MT :: Volume #2

#199: God blood cloudy corpse

The people shove open, only remains Chu Tian and Shangguan Ming confronts. 众人纷纷推开,只剩楚天上官明对峙。 Naturally, 18 silent Men in Black. 当然,还有18个沉默的黑衣人。 The people are Chu Tian are worried. 人们不禁为楚天担心起来。 These 18 guards look like average not wonderful, how possibly to block the Shangguan Family master?” “这18个护卫看起来平平无奇,怎么可能挡得住上官家族高手?” Central State City leaves an extremely talent with great difficulty, can be harmed by Shangguan Family like this?” 中州城好不容易出一个绝顶天才,难道就要这样被上官家族所害?” The people are indignant, Chu Tian is a Central State hundred years of rare rare talent, Miracle Commerce is Central State City lets a chamber of commerce that the person is worth anticipating. 人们愤愤不平起来,楚天中州百年难得一出的奇才,奇迹商会更是中州城让人非常值得期待的一个商会。 If because of the Shangguan Family power and influence, but destruction. 若因上官家族的权势而覆灭。 This lost to Central State City is too big! 这对中州城来说损失太大了! Shangguan Ming both hands gather suddenly, the abundant strength, Source Energy of surging, generally spreads turbulently like the ocean waves, his side as if produces air current of not being able to see, promoting the dust to ripple the edge to arena. 上官明双手猛然一合,雄厚力量汹涌而出,一股激荡的元力,就像海浪一般蔓延开,他的身边仿佛产生一层看不见的气流,推动灰尘一直荡漾到擂台的边缘。 Suddenly, a scarlet red great pen shoots up to the sky. 突然,一根赤红色的巨笔冲天而起。 Meng Yingying said with amazement: Pen?” 梦莹莹惊讶的说:“笔?” Shangguan Family pen Source Spirit!” Yun Tianhe returns to the chairman's podium, stern-faced said: Shangguan Family Cultivation Technique is «Life and death Pen», it is said can sentence the life dead, very nasty!” 上官家族的笔元魂!”云天鹤回到主席台,一脸凝重的说:“上官家族功法为《生死笔》,据说能判人生死,非常的难以对付!” The illustration of Yun Tianhe was also certainly heard by other people. 云天鹤的解说当然也被其他人听到了。 Really also has with pen the image takes Source Spirit Cultivator, Shangguan Family is really very special, but Shangguan Family can be one of the kingdom Three Great Clans, manifests the Shangguan Family formidable strength sufficiently! 竟然还有以“笔”的形象作为元魂修士,上官家族真是很特别呢,不过上官家族能够名列王国三大家族之一,足以体现上官家族强大的实力! In the Shangguan Ming sleeve slides a great pen. 上官明袖里滑出一只巨笔。 This pen is three feet three, just likes a short spear, is glittering intermittent cold glow, particularly after the strength of percolation flame attribute Source Spirit, is appears the might is infinite. 此笔长达三尺三,犹如一根短矛般,闪烁着一阵阵寒芒,尤其是在浸透火焰属性的元魂之力后,更是显得威力无穷。 I forgive your life, nothing but looks at your some talents, now died had rather been a pity!” Shangguan Ming is pointing at Chu Tian with the pen spear|gun, your skill also can only play the power and prestige in Central State, the Shangguan Family strength, is not your this ants can contend! Finally gives you an opportunity, submits to or destroys!” “我饶你一命,无非是看你有些才华,现在死了未免可惜!”上官明用笔枪指着楚天,“你的本事也就只能在中州耍耍威风,上官家族的实力,不是你这种蝼蚁能够抗衡的!最后给你一次机会,臣服或者毁灭!” I truly play the power and prestige in Central State, but where can you be better than to go me? The person of Shangguan Family, the specially appointed messenger in kingdom, has not played the power and prestige in Central State, 40 - 50 years old age, but also weak with the child!” “我确实是在中州耍威风,但是你又能比我好到哪里去呢?