MT :: Volume #3

#205: Emergency task

Yun Tianhe announced the decision in the presence of everyone! 云天鹤当众宣布决定! Old Patriarch of later years, has led the family 50 years fully! 暮年的老族长,已经整整带领家族50年! This is the most significant decision, before is old Patriarch resigns the final decision! 这是最最重大的一个决定,更是老族长卸任前的最后决定! Yun Family uses the strength of entire clan, with the Miracle Commerce common life or death. Miracle Commerce is popular, Yun Family is popular, Miracle Commerce was killed, Yun Family will also be implicated, but the vitality damages greatly! 云家倾尽全族之力,跟奇迹商会共同存亡。奇迹商会兴,云家跟着兴,奇迹商会被干掉,云家也会被牵连而元气大损! Later years old Patriarch has such boldness and great ambition! 一个暮年老族长都有此等魄力和雄心! Has the old family of 200-300 years of history, in addition has the determination of crossing the rubicon! 一个有着两三百年历史的老家族,尚且拥有破釜沉舟的决心! Then, these dozens years of small family small influences, what extra worries but also there is? Even if were the day collapsed, high was going against! 那么,这些几十年的小家族小势力,还有什么后顾之忧呢?哪怕是天塌了,还有高个的顶着呢! The people follow the Miracle Commerce development firmly, so long as the Miracle Commerce scale gets bigger and bigger, money that they make also will be certainly getting more and more. 众人更加坚定跟随奇迹商会发展,只要奇迹商会规模越做越大,他们赚到的钱当然也就会越来越多。 Meng Qingwu is from the heart happily. 梦轻舞发自内心高兴。 Has not thought really the cloud seniors will trust Chu Tian to this situation! 真没想到云老前辈会信任楚天到这种地步! This chapter of Chu Family, Luo Family and Ye Family do not dare to act rashly, but while also the atmosphere of Yun Family evening banquet achieves along with this decision **. 这回楚家洛家叶家更不敢轻举妄动了吧,不过也正当云家晚宴的氛围随着这个决定而达到**时。 A sound reaches Yun Family: Sir City Lord!” 一个声音传进云家:“城主大人到!” Such remarks, the people are all startled. 此言一出,众人皆惊。 Whose doesn't Chu Tian relate with City Lord? 谁不楚天城主关系? Sir City Lord why at this time Yun Family? 城主大人为什么会在这种时候来云家呢? However no matter what, City Lord throughout is the Central State City executive position highest person, even if according to courtesy, has to install to welcome. 不过不管怎么样,城主始终是中州城行政职位最高的人,哪怕是按照礼节,也不得不加装恭迎一下。 „Are you staring doing?” The Yun Family person reveals the hostility, Yun Tianhe displays calm: Sir City Lord arrives, fast greets?” “你们愣着干什么?”云家人露出敌意,云天鹤表现淡定:“城主大人亲临,还不速速迎接?” The City Lord palace several elite bodyguards walk, the killing intent steaming whole body armor, grasps the shining weapons, the neat station two rows, the air/Qi of that type of experienced murdering, making the evening banquet jubilation lively atmosphere break down. 城主府十几个精锐侍卫走进来,杀气腾腾的全身铠甲,手持寒光四射的兵器,整整齐齐的站成两排,那种久经沙场的杀伐之气,让晚宴喜庆热闹的氛围为之一垮。 The future is bad! 来者不善啊! First has a look to have anything to attempt! 先就看看有什么企图吧! A City Lord Feng Yunlong official's robe, wears the City Lord jade crown, several personal bodyguards and hold the book officer, following that kept close in side. 城主风云龙一身官袍,头戴城主玉冠,几个贴身侍卫和执书官,正寸步不离的跟在身边。 Yun!” Feng Yunlong laughs to walk, said with a complaint expression that Purple Lightning Young Master cultivation base enters greatly, this is the Central State City big celebration, how can not inform this City Lord? This City Lord should offer a congratulatory gift to encourage!” “云老啊!”风云龙大笑着走进来,用一口埋怨语气说,“紫电公子修为大进,这是中州城的大喜事,怎么能不通知本城主呢?本城主怎么也该送上一份贺礼以资鼓励!” The people look at each other in blank diamay! 