MT :: Volume #2

#197: Remaining is a king!

Chu Tian cultivation base how many? Is Awakened Soul 3rd Layer, takes to rise Yuan pill transient rise cultivation base, Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak! 楚天修为才多少?仅仅是魂醒三重啊,服用升元丹暂时提升修为,也不过魂醒三重巅峰! Virtual soul, Illustrious Soul. 一个虚魂,一个显魂 Awakened Soul Initial Stage, Awakened Soul Intermediate Stage. 一个魂醒初期,一个魂醒中期 Although merely is a difference, but is actually the difference of heaven and earth! 虽然仅仅是一步之差,但是实际是云泥之别! No one has thought that Chu Tian as strong as this situation, Ye Tianlang cannot even injure him the wound! 谁都没有想到,楚天强到这种地步,叶天狼甚至连伤都伤不到他! The Meng Qingwu tall Tiao body trembles, the white clothing wins the snow black hair like the waterfall, pair of bright eyes are flashing the unbelievable color. Is this Chu Tian strength? Although guessed correctly that after leaving tries to practice the tower, the strength will be increased many, has not thought to this situation formidable! 梦轻舞高挑身体微颤,白衣胜雪青丝如瀑,一双明眸闪动着难以置信之色。这就是楚天的实力吗?虽然猜到离开试练塔后,实力会提升很多,万万没有想到强大到这种地步! Now the tactical situation is getting more and more intense! 现在战况越来越激烈了! Ye Tianlang puts forth the skills, various Ye Family types gives up study displays all. 叶天狼使出浑身解数,叶家各种绝学尽数施展。 Chu Tian does not defend completely instead on own initiative attacks, Netherworld Flame Sword once were displayed, making his form just like the ghosts and demons in moves fast compared with the martial stage on, will flash before each time will have the combustion sword light together to delimit void. 楚天不完全防御反而主动进攻,幽冥炎火剑一经施展,让他身影犹如鬼魅般在比武场上飘忽,每次闪现都将有一道燃烧剑光划过虚空。 The bombardment is intermittent! 轰击阵阵! Crushed stone splash! 碎石飞溅! Although is unable to decide the victory and defeat for a while, but is Chu Tian presses Ye Tianlang to hit obviously! 虽然一时无法分出胜负,但是明显是楚天压着叶天狼打! Meng Yingying in whish stands, the fine cheeks flood blush excitedly, she looked one's blood bubbles up to the brim, shouted to the microphone: Now Chu Tian uses the Netherworld Flame Sword method, counterattacks Ye Tianlang various to give up study completely! You hear right! Frontage counterattacking! Crushes completely! To hit quickly slowly, hits weakly by, Young Master stray dog finds out various means to break through freely, however was explained by Chu Tian, therefore the situation was less wonderful!” 梦莹莹在哗的站起来,精致脸颊泛起激动红晕,她已经看得热血沸腾了,对话筒就大喊:“现在楚天施展出幽冥炎火剑法,完全反制住叶天狼的各种绝学!你们听得没错!正面反制!完全压倒!以快打慢,以强打弱,土狗公子尽管想出各种办法突围,然而都被楚天破解,所以处境已经越来越不妙了!” Nangong Yun also inspired shouts: Like this hits, 50 moves, Chu Tian wins inevitably!” 南宫云也振奋喊道:“这样打下去,不出50招,楚天必然获胜!” Some corner, a Feng Caidie big cape, looks in the arena silently all: This...... This inconceivable! How he can achieve this situation!” 某个角落,风彩蝶一身大斗篷,默默看着擂台上一切:“这……这不可思议!他怎么能做到这种地步!” Depending on me research to Chu Tian, each time the behavior seems like rash, is actually designs, matter that has not grasped, he will not do easily.” Divine Wind Marquis also wears a big cape, making person not recognize him to come, some girl was not seeking the I'm coming life-saving, whom now saves? You had a liking for this boy......” “凭我对楚天的研究,每次行为看似莽撞,其实都是设计的,没有把握的事情,他不会轻易去做。”