MT :: Volume #2

#195: Fierce disputes

The broadcast system that Meng Yingying and Nangong Yun use builds temporarily, is keeping saying on chairman's podium, their voice transmits Central State City each public place smoothly, after this duel, the Miracle Commerce radio, will certainly bring in the inferior gasser big eruption. 梦莹莹南宫云使用临时打造起来的广播系统,正在主席台上面说个不停,两人声音顺利传递到中州城的各个公众场合,这次决斗过后,奇迹商会的收音机,一定会引来次喷井般的大爆发。 Meng Qingwu already prepared. 梦轻舞早就做好准备了。 Recently purchased several newspaper offices to recruit the folk poet and sound Yue Family, so long as therefore radio once sold greatly, Miracle Commerce can establish a media type chamber of commerce immediately, changed the people to live the condition with the broadcast way. 最近收购几家报社又招募民间诗人、音乐家,所以说只要收音机一旦大卖,奇迹商会立刻就能成立一家媒体类型商会,用广播方式改变人们生活状态。 The people are confined at home to understand big or medium matter that Central State City has, but can also listen to the music, listens to various stories. After Miracle Commerce clears charge Channel/frequency, people can the spending selectivity listen to some more useful information and knowledge, even is the Qilin Dao Hall precious curriculum. 人们足不出户能了解中州城发生的大小事情,还能听音乐,听各种故事。奇迹商会开通收费频道之后,人们就能花钱选择性去收听一些更有用的情报、知识,甚至是麒麟道馆珍贵课程。 Because needs to spend the massive money to buy material, Miracle Commerce at present the economy is a little uptight, even the fund has the break danger. 因为需要花大量金钱买材料,奇迹商会目前经济是有点拮据,甚至资金有断裂危险。 But Meng Qingwu believes that once the chamber of commerce in the Central State coming to a stop foot, the gold coin same will well up to the running water, does not need to worry for the matter of money. 梦轻舞相信一旦商会在中州站稳脚,金币就会向流水一样涌进来,根本不用为钱的事情而发愁。 Naturally! 当然! All these premises establish at this duel! 这一切前提都建立在这场决斗上的! Meng Qingwu has not ascended to the chairman's podium joins in the fun, but stands from the arena recent place, wears a simple big cape, wears a big topee, although puts on completely common, but tall Tiao the slender longleg, actually contrasts the unusual makings, making her like a crane among chickens in the crowd. 梦轻舞没有登到主席台凑热闹,只是站在距离擂台最近的地方,穿着一身朴素的大斗篷,戴着一顶大大的兜帽,虽然穿着完全不起眼,但是高挑修长长腿,却还是烘托出超凡的气质,让她在人群中鹤立鸡群。 18 silent big Men in Black, speechless standing and waiting for a long time in the surroundings, is the loyal guard. 18个沉默高大的黑衣人,正无言的伫立在周围,是忠诚的护卫。 The people that the nearby surrounds on own initiative do not maintain the distances, Men in Black not any aura or killing intent, a strange constriction, making people feel some fears. Under topee, pair of autumn waters bright eyes staring compared with martial stage, the fist in sleeve little grips tightly. 附近围观的群众不自觉保持距离,黑衣人没有任何气息或杀气,却有一种奇怪的压迫感,让人不禁感到有些害怕。兜帽下,一双秋水般的明眸凝视比武场,袖子里的拳头一点点的紧握起来。 Chu Tian! 楚天 Certainly cannot lose! 一定不能输啊! Did not say that does not believe Chu Tian. 不是说不相信楚天 When her clear feeling Heavenly Wolf Young Master and aura roar of Young Master Dragon Hu, really makes Meng Qingwu strike the eye the palpitation, they fearful are too more than imagination , is this strength of Illustrious Soul level? Even if not release Source Spirit, can create so intense deterrent effect! 当她真切的感觉到天狼公子、龙虎公子的气息吼,真是让梦轻舞触目心悸,两人远比想象中可怕太多,这就是显魂级的力量吗?哪怕不释放元魂,也能造成如此强烈的震慑力! Chu Tian stands in compared with a martial stage corner/horn, forms the confrontation with the opposite party two people, withers to be faster than to fill the air the martial stage dignifiedly. 楚天站在比武场一角,与对方两人形成对峙局面,凝重肃杀在比武场快速弥漫开来。 