众人都面面相觑! If not everybody knows the inside story, it is estimated that thinks that Yun Family and City Lord relations are very good! 若非大家都知道内情,估计会以为云家城主关系很好呢! Yun Tianhe cups one hand in the other across the chest to City Lord, very said humbly: Small progress, does not dare to alarm City Lord!” 云天鹤城主拱手,十分谦逊的说:“小小进步而已,不敢惊动城主!” Modest, was modest!” City Lord Feng Yunlong beckons with the hand: Come, offers the gift!” “谦虚,谦虚了!”城主风云龙一摆手:“来,送上礼物!” Two bodyguards lift a big box to put. 两个侍卫抬着一个大箱子放上来。 The people look at each other in blank diamay, does the audience complete silence, what medicine in the City Lord bottle gourd sell?! 众人面面相觑,全场鸦雀无声,城主葫芦里到底卖什么药?! Civilian Chu Tian, has seen City Lord!” Chu Tian clashes, the unusual exaggeration does obeisance to City Lord: Wish Sir City Lord thousand years old thousand years old 2000 years old, in addition wish the City Lord son to injure the body to be restored to health earlier, is Central State City adds the brilliance again!” “小民楚天,见过城主!”楚天冲出来,非常夸张对城主就是一拜:“祝城主大人千岁千岁2000岁,另祝城主儿子伤体早点康复,为中州城再添光彩!” Puff! 噗! Some people cannot bear smile to make noise. 有人忍不住笑出声来。 Chu Tian in honest frame of mind City Lord! 楚天是在诚心气城主啊! The Feng Yunlong performing skill again Gaocheng palace is deep, at this moment could not bear corners of the mouth one twitch, clenches teeth saying: Chu Tian Chairman had a mind, this City Lord was once spur-of-the-moment, has a misunderstanding with your excellency, hopes that do not care.” 风云龙演技就算再高城府再深,此刻也忍不住嘴角一阵抽搐,咬着牙说:“楚天会长有心了,本城主曾经一时冲动,与阁下产生一点误会,希望你不要放在心上。” Chu Tian laughs: How can? My probably inborn hiring is bothersome, therefore goes out frequently is nipped by the dog, but were many like the matter, I also close with a smile to be disinclined to care. Only looks at City Lord do not dislike civilian to be repugnantly good!” 楚天哈哈一笑:“怎么会?我大概天生招人烦,所以经常出门都被狗咬,不过像这样的事情多了,我也就一笑置之懒得放在心上。只望城主不要嫌小民讨厌才好!” The blue vein of Feng Yunlong jumps...... Go too far! 风云龙的青筋直跳……欺人太甚! Analogies the generation of cat dog City Lord does not spare a glance unexpectedly? 竟把城主比喻成不屑一顾的猫狗之辈? The Chu Tian satire so is obvious, the scene who cannot listen, if City Lord is pretending ignorance, that brought contempt upon oneself. Yun Tianhe saw that City Lord must erupt, has to smile bitterly to move forward to meet somebody: Sir City Lord invited the seat of honor.” 楚天讽刺都这么明显,现场谁听不出来,城主要是在装聋作哑,那就是自取其辱了。云天鹤眼看城主就要爆发了,只好苦笑一声迎上去:“城主大人请上座。” Exempted!” City Lord is disinclined to put on airs, with ice-cold: This City Lord comes your Yun Family to have the reason, the emergency tasks issue Central State City!” “免了!”城主懒得装模作样,用冰冷的与其说:“本城主来你们云家是有原因的,有一个紧急任务下达中州城!” Everybody hear that stares. 大家闻言一愣。 City Lord puts out a black token directly: You, and has a look, this is anything!” 城主直接拿出一块黑色令牌:“你们且看看,这是什么!” This is together the shape just likes the token of short-sword, the token itself material quality is not as if rare, actually fills intense killing intent and dignity, big military character writes above. 这是一块形状犹如短剑的令牌,令牌本身材质似乎并不非常稀有,从中却弥漫出一股强烈的杀气和威严,一个大大的“武”字写在上面。 Your command!” “君令!” Yun Tianhe and the others have a big shock! 云天鹤等人都是大惊失色! Feng Yunlong let somebody cool off or calm down said: Command of this Wu'an Monarch, you have not saluted again!” 风云龙冷冷地说:“武安君之令再此,尔等还不行礼!” The people seem to be awakening from a dream immediately, hurrying stands the neat several rows, very respectful bows to salute. Yun Tianhe and Xiong Wuji, a deep bow. 