上官家族之人,王国的特派使者,还不是在中州耍威风,四五十岁的年纪了,还幼稚的跟个孩童!” Bold!” In the Shangguan Ming vision flashes through anger: I, although forgives you not dead, wants to keep the side to work as a dog! A mouth of dog barks randomly continuous, cured to help you abandon foul-mouthed!” “大胆!”上官明目光中闪过一丝怒火:“我虽饶你不死,也想留在身边当条狗罢了!一条狗的嘴巴乱吠不休,也就治好帮你废了臭嘴!” Does not draw a sword, does not revolt, I stand in this!” Chu Tian both hands surround the front: If you can achieve, although that comes!” “不拔剑,不反抗,我就站在这!”楚天双手环抱胸前:“若你真能做到,那就尽管来吧!” Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! 狂!狂!狂! Good crazy fellow! 好狂的家伙! The people did not understand self-confidence that which Chu Tian comes? 人们不理解楚天哪来的自信? A Shangguan Ming Awakened Soul 5th Layer master, by him was regarded unexpectedly, if worthless general! 上官明一个魂醒五重高手,竟然被他视若草芥一般! Good! Good! For a long time nobody dares such to affront Shangguan Family, your this opens mouth insufficiently makes reparations by far, I together discard your hands and feet!” “好!好!好久没有人敢这么冒犯上官家族,你这张嘴远远不够赎罪,我就把你的手脚一起废掉吧!” Shangguan Ming mentioned the burin to draw several strange marks angrily: Fierce irritable flame incantation!” 上官明愤然提起铁笔画出几个奇怪的符号:“烈火爆炎咒!” This mark shoots at Chu Tian directly to blast out violently, the terrifying angry flame explodes a big hole the arena directly! 这个符号射向楚天直接猛烈炸开,恐怖的怒炎直接把擂台炸出一个大坑! Yun Tianhe explained: This is the Shangguan Family pen Source Spirit ability, they can take all as the Symbol Array carrier!” 云天鹤解释道:“这就是上官家族元魂的能力,他们能把一切都作为符阵载体!” The smog diverges gradually. 烟雾渐渐散去。 Among 18 silent Men in Black, Chu Tian has not changed including the posture, has not received the tiny bit injury \; 18个沉默的黑衣人中间,楚天连姿势都没有丝毫变化,更没有收到一丝一毫的伤害\; The Shangguan Ming complexion finally changes. 上官明脸色终一变。 This is impossible! 这不可能啊! This strikes to mobilize 56 strengths! 这一击发动56的力量! Shangguan Ming mobilizes 50%-60% strengths, only fears including Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang can relaxed killing, even if Chu Tian is going against heaven's will, impossible to send has not damaged? 上官明发动五六成的力量,只怕是连洛降龙叶天狼都能轻松的干掉,哪怕楚天在逆天,也不可能毫发未损吧? A Chu Tian character appraises: Weak!” 楚天一个字评价:“弱!” The people blush with shame all! 众人无不汗颜! This Chu Tian is really a face does not give! 这个楚天真是一点面子都不给! I acknowledged that underestimated you!” The Shangguan Ming complexion is ugly, starts to get angry vexed and ashamed: Before me, you is still small fry one, just likes the range chicken earthenware dog collapses at the first blow! I make you have a look at Shangguan Family true giving up study!” “我承认小看你了!”上官明脸色难看,开始恼羞嗔怒:“不过在我面前,你依然是虾米一只,犹如土鸡瓦狗不堪一击!我就让你看看上官家族真正的绝学!” No matter what, he is also the Shangguan Family elder, do this trivial Awakened Soul 3rd Layer fellows dare to look down upon him? This matter is regardless of also to be how intolerable! 不管怎么说,他也是上官家族长老,这一个区区魂醒三重的家伙都敢看不起他?