MT :: Volume #3

#203: Burns money to buy the strength

The Chu Family headquarters, several hundred elite Chu Family swordsmen, the respectful station two rows, head of household Chu Shanhe go out to welcome personally. This family falls into the declining tendency the critical moment, the remote antiquity elder just travels to return, without doubt is Chu Family injects cardiotonic! 楚家总部,数百精锐的楚家剑客,正恭恭敬敬的站成两排,家主楚山河亲自出迎。这个家族陷入颓势的关键时刻,太上长老刚好游历而回,无疑为楚家注射一支强心剂! Remote antiquity elder Chu Shi is cultivation base of True Soul level, is not weaker than Yun Tianhe of Yun Family that old codger, battle efficiency is more formidable than Yun Tianhe! 太上长老楚弑真魂级的修为,绝不比云家那老不死的云天鹤弱,战斗力方面还比云天鹤强大不少! Three Great Clans has admitted defeat again and again , because does not have Expert of True Soul level to assume personal command, will therefore be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, lets Chu Tian rising step by step, the present climate has become, to has been hard to tidy up the situation that. 三大家族一直连连吃瘪,就是因为没有一个真魂级的强者坐镇,所以才会投鼠忌器,让楚天一步步的崛起,以至于现在气候已成,到了难以收拾的地步。 Chu Shanhe cups one hand in the other across the chest to Chu Shi: Remote antiquity elder......” 楚山河楚弑一拱手:“太上长老……” Let alone, I understood!” The Chu Shi vision sharp such as the sword has swept the people, „is the Xinghe situation how is it? Leads me to have a look!” “别说,我都了解!”楚弑目光犀利如剑扫过众人,“星河的情况怎么样?带我去看看!” Chu Xinghe stabilizes gradually, has not actually gotten rid of the danger. 楚星河渐渐稳定,却没有摆脱危险。 Netherworld Ghost Flame is too mean virulently, not having temperature unable to burn down the material, actually lights Source Energy to cause the harm to cultivation base. Chu Tian Netherworld Ghost Flame and ordinary Netherworld Flame are different, this fire was bred over ten thousand years to have the ghost nature by Ghost King, that formidable corrosiveness can corrode the meridians, thus creates the permanent repercussions. 幽冥鬼火太阴狠恶毒,没有温度不能焚烧物质,却点燃元力修为造成损害。楚天幽冥鬼火和普通幽冥火不同,此火被鬼王孕育上万年而具备鬼性,那种强大的腐蚀性能够侵蚀经脉,从而造成永久性的后遗症。 When Chu Xinghe got angry the flame to cut to hit directly, huge incomparable Netherworld Ghost Flame, almost proliferates the whole body veins instantaneously, this wound is very serious, even if is also very difficult to restore by Chu Xinghe cultivation base in a short time. 楚星河直接被怒炎斩击中,一股庞大无比的幽冥鬼火,几乎瞬间遍布全身筋脉,这种创伤是非常严重的,哪怕以楚星河修为也很难在短时间内恢复。 Chu Xinghe to a Chu Tian sword, almost Chu Tian discarding. 楚星河楚天一剑,差点把楚天给废掉了。 A Chu Tian also Chu Xinghe sword, almost also discarded him. 楚天楚星河一剑,差点也把他废掉了。 Said mixes, sooner or later must also! 说出来混,迟早要还的! Chu Shanhe is hateful: Chu Tian houseboy damn, Xinghe caused heavy losses to by this, perhaps the short-term is unable to restore!” 楚山河充满憎恨:“楚天竖子可恶,星河受此重创,恐怕短期无法恢复!” Body injures Yi Yu, heartache is difficult to recover.” Chu Shi sees Chu Xinghe to lie on a jade bed, the hair has hung loose completely, the complexion is also pale like the paper, Xinghe the natural talent was outstanding since childhood, since childhood to nobody can with it fighting, only if fights with the older generation extremely character outside has not defeated. Now has come by one obscure, moreover is younger, a cultivation base lower person to defeat, will be doomed to plant the heart demon for him.” “身伤易愈,心伤难愈。”