MT :: Volume #2

#190: Exchange reward

The small fox body inflates continually, belly was supported perfectly round, and four limbs could not see that only remains a perfectly round great ball, has several meters diameter. 小狐狸身体持续膨胀,肚皮被撑得浑圆,头和四肢都看不到,只剩一个浑圆的巨球,足足有十几米的直径。 Does not know how really the body of this fellow is long! 真不知道这家伙的身体是怎么长的! From tiny tot a compared with fist hair big point, inflates 34 building high colossi instantaneously, that body had not been supported to explode unexpectedly! 从一个比拳头稍大点的小不点,瞬间膨胀成34层楼高的庞然大物,那身体竟然都没有被撑爆! What to do Chu Tian does not know should. 楚天也不知道该怎么办。 The day behaves badly still feels sorry, but from behaving badly cannot live. 正所谓天作孽犹可怜,而自作孽不可活。 The small fox will turn into this to touch the type, all blames being too greedy, how long was it born? Attempts to swallow the god corpse unexpectedly, isn't this is talking nonsense? 小狐狸会变成这副摸样,全都怪自己太贪心,它才出生多久啊?竟然企图吞噬神尸,这不是在扯淡吗? Chu Tian anything did not do. 楚天什么都做不了。 Now can shoulder, all looked at small fox. 现在能不能扛过去,全看小狐狸自己了。 We hope that this fellow luck has good luck ever after greatly, depends the talent different Bing blood relationship, can resist the inflation of supernatural power. 希望这家伙福大命大,仗着天赋异禀的血统,能够抵抗住神力的膨胀。 The small fox body continually is still inflating, its body grows to more than 20 meters, afterward face upwards long cry, spouts big bunch of things from the mouth, the whole body belly reappears complex Rune, that perfectly round belly starts the retraction gradually. 小狐狸身体依然在持续膨胀,它身体足足增长到20多米,随后仰天一声长鸣,从嘴巴里面喷出一大堆东西,浑身肚皮都浮现出复杂符文,那浑圆肚皮渐渐地开始回缩。 Dingdong. 叮叮当当。 At sixes and sevens junks fell place. 乱七八糟的杂物掉了一地。 Eats 50% Corpse Dan, gnaws a honey brick, various strange materials, even is the gold , silver and jewelry, just liked rains same fell place. 吃一半的尸丹,啃一块的蜜砖,各种稀奇古怪材料,甚至是金银珠宝,犹如下雨一样落了一地。 Chu Tian looked that was almost crooked nose air/Qi. 楚天一看差点把鼻子气歪了。 This bastard unexpectedly stealing food father these many things, moreover it simply has not swallowed in the belly to digest, but has in the belly with some means. 这王八蛋竟然偷吃老子这么多东西,而且它根本没有吃进肚子里消化,而是用某种办法存在肚子里面。 Only the gold coin has several hundred thousand! 光金币就有几十万枚! How I said my money frequently bewildered being short! 我说我的钱怎么经常莫名其妙的少了呢! Originally had been stolen away by this damn thief, your this fellow asks for money the fart to use! 原来是被这个该死的小偷偷走了,你这家伙要钱有屁用啊! Confiscation! 没收! Must confiscate! 必须没收! Chu Tian just wants to receive the thing, finally heard a long roar, the entire main hall shakes sways, a length of body several meters fat fox, throws fiercely, putting out the thing protects with the claw. 楚天刚想把东西收回来,结果就闻一声长吼,整个大殿都震的摇晃起来,一只体长十几米的胖狐狸,猛地一扑而下,用爪子把吐出东西都护住。 This is it under the astute main human eye hides, collects laboriously! 这可是它在精明的主人眼皮子底下,辛辛苦苦收集来的! These gold coins accumulate to buy the pin money that between -meal snack uses! 那些金币攒起来买零食用的私房钱! Chu Tian well, did this fox restore? However, small fox build still more than ten meters high, moreover body fat is the same with the ball, the buttocks following furry big tail, turned into nine now. 楚天咦一声,这狐狸就恢复过来了?然而,小狐狸体型依然有十多米高,而且身体胖的跟球一样,屁股后面一条毛茸茸的大尾巴,现在已经变成九条了。 The fat foxes of nine tails? 九条尾巴的胖狐狸? Is this its prototype? 这是它的原型么? This is anything! 