Regardless of the Miracle Commerce performance is relaxed, people turning very quiet breath as if by prior agreement. Everybody clear, a life and death duel has begun! 无论奇迹商会表现再轻松,人们都不约而同的屏住呼吸。大家心里都清楚,一场生死决斗已拉开序幕! Can the people not be tense? This duel result even can change the Central State City pattern! 人们能不紧张吗?这次决斗结果甚至能改变中州城格局! I also think that you will clamp the tail to escape from Central State City, has not thought that you accepted a challenge unexpectedly really!” In the Ye Tianlang monster different double pupil is flashing self-confidently, asked with a tone of keeping aloof: You think how was good dead?” “我还以为你会夹着尾巴逃出中州城,没想到你竟然真的应战了!”叶天狼妖异的双眸中闪动着自信,用一种高高在上的口吻问道:“你想好怎么死了吗?” Oh, this Young Master stray dog several days of time does not see, just likes changes a person is the same, is the progress are evidently many, lets hold in high esteem below really!” The Chu Tian corners of the mouth are hanging the taunt curve, a face spoke with confidence with ease: How dead, but also has not thought, was inferior that Young Master stray dog does give an opinion?” “哎呀,这土狗公子几天时间不见,犹如变一个人一样,看样子是长进不少,真让在下刮目相看呢!”楚天嘴角挂着嘲讽弧度,一脸轻松侃侃而谈:“不过怎么死,还真没想过,不如土狗公子给点意见?” Said!” Ye Tianlang walks toward the arena center self-confidently, said to Luo Xianglong of another direction that brother saw a play was good, your I shared the honor, if simultaneously got rid to cope with a small shrimp fish, how could it not be from falling status?” “好说!”叶天狼自信满满向擂台中央走去,对另一个方向的洛降龙说,“洛兄看戏就行了,你我本就齐名,若同时出手对付一个小虾鱼,岂不自降了身份?” Good!” Luo Xianglong thinks reasonable, both hands surrounds the front immediately, one pile of golden arm protectors are splendid: Observed calmly Ye Shao the good idea on me!” “好!”洛降龙觉得有道理,当即双手环抱胸前,一堆金色护臂熠熠生辉:“就我就静观叶少的高招了!” Ye Tianlang monster different face is flashing the wolf same fondness of countryside and cruelty, has licked the lip, hey smiles: I one piece by piece rip your flesh and blood! Can such cause of death satisfy?” 叶天狼妖异面孔闪动着狼一样的野性和残忍,舔了舔嘴唇,嘿嘿的一笑:“我就把你的血肉一片片撕下来!这样的死法可满意?” The Source Energy fluctuation blooms suddenly, the fierce violent strength transmission, the peripheral air slightly shakes, erupts the standing up noisy wail like wolf. 元力波动骤然绽放,凶猛暴烈力量传递,周边空气都微微震荡起来,爆发出像狼一样的起立长嚎。 „!” “嗷!” A head length the dragon wings demon wolf is appearing, the volume of this wolf is too big, Ye Tianlang completely was covered in inside, the Ye Tianlang mortal body as if vanished, but the complete incarnation becomes a great wolf. 一头长着龙翼的魔狼出现,这头狼的体积太大,叶天狼都被完全笼罩在里面,叶天狼肉身仿佛已经消失,而完完全全化身成一头巨狼。 Withers coldly! 冷冽肃杀! Ancient times ominous beast vicious tendencies eruption! 远古凶兽戾气喷发! The people became including the breath difficult! 人们连呼吸都变得困难了! The audience the depression is covered by one type suffocates! 全场被一种窒息般的压抑感覆盖! Meng Yingying some beautiful face changing colors, have not thought of Ye Tianlang strength such terrifying immediately! 梦莹莹顿时有些花容失色,没想到叶天狼力量这么恐怖 Got rid! Got rid!” Nangong Yun sees Meng Yingying to be shocked, immediately picks up the microphone to shout: Young Master stray dog fully emits Source Spirit from the beginning, is the famous dragon wings demon flame wave, the posthumous wings, the demon flame complex, craftily changes not measured that the might is infinite! Moreover the Ye Tianlang imposing manner promoted compared with before probably many, after Source Spirit displayed, merged into one organic whole with the meat body, for a while actually making people be hard to distinguish is the person is the wolf!” “出手了!出手了!”南宫云梦莹莹愣住,立刻拿起话筒喊起来:“土狗公子一开始就全力放出元魂,是大名鼎鼎的龙翼魔焰浪,背生双翼,魔炎覆体,诡变莫测威力无穷!