MT :: Volume #2

#194: Live broadcast

( Is being prepared! Later also has one chapter! Sought the subscription!) (正在准备中!待会儿还有一章!求订阅!) Chu Tian and Heavenly Wolf Young Master and meeting of Young Master Dragon Hu approaches! 楚天天狼公子、龙虎公子的约战来临! Three days of time already spread over entire Central State City the news of stir! 三天时间早就把轰动的消息传遍整个中州城了! The surrounding some cities even obtained the news, lets innumerable external Cultivator and trade routes one's blood bubbles up to the brim, does not hesitate to flood into the main city from afar, to witness this with own eyes changes the Central State City pattern sufficiently, has the confrontation of historical significance. 周围一些城市甚至都得到了消息,让无数外来修士和商旅热血沸腾,不惜千里迢迢涌进主城,为亲眼见证这足以改变中州城格局,有着历史性意义的一场交锋。 Big Central State is a piece of huge crowd is vaster than the martial stage, almost pushes two times of population, the number of people surges, is extremely magnificent. 偌大中州比武场是一片人海汪洋,几乎挤进来两倍的人数,人头涌动,极其壮观。 Idol refuels!” “偶像加油!” Idol refuels!” “偶像加油!” One group of very common young teenage boys and girls crowd among countless people, in the hand is waving the flag, hoarse was shouting loudly. 有一群非常不起眼的年轻少男少女拥挤在无数人当中,手里挥舞着旗帜,嘶哑着高喊着。 Heaven Alliance long live!” And the leader is one simple youth who called Lin Fan, as well as called Lin Xuan selected the young girl high. Right, they come from the South Sky City Lin sister and brother. 天盟万岁!”其中带头者是一个叫林凡的朴素少年,以及一个叫林璇的高挑少女。没错,他们就是来自天南城的林家姐弟。 The Lin Fan Lin Xuan sister and brother create called Heaven Alliance the organization, initially in the foundation, merely had 67 people, now expands to the entire 60-70 people. 林凡林璇姐弟更是创建一个叫“天盟”的组织,当初在创建的时候,仅仅只有67人而已,现在扩张到整整六七十人。 All is the age is less than 20, or is about 20 -year-old young people. 全都是年龄不到20,或者是20岁左右的年轻人。 These youth are Chu Tian frantic worshipper! Majority are my impoverished family juniors, some are the orphans, some are Loose Cultivator. 这些少年都是楚天的狂热崇拜者!大多数是寒门子弟,有些是孤儿,有些是散修 But, they have the common belief and goal, that follows the Chu Tian footsteps, takes Chu Tian as an example the growth struggle! 但,他们都有共同的信仰和目标,那就是追随楚天的脚步,以楚天为榜样去成长奋斗! Lin Fan cultivation base achieves Body Refinement 8th Layer, Lin Xuan also has Body Refinement 7th Layer cultivation base, prepared Central State City to develop Heaven Alliance, finds the opportunity to go to Miracle Commerce. 林凡修为达到炼体八重,林璇也具备炼体七重修为,本就准备到中州城来发展天盟,找机会投奔奇迹商会 Who knows in this time. 谁知道就在此时。 Chu Tian challenges two big sons' news to pass on. 楚天挑战两大公子的消息传过来。 This is bang day shakes the place to Central State the magnificent feat, the Lin Fan sister and brother are leading several Heaven Alliance backbone members, day and night disdains, nonstop, rushes to the main city in the morning finally, first arrives compared with the martial stage. 这对中州而言是轰天震地的壮举啊,林凡姐弟带着十几个天盟骨干成员,昼夜不屑,马不停蹄,终于在早晨赶到主城,第一时间就来到比武场。 What is lucky was catches up! 万幸的是赶上了! Do the Central State four young masters exist? 中州四公子是何等存在? That is the Central State City young generation of example! 那是中州城年轻一辈的榜样! Lin Fan and Lin Xuan life in South Sky City, the Four Great Young Masters illustrious prestige was passed on wonderfully, now them and idol facing on, what result can be? 