这到底是什么! Great fat fox body contracts slowly, eight meters, five meters, three meters, two meters, half meter...... Finally turns into the original size, the tail also turns into one. 巨胖狐狸身体缓缓收缩,八米,五米,三米,两米,半米……最终又变成原来的大小,尾巴也重新变成一条。 The small fox hurries to install in the belly own smuggled goods, this long relaxes, is swinging the furry big tail, a delighted self-satisfied expression. 小狐狸赶紧把自己私货都装回肚子里,这才长长松口气,摇着毛茸茸的大尾巴,一副眉飞色舞的得意表情。 Look! 看吧! Is the god corpse how is it? 神尸怎么样? This fox photo swallows does not harm! 本狐照吞不误! Chu Tian comes up directly is a brain collapses: Goes to your Sir!” 楚天直接上去就是一个脑崩:“去你大爷的!” The small fox looks like does not have too sweeping change, it is estimated that cannot digest the eyeball of Ancient Gods, preserves with some means in within the body. If the small fox has this skill, why doesn't make it bring a god corpse fragment? 小狐狸看起来没有太大变化,估计是没能消化古神的眼珠,是用某种办法保存在体内。若小狐狸有这种本事的话,为什么不让它多带一点神尸碎片呢? After small fox discovery intention, lays out the claw hastily, swinging is the same with the rattle-drum. 小狐狸发现意图之后,连忙摆摆爪子,头摇的跟拨浪鼓一样。 You want not to think! 你想都别想! Kills me not to do! 打死我也不干了! This thing pouched the belly too to be really uncomfortable! 这东西吞进肚子实在太难受了! Chu Tian uses the method of combining threats with inducements, made all sorts of promises to the small fox, finally moved it finally reluctantly, agreed to have the same thing to exit again. 楚天使出威逼利诱的手段,给小狐狸许下种种诺言,最终总算勉强打动它,同意再装一样东西出去。 It turns in the god corpse fragment looks for the period of time. 它在神尸碎片里翻找一阵子。 The result takes up one section clear such as the bone of jade. 结果拿起一截晶莹如玉的骨头。 A Ancient Gods section of spine? Chu Tian nods to the small fox! 古神一截脊骨么?楚天对小狐狸点点头! The small fox shows the expression that the brave soldier goes, braces oneself to swallow this section of bone, finally repeats one that just had, after dozen minutes, when all return to normal, the small fox was exhausted, almost crawled continually crawls motionless. 小狐狸露出壮士赴死的表情,硬着头皮把这截骨头吞进去,结果又重演刚刚发生的一幕,十几分钟之后,当一切恢复平静,小狐狸已经精疲力竭,几乎连爬都爬不动了。 Chu Tian also knew already to the limit. 楚天也知道已经到极限了。 Everything cannot force, goes too far is as bad as not far enough! 凡事是不能勉强的,正所谓过犹不及嘛! Good, counts your merit!” “好,计你一功!” Chu Tian catches the small fox, a person of fox goes out of bronze Ancient Palace Hall, when walks from bronze Ancient Palace Hall, the entire world falls in the middle of chaos. 楚天把小狐狸抓起来,一人一狐走出青铜古殿,当从青铜古殿里面走出来时,整个天地又陷进一片混沌当中。 A sound transmission in mind. 一个声音传递到脑海里。 Life is 40 hours, extra premium 200 Trial Points!” “生存时间为40小时,额外奖励200试炼分!” Chu Tian takes up the front jade sign to take a look at one, that string of illumination digit write 1352 points clearly, this was the Chu Tian final result! 楚天拿起胸前玉牌瞅一眼,那一串发光数字清清楚楚写着1352分,这就是楚天的最终成绩了! Is entering the reward space!” “正在进入奖励空间!” All around space produces, Chu Tian appears in a piece is void, does not have the ground, does not have the sky, just likes chaos world in outerspace, the surroundings densely and numerously are the treasures of various floats, each treasure was covered in a cover of illumination. 四周空间重新生成,楚天出现在一片虚空里,没有地面,没有天空,犹如混沌的天外世界,周围密密麻麻都是各种漂浮的宝物,每一个宝物都被笼罩在一个发光的罩子里。 Many! 