MT :: Volume #3

#202: Drinks the blood sword

Strong blood smells float the hall, as if one moistening full blood the sword of death was arriving at the throat, that sharp sword edge was flooding the bloodthirsty hunger and thirst, was ready to make trouble wants to tear the skin blood vessel to drink to heart's content impatiently! 有一股浓烈血腥气味飘进大厅,仿佛有一把把沾满鲜血的死亡之剑抵着喉咙,那锋利剑锋充斥着嗜血的饥渴,正蠢蠢欲动迫不及待想要撕裂皮肤血管痛饮一番! The good intense pressure, from imposing manner, feared that compares not inferior many with Shen Bingyu, the lively scene extremely, instantaneously becomes the complete silence, most people have not gasped for breath. 好强烈的威压,从气势上来看,怕与沈冰雨比起来也不会逊色多少,本来热闹万分的现场,瞬间就变得鸦雀无声,大多数人喘不过气来。 When did Central State City have so the master? 中州城什么时候出了如此高手? Chu Tian, your big courage!” A loud and clear and vigorous sound, reaches in the middle of the hall suddenly, around the successive the glass shaken smashing, betrays Chu Family, private opens the chamber of commerce, even and family is an enemy, does not have without virtue, despicable!” 楚天,你好大的胆子!”一个洪亮而浑厚的声音,骤然传进大厅当中,连四面玻璃都被震的粉碎,“叛离楚家,私开商会,甚至与家族为敌,无德无品,卑劣之极!” Each character looks like sword to shoot the hall, is flooding the sharp unparalleled point. 每一个字都像剑般射进大厅,充斥着锐利无双的锋芒。 Central State True Soul Expert is few! 中州真魂强者屈指可数! Is impossible to brave one baseless! 不可能凭空冒出来一个啊! Did Shangguan Family send for retaliating? 难道上官家族派人来报复了? Shangguan Family will not give the Divine Wind Marquis face, moreover sends for the Central State retaliation, so is not quick, Shangguan Ming was just sent out Central State! 上官家族不会不给神风候面子,而且就算派人来中州报复,也没这么快啊,上官明刚被送出中州而已! Chu Tian sits the sitting well seat, remains unmoved slightly. 楚天坐端坐座位,丝毫不为所动。 This is together the garnet person's shadow, whiz however appears in the business hall. 这是一道暗红色的人影,嗖然出现在大厅中央。 In high spirits the old man, the beard and hair is all white, the body is thin, the garnet swordsman long gown, the head is setting upright the black jade crown, both eyes like the sword, the aura are swift and fierce, just like a cruentation treasured sword. 一个精神矍铄的老者,须发皆白,身体精瘦,暗红色剑客长袍,头上竖着黑玉冠,双目如剑,气息凌厉,犹如一把染血的宝剑。 The people feel one to shiver. 众人都感一阵颤抖。 If this person a anger, the audience twinkling will be cut under the sword. 此人要是一怒,全场瞬息就会被斩于剑下。 Drinks blood sword Chu Shi!” “饮血剑楚弑!” „, How can be he?” “啊,怎么会是他?” Chu Family remote antiquity elder is not four years ago left Central State?” 楚家太上长老不是四年前就离开中州了吗?” The people reveal panic-stricken color with amazement, this person is not others, is the Chu Family taking office head of household, at present remote antiquity elder Chu Shi, the person drinks the blood sword! 众人都露出惊恐骇然之色,此人不是别人,是楚家上任家主,目前太上长老楚弑,人称饮血剑! More than 40 years ago, drinks the name of blood sword to vibrate Central State! 40多年前,饮血剑之名就震动中州 Although this remote antiquity elder does not have the real power, but by the influence feared that is higher than the current heads of household! 这太上长老虽然没有实权,但论影响怕是比现任家主都要高! Chu Shi four years in various Yun Yao places, on the one hand seeks for the chance to oneself, on the one hand develops the Chu Family influence outside area, who knows that returns to Central State City in this time, is inspires to the Chu Family enormous morale absolutely! 楚弑四年都在云瑶各处,一方面是给自己寻找机缘,一方面是在外地发展楚家势力,谁知道在此时回到中州城,绝对是对楚家极大士气鼓舞! This means that Chu Family also has the True Soul level master to assume personal command! 