林凡林璇生活在天南城,四大公子赫赫威名被传得神乎其神,如今他们和自己偶像正面对上,到底会是什么样的结果呢? Anticipates suspensefully! 正是让人紧张又期待啊! Although Lin Fan and Lin Xuan worship Chu Tian extremely, but has to acknowledge that this can be a fierce battle! 虽然林凡林璇极端崇拜楚天,可是不得不承认这会是一场恶战! Regardless of because four young masters are arrogant cruelly are unkind, eventually on behalf of the Central State City young generation of most outstanding part, is Four Great Families and even the Central State City honor. 因为无论四公子多么飞扬跋扈残暴不仁,终究代表中州城年轻一辈最杰出的部分,更是四大家族乃至中州城的脸面。 Chu Tian appears by cultivation base of trivial Virtual soul level defeats three big young masters continually! 一个楚天横空出世以区区虚魂级的修为连挫三大公子! The head of Four Great Young Masters, has the overwhelming prestigious and prestige Chu Xinghe, until now still injury to recover, this also all defeats Chu Tian to bestow. 四大公子之首,有压倒性的声望与威名的楚星河,至今依然伤势为愈,这也全败楚天所赐。 Chu Tian just left the mystical place, immediately rampant announcement simultaneously challenges two big young masters! 楚天刚离开秘境,立刻又嚣张的宣布同时挑战两大公子! After this type is unprecedented , the magnificent feat of non- future, making Central State City suddenly explode boils, how regardless of the victory and defeat of today's this fight, Chu Tian will become with the dazzling nova that Four Great Young Masters will share the honor, young rare talent who will become in Central State City by ten thousand people of looking up! 这种前无古人后无来者的壮举,让中州城一时间炸开锅,无论今天这场战斗的胜负如何,楚天都将成为一个与四大公子齐名的耀眼新星,成为中州城中被万人仰视的年轻奇才! Naturally! 当然! The premise is Chu Tian does not die! 前提是楚天不死! Damn, the person in big conference site many!” Yun Xiao shocks looks at the sea of people picture, even the big conference site surrounding has not filled the people continually, this duel manages their trifling thing, is knew that joins in the fun!” “他妈的,大会场的人好多啊!”云霄震撼的看着人山人海景象,甚至连大会场外围都未满了群众,“这种决斗管他们屁事,就是晓得凑热闹!” Yun Yao also knits the brows: Meng Family Second Young Lady? She did not invite us to come!” 云瑶也是皱皱眉:“梦家二小姐呢?她不是邀请我们过来么!” Yun Xiao sweeps a crowd, suddenly stares the big eye, is pointing at the most conspicuous position: Looks quickly, they in that! Eldest sister also above” 云霄扫一眼人群,突然瞪大眼睛,指着最显眼位置:“快看,她们在那!大姐头也在上面” Did these fellows run up to the management stage to come up? 这几个家伙怎么跑到主持台上去了? This is being up to mischief! 这是在搞什么鬼啊! Today Meng Yingying wears brand-new clothes specially, the green short clothes shorts, a shell loose white side cape, a pair of sparkling stone white snow tender thigh revealed that beautifully flared-out luxuriant threw over on the shoulder, just liked clear Elf, brought in looking askance of many person. 今天梦莹莹特意穿一身全新衣服,绿色的短衣短裤,外罩一件宽松白边斗篷,一双莹白雪嫩的大腿露了出来,一头美丽拉直的秀发披在肩膀上,犹如一个清纯的精灵,引来不少人的侧目。 Meng Yingying cracks into a chuckle, the smart-alecky feeling of somewhat being childish, you come finally! Sits quickly! Sits quickly!” 梦莹莹嘻嘻一笑,有几分稚气未脱的俏皮感,“你们俩总算来啦!快坐!快坐!” Side Meng Yingying sits black red two females, a white robe old person. This scarlet female is Nangong Yun, the black clothed female naturally is Shen Bingyu, as for the white robe old person, naturally was Yun Tianhe. 梦莹莹身边坐着一黑一红两个女子,还有一个白袍老人。这红衣女子是南宫云,黑衣女子自然是沈冰雨,至于白袍老人呢,当然就是云天鹤了。 This group of people sit in chairman's podium, without doubt captures many attention. 这批人坐在主席台,无疑吸引来很多目光。 