MT :: Volume #2

#196: Strong and weak exchange

This one after another fiercely attacks the intensity rude common Illustrious Soul master, Chu Tian can resist with ease, but sends has not injured, explained that had with the qualifications that Illustrious Soul level Expert compares favorably with! 这一连串猛攻强度不逊寻常显魂高手,楚天能轻松抵挡而毫发未伤,说明已经具备与显魂强者媲美的资格! However, Ye Tianlang transforms one group of Source Energy for the demon wolf launches the attack, this demon wolf doppelganger does not arrive at the main body 30% strengths, is only a small probe, he is far from displaying the real strength! 但是,叶天狼把一团元力幻化为魔狼发动攻击,这魔狼分身不到本尊的三成实力,也只是小小的一次试探罢了,他远远没有发挥出真实实力! Four Great Young Masters is not a vegetarian! 四大公子不是吃素的! The Central State young generation of few person can compare favorably with Ye Tianlang! 中州年轻一辈没几人能媲美叶天狼 Luo Xianglong did not call out patiently: „A waste of trivial Virtual soul level, how much time can you also waste?” 洛降龙不耐烦叫道:“一个区区的虚魂级的废物,你到底还要浪费多少时间?” Do not worry!” Ye Tianlang monster different pupil flashes through one ruthlessly spicy, although Chu Tian does not know that with any means that lets the cultivation base transient rise to the 3rd Layer peak, so long as does not enter the Illustrious Soul level the strength, its Source Spirit to battle efficiency amplification again many, is not enough to pose the threat to him, just warmed up, now plays formally starts!” “别着急!”叶天狼妖异眸子闪过一丝狠辣,虽然楚天不知道用什么办法,让修为暂时提升到三重巅峰,但只要不进入显魂级的实力,其元魂对战斗力增幅就算再多,也不足以对他构成威胁,“刚刚不过是热身,现在游戏正式开始!” Chu Tian Source Spirit is very strong. 楚天元魂很强。 Even if Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak cultivation base, breaks out Awakened Soul 4th Layer protecting body Source Energy sufficiently! 哪怕魂醒三重巅峰修为,足以劈开魂醒四重的护体元力 Let alone this person has Soul Communication Tool, as well as one set of very sinister and ruthless swordsmanship, therefore cannot to his any opportunity, shield the attack with doppelganger is a good choice. 何况此人拥有一把通灵魂器,以及一套非常阴毒的剑法,所以不能给他任何机会,用分身来掩护进攻是一个不错的选择。 I give you five minutes.” Luo Xianglong said lightly: If cannot solve him, I personally begin!” “我给你五分钟时间。”洛降龙淡淡地说:“若不能解决掉他,我就亲自动手!” Five minutes sufficed!” “五分钟够了!” The Ye Tianlang as if incarnation becomes the volcano, a dreadful demon flame erupts from the top of the head, finally turns into five groups of energy bodies to fall, a leader majestic dragon wings demon wolf of formed gradually. 叶天狼仿佛化身成为火山,一股滔天魔炎从头顶喷发,最终变成五团能量体落下,一头头雄壮的龙翼魔狼渐渐成形了。 Meng Yingying hurried saying: Demon wolf doppelganger was very formidable, Ye Tianlang releases doppelganger of five demon wolves one time! Really astonishing!” 梦莹莹赶紧说:“一头魔狼分身就已经很强大,叶天狼一次性释放出五头魔狼的分身!真是让人吃惊!” People panic-stricken stares big eye! 众人一个个惊骇的瞪大眼睛! This was just five times of battle efficiencies! 这是刚刚五倍的战斗力啊! The Ye Tianlang main body was also covered by the black flame, the entire body inflates several times, changes a huge and fierce demon wolf image! 叶天狼本尊也被黑炎笼罩,整个身躯膨胀好几倍,变化成一头巨大而又狰狞的魔狼形象! A main body transforms, five doppelganger transform, six demon wolves are exactly the same! 