MT :: Volume #2

#200: Chu Tian secret research institute

Three Great Clans instigated! 三大家族怂了! Can they not instigate? 他们能不怂吗? Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong save the receipt life actually to end up to turn out the serious disability, even if the injury can cure will also cast the shadow, henceforth is unable to recover, being doomed is difficult Big accomplishments, two third generation faced with lacking successors dangerous situation! 叶天狼洛降龙捡回条命却落得严重伤残,纵然伤势能治好也会留下阴影,从此一蹶不振,注定难有大成就,两家第三代面临后继无人的危险处境! Must know that a family can whether be prosperous, except at present whether formidable outside, very big degree looks to have the qualified successor! Otherwise now is formidable, cannot guarantee continually formidable, tremendous influence and its forming an alliance influence to their confidence! 要知道,一个家族能否长盛不衰,除目前是否强大外,很大程度看有没有合格的接班人!否则就算现在强大,也不能保证持续强大,大大影响与其结盟势力对他们的信心! Luo Family and Ye Family caused heavy losses, temporarily does not dare to move Chu Tian again. 洛家叶家被重创,暂时不敢再动楚天了。 As for Chu Family? After the Central State smelting trial ended, Chu Xinghe carries the severe wound, Netherworld Flame seeps each veins, even if not discard thoroughly, will have the serious repercussions. 至于楚家中州试炼结束之后,楚星河就身负重伤,幽冥火渗透进每一条筋脉,即使不彻底废掉,也会留下严重后遗症。 Therefore had not appeared in the field of vision of people again, in the work places hearsay many Chu Family Hanger-on are fleeing Chu Family. Chu Family compares anything not to be different from other Three Great Clans, the biggest superiority is Sky Sword young master Chu Xinghe, if Chu Xinghe once is unable to recover, to Chu Family is a more deeply grieved attack. 所以一直没有再出现在人们的视野里,坊间传闻不少楚家门客都在逃离楚家楚家跟其他三大家族比没有什么不一样,最大优势就是天剑公子楚星河,若楚星河一旦一蹶不振,对楚家是一个更加惨痛的打击。 What these go for shelter to come Hanger-on to go for shelter to count on is what? 那些投奔而来门客来投奔指望的是什么? Nothing but was Chu Xinghe will be formidable in the future, when the crack conferred nobility upon, enjoyed the riches and honors! 无非是楚星河将来强大了,等到裂地封侯之时,享受荣华富贵而已! Now Chu Xinghe receives a sharp drop, the ray seems to be rapid gloomily, naturally greatly wavers in the confidence of follower. They realize finally that Chu Xinghe is not the war-god, he will also be defeated, moreover crawls high falls miserably. 现在楚星河受到一次重挫,光芒似乎迅速暗淡,自然大大动摇追随者的信心。他们终于认识到,楚星河并不是战神,他也是会失败的,而且爬得越高跌得越惨。 Chu Tian entirely is opposite. 楚天则完全相反。 Now already today we are no longer as we have been! 现在已经今非昔比! 18 god blood Yin Corpse are intrepid, snow and ice Queen Shen Bingyu personal protects, the lineup of such guard makes the assassination impossible to succeed, once the failure enrages Chu Tian, then the consequence is dreadful! 18个神血阴尸强悍无比,冰雪女王沈冰雨又贴身保护,这样护卫的阵容使暗杀不可能成功,一旦失败激怒楚天,那么后果不堪设想! Can work as countless people the lunatic who Shangguan Ming discards! 一个能当着无数人把上官明废掉的疯子! What matter does he have unable to do? 他还有什么事情做不出来? Let alone, the Yun Tianhe lifting clan supports, the extreme appreciation of Divine Wind Marquis, Chu Tian I prominence, a Miracle Commerce war becomes famous, Tianchen Commerce is Miracle Commerce constructs six magnetic-sonic towers, covers entire Central State City all-around, starts to step the eruption -type development phase, brings in innumerable hiring oneself sufficiently. 何况,云天鹤的举族支持,神风候的极度欣赏,楚天本人声名鹊起,奇迹商会一战成名,天辰商会奇迹商会建好六座磁音塔,全方位覆盖整个中州城,开始踏上爆发式的发展阶段,足以引来无数投靠者。 Meng Qingwu wins over Jing Family here is focus big pile of commercial families, not only seizing the chance strong influence, simultaneously is Miracle Commerce provides the massive subcontract work factories, quantity manufacture radios, phonographs, canned food wait / etc.. 梦轻舞借此机会拉拢景家为主一大堆商业家族,非但趁机壮大势力,同时为奇迹商会提供大量代工厂,大量生产收音机、留声机、罐头等等。 