MT :: Volume #3

#227: Returns to the state

Boss Yu asked: „After Miracle Commerce and Great Shark Gang collaborate, on the one hand begins to cooperate?” 余老大问道:“奇迹商会巨鲨帮联手后,哪一方面着手合作呢?” Great Shark Gang has truly approved the Miracle Commerce ability, had decided that must ally the Miracle business, the cooperation of what situation but as for should adopt, now Great Shark Gang also thinks very dim, this is must ascertain, otherwise can feel at ease? 巨鲨帮确实认可了奇迹商会的能力,已经决定要加盟到奇迹商,不过至于该采取什么样形势的合作,现在巨鲨帮还觉得很朦胧,这是一定要问个清楚的,否则怎么能安心? Miracle Commerce called on Great Shark Gang the battlefield accidentally, whom that did Boss Yu ask to reason things out? 奇迹商会万一叫巨鲨帮上战场,那余老大找谁说理去? Great Shark Gang eats 20 years of fish and shrimp, did not think that is bored?” Chu Tian has not replied directly Great Shark Gang, but looks is helping food that the audiences carry, is not the fish is the shrimp, the liquor is also rare, I want to trade the taste.” 巨鲨帮吃20年鱼虾,难道不觉得腻味吗?”楚天没有正面回答巨鲨帮,只是望着帮众端来的食物,不是鱼就是虾,酒也非常稀罕,“我想是该换一换口味了。” How can not be greasy! 怎能不腻! Great Shark Gang in the center of four continent lakes, here eliminated the fish and shrimp unable to find other thing, most of the time linked oil Yandu to be very rare! 巨鲨帮在四洲湖的中央,这里除鱼虾就找不到别的东西,大多数时候连油盐都很稀罕! Yingying, we remain the canned food to take.” 莹莹,我们剩罐头拿出来。” Meng Yingying looks for dozens canned food, fast minute to the Great Shark Gang high-level hand . The Great Shark Gang person opens the canned food curiously, finally with amazement discovered is the Demon Beast meat. 梦莹莹找来几十个罐头,快速分到巨鲨帮高层手里。巨鲨帮人好奇把罐头打开,结果都惊讶发现其中是魔兽肉。 Chu Tian said: This is Miracle Commerce unique one Canned Food, might as well tastes to look!” 楚天笑着说:“这是奇迹商会特有的一种食品,诸位不妨尝尝看!” Five important goods opinion Chu Tian did not answer issue, at heart some suspect whispers, actually do not dare to reject Chu Tian. 五大帮主见楚天不回答问题,不禁心里有些犯嘀咕,却也不敢拒绝楚天 After the Great Shark Gang high-level personnel taste several tinned goods. 巨鲨帮高层人员品尝几口罐头食物后。 Almost the flash feels the exclamation! 几乎一瞬间都感到惊叹! The canned food flavor did not have the words saying that absolutely, moreover boiled the system by the Demon Beast meat and herbal medicine, not only can fill the belly, but can also be Cultivator rapidly recovers the energy, long-term edible even can promote cultivation base! 罐头味道是绝对没话说的,而且是以魔兽肉和草药熬制,非但能够填饱肚子,还能为修士快速恢复体力,长期食用甚至能够增进修为 Good thing! 好东西! Absolutely is the good thing! 绝对是好东西! I think that you should understand.” Chu Tian slowly said: Miracle Commerce is a chamber of commerce, is the chamber of commerce naturally must make money, this Miracle Commerce canned food merely is one of our specialty products, I think that this thing market prospect, everybody will unable to see! We have the technology, has productive forces, actually lacks enough marketing channel and caravan. Four continent lakes connect four Dazhou counties, by the Miracle Commerce ability, as well as the Great Shark Gang influence, what worried unable to find the road of cooperation altogether winning!” “我想你们应该明白。”楚天才缓缓地开口说:“奇迹商会是一个商会,是商会当然就要赚钱,这奇迹商会罐头仅仅是我们特色产品之一,我想这东西的市场前景,各位不会看不到吧!我们有技术,有生产力,却缺乏足够销售渠道和商队。四洲湖连接四大州郡,以奇迹商会的能力,以及巨鲨帮的势力,何愁找不到合作共赢之路!” The people are reassured immediately. 