MT :: Volume #3

#201: Release conference

This old man of crowd of one's blood bubbles up to the brim was kept the research institute. 这一群热血沸腾的老头被留在研究所。 Shen Bingyu follows Chu Tian, mood for a very long time is actually not able to return to normal, her silent hesitant several seconds, cannot bear ask finally: „Can your two research projects be completed really?” 沈冰雨跟着楚天走出来,心情却久久无法平复下来,她沉默犹豫数秒,终于忍不住问:“你的两个研究项目真能完成吗?” Shen Bingyu is not does not believe Chu Tian. 沈冰雨不是不相信楚天 She does not believe Yun Tianhe that gang! 她不相信云天鹤那一伙人! These technologies surmount Continent to be too many year, even if is also hears something never heard of in the great nation, Yun Tianhe freely is very famous scholar, actually also limits in the Southern Xia small country. Do scholar of these small countries, why complete the matter that the empire is unable to achieve? 这些技术都超越大陆太多年,即使在大国中也是闻所未闻的,云天鹤尽管是非常出名的学者,却也局限在南夏小国。这些小国的学者,凭什么完成帝国都无法做到的事情? Nonsense! Will I handle the matter that has not grasped?” Chu Tian said self-confidently: Core component does not certainly count on them, I will be responsible for breaking through personally. They are responsible for some coolies living merely, for example, when I discover a data algorithm and teach to them, this later need the design that uses this algorithm to complete, I no longer again meddled, making them be busy at work, so is simple.” “废话!我会做过没把握的事情?”楚天自信一笑说:“核心部分当然不指望他们,我会亲自负责攻破的。他们仅仅负责一些苦力活而已,比如当我找出一个数据算法并传授给他们,这以后需要用到该算法完成的设计,我就不再再插手了,让他们去忙活,就这么简单。” Actually wants also to know with the buttocks. 其实用屁股想也知道。 Can these people complete this project? 这些人怎么能完成这种项目? Even if the preliminary magnetic-sonic mechanics of communication, that is also one very complex Source Energy Array composite system completes! 哪怕低级的磁音通讯技术,那也是一套非常复杂的元力阵组合系统来完成! If no enough theoretical study and knowledge precipitates, depends on Yun Tianhe and the others 100 years to give up any idea of that studies! 若没有足够理论学习和知识沉淀,就凭云天鹤等人100年都休想研究出来! The Chu Tian age, the magnetic-sonic communication already eliminated, because relates old, Chu Tian knows that the principle may not make directly. This like most people knows that powder composition and formula, how make the stable and easy-to-use gunpowder, that was a different matter. 楚天的年代,磁音通讯早就淘汰,正是因为年代久远关系,楚天知道原理也不一定能直接造出来。这就像大多数人知道火药成分和配方,如何造出稳定又好用的火药,那就是另外一回事了。 Chu Tian completes whole set communications system essence research like, is just like to take the gunpowder formula. Yun Tianhe their work contents, is the massive testing, the mass data revise, the unceasing corrective pitting, finally after the improvement makes easily-to-use gunpowder! 楚天把整套通讯系统内核研究完成就像,就好比将火药配方拿出来。云天鹤他们的工作内容,则是大量实验测试,大量数据修改,不断的修正缺陷,最终经过完善造出最好用的“火药”! Without too many difficulties. 没有太多难度。 Is the coolie lives purely! 纯粹是苦力活! This is actually Chu Tian saves the massive time, Yun Tianhe , etc. had fun to always enjoy. Miracle Commerce needs to train a nice team to develop, the technology team that provides the maintenance and repair for later, is aspect that a cooperation wins. 这却为楚天节省大量的时间,云天鹤等则乐在其中乐此不疲。奇迹商会更需要培养一支像样团队为以后发展,提供维护修理的技术团队,是一个合作共赢的局面。 The Shen Bingyu curiosity is getting stronger and stronger. 沈冰雨好奇心越来越强。 Can this calm calm youth, actually make one what enterprise to come? 这位从容淡定的少年,究竟能做出一番什么样的事业来呢? You defend in the entrance, does not permit the bystander to come.” “你守在门口,不准外人进来。” The underground test chamber, the experiment table is suspending several big beakers, packs the bright red viscous liquid, is refining on Source Energy Array, tumbling energy of liquid implication terrifying extremely. 