这种事情是无论如何也不能容忍的! The great pen flies high wields. 巨笔凌空一挥。 Two fiery red energies, just like the whip pull out, looks like two fire dragons tumble before unceasingly, the place visited ground in abundance collapses the cleavage fracture to open! 两道火红的能量,犹如鞭子般抽过去,又像两条火龙般不断翻滚冲前,所过之处地面纷纷崩裂碎开! A Chu Tian bell gently sound. 楚天铃铛轻轻一响。 18 Men in Black flicker to move, placed the Chu Tian surface advance party completely becomes a row, that movement like experiencing a lot of drilling versions, simultaneously forward wields a palm. 18个黑衣人瞬移般,全部排在楚天面前站成一排,那动作就像经历千百次演练版,同时向前挥出一掌。 Bang! 轰! A wave energy, with two energy whips to! 一股波浪般的能量,与两道能量鞭对上! Almost in the flash, two energy whips completely was broken! 几乎是在一瞬间,两道能量鞭就被完全震碎了! Energy wave that 18 Men in Black release still leaves leeway not the small ample force, enormous and powerful Ben Yong forward passes. Shangguan Ming hurries horizontal the long pen to keep off, the result was rumbled directly several feet far, whole body vitality turns wells up, feeling that somewhat is hard to withstand unexpectedly! 18个黑衣人释的能量波依然留有不小的余力,浩浩荡荡的向前奔涌过去。上官明慌忙横起长笔一挡,结果直接被轰出数丈远,浑身气血一阵翻涌,竟有些难以承受的感觉! Damn! 该死! These Men in Black are Awakened Soul 4th Layer above cultivation base! 这些黑衣人一个个都是魂醒四重以上的修为 Then is not only Shangguan Ming thoroughly is shocked, even if Yun Tianhe and Shen Bingyu, Feng Yunlong, and even Meng Qingwu, in a flash was all shocked! 这下不仅仅是上官明彻底惊呆,哪怕是云天鹤沈冰雨,风云龙、乃至梦轻舞,全都一瞬间惊呆了! What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Meng Qingwu covers to be quiet, on a pair of beautiful face, is the panic-stricken color! 梦轻舞捂住嘴,一双绝美面庞上,全都是惊骇之色! These 18 Yin Corpse one month, are almost the guards who she is always together, when Chu Tian comes back after the Central State tower, suddenly wanted the past 18 Yin Corpse, but also merely is several days of times. 这18个阴尸一个多月来,几乎是她形影不离的护卫,当楚天中州塔回来后,突然把18具阴尸要了过去,但也仅仅是几天的功夫而已。 Finally? 结果呢? 18 Awakened Soul Initial Stage cultivation base Yin Corpse, evolves to the Awakened Soul Intermediate Stage level unexpectedly completely! 18个魂醒初期修为阴尸,竟然全部进化到魂醒中期的水平! This is not little spanning! Simply is the qualitative promotion! Can Miracle Commerce have 18 Illustrious Soul level guards, who Central State City can also threaten Chu Tian? 这不是一点点的跨越!简直就是质的提升!奇迹商会能拥有18个显魂级护卫,中州城还有谁能威胁到楚天 Chu Tian so is no wonder self-confident! 难怪楚天这么自信满满! Shangguan Ming is Awakened Soul 5th Layer cultivation base, however simultaneously to previous 18 Awakened Soul 4th Layer Expert, perhaps is not that easy matter! 上官明就算是魂醒五重修为,然而同时对上18个魂醒四重强者,恐怕也不是那么容易的事情吧! In the Shangguan Ming heart sent regards to the City Lord Feng Yunlong ancestors! 上官明心中把城主风云龙祖宗都问候一遍! This fellow has not told him, the Chu Tian side has such influence, these 18 people arrive at Three Great Clans to go, can become the character of elder level. Is resigned in Miracle Commerce unexpectedly is the guard, this is simply inconceivable. 这家伙没告诉他,楚天身边有这样的势力啊,这18个人就算到三大家族去,都能成为长老级的人物了。竟然甘心在奇迹商会做护卫,这简直是不可思议的。 