MT :: Volume #2

#198: Launches an attack once more

Is this matter? 这到底是怎么一回事? The previous quarter clearly falls into to struggle hard, can be frigid battle, has not thought that the flash fight did end? The entire process makes the people not have the time response quickly, the audience falls into one piece dead the same silence. 前一刻分明陷入苦战,本会是一场惨烈的厮杀,没想到一瞬间战斗就结束了?整个过程快的让人们没有时间反应,全场陷入一片死一样的寂静。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Central State City square already gathering Manchu. 中州城广场早就聚满人。 That dense and numerous city people, gather under the broadcast tower completely, is anticipating the result intensely. 那密密麻麻城民,全部聚集在广播塔下,正在紧张的期待着结果。 No matter in brothel the brothel customer prostitutes wear the clothes, all crowds in the hall, they must witness this historical moment together! 妓馆里不管嫖客妓女都穿上衣服,全都拥挤在大厅内,他们要共同见证这个历史性的一刻! The mercenary soldier in tavern stopped drinking, does not have to make noise in those days noisily, only remained a peaceful deathly stillness, can be possible to hear including the breathing clearly that everyone fist gripped tightly, raises up the waiting of ear. 酒馆里的佣兵停止喝酒,没有往日喧闹嘈杂,只剩一片安静死寂,连呼吸声都能清晰可闻,每个人都拳头紧握,竖起耳朵的等待着。 Situation how? 到底情况怎么样了? Will Chu Tian be killed? 楚天会被干掉吗? How the broadcast does not say! 广播怎么不说了! While people anxious time extremely, in the loudspeaker resounds a resounding shout suddenly two swords!” 正当人们焦急万分的时候,喇叭里骤然响起一个高亢的喊声“两剑!” Nangong Yun transmits the entire city to shout through the broadcast, two swords! Chu Tian only uses two swords! He only defeats Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong with two swords, this is the overwhelming victory! The duel ended after all! He is the final victor!” 南宫云通过广播传递到全城大喊,“两剑!楚天只用两剑!他只用两剑打败叶天狼洛降龙,这是压倒性的胜利!决斗毕竟结束!他是最终的胜利者!” People in abundance as if awakening from a dream! 众人纷纷如梦方醒! From compared with the martial stage scene, to the Central State square, arrives at tavern brothel, major streets, the people all throw the hat to shout loudly to be from the heart to shock, are from the heart one's blood bubbles up to the brim! 从比武场现场,到中州广场,到酒馆妓馆,各大街道,人们全都抛帽高呼起来一个个都发自内心震撼,发自内心热血沸腾! Won, Chu Tian won! 获胜了,楚天获胜了! This changes the victory of Central State pattern! 这是改变中州格局的一场胜利! A Chu Tian person defeats two in Four Great Young Masters! 楚天一个人就打败四大公子中的两个! In jumping the ranks in situation of challenge, Chu Tian in the Central State ray nobody can! 更是在越级挑战的情况下,楚天中州的光芒将无人能及! This newcomer will influence inflate rapidly, since then has to select to turn the aristocrat influence thoroughly the energy and potential! 这股新锐势力将迅速膨胀,从此彻底具备挑翻贵族势力的底气和潜能! A super nova raises thoroughly slowly, the Chu Tian name will spread over Central State, even affects other state counties, becomes the Central State person new pride of! 一颗超级新星彻底冉冉升起,楚天的名字将传遍中州,甚至影响到其他州郡,成为中州人新的骄傲! Ye Wudao and Luo Liancheng one face dying embers! 叶无道洛连城都一脸死灰! Miserable! Miserable! Miserable! 惨!惨!惨! Such pitiful of defeat! 败的如此凄惨! Does Chu Tian have the deity to take possession seriously? 楚天当真是有天神附体吗? Could not unexpectedly have killed him to this situation! 