Yun Xiao a little wonders: Eldest sister head, you here?” 云霄就有点纳闷:“大姐头,你怎么也在这里?” A Nangong Yun face anticipated and said inspired: You are not understanding! We are doing the live transmission!” 南宫云一脸期待和振奋的说:“你懂个屁!我们在搞直播!” Live transmission? 直播? What live transmission? 什么直播? Nangong Yun as if cannot wait: Yingying, you good? The Boss thousand urged matter that ten thousand exhorted, do not fall the chain at this time!” 南宫云似乎等不及:“莹莹,你好了没有?老大千叮咛万嘱咐的事情,你可不要在这个时候掉链子!” Meng Yingying is sweating profusely to fiddle with an equipment, Good enough, no rush!” 梦莹莹满头大汗捣鼓一个设备,“差不多了,别急嘛!” Everybody looks like this devicenet, is everybody has not seen, just likes a short Crystal Stone pillar, about several meters altitudes, is mounting section of illumination Source Energy Battery. 大家都像该设备网去,是大家都没有见过的,犹如一座矮矮的晶石柱子,大约有几米的高度,其中镶嵌着一截发光的元力电池 Meng Yingying meets several strange lines on Crystal Stone, draws from the seat to the front of several people. 梦莹莹把几条奇怪的线路接在晶石上,从座位后面拉到几个人的面前。 Handles!” “搞定!” Nangong Yun said: Tries to be useful quickly!” 南宫云说:“快试试有没有用!” Meng Yingying prayed at heart has, debugging while was saying to the black Crystal Stone microphone: Feeds......” 梦莹莹心里祈祷极具,一边调试一边对着黑色晶石话筒说:“喂喂……” Hello!” “喂!” Hello!” “喂!” The congress will hear in all directions shortly the echo! 大会四面八方顷刻间传来回声! Not only compared with the scene of martial stage, even in the Central State City square, and even Central State City each lively street, tavern and other public areas, just sold small some radios, all resounds the Meng Yingying clear delightful sound. 不仅仅是比武场的现场,甚至在中州城广场,乃至中州城各个热闹街道、酒馆等公共场合,刚刚销售出去一小部分收音机,全都响起梦莹莹的清脆悦耳的声音。 The people were directly ignorant! 众人直接懵了! What magic is this? 这是什么魔法? Passes to various urban places the sound unexpectedly! 竟然把声音传到城市各处去! Nangong Yun jumps excitedly three feet: My God! Really easy-to-use!” 南宫云激动地一蹦三尺:“我的天!真的好用!” Meng Yingying happily nods: That naturally, this is the thing of Chu Tian invention!” 梦莹莹得意点点头:“那当然,这是楚天发明的东西!” Everybody noon is good!” Her voice arrives in a big way, took up a paper to read: I am Miracle Commerce Meng Yingying, and explained this top duel for the entire city live transmission! This live transmission is broadcast by Miracle Commerce and Miracle radio title! Do you want to rest on the bed can hear the exquisite performance? Do you want to listen to most newly the hottest news anytime and anywhere? Do you want to be confined at home can learn the Qilin Dao Hall top curriculum? All these have the possibility, only needs a radio, your life completely will change......” “大家中午好!”她声音开到最大,拿起一张纸就对着念了起来:“我是奇迹商会梦莹莹,为全城直播和讲解本场顶级决斗!这次直播是由奇迹商会奇迹收音机冠名播出的!你们想睡在床上就能听到优美的演奏吗?你们想要随时随地收听到最新最热的新闻吗?你们想要足不出户就能学到麒麟道馆的顶级课程吗?这一切都有可能,只需一台收音机,你的生活就会完全改变……” Entire Central State compared with martial stage complete silence! 整个中州比武场鸦雀无声! The pedestrian of Central State City square stopped the footsteps, the mercenary soldiers in tavern stops drinking, the gamblers in gambling establishment also stopped noisily, the brothel customer in prostitute building stopped working! 中州城广场的行人停止脚步,酒馆的佣兵们都停止了喝酒,赌场的赌徒们也都停止吵闹,妓楼里的嫖客么都停止了干活! The number deeply was shocked by the Central State City people of several hundred thousand ideas...... This, this simply is the magic! What is the radio? How Miracle Commerce achieves! 