地下试验室,实验桌摆着十几个大烧杯,装满嫣红粘稠的液体,正在元力阵上炼制,其中翻滚的液体蕴含极其恐怖的能量。 Ancient Gods has given Chu Tian the surviving god thrombokinesis, Chu Tian through Ancient Gods remaining memory fragment, found the use outside refinement god blood Yin Corpse. 古神把残存神血凝固送给了楚天,楚天通过古神记忆残片,找到炼制神血阴尸之外的用途。 In the god blood contains the strength of Spiritual God, almost can break in the world any strength of curse, itself can also melt most violently poisonously, if can think the blood to improve own physique, then the body intensity, restores the speed, dramatically will all increase, moreover is not fearing the curse and toxin attack. 神血中蕴含神灵之力,几乎能破世界上任何诅咒之力,本身也能消融绝大多数剧毒,若能用神血来改良自身体质,那么身体强度、恢复速度,全都会大幅度增加,而且不在惧怕诅咒和毒素攻击。 Chu Tian feels very excited, the energy of but in the god blood containing, is not the average person can withstand absolutely, must carry on the massive dilutions, can be used to dispose the medicament. 楚天对此感到非常心动,不过神血中蕴含的能量,绝对不是普通人能承受的,必须进行大量稀释,方能用来配置药剂。 Liquids in several beaker, is a drop of god blood dilute. 十几个烧杯里的液体,就是一滴神血稀释而成。 Well, is the energy density too high? If the harebrained use, feared that now will cause very holocaust to the body!” “咦,能量密度还是太高?若现在冒冒失失的使用,怕会对身体造成很大破坏!” Really inconceivable! 真不可思议啊! The strength that in the Spiritual God blood contains was also too strong! 神灵血中蕴含的力量也太强了! Who lets the Spiritual God is in the world the strongest biology? Continues to carry on the dilution! 谁让神灵是天地间最强的生物呢?继续进行稀释吧! Chu Tian not with enough time busy, Nangong Yun at the back of a great hammer of handle big unusual exaggeration, rushing that the hot sharp fire singes arrives at the laboratory, does not give a thought to the stop of Shen Bingyu, loud exclaiming: „ Today is day that Miracle Grand Hotel starts doing business! Your does President also here stroll? Passes with me quickly! Yingying and Qingwu elder sisters quickly were anxious! 楚天没来得及忙碌,南宫云背着一柄大的非常夸张的巨锤,火急火燎的闯到实验室,不顾沈冰雨的阻拦,大声的吼道:“今天是奇迹大酒店开业的日子!你个总会长怎么还在这里闲逛?快跟我过去啊!莹莹轻舞姐都快急死了! Oh , no, almost forgot the important matter! 糟糕,差点把大事忘记了! That two young lady faces must give! 那两位小姐面子还是要给的啊! But Chu Tian gives up carrying on the work, first diluting the god blood loads into the bottle gourd, avoids the small fox sliding to drink secretly secretly: Knew, anxious anything, my this in the past!” 楚天无奈放弃进行中的工作,先把稀释过的神血装进葫芦里,避免小狐狸偷偷溜回来偷喝:“知道了,急什么,我这就过去!” The opening ceremony ended! 开业仪式都结束了! A President ghost had not seen that you said can not worry? 总会长连个鬼影都没看到,你说能不着急么? Chu Tian is the Miracle Commerce inspirational figure, now many families are willing to form an alliance with Miracle Commerce, purely because of the Chu Tian influence and status. This time starts doing business Chu Tian to make an appearance, this is also reassured to all partners! 楚天奇迹商会的灵魂人物,现在很多家族愿意与奇迹商会结盟,纯粹是因为楚天的影响力和地位。这次开业楚天必须露面,这也是给所有合作伙伴吃一颗定心丸! The Meng Qingwu continuously long time activity, is Miracle Commerce maintains fiery attention. Now first day starting doing business, almost quickly is pushed to explode, that team has arranged half street directly. 梦轻舞连续多日的活动,为奇迹商会保持火热关注度。现在才第一天开业,几乎都快被挤爆了,那队伍直接排了半条街。 „Do you come? Goes in me quickly!” Chu Tian just arrived, a delicate characterless entrains Chu Tian to enter the hotel to run smoothly, Meng Yingying ran at the same time changes said that elder sister just started to besiege on one group of newspaper reporters, you saved the scene quickly!” “你怎么才来?快跟我进去!”