竟然到这种地步都还杀不死他! Chu Luoye the Three Great Clans person, at this moment is terrified-looking, being proud Four Great Young Masters, will most at least lose to Chu Tian least one time, Chu Tian will be stepping on the Four Great Young Masters reputation, was held a brand-new altitude, an unprecedented altitude! 楚洛叶三大家族的人,此时此刻都是一脸惶恐,引以为傲的四大公子,最起码都输给楚天最少一次,楚天将踩着四大公子的名声,被捧到一个全新的高度,一个前所未有的高度! Chu Tian rests!” 楚天休走!” You halt to me!” “你给我站住!” A sound echo of terrifying compared with the sky of martial stage. 一个恐怖的声音回响在比武场的上空。 Nangong Yun hurries to shout to the loudspeaker: Sudden change occurred, Chu Family, Luo Family and Ye Family, the City Lord palace, dozens masters rush to the arena! They Chu Tian surrounding! Chu Tian has won the duel frankly and uprightly, do they also want to launch an attack shameless?” 南宫云赶紧对喇叭喊:“突变又发生,楚家洛家叶家,还有城主府,几十位高手冲上擂台!他们把楚天给包围了!难道楚天光明正大赢了决斗,他们还要无耻发难吗?” Four surrounding stands project dozens forms, including Chu Luoye the Three Great Clans master, but also includes City Lord Feng Yunlong, under the people unite block the Chu Tian way. 四周围的看台射出几十个身影,其中有楚洛叶三大家族的高手,还包括城主风云龙,众人联合之下挡住楚天去路。 Mean!” “卑鄙!” Chu Tian won!” 楚天已经胜利了!” Your procedures make Central State be shamed!” “你们的做法让中州蒙羞!” The people cursed angrily to reprimand. 众人纷纷的怒骂斥责了起来。 Chu Tian stops the footsteps, because Chu Tian can feel that the terrifying aura locks, most at least is the Awakened Soul 5th Layer strength, its cultivation base also wants compared with Four Great Young Masters high, if he has any movement again, definitely will come under the thunder fly upon. 楚天止住脚步,因为楚天能感觉到,有一股恐怖的气息锁定过来,最起码是魂醒五重的实力,其修为四大公子还要高一点,若他再有任何动作,必然会受到雷霆般猛烈攻击。 How?” Chu Tian guessed correctly that Three Great Clans will not give up in light of this, but still looks unafraid, said neither arrogant nor servile: „Doesn't you final dignity want?” “怎么了?”楚天猜到三大家族不会就此罢休,不过依然面无惧色,不卑不亢的说:“你们连最后的尊严都不想要了吗?” How Yun Tianhe and Shen Bingyu will look on that these people are rampant? 云天鹤沈冰雨岂会坐视这些人嚣张? They fly high to jump down, falls around the arena in pairs, launches to confront with several people! 两人凌空一跃而下,双双落在擂台前后,与几人展开对峙! Entire open-air compared with the sky of martial stage, the flash was covered entirely by the thunder clouds, in the air is fluttering the snowflake, the collision of Expert aura, making people feel that is hard to resist. 整个露天比武场的天空,一瞬间被雷云布满,空气中飘着雪花,强者气息的碰撞,让人感到难以抵抗。 The aura collisions of innumerable Expert, the contradictory intense degree promotes rapidly! 无数强者的气息碰撞,矛盾激烈程度迅速升级! This matter has nothing to do with Four Great Families!” Feng Yunlong does not want fights with Yun Tianhe or Shen Bingyu, but let somebody cool off or calm down stares at Chu Tian saying: Chu Tian opens tries to practice hiding away of tower, this matter was known by Imperial City, now Imperial City sends the special envoy to find out the situation! Who dares to stop the special envoy goes against the Imperial City will! Yun Tianhe, do you want to try?” “此事与四大家族无关!”风云龙不想跟云天鹤沈冰雨交手,只是冷冷盯着楚天说:“楚天打开试练塔的秘藏,这件事已被王城知晓,现在王城派下特使来了解情况!谁敢阻拦特使就是违背王城的意志!云天鹤,你想试试吗?” Imperial City? 王城 Divine Wind Marquis in crowd knits the brows! 人群中的神风候都皱皱眉! Feng Caidie has a big shock: These damn fellows, pulled unexpectedly Imperial City Three Great Clans! What to do then should?” 风彩蝶更是大惊失色:“这些可恶的家伙,竟然把王城三大家族扯进来了!这下该怎么办?” Divine Wind Marquis is one of the Southern Xia eight marquises. 