而且叶天狼的气势好像比以前提升很多,元魂施展后与肉躯融为一体,让人一时难以分辨究竟是人是狼!” Yun Xiao called: This is the Ye Family Cultivation Technique monster wolf changes, covers the body with Source Spirit, the person the wolf unites, the might is infinite! Does he want to decide the victory and defeat at one fell swoop?” 云霄跟着叫起来:“这是叶家功法妖狼变,用元魂覆盖身体,人狼合一,威力无穷!他是想一举定胜负吗?” Shen Bingyu and Yun Tianhe brow tight wrinkle! 沈冰雨云天鹤眉头紧皱! Ye Family inherited Cultivation Technique «Monster Wolf Changes» cultivates the stage of perfection the time, the person can melt the wolf, the wolf can melt the person, unites the person wolf from some significance completely! 叶家祖传功法《妖狼变》修炼到化境的时候,人能化狼,狼能化人,从某种意义上将人狼完全合一! Has Ye Tianlang achieved this boundary?! 叶天狼已经达到这种境界?! The Ye Tianlang strength is not weak, «Changes by Monster Wolf of» stage of perfection level, the battle efficiency compared with promoted one time to continue! 叶天狼实力就不弱,凭借化境级的《妖狼变》,战斗力比原来提升一倍都不止! Ha Ha Ha Ha!” “哈哈哈哈!” The fierce demon wolf has three meters 56 meters in height fully, the whole body covers in the black demon flame, although is the energy transforms, that expression that manner, is similar to living Demon Beast is ordinary. 狰狞魔狼足有三米高56米长,浑身笼罩在黑色的魔焰之内,虽然是能量幻化而成,那表情那神态,却如同活生生的魔兽一般。 That gigantic wolf claw steps on ground. 那硕大狼爪一踩地面。 Will shortly burst compared with the martial stage floor, was burnt together the deeply worried trace! 比武场地板顷刻间破裂,被烧出一块焦灼痕迹! How is it? This is «Monster Wolf of stage of perfection level Changes»!” The great wolf monster different eye the savage eye, simply is also exactly the same as the eye of Ye Tianlang, most makes people feel that frightened one is, this wolf started talking unexpectedly: Makes you ask for advice Ye Family true giving up study!” “怎么样?这就是化境级的《妖狼变》!”巨狼妖异眼睛又凶残的眼睛,简直与叶天狼的眼睛一模一样,最让人感到恐惧的一幕是,这头狼竟然开口说话了:“让你领教领教叶家真正的绝学!” Demon flame surprise attack!” “魔炎突袭!” One step steps on, the ground explodes! 一步踩下,地面爆裂! The demon wolf whole body covers in the flame of combustion, just likes an arrow plunges Chu Tian. 魔狼浑身笼罩在燃烧的火焰中,犹如一支箭般扑向楚天 This power and influence in is too fierce, ordinary Awakened Soul Cultivator do not say the resistance, perhaps the successive faces this imposing manner impact the courage not to have! 这威势是在太凶猛,普通魂醒修士不要说抵抗,恐怕连面对这种气势冲击的勇气都没有! The demon wolf does not have near body, first sweeps with dragon wings, the demon flame arrow rain splashes to cover in all directions! 魔狼没有近身,先用龙翼一扫,魔炎箭雨般激洒覆盖四面八方! Ye Tianlang incarnation demon wolf, launches the frontal attack!” Nangong Yun calls out in alarm: He blocks Chu Tian with the demon flame first, making him not have the space that any escape route and fends!” 叶天狼化身魔狼,发起正面攻击!”南宫云惊呼起来:“他先用魔炎封锁住楚天,让他没有任何退路和闪避的空间!” Demon wolf majestic body leaps, passes through from everywhere demon flame. 魔狼雄壮身躯一跃,从漫天魔炎里穿过。 Demon wolf mourning soul claw!” “魔狼丧魂爪!” The easily accomplished terrifying claw glow, attacks together maliciously to Chu Tian. 一道摧枯拉朽的恐怖爪芒,狠狠地向楚天攻过去。 Really worthily is one of the Four Great Young Masters, erupts so the offensive unexpectedly from the beginning, simply formidable incredible! 真不愧是四大公子之一,竟然一开始就爆发如此攻势,简直强大的让人难以置信! Chu Tian sweeps with Heart's Eye unhurriedly, making everywhere demon flame understand clearly Yu Xiong, opens the hyper-focus ability, just likes a lithe free butterfly, shuttles back and forth several feet distance by the subtle personal appearance, draws out Netherworld Sword from the back, simultaneously releases Demon God Sword Source Spirit.! 