MT :: Volume #3

#204: New Cloud Sect

When Chu Family blows out Chu Xinghe openly to challenge the Chu Tian flash news, after letting Central State City vibrates one maliciously time, all parties rapidly enter to a rare tranquil stage. 楚家爆出楚星河公开挑战楚天的大新闻,让中州城狠狠地震动一次后,各方就迅速进到一种超乎寻常的平静阶段。 Three Great Clans is dormant, avoids conflicting with Miracle Commerce. 三大家族纷纷蛰伏,避免与奇迹商会冲突。 Miracle Commerce resolutely advances triumphantly, unites Yun Family and dozens families, now after indistinctly becomes Four Great Families, another super influence! 奇迹商会则大刀阔斧高歌猛进,联合云家和几十个家族,现在隐隐约约成为四大家族之后又一个超级势力! City Lord Feng Yunlong hates the tooth to be itchy, receives Divine Wind Marquis Feng Yuntian to divert eventually, now all power and influence are the clansman on own initiative let. Divine Wind Marquis can them, have the means to receive. 城主风云龙恨得牙痒痒,终究也受神风候风云天牵制,现在一切权势都是族兄主动让出来的。神风候能够给他们,就有办法收回来。 Previous time stirs up Shangguan Ming to cope with the Chu Tian procedure, Divine Wind Marquis felt that is extremely discontented! 上次煽动上官明对付楚天的做法,神风候已经感到非常不满! Feng Yunlong has to consider clansman's manner, let alone Feng Family is so deep in Central State City influence seepage might as well Four Great Families, Four Great Families does not dare to get rid easily, once this City Lord has any fault, angers dozens medium influences, even there is a been built on stilts danger. 风云龙不得不考虑族兄的态度,何况风家中州城势力渗透还不如四大家族这么深,四大家族都不敢轻易出手,这个城主一旦有任何失误,惹怒几十个中型势力,甚至有被架空的危险。 Has to look at Miracle Commerce to do helplessly in a big way. 只好眼睁睁的看着奇迹商会做大。 At this time, away Chu Tian and Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang duel in the past for half a month. 此时,距楚天洛降龙叶天狼决斗过去半个月。 Meng Yingying, Meng Qingwu, Lin Mu, Fang Han and Chu Tian, achieve Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak cultivation base one after another, Yun Yao reach the Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak. Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie and Yun Yao progress is quite quick, but the material that needs accumulated neat. 梦莹莹梦轻舞林木方寒楚天,陆陆续续达到魂醒三重巅峰修为,云瑶则达到魂醒四重巅峰。南宫云风彩蝶云瑶进度比较快,而需要的材料都已经攒齐。 Chu Tian takes Limitless Bottle-Gourd as pill furnace personally, is three people refines Saint Level compounded drug. 楚天亲自以无极葫芦丹炉,为三人炼制一枚圣级丹药。 The Chu Tian alchemy technique surpassed this time, comes out a low grade Saint pill who from Chu Tian, its effect even surpasses this time most Pin Shengdan. Limitless Bottle-Gourd is in itself also a very rare treasure, with compounded drug that this bottle gourd refines, contains pure big earth-mother air/Qi, can therefore further promote the compounded drug effect. 楚天炼丹手法本就远超本时代,从楚天手里出来的一枚下品圣丹,其效果甚至超过这个时代大多数中品圣丹。无极葫芦本身也是一件非常难得的宝贝,用这个葫芦炼制出来的丹药,蕴含一丝纯净的大地母气,所以能进一步提升丹药效果。 The Yun Yao Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak breaks through Awakened Soul 5th Layer, does not have the bottleneck to prevent, almost did not have any suspense. 云瑶魂醒四重巅峰突破魂醒五重,其中并没有瓶颈阻挡,几乎是没有任何悬念了。 