好多啊! Chu Tian has attacked the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer boundary, then must attempt to break through Awakened Soul 4th Layer, Awakened Soul 4th Layer and between Awakened Soul 3rd Layer has a bottleneck time, if no help of nonego, 35 years are hard to break through. 楚天已经冲击到魂醒三重的境界,接下来就要尝试突破魂醒四重了,魂醒四重魂醒三重中间有一个瓶颈期,若没有外物的帮助,35年都难以冲破。 Chu Tian needs wondrous medicines! 楚天需要一株圣药! Central State tower treasure is freely numerous, generally is the Level 2 goods, occasionally has the Level 3 thing to appear, but very scarce. Naturally, the Level 2 material compounded drug, happen to suits the Awakened Soul Cultivator use. 中州塔尽管宝物众多,普遍都是2级的物品,偶尔有3级东西出现,但是非常的稀少。当然,2级的材料丹药,正好适合魂醒修士使用。 Chu Tian found one good material soon. 楚天不久就找到一种不错的材料。 Ancient vine, just likes the flood dragon is coiling around, three fruits tie above. 一株古老的藤蔓,犹如蛟龙般盘绕着,三枚果实结在上面。 Millennium ksitigarbha fruit, in Level 2 the wondrous medicines, need 220 Trial Points. “千年地藏果”,2级中品圣药,需要220点试炼分 The ksitigarbha fruit is one very rare Level 2 material, the birth environment extreme is harsh, moreover grows in the center of earth world, the birth is Elixir, the millenniums can to become Sheng. 地藏果是一种十分罕见的2级材料,诞生环境极端苛刻,而且生长在地心世界,诞生就是灵药,千年即能成圣。 Mu of Qi this type of raw material for medicine implication earth, not only can grow cultivation base, has many other wondrous uses. 这种药材蕴含大地之母气,非但能增长修为,更有很多其他妙用。 The wondrous medicines have the quality division. 圣药也是有品质划分的。 In Central State tower reward space, generally is the low grade wondrous medicines, 100 many Trial Points can trade, the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak breaks through to Awakened Soul 4th Layer, the efficacy theory of low grade wondrous medicines was Good enough. Chu Tian is the pursue is safe, then exchanges the wondrous medicines directly. 中州塔奖励空间中,普遍都是下品圣药,100多的试炼分就能换到,魂醒三重巅峰突破到魂醒四重,下品圣药的药力理论是差不多了。楚天为追求稳妥,则直接兑换中品圣药。 Chu Tian cannot forget Yingying they. 楚天不能忘记莹莹他们。 One time spends 660 points generously, one time finding three ksitigarbha fruits accepted. 一次慷慨花费660分,一次性把找到的三颗地藏果都收下了。 The most important thing has received in exchange successfully, Chu Tian also remains most Trial Points, for a while does not know trades any good, Chu Tian does not lack the weapon, Cultivation Technique does not have what interest, as for the home remedy and old book and so on, the ghost knows where Ancient Gods collects, does not have the thing of value to Chu Tian in any case. 最重要的东西已经换取成功,楚天还剩大半试炼分,一时不知换什么好,楚天不缺武器,功法更是没有什么兴趣,至于丹方、古籍之类的,鬼知道古神是从哪里收集来的,反正对楚天都是没有价值的东西。 Well? What thing this is, takes these many exchange differences unexpectedly?” “咦?这是什么东西,竟然需要这么多兑换分?” Chu Tian found a big bottle gourd! 楚天找到一个大葫芦! This bottle gourd has half person of high fully, all over the body presents the dark green color, the unusual brightness circulation, contains the mystery, has the Yin-Yang fish to hover faintly. 这葫芦足有半人高,遍体呈现青绿之色,宝光流转,蕴藏奥妙,更隐隐有阴阳鱼游动。 Limitless Bottle-Gourd , the innate treasure, the quality is unclear, has alchemy, to build up to make and store up the goods and function of absorbed energy, takes 650 points to exchange! 无极葫芦”,先天宝物,品质不明,具有炼丹、炼造、储存物品、吸收能量的功能,需要650分兑换! Chu Tian does not know that Ancient Gods entrusted any race, helped to construct this to try to practice the tower, and collected many treasures. 