一头本尊幻化,五头分身幻化,六头魔狼一模一样! The Yun Tianhe stern-faced solution said: This monster wolf doppelganger is one of the Ye Family highest giving up study, can duplicate as the main source by the wolf of Source Spirit, Source Energy transforms monster wolf doppelganger that becomes, has main body exactly the same ability, is only the doppelganger strength is slightly weak! What is most fearful is the main body infiltrates, can momentarily with any doppelganger fast switching, want to lock the main body in numerous doppelganger, is a very difficult matter!” 云天鹤一脸凝重解说道:“这妖狼分身叶家最高绝学之一,能以元魂之狼作为蓝本进行复制,元力幻化而成的妖狼分身,具备本体一模一样的能力,只是分身力量稍弱!最可怕的是本尊混进其中,能随时与任何一个分身快速切换,想在众多分身里锁定本尊,是很困难的一件事!” Meng Yingying said with amazement: „Is that in an impregnable position?” 梦莹莹惊讶的说:“那岂不是立于不败之地?” Not necessarily.” The Shen Bingyu rare start to talk explained that icy sound spreads following the broadcast: doppelganger needs massive Source Energy to maintain, and cannot leave the main body to be too far, if can continue to persevere, consumes his Source Energy, this merit from broken.” “未必。”沈冰雨难得开口解释,冷冰冰声音顺着广播传开:“分身需要大量元力来维持,且不能够离开本尊太远,若能持续坚守,消耗他的元力,此功自破。” Yun Tianhe sighed: Words, although so, easier said than done? Is more limited than the martial stage space, is impossible to pull open the distance war. Both sides cultivation base is disparate, the Source Energy disparity is huge, is more impossible to carry on the battle of attrition.” 云天鹤叹息:“话虽如此,谈何容易?比武场空间有限,不可能拉开距离战。双方修为悬殊,元力差距巨大,更不可能进行消耗战。” Their commentaries were heard clearly. 两人的评论被人们听得清清楚楚。 Two are the absolute masters, its appraisal has the component! 两位是绝对的大师啊,其评价是非常有分量的! Ye Tianlang is more fearful than the hearsay, this formidable Cultivation Technique and giving up study, almost can be in an impregnable position, can Chu Tian deal with? 叶天狼比传闻中更加可怕,这种强大的功法和绝学,几乎能立于不败之地,楚天能够应付吗? Six exactly the same dragon wings demon flame wolves disperse mutually, just likes one group of greedy people on headstrong wild prairie, is forming the potential of encirclement to the game mutually, killing intent of that ominous offense already stubbornly locked the opposite party. 六头一模一样的龙翼魔焰狼互相散开,犹如莽荒草原上的一群饿狼,正互相对猎物形成合围之势,那凶戾的杀气早已死死锁定对方。 Roar!” “吼!” Six demon wolf condensation for a long time, almost simultaneously spout a highly concentrated compression the black demon flame, just likes six giant lances, goes toward a same item of target strafing from the different directions. 六头魔狼凝聚许久,几乎同时喷出一股高浓度压缩的黑色魔焰,犹如六道巨大的长矛般,从不同方向朝着一个相同目标射去。 Long-distance attack? 远程攻击? A Chu Tian judgment path backward ball. 楚天判断轨迹向后一弹。 The Chu Tian motion flash, the person still in the midair, six demon wolf biplane wings launches to soar, initiates fierce incomparable throwing to raid. 楚天行动一瞬间,人还在半空中,六头魔狼双翼展开腾空而起,发起凶猛无比的扑袭。 doppelganger dreads insufficient! 分身不足畏惧! Main body where? 本尊在哪里? Under the Chu Tian Heart's Eye observation, six demon wolves are exactly the same, actually does not have the difference of slight strong and weak! 楚天心眼观察之下,六只魔狼是一模一样,竟然没有丝毫强弱之别! Well? Strange! Six are doppelganger, then main body? 咦?奇怪!六头都是分身,那么本尊呢? The instance of this electric light flint, does not make the ponder possibly, the spears of six demon inflammations in the front hits together. Rushes the Source Energy release to change to the giant fireball. 这个电光火石的瞬间,根本不容许做出思考,六根魔炎之矛在前方撞击在一起。一股澎湃元力释放化作巨大火球。 