料之后,不由感到目瞪口呆:“君书明明没有写的这么严重啊!” Feng Caidie shakes the head: Your book must publicize Yu Zhong, naturally must use judgment to reduce the influence, avoids causing the bad consequence. However, from these materials, present Thunder State feared that is a five population comes under the varying degrees influences, is only together the day subdue demons stone, why has such big might!” 风彩蝶摇摇头:“君书是要公开于众的,当然要酌情减轻影响,避免造成不良的后果。不过,从这些资料来看,现在的雷州怕是五份之一人口都受到不同程度影响,只是一块天降妖石而已,为什么有这么大的威力呢!” Yun Yao is also very surprised: Wu'an Monarch prepares Level 2 best quality goods wondrous medicines, is used to reward to render meritorious service the highest person!” 云瑶也很吃惊:“武安君准备一株2级极品圣药,用来奖励立功最高的人!” Level 2 best quality goods wondrous medicines? 2级极品圣药? Even if to True Soul Expert very precious! 哪怕对真魂强者都很珍贵呢! Wu'an Monarch worthily is one of the Southern Xia three Monarch, this gets rid really out of the ordinary! 武安君不愧是南夏三君之一,这出手果然非同凡响! Feng Caidie also nods: This merely is the basic reward, if can make the great merit to obtain Wu'an Monarch to recognize, that may compared with any wondrous medicines precious!” 风彩蝶也点点头:“这仅仅是基本奖励,若能立下大功得到武安君赏识,那可比什么圣药都珍贵!” Said right! 说的没错! Wu'an Monarch as the Southern Xia three Monarch's heads, the super powerful minister who South Summer King has a high opinion of extremely, what has more important than attaching great importance to of Wu'an Monarch? Even if were remembered a name by Wu'an Monarch is the greatest good fortunes! 武安君作为南夏三君之首,南夏王极其倚重的超级权臣,有什么比武安君的重视更重要呢?哪怕被武安君记住一个名字都是莫大造化! This motion said that is an opportunity! 这次行动说起来是一次机遇呢! At this time Chu Tian brought Meng Qingwu and Shen Bingyu to walk, Nangong Yun hurried to recruit to shout: Boss comes to see quickly, our pleasure were big!” 这时楚天带着梦轻舞沈冰雨走进来,南宫云赶紧招收喊道:“老大快来看看,我们这次乐子大了!” Nangong Yun anxiouss to stir up trouble, therefore is interested in the risk. 南宫云唯恐天下不乱,所以对冒险非常感兴趣。 Meng Qingwu sweeps the material simply, feels alarmed, is very difficult to imagine, why will erupt like this large-scale disaster bewilderedly? Too was really fearful! If appears in Central State, does not know really the life can turn into any appearance. 梦轻舞把资料简单扫一眼,不由感觉到触目惊心,实在是很难想象,为什么会莫名其妙爆发这样的大型天灾呢?真是太可怕了!若是出现在中州,真不知道生活会变成什么样子。 The world has not imagined the peace! 世界没有想象中太平啊! Chu Tian knits the brows looking pensive: Has the detailed description about monster stone?” 楚天皱着眉若有所思:“有关于妖石的详细描述吗?” Divine Wind Marquis enters in the room, he shows a faint smile to Chu Tian: Some people see monster stone from afar, is a meteorite has delimited the horizon likely, actually the combustion green flame, happen to falls on a lively city, causes the entire urban serious casualty. If because falls down causes the destructive power to be too big, was very difficult to find the short distance to observe its survivor.” 神风候走进屋里,他对楚天微微一笑:“有人远远见妖石,像是一颗陨石划过天际,却燃烧绿色火焰,正好落在一座繁华的城市,导致整座城市严重伤亡。因为要是坠地造成破坏力太大,很难找到近距离观测过它的幸存者。” A burning meteorite of green flame! 燃烧着绿色火焰的陨石! Happen to crashes in the lively urban center? 正好坠落在繁华城市中央? The Chu Tian brow wrinkles little, Divine Wind Marquis sees Chu Tian to show this expression, in the heart suddenly moves, is it possible that Chu Tian knows that is what thing? Chu Tian learned knowledgeable obtains the admiration of daughter repeatedly, explained that has some unusual cognitive capabilities, if can make clear the monster stone the true body, most at least does not use such blindly. 