MT :: Volume #2

#191: Issues the challenge

Kid comes out!” “小家伙出来!” Chu Tian flutters in the reward space, this place area/proportion was too big, where couldn't find the form of small fox? 楚天在奖励空间飘荡,这个地方面积实在太大了,哪里找得到小狐狸的身影? I warned you, handed over Trial Points honestly, considered these days child support payment! If dares to misappropriate, beats your buttocks carefully!” “我警告你,老老实实交试炼分,就当是这段时间的抚养费了!若敢私吞,小心打烂你的屁股!” How regardless to look does not see the small fox! 无论怎么找就是不见小狐狸! This wondered! 这就纳闷了! After the small fox pouches the god bone, got sick dispiritedly barely alive, how it slides such quickly, and! 当小狐狸吞进神骨后,已经病怏怏半死不活,它怎么溜得这么快,而且神不知鬼不觉的! Chu Tian as if understands anything! 楚天似乎明白什么! This fellow is too sly, the master who already expected the pit father will blackmail it, therefore disguises a prostration weak appearance first, the result enters the reward space, does not observe while Chu Tian for a while, does not know where instantaneously slid to! 这家伙实在太狡猾,早就料到坑爹的主人会敲诈它,所以先假装一副虚脱无力样子,结果一进奖励空间,趁楚天一时不察,瞬间就不知道溜到哪里去了! damn! Irritated me!” The Chu Tian air/Qi results in the tooth to be itchy: You think that hid unable to find you?” 可恶!气死我了!”楚天气得牙痒痒:“你以为藏起来就找不到你吗?” Mind's Light burns, Divine Sense puts! 心灯燃,神识放! Chu Tian flutters in the reward space fast, Divine Sense scans the most reward space. Then the small fox did not have the means to hide, with it by the master clutching, might as well surrendered honestly. 楚天在奖励空间快速飘动,神识扫描大半个奖励空间。这下小狐狸就没有办法遁形了,与其被主人给揪出来,还不如老老实实自首呢。 Form of one group of white cotton, drilled from the corner likely. 一团白色像棉花的身影,从角落里钻了出来。 Chu Tian check finger: Brings!” 楚天勾勾手指:“拿来吧!” The small fox takes down the necklace, piteous holds up pair of claws, delivers to front of the smelting trial jade sign Chu Tian. 小狐狸把项链取下来,可怜兮兮的举起双爪,把试炼者玉牌送到楚天面前。 This returns Good enough!” Chu Tian brings to look at the jade sign directly that almost seethes with rage: Is up to mischief? Your minute!” “这还差不多!”楚天直接把玉牌拿来一看,差点七窍生烟:“搞什么鬼?你的分呢!” Smelting trial jade sign is one big zero character! 试炼者玉牌是一个大大的“零”字! When does this bastard use up Trial Points? 这混蛋什么时候把试炼分用掉的? In the small fox eye flashes through the meaning to be cunning, is slanting the eye to stare at the chaos sky, innocent appearance that a face I do not know. 小狐狸眼睛里闪过意思狡黠,斜着眼睛盯着混混沌沌的天空,一脸我不知道的无辜样子。 Do not feign with me!” The Chu Tian direct tail clutches to raise but actually, hits according to the buttocks: Initially when the insect nest, you have reached an agreement minute of half to me, this contradictory fellow! What traded? Spits me to have a look!” “别跟我装傻充愣!”楚天直接尾巴一揪倒提而起,照着屁股就打一下:“当初在虫巢的时候,你说好了分一半给我的,这出尔反尔的家伙!换什么了?吐出来来我看看!” The small fox raises but actually in the hand, a bright eye is looking at the master, shines several, seems laughing secretly, such like was saying: You first day this fox? Does not know that sometimes doesn't keep one's word?” 小狐狸倒提在手里,一双明亮眼睛着看着主人,忽闪几下,似乎在窃笑,那样子就像在说:“你难道第一天本狐?不知道有时不太讲信用吗?” Cracking a joke. 开什么玩笑。 Which the fox knows can one gain that many differences? 狐狸哪知道自己能赚那么多分? Not together spirit honey, but also insufficiently fills the gap between teeth! 