楚弑见到楚星河躺在一张玉床上,头发已经完全披散开来,脸色也是苍白如纸,“星河自幼天资卓绝,从小到无人能与之争锋,除非与老一辈绝顶人物交手外未尝一败。如今被一个一直来默默无名,而且更年轻、修为更低的人击败,注定会为他种下心魔。” Chu Shanhe knits the brows, Chu Xinghe will be the Chu Family future, the family counted on after him, crack earth will confer nobility upon, will take a new peak the family, how can be in light of this depressed? 楚山河皱皱眉,楚星河楚家的未来,家族指望他以后裂土封侯,把家族带上一个新的巅峰,怎么能就此消沉? This heart ties on Chu Tian, I the gathering family strength, have killed him immediately not at any cost!” “这个心结在楚天身上,我立刻集合家族力量,不惜一切代价杀了他!” No!” Chu Shi prevents Chu Shanhe, depending on Shen Bingyu side him, Chu Family is very difficult to go well, if enrages that lunatic thoroughly, does not have what advantage to Chu Family, in next Xinghe Chengchang Road, will also meet many talents, can't have the barrier to make the family solve? The heart demon must make him attack and capture!” “不!”楚弑阻止楚山河,凭沈冰雨在他身边,楚家很难得手,若是彻底激怒那个疯子,对楚家没有什么好处,“今后星河成长路上,还会遇到很多天才,总不能一有障碍就让家族来解决吧?心魔必须让他自己攻克!” Chu Shi enters the room directly. 楚弑直接走进房间。 Chu Xinghe opens the eye slowly: Remote antiquity elder?” 楚星河缓缓地睁开眼睛:“太上长老?” Chu Shi said severely: Xinghe, are you resigned to be defeated?” 楚弑严厉说:“星河,你甘心失败吗?” In the Chu Xinghe eye flashes through a deep hatred and hatred, but this failure, becomes the enormous attack to other party. 楚星河眼睛里闪过一丝深深怨毒和憎恨,但是这次的失败,对他造成极大打击。 Is very good, your look makes me satisfy. Remember, strong person, is impossible to be ever-victorious!” Chu Shi from the Chu Xinghe vision, can see the intense hatred, since there are to hate on is unlikely to be depressed, „, if links an attack unable to withstand, how can shoulder the great undertaking of resurgence Chu Family? Get up! Told me! You thought that you are weaker than Chu Tian?” “很好,你的眼神让我满意。记住,再强的人,也不可能百战百胜!”楚弑楚星河目光中,能够看出强烈的恨意,既然有恨就不至于消沉,“若连一次打击都承受不了,怎能担负中兴楚家之大业?起来!告诉我!你觉得自己比楚天更弱?” No!” Chu Xinghe gets hold of the fist: This is impossible! However is opportunistic congenially, if head confrontation, my sword can cut him!” “不!”楚星河握紧拳头:“这不可能!不过取巧投机,若正面交锋,我一剑就能斩他!” This does not need to doubt! 这点无需置疑! From the beforehand fight performance, to Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang, in addition is strenuous, although the Chu Tian battle efficiency is good, is impossible to defeat Chu Xinghe really! 从之前战斗表现来看,对洛降龙叶天狼尚且吃力,虽然楚天战斗力非常不俗,却不可能真的能打败楚星河 That do not lie down wastes time here!” Chu Shi said severely: Dignity oneself that oneself discard seize, I already for you war declaration to Chu Tian, after your injury restores, immediately with his frank and upright war!!” “那就不要躺在这里虚度光阴了!”楚弑严厉地说:“自己丢掉的尊严就自己夺回来,我已替你向楚天下战书,等你的伤势恢复后,立刻与他光明正大一战!!” Chu Shanhe one startled: Remote antiquity elder, feared that is improper, the Xinghe injury feared in a short time is......” 