楚天不慌不忙用心眼一扫,让漫天魔炎了然于胸,开启入微的能力,犹如一只轻盈自如的蝴蝶,以微妙的身形穿梭数丈距离,从背后拔出幽冥剑,同时释放出神魔剑元魂。! Purple black sword glow across the sky, with the great wolf claw glow fierce disputes, the Netherworld Sword absorbed energy characteristics, rapid has absorbed together the demon wolf strength. 一道紫黑色剑芒横空而过,与巨狼爪芒激烈交锋,幽冥剑吸收能量特性,正迅速把魔狼力量吸收掉了。 Chu Tian drinks greatly: Broken!” 楚天大喝:“破!” Rhinocero sharp claws glow directly by sword blade edge tearing . Moreover the sword light remaining prestige does not reduce, to gigantic demon wolf detachment! Meng Yingying has no way to illustrate, because the speed was too fast. 犀利爪芒直接被剑刃撕裂,而且剑光余威不减,向硕大的魔狼劈去!梦莹莹没法解说,因为速度太快了。 The demon wolf in the time at a crucial moment, flickers the reduction several fold the build, from the shape of demon wolf, turns into the shapes of half -and-a-half people of wolves, shunts the Chu Tian swift and fierce sword by this. Then, instead the both legs first-grade ground, the double palm goes to the Chu Tian chest bang. 魔狼在千钧一发时刻,瞬缩小数倍的体型,从魔狼的形态,变成半人半狼的形态,以此躲开楚天的凌厉一剑。接着,反而双腿一等地面,双掌向楚天的胸口轰去。 such insignificant ability!” 雕虫小技!” Chu Tian as if already looked through, sword edge one, the incline chops! 楚天似乎早就看破,剑锋一偏,倾斜劈下! Brush! 刷! A sword reduces person wolf both arms! 一剑砍掉人狼双臂! Puff! 噗! The sword light jabs into the chest of person wolf together, projects on the midair the person wolf directly. 一道剑光刺进人狼的胸膛,直接把人狼打到半空。 Bang! 轰! The third sword cuts to fall from top to bottom, the person the wolf flying high to cleave in two, this ground was also left behind a giant sword mark! 第三剑由上至下斩落,人狼给凌空劈成两半,这地面也被留下一道巨大的剑痕! Too ominous offense! Too savage!” Nangong Yun shouted excitedly: Chu Tian with neat Sword Art(s), under three swords Ye Tianlang cleaving in two! Really makes us broaden the outlook!” “太凶戾!太凶残了!”南宫云激动大喊:“楚天用干脆利落的剑术,三剑之下把叶天狼给劈成两半!真是让我们大开眼界!” Meng Yingying sends out the doubts, is everybody thinks: „Does Ye Tianlang such collapse at the first blow?” 梦莹莹发出疑惑,也是大家所想的:“叶天狼就这么不堪一击吗?” Then was smiled strangely by the person wolf of cleaving in two, the whole body explodes suddenly, turns into the innumerable rockets, Chu Tian sees clearly the rocket path 11 to wield a sword its parry instantaneously. 那被劈成两半的人狼诡异一笑,全身猛然爆炸开来,变成无数火箭,楚天瞬间洞察火箭轨迹11挥剑将其挡开。 Periphery, Chu Tian was surrounded by the black fire at this moment thoroughly. 此时此刻周围,楚天彻底被黑火包围了。 The endless black fire lives general, connects one piece completely! 无尽黑火活过来一般,全部连接成一片! Thunders suddenly! 骤然一声轰鸣! The position that Chu Tian stands, produces the blotting out the sky large explosion suddenly, black flame soars directly, the heat wave passes to all around arena, making the people feel deeply worried. 楚天站立的位置,骤然产生铺天盖地大爆炸,一股黑色火焰直接腾空而起,热浪传到四周擂台上,让人们都感觉到一阵焦灼。 damn, Ye Tianlang distributes the black flame around Chu Tian intentionally, then causes the black flame explosion with Secret Technique!” Shouting that Nangong Yun is filled with righteous indignation: Because stands in the flame center, the possibility of not having avoided, shortly will be exploded embezzling.” 可恶,叶天狼故意把黑炎分布在楚天周围,然后用秘术使黑炎爆炸!”南宫云义愤填膺的喊道:“因为站在火焰中央,根本没躲避的可能,顷刻被爆炸给吞没了。” A people piece calls out in alarm! 众人一片惊呼! The energy of black fire implication can kill any Illustrious Soul following master sufficiently easily. 黑火蕴含的能量足以轻易能杀死任何显魂以下高手。 Ye Tianlang a series of attacks, nothing but want to be scattered the black flame, the one breath manufacture explosion kills Chu Tian again, did he succeed? 