众人顿时如梦初醒,慌忙站成整整齐齐几排,非常恭敬的鞠躬行礼。云天鹤熊无忌,都深深的一躬到底。 Chu Tian was also drawn by Meng Qingwu one side, when sees the Meng Qingwu complexion not to be right, somewhat wonders at heart: What did you make are?” 楚天也被梦轻舞拉到一旁,当见梦轻舞脸色不对,心里有些纳闷:“君令是什么?” Low voice!” Meng Qingwu lowered the sound saying: So-called Monarch command, is the token of Monarch nobility, the Southern Summer Country title only then third-class, Marquis and Monarch nobility and Wang Jue! Marquis refers to assuming Southern Xia eight marquises of county, your nobility refers to the Imperial City three big feudal lords, but highest Wang Jue has one, that is the Southern Summer Country king!” “小声点!”梦轻舞压低声音说:“所谓君令,是君爵者的令牌,南夏国爵位就只有三等,侯爵、君爵、王爵!侯爵是指坐镇一郡的南夏八侯,君爵是指王城三大封君,而最高的王爵只有一位,那便是南夏国王!” Three big feudal lords? 三大封君? To be higher than the eight marquises status? 岂不是比八侯地位还高? Meng Qingwu continues to explain: „The Southern Summer Country three big feudal lords separately are, Burning Sun Monarch Nangong Yan, Wu'an Monarch Dongfang Gan, Wen Cheng Shangguan Cangfeng!” 梦轻舞继续解释起来:“南夏国三大封君分别是,炎阳君南宫焱,武安君东方乾,文成上官藏锋!” Burning Sun Monarch, Wu'an Monarch, Wen Cheng? 炎阳君,武安君,文成君? Chu Tian is the fool can also hear, this is not South Summer King country Three Great Clans! 楚天就算是傻子也听得出来,这不就是南夏王三大家族么! No wonder Three Great Clans has so big reputation, the Southern Summer Country three enfeoffed nobles falls in Three Great Clans respectively. Wu'an Monarch is Patriarch of Dongfang Family clan, it is said is Southern Summer Country military highest leader, almost governs all military aircraft comprehensive work and soldiers and horses transfers. 难怪三大家族有如此大的名声,南夏国三个封君分别落在三大家族手里。武安君是东方家族的族长,据说是南夏国的军方最高首领,几乎掌管所有军机大全和兵马调动。 It can be said. 可以说。 Wu'an Monarch is in three big feudal lords real power is highest, is the patron in Southern Summer Country people mind, he leads 1 million armies to resist the Spirit Beast Country Regiment for a long time, therefore has the Southern Summer Country 200 million people to enjoy a good and prosperous life. Otherwise, north front one broken, under the compound nest does not have the egg, entire Southern Summer Country can loss of life! 武安君是三大封君中实权最高的,更是南夏国人们心目中的保护神,他率领1000000大军长期抵抗兽灵国军团,所以才有南夏国200000000人们安居乐业。否则,北方战线一破,覆巢之下无完卵,整个南夏国都会生灵涂炭 This kind of kingdom pivotal great person, under causes Central State unexpectedly personally, really makes people unthinkable! 这样一个王国举足轻重的大人物,竟亲自下令到中州,实在让人匪夷所思! Yun Tianhe somewhat is anxious at heart, Wu'an Monarch is the ruthless spicy blood and iron character, his order who does not dare, since, is almost the fates of foreign three clans, even if Central State Four Great Families is also same. 云天鹤心里有些惴惴不安起来,武安君是何等狠辣铁血人物,他的命令谁胆敢不从,几乎都是夷三族的下场,哪怕是中州四大家族也是一样。 You made false not. 君令假不了。 Feng Yunlong may not fabricate Wu'an Monarch's Monarch command competently, otherwise is Divine Wind Marquis cannot preserve him! 风云龙也不可能干伪造武安君的君令,否则就算是神风候也保不住他! You made to arrive, your book was inevitable, you made is a faith token, truly the one who transmitted the order content was Monarch book. What content then Wu'an Monarch's Monarch book can be? This is the unusual matter, if City Lord takes this opportunity to cope with Chu Tian, then Chu Tian is unable to revolt in any event. 君令已到,君书必至,君令是一个信物而已,真正传达命令内容的是君书。那么武安君的君书又会是什么内容呢?