If the one had only known, Shangguan Ming thinks over really well. 若早知如此,上官明真得好好掂量掂量。 Now has become being unable to back down, did not say that falls back to draw back! 现在成了骑虎之势,不是说退就能退的了! Idle talk said these many, originally you are also fierce on the glib lips, no wonder can become the special envoy Sir! If the glib lips can kill people, I truly died ten eight times!” “废话说了这么多,原来你也就嘴皮子厉害,难怪能当上特使大人!若嘴皮子能杀人的话,我确实已经死了十次八次了!” Peon does not do wildly!” The Shangguan Ming manner completely changed, if he regards a game from the beginning, must treat as a fierce battle this fight officially, depends on these also to arrive at me?” “无名小卒休要猖狂!”上官明态度已经完全改变,若从一开始他只是当成一次游戏,现在就要正式将此次战斗当做一场恶战,“就凭这几个也能到我?” The Shangguan Ming thorough eruption, a pen spear|gun wields 上官明彻底爆发,一杆笔枪挥 Huge Rune, just like the raindrop projects, dense and numerous cloths around the Chu Tian body. 一道道巨大符文,犹如雨点般射出,正密密麻麻布在楚天身体周围。 such insignificant ability!” 雕虫小技!” Chu Tian understands clearly the Shangguan Ming intention, nothing but wants to arrange a big might Array, suppresses together with his guard Chu Tian directly together! 楚天一眼就洞悉上官明的意图,无非是想布置一种大威力的阵法,直接把楚天连同他的护卫一起镇压罢了! If common person. 若寻常人也就算了。 How could can't Chu Tian discover the law of explaining? 楚天岂能找不出破解之法? This Array skill in his eyes, hasn't that shown off meager skills before an expert? 这点阵法技巧在他的眼里,那还不是班门弄斧? Ten eight Yin Corpse flicker the lasing, after the Chu Tian Divine Sense ability increases, now controls Yin Corpse to be handier, with is controlling own doppelganger to be the same simply. 十八阴尸一瞬激射而出,楚天神识能力大增后,现在控制起阴尸更得心应手,简直就跟在操控自己的分身一样。 French? 法阵? Steps on extinguishes! 踩灭! 18 Yin Corpse do not give any opportunity, instantaneously Shangguan Ming sphering! 18具阴尸不给任何机会,瞬间把上官明给围住了! In Shangguan Ming heart secret shock, if merely is 18 Awakened Soul 4th Layer masters, these 18 not only cultivation base unusual . Moreover the coordination with each other is flawless, is a person is simply same. 上官明心中暗暗震惊,若仅仅是18个魂醒四重高手就罢了,这18个非但修为非常了得,而且互相配合天衣无缝,简直就是一个人一样。 It is not good! 不行! This can win, is a miserable war! 这样就算能胜,也是一场惨战! First no matter these strange black clothed masters, get rid to Chu Tian directly are! 先不管这些诡异的黑衣高手,直接对楚天出手就是! Go away!” “滚开!” A Shangguan Ming pen spear|gun thorn, a fiery red roaring flame spout, this prepares to compel to draw back a Men in Black furiously, who knows that the Men in Black does not dread, collaborated to send out to take advantage unexpectedly, the Shangguan Ming strength kept off! 上官明笔枪奋力一刺,一股火红的烈焰喷涌,本准备逼退一个黑衣人,谁知道黑衣人根本不畏惧,竟然联起手来发出依仗,上官明的力量被挡回去! And clothes of Men in Black were also torn into shreds! 其中一个黑衣人的衣服也被撕碎了! Hissing! 嘶! When appearance when the people see the Men in Black, all felt that holds breath cold air! 当人们看见黑衣人的样子时,全都感觉倒吸一口凉气! This radically is not a live person! 这根本就不是活人! This Men in Black unemotionally, both eyes are lax, the aura does not have, completely is a deceased person! 