神风候南夏八侯之一。 Although has the unusual influence, but in several great people with Three Great Clans compares, he has very big disparity. After all in Southern Xia eight marquises, itself had several born in Three Great Clans! 虽然有着超凡的影响力,但是和三大家族中几个大人物比,他还是有很大的差距的。毕竟在南夏八侯中,本身就有数个出生在三大家族 Divine Wind Marquis said one in a low voice: First had a look at the situation to say again.” 神风候低声说一句:“先看看情况再说。” If time unless it is absolutely essential, Divine Wind Marquis also has to evade its point, produces the contradiction with powerful Three Great Clans directly, will inevitably have the adverse impact, especially the person of Divine Wind Marquis this high weight, its status was too sensitive. 若不到万不得已的时候,神风候也不得不避其锋芒,与强势的三大家族直接产生矛盾,势必会造成恶劣影响,特别是神风候这种位高权重之人,其身份太敏感了。 Yun Tianhe does not spare a glance to the Feng Yunlong words: Central State tower smelting trial ended merely three days, how Imperial City can obtain the news, did you work as the old man already the dotard?” 云天鹤风云龙的话不屑一顾:“中州塔试炼结束仅仅三天,王城如何能得到消息,你当老夫已经老糊涂了吗?” Imperial City based on this long journey. 王城据此山高水远。 How could does three days of time transmit? 三天时间岂能传达? Say nothing of sent out the special envoy! 更不用说派出特使了! Mr. Yun...... Many years do not see, have been well since last meeting.” At this time, a man of wear cape walked, this person looked like the 40-year-old appearance, was thin and fair and clear, both eyes were not big, are shining, was skillful, just arrived in Central State below.” “云老爷子……多年不见,别来无恙。”这时,一个穿着斗篷的男子走出来,此人看起来40多岁的样子,消瘦而又白净,双目不大,精光四射,“巧了,在下刚好抵达中州。” The Yun Tianhe look moves slightly: Shangguan Ming!” 云天鹤神色微微一动:“上官明!” Kingdom Three Great Clans, Dongfang Family clan, Shangguan Family and Nangong Clan. These three families in the Southern Summer Country influence no small matter, before after all founding of the nation, existed. The Three Great Clans inside story is other place families is unable to compare favorably. 王国三大家族,东方家族、上官家族南宫家族。这三个家族在南夏国的影响力非同小可,毕竟建国之前就已经存在了。三大家族的底蕴也是其他地方家族无法媲美的。 For example Nangong Yun father Nangong Yi, although the birth Nangong Clan collateral branch, was actually the person of legitimate Nangong Clan, no matter age talent all for excellent, is actually not able to become family Patriarch is old. 比如南宫云的父亲南宫毅,尽管出生南宫家族旁系,却是正统的南宫家族之人,不管年龄天赋皆为上乘,却一直无法成为家族长老。 Because is weak! 因为不够强! Nangong Clan Three Great Clans, to obtain the elder qualifications, rigid standard that must have, that achieves the Awakened Soul 4th Layer Illustrious Soul level strength! 南宫家族在内的三大家族,若想获得长老资格,有一条必须具备的硬性标准,那就是达到魂醒四重显魂级实力! In Central State City family, so long as is the Awakened Soul level master, immediately can be promoted the elder! 中州城家族里,只要是魂醒级高手,立刻就能被提拔成长老! If achieves Awakened Soul 4th Layer is the family senior elder, started to govern some comparison cores the right, actually merely just marched into the family high-level threshold in kingdom Three Great Clans! 若达到魂醒四重就是家族资深长老,开始掌管一些比较核心的权利了,在王国三大家族却仅仅是刚刚步入家族高层的门槛! This is the disparity of strength! 这就是实力的差距! Shangguan Ming influential is also ordinary in Shangguan Family, has the Awakened Soul 5th Layer powerful strength, this strength compared with the Central State Four Great Families head of household has certainly been inferior, but depending on him was the status of Shangguan Family direct descendant birth, sufficiently and Four Great Families head of household treated as an equal. 