不就一块灵蜜么,还不够塞牙缝呢! What the master do you regard? Your master my righteousness thin Yun Tianhe enjoys doing charitable things, will never bully the small creature!” Chu Tian touches the kid head, trades a smiling appearance: What culture you do not have, large character do not know how many, what to do if trades the fake and shoddy sham? The master knowledge origin, has the duty to help you analyze, takes quickly, I show you! What have you traded?” “你把主人当成什么?你主人我义薄云天乐善好施,从来不会欺负小动物的!”楚天摸摸小家伙脑袋,换一副笑眯眯样子:“你没什么文化,大字也不认识几个,万一换到假冒伪劣的赝品怎么办?主人学问渊源,有义务帮你分析,快拿出来吧,我给你看看!你都换了些什么?” The people with kindly face and cruel heart, the item of dew ominous light, harbor evil intentions! 笑面虎,目露凶光,不怀好意! The small fox turns one side, your performing skill too empty boasting! 小狐狸把头扭到一边,你的演技太浮夸了! Regardless of combining threats with inducements, it turns a blind eye, dies does not hand over the appearance of thing of trading. 无论威逼利诱,它都视若无睹,一副死都不交出所换之物的样子。 Fox that good, your this is perfidious!” Chu Tian lives two lifetime both are he cheats, but also always nobody dares the pit he, let alone is a small creature, reaches an agreement the minute my half, you keep everything for oneself unexpectedly! Spits ten thousand years of spirit honey!” “好啊,你这背信弃义的狐狸!”楚天活两辈子都是他坑人,还从来没人敢坑他,何况是一只小动物,“说好分我一半的,你居然吃独食!把万年灵蜜吐出来!” Does not spit! 不吐! The small fox must carry through to the end the rascal. 小狐狸要把无赖进行到底了。 Oh, this fellow is really three days does not hit the best room to strip off roof tiles, Chu Tian teaches it directly maliciously! 哎呀,这家伙真是三天不打上房揭瓦,楚天直接把它狠狠教训一顿! The small fox walks, obtains Trial Points, is not infrequent absolutely, approached Chu Tian absolutely, even not under Chu Tian. 小狐狸一路走来,所获得试炼分,绝对不在少数,绝对已经接近楚天,甚至不在楚天之下。 Even if traded seven eight wondrous medicines to suffice! 哪怕换七株八株圣药都够了! Small fox glutton true colors, ten have ** will trade to eat! 小狐狸吃货本色,十有**会换吃的! But, trades the big pile of materials, Chu Tian is impossible unable to feel! 可是,真换走大堆材料,楚天不可能感觉不出来! The small fox may trade several common rare treasures, is similar its needle same thing, all hides in the belly, only then must use will take. 小狐狸有可能换走几件不起眼的秘宝,类似它的那根针一样东西,全藏在肚子里面,只有要用的时候才会拿出来。 The small fox as if stating decisively master does not have idea to him, Chu Tian truly does not have the means that can't break out its belly? Therefore teaches maliciously, read it to help to carry over together the god bone, this matter. 小狐狸似乎咬定主人对他没辙,楚天也确实没有办法,总不能把它肚子劈开吧?所以狠狠教训一顿,念它帮忙带出一块神骨,这事也就算了。 I did not have the time to waste with you!” “我没时间跟你浪费了!” Turns head to do accounts with you!” “回头跟你算账!” Chu Tian was spanked the fox that swells to lose on the shoulder, then one step goes out of the smelting trial space the front door. 楚天把屁股被打肿的狐狸丢在肩膀上,然后一步走出试炼空间的大门。 In the world rocks, the violent strength pulls the body, transmits from the Central State tower, when Chu Tian recovers, he has stood outside the front door of Central State tower. 天地间一阵晃动,猛烈力量拉扯身体,从中州塔中传送出去,当楚天回过神来的时候,他已经站在中州塔的大门外。 At this moment, the sky is greatly bright, clear and boundless sky. 