这意味着楚家也有真魂级高手坐镇! Chu Shi walks directly to the chairman's podium, every step as if can step on the surface to gush out the blood, lets person who the front is in the way, all drawing back cannot help but opened. 楚弑直接向主席台走来,每一步似乎都能踩得面涌出鲜血,让前方挡路的人,全都不由自主的退开了。 Drinks the blood sword, the bloodthirsty like life, kills people like the hemp! 饮血剑,嗜血如命,杀人如麻! Who dares to keep off this to kill star? That courts death! 谁敢挡这尊杀星?那就是找死! At this time, hall thermal shock, a silent black clothed female, kept off in the Chu Shi front suddenly, prevented to drink the point of blood sword instantaneously, making other people feel a body loosen. 这时,大厅温度骤降,一个沉默的黑衣女子,骤然挡在楚弑的面前,瞬间阻挡住饮血剑的锋芒,让其他人都感觉身体一松。 A Shen Bingyu pair fills to kill the eye of intent, lets somebody cool off or calm down is staring at present for dozens years ago is well-known the Central State drinking blood sword, the ice-cold sound said coldly: „The previous step, has killed you again!” 沈冰雨一双充满杀意的眼睛,冷冷凝视着眼前几十年前就闻名中州的饮血剑,冰冰冷冷地声音说:“再前一步,杀了你!” Big tone!” Chu Shi has not seen Shen Bingyu actually to listen to the opposite party reputation, this age non- woman, cultivation base terrifying, Chu Shi does not have the too high assurance to win her: You are Shen Bingyu! I urged the matter that do not meddle should not manage, once otherwise fell into the mire, wanted to leave so not to be easy.” “好大的口气!”楚弑没见过沈冰雨却听过对方名声,这个年纪不大女人,修为却非常恐怖,楚弑也没有太高把握能胜她:“你就是沈冰雨吧!我劝你不要插手不该管的事,否则一旦陷入泥潭,想要抽身就没这么容易了。” Shen Bingyu has not spoken. 沈冰雨没有说话。 Clear snowflakes appear in palm. 一片晶莹雪花出现在掌心。 killing intent of that extremely cold bone to inter the body covers Chu Shi, Shen Bingyu nickname snow and ice Queen, the disposition is extremely overbearing callously, she is also a ruthless role, if Chu Shi dares to move, she will not show mercy. 那极寒入骨的杀气笼罩楚弑,沈冰雨绰号冰雪女王,性格极其霸道冷酷,她也是个狠角色,若楚弑真的敢动的话,她不会手下留情的。 Meng Qingwu and Yun Yao brow tight wrinkle. 梦轻舞云瑶都眉头紧皱。 This person feared that is the future is bad, although there is Shen Bingyu to keep off him, but two big True Soul Expert, once fights, Miracle Commerce prepared the long time hotel to destroy, the release conference of this careful arrangement completely will also malinger! 此人怕是来者不善啊,虽说有沈冰雨挡他,但是两大真魂强者一旦交手,奇迹商会准备多日的酒店就全毁了,这场精心筹备的发布会也会完全泡汤! This to a Miracle Commerce morale major attack! 这对奇迹商会士气一次重大打击! What Meng Qingwu most is worried, because of drinking the appearance of blood sword Chu Shi, the part will prepare to hire oneself the Miracle Commerce influence therefore to vacillate, these and in the Miracle Commerce cooperation influence, the undecided fence sitters will be not infrequent. Meng Qingwu originally and does not care, so long as because deepens with the Miracle Commerce cooperation, naturally can tie up them with the benefit. 梦轻舞最担心的是,因饮血剑楚弑的出现,有一部分准备投靠奇迹商会的势力会因此动摇,这些和奇迹商会合作势力中,首鼠两端的骑墙派并不在少数。梦轻舞本来并不在意,因为只要和奇迹商会合作加深,用利益自然能捆绑住他们。 Who knows that kills one to drink the blood sword! 谁知道杀出一个饮血剑! Really the person calculates that was inferior the day calculates! 真是人算不如天算啊! Chu Shi is staring at Shen Bingyu, he can feel the great strength of Shen Bingyu, even if Chu Shi has not grasped can win her, has such Expert personal protection, no wonder Chu Family does not have the means to this evil disciple. 楚弑凝视着沈冰雨,他能感觉到沈冰雨的强大,哪怕是楚弑也没有把握能胜她,有这样的强者贴身保护,难怪楚家对这个孽徒没有办法。 Chu Tian, do not repeat an error!” Chu Shi disregards Shen Bingyu, two are staring at Chu Tian: Now wrong path knowledge returns, now re-enters Chu Family, but also with enough time! Although the level makes a series of mistakes, but the old man can guarantee to you, writes off completely! The family like taking seriously Chu Xinghe takes seriously you to train you!” 