The Chu Tian unconventional decisive battle live transmission, frustrates the Three Great Clans arrogance ruthlessly, makes a time very perfect marketing advertisement, lets the Miracle Commerce radio and phonograph all of a sudden catastrophe, all stocks were swept away by the high price! 楚天别出心裁的决战直播,狠挫三大家族的气焰,更是做一次非常完美的营销广告,让奇迹商会收音机和留声机一下子大祸,所有库存被高价一扫而空! Now several days hundreds of thousands orders, moreover in unceasing growth. 现在短短几日累计好几十万份的订单,而且还在不断增长中。 The direct sale of light radio and phonograph, can bring 100 million gold coins to Miracle Commerce probably the profits! 光收音机、留声机的直接销售,大概能给奇迹商会带来100000000金币的利润! Qilin Dao Hall recruits a large quantities of student, frequently the floppy disks of some release record curricula, as well as the radio will soon develop charge Channel/frequency, this can bring over a billion gold coins easily the big business. 麒麟道馆又招募一大批学员,经常发行一些录制课程的磁盘,以及收音机即将开发收费频道,这都是能轻易带来上亿金币的大生意。 Moreover, the Miracle Commerce canned food Canned Food order increases crazily, various Central State city armies and mercenary soldiers rush to purchase crazily, the major chamber of commerce groups also refuse to admit being inferior. 另外,奇迹商会的罐头食品订单更是狂增,中州各城军队、佣兵疯狂抢购,各大商会集团也不甘示弱。 This absolutely is the good thing! 这绝对是好东西啊! Demon Beast Canned Food of one year of ultra length warranty, is small size, to preserve. Is the strategy stores up grain in the army, in the mercenary soldier is the life-saving food of open country. To the merchant is a gold ore, can definitely the low price buy up, sells to the outside high price. 一年时间的超长保质期的魔兽食品,体积小,以保存。在军队是战略储备粮食,在佣兵是野外的救命食物。对商人来说更是一座金矿,完全能低价买入,到外地高价卖出。 Miracle Commerce canned food one can is difficult to ask. 奇迹商会罐头一罐难求。 Almost just like became the luxury goods! 几乎俨然成为奢侈品了! Now some place aristocrats at banquet, if can put out the canned food to entertain the guest, almost becomes a symbol of ability status. So popular commodity, how could also not to make the person go after like ducks! 现在一些地方贵族在宴席上,若能拿出罐头来招待客人,几乎成为一种能力身份的象征。如此受欢迎的商品,又岂能不让人趋之若鹜! In various city not willingly commerce manpower the high price rushes to purchase the second-hand canned food, various types of big pen big orders same flutter in abundance to the snowflake Central State City. Canned food Canned Food the Miracle Commerce rapid proliferation, helps the phonograph and radio enter their view. 各城也不甘心从商人手里高价抢购二手罐头,各种大笔大笔订单纷纷向雪花一样飘到中州城。罐头食品奇迹商会迅速扩散,也帮助留声机、收音机进入他们的视野。 The Miracle Commerce threshold quickly was stepped on rottenly. 奇迹商会的门槛都快被踩烂了。 Each place City Lord messenger is continuous, hopes that constructs the factory Miracle Commerce to this city, builds the magnetic-sonic tower broad and broadcasts the system. The Miracle Commerce reputation was big, the right to speak was also certainly big, Meng Qingwu seizes the chance with the major City Lord everywhere initial prices, first in various cities layout construction transaction firms. 各个地方城主使者络绎不绝,希望奇迹商会到本城建造工厂,打造磁音塔广和播系统。奇迹商会的名声大了,话语权当然也就大了,梦轻舞趁机跟各大城主漫天开价,先在各城镇布局建造交易商行。 Meng Qingwu wants in the Central State county and even Southern Summer Country, builds the most perfect distribution. 梦轻舞想要在中州郡乃至南夏国,打造最完善的销售网络。 Miracle Commerce is filthy rich, the thriving business, the profitability has been able gradually with the Four Great Families like this established influence, happiest naturally Chu Tian. 奇迹商会财大气粗,已经日进斗金,盈利能力渐渐能与四大家族这样的老牌势力,最高兴的当然还是楚天了。 Because Chu Tian must refine the Saint Level compounded drug, the unmet need has been very big, now does not have the extra worries, Miracle Commerce to let loose finally to purchase the compounded drug material! 因为楚天要炼制圣级丹药,资金缺口一直很大,现在总算是没有后顾之忧,奇迹商会可以放开来收购丹药材料! Chu Tian draws cash also makes an important period! 