Nangong Yun and Feng Caidie stride in the Illustrious Soul time from the Virtual soul time, has a comparison the bottleneck that is hard to break through, however under the instruction and help of Chu Tian, most at least has 70-80% success ratios. 南宫云风彩蝶虚魂期跨入显魂期,存在一个比较难以冲破的瓶颈,但是在楚天的指导和帮助之下,最起码有七八成的成功率。 The Limitless Bottle-Gourd effect, making Chu Tian very surprised. 无极葫芦的效果,让楚天很惊讶。 Because with the Limitless Bottle-Gourd alchemy process , the bottle gourd itself contains the big earth-mother air/Qi to nourish the compounded drug, but waste material that alchemy produces, will then be absorbed by Limitless Bottle-Gourd , making the useless waste material turn into the waste material of bottle gourd. 因为用无极葫芦炼丹过程中,葫芦本身蕴含大地母气能滋养丹药,而炼丹所产生的废料,则会被无极葫芦吸收掉,让无用的废料变成葫芦的废料。 Bottle gourd not dying thing. 葫芦不是死物。 It is a full of vitality seedling, Chu Tian irrigates with the life water, will build up the thing with bottle gourd alchemy again, Limitless Bottle-Gourd slowly will grow, Space Storage item will be getting bigger and bigger, after will grow fully will have many other functions. 它是一株生机勃勃的幼苗,楚天用生命水来灌溉,再用葫芦炼丹炼物,无极葫芦就会缓慢增长,其中储物空间会越来越大,当充分成长之后甚至会产生很多其他功能。 Chu Tian! Chu Tian! You a bit faster come out!” Meng Yingying excited running up to entrance. I must tell you a good news!” 楚天楚天!你快点出来!”梦莹莹激动的跑到门口。“我要告诉你一个好消息!” Chu Tian somewhat wonders: How?” 楚天有些纳闷:“怎么了?” A Meng Yingying face said joyfully inspired: I go Xiong Family with Uncle Xiong, now reached an agreement with General Xiong Wuji, now Central State Xiong Family also officially with the Miracle Commerce alliance!” 梦莹莹一脸欣喜振奋说:“我跟熊大叔去一趟熊家,现在已经跟熊无忌大将军谈好了,现在中州熊家也正式和奇迹商会联盟了!” This truly is a big good deed! 这确实是一件大好事! Xiong Family is high in the Central State status, is next to Four Great Families, is only the Xiong Family generation general's family, therefore does business bad, does not have the Four Great Families extra, therefore causes the family to have the resources not to be many, not having the means to train the talent like Four Great Young Masters. 熊家中州地位非常高,仅次于四大家族,只是熊家世代将门,所以不善经商,没有四大家族富余,所以导致家族拥有资源不多,没有办法培养出像四大公子一样的天才。 Xiong Tianyan is a go-between personally. 熊天焱亲自牵线。 Meng Yingying visits the Great General, reaches an agreement with Xiong Family. 梦莹莹去拜访大将军,跟熊家达成一个协议。 The Meng Yingying preparation increases ten large-scale canneries, Miracle Commerce, if the hiring puts up a factory, the time needed cycle will be very inevitably long, must therefore choose a reliable business agent, 梦莹莹准备增开十个大型罐头厂,奇迹商会要是自己招人建厂的话,所花费的时间周期势必会很长,因此要选择一个可靠的代理商、 Xiong Family has some people also to have the scene resources, the family influence is also very strong reliably, Meng Yingying goes to reach the agreement with Xiong Family, Xiong Family is responsible for giving the Miracle Commerce production canned food. After this business discussed gathered together, Xiong Family every year can gain over a billion gold coins, almost doubled the family earning scale, became the Xiong Family main source of income, was really a huge celebration. 熊家有地有人又有现场资源,家族势力也很强大可靠,梦莹莹就去跟熊家达成协议,熊家负责给奇迹商会生产罐头。这笔生意谈拢之后,熊家每年能赚上亿金币,几乎把家族营收规模增加一倍,成为熊家最主要的收入来源,真是一件天大的喜事。 