此时此刻,天空大亮,晴空万里。 Chu Tian is detained for three days in the Central State tower two nights, enough compared with other person of time long two times. 楚天中州塔滞留三天两夜,足足比其他人时间长两倍有余。 The small fox chuckles to oneself at heart, master really lets it go, although was spanked maliciously, but this hits by value too, it all of a sudden harvested much. 小狐狸心里窃喜起来,主人果然不了了之,虽然被狠狠打一顿屁股,但是这顿打挨的太值了,它可是一下子收获不少啊。 The small fox stands in the Chu Tian shoulder, looks into all around time, several respected families are still stationed here, only then Chu Family retreated. However, people at this moment, all fall into the petrified the condition. 小狐狸站在楚天肩膀,眺望四周的时候,几大家族依然驻扎在此,只有楚家已经退走了。然而,此时此刻的众人,全都陷入石化的状态。 The Central State tower blooms a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray huge figure float in the peak 1352! 中州塔绽放出万丈光芒一个巨大的数字漂浮在顶端1352! Broken...... Broken thousand! 破破……破千了! This radically is not the matter that is possible to achieve! 这根本是不可能做到的事情啊! The record of Central State tower was renovated while still alive three, from 300, to 400, rises dramatically to more than 1000 finally, last time surmounts, simply is Miracle rising suddenly! 中州塔的记录被活活刷新三遍,从300,到400,最后飙升到1000多,最后一次跨越,简直就是奇迹般的暴涨! This is the unprecedented result! 这是史无前例的成绩! Can the people not be surprised? 人们能不吃惊吗? Can the people not shock? 人们能不震撼吗? Chu Tian defeats Ye Tianlang, has defeated Luo Xianglong, even defeats Chu Xinghe, finally gives the people again explosion -type shock, at one fell swoop many next 1300 many Trial Points! 楚天击败叶天狼,击败了洛降龙,甚至击败楚星河,最后再一次给人们以爆炸式的震撼,一举多下1300多的试炼分 Former years many talents linked his odd change not to have! 往届多少天才连他的零头都没有! „......” Meng Yingying in high spirit clashes, Chu Tian! You were good! I too worshipped you simply! How you achieve!” “哇哇哇哇……”梦莹莹兴高采烈的冲上来,“楚天!你太棒了!我简直太崇拜你了!你到底是怎么做到的!” Meng Qingwu with behind younger sister, although does not have the younger sister same to dance with joy, a beautiful jade face is also rises red, even if by her temper, is hard to suppress the wild with joy impulsion at this moment! 梦轻舞跟在妹妹后面,虽然没妹妹一样手舞足蹈,一张美丽玉脸也是涨得通红,哪怕是以她的性子,这一刻都难以抑制狂喜的冲动! The record of Chu Tian definitely becomes a Central State myth! 楚天的记录必然会成为中州的一个神话! Small fox eye drum a revolution, puts out at the same time the fine plain bronze mirror from the mouth, chirp chirp called two, both hands to hold to Meng Yingying. 小狐狸眼睛鼓溜溜一转,从嘴巴里面拿出一面精致古朴的铜镜,叽叽叫两声,双手捧给梦莹莹 „! Good attractive mirror!” Meng Yingying pleasantly surprised receiving, small fox was really has a mind! Has not forgotten to give me to bring gift! This at least is high-grade goods soul! Also too precious a point!” “哇哇!好漂亮的镜子呀!”梦莹莹惊喜的接过来,“小狐狸真是太有心了!还不忘给我带礼物!这起码是上品魂器把!也太珍贵了一点!” Small fox natural pendulum claw. 小狐狸大方一摆爪子。 The small gift, the small gift, should not be polite. 小礼物,小礼物啦,不要客气。 Then the mouth pulls out one set of jade silk soft armor, pair of claws holds is giving to Meng Qingwu. 接着又嘴里掏出一套玉丝软甲,双爪捧着献给梦轻舞 The Meng Qingwu show face smiles: Gives to me? Very attractive, thanks!” 梦轻舞展颜一笑:“送给我的吗?