楚天拿着钱还做一件重要时期! In the headquarters builds a laboratory, starting out lets the treatment that the person is hard to reject, the massive high prices hired various talented people and masters in aspect, gathered Yun Tianhe dozens famous scholar. 总部中建立一座研究室,开出让人难以拒绝的待遇,大量高价聘请各方面的人才和大师,招揽云天鹤在内的几十个著名学者 A strength of person eventually is limited. 一个人的力量终究是有限。 The thing that Chu Tian sends at present is very preliminary, therefore could not have felt temporarily, when thing of Miracle Commerce research more and more higher, more and more complex time, was the work that a Chu Tian person can complete, therefore arranged to build a laboratory ahead of time is very meaningful. 楚天目前发的东西都很低级,所以暂时还感觉不出来,当奇迹商会研究的东西越来越高等,越来越复杂的时候,就是楚天一个人能够完成的工作了,所以提前筹备打造一座研究室是很有意义的。 On this day, Chu Tian in the research institute, summoned all researchers 这天,楚天在研究所里,召见所有的研究员 Chairman, what matter do Looking for me have?” 会长,找我们有什么事?” Studies indoor member, there is Xiong Tianyan and Zhang Liqing the trusted subordinate, includes Yun Tianhe top scholar, generally is the beard gray old men. 研究室内成员,既有熊天焱张立清在内亲信,也包括云天鹤在内的顶级学者,普遍都是胡子花白的老头子。 Chu Tian stands in front of these scholar, an elegantly beautiful woman of mature flavor follows in the back, naturally was snow and ice Queen Shen Bingyu. 楚天就站在这些学者面前,一个成熟韵味的冷艳女人跟在背后,自然就是冰雪女王沈冰雨了。 Mentioned Shen Bingyu. 说起沈冰雨 Has saying that Chu Tian abducts the plan is very successful! 不得不说楚天拐骗计划是很成功的! Now Shen Bingyu resigns Vice-President Central State Academy directly position, is almost willing to be the Chu Tian personal bodyguard. Because Shen Bingyu looks like, is a bodyguard with Chu Tian, exceeds to be a vice-president in name only. 现在沈冰雨直接辞掉中州学院副院长职位,几乎心甘情愿当起楚天的贴身保镖。因为沈冰雨看来,跟着楚天就算做个保镖,也胜过做一个徒有虚名的副院长。 Shen Bingyu loner, needs to look after without family, like Yun Tianhe these many worries, therefore does not go ahead, is such willful, cannot retain him including Divine Wind Marquis. 沈冰雨孤家寡人一个,没有家族需要照顾,不像云天鹤这么多顾虑,所以说走就走,就是这么任性,连神风候都留不住他。 Finally Divine Wind Marquis but, has to arrange Feng Yunhu to suspend to Shen Bingyu, but continues to retain the title, Shen Bingyu with Chu Tian practice is also the good deed. After all she is very young, very big progressive space. 最后神风候无奈之下,只好安排风云虎沈冰雨停职,不过继续保留头衔,沈冰雨跟着楚天修行也是好事。毕竟她还很年轻,还有很大的进步空间。 Chu Tian raises both hands to add the both feet approval! 楚天举双手加双脚赞成! First Shen Bingyu is great beauty, its style and young lady, Yingying, Nangong and Caidie are different, side as a man, who doesn't hope with top great beauty? Let alone, Shen Bingyu is True Soul level a master of extremely! 首先沈冰雨是一个大美女,其风格与大小姐、莹莹、南宫、彩蝶都不同,作为一个男人,谁不希望身边跟着一个顶级大美女?更何况,沈冰雨还是一个真魂级的绝顶高手! Everybody sits!” Chu Tian waves to hint, everybody Qi Qi sits down, our research institutes officially are founded, but has not arranged the duty, today looks for everybody is the official opening research project!” “各位坐!”楚天挥手示意,大家齐齐坐下,“我们的研究所正式成立,但是还没有安排过任务,今天把大家找来就是正式开启研究项目!” The people whole body shakes! 众人浑身一震! What? Such quickly had the project? 啥?这么快就有项目了? Chu Tian nods: Now three projects need to do, a short-range program, a Intermediate Stage project, a long-term project.” 楚天点点头:“现在有三个项目需要做,一个短期项目,一个中期项目,一个长期项目。” This short-range program is construction charge Channel/frequency of broadcast system project, it is well known the Miracle Commerce broadcast system improves day after day, has formidable development potential, charge Channel/frequency is an important business model. This technology is not complex, can complete, now gives everybody to practice acquiring a skill, tests the school to test the school while convenient your skill, the time limit in seven days completes!” “这个短期项目是建设‘广播系统的收费频道’项目,众所周知奇迹商会的广播系统日渐完善,具有非常强大的发展潜力,收费频道是其中重要的一个商业模式。