This to Miracle Commerce, quickest speed improving canned food output, after ten canned food comprehensive places in operation, every month the output can big 5,000,000-6,000,000 fill, adds several small canneries that now begins again, enough satisfied the Southern Summer Country majority of market demand. 这对奇迹商会来说,最快速度提高罐头产量,当十个罐头全面投入生产之后,每个月产量能高大五六百万灌,再加现在开工的几座小罐头厂,足够满足南夏国大部分的市场需求了。 Let Xiong Family gain the production processing charge, making entire Xiong Family tie up on Miracle Commerce Tank. 熊家赚点生产加工费,让整个熊家都绑到奇迹商会战车上。 This absolutely is a very cost-effective business! 这绝对是一笔非常划算的买卖! Yingying is Miracle Commerce contributes to a merit! 莹莹又为奇迹商会立一功! In they spoke, suddenly the terrifying god beast pressure, suddenly covers the entire vault of heaven, the sky cloud is dyed the red, the entire Miracle Commerce headquarters trembled. 正在两人说话的时候,突然有一股恐怖神兽威压,骤然笼罩整个天穹,天空的云都被染成红色,整个奇迹商会总部都震颤起来。 Meng Yingying startled [say / way]: Fire Phoenix!” 梦莹莹惊道:“火凤凰!” Is Nangong!” Chu Tian satisfaction smiles: Nangong breaks the price record smoothly, it seems like broke through the strength, that Saint pill has not wasted in vain!” “是南宫!”楚天满意一笑:“南宫顺利破关而出,看来已经突破实力,那一枚圣丹没有白白浪费!” In the Miracle Commerce gang, Nangong Yun achieves Awakened Soul Intermediate Stage most quickly. Nangong Yun itself battle efficiency is very formidable, now just broke through to the Awakened Soul 4th Layer strength, perhaps was more formidable than Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong! 奇迹商会一伙人中,南宫云是最快达到魂醒中期的。南宫云本身战斗力就很强大,现在刚刚突破到魂醒四重的实力,恐怕就已经比叶天狼洛降龙更强大了! Chu Tian feared that could not hit her! 楚天怕是都打不过她了! Nangong Yun has Immortal body, has Awakened Soul 4th Layer cultivation base, cultivates Cultivation Technique Martial Arts all for excellent, has the God Level Source Spirit formidable amplification, at present strength above Chu Tian, but from Chu Xinghe also almost, probably is situated between the two. 南宫云身怀不灭体,又具备魂醒四重修为,修炼功法武学皆为上乘,更具备神级元魂的强大增幅,目前实力在楚天之上,但是距离楚星河还差点,大概介于二者之间吧。 Miracle Commerce is born a formidable character, naturally causes to be in high spirits, all ran is Nangong Yun congratulates. 奇迹商会诞生一位强大人物,自然使得上上下下精神振奋,全都跑过去为南宫云庆贺了。 Although knows two days later. 虽知就在两天后。 Yun Family headquarters Thunder Ray soars to the heavens, Yun Yao also breaks the price record, but left. 云家总部雷光冲天,云瑶也破关而出了。 Yun Yao is in Four Great Young Masters, most quickly to Awakened Soul 5th Layer. This once by many people are thought Yun Yao that soon falls behind, instead walks now in front of Four Great Young Masters, the strong and weak exchanges, the situation transforms, the scenery transfers in turn. 云瑶四大公子中,最快到魂醒五重的。这个曾经被很多人以为快要掉队的云瑶,现在反而走在四大公子前面,强弱互换,局势转变,正是山水轮流转。 Hence. 至此。 The Central State four young masters changed! 中州四公子已变! Now separately is: Sky Sword young master Chu Xinghe, Young Master Netherworld Chu Tian, phoenix young master Nangong Yun, Purple Lightning Young Master Yun Yao. 现在分别是:天剑公子楚星河,幽冥公子楚天,凤凰公子南宫云,紫电公子云瑶 Initial Heavenly Wolf Young Master and Young Master Dragon Hu, since after the decisive battle was defeated, did not have the hope to catch up with the steps of four people basically again. 