楚天不知道古神委托什么种族,帮忙建造这座试练塔,并且收集来很多宝物。 This big bottle gourd is obviously out of the ordinary. 这个大葫芦显然非比寻常的。 Chu Tian is unable to identify this precisely is any thing, above does not have the trace that refines slightly artificially, showing is a innate treasure. The so-called innate treasure, refers to being born from the nature, immediately can be used the control by the lives the thing. 楚天都无法精确辨认这是什么东西,上面没有丝毫人工炼制的痕迹,说明就是一个先天宝物。所谓的先天宝物,是指从自然界诞生出来,立刻就能够被生灵们使用驾驭的东西。 For example Chu Tian Netherworld Flame. 比如楚天幽冥火 For example present big bottle gourd! 比如眼前的大葫芦! Was this gadget the antiquity space is used for the Storage geo-spatial tool? 这玩意儿是上古空间用来储物的空间工具? Actually in the age of Chu Tian life, the Storage tool everywhere is, slightly to ring and bangle, even is the clothes pocket, as big, because of having completely has as space treasure box and Space Warehouse . So long as to Chu Tian enough material, Chu Tian can make the Storage tool immediately. 其实在楚天生活的年代,储物工具到处都是,小到戒指、手镯,甚至是衣服口袋,大到空间宝箱空间仓库、因有尽有。只要给楚天足够材料,楚天立刻就能造出储物工具来。 Therefore merely is the Storage tool, has not been worth Chu Tian spending massive Trial Points. 所以仅仅是储物工具,还不值得楚天花费大量试炼分 A most important point is, Chu Tian introduced according to the smelting trial space knew that the bottle gourd not only can preserve the ordinary goods like the ordinary Storage tool, can regard one to build up pill furnace to use directly, even was the refiner, brewing wait / etc., but can also the absorbed energy, the critical moment, defend the attack. 最重要的一点是,楚天根据试炼空间介绍得知,葫芦不仅仅能像普通储物工具一样保存普通物品,更能直接当成一个炼丹炉来使用,甚至是炼器、酿造等等,还能够吸收能量,关键时刻,防御攻击。 The Storage tool along pill furnace, builds up the furnace, but can also brew alcohol, even is against has! 既是储物工具又是随身丹炉、炼化炉,还能酿酒,甚至是防具! Chu Tian feels carefully, even also surprisedly realizes that this bottle gourd as if also has the full of vigor and vitality, like the big tree that is at the seedling condition, so long as cultivation well, still had the space of huge growth...... This is not its final state! 楚天仔细感觉一番,甚至还惊讶察觉到,这葫芦似乎还有旺盛生命力,就像一棵处于幼苗状态的大树,只要好好的栽培,仍有巨大生长的空间……这不是它的最终状态! It is not simple! 不简单! Although the exchange price is expensive, but the so rare innate treasure, always may with but cannot ask, if Chu Tian misses this activation, perhaps , was very difficult to look for a similar substitute again. 虽说兑换代价是昂贵一点,但是如此稀有的先天宝物,从来都是可遇而不可求的,楚天要是错过这次激活,恐怕以后就很难再找一个相似的替代物了。 These weapons, equipment and Cultivation Technique, in comparison, are instead senseless! 那些兵器、装备、功法,相比之下,反而无趣! Chu Tian trades decisively the bottle gourd. 楚天果断把葫芦换下来。 In Chu Tian did not have no Trial Points, besides the exchange useful thing, again exchanges some ordinary points things, from now on will take to treat as the gift to bestow the little brothers to be also good! 楚天手里已经没有什么试炼分,除兑换有用的东西外,就再兑换一些普通点的东西,今后拿出来当做礼物赠送小弟们也不错! Chu Tian discovered that is called «Nine Cloudy Ice Soul» Cultivation Technique, the program words that from demonstrating, this Cultivation Technique has the good point. 楚天发现一部叫做《九阴冰魄》的功法,从展示出来的大纲来看的话,这部功法是颇有可取之处的。 If takes to revise again and Shen Bingyu Cultivation Technique union, certainly can produce advanced Cultivation Technique! 