楚山河一惊:“太上长老,怕是不妥吧,星河伤势短时间内怕是……” You think why I will come back suddenly?” Chu Shi takes out a jade box from the bosom, takes away to have a look!” “你以为我为什么会忽然回来?”楚弑从怀里取出一个玉盒,“拿去看看吧!” Chu Shanhe opens a seam the jade box. 楚山河把玉盒开启一条缝。 Astonishing spirit power wells up suddenly immediately crazily, just likes surges in the indoor, the surroundings even present many illusions, that scene makes people dumbfounded. 骤然一股惊人灵力顿时疯狂涌出来,犹如一阵旋风般在室内激荡,周围甚至出现很多幻象,那场景让人目瞪口呆。 Chu Shi replied: This is a seven spirit ginseng that I accidentally obtain, seven spirit ginseng are inborn Elixir, this has 30,000-40,000 years of crucial moment, had already evolved the wondrous medicines, even had an elixir nature.” 楚弑回答说:“这是我偶然获得的一株七曲灵参,七曲灵参是一种天生灵药,这一株有三四万年的火候,早就已经进化成圣药,甚至已经具备一丝仙药性质。” Is Elixir of demigod level!” “难道是半仙级的灵药!” That but actually is also not, extraordinary quality precious, the Southern Summer Country spirit earth is how thin, is almost unable to breed. Although does not arrive at the demigod quality, actually is also the best quality goods wondrous medicines, the value 1 billion gold coins do not know. This medicine not only can cure all injuries, can make cultivation base increase in a short time, lets Xinghe direct breakthrough current cultivation base.” “那倒还不是,仙品何其珍贵,南夏国灵土稀薄,几乎无法孕育。虽然不到半仙品质,却也是极品圣药,价值1000000000金币都不知。此药非但能治愈一切伤势,更能使修为在短时间内大增,让星河直接突破当前修为。” Best quality goods wondrous medicines?! 极品圣药?! The material quality division includes: Ordinary level, magical things level, Sacred Object level, immortal level, supernatural object level. 材料品质划分有:普通级,灵物级,圣物级,仙物级,神物级。 Also divides low grade with the qualitative material, the high-grade goods, the best quality goods, Chu Tian spends the ksitigarbha fruit that the soaring price exchanges, but merely is the wondrous medicines. The value of this seven spirit ginseng can also be imagined, entire Southern Summer Country cannot discover several, is the priceless super wondrous medicines! 同品质的材料也分下品、中品,上品,极品,楚天花费高昂代价兑换来的地藏果,不过仅仅是中品圣药而已。这株七曲灵参的价值也就可想而知,整个南夏国都找不出几份,是价值连城的超级圣药! Chu Shanhe fully realized that this medicine precious, a face excited said to Chu Xinghe: Has not thanked for kindness quickly!” 楚山河深知此药珍贵,一脸激动对楚星河说:“还不快谢恩!” Chu Xinghe hurries to set out to bow: Many thanks remote antiquity elder!” 楚星河赶紧起身鞠躬:“多谢太上长老!” Chu Shanhe said: Now in Central State Four Great Young Masters, Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang have basically abandoned, Yun Yao has become the Chu Tian personal servant, it is estimated that cannot make a name. So long as defeats Chu Tian in the presence of everyone, Central State nobody can with you side by side, before your prestige even be able to surmount!” 楚山河说:“现在中州四大公子中,洛降龙叶天狼基本上废了,云瑶成了楚天的跟班,估计也是成不了气候的。只要当众击败楚天,中州将无人能与你比肩,你的声望甚至能够超越以前!” The Chu Xinghe handful of fruit jade boxes, in vision flash through a ruthless offense. 楚星河捧果玉盒,目光中闪过一丝狠戾。 Chu Tian needs hundred times ask to his shame! 