当初的天狼公子和龙虎公子,自从决战中落败之后,基本没有希望再赶上四个人的步伐。 Whose weakly respectively has the dispute as for, but Purple Lightning Young Master Yun Yao is cultivation base is highest! 至于孰强孰弱各有争议,不过紫电公子云瑶修为最高的! Yun Tianhe naturally is wild with joy, immediately exhibits the grand glee feast in the Yun Family headquarters, mainly invited Miracle Commerce as well as the influence of related cooperation side represents to participate. 云天鹤对此自然是欣喜若狂,立刻在云家总部摆开盛大的庆功宴,主要邀请奇迹商会以及相关合作方的势力代表来参加。 Breakthrough of Yun Yao, to Miracle Commerce is the influence alliance of head is a great inspiration, making the Three Great Clans arrogance be attacked once again. 云瑶的率先突破,对奇迹商会为首的势力联盟是一次巨大鼓舞,让三大家族的气焰又一次受到打击。 Chu Tian naturally must feast personally. 楚天当然要亲自赴宴。 Let bodyguard Shen Bingyu and vice- Chairman Meng Qingwu accompaniment. 让保镖沈冰雨、副会长梦轻舞陪同。 Meng Qingwu one arouses the interest of people, actually by the appearance and hot stature attraction of Meng Qingwu causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, but after is Meng Qingwu arrives at Central State, that a series of fast and accurate layout, lets her in this aspect ability and talent completely obviously without doubt. 梦轻舞一来就引起人们的关注,倒不是被梦轻舞倾国倾城的容貌和火辣身材吸引,而是梦轻舞来到中州以后,那一连串快速而又精准的布局,让她在这方面能力和天赋尽显无疑。 Perhaps Chu Tian can compare in Miracle Commerce status nobody, but manages the chamber of commerce big or medium business truly, but must be Meng Qingwu completes. 楚天或许在奇迹商会的地位无人能比,但是真正管理商会大小事务,还得是梦轻舞来完成。 Chu Tian to the people felt that compares, the disposition is quite eccentric and unreasonable and is a little subject to changing moods, therefore in comparison might as well tries to get close with beautiful and brilliant great beauty, can perhaps fish to an advantage. 楚天给人们感觉比较特比呢,性格比较乖张、有点喜怒无常,所以相比之下不如跟美丽又睿智的大美女套套近乎,没准能捞到一点好处。 Xiong Wuji goes forward to cup one hand in the other across the chest: Chu little brother, initially saw in Yellowstone City, I thought that you are not an average person, but has not thought that the entire Central State wind and cloud had been confused by you, fierce, fierce!” 熊无忌上前一拱手:“楚小兄弟,当初在黄石城一见,我就觉得你不是普通人,但是没想到整个中州风云都被你搅乱了,厉害,厉害啊!” Chu Tian smiles: This must many thanks Xiong Family support!” 楚天嘿嘿一笑:“这还得多谢熊家鼎力支持!” Now we are the whole family, Xiong Family poor dingdong the sound, gets rid of poverty to become prosperous with Miracle Commerce on the prospect now.” Xiong Wuji fires off greeting with Chu Tian, immediately with a laugh said to Meng Qingwu: Chairman Meng cultivation base promotes quickly! I looked to have the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak!” “现在我们都是一家人,熊家穷的叮当响,现在就指望跟着奇迹商会脱贫致富呢。”熊无忌楚天打完招呼,立刻笑呵呵对梦轻舞说:“梦会长修为提升很快嘛!我看有魂醒三重巅峰了!” The Meng Qingwu politeness smiles: Qingwu compares with the Great General, but also falls far short.” 