上官明上官家族中有影响力也就一般,却具备魂醒五重的强大实力,这种实力跟中州四大家族的家主比当然是不如了,但是凭他是上官家族嫡系出生的身份,就足以和四大家族的家主平起平坐了。 Shangguan Ming cups one hand in the other across the chest to Yun Tianhe slightly, said well-mannered: Yun is learned, Shangguan Family also very much respects you, but related to the interests of kingdom, I urged Yun not meddle to at this time casually well.” 上官明云天鹤微微一拱手,彬彬有礼地说:“云老博学多识,上官家族也很敬重你,不过此时涉及王国的利益,我劝云老还是不要随便插手为好。” A Yun Tianhe brow wrinkle said: „The Central State tower is the young people informed and experienced place, obtained usually all turned over to experience, Shangguan Family this procedure, must make the people to discuss agitated, only feared that the Shangguan Family prestige harms!” 云天鹤眉头一皱说:“中州塔乃年轻人历练之场所,其中所得素来全归历练者所有,上官家族这种做法,必会引起民论汹汹,只怕上官家族声誉有损吧!” Yun Tianhe does not believe! 云天鹤根本不信! A trivial Central State tower! 一个区区中州塔而已! Will the kingdom possibly peep at? 王国怎么可能会窥视? This mostly is Shangguan Family few people, received provoking of certain people to produce read corruptly...... Even radically is the Shangguan Ming one's own selfish interests! 这多半是上官家族的个别人,受到某些人的挑动产生了贪念……甚至根本就是上官明的一己之私! Yun this word is bad!” Shangguan Ming said generously: Central State this is the kingdom property, granted to the Central State subjects! If the ordinary thing, this has also hidden away after all out of the ordinary, you also know that north and Spirit Beast front becomes serious day by day, making people promising the kingdom contribution the consciousness!” “云老此言差矣!”上官明慨然而道:“中州塔本就是王国财产,赏赐给了中州子民而已!若普通的东西也就算了,这秘藏毕竟非比寻常,你也知道北面与兽灵的战线日益吃紧,让人都有为王国贡献的觉悟!” This view was too rather forced! 这说法未免太牵强了! Yun, urging you do not mind others'business.” A City Lord Feng Yunlong face sneers, as if has eaten to decide Chu Tian, Shangguan is the Imperial City special envoy status, itself has the right of taking action first and explaining later, your I do not have the right to meddle including Four Great Families.” “云老,劝你不要多管闲事。”城主风云龙一脸冷笑,仿佛已经吃定楚天,“上官阁下乃王城特使身份,本身就有先斩后奏的权利,你我包括四大家族都没有权利插手。” Perhaps Shangguan Ming truly is follows orders Central State to do other matters. 上官明或许确实是奉命来中州做其他事。 But, possibly does not come for the Central State tower! 但,绝不可能是为中州塔而来! A Shangguan Ming face greedy looks at Chu Tian: I do not want to be redundant, you obtaining the thing spits, otherwise did not take it ill this special envoy to be heartless.” 上官明一脸贪婪的看着楚天:“我不想再重复,你自己把得到的东西都吐出来吧,否则休怪本特使无情了。” Your Central State Tarry's buried treasure is anything does not know that spouted rhetoric anything contributed the kingdom.” Chu Tian does not fear said: You did not think that this set of excuse is very laughable?!” “你连中州塔里的宝藏是什么都不知道,就大放厥词说什么贡献王国。”楚天丝毫不惧道:“你不觉得这套说辞很可笑么?!” Shangguan Ming this has not thought that Chu Tian will compromise easily, that has to bring back to Imperial City you directly, interrogated and tortured well.” 上官明本没有想过,楚天会轻易妥协,“那就只好把你直接带回王城,好好的拷问了。” Central State tower buried treasure? 中州塔宝藏? Shangguan Ming truly is anything does not know. 上官明确实连是什么都不知道。 However Central State such place, can have any good thing! 