楚天,不要一错再错了!”楚弑无视沈冰雨,两眼盯着楚天:“现在迷途知返,现在重回楚家,还来得及!虽然层犯下一系列过错,但是老夫可以给你担保,全部一笔勾销!家族像重视楚星河一样重视你培养你!” The people reveal surprised expression. 众人都露出惊色 Can Chu Family recycle this to abandon child? 楚家要回收这个弃子了吗? Actually early should so, if Chu Tian returns to Chu Family, the article has Chu Tian, the military has Chu Xinghe, they all have crack earth to confer nobility upon the ability, the Chu Family momentum inevitably unmanned energy enemy! 其实早该如此了,若楚天回到楚家,文有楚天,武有楚星河,两人皆具备裂土封侯之才能,楚家声势必然无人能敌! I, if leads Chu Family to catch up, Miracle Commerce is difficult, you are also difficult the place to stick an awl!” In Chu Shi both eyes flashes through blood glow, the partly visible strength hovers in the whole body: „The law of only self-preservation, immediately hands over Miracle Commerce, returns the Chu Family hanger-on, otherwise......” “我若带动楚家发力,奇迹商会寸步难行,你也难有立锥之地!”楚弑双眼中闪过一丝血芒,若隐若现的力量在周身徘徊:“唯一的自保之法,就是立刻交出奇迹商会,重新回到楚家门下,否则……” Also promises key training. 又许诺重点培养。 Also threatens the power and influence directly. 又直接恐吓威势。 Really uses both kindness and severity to employ two methods to achieve one goal! 真是恩威并施双管齐下呢! Remote antiquity elder will cultivate the behavior.” A Chu Tian heart's core irritation, that is one that the original master leaves behind reads remnantly, deep loathing and hatred, „, when I am useless, Chu Family abandons me, kills my parents, now a little does the use value, go back to continue to give you to work as the dog? You become the father are anything! Go away!” “太上长老真会做人。”楚天心灵深处一丝烦躁,那是原主人留下的一丝残念,深深的厌恶和痛恨,“当我没用的时候,楚家弃我,杀我父母,现在有一点利用价值,就回去继续给你们当狗?你当老子是什么!滚!” Go away! 滚! Such remarks shocks the people! 此言一出惊呆众人! Chu Tian is really not generally valiant, if rampant to Shangguan Ming, after all Central State was not on the domain of government authorities, Chu Tian also had victory in the hand at that time. 楚天真不是一般彪悍,若是对上官明嚣张情有可原,毕竟中州不是上官家的地盘,楚天当时也是胜券在握。 Now famous drinking blood sword does Chu Shi dare continually so the manner? 现在连大名鼎鼎的饮血剑楚弑都敢如此态度? Old man! Your his mother has to plant very much! Dares to threaten me unexpectedly! That gives a try!” Chu Tian stands directly, an arrogant appearance, I say today here, Chu Family moves a Miracle Commerce fine hair, the father on direct killing Chu Family, burn both jade and common stone that puts together is mutually wounded, must make your Chu Family have great disturbance! Barefoot does not fear to put on shoes, your Chu Family over ten thousand population, father cumin, you think that I will fear you!” “老头!你他妈很有种啊!竟然敢威胁我!那就试试看!”楚天直接站起来,一副飞扬跋扈的样子,“我今天就放话在这里,楚家奇迹商会一根汗毛,老子就直接杀上楚家,拼的玉石俱焚两败俱伤,也要让你楚家鸡犬不宁!光脚不怕穿鞋,你楚家上万人口,老子孜然一身,你以为我会怕你!” A Chu Tian anger, as powerful as a thunderbolt, although the strength was inferior greatly that however on the imposing manner, will crush unexpectedly shortly Chu Shi. 楚天一怒,雷霆万钧,虽然实力大大不如,但是在气势上面,竟然顷刻间压倒楚弑 The people hold breath cold air. 众人都倒吸一口凉气。 Valiant! 彪悍! Crazy! 疯狂! This Chu Shi manner has sufficed strongly, who knows Chu Tian not to sell the face, instead strong of performance! 楚弑态度已经够强硬,谁知楚天一点不卖面子,反而表现的更强势! Soft fears hardly, hard fears horizontal, horizontal fearing stares, Chu Shi meets Chu Tian this youth arbitrarily, was really means does not have! 正所谓软的怕硬的,硬的怕横的,横的怕愣的,楚弑的蛮横遇上楚天这个愣头青,真是一点办法都没有了! This old goods did not inquire! 