Roar!” “吼!” In the fireball resounds the noisy wail that shocks sad and shrill, suddenly another savage spirit mount great wolf, from the flame of explosion makes a long-range raid, throws to the body quickly comes. 火球中响起一阵凄厉震撼的长嚎,突然又一头凶残神骏的巨狼,从爆炸的火焰里奔袭而出,以迅雷不及掩耳之势扑到身前来。 This demon wolf expression fills to tease, grins fiendishly was saying: Ha Ha Ha...... You in Looking for me?” 这头魔狼表情充满戏谑,狞笑着说道:“哈哈哈啊哈……你是在找我吗?” Good surprise attack! 好一个奇袭! The Chu Tian wielding a sword time does not have, was stroked instantaneously the chest, whole body Starlight explodes to break to pieces, was patted from the arena center arrives at the edge in arena, hits on barrier, by recoiling arena. 楚天挥剑时间都没有,瞬间被一击打中胸膛,浑身星光都爆碎开来,从擂台中央被拍到擂台的边缘,撞在结界上,又被弹回擂台。 All around deathly stillness! 四周一片死寂! The people expression is consistent! 众人表情都是一致! Shocking! Too was really shocking! 惊艳!真是太惊艳了! Adeptness of Heavenly Wolf Young Master to the Cultivation Technique utilization, to the ingenuity of tactical arrangement, making the audiences broaden the outlook! 天狼公子功法运用之娴熟,对战术安排之巧妙,让观众们都大开眼界! Ye Tianlang can release six doppelganger obviously, actually intentionally first emits five to come out, spouts the flame with the main body together. Ye Tianlang very clear, Chu Tian has wise Heart's Eye, this attack is impossible to hit him, therefore completely is a camouflage! 叶天狼明明能释放六个分身,却故意先放出五个出来,与本尊一起喷出火焰。叶天狼非常的清楚,楚天拥有非常高明的心眼,这种攻击是不可能打得中他的,所以完全是一个障眼法罢了! Six demon flame fusions change into new doppelganger, transfers again the main body by Secret Technique, thus arrives at the Chu Tian front instantaneously, making the opportunity that Chu Tian draws a sword continually not have, the strength of congealing main body, by the potential of thunderclap, strikes him kills! 六股魔炎融合化为一个新分身,再以秘术把本尊挪移过去,从而瞬间来到楚天的面前,让楚天连拔剑的机会都没有,凝本尊之力,以迅雷之势,一击将他干掉! Tyrannical incomparable strength! 强横无比的实力! The tactic of strangely not measuring! 诡异莫测的战术! These days discredited Ye Tianlang, depending on this strange its technique strikes, makes the people have the deep respect to him sufficiently once more. 这段时间声名狼藉的叶天狼,光凭这神乎其技的一击,足以让人们再次对他产生深深的敬意。 The Meng Yingying sound somewhat shivers: Chu...... Chu Tian was struck down by a Ye Tianlang claw!” 梦莹莹声音有些颤抖:“楚……楚天叶天狼一爪击倒了!” The might that this strikes is much strong, Ye Tianlang is at heart clear! 这一击的威力多强,叶天狼心里一清二楚! Ye Family has studied Chu Tian defense Cultivation Technique, that wrap is called «Starlight Immortal Body» defense Cultivation Technique, undeniably truly very tyrannical, can be successful in the same level fight, even can jump the ranks to resist the injury! 叶家研究过楚天的防御功法,那套叫做《星光不灭体》的防御功法,不可否认确实非常的强横,能在同级战斗中立于不败,甚至能够越级抵挡伤害! But any defends Cultivation Technique to have its limit! 但任何防御功法都是有其极限的! The explosive force of this surprise attack destroys the Immortal body foot! 这次奇袭的爆发力摧毁不灭体足矣! Ye Tianlang has thought slowly plays with suffer Chu Tian, such has not done finally actually, because Chu Tian repeatedly makes the Ye Tianlang dignity sweep the floor, must therefore in neatest and most direct way, defeats Chu Tian at one fell swoop, if died directly, if makes into the disabled person , then continues to suffer is...... Only has so can redeem the dignity! 