楚天刚刚走到,一只柔弱无骨的光滑拽着楚天就进酒店跑,梦莹莹一边跑一变说,“姐姐刚刚开始就一群报社记者围攻呢,你快去救场啊!” A Chu Tian face forced smile: Where has exaggeration such! This scene young lady already dealt freely!” 楚天一脸苦笑:“哪有这么夸张!这种场面大小姐早就应对自如了!” Today is the Miracle Grand Hotel starting doing business day, Meng Qingwu unconventional at the hotel development cloth meeting, formally announced that Miracle Commerce stops over in Central State City. 今天是奇迹大酒店开业日子,梦轻舞别出心裁的在酒店开发布会,正式宣告奇迹商会中州城落脚。 At this moment the hall of press conference, already was the picture of being fully occupied. 此时此刻新闻发布会的大厅,早就是人满为患的景象。 Meng Qingwu rejects the Three Great Clans background deep media, selects some quite influential newspaper office representative again, enough 30-40, let alone also the representatives of dozens middle-and-small cooperation families. 梦轻舞剔除三大家族背景较深的媒体,再挑一些比较有影响力的报社代表,都足足有三四十个之多,更别说还有几十个中小型合作家族的代表了。 The chairman's podium suspends four data plates, midpoint President Chu Tian, side is being Vice President Meng Qingwu, what Yun Family represents is Yun Yao, another director the data plate, writes the Feng Caidie name unexpectedly, Feng Caidie is being a guest performer the management personally, some some meaningful. 主席台摆着四个铭牌,正中央“总会长楚天,旁边是“副总会长梦轻舞,“云家代表”的是云瑶,另外有一个“主持人”的铭牌,居然写着风彩蝶的名字,风彩蝶亲自客串主持,这就有一些意味深长了。 Who does not know the Feng Caidie status! Is Divine Wind Marquis but intentionally for it? 谁不知道风彩蝶的身份啊!难道是神风候故意而为之? Regardless of the common people, is merchant aristocrat, is having very high anticipation to the release conference all. 无论平民百姓,还是商人贵族,无不对发布会抱着很高的期待。 A Feng Caidie solemn serious yellow court lady style of dress walks, she gets up the hair careful plate, even slightly executes some pale makeups, has not worn weapon Divine Wind Sword, to person a feeling of gentle near person, instantaneous shocking all people on the scene. 风彩蝶一袭端庄郑重的黄色宫装走上来,她把头发精心盘起来,甚至略施一些淡妆,没有佩戴兵器神风剑,给人一种温婉近人的感觉,瞬间惊艳了在场的所有人。 Hello, welcome to Miracle Grand Hotel, participates in the strategic issue and partner signing ceremony scene!” “大家好,欢迎来到奇迹大酒店,参加战略发布暨合作伙伴签约仪式现场!” I am Feng Caidie, fortunately becomes the director of release conference!” “我是风彩蝶,有幸成为发布会的主持人!” Now first invited Miracle Commerce President, respect Chu Tian your excellency and Miss Vice President Meng Qingwu, as well as the co-worker comes to power on behalf of Miss Yun Yao!” “现在就先有请奇迹商会总会长,尊敬的楚天阁下及副总会长梦轻舞小姐,以及合作人代表云瑶小姐上台!” Meng Yingying draws back Chu Tian: Quick goes quickly!” 梦莹莹退楚天一把:“快去快去!” Chu Tian resigned-looking arrives on the stage, smiles is waving to hint to everybody. 楚天一脸无奈走到台上,微笑着对大家挥手示意。 In the crowd a piece cheers with the applause immediately, finally saw this legendary youth! 人群中顿时一片欢呼和掌声,终于见到这位传奇少年了! Meng Qingwu also walked, was still the spotless white clothing, the black hair hangs loose like the waterfall in the back, the straight thigh, the slender figure, the appearance of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, making her have the towering feeling of liking a crane among chickens. Young lady's makings are most out of the ordinary, steady, solemn and noble, is elegantly beautiful, just likes the goddess that keeps aloof is the same. 梦轻舞也走出来了,依然是一尘不染的白衣,青丝如瀑般披散在背后,笔直大腿,修长身材,倾国倾城的容貌,让她有种鹤立鸡群的突兀感。大小姐的气质是最与众不同的,稳重、端庄、高贵,又冷艳,犹如高高在上的女神一样。 You know!” “你知道来!” Meng Qingwu clashes everybody to wave to hint first, turns around the instance that sits down, stares one to Chu Tian maliciously. 梦轻舞先冲大家挥手示意,转身坐下的瞬间,对楚天狠狠瞪一眼。 