众人顿时吃一颗定心丸。 Miracle Commerce invests Great Shark Gang continually, making you have the resources to have the capital to expand on a large scale!” Chu Tian helps the audiences describe a good prospect to Great Shark Gang, present Great Shark Gang has enough manpower and strength, so long as breaks out of the present fetter, immediately can establish many fleets, sets up a minute of rudder in each state county, becomes a nationwide qualitative large-scale faction. Great Shark Gang fast strong at the same time, can proliferate each region the Miracle Commerce influence, after Miracle Commerce gains to more money, will continue to invest Great Shark Gang, is such simple.” 奇迹商会持续投资巨鲨帮,让你们有资源有本金去大举扩张!”楚天巨鲨帮帮众描绘一幅美好的前景,“现在的巨鲨帮有足够人手和实力,所以只要摆脱眼下的束缚,立刻就能建立多支船队,在各个州郡都设立分舵,成为一个全国性质的大型帮派。巨鲨帮快速壮大的同时,也能将奇迹商会势力遍布各地,奇迹商会赚到更多钱后,又会继续投资巨鲨帮,就是这么简单。” The Great Shark Gang person excited getting hold of fist. 巨鲨帮人激动的握紧拳头。 Who doesn't want to make in a big way the enterprise? Regarding them, the faction is the enterprise! 谁不想把事业做大?对于他们来说,帮派就是事业啊! If can earn Miracle Commerce huge financial support, by the Great Shark Gang itself strength and inside story, can construct to divide the rudder immediately massively, prepares for war, the strength, becomes the Southern Summer Country genuine first-class faction! 若能获得奇迹商会庞大财力支持,以巨鲨帮本身实力和底蕴,立刻就能大量建造分舵,招兵买马,壮大实力,成为南夏国真正的一流帮派! What do you have to have doubts?” “你们还有什么疑惑吗?” Did not have, we accept the corporate plan of Miracle Commerce!” After Boss Yu has not looked back, makes the old man worry only, is Great Shark Gang helps audiences curse, if there is a curse to fetter in the body, Great Shark Gang very difficult to launch, but does not know how long needs to make us return to completely normal!” “没有了,我们接受奇迹商会的合作计划!”余老大没有后顾之后,“唯一让老夫顾虑的,便是巨鲨帮帮众身上的诅咒,若是有诅咒在身束缚,巨鲨帮将很难施展开,只是不知需要多久才能完全让我们恢复正常!” „It is not anxious, is not anxious.” Chu Tian already guessed correctly that Boss Yu will mention this matter, he stands to say directly: First leads me to go to the vestige to have a look!” “不急,不急。”楚天早就猜到余老大会提这件事,他直接站起来说道:“先带我去遗迹看看吧!” Yu family five brothers are one group of mercenary soldiers, is only a common small influence, because in the motion harvests a storehouse treasure chart, finally in four continent lake positions, found the buried treasure that in the storehouse treasure chart described. These more than thousand people of Mercenary Group fill with obtains the buried treasure to bring the strength excitedly, who knows that therefore by the fearful curse winding, being made them stay in four continent lakes for generations, can never arrive at the land to live. 余家五兄弟本是一群佣兵,本来只是一支不起眼小势力,因为行动中收获一张藏宝图,最终在四洲湖该位置,找到藏宝图中描述的宝藏。这千余人佣兵团都满怀激动获得宝藏带来力量,谁知道会因此被可怕的诅咒缠绕,让他们世世代代呆在四洲湖,永远不能到陆地生活了。 For more than 20 years, five brothers establish Great Shark Gang, starts the scale of unceasing expansion faction, eventually achieves at present 100,000 people of greatness, although became the Southern Summer Country first-class influence, but actually throughout does not dare too the high-sounding talk, only to become plunders for the fresh robber. 二十多年来,五兄弟建立起巨鲨帮,开始不断扩张帮派的规模,最终达到目前100000人之巨,虽然已经成为南夏国一流势力,但是却始终不敢太高调,只能成为一股抢掠为生的强盗。 