若拿出去修改修改再和沈冰雨功法结合,一定能生成出更高级功法来! The Chu Tian knowledge is freely profound, creation also is very baseless difficult to achieve, however carries on the revision or the fusion in original Cultivation Technique, is not quite difficult. 楚天尽管知识渊博,凭空创造却也很难做到,然而在原有功法进行修改或融合,却是不太困难。 Traded it! 换它了! Is regarded as the source material! 当做是素材吧! Storage symbol of Chu Tian in the smelting trial space in preserves the thing to take, this symbol is the thing of mystical place transforming, cannot bring to outside. The equipment material and including the precious ten thousand years of spirit honey that in big pile of smelting trial spaces obtains, as well as Cultivation Technique and ksitigarbha fruit wondrous medicines, all force in the big bottle gourd that just obtained. 楚天将试炼空间里储物符里保存东西都拿出来,这符是秘境幻化之物,是不能带到外面去的。大堆试炼空间里获得的装备材料、包括宝贵的万年灵蜜,以及功法和地藏果圣药,全都塞进刚刚获得的大葫芦里。 Bottle gourd back to carrying on the back. 把葫芦背到背上。 Good! 不错! Good! 不错! This thing also very well uses! 这东西还挺好用的! Chu Tian one after another discovers several good things, however Trial Points has used up, can only , but sighed, this to think that Trial Points were many enough, finally was insufficient! 楚天又接连发现几件不错的东西,然而试炼分已经用完了,只能无奈叹息一声、本以为试炼分够多,结果还是不够用啊! The strength of Ancient Gods remnant encephalic seal, although smooth shift to Chu Tian within the body, but Chu Tian does not have the means to use, does not know that this strength is anything. 古神残颅内封印的力量,虽然顺利的转移到楚天体内,但是楚天并没有办法使用,更不知道这股力量是什么。 But, even if abandons this not to look that the travel of this smelting trial space is the harvest is also giant! 但,就算抛开这一个不看,本次试炼空间之旅也是收获巨大的! The person of this time life was too happy, is really everywhere is the vestige hides away, perhaps any development well, can obtain the astonishing harvest. 这个时代生活的人太幸福了,真是遍地都是遗迹秘藏,任何一座好好的开发,或许都能得到惊人的收获。 The Chu Tian preparation leaves: Small fox, is of great success, we should walk......” 楚天准备离开:“小狐狸,大功告成,我们该走……” Last character has not said that Chu Tian seemed hit by together the miraculous glow. 最后一个字没说出口,楚天似乎被一道灵光击中。 Forgets a matter! 忘记一件事! Isn't the small fox smelting trial? 小狐狸不也是试炼者么? Although is mixes, obtains the smelting trial jade sign, explained that the small fox also has Trial Points. Moreover, this fellow before opening treasure house, destroys completely several hundred evil spirit, each evil spirit will contribute massive Trial Points! The small fox at least can obtain 700-800 Trial Points in a fight, finally rewards two percentages through the smelting trial space, here was only quick broken thousand, started off again on obtains one after another...... 虽然是混进来的,却也得到试炼者玉牌,说明小狐狸也有试炼分。而且,这家伙在开启宝库前,灭掉几百只妖魔啊,每一只妖魔都会贡献大量试炼分!小狐狸起码能在一场战斗得到七八百试炼分,最后通过试炼空间奖励两百分,光这里就快破千了,再加上路上陆陆续续获得的…… Therefore , the total score of this fellow not necessarily under father! 所以说,这家伙的总分未必在老子之下! Chu Tian touches the shoulder to discover that the small fox was already missing! 楚天一摸肩膀发现,小狐狸早就失踪了! No wonder, I said how so to be just peaceful, it already does not know where slid to! 怪不得呢,我说刚刚怎么这么安静,它早就不知道溜到哪里去了! The bad mental disposition of Chu Tian to small fox is clear, where does not know that it wants to do, is mad almost the lung to explode! 楚天对小狐狸的恶劣秉性一清二楚,哪里不知道它想干什么,气得差点肺都炸了! Mother! 妈的! This dead fox! 这个死狐狸!
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