神风候也穿一件大斗篷,让身边的人根本认不出他来,“某个丫头却非求着我来救人,现在到底救谁?你是不是看上这小子了……” Feng Caidie face one red: Do not talk nonsense! We are only the friends!” 风彩蝶脸一红:“你不要胡说!我们只是朋友!” Ha Ha, the response is so intense, is really only the friend?” “哈哈,反应这么激烈,真的只是朋友吗?” Is the friend!” “就是朋友!” Divine Wind Marquis Feng Yuntian smiles not to speak, vision staring that a pair lives simply tranquilly compared with the martial stage, actually ignites unusual flame from the pupil deep place, he a little could not completely understand this youth...... 神风候风云天笑而不语,一双平静淡泊的目光凝视比武场,从瞳孔深处却燃起一丝异样的火焰,他已经有点看不透这个少年了…… Luo Xianglong knit the brows little. 洛降龙一点点皱起眉。 Lets the person who Chu Xinghe admits defeat really worthily! 真不愧让楚星河都吃瘪的人! This boy will definitely not lose to Chu Xinghe in the future, even possibly above Chu Xinghe! Cannot make him continue Become stronger absolutely, today must strike to kill again this him! 这小子将来肯定不输给楚星河,甚至可能会在楚星河之上!绝对不能让他继续变强,今天一定要将他击杀再此! Ye Tianlang quickly cannot resist, gets rid! 叶天狼就快抵挡不住,出手吧! The Luo Xianglong low roar, erupts the strength fiercely suddenly, Source Spirit will shortly release. 洛降龙猛地低吼,骤然爆发出力量,元魂顷刻间就释放出来。 Lion tiger double-phase!” “狮虎双相!” That both hands dark golden arm protector poured into Source Energy, immediately erupts majestic lion [Tiger Roared], that is full of the explosive force the sound, shakes all person eardrum to be painful unexpectedly, some physique bad average people, were at the scene on the stupor in the past. 那双手暗金色的护臂被灌注元力,立刻爆发出雄壮的狮虎咆哮,那充满爆发力的声音,竟震得现场所有人耳膜生疼,有些体质差的普通人,更是当场就昏迷了过去。 Crazy beast jumps!” “狂兽蹦!” Luo Xianglong is sideways, the swinging right arm, layer on layer fights with the fists on the ground. 洛降龙侧身,摆动右臂,重重一拳打在地上。 The golden arm protector releases the terrifying strength, can see the speed to sprint by the naked eye rapidly forward, the golden energy leaves a gully the smooth ground plow, rapidly overruns toward the Chu Tian under foot, 金色护臂释放出恐怖力量,以肉眼能见速度急速向前冲刺,金色能量把平坦地面犁出一条沟壑,向着楚天脚下就急速冲过去, Bang! 轰! When Chu Tian realizes to avoid, was actually already without enough time, the golden overbearing strength broken, just liked the volcanic eruption release, changed to a glittering great lion to hit maliciously on the sword blade edge, erupted the grating explosion sound unexpectedly! 楚天意识过来想要回避,却是已经来不及了,金色霸道力量破地而出,犹如火山喷发般释放出来,化作一头金光闪闪的巨狮狠狠撞击在剑刃上,竟爆发出刺耳的轰响! Chu Tian can feel clearly that Netherworld Sword spreads a position cry, is unable to weaken the might that this strikes unexpectedly, finally falls completely on the body, Chu Tian was shelled to several meters upper air directly. 楚天能清楚感觉到,幽冥剑传出一阵地鸣,竟然无法削弱这一击的威力,最终完完全全倾洒在身体上,楚天直接被轰击到十几米的高空。 Good fearful explosive force! 好可怕的爆发力! Good fearful destructive power! 好可怕的破坏力! This fist can any Awakened Soul 4th Layer Cultivator killing fully! 这一拳足能把任何魂醒四重修士给打死! Chu Tian has not fallen with enough time, Ye Tianlang whiz, flickers move to appears in the sky, a foot maliciously sweeps, just likes kicks a sandbag to trample, making the Chu Tian meteor crash likely under! 