Chu Tian compares to dare interest to the vestige itself, therefore decided that has a look with own eyes. 楚天对遗迹本身比较敢兴趣,所以决定亲眼去看看。 Boss Yu will certainly not reject, immediately brings Chu Tian to enter the vestige. 余老大当然不会拒绝,立刻带着楚天进入遗迹。 This is the vestige buried treasure!” “这就是遗迹宝藏!” This is one buries the lake bottom limestone cave, probably in central position, ancient palaces, when Chu Tian brings other people are walking, sees only the floor and wall, and even the pillar, all builds with one unusual blue Crystal Stone, smooth transparent, just likes the ice crystal. 这是一个埋藏湖底的溶洞,大概在中央的位置,有一座古老的殿堂,当楚天带着其他人走进来的时候,只见地板、墙壁,乃至柱子,全都是用一种奇特的蓝色晶石打造,光滑透明,犹如冰晶。 This wall has many Cultivation Technique!” “这墙壁有好多功法呀!” Several females walk, immediately on the Swordsmanship crystal wall, writes all over the ancient writing unexpectedly densely and numerously, the auxiliary graph, obviously is ancient Cultivation Technique. 几女走进来的时候,立刻剑道水晶般的墙壁上,竟然密密麻麻写满古文字,还有很多辅助图形,显然是一篇篇古功法 Boss Yu leans on the fish bones long stick to walk: This is Cultivation Technique that ancient Sea Race left behind, normal humanity is unable to practice. As for us, although can practice, but this language explains very difficultly, the entire vestige records more than 80 Cultivation Technique, we only explain is less than eight.” 余老大拄着鱼骨长杖走过来:“这是古代海族遗留的功法,正常人类是无法修炼的。至于我们虽然能够修炼,但是这种文字破解很困难,整个遗迹记载80多篇功法,我们只破解其中不到八篇。” No wonder Great Shark Gang can form the faction. 难怪巨鲨帮能形成帮派。 These Cultivation Technique truly is a good inheritance! 这些功法确实是一个不错传承! Chu Tian is not deep to the Sea Race Cultivation Technique understanding, actually can also discover some Cultivation Technique are good: This is not quite difficult, you transcribe one, brings to go to Central State City, will find the person to help you explain.” 楚天海族功法了解不深,却也能发现其中有些功法非常不错:“这不太难,你们抄写一份,带到中州城去,自会找人帮你们破解的。” In the Boss Yu heart inspires. 余老大心中又是一振。 If can explain Cultivation Technique, the Great Shark Gang strength will also rise sharply! 若能把功法都破解出来,巨鲨帮实力还会大涨! Main hall empty not anything valuable thing, or was evacuated by five brothers more than several 20 years ago. The position of main hall midpoint, the big incomparable fish person altar, is sending out the mysterious strength. 大殿空空荡荡没什么值钱东西,又或者早在十几20多年前就被五兄弟搬空了。大殿正中央的位置,有一座高大无比的鱼人祭坛,正散发出神秘的力量。 The altar is the center, the well of hexagon is distributed in the surroundings, the person arrives by Gujing in the presence of everyone time, sends out one ancient strength from Gujing, as well as very rich energy aura. 祭坛为中心,有一圈六边形的古井分布在周围,当众人走到古井旁边的时候,从古井里散发出一种古老的力量,以及非常浓郁的能量气息。 This is the Great Shark Gang source of strength!” Boss Yu pointed at the well saying: „After each sacrificial offering ended, in Gujing will have a strange spring water, Great Shark Gang helps the ability that on the audiences obtains, through drinking this strange spring water obtains.” “这就是巨鲨帮的力量之源!”