这黑衣人面无表情,双目涣散,气息全无,完全就是一个死人! Is Yin Corpse? This Yin Corpse is very big with the ordinary Yin Corpse difference, the Yin Corpse strength division is well-known, the different Yin Corpse within the body energy density is different, the hypha color that the body surface grows is also different, can therefore be used to judge the strength height! 难道是阴尸吗?这具阴尸却跟普通阴尸区别很大,阴尸实力划分是众所周知的,不同阴尸体内能量浓度不同,体表长出的菌丝颜色也不同,所以能够用于判断实力高低! This Yin Corpse body surface is only smooth and pitch-black, even is reflecting the similar metal same gloss, the whole body muscle like strong, is filling a mysterious and profound aura. 这只阴尸体表光滑而又乌黑,甚至反射着类似金属一样光泽,浑身肌肉就像铁铸的一样,弥漫着一种神秘而又深邃的气息。 Yun Tianhe notes the bell in Chu Tian: „Is this then Soul Communication Tool Soul Controlling Bell that in the old book records? Yin Corpse that but he operates, so is why strange!” 云天鹤才注意到楚天手里的铃铛:“这便是古籍中记载的通灵魂器驭魂铃铛么?可他操纵的阴尸,为什么如此古怪!” Yun Tianhe does not certainly know. 云天鹤当然不知道。 ancient School in Yin Corpse Canyon, that built up the corpse technique to be too preliminary! 阴尸峡谷里的古门派,那炼尸手法太低级了! Chu Tian did not know by heart this field of endeavor, but recent two study Ancient Gods to leave the memory to be broken, understands a method probably, just attains the material, then the blood of use Spiritual God does an experiment. 楚天本来是不谙此道,不过最近两条研究古神留下记忆残破,大概懂得一点门路,又刚好拿到材料,便动用神灵之血做一次实验。 18 Yin Corpse were refined by Chu Tian. 18具阴尸楚天重新炼制。 Now was reborn completely! 现在已经完全脱胎换骨了! They not only have stronger defensive power and attack ability, but also because of the relations of god blood transformation, had a divine nature, can the practice growth, become more and more formidable! 它们不但拥有更强的防御力和进攻能力,而且因为神血改造的关系,已经具备一丝神性,能够自我修炼成长,变得越来越强大! Lineup!” “布阵!” Ten eight Yin Corpse cloths have law. 十八阴尸布起法阵。 Right, Chu Tian one's old tricks heavy, copes with the Ye Tianlang method, now uses, brings to handle Shangguan Ming directly. When 10 th eight Yin Corpse and Ye Tianlang strength disparity, may be much bigger than the present, even if so, in the same old way can beat cruelly Ye Tianlang. 没错,楚天故技重施,对付叶天狼的方法,现在重新用一遍,直接拿来搞定上官明。当初十八阴尸叶天狼实力差距,可比现在大得多,即使是如此,都照样能虐打叶天狼 Shangguan Ming is a bird! 上官明算个鸟! Ten eight Yin Corpse perfect combinations, various sinister and ruthless moves completely leave, Shangguan Ming let alone attacks Chu Tian, now breaks through from ten eight Yin Corpse continually, even in besieging protects oneself becomes the major problems. 十八阴尸完美组合,各种阴毒的招数尽出,上官明别说攻击楚天,现在连从十八阴尸中突围,甚至在围攻中自保都成大问题。 Puff! 噗! Shangguan Ming suffers Yin Corpse to unite a palm maliciously. 上官明狠狠挨阴尸联合一掌。 Hits at the scene flies the arena edge, he has not stood with enough time, ten eight Yin Corpse simultaneously encircle, that in pairs indifferent atheistic green eye, making Shangguan Ming feel the deep fear. 当场打得飞到擂台边缘,他还没来得及站起来,十八阴尸就同时围上去,那一双双冷漠无神的绿色眼睛,让上官明感到深深的恐惧。 Sufficed!” Shangguan Ming distressed shouting: I do not force to force and that's the end, quickly to tear to me them!” “够了!”