楚天没来得及落下,叶天狼嗖地一声,瞬移般出现在上空,一脚狠狠的扫下来,犹如踢一个沙包踹过来,让楚天像流星般坠落而下! Mean!” Meng Yingying angry hammer table: Luo Xianglong does not give a thought to the commitment, the critical moment sends out the sneak attack to Chu Tian! The procedure of this low, is really the villain act! Really one of the unseemly behavior Four Great Young Masters!” “卑鄙!”梦莹莹愤怒一锤桌子:“洛降龙不顾承诺,关键时刻对楚天发出偷袭!这种下三滥的做法,实在是小人行径!真是妄为四大公子之一!” Truly. 确实。 Two pairs one was unfair! 二对一本来就不公平! Let alone after Luo Xianglong pledged for five minutes, got rid again. 何况洛降龙自己承诺五分钟后再出手。 Chu Tian fights for at most 34 minutes with Ye Tianlang, both sides still refuse to budge, Chu Tian slightly is in the upper hand freely, cannot end the fight temporarily. Luo Xianglong does not have protection time while Chu Tian exactly, suddenly launches an attack in the sneak attack method. 楚天叶天狼交手顶多34分钟,双方依然僵持不下,楚天尽管略占上风,也暂时不能结束战斗。洛降龙恰恰趁着楚天没有防备时候,突然以偷袭手段发难。 No matter that many! 不管那么多了! Luo Liancheng has confessed that defeats instead secondary, now is most important kills Chu Tian! 洛连城交代过,战胜反而次要,现在最重要是杀楚天 As for scolding sound? Expert what to fear public opinion censure! This world is always to become Wang defeats the invader and remaining is a king! Massacres Chu Tian with the sneak attack method, was scolded several behind at most, if makes Chu Tian live to continue to grow, that will be another Chu Xinghe! 至于骂声?强者又何惧舆论非议!这个世界从来都是成王败寇、剩者为王!用偷袭手段杀掉楚天,顶多被人背后骂几句,若让楚天活下来继续成长,那将是另一个楚星河 The two in comparison, scolded several are anything! 二者相比之下,骂几句算什么! Angry beast sets the prairie afire!” “怒兽燎原!” Luo Xianglong face upwards to bellow, the both arms are shining, just likes the hand grasps Sun, crazily to tread crazy bang. 洛降龙仰天大吼,双臂金光四射,犹如手握太阳般,疯狂地对着地面狂轰。 Each fist falls to the ground changes to an energy wave broken to attack! 每拳落地都化作一股能量波破地冲击! Chu Tian does not have including the stopping over place, receives several energies to attack, again was shot to arrive in the midair, Ye Tianlang will certainly not let up the opportunity, the incarnation becomes several remnant shades of telling, starts the high-speed attack of a series of being dazzled! 楚天连落脚地方都没有,又受到好几次能量冲击,再一次被弹到半空中,叶天狼当然不会放过机会,化身成十几道告诉的残影,开启一连串眼花缭乱的高速打击! Demon wolf plunders the food!” “魔狼掠食!” Destruction of Luo Xianglong strong, Ye Tianlang speed ultra-fast, under 22 unions, even if Chu Tian also for a while presses in leeward! 洛降龙的破坏超强,叶天狼的速度超快,22联合之下,哪怕是楚天也一时被压入下风! The Central State young day can contest with one of the Four Great Young Masters is the greatest glory! 中州年轻天才能与四大公子之一过招就已是莫大荣耀! Is Chu Tian by an enemy two, this also easier said than done? 楚天以一敌二,这又谈何容易? After Chu Tian by the Luo Xianglong violent bombardment several times, Diamond Body also gradually presents the breakage, the Luo Xianglong offensive is too fierce, the attack frequency is quick, surpasses Chu Tian Immortal body to restore the speed. If continues to continue to carry on, Chu Tian feared that is also hard to support! 楚天洛降龙猛烈轰击数次之后,金刚体也渐渐出现破裂,洛降龙的攻势太凶猛,攻击频率非常快,超过楚天不灭体恢复速度。