楚天对他的羞辱必须要百倍讨回! Recently do not look for Miracle Commerce to be troublesome, makes them first easy and comfortable some time.” “最近不要找奇迹商会麻烦,就让他们先安逸一段时间。” If what does not do, the Central State person can think that Chu Family has feared them?” “若什么都不做,中州人会不会以为楚家怕了他们?” Might as well, I want Paralyzed Chu Tian, does not get rid already, once sells, must completely eradicate Miracle Commerce.” A Chu Shi face is ruthless: Ye Family and Luo Family two old strange recently in Imperial City, I have written to them, when they return to Central State, at that time......” “无妨,我就是要麻痹楚天,不出手则已,一旦出售的话,必须彻底铲除奇迹商会。”楚弑一脸狠辣:“叶家洛家两个老怪最近在王城,我已经写信给他们了,等他们回到中州,那时候……” Three remote antiquity elders collaborate. 三位太上长老联手。 Three Great Clans completely is different! 三大家族就完全不一样了! Chu Shanhe nods, if so, basic Wan Wuyi loses. 楚山河点点头,若是如此的话,基本万无一失。 30-40 years ago four hosts, Yun Tianhe is most splendid. 三四十年前的四家之主,云天鹤是其中最出色的一位。 However, three big remote antiquity elders found the appropriate successor, the departure family that feels relieved, wanders the practice, has the chance respectively, only Yun Tianhe lacks successors, therefore does not have the means to withdraw, adds the family itself learning quality again, lets his not needing excessive pursuit strength. 然而,三大太上长老找到合适的接班人,放心的离开家族,云游修炼,各有机缘,唯独云天鹤后继无人,所以没有办法脱身,再加家族本身学术性质,让他没有必要过分追求实力。 Because keeps Central State City for a long time, naturally makes his falling behind gradually be surmounted. 因为长时间留在中州城,自然就使他渐渐的掉队被超越。 Hurricane crosses the post, Fu Caowei saves.” Chu Shi is old, but Mi La, Marquis Feng Shen is powerful, the Chu Tian crest of wave is just prosperous, we conceal one's abilities and bide one's time to evade.” “飓风过岗,伏草唯存。”楚弑老而弥辣,“神风侯实力强大,楚天风头正旺,我们就韬光养晦避一避。” Three Great Clans is hundred years of old clan, had not been overthrown easily easily, so long as the family nucleus preserves, once three remote antiquity elders collaborate, Divine Wind Marquis is also apprehensive, once there is an appropriate opportunity to appear, destroys completely Chu Tian is also not easy as pie? 三大家族都是百年老族,没有那么容易轻易被打倒,只要家族中坚力量保存下来,三位太上长老一旦联手,神风候也忌惮三分,一旦有合适机会出现,灭掉楚天还不是易如反掌? Arouses the disapproval not to have anything at the worst! 引起非议也没什么大不了! Because the result will prove all! 因为结果会证明一切! This also merely is the subsequent party who Chu Shi keeps, is Chu Xinghe has no way to cut to kill under the Chu Tian situation directly. Naturally, Chu Shi does not think that Chu Xinghe cannot hit Chu Tian, what he is worried will be Marquis Feng Shen will search and collect, preventing Chu Xinghe to kill Chu Tian. 这还仅仅是楚弑留的后手,是楚星河没法直接斩杀楚天的情况之下进行。当然,楚弑不会认为楚星河打不过楚天,他担心的是神风侯会查收,阻止楚星河杀死楚天 Chu Shanhe long relaxes! 楚山河长长松一口气! The remote antiquity elder overall situation plans, all were insufficient to ponder. 太上长老全局谋划,一切就不足为虑了。 Chu Family majority of Jiang Shan is the remote antiquity elder overcomes, several other are also for a long time gradually the expert of family battle, the heart black stingies, are not the generations of commonplace. Is Marquis Feng Shen also what kind of? Even if one generation of marquises, even if the battleground veteran general, he may not exceed three in this plot war. 