很漂亮,谢谢!” Chu Tian seethes with rage once again, the father has not given the gift, the dead fox has forestalled on the contrary, snatches my crest of wave simply! 楚天又一次七窍生烟,老子还没送礼物呢,死狐狸反倒抢先了,简直就是抢我风头啊! This trivial two high-grade goods soul, altogether add to fear that on hundred Trial Points about , compared with the total score that it attains, is only the ice corner/horn, this fellow will buy the hearts of the people actually! 这区区两件上品魂器而已,总共加起来怕就一百试炼分左右,跟它拿到的总分比起来,只是冰上一角,这家伙倒是会收买人心! What Chu Tian is depressed, tries to practice the tower to demonstrate the Chu Tian score, had not shown that small fox score , because it is stowaway's relations? 楚天非常郁闷的是,试练塔就显示楚天分数,没有显示小狐狸分数,是因为它是偷渡者的关系么? The Meng Qingwu sisters liked small fox in any case more and more! 反正梦轻舞姐妹越来越喜欢小狐狸了! Yun Tianhe and shocks after the long-term delay recovers consciousness, this youth is really every time does not make the person be free from worry, doesn't create a stir not to be uncomfortable on the whole body? 云天鹤经过长时间呆滞和震撼才缓过来,这个少年真是每一次都不让人省心,不创造出一场轰动就浑身不舒服吗? This doing was also too astonishing! 这次做的也太惊人了! Chu Tian to the smelting trial is also very satisfied, is preparing to lead everybody to go back, Ye Family and Luo Family, have the person to surround suddenly, blocks Chu Tian several people of ways instantaneously. 楚天对试炼也是非常满意,正准备带着大家回去,叶家洛家,突然带人包围过来,瞬间就堵住楚天几人的去路。 Yun Tianhe sees this complexion to sink: „Do you do!” 云天鹤见此脸色一沉:“你们干什么!” Actually this Central State smelting trial suffering setbacks is disappointed biggest, is not Ye Family Luo Family, but is Chu Family. Chu Xinghe because of the relations of Chu Tian, was declined from the shrine thoroughly, this loss to Chu Family is unquantifiable! 其实本次中州试炼受挫受打击最大的,不是叶家洛家而是楚家楚星河因为楚天的关系,已经被彻底从神坛上衰落,这种损失对楚家来说是难以估量的! Chu Xinghe has been recognized as, can compare favorably with the Divine Wind Marquis duty. 楚星河一直是被认作,能够媲美神风候的任务。 Chu Family does not know that many Hanger-on come to Chu Xinghe. 楚家不知道多少门客都是冲着楚星河来的。 Nothing but is hopes that Chu Xinghe crack earth confers nobility upon to be able with profiting at someone's expense. 无非是盼望楚星河裂土封侯能跟着沾光。 Now the myth is disillusioned, does not know that causes many greatly turbulent! 现在神话一破灭,不知引起多大动荡! Chu Family must stabilize family Hanger-on, adds the Chu Xinghe severe wound relations again, not having the time to stay behind comes to see the final output, therefore hurried left. 楚家要稳定家族门客,再加楚星河重伤关系,没有时间留下来看最后结果,所以匆匆忙忙就离开了。 Ye Family Luo Family discussed that mutually reaches an agreement. 叶家洛家却互相商量达成一致。 Cannot walk! Must get down the Chu Tian truncation! 不能走!一定要把楚天截下来! Luo Liancheng let somebody cool off or calm down says: We obtain the news, Chu Tian open the seal buried treasure of Central State tower! The Central State tower is the Central State most important wealth, the buried treasure should be Central State everyone! Therefore, please honestly hand over! Dares to misappropriate the buried treasure, I and others did not forgive!” 洛连城冷冷地开口说:“我们得到消息,楚天打开中州塔的封印宝藏!中州塔是中州最重要的财富,宝藏应该属于中州的每一个人!所以,请你老老实实的交出来!