楚天眉头一点点皱起来,神风候楚天露出这副表情,心中不禁猛然一动,莫非楚天知道是什么东西?楚天的博学多识多次得到女儿的钦佩,说明真的有一些超凡的认知能力,若能搞清楚妖石的真身,最起码不用这么盲目。 „The issue that Wu'an Monarch most has a headache about at present does not know that monster stone origin, is actually the disaster, is the man-made disaster, what disaster the disaster is, will bring anything to affect......” “武安君目下最头疼的问题是不知妖石来历,究竟是天灾,还是人祸,天灾又是什么样天灾,会带来什么影响……” Chu Tian nods: „After monster stone crashes, the local area presents the cataclysm, what's the matter?” 楚天点点头:“妖石坠落之后,当地出现灾变,是怎么回事?” Some people see will spurt the green fire the monster, the battle efficiency is astonishing, unremitting attack nearby cities.” Divine Wind Marquis stops, was right, hearsay, city people of massive dying, lives one after another, their bodies like highly were burnt, two both brave the green flame, becomes has the aggressivity...... Depending on these information, what can you make to speculate?” “有人见到会喷绿火的怪物,战斗力非常惊人,不断攻击附近城镇。”神风候停顿一下,“对了,还有传闻,大量死去的城民,也陆陆续续活过来,他们身体就像被高度烧伤,两眼都冒着绿色火光,变得极具攻击性……凭这些信息,你能做出什么推测吗?” Does not need to speculate!” Chu Tian direct reaction: Is abyss devil!” “不用推测!”楚天直接回答道:“是深渊恶魔!” Everybody stares. 大家一愣。 Abyss devil? This noun is very strange! 深渊恶魔?这名词很陌生啊! „After the world that we live is great antiquity was shattered, forms other dimension, the great antiquity breaks to form different other dimension, these other dimension spaces by some rule operation in a length and breadth, in ice-cold and gloomy void world.” Chu Tian stops, this inexhaustible void world, is called the abyss world!” “我们生活的世界是洪荒破碎后形成一个位面,洪荒破碎形成很多不同的位面,这些位面空间以某种规律运行在一片广袤、冰冷、阴暗的虚空世界里。”楚天停顿一下,“这片无穷无尽的虚空世界,被称为深渊世界!” Nangong Yun and Feng Caidie reveal appearance that has a relish. 南宫云风彩蝶露出饶有兴致的样子。 Has not heard such view! 从来没有听说过这样的说法呢! Divine Wind Marquis also thinks very novel: What thing then abyss devil is?” 神风候也觉得很新奇:“那么深渊恶魔又是什么东西?” Chu Tian replied: Abyss seems like the void deathly stillness, actually the similar breeding innumerable lives, these lives are ancient, even before the great antiquity was stave appears. However, abyss environment is extremely bad . Moreover the resources are barren, any adapts to the biology and surviving in this extreme adverse circumstance, absolutely is very fierce, moreover is extremely cruel, plunders and slaughters, is their instinct, in thousands of year evolutions thorough marrow. Therefore, they are called the devils!” 楚天回答说:“深渊看似空虚死寂,其实同样孕育无数生命,这些生命很多都非常古老,甚至在洪荒破碎前就出现了。然而,深渊环境极其恶劣,而且资源非常贫瘠,凡是在这种极端恶劣环境适应并生存的生物,绝对是非常厉害,而且极其残忍的,掠夺、杀戮,是他们的天性,千万年进化中深入骨髓。所以,他们被称为恶魔!” Divine Wind Marquis is not does not believe Chu Tian, about the other dimension theory, is unable to be shown, let alone the illusory abyss world, how you can affirm the opposite party is the abyss devil?” 神风候不是不相信楚天,关于位面学说,至今无法得到证明,更别说虚无缥缈的深渊世界了,“你怎么能肯定对方是深渊恶魔?” First, it before the meteorite shape drops from the clouds, Thunder State had presented some world phenomenon, that is the other dimension crack creates. Second, has the land of human activities, occupies earth area/proportion less than 1/100000000, it accurate falling in a center of lively city, you thought that is so skillful?” “第一,它以陨石形态从天而降前,雷州曾经出现过一些天地异象,那是位面裂缝造成的。第二,有人类活动的土地,占大地面积不到1,它偏偏精准的落在一座繁华城市的中央,你觉得有这么巧吗?” Nangong Yun touches the chin: Quite is truly skillful!” 