若继续持续进行,楚天怕也难以支撑! First starts from Luo Xianglong! 先从洛降龙下手! After Chu Tian flies high turns, shunts an energy wave, escapes instantaneously into Netherworld , changes into together the combustion sword light, approached the Luo Xianglong lasing directly in the past. 楚天凌空后翻,躲开一次能量波,瞬间遁入幽冥,化为一道燃烧剑光,径直向洛降龙激射过去。 When! 当! The sword light chops on the arm protector, the time spark spatters in all directions! 剑光劈在护臂上,顿时间火花迸溅! Erupts a great strength from the arm protector, Chu Tian is shot several rice directly, staggers several steps, somewhat does not stand steadily, the sword blade edge shivers unceasingly buzz the cry. 从护臂中爆发出一股巨力,楚天直接被弹出去数米,踉跄好几步,有些站立不稳,剑刃不断颤抖嗡鸣。 This arm protector might is not weaker than Netherworld Sword! 这护臂威力不比幽冥剑弱! Luo Xianglong Source Energy is more vigorous than Ye Tianlang overbearingly, under 22 combinations, the head confrontation collides, Chu Tian definitely could not ask to be cheap! 洛降龙元力叶天狼更浑厚霸道,22组合之下,正面交锋碰撞,楚天肯定是讨不到便宜了! Luo Xianglong grasps the fist, the golden arm protector once more flood light: This is the arms of handed down in the family nine lion nine tigers, wears can add hold the strength of nine lion nine tigers, Luo Family Cultivation Technique to verve was famous overbearingly, you think near body can injure I? You from waste cultivation base, I forgive you not dead!” 洛降龙握握拳头,金色护臂再次泛光:“此乃家传九狮九虎之臂,佩戴着能加持九狮九虎之力,洛家功法本就以刚猛霸道著称,你以为近身能伤的了我?你自废修为,我饶你不死!” Ye Tianlang of person wolf condition pursues behind, although 34 sword cuts, but the battle efficiency is still well-preserved. 人狼状态的叶天狼追到背后,虽然身上34道剑伤,但是战斗力依然保存完好。 Converging attack? 前后夹击么? Also falls into the boundary of danger! 又陷入危险之境! Chu Tian can feel that within the body compounded drug efficacy, seems declining. If not some compounded drugs supplement Source Energy, Chu Tian Source Energy has consumed now most. But, fight intensity is too high, the compounded drug is also difficult to continue to maintain! 楚天能够感觉到,体内丹药药力,似乎正在衰退。若非有丹药补充元力,楚天现在元力已经消耗大半。但,战斗强度太高,丹药也难持续维持! These two are genuine Awakened Soul 4th Layer Expert. 这两人都是货真价实魂醒四重强者 From the Source Energy total quantity, Chu Tian suffers a loss very much! 元力总量来说,楚天是很吃亏的! The people are worried for Chu Tian. 众人都替楚天担心起来。 What to do should he? 他该怎么办呢? Ha Ha Ha Ha!” Youth simple green long gown was tattered, rags flap flap make noise against the wind, although the appearance is somewhat distressed, but a heroic spirit actually arises spontaneously, both eyes like star, fiery, the star splendor covers in the whole body, the haughty spirit shoots up to the sky, as if the looking disdainfully world hero, making people be hard to look straight ahead his point: In that two same places, the father one breath kills, so as to avoid solutions take time!” “哈哈哈哈!”少年朴素青色长袍已经破破烂烂,一条条破布迎风猎猎作响,虽然样子有些狼狈,但是一股豪气却油然而生,双目如星,炯炯有神,星辉笼罩在周身,狂傲锐气冲天而起,仿佛睥睨天下英豪,让人难以直视他的锋芒:“那就两个一起上,老子一口气干掉,免得一个一个解决太费事!” Extremely arrogant overbearing! 狂妄霸道! The spirit is wild! 锐气狂放! Unscrupulous! 肆无忌惮! Lin Fan and Lin Xuan, a brain blank! 