数以几十万计的中州城民都被深深震撼……这,这简直是魔法啊!收音机到底是什么?奇迹商会是怎么做到的! Good!” “好了!” Returns to the proper topic, is Miracle youth Chu Tian to be actually fiercer, is the stray dog tabby cat...... Heavenly Wolf and isn't Young Master Dragon Hu stronger?” “言归正传,究竟是奇迹少年楚天更厉害,还是土狗花猫……啊不,天狼、龙虎公子更强呢?” Today welcome honored guest to scene have, Central State Academy educational administration chief Yun Tianhe grandfather, Central State Academy internal affairs chief Sister Shen Bingyu, Qilin Dao Hall manager Nangong Yun, Purple Lightning Young Master Yun Yao Four Great Young Masters wait / etc.!” “今天请到现场的嘉宾有,中州学院教务院长云天鹤老爷爷,中州学院内务院长沈冰雨姐姐,麒麟道馆的馆长南宫云,四大公子之一紫电公子云瑶等等!” „Before duel starts, we listen to them first to the view of this competition!” “决斗开始之前,我们先听一听他们对这场比赛的看法吧!” Meng Yingying was reading to the manuscript paper, wiped away sweat maliciously, immediately gives left Shen Bingyu the microphone. 梦莹莹对着稿纸念完,狠狠地擦一把汗,立刻把话筒递给左边的沈冰雨 Shen Bingyu was directly silly! 沈冰雨直接就傻了! Her uncommunicative bad words, made excuses quite a while cannot say complete words, she does not know that this is anything, but thinks that the sound will be passed to everywhere is, she thinks the variable torque, is very anxious! 她本来就沉默寡言不善言辞,支支吾吾半天说不出一句完整的话,她根本不知道这个是什么,不过一想到声音会被传到到处都是,她就觉得很变扭,也很紧张! Meng Yingying must make an effort anxiously the winking eyeball, is gesticulating, at the same time said with mouth: Entire city live transmission! You showed due respect for the feelings to say two actually!” 梦莹莹急得使劲挤挤眼睛,一手比划着,一边用嘴型说:“全城直播呢!你倒是给面子说两句呀!” Oh, Chair Shen looks like a little anxious.” Nangong Yun saves the scene hurriedly, pulls back the microphone, I am Miracle Commerce Nangong Yun, is responsible for the management of Qilin Dao Hall. We first consult the view of Chair Yun.” “哎呀,沈院长看起来有点紧张。”南宫云急忙救场,一把将话筒拉回来,“我是奇迹商会南宫云,负责麒麟道馆的管理。我们还是先咨询一下云院长的看法吧。” What? 什么? I have anything to say! 我有什么好说的! Yun Tianhe is also shameless one red, but also rejects without enough time, Nangong Yun handed over the microphone. 云天鹤也是老脸一红,还来不及拒绝,南宫云就把话筒递过来了。 Yun Tianhe after is scholar, attended the seminar release conference frequently, therefore also is unlikely has stage fright but actually, although is a little awkward, but the clear throat said: This...... On the present situation, both sides have the stratagem which ensures success respectively, Old man do not dare to make the speculation absurdly, first had a look at the concrete development to say again.” 云天鹤毕竟是个学者,经常参加研讨会发布会,所以倒也不至于怯场,虽然有点尴尬,但还是清清嗓子说:“这个……就目前形势来说,双方各有胜算,老朽不敢妄作推测,先看看具体发展再说。” The Yun Tianhe old sound passes to the entire city, the city people excitedly cheers! 云天鹤苍老的声音传到全城,城民们都激动的欢呼起来! Really Yun Tianhe sound! 真是云天鹤的声音啊! Too mysterious! 太神奇了! The Central State Yun Family head of household, Cloud Sect operating the rudder, these common people sees Yun Tianhe is very at the same time difficult continually, let alone can hear the Yun Tianhe sound? 中州云家的家主,云门的掌舵者,这些平民连见云天鹤一面都很难,更何况能够听到云天鹤的声音? Luo Liancheng and Ye Wudao facial color instantaneous ice-cold. 洛连城叶无道面色瞬间冰冷。 Is this important duel? 这是何等重要的一次决斗? Chu Tian does Miracle Commerce treat as the game to be the same? 