叶天狼想过慢慢玩弄折磨楚天,最终却没有这么做,因为楚天屡次让叶天狼尊严扫地,所以必须以最干净利落、最直接的方式,一举击败楚天,若直接死掉就算了,若是打成残废则继续折磨便是……唯有如此能挽回尊严! Let the people see the waste clearly is the waste, has the insurmountable disparity with the talent! 让人们清楚看到废物就是废物,与天才有着不可逾越的差距! The shame of South Sky City, lets Ye Tianlang day and night the cutting tooth, today finally this greatly Qiu Bao! 天南城之辱,让叶天狼日夜切齿,今天终于把这个大仇报了! Ha Ha Ha Ha! Aren't you very crazy?” Ye Tianlang stares is lying in ground Chu Tian, just likes demented laughs: Finally Young Master even/including this can't a move block? On your such waste, dares to talk that challenges two big young masters!” “哈哈哈哈!你不是很狂吗?”叶天狼盯着趴在地上楚天,犹如癫狂般大笑起来:“最后连本公子一招都挡不住?就你这样的废物,也敢狂言挑战两大公子!” Yun Tianhe and Shen Bingyu have stood. 云天鹤沈冰雨都站了起来。 Meng Yingying and Nangong Yun reveal the color of anger. 梦莹莹南宫云露出愤怒之色。 Meng Qingwu is the face whiten, she also cultivates Starlight Immortal Body, therefore very clear Starlight Immortal Body defensive power, this strikes in is too violent, Chu Tian perhaps is...... 梦轻舞更是脸色苍白,她也修炼星光不灭体,所以非常清楚星光不灭体防御力,这一击是在太猛烈,楚天恐怕是…… While all people think Chu Tian cannot get up. 正当所有人都以为楚天起不来的时候。 Bang! 砰! The carp hits very! 鲤鱼打挺! Good good!” Chu Tian simply agile stands, you truly a little progress, I who this strikes flexure am quite itchy!” “不错不错!”楚天就干脆利索的站起来,“你确实有点长进,这一击挠的我好痒!” Ye Tianlang direct was ignorant! 叶天狼直接懵了! Scene innumerable eyes almost stare! 现场无数双眼睛差点瞪出来! Colored glaze Starlight of Chu Tian whole body one falls off piece by piece, his skin as if becomes transparent, just likes the diamond of best quality goods, is reflecting the beautiful attractive brilliance. 楚天浑身的琉璃般星光一片片脱落,他的皮肤仿佛变得透明,犹如极品的金刚石,折射着美丽诱人的光彩。 Diamond Body! 金刚体 This is Diamond Body! 这是金刚体 When does Chu Tian build up? 楚天是什么时候炼成的? Meng Yingying and Meng Qingwu great happiness, is in great surprise angry afterward! 梦莹莹梦轻舞大惊大喜,随后又恼怒起来! This bastard point is all right obviously, actually puts on airs to lie on the ground is so long, this is harms them to be worried that intentionally, too damn, must repair him to be good simply maliciously! 这个混蛋明明一点没事,却装模作样在地上趴那么久,这是故意害得她们担心啊,简直太可恶了,一定要狠狠修理他才行! Chu Tian stood!” 楚天站起来了!” An audience piece cheers, the people stand up in abundance, Lin Fan Lin Xuan excited bellows, what ratio but also there is to make them rouse? 全场一片欢呼,人们纷纷起立,林凡林璇更是激动的大吼起来,还有什么比这个更让他们振奋? The Heavenly Wolf Young Master surprise attack strikes fully, Chu Tian resists by the mortal body forcefully, an injury has not actually stayed behind! 天狼公子全力奇袭一击,楚天以肉身强行抵抗,却一点伤势都没有留下! Ye Tianlang did not exclaim willingly: You possibly are how all right!” 叶天狼不甘心吼道:“你怎么可能没事!” Where knows that Chu Tian Starlight Immortal Body, is actually the small accomplishment Glass Body boundaries, now has practiced the Diamond Body familiar boundary! Chu Tian cultivation base also significantly promotes, the defensive power naturally is no comparison between them. 哪里知道楚天星光不灭体,其实一直都是小成琉璃体境界,现在已经修炼到金刚体的精通境界!楚天修为也大幅度提升,防御力自然不可同日而语。 That small trick thinks really can deceive me?” The Chu Tian racket dust, I want to visit you to make a boner, therefore lets your one move intentionally!” “那点小伎俩真以为能骗过我?”楚天拍拍身上灰尘,“我想看你出丑而已,所以故意让你一招!” damn! Defended Cultivation Technique also to practice to the stage of perfection? However the tortoise shell is hard and useful, I till projecting on disruption!” 