叶天狼一连串攻击,无非是想将把黑炎分散,再一口气制造爆炸干掉楚天,他成功了吗? Not only compared with the martial stage scene. The people in other Central State City places, hold the breath with rapt attention is listening to the tactical situation. 不仅仅是比武场现场。中州城其他地方的人,都屏息凝神的听着战况。 When gust has blown, smog was blown off. 当一阵风吹过,烟雾都被吹散。 A big hole center, Chu Tian whole body sends has not injured, the surroundings cover Starlight, in the hand Netherworld Sword gloomily blue ice-cold, just like together ten thousand years of cold ice. 一个大坑中央,楚天浑身毫发未伤,周围笼罩一层星光,手中幽冥剑幽蓝冰冷,宛若一块万年的寒冰。 I know that I know!” Meng Yingying cheers excitedly, Chu Tian uses unique to protect the body to give up study «Starlight Immortal Body»! Therefore the Ye Tianlang offensive does not affect!” “我知道,我知道!”梦莹莹激动欢呼雀跃起来,“楚天用出独门护体绝学《星光不灭体》!所以叶天狼的攻势毫无作用!” Nangong Yun relaxes: This fierce disputes, they cannot decide the victory and defeat, can only be an evenness!” 南宫云松一口气:“这一次激烈交锋,两人未能分出胜负,只能算是一次平手!” People is hanging heart, sinks finally temporarily! 众人一颗悬着的心,总算暂时沉下去! Really has not thought! Will hit unexpectedly such intensely! 真是没有想到啊!竟然会打得这么激烈! Hey, has real skill!” Ye Tianlang appears in the position that most starts, as if from the beginning has not moved, my doppelganger has the main body less than 30% strengths freely, but you can block its attack, explained that you truly compare, when tried to practice the tower! However is also good, if strength of the revolt does not have, that game did not have the meaning.” “嘿嘿嘿,有两下子!”叶天狼在最开始的位置出现,仿佛一开始就没有活动过,“我的分身尽管具备本尊不到三成力量,但你能挡住它的攻击,说明你确实比在试练塔的时候强了很多!不过也好,若一点反抗之力都没有,那游戏就太没有意思了。” Chu Tian gives a calm smile: I also think!” 楚天淡然一笑:“我也这么认为!” What's all this about?” Meng Yingying has not understood, is having the question to microphone: They have not moved probably have been same!” “这是怎么回事?”梦莹莹没有看懂,对着话筒发出疑问:“他们两个好像没有动过一样!” Is monster wolf doppelganger!” The Yun Tianhe low and deep sound, is passing to across the city through the microphone, Ye Tianlang «Monster Wolf Changes» has practiced the peak, he grasps Ye Family one to give up study monster wolf doppelganger! From the beginning, Ye Tianlang has not gotten rid, to that demon wolf that Chu Tian launches the attack, with doppelganger that Source Energy makes!” “是妖狼分身!”云天鹤低沉的声音,正通过话筒传到城市各地,“叶天狼的《妖狼变》已经修炼到巅峰,他掌握叶家一门绝学‘妖狼分身’!从一开始,叶天狼就没有出手过,对楚天发动攻击的那头魔狼,是用元力造出来的分身而已!” Shen Bingyu supplements one: He is probing the Chu Tian strength!” 沈冰雨补充一句:“他在试探楚天的实力!” People all with amazement discoloration! 众人无不骇然色变! This kind of round terrifying is fierce, is the dazzling attack, suddenly merely is probing? 这样一轮恐怖凶猛,让人眼花缭乱的进攻,竟然仅仅是在试探? Chu Tian also calmly deals, uses merely is Glass Body, does not have the full appearance! 楚天也是从容应对,所动用的仅仅是琉璃体,丝毫没有出全力的样子! Too strong! 太强了! Strong desperate! 强的让人绝望! Several people are really monster same existences! 几个人真是怪物一样的存在啊! The three parties stand in original combined E-I separation confront, big hole that if not for the ground blasts out, residual black flame, the people will even think that just all were the misconception. 三方站在原来的位置保持对峙,若不是地面炸开的大坑,还有残留的黑色火焰,人们甚至会觉得刚刚一切都是错觉。 Chu Tian compared with imagination in formidable! 楚天远比想象中强大! Naturally by the Ye Tianlang strength, can be joined to the Four Great Young Masters status absolutely! 当然以叶天狼的实力,也绝对配得上四大公子的身份! In addition Ye Tianlang so formidable, Luo Xianglong that has not gotten rid of...... can Chu Tian be able to block them really? 叶天狼尚且如此的强大,还有一个没出手的洛降龙……楚天真的能挡得住他们吗? ( A evening's also chapter!) (晚上还一章!)
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