林凡林璇,大脑一片空白! Even if the opposite party is Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong, such Central State topest young talent collaborates, is still unflustered, is still without turning a hair...... This is Chu Tian! Unique Chu Tian! Chu Tian that they most worship! 哪怕对方是叶天狼洛降龙,这样中州最顶尖的年轻天才联手,依然从容不迫,依然面不改色……这就是楚天!独一无二的楚天!他们最崇拜的楚天 The Central State City audiences thoroughly were also shocked! 中州城的观众们也被彻底震撼了! In the middle of the entire Central State super talent, feared that has two people able to face two big young masters, but not discoloration. 中州的超级天才当中,怕是就只有两个人能面对两大公子而不色变。 One is Sky Sword young master Chu Xinghe. 一个就是天剑公子楚星河 One is this Chu Tian! 一个就是这个楚天 Chu Tian is younger than Chu Xinghe, talent is more outstanding than Chu Xinghe, spirit really past Chu Xinghe, this person, once the vacation whets at the years, can soar inevitably, becomes great person who causes a stir in Southern Xia! 楚天楚星河更年轻,才华比楚星河更出众,锐气更甚当年的楚星河,此人一旦假以岁月磨砺,必然能够一飞冲天,成为轰动南夏的大人物! I'm coming breaks through his defense!” Luo Xianglong has the average person the terrifying destructive power that is hard to be a worthy opponent, after wearing the arms of Luo Family handed down in the family nine lion nine tigers, adds the strengths of nine lion nine tigers in vain, has destroys the defense of Chu Tian self-confidently, defends one broken, you kill him!” 我来攻破他的防御!”洛降龙具备普通人难以匹敌的恐怖破坏力,佩戴洛家家传的九狮九虎之臂后,徒然增添九狮九虎的力量,有自信打碎楚天的防御,“防御一破,你来杀他!” The Ye Tianlang destructive power is inferior to Luo Xianglong, but Ye Family Cultivation Technique is strange, moreover by speed win, so long as the Chu Tian tyrannical defense breaks, Ye Tianlang has self-confidently massacres him at one fell swoop! 叶天狼破坏力不如洛降龙,不过叶家功法诡异难测,而且以速度取胜,只要楚天强横的防御破掉,叶天狼就有自信一举杀掉他! Good!” “好!” Chu Tian Starlight restores gradually, in the little seepage within the body, is letting the skin muscle flood a diamond ray. 楚天身上星光渐渐重新恢复过来,正在一点点的渗透进体内,让皮肤肌肉泛着一层金刚石般的光芒。 In the hand the long sword, the flame is exuberant! 手中长剑,火光旺盛! Chu Tian is not a fool, stands is making you hit?! The sneak attack goes well one time, will make you go well the second time? 楚天不是傻子,难道站着让你打?!偷袭得手一次,难道会让你得手第二次? Does not give any opportunity! 不给任何机会! Chu Tian launches the attack directly! 楚天直接发动攻击! Monster wolf changes!” Ye Tianlang face upwards the long and loud cry, the person he of wolf condition, was covered the body by blood light suddenly, blood wolf!” “妖狼变!”叶天狼仰天长啸,人狼状态的他,骤然被一层血光覆盖身体,“血狼!” Ye Family person whole body shakes. 叶家人都浑身一震。 Did he use this move?! 他用出了这一招?! This move is the Ye Family taboo gives up study, takes the combustion essence and blood as the price, received exchange for the destructive power and speed increases, makes the battle efficiency promote several scales sufficiently, however the period of revolution is longer to the body causes the damage more serious! 这招是叶家禁忌绝学,以燃烧精血为代价,换取破坏力和速度大增,足以让战斗力提升好几个档次,然而使用时间越长对身体造成伤害就越严重! Luo Xianglong also wants to end the fight earlier, roars low and deep, as if also displays some Secret Technique, originally on the muscle that sticks out high, likely is the gasification is instantaneously ordinary, inflates a big truncation, two tigers compel the ray to flash, the strength of lion tiger that rushes, almost quick Bunker Buster, but left! 