可恶!防御功法也修炼至化境了么?不过龟壳再硬又有什么用,我直到打到碎裂为止!” Chu Tian horizontal long sword of combustion: Tries!” 楚天横起燃烧的长剑:“试试吧!” Six wolves unite!” “六狼合一!” Six doppelganger did not have the significance, is the main body very difficult to destroy the defense, doppelganger possibly crushes? Would rather hits the same place all Source Energy, «Changes Cultivation Technique by Monster Wolf of» stage of perfection level, not strength of the war! 六头分身已经没有意义,本尊都很难打碎防御,分身又怎么可能击碎?倒不如把所有元力都击中到一起,凭借化境级的《妖狼变》功法,未尝没有一战之力! After absorbs doppelganger, that huge build transforms rapidly reduces several times, finally turns into the proportion of normal person, the incarnation becomes monsters of-and-a-half-and-a-half person of wolves, however the aura actually further promotes several times! 当重新吸收分身后,那庞大体型迅速幻化缩小几倍,最终变成正常人的比例,化身成一个半人半狼的怪物,然而气息却进一步提升好几倍! Wolf god rushes!” “狼神奔!” The Ye Tianlang speed of person wolf condition is faster . Moreover the destructive power is stronger, compared with just promoted 3rd Layer, the double fist shakes the air flip-flop makes noise. 人狼状态的叶天狼速度更快,而且破坏力更强,比刚刚又提升三重,双拳把空气都震荡的噼噼啪啪作响。 Chu Tian does not hide does not dodge: Happen to examines the strength of Starlight body!” 楚天不躲不闪:“正好测验星光体之力!” Bang! 轰! The Ye Tianlang bombardment on Chu Tian, has the great pressure instantaneously, making the surrounding ground explode completely broken, Chu Tian was attacked the backing up several steps that shakes violently, the Diamond Body ray is gloomy, completely has not actually dissipated. 叶天狼轰击在楚天身上,瞬间产生强大压力,让周围地面全部爆碎,楚天被猛烈冲击震的倒退数步,金刚体光芒暗淡不少,却并没有完全消散。 Ye Tianlang instead was shaken to fly to draw back, if not the person wolf condition physique greatly is strengthened, now perhaps has been shaken injures. 叶天狼反被震得飞退出去,若非人狼状态体质大大增强,现在或许已经被震伤了。 Your strength is mediocre!” “你的实力不过如此!” The Chu Tian Netherworld Sword in addition holds the strength of Source Spirit, ice-cold sword blade edge unceasing trembling called, faint trace blue flame, covered the sword blade edge suddenly. 楚天幽冥剑加持元魂之力,冰冷剑刃不断的颤鸣中,一丝丝蓝色的火焰,骤然覆盖剑刃上上下下。 Netherworld Flash inflammation!” 幽冥瞬炎!” Wipes the combustion sword light to delimit! 一抹燃烧剑光划过! Ye Tianlang hurries to avoid being actually chopped the shoulder, the blood flows off following the clothes, Netherworld Flame corrodes the veins, making him feel that the arm loses the strength. 叶天狼慌忙躲避却被砍中肩膀,鲜血顺着衣服流下,幽冥火侵蚀进筋脉,让他感到手臂都失去力量。 Tactical situation is getting more and more intense, this Chu Tian changes from guest to host!” Nangong Yun was explaining to the microphone: Now Ye Tianlang falls leeward!” “战况越来越激烈,这次楚天反客为主!”南宫云对着话筒讲解:“现在叶天狼落入下风!” Meng Yingying said: From beginning to end is Ye Tianlang is attacking, what is Chu Tian rubbing gently? Uses the sword! Was the time counter-attacks!” 梦莹莹跟着说道:“从始至终是叶天狼在进攻,楚天在磨磨蹭蹭什么?出剑吧!是时候反击了!” The strong and weak exchange, the situation change, making the person suddenly have no way to respond. 强弱互换,局势变化,让人一时间没法反应。 ( Tonight 12 points have also been able again a chapter! Tomorrow is on Monday, the traveller far from home must clash a subscription version again, the subscription is very important, hopes that everybody supports!) (今晚过12点还会再更一章!明天是周一,游子要再冲一次订阅版,订阅真的很重要,希望大家支持!)
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