余老大指着古井说:“每一次祭祀结束后,古井里就会产生一种奇怪泉水,巨鲨帮帮众身上获得的能力,就是通过饮用这种奇怪泉水获得的。” Chu Tian arrives at a well to observe for several minutes: Each well connects Sea Race to be able greatly the corpse, the spring water that spout from the well, is actually fuses Sea Race to be able greatly the marrow formation, although can promote the strength rapidly, because actually the strength of bloodlines is too strong, will let the Human Race blood relationship balanced destruction, thus was cursed.” 楚天走到一个井边观察几分钟:“每口井都连接着一尊海族大能的尸体,从井里面喷涌出来的泉水,其实是融合海族大能骨髓形成的,虽然能快速提升实力,却因为血脉之力太强,会让人族血统平衡破坏,从而受到诅咒。” Marrow? 骨髓么? Chu Tian remembers to try to practice the tower to carry over a spine of section of Ancient Gods, should also be able to withdraw the lost marrow from the spine. The marrow of Sea Race great antiquity biology can change the blood relationship, then god's marrow can the same effect? 楚天想起试练塔带出一截古神的脊椎骨,从脊椎骨里面应该也能提取出神髓。海族洪荒生物的骨髓能改变血统,那么神之骨髓会不会又相同的效果呢? This thought flashes past. 这个念头一闪而过。 Chu Tian thought it is necessary to study. 楚天觉得有必要研究一下。 I bring a point to go back to study.” Chu Tian extracts several blue lake bottom spring water, then said to Boss Yu: How long did you use this strength?” “我带一点回去研究。”楚天抽取几管蓝色的湖底泉水,接着对余老大说:“你使用这股力量多久了?” Entire 24 years!” Boss Yu said here, took off mask slowly, reveals a fierce fearful face, that face full cloth exquisite scale, was joined to the pale hair, just liked the fearful monster, because just received force make backlash, therefore I fully realized the curse the pain!” “整整24年了!”余老大说道这里,缓缓将面具揭下,露出一张狰狞可怕的脸,那脸满布细腻的鱼鳞,配上苍白的头发,犹如可怕妖怪,“正因为受到强力反噬,所以我深知诅咒的痛苦!” Meng Yingying, Nangong Yun and the others hold breath cold air. 梦莹莹南宫云等人都倒吸一口凉气。 The mother, this fellow simply is a monster! 妈呀,这家伙简直就是一个怪物啊! The Chu Tian sigh said: Was too late, I can help you relieve the curse, is very difficult you changes the original appearance.” 楚天叹息说:“太迟了,我能帮你解除诅咒,却很难把你变回原来的样子。” So, I was also content.” “如此,我也知足了。” What has not to be content? 有什么不知足呢? If continues to worsen, short a half year, long one year, he definitely will perish! 若继续恶化下去,短则半年,长则一年,他必然会殒命! I was clear the situation understanding, this journey brings the material not to suffice, can only help your several relieve the curse first, other people could not have added on temporarily.” Chu Tian stopped to Boss Yu said: You with me to the Central State wharf, carry on the agreement signature first, I aim at the spring water to dispose the special effect liquid medicines again specially. At that time, you only needed to pour into this mouth medicament, can eliminate all side effects.” “我已经把情况了解清楚了,此次出行带来材料不太够,只能先帮你们几个解除诅咒,其他人暂时还帮不上。”楚天停顿对余老大说:“你们跟我到中州码头去,先进行协议签署,我再针对泉水专门配置特效药水。那时候,你们只需要将药剂倒进这口泉眼里面,就能消除所有的副作用。” Chu Tian must prudent be good. 楚天必须慎重才行。 He must eliminate the curse of Great Shark Gang, actually retains Great Shark Gang to help the numerous parts the Sea Race blood relationships, because only then has Great Shark Gang of Sea Race ability, is true Great Shark Gang, can better be Chu Tian works. 他要消除巨鲨帮的诅咒,却又保留巨鲨帮帮众部分的海族血统,因为只有拥有海族能力的巨鲨帮,才是真正的巨鲨帮,才能更好为楚天做事。 Otherwise the inheritance did not have. 否则传承没了。 What does Great Shark Gang depend on to establish the faction? 巨鲨帮又靠什么成立帮派呢? Mister rescues Great Shark Gang, is the Great Shark Gang obligation person!” “先生救巨鲨帮,就是巨鲨帮的大恩人!” Boss Yu is excited, Chu Tian rescues Great Shark Gang, but also is Great Shark Gang considered where he does have any objection? 