这老货也不去打听打听! Chu Tian not tenth potential time, he dares to hold under duress Heavenly Wolf Young Master to sprinkle the excrement to sprinkle the urine, when Ye Family over ten thousand mercenary soldiers are without turning a hair. 楚天没有成势的时候,他就敢挟持天狼公子泼屎泼尿,当叶家上万佣兵都面不改色。 This person is to become famous does not fear death! 这人是出了名的不怕死! From everybody understanding Chu Tian, since dares to say this, perhaps coming out of real doing. Chu Family dares to move Miracle Commerce, means that fights the comprehensive eruption! 从大家对楚天的了解来看,既然敢说出这样的话,或许真的做的出来。楚家敢动奇迹商会一下,就意味着战斗全面爆发! Chu Tian has ten eight guard Yin Corpse, has the Shen Bingyu assistance, has the Yun Tianhe help, the back also has the Divine Wind Marquis attendance, Low level family influence that in addition the Yun Family influence, as well as Chu Tian wins over. 楚天有十八阴尸护卫,有沈冰雨协助,有云天鹤帮忙,背后还有神风候照顾,再加上云家势力,以及楚天拉拢来的中低层家族势力。 Once this contradiction erupts. 这矛盾一旦爆发。 Then to Central State City is sanguinary rule! 那对中州城而言就是一场腥风血雨! Can the Chu Family inside story resist this wave of impact deeply? 楚家底蕴深厚能抵挡这一波冲击吗? Perhaps also meets the vitality to damage severely, elite casualty more than half, even degenerates into the second-class family. 恐怕也会元气大伤,精锐死伤过半,甚至沦为二流的家族。 Chu Tian dares to go all out! 楚天敢拼命! Your does Chu Family dare? 楚家敢吗? This burn both jade and common stone consciousness does not have, dares to run up to front of Chu Tian to be unreasonable? 这种玉石俱焚的觉悟都没有,就敢跑到楚天面前耍横? In the people heart is also certain, so long as the Chu Shi brain has not burnt out, is impossible to put together the extermination of the clan danger dead to spell with Miracle Commerce, this strengthens the determination that the people and Miracle Commerce cooperate immediately. 众人心中同时一定,只要楚弑脑子没烧坏,不可能拼着灭族危险跟奇迹商会死拼到底的,这顿时坚定众人与奇迹商会合作的决心。 Chu Shi were ignorant. 楚弑自己都懵了。 Because returned to Central State City, only knows the matter that recently had, did not know about the Chu Tian manner, therefore runs to look for the trouble of Chu Tian directly, forces Chu Tian to submit with oneself strength and prestige. 因为刚刚回到中州城,只知道最近发生的事情,对楚天为人并不是非常了解,所以直接跑来找楚天的麻烦,用自己实力和威望强迫楚天屈服。 Had better be able bring back to Chu Family Chu Tian directly, even if cannot bring back to him bids, most at least makes him spit Miracle Commerce! 最好能直接把楚天带回楚家,即使不能把他带回出价,最起码让他把奇迹商会吐出来! Who would imagine, this foot kicked directly on the sheet iron! 岂料,这一脚直接踢在铁板上了! The Chu Shi complexion is pale, he is 40 years ago the becoming famous character, how could sat on somebody's back by a junior, your you......” 楚弑脸色铁青,他是40年前成名人物,何曾被一个小辈骑在头上,“你你……” Here is the Miracle Commerce release conference scene, in our invitation lists not your this old goods.” Chu Tian does not pay attention to True Soul level Expert, Shen Bingyu, delivers this old man to exit! Do not delay the release conference!” “这里是奇迹商会的发布会现场,我们的邀请名单里面并没有你这老货。”楚天一点不把真魂强者放在眼里,“沈冰雨,送这老头出去!不要耽误发布会!” Shen Bingyu goes forward one step: Please walk!” 沈冰雨上前一步:“请走吧!” Shen Bingyu is a tough style character. 沈冰雨是一个强硬作风的人物。 Chu Shi complexion pale one piece, is demonstrated that can also retreat in fear badly the Miracle Commerce collaborator, finally instead was taken off the spirit by the opposite party, can only brace oneself saying: You give up returning to Chu Family, is a stupid decision! All Central State family chambers of commerce are listening, your standing wrong team will also pay the deeply grieved belt to respect and love, waits for the retaliation of Chu Family!” 