这是非同寻常的事情,若城主利用这个机会对付楚天,那么楚天无论如何都无法反抗。 The City Lord clear and resonant voice shouts greatly: Read Monarch book!” 城主朗声大喊道:“念君书!” Two civil officials stand respectfully, opens the Purple gold box cautiously, extracts one volume to draw flood dragon background Scroll from inside, pulls open the clear and resonant voice to always think about slowly. 两个文官恭恭敬敬站出来,小心翼翼将紫金盒打开,从里面抽出一卷画着蛟龙背景的卷轴,缓缓拉开朗声念念起来。 Wu'an Monarch book: 武安君书: South central the kingdom, the day falls the phenomenon, has combustion monster Stone Tianjiang, falls in the Thunder State mirror, destroys a city, injures the people 1 million, erupts the evil spirit to be innumerable, the pollution kingdom fertile soil, loses the casualties to be serious! 王国中南,天降异象,有燃烧妖石天降,落于雷州镜内,毁灭一城,伤民1000000,爆发妖魔无数,污染王国沃土,损失伤亡惨重! Presently assigns South State and Central State to rush to rescue and exterminate the rebelling evil spirit with great speed, rescues the sleepiness of Thunder State. Three county young heroes are here informed and experienced, by advocating City Lord is selected personally, does not allow to reject, does not allow to draw back timidly, sets up great merit this Monarch generous recompense! 现命南州中州火速驰援并剿灭作乱妖魔,救援雷州之困。三郡年轻英杰借此机会历练,由主城主亲自遴选,不容拒绝,不容退怯,立大功者本君重赏! Posthaste, carries out immediately! 十万火急,立刻执行! Slow, foreign three clans! 缓者,夷三族! ...... …… Feng Yunlong Monarch book please return respectfully, a face sneers looks at the people: Your book already situation confession was very clear, what do you have to have doubts?” 风云龙恭恭敬敬将君书请回,一脸冷笑的看着众人:“君书已经把情况交代的很清楚了,你们还有什么疑惑?” In the Yun Tianhe heart sinks. 云天鹤心中不禁一沉。 It is not good! 不好! Thunder State disaster. 雷州天灾。 The Central State South State distance is near, unites the Thunder State rescue by rights ought. However, Wu'an Monarch must the informed and experienced young people, under this center Feng Yunlong cherish here. 中州南州距离较近,理当联合雷州救援。然而,武安君偏偏要借此机会历练年轻人,这就正中风云龙下怀了。 Although in Monarch book described is simple, but stern to wanting other state counties has rescued, that explained that the Thunder State present situation is awful, means that this time take risked! 虽然君书中描述非常简单,但都严峻到要其他州郡救援了,那说明雷州现在的情况非常糟糕,也就意味着此次是非常冒险的! What most damn, this chooses the right of person, instead falls on City Lord. 最该死的是,这选人的权利,反而落在城主身上。 Feng Yunlong said: In the Central State City young talent by Chu Xinghe, Luo Xianglong, Ye Tianlang and Yun Yao is most famous, properly speaking should four people send out, then the first three people of severe wounds have not recovered, obviously is not suitable to participate in this duty. Happen, Yun Yao breaks Awakened Soul 5th Layer, team leader who is capable the Central State young talent!” 风云龙笑着说:“中州城的年轻才俊中以楚星河洛降龙叶天狼云瑶最为出名,按理说本该四人出动,然则前三人都重伤未愈,显然不适合参加本次任务。正好,云瑶打破魂醒五重,堪当中州年轻才俊的队长!” Yun Tianhe face darken. 云天鹤脸色阴沉。 City Lord holds Monarch book Monarch command, he is unable to reject! 城主持君书君令,他根本无法拒绝! Moreover, the main city passed on anything recently frequently new four young masters, this Young Master Netherworld Chu Tian and phoenix young master Nangong Yun, was certainly in favor with the public!” “另外,主城最近经常传什么‘新四公子’,这幽冥公子楚天、凤凰公子南宫云,当然也是众望所归了!” Meng Qingwu gets hold of the fist. 梦轻舞握紧拳头。 City Lord used one's office to redress personal grievances! 城主是公报私仇了! Such being the case, our generation is bounden.” Yun Tianhe knows that this time troublesome could not avoid: Old man asked Central State to rescue armed forces leader!” “既然如此,我辈义不容辞。”