余老大心情激动,楚天又救巨鲨帮,还为巨鲨帮考虑,他哪里有任何的异议? Chu Tian rubbish, immediately uses other part of dilution god blood, first is Great Shark Gang several high level clear within the body the strength of curse. The Great Shark Gang five big masters are the bodies of freedom, Chu Tian has the graciousness of restoration to them simply 楚天没有废话,立刻用剩余的一部分稀释神血,先为巨鲨帮几个高层清楚体内的诅咒之力。巨鲨帮五大帮主都已经是自由之身了,楚天对他们简直有再造之恩 Next day, fleet again, outside Central State five warships, adds four large-scale ships 第二天,船队重新出发,中州五艘军舰外,又添四艘大型船只 Five big Great Shark Gang masters, sur- Great Shark Gang mainly help the audiences, more than 3000 Elite, all rush to Central State. 五大巨鲨帮的帮主,外加巨鲨帮主要帮众,大约3000多精英,全部赶往中州 Great Shark Gang Elite helps the audiences be strong, generally has Awakened Soul ** heavy cultivation base, the Awakened Soul Cultivator proportion is also quite high, absolutely not weak Storm Cavalry, even if takes a broad view at Southern Summer Country is also a very strong strength, most minimum water battle unmanned energy enemy! 巨鲨帮精英帮众非常强,普遍具备魂醒**重修为,魂醒修士比例也相当高,绝对不弱疾风骑兵,哪怕放眼南夏国也是一股非常强的力量,最起码水战无人能敌! This is also Chu Tian regards as important the Great Shark Gang reason! 这也是楚天看重巨鲨帮的原因! This cooperation has the milestone -type significance to Miracle Commerce! 这次合作对奇迹商会有里程碑式的意义! When conforms with the Great Shark Gang resources and influence, will proliferate the Southern Summer Country fleet shortly to form. Miracle Commerce various continents will establish the private wharf and factory again, spreads fully the influence with the waterway. 当整合巨鲨帮的资源和势力,一支遍布南夏国的船队顷刻间能形成。奇迹商会将再各大洲都建立专用码头、工厂,用水路把影响力充分扩散出去。 The Great Shark Gang itself strength is very strong! 巨鲨帮本身实力就很强! So long as can wash smoothly white, immediately in can be equal to big Sect of first-class influence! 只要能够顺利洗白,立刻就能媲内一流势力的大宗门 Most at least dares to annoy in aquatic nobody, namely safeguards the Miracle Commerce waterway to be normal, will become in Miracle Commerce an important chip. 最起码在水上没人敢惹,即保障奇迹商会的水路正常,也会成为奇迹商会手里一个重要筹码。 Do other influences dare to annoy me? 其他势力敢惹我? You had to plant do not use the ship! 你们有种就再也不用船了! ...... …… In the morning, the fleet arrives in Central State. 清晨时分,船队抵达中州 Long live!” Meng Yingying stands in the deck sees the Central State wharf from afar, lifts up high both hands to shout excitedly: We come back finally! Central State is good!” “万岁!”梦莹莹站在甲板远远望见中州码头,高举双手激动大喊:“我们终于回来啦!还是中州好哇!” Meng Yingying does not have on one to slaughter freely, actually also experiences to the Thunder State disaster picture, this makes Meng Yingying produce very big touching! 梦莹莹尽管没上一线厮杀,却也见识到雷州灾难景象,这让梦莹莹产生非常大的触动! The world is not peaceful! 世界不太平! Even if lives has seriously no way to prevent day to fall the unexpected calamity, therefore wants unceasing Become stronger, has the enough big influence and strength, can protect itself, as well as protects person. Meng Yingying realized that strength and influence importance, she pledged that must become by oneself fiercer, must make Miracle Commerce fiercer! 哪怕本本分分过日子也没法阻挡天降横祸,所以要不断的变强啊,拥有足够大的势力和实力,才能保护自己,以及保护身边的人。梦莹莹意识到力量和势力重要性,她发誓一定要让自己变得更厉害,要让奇迹商会变得更厉害!
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