洛降龙也想早点结束战斗,也是低沉怒吼一声,似乎也施展某种秘术,本来就高高隆起的肌肉,瞬间像是充气一般,又膨胀一大截,两只虎逼光芒闪动,那澎湃的狮虎之力,几乎都快破壁而出了! Fought it out? 一决胜负了吗? Chu Tian wields a sword to attack first to Ye Tianlang! 楚天挥剑先攻向叶天狼 Death!” “死!” The Ye Tianlang two legs stare, changes to the scarlet ray, the front surface overruns to Chu Tian together, both hands refer to the head to having more than one foot fully long demon wolf mourning soul claw!” 叶天狼两腿一瞪地,化作一道血色光芒,迎面向楚天冲过去,双手指甲长到足有一尺多长“魔狼丧魂爪!” The Netherworld Sword flame fever is more prosperous, the Chu Tian personal appearance vanished in a flash, arrives at the huge combustion sword light, cuts the entire horizon suddenly. 幽冥剑的火焰越烧越旺,楚天身形一晃消失了,一到巨大燃烧剑光,骤然间划破整个天际。 Netherworld Raging Flame Slash!” 幽冥怒炎斩!” The Ye Tianlang wolf pupil understands clearly the Chu Tian form, the terrifying claw glow falls on Chu Tian maliciously: Tearing!” 叶天狼的狼瞳洞悉楚天身影,恐怖爪芒狠狠落在楚天身上:“撕裂吧!” The Chu Tian clothes were ripped powder instantaneously, same tears to pieces the strength the steel and iron photographic paper sufficiently, falling maliciously in the Chu Tian chest, creates the sound that [gold/metal] Tie occurred simultaneously, just likes hits on a great clock. 楚天衣服瞬间被撕成粉末,足以将钢铁像纸一样撕烂力量,狠狠的落在楚天胸膛,造成金铁交加的声音,犹如打在一口巨钟上。 Echo loudly, just like ancient temple ding, resonant melodious, making the person send the province! 轰然的回音,宛如古寺钟声,嘹亮悠扬,令人发省! Diamond Body presents some fissures, the Ye Tianlang strength seepage part, creates several long wounds, actually by far insufficiently fatal. 金刚体出现一些裂痕,叶天狼力量渗透部分,造成几道长长伤口,却远远不足以致命。 A strength rebounds. 一股力量反弹回来。 Ten fingers break off all! 十根手指尽数折断! That terrifying combustion sword light has divided, a sword chops maliciously on the body of Ye Tianlang, has ripped open Ye Tianlang protecting body Source Energy instantaneously, the turbulent flame swallows the entire body of Ye Tianlang directly. 恐怖的燃烧剑光已经劈来,一剑狠狠砍在叶天狼的身上,瞬间撕开了叶天狼的护体元力,汹涌火焰直接吞噬叶天狼的整个身体。 Ye Tianlang called out pitifully, was divided compared with the martial stage edge! 叶天狼惨叫一声,被劈到比武场边缘! This sword discarded him sufficiently! 这一剑足以把他废掉了! Luo Xianglong seizes the opportunity! 洛降龙抓住机会! Chu Tian angry flame cuts is requires the time to gather the potential, once after release, is unable the long-term usage, at one fell swoop the good opportunity that he defeats! 楚天的“怒炎斩”是需要时间蓄势,所以一旦释放过后,就无法连续使用,正是一举把他击败的良机啊! Lion tiger dragon!” “狮虎化龙!” Luo Xianglong soars to fly, the whole person turns into a flood dragon, the vibration four directions, confuses the wind and cloud, the wild aura looks disdainfully all, roars resounds through the world! 洛降龙腾空飞起来,整个人化成一条蛟龙,震动四方,搅乱风云,狂暴气息睥睨一切,怒吼更是响彻天地! Chu Tian young child! Your time of death to 楚天小儿!你的死期到了” Luo Xianglong unique skill already. 洛降龙绝招已出。 He really cannot find out, Chu Tian has any means to block this move! 