云天鹤知道这一次麻烦是避不开了:“老朽自请中州救援军首领!” This rescue armed forces leader nature 1-2 True Soul level people of high skill send out, but the cloud always scholar, this duty has you to send out, perhaps is somewhat improper.” In the Feng Yunlong vision flashes through a strangeness: I look at an appropriate candidate, Chu Family remote antiquity elder Chu Shi just return to the city, Chu Shi cultivation base is profound, has to drink the name of blood sword, prestigious rude Yun, I want to lead the team by him!” “这救援军首领自然得一两位真魂级高人出动,不过云老是一位学者,这种任务有你出动,恐怕有些不妥哦。”风云龙目光中闪过一丝诡异:“我看有一个合适人选,楚家太上长老楚弑刚好回城,楚弑修为高深,有着饮血剑之称,威望不逊云老,我想就由他带领队伍吧!” Yun Tianhe cannot bear finally: You create obstacles desirably! I did not agree!” 云天鹤终于忍不住:“你这是刻意刁难!我不同意!” Let Chu Shi lead Chu Tian one group of people to go to distant Thunder State, that does Chu Tian have the life to live is coming back? 楚弑带着楚天一群人去遥远雷州,那楚天还有命活着回来吗? Feng Yunlong sneered saying: This City Lord considers the matter and of itself, this Thunder State bitter experience cataclysm, is very dangerous, naturally must send a strength strong person to get rid. Yun with Chu Shi freely with is True Soul Expert, however by actual combat capability, perhaps Chu Shi even better!” 风云龙冷笑说:“本城主就事论事,此次雷州遭遇灾变,恐怕十分危险,当然得派一位实力强劲的人出手。云老和楚弑尽管同为真魂强者,然而论实战能力,恐怕还是楚弑更胜一筹吧!” You made Monarch book in this. 君令君书在此。 This time looked where you toward run! 这次看你们往哪里跑! The Feng Yunlong arrangement is the selfishness is the result freely, actually is also fair, even if reported Imperial City to be also speechless. 风云龙安排尽管是私心所致,却也是合情合理的,即使上报到王城也无话可说。 Chu Shi just returned to Central State, making him rest well!” A light sound conveys, making the people whole body shake, as far as I know, Thunder State Golden Arrow Marquis and South State Western Marquis personally will get rid. Our Central State cannot lose the lineup. This Hou leads to go on a journey personally. Happen to also butterfly taking the opportunity informed and experienced informed and experienced.” 楚弑刚刚回到中州,让他好好歇着吧!”一个淡淡的声音传来,让人们浑身一震,“据我所知,雷州金箭候南州四方候都将亲自出手。我们中州不能输阵容。本侯亲自带队出行吧。正好也蝶儿借机历练历练。” Two taoist shades fall gently light. 道人影轻飘飘落下来。 Divine Wind Marquis brought Feng Caidie to rush. 神风候带着风彩蝶赶到了。 Before Feng Caidie aura, is completely different, the Feng Yunlong complexion sinks immediately, perhaps because of Feng Caidie cultivation base, achieved Awakened Soul 4th Layer! 风彩蝶气息和以前完全不同,风云龙脸色顿时一沉,因为风彩蝶修为,恐怕达到魂醒四重了! Has not thought that Divine Wind Marquis came out, damn! 万万没有想到,神风候又出来了,可恶啊! This is an once in a thousand years opportunity, after Divine Wind Marquis acts, the situation must become complex! 这本是一次千载难逢的机会,神风候一出面以后,情况又要变得复杂了! Divine Wind Marquis looks at Feng Yunlong one: „Do you have other opinions?” 神风候风云龙一眼:“你还有其他意见吗?” No...... Does not dare!” Feng Yunlong felt that the clansman is discontented with a hidden anger, bows to say hastily: Respect obeys the meaning of clansman!” “不……不敢!”风云龙感觉到族兄不满和一丝隐怒,连忙躬身说道:“敬遵族兄之意!” This matter set.” Divine Wind Marquis waves: Prepares the ship, assembles the sharpest Storm Cavalry group, before next evening, embarks! The quickest time arrives in Thunder State rescue disaster!” “这件事就定下了。”神风候挥挥手:“备船,调集最精锐的疾风骑兵团,明天傍晚前出发!最快时间抵达雷州救援天灾!”
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