上官明狼狈的喊道:“我不强制胁迫就是了,快把它们给我扯开!” Shangguan is really forgetful!” Chu Tian like the ice, let somebody cool off or calm down indifferently said: You want to seize my harvest, but also wants to discard me to imprison me, attentive how evil and cruel? Now hits to pat? If the father has such good speech, from now on any random trash dares to annoy me!” “上官阁下真是健忘!”楚天冷漠如冰,冷冷地说:“你想抢占我的收获,还想废掉我囚禁我,用心何其歹毒?如今打不过就想拍拍屁股走人?若老子有这么好说话,今后岂不是阿猫阿狗都敢来惹我!” A Shangguan Ming eyebrow vertical stroke: What do you want to make? I am the Shangguan Family person! I am the special envoy in kingdom!” 上官明眉毛一竖:“你想做什么?我是上官家族的人!我是王国的特使!” Ka! 咔! A Yin Corpse foot. 阴尸一脚。 The knee steps on directly disrupts! 膝盖直接踩得碎裂! Shangguan Ming sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell! 上官明发出凄厉的惨叫! Any nonsense Shangguan Family, whom father makes a debut not to fear!” Chu Tian is in front of entire Central State City person, the stance is wild, unscrupulous, father first has abandoned your cultivation base, making certain people open the eye to see clearly, so long as crime my, no matter before, the present, in the future, this will be the fate!” “什么狗屁上官家族,老子出道来就没有怕过谁!”楚天当着全中州城人的面,姿态狂放,肆无忌惮,“老子就先废了你的修为,让某些人睁大眼睛看清楚,只要的罪过我的,不管是以前、现在、还是未来,这就是下场!” Shangguan Ming shouted panic-stricken: You dare!” 上官明惊恐大喊:“你敢!” Chu Tian both eyes burst out the cold cold brightness: You thought that I don't dare?” 楚天双眼迸发出冷冽寒光:“你觉得我不敢?” No! Does not want!” Shangguan Ming whins panic-stricken: Has forgiven me! Asked you to forgive me!” “不!不要!”上官明惊恐哀嚎起来:“饶了我!求求你饶了我!” Is this Shangguan Family person? 这是上官家族的人啊? The paralysis begs for mercy to Chu Tian on the ground unexpectedly! 竟然瘫在地上向楚天求饶! This strength to revere the world, cultivation base, once were discarded, that might as well has killed him! 这个力量为尊世界,修为一旦被废掉,那还不如杀了他! City Lord Feng Yunlong one face is embarrassed, this matter is he instigates completely is the result, Shangguan Family does not know the circumstances of the matter completely, once Shangguan Ming were abandoned in Central State City, that matter may make in a big way! 城主风云龙都一脸难堪,此事完全是他挑拨所致,上官家族是完全不知情的,一旦上官明中州城被废,那事情可就闹大了! This after is a special envoy! 这毕竟是特使啊! Is Feng Yunlong stirs intentionally him! 风云龙故意将他搅进来的! Shangguan Family looks up, is impossible not to look up him! 上官家族查下来,不可能查不到他! At that time was this City Lord, cannot escape the relations! 那时候就算是这个城主,也逃脱不了关系! Chu Tian is keeping off the surface of entire city person, gives to break off the arm of Shangguan Ming, while prepares to break Shangguan Ming Source Energy at one fell swoop, lets he thoroughly becomes a disabled person time. 楚天挡着全城人的面,又把上官明的胳膊给折断,正当准备一举震碎上官明元力,让他彻底成为一个废人的时候。 Chu Tian stops!” Divine Wind Marquis flying high floating body, he received to have the disciplinary punishment that sells my face, this matter considers as finished!” 楚天住手!”神风候凌空飘身而下,“他已经受到该有的惩戒了,卖我一个面子,这件事情算了!” The Divine Wind Marquis status and status, Shangguan Family investigates that he can also mediate the mediation. 神风候身份和地位,上官家族追究起来,他还能从中斡旋调停。 But if Chu Tian discards Shangguan Ming thoroughly, then all may not recall. 