Yun Yao also steps onto the chairman's podium, Yun Yao is also great beauty, although the spirit is extremely heavy, and disposition arrogance, does not make the person have the closeness very much easily, but after is direct descendant of respected family, is one of the famous Four Great Young Masters, her human spirit is very high. 云瑶也走上主席台,云瑶也是大美女,虽说锐气极重,且性格很傲气,不容易让人产生亲近感,但是毕竟是大家族的嫡系,又是久负盛名的四大公子之一,她的人气可是非常高的。 Yun Yao on behalf of the Yun Family prospect, is fair. 云瑶代表云家出息,也是合情合理。 Applause is higher than one. 掌声一阵高于一阵。 The people appear very excited. 人们都显得非常激动。 Most people are first time see Chu Tian, especially short distance sees him, the people express an intermittent exclamation. 绝大多数人是第一次看见楚天,特别是近距离的看到他,人们不由发出一阵阵惊叹。 Chu Tian really quite young!” 楚天真的好年轻啊!” „Really difficult to imagine, such looks like at will the temperate person, burns to unexpectedly ruthlessly breaks the Shangguan Family messenger five extremities directly!” “真的很难想象,这样一个看起来随意温和的人,竟然狠辣到直接打断上官家族使者五肢!” Chu Tian can defeat Heavenly Wolf Young Master and Young Master Dragon Hu by a person of strength, his prestige already not inferior Four Great Young Masters!” 楚天能以一人之力击败天狼公子、龙虎公子,他的声望已经不逊色四大公子了!” Countless people whoop. 无数人议论纷纷。 Release conference starts.” Feng Caidie took the microphone saying: Asked Vice President Meng Qingwu to speak, explains the Miracle Commerce strategy.” “发布会开始。”风彩蝶拿着话筒说:“请副总会长梦轻舞发言,讲解奇迹商会的战略。” Meng Qingwu already was ready, received microphone to start saying: Fellow media friends as well as partner hello, Miracle Commerce is one establishes soon chamber of commerce, is indebted everybody's attendance and support, Miracle Commerce comes up with several major techniques, such as the new Talisman drugs, the Source Energy electric lamp and Source Energy cooking, obtained the huge success. Then, we will expand scale of production, lets the Miracle Commerce mysterious product, outputs to the main city and even the surrounding city at a quicker speed, changes everybody's life!” 梦轻舞早就做好准备,接过话筒就开始讲:“各位媒体朋友以及合作伙伴大家好,奇迹商会是一家成立不久的商会,承蒙大家的照顾和支持,奇迹商会推出几款主要技术、如新型符箓药品,元力电灯、元力烹饪,均已经获得巨大的成功。接下来,我们将扩大生产规模,让奇迹商会的神奇产品,以更快速度向主城乃至周围城市输出,改变大家的生活!” Miracle Commerce in recent months the layout and preparation, has established Qilin Dao Hall now, is managed by Nangong Yun and Yun Yao. In addition establishes the Miracle media chamber of commerce based on the broadcast technique, invitation wind Young Lady Caidie allies. In the near future, the Miracle Commerce broadcasting station will cover the Central State City several million population, it is expected that promotes several broadcast Channel/frequency, covers several domains separately, is the spiritual life of Central State City people brings about the tremendous changes!” 奇迹商会经过近月布局和准备,现在已经成立麒麟道馆,由南宫云云瑶来管理。此外基于广播技术成立奇迹传媒商会,邀请风彩蝶小姐来加盟。不久的将来,奇迹商会的广播站将覆盖中州城数百万人口,预计推出十几个播音频道,分别覆盖十几个领域,为中州城人们的精神生活带来翻天覆地的变化!” Moreover, Miracle Commerce will look widely for the partner, the cooperation establishes the basic unit production line, as well as broadcasts the content construction of Channel/frequency, vigorously development new technology. It is expected that is the Central State City people, provides over 50,000 jobs, is Central State increases several billions gold coin tax revenues......” “另外,奇迹商会将广泛寻找合作伙伴,合作建立基层生产线,以及广播频道的内容建设,大力开拓新技术。预计为中州城人们,提供超过50000的工作岗位,为中州增加数亿金币税收……” The people hear dumbfoundedly. 众人都听得目瞪口呆。 The Miracle Commerce chess is very big, and is full of subversive! 奇迹商会棋果然很大,而且充满颠覆性! Meng Qingwu spoke, Feng Caidie gave Chu Tian the microphone: Then asked President to speak, announced the corporate plan with partner.” 