楚天奇迹商会当做游戏一样? Unexpectedly damn also inserts the advertisement, simply is one type ** bare despising! 居然他妈的还插入广告,简直就是一种**裸的蔑视! Was needless saying that this absurd matter, only then coming out of Chu Tian arrangement! He will do such nothing but said that he simply has not paid attention to this martial arts contest! Your two respected families to the father only value, that are make me have a free advertisement! 不用说,这种荒唐的事情,只有楚天安排的出来!他会这么做无非是表示,他根本没有把这场比武放在眼里!你们两大家族对老子唯一的价值,那就是让我打一场免费的广告! Ye Wudao is in a rage, parapet crumb! 叶无道一怒之下,把栏杆都捏碎了! Luo Liancheng is two torching is also same. 洛连城也是两眼喷火一样。 Dies to be imminent, has not known! 死到临头,还不知道! Live transmission? Good! Let your live transmission! Let the entire Central State City person, how having a look at you dead a tragic death compared with the martial stage! 直播是吧?好!让你直播!让全中州城的人,看看你是怎么惨死比武场的! Playing time! 比赛时间到! Several resonant Zhong called remembers. 几声嘹亮的钟鸣想起。 Entered the arena! Entered the arena!” Meng Yingying takes up another microphone agitated shouting: What enters the arena from chairman's podium is the Miracle Commerce inspirational figure! Right, he creates excessively innumerable Miracle, lets the chamber of commerce benefitting innumerable city people, the handsome and young ten thousand people of fans, are bold in issuing the challenge to the underworld and evil forces Miracle youth Chu Tian!” “进场了!进场了!”梦莹莹拿起另一个话筒情绪激动的大喊:“从主席台右边进场的是奇迹商会的灵魂人物!没错,他就创造过无数奇迹,让商会造福无数城民,英俊而又年轻的万人迷,勇于向黑恶势力发出挑战的奇迹少年楚天!” Vomit! 呕! Disgusting! 恶心! This anything! 这什么啊! Meng Yingying is about to spit! 梦莹莹自己都快吐了! What word that Chu Tian this dead narcissism craziness writes oneself do write?! 楚天这个死自恋狂给自己写的都是写什么词?! What enters the arena from chairman's podium is......” Meng Yingying abbreviates boasting of big section Chu Tian to strike directly, then a voice revolution, with shutting out the loathing expression shouts: Two look the ominous light fellow, looks is not the good person! Right! They lose steadily, actually still not long lesson Heavenly Wolf Young Master Ye Tianlang and Young Master Dragon Hu Luo Xianglong! Can their this times stand up from failure? I look am difficult!” “从主席台左边进场的是……”梦莹莹直接省略掉一大段楚天的自夸自擂,然后话音一转,用嫌弃厌恶语气喊道:“两个面露凶光的家伙,一看就不是什么好人!没错!他们就是屡战屡败,却依然不长教训的天狼公子叶天狼、龙虎公子洛降龙!他们这次能翻身吗?我看是难!” People laughs loudly. 众人一阵轰然大笑。 Two in four young master so ** the bare commentary unstated criticism, Miracle Commerce really had not feared that queers! 四公子中的两位被如此**裸的评论腹诽,奇迹商会还真是不怕得罪人啊! A frigid showdown of relational life and death, was stirred by Miracle Commerce several people finally, probably turns into an entertainment project of entertainment populace. 一场关系生死的惨烈对决,结果被奇迹商会的几个人搅一下,好像变成一场娱乐大众的娱乐项目。 A life and death sense of urgency did not have! 生死一线紧迫感都没有了! However because of so, everybody instead has the strong interest to the Chu Tian report. Actually most people do not favor Chu Tian, how many times Chu Tian has won Four Great Young Masters freely, with the aid of the situation of external force, this nowhere borrows the strength eventually, can he also be so calm? 不过正是因为如此,大家反而对楚天报有更浓厚的兴趣。其实大多数人都是不看好楚天的,楚天尽管赢了四大公子几次,终究是借助外力的情况下,这一次无处借力,他还能那么从容吗? Wait! 拭目以待!
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