楚家大部分江山是太上长老打下,其他几位也都是长期浸淫家族争斗的老手,一个个心黑手狠,一个个都不是等闲之辈。神风侯又怎么样?纵然一代侯爷,纵然是沙场宿将,他也不一定能在这种阴谋战争中胜过三家。 Just wait! 等着吧! Chu Tian a few days after auspicious day! 楚天没几天好日子了! ...... …… Next day. 第二天。 Central State City spreads over, the Chu Family remote antiquity elder comes, Chu Xinghe openly challenges Chu Tian! 中州城传遍,楚家太上长老现身,楚星河公开挑战楚天 Chu Family even for this reason holds a release conference, very rampant saying: Now the Chu Tian too weak day is weak, Chu Xinghe has defeated him, is the victory not the military, therefore to Chu Tian some time, making Chu Tian break through to the Illustrious Soul strength as soon as possible comes a war again! 楚家甚至为此召开一次发布会,非常嚣张的放出话来:现在楚天太弱天弱,楚星河就算战胜了他,也是胜之不武的,所以给楚天一段时间,让楚天尽快突破到显魂实力再来一战! After the news travels, Central State City vibrates! 当消息传开之后,中州城都为之震动! Chu Xinghe openly challenges Chu Tian, is really one lets the war that the person anticipates! 楚星河公开挑战楚天,真是一场让人期待的大战! Is Chu Tian weak? 楚天弱吗? Naturally is not weak! 当然不弱! A person of strength defeats Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang! 一人之力打败洛降龙叶天狼 A person triumphs over to discontinue two big young masters! 一个人就把两大公子挑落下马! This fully explained that Chu Tian completely has qualifications and Chu Xinghe shares the honor. 这足以说明楚天完全有资格与楚星河齐名。 Now in the work places lists as the new super talent Chu Tian, even had a resounding title to be called Young Master Netherworld , from strange not measured that in the swordsmanship acquired fame, can obtain such title, itself sufficiently on behalf of status of Chu Tian in people heart! 现在坊间把楚天列为新的超级天才,甚至起了一个响当当的称号叫做“幽冥公子”,是从诡异莫测剑法中得名,能得到这样称号,本身就足以代表楚天在人们心中的地位了! When Chu Family separates the spatial frontline propaganda to transmit. 楚家的隔空喊话传来。 Chu Tian gives a calm smile, will Chu Family so be good, waits for him to break through the strength? Is the nonsense! Nothing but is the Chu Xinghe injury to recover, cannot act to fight directly, pretends to give the Chu Tian time intentionally, Chu Family seizes the chance to oneself a stair, to show the breadth of spirit of family! 楚天淡然一笑,楚家会这么好,等着他突破实力?都是狗屁!无非是楚星河伤势为愈,不能直接出面战斗,故意装作给楚天时间,楚家趁机给自己一个台阶,以展现家族的气魄罢了! Chu Tian guessed basic Good enough, but also insufficiently completely. 楚天猜测基本差不多,不过还不够完全。 The Chu Xinghe injury is less false, but the protracted duel time not only to therapy, to pick to close up the breakthrough strength! 楚星河伤势未愈不假,但是拖延决斗时间不仅仅是为疗伤,更是为接机闭关突破实力! The best quality goods wondrous medicines cannot direct swallow! 极品圣药也不能直接一口吞啊! That rather also too wasted! 那未免也太浪费了! In order to displays in a big way the wondrous medicines value, must spend the time to look for the accessory material! 为把圣药价值发挥最大,必须花时间找辅助材料! Yun Yao does not think throughout reasonable, „do you prepare with his public war really? Chu Xinghe with may be completely different by two that you defeat!” 云瑶始终觉得不靠谱,“你真准备跟他公开一战?