梦轻舞礼貌一笑:“轻舞跟大将军比起来,还差得远呢。” How words can say! I the 40 - 50 years old person, peak time passed gradually, promoting cultivation base not to be easy. On the contrary is Chairman Meng over 20 years old, has the age of development greatly.” Xiong Wuji waves, several military officers lift a box to come up, just right, I heard that Miracle Commerce collected some materials recently everywhere, General House a little, gave two!” “话怎么能这么说!我已经四五十岁的人,巅峰期渐渐地过去,提升修为没有那么容易。反倒是梦会长才20多岁,正是大有发展的年龄啊。”熊无忌挥挥手,几个军官抬一个箱子上来,“正好,我听说奇迹商会最近到处收集一些材料,将军府有一点,送给两位了!” In the Meng Qingwu heart moves slightly. 梦轻舞心中微微一动。 Miracle Commerce needs many Saint pill accessory material, recently the net leafed through the Central State City market everywhere, completely has not bought neat. Naturally does not remove Three Great Clans to disturb in secret, delays the Chu Tian practice progress in this means. 奇迹商会需要不少的圣丹辅助材料,最近到处网罗翻遍中州城市场,至今都没有全部买齐。当然也不排除三大家族暗中在捣乱,以这种办法来拖延楚天的修炼进度。 Idle work by the wealth, Miracle Commerce will not be occupied the person to be cheap for no reason.” Meng Qingwu is impolite accepts: „After these materials we carry on evaluatio, must deliver to General House money.” “无功不受禄,奇迹商会不会无端占人便宜。”梦轻舞不客气收下:“这些材料我们进行评估价值后,必会将金钱送到将军府上。” Xiong Wuji smiles several brightly crisply: Polite, was polite!” 熊无忌朗爽笑几声:“客气,客气了!” Xiong Wuji just did not leave many, Jing Family Jing Hao sends a number of materials, is the Miracle Commerce demand. 熊无忌刚刚离开没多就,景家景浩又送来一批材料,也是奇迹商会正需求的。 Chu Tian wondered. 楚天就纳了闷了。 The large sum of money cannot buy the material. 重金都买不到材料。 Finally attended a time banquet to Yun Family, actually all of a sudden attains these many! 结果到云家参加一次宴会,却一下子拿到这么多! Can these fellows be know that Miracle Commerce needs these things, therefore shifts to an earlier time to buy from the market intentionally, then treats as the gift to give Miracle Commerce, to gain a Miracle Commerce favour? 这些家伙会不会是知道奇迹商会需要这些东西,所以故意提早从市场上买走,然后当做礼物送给奇迹商会,为了赚奇迹商会一个人情? Naturally. 当然。 This side reflects the Miracle Commerce current influence! 这侧面反映出奇迹商会目前的影响力! Only then own powerful, people will come to flatter. 只有自身实力强大了,人们才会纷纷前来讨好。 Chu Tian has no free time to do with the merchants, gives Meng Qingwu to mediate, Chu Tian ran to find Yun Tianhe, Mr. Yun, congratulations, Yun Family no lack of successors to carry on! Yun Yao future achievement, mostly above your this old man!” 楚天没空跟商人们打交道,交给梦轻舞去斡旋吧,楚天跑去找到云天鹤,“云老头,恭喜恭喜,云家后继有人了!云瑶日后的成就,多半在你这老头之上!” The Yun Tianhe over the face red light, obviously is also very excited. 云天鹤满面红光,显然也是非常激动。 This time sweeps clean the family temporary shortage thoroughly the declining tendency, can Yun Tianhe not be unhappy? 此次彻底扫清家族青黄不接的颓势,云天鹤能不开心吗? Just right that you come, I have an idea, at present through elder assembly, listens to your opinion now.” Yun Tianhe as if makes a decision: I decided that makes Yun Yao hold the post of the proxy head of household, sending several Yun Family senior elders to assist her, but I prepare to draw back from one.” “你来的正好,我有一个想法,目前通过长老会,现在听听你的意见。”云天鹤似乎做一个决定:“我决定让云瑶担任代理家主,派几位云家资深长老辅助她,而我准备从一线退下来。” This saying significance is outstanding. 这话意义不同凡响。 