梦轻舞讲话完毕,风彩蝶又把话筒交给楚天:“接下来请总会长讲话,宣布与合作伙伴的合作计划。” I depend! 我靠! Let me speak the wool! 让我讲毛啊! My anything does not know! 我什么都不知道! When Chu Tian is depressed, a Meng Qingwu manuscript paper gives him secretly. 楚天郁闷的时候,梦轻舞偷偷一张稿纸递给他。 Chu Tian long relaxes, immediately takes manuscript paper to read: I announced that Miracle Commerce will purchase Underworld Mercenary Group, and is the Underworld Mercenary Group first batch of capital 50 million gold coins, is holding the mentality of Elite development, in two months expand the Mercenary Group scale to 3000 people. Moreover, Miracle Commerce will put out 100 million gold coins to take the fund, the opening cooperation channel, and other influences starts the comprehensive cooperation with Cloud Sect, Tianchen Commerce.” 楚天长长松一口气,立刻拿稿纸就念起来:“我宣布,奇迹商会将收购黄泉佣兵团,并且为黄泉佣兵团首批注资50000000金币,秉着精英化发展的思路,两个月内将佣兵团规模扩大到3000人。另外,奇迹商会将拿出100000000金币作为资金,开放合作渠道,与云门天辰商会等十几个势力展开全面合作。” These family chambers of commerce have separately......” “这些家族商会分别有……” These partner divisions of labor separately are......” “这些合作伙伴分工分别是……” The people deeply were shocked by the content. 人们被内容深深震撼了。 Miracle Commerce rises for several days, bossed around these many allies unexpectedly! 奇迹商会崛起才几天啊,竟然就笼络这么多盟友了! Chu Tian announced finally: Then enters signs the link.” 楚天最后宣布:“接下来进入签约环节。” Feng Caidie hurried to say to the microphone: Please cooperation side in turn come to power!” 风彩蝶赶紧对话筒说:“请合作方依次上台!” Lin Mu, Jing Hao and other get on the stage personally 林木景浩等二十几个人走上台 Has Lin Mu and Jing Hao is the Chu Tian development. 只有林木景浩楚天发展的。 Other people are Meng Qingwu come to an arrangement in Central State City, almost covers the middle-level chamber of commerce, Mercenary Group, fleet and media, these influences cooperate with Miracle Commerce fully, what doesn't Chou have the resources and productive forces and influence? 其余人都是梦轻舞中州城谈妥,几乎覆盖中层商会、佣兵团、船队、媒体,这些势力全力与奇迹商会合作,何愁没有资源、生产力、影响力? Chu Tian has to admire Meng Qingwu, this was also too fierce! 楚天都不得不佩服梦轻舞,这也太厉害了吧! Such short time is Miracle Commerce conforms with so many resources, the Miracle Commerce following development, that definitely is ten thousand li in a day! 这么短时间就为奇迹商会整合出如此多的资源,奇迹商会接下来的发展,那肯定是一日千里啊! Feng Caidie is smiling: Then enters inquires the link, has any question, everybody can ask......” 风彩蝶一脸微笑:“接下来进入提问环节,有什么疑问,大家可以问……” The words have not said. 话还没说完。 The scene is all of a sudden fiery. 现场一下子火热起来。 Countless people raise the hand, indicated that has the issue to ask. 无数人纷纷举起手,表示有问题要问。 Everybody is very warm.” Feng Caidie must choose the quizzer, asked this young lady to inquire first......” “大家都很热情呀。”风彩蝶就要挑选提问者,“请这位小姐先提问……” Who knows when the release conference carries on fiery. 谁知道就在发布会进行火热的时候。 The sudden terrifying aura, covers the release conference hall suddenly. 突然一股恐怖的气息,骤然笼罩发布会大厅。 The people complexion changes, what's the matter...... Good fearful aura! 众人脸色都一变,怎么回事……好可怕的气息! The person who Central State City can release such great power is few, who is, dares to disturb at the Miracle Commerce release conference scene? Doesn't know Chu Tian now crest of wave Sheng? 中州城能释放出这么强大力量的人寥寥无几,到底是谁,竟敢在奇迹商会发布会现场捣乱?难道不知道楚天现在风头正盛吗? Shen Bingyu maintained mental tranquility in eyes closed, when felt that this aura time, she standing body, both eyes release one wisp to kill intent immediately, as well as dreads the color. 沈冰雨本来在闭目养神,当感觉到这股气息时候,她立刻站直身体,双眼释放出一缕杀意,以及一丝忌惮之色。
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