这个技术并不复杂,本来自己就能完成,现在交给大家练练手,顺便也考校考校你们的本事,限时七天内完成!” This...... 这…… Seven days were also too short! 七天也太短了吧! The people look at each other in blank diamay. 众人都面面相觑。 Yun Tianhe hurries to ask: „Is the project that then Intermediate Stage completes what?” 云天鹤赶紧问:“那么中期完成的项目又是什么呢?” I name as magnetic-sonic mechanics of communication project!” Chu Tian claps gently, Shen Bingyu hurries, issues everybody materials, has a look at these materials first.” “我命名为‘磁音通讯技术’项目!”楚天轻轻地拍拍手,沈冰雨赶紧走出来,将一份份资料发给大家,“诸位先看看这些资料。” Everybody was speechless. 大家都无语了。 Is Shen Bingyu the what kind character? 沈冰雨是何等的人物? Now becomes the Chu Tian full-time secretaries and bodyguard, this is very difficult to imagine! 现在成为楚天的全职秘书兼保镖,这实在很难想象! Shen Bingyu is so arrogant the elegantly beautiful person, is willing the low own head unexpectedly! 沈冰雨这么高傲冷艳的人,竟然心甘情愿低下自己的头! Naturally, Chu Tian is not an average person, includes Yun Tianhe on the spot, majority are famous scholar, now sits honestly here, listening to this young people to admonish, is so? 当然,楚天不是普通人,现场包括云天鹤在内,大多数都是著名学者,现在老老实实坐在这里,听这个年轻人训话,又何尝不是如此呢? Yun Tianhe opens in the hand the material to sweep one, the whole body shakes, said with amazement: This is...... The correlation data of magnetic-sonic tower!” 云天鹤打开手中资料扫一眼,浑身一震,惊讶说道:“这是……磁音塔的相关数据!” The people are surprised! 众人都大吃一惊! The magnetic-sonic tower is important thing! 磁音塔是何等重要的东西! The potential of radio shows initially, this will be a change history, thing that will change the people habits and customs, besides the direct sale radio profit, in the radio some charge Channel/frequency, certainly will become the money tree of thriving business! 收音机的潜力初步展现,这将是一个改变历史,改变人们生活习惯的东西,除直接出售收音机盈利外,收音机内一些收费频道,一定会成为日进斗金的摇钱树! Most secret core thing. 最机密核心的东西。 Does Chu Tian actually naturally take? 楚天竟然大大方方拿出来? This is some core data and materials of magnetic-sonic tower!” Chu Tian spoke of here, particularly emphasized one, I knew your abilities, therefore does not want to press you, these data and materials provided very big help in two surveys for items to you.” “这是磁音塔的部分核心数据和资料!”楚天说到这里,特别强调一句,“我知道你们的能力,所以不想太难为你们,这些数据和资料在两个项目研究上给你们提供很大帮助。” Attack person! 打击人了! This clarifies to look down upon this group of scholar! 这摆明看不起这帮学者啊! Yun Tianhe and the others a temperament does not have! 云天鹤等人偏偏一点脾气都没有! Chu Tian said calmly: „The use of magnetic-sonic tower provides the service for the radio not completely, we then must be based on the magnetic-sonic tower, unearths communication service, creates the communications platform.” 楚天平静说:“磁音塔的用途不完全是为收音机提供服务,我们接下来要以磁音塔为基础,挖掘‘通讯’服务,打造通讯平台。” Communication? How communication?” “通讯?如何通讯?” As we all know, the magnetic-sonic tower essence is a medium, the sound wave enters Source Energy Array to transform the signal, disseminates the magnetic field coverage scope on the receiver. Miracle Commerce invents the radio based on this. Then theoretically, the magnetic-sonic tower can also as a medium, simultaneously connect two terminals, lets the synchronized transmission of sound, thus creates the instant messenger the effect.” “大家都知道,磁音塔本质是一个中介,声波进入元力阵转化成信号,传播到磁场覆盖范围的接收器上。奇迹商会在此基础上发明出收音机。那么理论上,磁音塔也能作为一个中介,同时连接两个终端,让声音的同步传达,从而创造即时通讯的效果。” Dozens scholar whole bodies shake! 几十个学者浑身一震! Where hear idea of Chu Tian! 哪里听不出楚天的想法! Chu Tian wants to invent a new equipment, this equipment somewhat is different from the radio, the radio listens to the sound signal, cannot launch the sound signal, but the brand-new equipment will carry on a complete change. 楚天想发明一种新的设备,这个设备跟收音机有些不同,收音机收听声音信号,不能发射声音信号,而全新的设备将进行一次完全改变。 The magnetic-sonic tower is still intermediary, the two sides terminal can receive the sound mutually, can mutually the carry-over sound. 