Yun Tianhe releases authority to Yun Yao, but Yun Yao is very good with Chu Tian one group of relations, I am handling Qilin Dao Hall with Nangong Yun, is half Miracle Commerce high level, after Yun Yao grasps the Yun Family right, inevitably can with further with Miracle Commerce cooperate. 云天鹤放权给云瑶,而云瑶楚天一伙关系很好,本人就在跟南宫云打理麒麟道馆,算是半个奇迹商会的高层,云瑶掌握云家的权利之后,必然能跟进一步与奇迹商会合作。 Chu Tian said with a laugh: Yun the treasured sword is not old, how wants to retire?” 楚天笑呵呵说:“云老宝刀未老,怎么就想退休了?” Yun Tianhe pair of old eyes is flashing the ray of wisdom: This family sooner or later gives the next generation person, I can also live for several years while the old man, holds them to walk a regulation is also the good deed. To me also lets loose common object, facilitates to launch the meaningful matter.” 云天鹤一双老眼闪动着睿智的光芒:“这家族迟早交给下一代人的,趁老头子我还能活几年,扶着他们走一程也是好事。对我而言也算是放开俗物,方便去展开更多有意义的事情。” What you refer to is......” “你指的是……” I plan to further promote Cloud Sect and in-depth cooperation of Miracle research institute, had better be able combine completely supplementarily, builds a large-scale research agency and scholar organization.” “我打算进一步推动云门奇迹研究院的深度合作,最好能够完全互补合二为一,打造一支大型研究机构和学者机构。” Chu Tian was startled. 楚天吃了一惊。 Really has to admire the Yun Tianhe boldness. 真是不得不佩服云天鹤的魄力。 Cloud Sect is the foundation of family, is the family paramount interest! 云门是家族的根基,更是家族核心利益! Yun Family obtains the present reputation status in Southern Summer Country, there are 90% reasons in Cloud Sect. Cloud Sect Talisman, medicament, Martial Arts and other invention and creations, is Yun Family brings the massive rich incomes. 云家南夏国取得现在的名声地位,有90的原因都在云门云门符箓、药剂、武学等方面的发明创造,也为云家带来大量丰厚收益。 Cloud Sect and Miracle research institute merges, almost cuts half to give Miracle Commerce complete Cloud Sect. 云门奇迹研究所合并,几乎是把完整的云门切一半送给奇迹商会 The Miracle Commerce influence and rate of expansion, the notch talent recruits the ice to dilute unceasingly, soon the common people only know the Miracle research institute, but did not know existence of Cloud Sect. 奇迹商会影响力和扩展速度,顶尖人才不断招募冰稀释,不久世人只知奇迹研究所,而不知道云门的存在了。 This to Yun Family is not good deed. 这对云家来说不是好事。 However to Miracle Commerce is actually the big advantage. 然而对奇迹商会却是大大的利好。 Because Miracle Commerce development speed freely again quick, eventually is establishment less than a half year of newcomer influence. The resources reserve of capable people in one single day cannot be completed, needs the long inside story precipitation all! 因为奇迹商会发展速度尽管再快,终究是一个成立不到半年的新锐势力。资源人才储备不是一朝一夕能完成,无不是需要漫长底蕴沉淀! Cloud Sect and a Miracle of research institute merge hundred years of history, almost can the supplementary length, making Miracle Commerce have in Southern Summer Country instantaneously the research force and inside story of top standard! 百年历史的云门奇迹研究院一合并,几乎瞬间就能互补长短,让奇迹商会具备南夏国内一流水平的研究力量和底蕴! Good, but two names are too troublesome.” Chu Tian thinks slightly: From now henceforth, the Miracle Commerce research institute called Cloud Sect!” “好,不过两个名字太麻烦。”楚天略加思索:“从今以后,奇迹商会的研究院就叫‘云门’吧!” This was one's turn Yun Tianhe to be startled! 