他实在想不出,楚天有什么办法挡住这一招! Luo Xianglong had the strong strength, adds the might of nine lion nine tiger arm protectors to counter-balance Netherworld Sword again, even if one were struck by this by the Chu Tian defense is impossible also to have the battle efficiency! 洛降龙本就具备超强的实力,再加九狮九虎护臂的威力抵消幽冥剑,哪怕以楚天防御受此一击也不可能还有战斗力! Crucial moment at a crucial moment! 千钧一发的生死关头! Everyone turns very quiet! 每一个人都屏住呼吸! Will Chu Tian die? 楚天会死吗? Chu Tian reveals a taunt to sneer to Luo Xianglong, suddenly ejects a bead gently, in this bead is sealing big pile of blue white flame, was stimulated instantaneously, completely spout, overspreads around Chu Tian instantaneously! 楚天洛降龙露出一个嘲讽冷笑,突然轻轻抛出一颗珠子,这颗珠子里面封存着一大堆蓝白色的火焰,瞬间被激发,全部喷涌出来,瞬间铺满楚天周围! Evades the hot bead! 是避火珠! Is Netherworld Flame! 幽冥火 Chu Tian in combat process, with evading hot bead unceasing flame, therefore evades in fire Zhu to accumulate the strength of enough strong Netherworld Flame! 楚天在战斗过程中,用避火珠不断的火焰,所以避火珠里积累足够强的幽冥火之力! Stirs just like the Netherworld Sword long sword of ten thousand years of cold ice, everywhere filariasis flame adsorbs on the sword blade edge, together jet black Demon God Sword Source Spirit presents in the back, the demon god aura from wild time floods the world! 宛若万年寒冰的幽冥剑长剑一搅,漫天的流火火焰吸附到剑刃上,一道漆黑的神魔剑元魂在背后呈现,来自蛮荒时代的魔神气息充斥天地! Netherworld Raging Flame Slash!” 幽冥怒炎斩!” Together the radiant combustion sword light and flood dragon collide! 一道璀璨的燃烧剑光与蛟龙碰撞! The sword light cleaves in two flood dragon directly from beginning to end! 剑光直接把蛟龙从头到尾劈成两半! Chu Tian in the violent strength bombardment, protects body Starlight also unceasingly to break to pieces, the corners of the mouth overflow the blood! 楚天在猛烈力量轰击中,护体星光也不断碎开,嘴角更是溢出鲜血! Who cannot insist first, who will be defeated! 谁先坚持不住,谁就会落败! Obviously, the Chu Tian sword Secret Art is obviously swifter and fiercer plans, the flood dragon directly was from the beginning divided the tail, gives to tear into shreds Luo Xianglong Source Energy, the final sword chops above the body of Luo Xianglong. 显然,楚天剑诀显然更凌厉一筹,蛟龙被从头直接劈到尾,把洛降龙元力给都给撕碎,最终一剑砍在洛降龙的身体之上。 Bang! 轰! Luo Xianglong crashes. 洛降龙坠落到地。 A pair of bloody arm was chopped! 一双血淋淋手臂被砍了下来! Central State compared with the sky of martial stage, the Source Energy glory, the splendor of Starlight, follows point Netherworld Flame, just likes the smoke and fire that is in full bloom blasts out, likely raindrop unceasing falling gently under. 中州比武场的上空,元力光辉,星光之辉,伴随点点幽冥火,犹如盛开的烟火般炸开,又像雨点般不断的飘落而下。 Just likes a solemn and stirring victory song of victory! 犹如一支悲壮的胜利凯歌! Chu Tian falls gently to return to the arena like snowflakes, the long sword inserts the scabbard slowly, turns head to walk toward the field. Died as for Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang? 楚天就像一片雪花般飘落回擂台,长剑缓缓地插回剑鞘,回头就向场下走去。至于洛降龙叶天狼死了没有? He is disinclined to look at one. 他懒得看一眼。 Important? Is unimportant, is the same! 死活重要吗?不重要,都一样! This whole life they again not with the qualifications that Chu Tian fought! 这辈子他们再没与楚天争锋的资格了! ( Monday to! To Bang Chongbang! Goal new book sale list!) (周一到了!冲榜冲榜!目标新书销售榜!)
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