磁音塔依然是中介,两边终端能互相接收声音,也能互相传播声音。 This means that in the magnetic field range of magnetic-sonic tower, two people are separated by again the long-distance range, can carry on the instant messenger through an equipment! 这就意味着磁音塔的磁场范围内,两个人就算相隔再远距离,也能通过一部设备进行即时通讯! This is the great creativity! 这是何等伟大的创意啊! This is written into the human history sufficiently! 这足以写进人类历史! No! 不! Interpolates the entire Continent civilization the history! 写进整个大陆文明的历史! Yun Tianhe and other scholar become excited, this research project for them, absolutely is the illustrious lintel, forever will carry the annals the glorious mission! 云天鹤学者都变得激动万分,这个研究项目对他们来说,绝对是光耀门楣,永载史册的光荣使命! Mechanics of communication research needs gradually gradually.” Mood that no matter Chu Tian this group of old men rush: I will carry on some training in two weeks of time to you, enabling you to master certain elementary knowledge. You research and develop the mechanics of communication based on this, this project needs to be completed in one month!” “通讯技术研究需要循序渐渐。”楚天不管这帮老头澎湃的心情:“我会在两周时间里对你们进行一些培训,让你们掌握一定的基础知识。你们在此基础上研发通讯技术,这个项目需要在一个月内完成!” Finally, I must confess the long-term project of laboratory with everybody again, although does not begin to develop eagerly, but must be ready ahead of time!” “最后,我要再将实验室的一个长期项目跟大家交代一下,虽然不急于着手去开发,但是要提前做好准备!” A short-term Intermediate Stage project so was astonishing. 一个短期一个中期项目都如此惊人了。 What can that long-term project be? 那长期项目到底会是什么呢? Miracle Commerce develops today, the electric lamp, the Source Energy pot and including the magnetic-sonic tower, merely is a good invention, such thing that I then must speak, has the epoch-making great significance, I name as Source Energy matrix computer this project ‚’!” 奇迹商会发展到今天,无论是电灯、元力锅、包括磁音塔,都仅仅是一项不错的发明,我接下来要讲的这样东西,却是具备划时代的伟大意义,我把这个项目命名为‘元力矩阵计算机’!” Source Energy matrix computer? 元力矩阵计算机? This is any thing, has not listened! 这是什么东西,从来都没听过啊! Chu Tian said seriously: „The Source Energy computer is most important of Miracle strategy, the so-called computer is one type can according to the instruction, deals with the automatic machining and equipment to various data and information, will become the human in history most great technological invention. Its widespread application will liberate from the arduous mental labor humanity, enhanced the speed and accuracy of collection, processing and dissemination information in social each domain, sped up humanity directly to the step that the information society makes great strides forward!” 楚天一本正经说:“元力计算机是奇迹战略的重中之重,所谓的计算机是一种能够按照指令,对各种数据和信息进行自动加工与处理的设备,将会成为人类有史以来最伟大的技术发明。它的广泛应用将把人类从繁重的脑力劳动中解放出来,在社会各个领域中提高了信息的收集、处理和传播的速度与准确性,直接加快了人类向信息化社会迈进的步伐!” A few words are broad, after this thing appears, we later study and life, will immediately become the convenience will be many.” “一句话概括,这东西出现后,我们以后研究和生活,立刻就会变得方便很多。” An old scholar ignorant appearance. 学者一副懵懵懂懂的样子。 Really cannot speak too the advanced thing with the primitive man. 跟原始人果然不能讲太高级的东西。 In brief, completion of Source Energy matrix computer, the work load is huge, the consumption time is also very long, needs the massive financial resource manpower to invest, work that in one single day cannot complete, is not the work that the individual effort can complete.” “总而言之,元力矩阵计算机的完成,工作量非常庞大,耗费时间也很久,更需大量财力人力投入,绝非一朝一夕能完成的工作,也不是个人力量能完成的工作。” In the future in the time, we will make you study some foundation contents, to invent the Source Energy computer prepares! You conduct the research with me, other cannot guarantee that I can make you learn the topest knowledge and technology!” “未来时间里,我们会让你们学习一些基础内容,为发明元力计算机做准备!你们跟着我搞研究,别的不敢保证,我能让你们学到最顶尖的知识和技术!” ( This book first round Chinese net!) (本书首发中文网!)
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