楚星河跟被你打败的两位可完全不同!” His strength, I was very clear!” Chu Tian fights in the smelting trial space and Chu Xinghe, fully realized that the Chu Xinghe swordsmanship is abstruse, moreover under Chu Xinghe strikes fully, jumps over several levels to cut to kill the match sufficiently, makes him come! He dares to challenge, I dare to accept a challenge!” “他的实力,我很清楚了!”楚天在试炼空间和楚星河交手,深知楚星河剑法深奥强大,而且楚星河全力一击之下,足以越数级斩杀对手,“让他来吧!他敢挑战,我就敢应战!” Yun Yao does not believe really Chu Tian can win Chu Xinghe. 云瑶真的不相信楚天能胜楚星河 Miracle of Chu Tian creation are too many, somewhat is scruple including Yun Yao. 只是楚天创造的奇迹太多,以至于连云瑶都有些迟疑。 Which perspective regardless of possibly has not exceeded Chu Xinghe from, what unexpected astonishing action but makes accidentally? At that time when tried to practice the tower, wasn't nobody favors him? The final result lets the person sharp drop eyeball! 无论从哪方面来看都没可能胜过楚星河,但万一又做出什么意想不到的惊人之举呢?当时在试练塔的时候,不也是没人看好他吗?最后的结果却是让人大跌眼珠! Chu Tian puts aside the first matter, assists young lady, Yingying, Nangong and the others to practice with single-hearted devotion. 楚天把事情先搁置下来,专心协助大小姐、莹莹、南宫等人修炼。 The young lady and Yingying are the Awakened Soul 1st Layer peak strength, Starlight Immortal Body practice the Glass Body crest. 大小姐和莹莹魂醒一重巅峰实力,星光不灭体练到琉璃体的顶峰。 Chu Tian with the stars stone and medicine auxiliary, achieved crest Immortal body, breaks through without any suspense, two person also cultivation base smoothly achieve Awakened Soul 2nd Layer! 楚天用星辰石和药物辅助之下,本就达到顶峰不灭体,没有任何悬念就突破,两个人也修为顺利达到魂醒二重 This also continues, Chu Tian belt Chu big pile of half Saint Level medicines, coordinating ten thousand years of spirit honey to come to be two People quantity uses, unexpectedly stiffly strength pile to Awakened Soul 3rd Layer! 这还不止,楚天带楚一大堆半圣级药物,配合万年灵蜜来为二人大量使用,竟硬生生把实力堆到魂醒三重 The young lady and Yingying are not the fight talented people, does not need to stay consolidated, does not need to practice fight Cultivation Technique, Chu Tian raises to their cultivation base is spares no effort, therefore speed rise unusual is quick, it is expected that in ten days promote again, reach the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak directly. 大小姐和莹莹不是战斗型人才,没必要停留巩固,没必要修炼战斗功法,楚天对两人修为提是不遗余力的,所以速度上升的非常快,预计十天内再提升一把,直接达到魂醒三重的巅峰。 Chu Tian and Nangong Yun have not been idling, pounds the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak cultivation base officially. 楚天南宫云也没有闲着,正式把修为砸到魂醒三重巅峰。 These days the spending speed ultra-fast, altogether disbursement estimated that must achieve 100,000,000-200,000,000 gold coins, even if to the Four Great Families scale, is not a very small digit! Miracle Commerce freely expansion unusual is quick, but the fund is used to invest and in the development majority, has the according to Chamber of commerce name to lend money one to maintain the expenses to Yun Family first. 这段时间花钱速度超快,总共支出预计得达到一两亿金币,哪怕对四大家族的规模来说,都是一笔非常不小的数字!奇迹商会尽管扩张的非常快,但是资金大部分用来投资和发展上,只好先以商会名义向云家借贷一笔来维持开销。 This money to Yun Family is not the small number, Chu Tian conveniently helps Yun Family build up Saint pill, is Yun Yao attacks Awakened Soul 5th Layer to increase the assurance, pays an interest. 