南宫云摸摸下巴:“确实好巧啊!” Third, after the monster stone arrives, pollutes big lands, even presents many monsters, humanity of dying was controlled, this is the monster evil strength causes. These controlled evil spirit has the sense of purpose to attack the surrounding cities, explained that the will is controlling them.” “第三,妖石降临之后,污染一大片土地,甚至出现很多妖怪,死去的人类都被控制,这都是妖邪力量导致的。这些被控制的妖魔都有目的性进攻周围城镇,更说明有一股意志在支配它们。” In the Divine Wind Marquis heart shakes greatly. 神风候心中巨震。 This thinks that is the disaster creates. 本以为是天灾造成的。 Has not thought the biology of unexpectedly being hearing something never heard of before. 没想到竟然是一只闻所未闻的生物。 Chu Tian said the really confirmed words, that significance may be big! 楚天所言真被证实的话,那意义可就大了! Chu Tian spoke of here also to ask: How does Wu'an Monarch prepare to arrange?” 楚天说到这里又问道:“武安君准备怎么安排?” „The Sanzhou troops fan out in three groups, the first seized cities will seize, will then take these places as the base, will set up the refugee camp to give shelter to the refugee, will sweep clean the surrounding demons and monsters while convenient, the blockade worsening region, the control continues to spread, finally will gather the soldier to the core region again, will destroy in the city the monster.” “三洲人马兵分三路,先将被占领的城镇夺回来,再以这些地方为根据地,设立难民营收留难民,顺便扫清周围妖魔鬼怪,封锁恶化区域,控制继续蔓延,最后再向核心区域合兵,一举歼灭城中怪物。” This strategy seems like safe, in fact is completely mistaken!” “这个战略看似稳当,实际上是大错特错的!” The people complexion changes, Wu'an Monarch is the Southern Xia armed forces god, Chu Tian overthrows Wu'an Monarch to plan unexpectedly directly, if this passes on, the Chu Tian head cannot preserve! 众人脸色都一变,武安君是南夏的军神啊,楚天竟然直接推翻武安君谋划,这要是传出去,楚天脑袋都保不住! Abyss devil passes through the other dimension crack, meets the vitality to damage severely, the strength reduces large scale, will fall into some time the dormancy. It needs to swallow the massive essence and blood spirits to restore the strength, why this is also it arrives in place of reason the densely population. The evil spirit that as for disseminating, further collects the soul essence and blood purely, restores the strength for it, simultaneously delays the time.” “深渊恶魔穿越位面裂缝,一定会元气大伤,实力大幅度削减,甚至会陷入一段时间休眠。它需要吞噬大量精血精魂恢复实力,这也是它为什么降临在人口密集之地原因。至于散播出去的妖魔,纯粹进一步收集魂魄精血,为它恢复力量,同时拖延时间。” Your meaning is......” “你的意思是……” To crossing other dimension the abyss devil, must fight a battle to force a quick decision! Cannot delay!” Chu Tian stops, said with emphasis: If gives again for a half month, feared that is Wu'an Monarch comes personally, did not have the means to cope with it!” “对越过位面的深渊恶魔,必须速战速决!决不能拖延!”楚天停顿一下,加重语气说:“若再给半个多月时间,怕是武安君亲自来,也没有办法对付它了!” Divine Wind Marquis said: Monster evil quantity are too many, the words that attacks directly, only feared that the damage is not small . Moreover the island of resistance is thorough, if the innumerable monsters return to attack evilly, to be stranded in inside?” 神风候道:“妖邪数量太多,直接攻打的话,只怕损伤不小,而且孤军深入,万一无数妖邪回攻,岂不是被困在里面?” Has no alternative, only then stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, kills the devil thoroughly, can solve the big trouble. Once because abyss devil was killed, these privates do not attack burst!” Chu Tian direct statement: If Wu'an Monarch insists on not listening to my opinion! I honestly stay in Central State, I do not want to bring death with you!” “别无选择,只有孤注一掷,彻底干掉恶魔,才能解决大患。因为一旦深渊恶魔被杀,这些小卒不攻自溃!”楚天直接表态:“若武安君执意不听我的意见!我还是老老实实呆在中州吧,我不想跟着你们去送死!” Nangong Yun said seriously: Boss does not go to me!” 南宫云严肃说:“老大不去我也不去了!” She to the Chu Tian percentage hundred trusts, Chu Tian said that has brought death, that definitely died! 