可若楚天彻底废掉上官明,那么一切都不可挽回了。 Chu Tian has not handled including Central State several families, such quickly becomes enemies with kingdom Three Great Clans, this is not rather sane. 楚天中州几个家族都没搞定,这么快就和王国三大家族结仇,这未免太不理智了。 Since Divine Wind Marquis acts, I sell a marquis face.” “既然神风候出面,我就卖侯爷一个面子。” Shangguan Ming reveals the happy expression. 上官明露出喜色。 cultivation base is not waste, must pay other prices.” “不过修为不废,总要付出点其他代价。” Shangguan Ming reveals the panic-stricken color, he cannot be completely understanding this lunatic. Who knows that Chu Tian lifts starts, the direct foot steps on between two legs of Shangguan Ming, Shangguan Ming called out pitifully, has fainted at the scene. 上官明又露出惊恐之色,他是在看不透这个疯子。谁知道楚天抬起脚,直接一脚踩在上官明的两腿中间,上官明惨叫一声,当场晕了过去。 The four limbs broke off thoroughly, with Elixir, in addition can cure, but this lifeblood...... Does not say! 四肢被彻底折断,用灵药尚且能治愈,但这命根……就不好说了! Perhaps Shangguan Ming remains the latter half of life, will regret for today's behavior. 上官明恐怕剩下半辈子,都会为今天行为而后悔。 Chu Tian waves: Digs up the light him, loses to outside!” 楚天挥挥手:“把他扒光,丢到外面去!” Yin Corpse 2-3 dig up light Shangguan Ming, only keeps shorts to make the fig leaf, the thing that all carries along, all entirely confiscated. 阴尸三两下把上官明扒光,只留一条短裤做遮羞布,所有随身携带的东西,一律统统没收了。 The people were scared! 众人都傻眼了! This boy courage was also too big! 这小子胆子也太大了吧! Divine Wind Marquis acted to advise, he so was unscrupulous! 神风候都出面劝阻了,他还这么肆无忌惮! Shaking the head of Divine Wind Marquis forced smile, he is understands that the Chu Tian disposition, Chu Tian said to tread, this Shangguan Ming had only self to blame purely! 神风候对此苦笑的摇摇头,他是明白楚天性格的,楚天言出必践,这个上官明纯粹是咎由自取! Did not have the means! 没办法了! This matter will certainly make to completing. 这件事一定会闹到完成去。 Divine Wind Marquis can only deliver a letter to arrive at Imperial City personally, explained clearly to Three Great Clans. Is good has the imperial edict because of Shangguan Ming in body, finally runs up to Central State City to stir the turbid water is the action of violation of rules, Divine Wind Marquis mediates in the according to mediator status, Shangguan Family should give him this face! 神风候只能亲自送一封信到王城,向三大家族解释清楚。好在上官明有王命在身,结果跑到中州城来搅混水就是违规之举,神风候在以调停人身份去斡旋,上官家族应该会给他这个面子! However undergoes this lesson. 不过经过这一次教训。 The Central State City people thoroughly see clearly Chu Tian! 中州城的人都彻底看清楚楚天 This fellow is a complete lunatic! 这家伙就是一个完完全全的疯子! In this world also has the matter that Chu Tian does not dare to handle? 这世界上还有楚天不敢做的事情吗? Do not say Central State Four Great Families, are the kingdom three large clans also what kind of? Cannot annoy this evil star! 不要说中州四大家族,王国三大族又怎么样?千万不能惹上这个煞星啊! ( The new book subscription list result is not very ideal, dropped 1-2! We hope that everybody generous support, did not seek the how dazzling result, most at least attached great importance to face-saving to be able to pass!) (新书订阅榜成绩很不理想啊,又下降一两名了!希望大家多多支持,不求多么耀眼成绩,最起码要面子上能过得去!)
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