胆敢私吞宝藏,我等决不饶恕!” Good pompous reason!” Yun Tianhe does not certainly do, „since Central State City has constructed the city to have the stipulation, any Central State tower smelting trial is in the tower to obtain all harvests, all turns over to smelting trial, smelting trial has the right to make any processing! You and others actually dare to extort splendidly, does not dislike to lose face!” “好一个冠冕堂皇的理由!”云天鹤当然不干了,“中州城建城以来就有规定,任何中州塔试炼者在塔中所获得一切收获,全都归试炼者自己所有,试炼者有权做出任何处理!你等却敢堂而皇之勒索,难道不嫌丢脸么!” Ye Tianlang cold sound said: If common treasure! The Central State tower buried treasure relates to the Central State City prosperous important matter, cannot fall in a houseboy hand! If he wrests away forcefully, has to execute a captured offender on the spot!” 叶天狼冷声说:“若是寻常宝物就算了!中州塔宝藏关系到中州城繁荣大计,决不能落在一个竖子手里!若他强行霸占,就只好就地正法了!” Right that said!” “说的对!” Hands over the buried treasure!” “交出宝藏!” Hands over the buried treasure!” “交出宝藏!” Two several hundreds elite shouted loudly with one voice, must begin the stance. 两家数百精锐齐声高喊,一副就要动手架势。 Ye Wudao item of dew wolf same ominous light: Otherwise gave up any idea of that lives is leaving here!” 叶无道目露狼一样的凶光:“否则休想活着离开这里!” Actually at this moment, buried treasure, these families does not care, they need a reason, reason that Chu Tian removes! 其实事到如今,宝藏不宝藏的,这几个家族都不在乎,他们需要一个理由,一个楚天除掉的理由! Yun Tianhe and Shen Bingyu two big True Soul level person of high skill anger. 云天鹤沈冰雨两大真魂级高人一怒。 The terrifying pressure covers two respected families immediately! 恐怖威压顿时笼罩两大家族! Luo Liancheng and Ye Wudao have not chosen to make concessions: We think about the Central State City benefit! Surnamed Yun, one of your Yun Family unseemly behavior Four Great Families! Traitor who since the harbor steals the buried treasure! My family is the Central State City benefit fights to the last drop of blood by rights ought to!” 洛连城叶无道也没有选择退让:“我们是为中州城利益着想!姓云的,你云家妄为四大家族之一!既然包庇窃取宝藏的奸贼!我家理当为中州城利益血战到底!” Right!” “没错!” Has killed traitor Chu Tian!” “杀了奸贼楚天!” Also my Central State buried treasure!” “还我中州宝藏!” Ye Family and Luo Family, overwhelm with numerical strength, Awakened Soul Cultivator about hundred, although Yun Tianhe and Shen Bingyu cultivation base has the superiority, if two real beginning, that will also evolve one to slaughter frigidly, finally inevitably is the mutually wounded result. 叶家洛家,人多势众,魂醒修士近百,虽然云天鹤沈冰雨修为有优势,若是两家真的动起手来的话,那也将会演变成一场惨烈厮杀,最终必然是两败俱伤结果。 In this time, a low and deep sound is conveying: Sir extinguish the anger to well!” 正在这个时候,一个低沉声音传来:“诸位大人熄熄肝火为好!” General Central State Xiong Wuji leads elite sergeant to walk, Xiong Wuji is the Great General in Central State county, presides the Central State soldiers and horses, Xiong Family is a first-class family, the influence does not compare Four Great Families. Xiong Wuji individual strength is actually very strong, weakly are less than Chu Luoye Three Great Clans. 中州大将军熊无忌带着精锐军士走来,熊无忌中州郡的大将军,统辖中州的兵马,熊家是一个准一流家族,势力比不上四大家族熊无忌个人实力却是很强的,并不比楚洛叶三大家族弱太多。 Xiong Wuji, you as General Central State City, should be the Central State City benefit consider!” The Ye Wudao calm face said: Therefore asked you to make a clear distinction between right and wrong, do not stand right mistakenly!” 