这就轮到云天鹤吃惊了! Chu Tian abandons the Miracle Commerce brand mark, without doubt to a Yun Family big gift. A research institute names to Chu Tian is unimportant, the dispensable thing, is only the unwarranted reputation. 楚天抛弃奇迹商会的烙印,无疑是给云家一个大大礼物。一个研究院叫什么名字对楚天不重要,可有可无的东西,只是虚名罢了。 However, this unwarranted reputation regarding a family, is actually a sharp weapon! 但是,这虚名对于一个家族来说,却是一件利器! Yun Tianhe is delighted: Starting today, new Cloud Sect officially establishes!” 云天鹤喜出望外:“从今天开始,新云门就正式成立!” In a few words. 三言两语之间。 Chu Tian and Yun Tianhe achieve one to cause the cooperation of Central State earthquake sufficiently! 楚天云天鹤达成一个足以使中州地震的合作! Henceforth Cloud Sect strips Yun Family, becomes unites the research institute, serves for Miracle Commerce. Cloud Sect several Main Headquarters, as well as the scholar equipment, hundred years of resources materials and reserves, comprehensively open to Miracle Commerce. 从此云门剥离云家,成为一家联合研究所,为奇迹商会而服务。云门几座总院,以及学者设备、累计百年的资源资料和储备,全面向奇迹商会开放。 Cloud Sect like a new influence. 云门就像一个新势力。 Miracle Commerce and Yun Family hold 50% stocks respectively. 奇迹商会云家各持一半股份而已。 Yun Tianhe believes one decided that will not be wrong, Cloud Sect is the Miracle Commerce group needs the resources, but Cloud Sect also under because Miracle Commerce will lead, will jump out Central State, will jump out Southern Xia, praising entire Continent! 云天鹤相信自己决定是不会错的,云门奇迹商会组需要资源,而云门也会因为奇迹商会带动之下,跳出中州,跳出南夏,扬名全大陆 The basic framework of Miracle group has formed. 奇迹集团的基本构架已经组建完毕。 Has the Miracle dining chamber of commerce, specifically is responsible for the Source Energy cooking service. 奇迹餐饮商会,专门负责元力烹饪业务。 Has the Miracle media chamber of commerce, is responsible for broadcasting, communication and other services. 奇迹传媒商会,负责广播、通讯等业务。 Has Southern Cloud Commerce, is responsible for Talisman, medicament and other traditional domain products. 南云商会,负责符箓、药剂等传统领域产品。 Moreover purchases Underworld Mercenary Group, builds the exclusive personal armed forces. 另外收购黄泉佣兵团,打造专属的私人武装力量。 As for scientific research, merged Cloud Sect, forms the extra-superior research contingent. 至于科研方面,合并了云门,组成超一流的研究队伍。 Moreover, Qilin Dao Hall is Miracle Commerce training base, can recruit the new talented person unceasingly, infuses the fresh blood for the chamber of commerce, can train the Miracle Commerce internal personnel, lets the entire chamber of commerce in the unceasing progress. 另外,麒麟道馆奇迹商会培训基地,即能不断招募新人才,为商会输送新鲜血液,也能培养奇迹商会内部人员,让整个商会都在不断的进步当中。 Meng Qingwu constructs the Miracle commercial federation. 梦轻舞一手拉建奇迹商业联盟。 Now in Central State dozens small influence is involved, is mainly responsible for providing the subcontract work factory, caravan and fleet, transportation resources, material handling wait / etc. cooperation. 现在中州几十个中小势力加入其中,主要负责提供代工厂、商队、船队,运输资源、材料供应等等合作。 From top to bottom, covers comprehensively, becomes the ecosystem. 从上到下,全面覆盖,自成生态系统。 Miracle Commerce develops here, basically presents the trend of soaring, swept clean again keeps off in front several barriers, the front path on the vast stretch of flat land. 奇迹商会发展到这里,基本呈现出腾飞的趋势,再扫清挡在面前几座障碍,前方道路就一马平川了。
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