楚弑脸色铁青一片,本来是来示威,最不济也能吓退奇迹商会合作者,结果反而被对方挫锐气,只能硬着头皮说:“你放弃回归楚家,是一个愚蠢透顶的决定!所有中州家族商会听着,你们站错队也将付出惨痛带敬爱,等待楚家的报复吧!” Whiz! 嗖! A paper perpendicular incidence comes. 一张纸直射而来。 Just likes the sharp dart shoots at Chu Tian! 犹如锋利的飞镖般射向楚天 Even if an ordinary paper, in Chu Shi such master hand also sufficiently Chekin cuts the iron! 哪怕是一张普通的纸,楚弑这样的高手手中也足以切金斩铁! Shen Bingyu blocks directly, has met with ease, on this paper writes several big character letters of challenge! 沈冰雨直接一拦,轻松的接了下来,这张纸上面写着几个大大的字挑战书! Chu Tian, if you so are really self-confident.” Chu Shi turns around to walk toward outside, while let somebody cool off or calm down said that that accepted the challenge of Chu Family third generation most outstanding talent Chu Xinghe! Frank and upright challenge!” 楚天,若你真的这么自信。”楚弑一边转身向外面走去,一边冷冷地说,“那就接受楚家第三代最优秀的天才楚星河的挑战!光明正大的挑战!” Challenge of Chu Xinghe! 楚星河的挑战! The people are surprised! 众人都大吃一惊! Shen Bingyu delivers to front of the letter of challenge Chu Tian, on this has not written out the Chu time and place. Yun Yao and Nangong Yun one group of people, all closely knit the brows. 沈冰雨将挑战书送到楚天面前,这上面没写清楚时间和地点。云瑶南宫云一群人,全都紧紧皱起眉。 The Chu Tian strength does not need to doubt. 楚天的实力是无需置疑的。 Can with the Chu Xinghe frontage conflict, that be able too early a point? 可和楚星河正面冲突,那会不会太早了一点呢? Chu Xinghe is the true decision talent, he can the relaxed jumping the ranks challenge, Chu Tian win in the smelting trial space freely, fully asked for advice his swordsmanship might, now fights with him, as if too early. 楚星河是真正的决定天才,他能轻松的越级挑战,楚天在试炼空间尽管胜了,却也已经充分领教他的剑法威力,现在跟他斗,似乎太早了。 Once accepts to mean the enormous risk. 一旦接受意味着巨大风险。 But does not accept means that Chu Tian feared. 可是不接受就意味着楚天怕了。 The imposing manner that then Chu Tian accumulates is nothing left! 那么楚天积累下来的气势就荡然无存! Good!” Chu Tian looked continually has not looked at one, is in front of all people to rip open the letter of challenge, I wait for him to recover to fight with me!” “好!”楚天连看都没有看一眼,当着所有人的面撕开挑战书,“我等着他养好伤与我一战!” Chu Tian agreed! 楚天同意了! This means that two Central State most dazzling young talents, are doomed to erupt a showdown of being a focus of public attention! 这就意味着,两位中州最耀眼的年轻天才,注定爆发一场万众瞩目的对决! The people reveal the color of admiration, anything is the true talent hero, anything is the true heroic feelings fierce balls, does not fear the challenge, fears no powerful enemy, did not fear the death, this boldness was not the average person can have absolutely! 众人不禁露出敬佩之色,什么是真正的天才英杰,什么是真正的豪情烈胆,不惧挑战,不畏强敌,不惧死亡,这种魄力绝对不是一般人能有的! Chu Shi left. 楚弑已经离开了。 Was good, old goods of causing trouble walked!” Chu Tian sits toward the seat on, everybody continues!” “好了,闹事的老货已走!”楚天往位子上一坐,“大家继续吧!” Signing ceremony still normal expansion, even if Chu Shi the release conference scene, cannot retreat in fear the Miracle Commerce collaborator. Instead is lets Chu Tian strong overbearing one side, the full demonstration in the people mind, making Chu Shi eat one to owe greatly! 签约仪式依然正常的展开,哪怕是楚弑来发布会现场,也没能吓退奇迹商会的合作者。反而是让楚天的强硬霸道一面,充分的展示在人们心目中,让楚弑吃一个大亏! These collaborators were more assured must cooperate with Miracle Commerce. 那些合作者更笃定要和奇迹商会合作了。 Although the release conference by the disturbance had not been affected, but successfully finished, is actually Central State City leaves behind a suspense, Chu Tian and Chu Xinghe, two old enemies will be doomed to have a decisive battle! 虽然发布会没受风波影响而圆满结束,却为中州城留下一个更大的悬念,楚天楚星河,两位宿敌注定会有一场决战!
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