熊无忌,你作为中州城大将军,就应该为中州城利益着想!”叶无道沉着脸说:“所以请你明辨是非,不要站错了对!” Great General helps us to recapture the Central State buried treasure.” Luo Liancheng said directly: Xiong Family can also divide one!” “大将军助我们夺回中州宝藏。”洛连城更是直接说:“熊家也可以分一份!” Yun Tianhe in great surprise! 云天鹤大惊! Xiong Wuji is a major force! 熊无忌是一支重要力量! Original Ye Family Luo Family is very formidabe, if adds a General House influence again, perhaps today troubles in a big way. 本来叶家洛家就很难对付,若是再加一个将军府势力,恐怕今天麻烦大了。 Ha Ha Ha Ha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Surnamed Xiong, is very funny?” “姓熊的,很好笑么?” I laugh at you not to know good from bad! I laugh at you to be ignorant! I laugh at you to tell tales! The Central State tower prize is always smelting trial, how can there be the division of buried treasure?” The Xiong Wuji board was black a face saying: Chu Tian is the person of our army department, you , to move him, first asked my this Great General did agree!” “我笑你们不知好歹!我笑你们愚昧透顶!我笑你们搬弄是非!中州塔奖品从来都是属于试炼者,岂有宝藏之分?”熊无忌板着黑着一张脸说:“楚天乃我军部的人,尔等若想动他,先问我这个大将军同不同意!” What? The person of military headquarters!” “什么?军部的人!” Everybody is startled. 大家都吃一惊。 Right!” Xiong Wuji said directly: Chu Tian is the Central State guerrilla warfare general! Is the person of our army department!” “没错!”熊无忌直接说:“楚天中州游击将军!就是我军部的人!” The Three Great Clans lung is about to explode with rage. 三大家族肺都快气炸了。 Yun Family does against with them also excusable, Xiong Wuji this bastard, dares flagrantly to provoke unexpectedly! His Xiong Family is nothing! Is this is courting death? 云家跟他们对着干还情有可原,熊无忌这个混蛋,居然也敢公然挑衅!他熊家算个屁!这是在找死么? Ye Tianlang cannot bear again: Chu Tian does not die, Central State must be chaotic!” 叶天狼再也忍不住:“楚天不死,中州必乱!” Luo Xianglong also exclaimed: This person cannot remain!” 洛降龙也吼道:“此人不能留!” Ye Tianlang is the anger exclaims: Chu Tian, do you dare with my duel?” 叶天狼更是怒吼道:“楚天,你敢跟我单挑吗?” duel? 单挑 The people stare! 众人都是一愣! Luo Xianglong also exclaimed: ” You, if a man, do not do the low method, has to plant with my Luo Xianglong frank and upright war! Do you dare? „ 洛降龙也跟着吼道:”你要是一个男人,别搞下三滥手段,有种跟我洛降龙光明正大一战!你敢吗?“ You nothing but are depend cultivation base to oppress others!” Nangong Yun is angry to exclaim: Has to plant under same level cultivation base disputes to try with Chu Tian!” “你们无非是仗着修为压人罢了!”南宫云大怒吼道:“有种在同级修为下跟楚天较量试试!” Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong do not pay attention to Nangong Yun: Dares to fight!” 叶天狼洛降龙根本不理会南宫云:“敢不敢战!” Well good! Young Master stray dog and hadn't the tabby cat young master been sufficed to teach, kill my heart still not dead?” Chu Tian has not planned to pretend ignorance from the beginning, this moment eruption bellows, deters the audience instantaneously: Let alone I have not given you opportunity! I looked that did not need to trouble, your two waste on together!” “好好好!土狗公子和花猫公子没受够教训,杀我之心依然不死?”楚天一开始没打算装聋作哑,此刻爆发般大吼一句,瞬间震慑全场:“别说我没给你们机会!我看不用麻烦了,你们两废物一起上吧!” Yun Tianhe in great surprise: Chu......” 云天鹤大惊:“楚……” The Chu Tian direct interruption said: This war! No one can meddle!” 楚天直接打断道:“这一战!谁也不许插手!”
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