不过中州这样的地方,又能有什么好东西呢! On the contrary is Chu Tian is a walking dictionary, disclosed the rumor that from City Lord Feng Yunlong, Chu Tian this person may unearth the value to be extremely high, if discarded him locks in the side, what Chou can't create trillion wealth? 反倒是楚天是一部活字典啊,从城主风云龙透露的口风来看,楚天此人身上可挖掘价值极高,若将他废掉锁在身边,何愁不能创造亿万财富? The Chu Tian eye narrows the eyes slightly: I how, if refuses to work as?” 楚天眼睛微微眯起来:“我若拒绝又当如何?” Shangguan Ming laughs: You must have this ability!” 上官明哈哈大笑:“那你也要有这个能力!” Chu Tian said: Shangguan special envoy thought that ate to decide civilian?” 楚天笑着说:“上官特使觉得吃定小民了?” Feng Yunlong and Chu, Luo and Ye, three families secretly rejoice, once Chu Tian follows on the government authorities bar, then why must they do get rid? In the front of this colossus, Chu Tian links a leeway of resistance not to have! 风云龙楚洛叶三家暗喜起来,楚天一旦跟上官家杠上,那么何须他们出手?在这个庞然大物的面前,楚天连一点抵抗的余地都没有! How do we bet one?” Chu Tian said leisurely: You, if can win me, I follow you!” “我们赌一把如何?”楚天优哉游哉说:“你要是能赢了我,我就跟你走!” Yun Tianhe in great surprise. 云天鹤大惊。 Shangguan Ming is Awakened Soul 5th Layer cultivation base! 上官明魂醒五重修为啊! This is not Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong such young people can compare absolutely! 这绝对不是叶天狼洛降龙这样的年轻人能比的! Chu Tian emphasized one: Chair Yun and Chair Shen do not get rid, Three Great Clans and City Lord do not get rid, if Shangguan Teshi can keep off is occupied by my several subordinates, then I am without a fight!” 楚天强调一句:“云院长、沈院长不出手,三大家族城主也不出手,上官特使要是能挡的住我几个手下,那么我束手就擒!” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” Shangguan Ming has a good laugh, shortsighted person! Good, I make you experience, Shangguan Family strength!” “哈哈哈哈!”上官明仰天大笑起来,“井底之蛙!好,我就让你见识见识,上官家族的实力!” Chu Tian waves gently. 楚天轻轻一挥手。 An ancient bell appears in the hand, has swayed gently several, departs several Men in Black from the stage instantaneously, dense and numerous falling in the Chu Tian surroundings. 一枚古老的铃铛出现在手里,轻轻地摇晃了几下,瞬间从台下飞出十几个黑衣人,密密麻麻的落在楚天的周围。 Shangguan Ming stares slightly. 上官明微微一愣。 Such several subordinates? 这么十几个手下? Chu Tian is too rather negligent, the Shangguan Ming Awakened Soul 5th Layer strength, takes Chu Tian from the protection of Men in Black, isn't that the easy as pie matter? 楚天未免太大意,上官明魂醒五重的实力,从黑衣人的保护中拿下楚天,那不是易如反掌的事情吗? Shangguan Ming is somewhat unbelievable: „Are you earnest?” 上官明有些难以置信:“你是认真的?” My Chu Tian spoke of can achieve!” Chu Tian also asked one: If your excellency cannot achieve, how works as?” “我楚天说到就能做到!”楚天又反问一句:“如果阁下做不到,又当如何呢?” Is impossible!” “不可能!” If you have not been have achieved, I do not press the special envoy, oneself remove completely tumbles out Central State!” “如过你做不到,我也不难为特使阁下,自己脱光滚出中州!” Chu Tian could not control these many, was doomed to cause a stir in Central State in any case, that made this stir bigger! He must to know that Miracle Commerce is not the soft persimmon, even if Three Great Clans, he did not fear! 楚天管不了这么多了,反正注定要轰动中州,那就让这个轰动更大一些吧!他要让所有人都知道,奇迹商会不是软柿子,哪怕是三大家族,他也不怕! ( Rises to feel weak at present, card in the 34 appearances of new book subscription list, asking everybody to support!) (目前上升乏力,卡在新书订阅榜的34名样子,求大家支援!)
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