她对楚天百分百信任,楚天都说是去送死了,那肯定是没命回来了! Divine Wind Marquis thinks for several seconds: I reported Wu'an Mr.” 神风候思索几秒钟:“我去上报武安君。” ............ ………… After several hours. 几小时后。 In South Summer King city. 南夏王城中。 In some tightly guarded mansion. 某个戒备森严的府邸里。 A person of wear blood red armor enters the main hall hurriedly, respectful kneeling in out of the door: Reported Wu'an Monarch, Divine Wind Marquis transmits the urgent armed forces report by the thousand li(500 km) stone!” 一个穿着血红铠甲的人急匆匆走进大殿,恭恭敬敬的跪在门外:“禀告武安君,神风候以千里石传来紧急军报!” The thousand li(500 km) stone is very expensive thing! 千里石是非常昂贵的东西! Each state county 1-2, Southern Summer Country is a small country, the area has several thousands of square kilometers merely freely, the population trivial 200 million. This communication is unenlightened, the communication inconvenient age, a state county what happened, when passes to Imperial City to come, was too already late. 每个州郡仅仅有一两块而已,南夏国尽管是一个小国,疆域却有好几千万平方公里,人口才区区200000000而已。这个通讯闭塞、通讯不便年代,一个州郡发生什么事情,等传到王城来时,早就已经太迟了。 This thousand li(500 km) stone specifically is used to notify that the most urgent military situation, for example the foreign race invasion, for example the Thunder State drastic change, to let Imperial City first obtains the news. 这千里石就是专门用来传报最紧急军情的,比如异族入侵,比如雷州的剧变,为让王城第一时间得到消息。 Central State use thousand li(500 km) stone, explained that has matter posthaste to notify. 中州动用千里石,说明有十万火急事情要传报。 Wu'an Monarch received urgent report that Divine Wind Marquis sends, after looks at completely the content, his brow deeply wrinkles, hesitates in a low voice for several seconds: Chu Tian?” 武安君接过神风候送来的急报,当将内容全部看完以后,他的眉头深深皱起来,低声沉吟几秒:“楚天?” This common name, first time puts on the Wu'an Monarch ear. 这个不起眼的名字,第一次穿到武安君耳朵里。 Divine Wind Marquis was usually steady, he can so think highly of young people, compares also has the forte.” However Wu'an Monarch always thought that this strategy is too radical, the unclear enemy situation, the island of resistance is rashly thorough, perhaps the risk multiplies, please big scholar come!” 神风候素来稳重,他能如此器重一个年轻人,相比也有过人之处吧。”不过武安君始终觉得,这种战略太激进,不明敌方情况,冒然孤军深入,恐怕风险倍增,“请大学者来!” Probably crosses for ten minutes. 大约过十分钟。 A crane sends the old man of young face to enter the palace. 一个鹤发童颜的老者走进殿堂。 Wu'an Monarch rephrased in own words the situation to him, how big did scholar see?” 武安君将情况转述给他,“大学者怎么看?” The Southern Summer Country first scholar Gu Qianqiu hesitation moment: Does not know that who gave this comment, but quite had the opinion, different other dimension was exists, the abyss was also exists, as for abyss devil...... Old man does not know, but according to seeing of Old man, we facing strange thing time, rather believes its promisingly good!” 南夏国第一学者古千秋沉吟片刻:“不知谁提出这个意见,但是颇有见解,异界位面是存在的,深渊也是存在的,至于深渊恶魔……老朽不知,但依老朽之见,我们面对陌生东西的时候,还是宁可信其有为好!” Big scholar said that Wu'an Monarch does not hesitate: Strategy changes! Sends to ride the special envoy spatially! Holds Monarch to make to go to Thunder State!” 学者都这么说了、武安君不在犹豫:“战略有变!派空骑特使!持君令前往雷州!” Several bloodstained clothing bodyguards leave rapidly. 几个血衣卫士迅速离开。 Wu'an Monarch looks at the letter paper: „Can untie the young people who the Central State tower ten thousand years lose the topic? Hopes right that you said that should better not to disappoint me!” 武安君又将信笺看一遍:“一个能解开中州塔万年遗题的年轻人?但愿你说的对,最好不要让我失望!”
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