这钱对云家也不是小数目,楚天就顺手帮云家炼圣丹,为云瑶冲击魂醒五重增加把握,也算是付一笔利息了。 Must know. 要知道。 This time alchemy technique crude! 这个时代炼丹术有多简陋! Southern Summer Country Master alchemy the compounded drug that refines with wondrous medicines, its effect cannot even compare Chu Tian with the compounded drug that the low grade wondrous medicines refine, therefore Chu Tian helps Yun Yao refine a Saint pill, can have compounded drug upgrading one time actually directly! 南夏国炼丹大师用中品圣药炼制出来的丹药,其效果甚至都比不上楚天用下品圣药炼制出来的丹药,所以楚天云瑶炼制一枚圣丹,实际直接能把丹药品质提升一倍都有余! The Yun Yao potential is not bad. 云瑶潜力就不差。 Cultivation Technique that now cultivates, is Chu Tian reforms personally. 现在修炼的功法,更是楚天亲手改过的。 Yun Yao has the enormous opportunity to attack the Awakened Soul 5th Layer boundary! 云瑶有极大机会去冲击魂醒五重的境界! Lin Mu, Fang Han and Yun Xiao also quickly achieve the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer strength, Lin Mu and Fang Han are trying to practice the tower to exchange wondrous medicines, to break through Awakened Soul 4th Layer prepares, Yun Xiao also has the great support of family, these strength weakest members, it is estimated that have very big promotion space. 林木方寒云霄也快达到魂醒三重实力,林木方寒在试练塔兑换一株圣药,为突破魂醒四重做准备,云霄也有家族的大力支持,这几个实力最弱的成员,估计也有很大的提升空间。 The consumption of resources is actually quicker and quicker! 资源消耗却是越来越快! Chu Tian for the focus, the young lady, Yingying, Lin Mu, Fang Han, Nangong, the Saint Level compounded drug that must refine, the accessory material pouch are too much half Saint drugs, borrows 100 million gold coins not to be insufficient from Yun Family, disburses several million from Miracle Commerce Bank Account again, this has met finally will the needs! 楚天为主,大小姐、莹莹林木方寒、南宫,都要炼制的圣级丹药,辅助材料囊过不少半圣药品,从云家借来100000000金币都不够用,从奇迹商会账户再支出几千万,这样总算堪堪满足了需要! The practice consumption is too big! 修炼消耗太大! Development opportunity chamber of commerce that Chu Tian must spare no effort! 楚天更需不遗余力的发展契机商会! Four Great Families trains four key male offspring. Is why? Other Four Great Families not talents? 四大家族培养四个重点子嗣。是为什么?难道四大家族没有其他天才了吗? Wrong! Actually the talent good person are many, even if Four Great Families such influence, simultaneously trains these many much difficultly, can only the selectivity train several key targets! Chu Tian realizes this point long time ago, on Continent the influence of most top, is not the talent is often largest, but is the resources of monopoly is largest. 错!其实天赋好的人并不少,但是哪怕是四大家族这样的势力,也很难同时培养这么多,只能选择性培养几个重点对象而已!楚天早早就认识到这一点,大陆上最顶级的势力,往往不是天才数量最多,而是垄断的资源数量最多。 The construction and individual practice of this influence, is in itself not contradictory! 这势力的建造与个人修炼,本身就是不矛盾的! ( Embarrassed, computer has gone bad, loses retains the draft much, formerly clouds luckily backup part looked, recently can only renew to Internet cafe, time a little will be unstable, but should have renewal that not less every day.) (不好意思,电脑坏了,丢失不少存稿,万幸先前云备份一部分找回来了,最近只能到网吧来更新,时间可能会有一点不稳定,但是每天该有的更新都不会少的。)
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