MT :: Volume #2

#189: The tenth eye

I am unable to explain your any doubts.” The voice of bronze main hall seems to be tranquil, he as if can see clearly the Chu Tian thought: Because I already thoroughly died, but read since one remnantly sealed, therefore the past memory vanishes into thin air.” “我无法解答你的任何疑惑。”青铜大殿的声音似乎非常平静,他似乎能洞察楚天的思想:“因为我早就已经彻底陨落,只不过将一丝残念封存至今,所以昔日的记忆都烟消云散。” Read remnantly? 残念? This goods not only the logic is clear, has the complete elaborative faculty, where looks like read remnantly? Ancient Gods read remnantly so is formidable, then Ancient Gods complete consciousness , some multi- terrifying! 这货非但逻辑清晰,更具有完整思考能力,哪里像一丝残念?古神一丝残念就如此强大,那么古神完整的意识,又该有多恐怖啊! Does not use disappointedly.” “不过也不用失望。” The Ancient Palace Hall sound resounds once more, a ash-gray crystallization whiz, however falls, calmly stays in front of Chu Tian. 古殿声音再次响起,一枚灰色的结晶嗖然而降,静静地停留在楚天面前。 Takes away, this was past years survives the crystallization of memory, if can live is leaving here, you can find the answer also perhaps.” “拿去吧,这是当年残存记忆的结晶,若能活着离开这里,你从中能找到答案也说不定。” Does the Ancient Gods memory crystallize? 古神的记忆结晶? Really priceless treasure! 真是无价之宝! Chu Tian reveals the color of great happiness, cautiously holds the crystallization. 楚天露出大喜之色,小心翼翼的捧过结晶。 Ancient Gods falls from the sky seems to be sudden, has not left behind anything to inherit, even if this memory crystallizes is also very broken, content confusion, also needs to explain by the Chu Tian ability for a long time. 古神陨落似乎非常突然,没有留下什么传承,哪怕是这枚记忆结晶也很残破,其中内容十分的混乱,以楚天的能力也需要很长时间破解。 The bronze main hall continued: I can feel that you have the out of the ordinary strength and wisdom. These broken knowledge can bring the help to you, but is actually not have the fundamental change to you. Your dream, your aspiration, realizes by it, is not enough.” 青铜大殿继续说:“我能够感觉到,你拥有非比寻常的力量与智慧。这些残破的知识能给你带来帮助,但是却无法对你产生根本性的改变。你的梦想,你的抱负,靠它来实现,是远远不够的。” This wisp of Ancient Gods read remnantly really can spy on the innermost feelings! 这一缕古神残念果然能窥探内心! Chu Tian had not realized unexpectedly slightly, but he will not care. 楚天竟丝毫没有察觉,不过他也不会在意。 „Do I want to do to escape the destiny the shackles? The boundary of limit development humanity cannot achieve!” “我要怎么做才能摆脱命运的枷锁?开拓人类所达不到的极限之境!” Humanity, you were too eventually young.” In Ancient Palace Hall transmits the sigh, a little vicissitudes and depression: Destiny is doomed unable to change, the god demon cannot escape the fate, just like shatter of great antiquity.” “人类啊,你终究太年轻了。”古殿里传来叹息,有一点沧桑和萧条:“命运注定无法改变,神魔也逃脱不了宿命,正如洪荒的破碎。” I do not believe!” Chu Tian knits the brows: In world does not have the impossible matter!” “我不信!”楚天皱皱眉:“世上没有不可能的事情!” Ancient Palace Hall fills one long such as the strength of tide. 古殿弥漫开一股悠悠如潮的力量。 Chu Tian placed oneself in piece of vast Xinghe, flows in all directions just likes the river water strength, is broad and great, galloping is restless, the number by Xiaoyu of 1 trillion ideas, was led by this rivers great strength is swimming away to the front. 楚天一阵恍惚间就被置身在一片浩瀚星河里,四面八方流动犹如河水般的力量,恢弘、伟大,奔腾不息,数以1000000000000计的小鱼,被这条河流伟大力量带动着向前方游去。 Was this? 这是怎么了? Chu Tian turns into small silver fish, but in these trillion Xiaoyu, he that common, has not distinguished with other Xiaoyu. Chu Tian goes all out makes an effort to struggle, does not have the ability to work loose the strength of rivers, whatever the rivers lead the body to fire into a fixed direction to go. 楚天变成一条银色小鱼,而在这亿万小鱼里面,他是那么的不起眼,跟其他小鱼没有区别。楚天拼命的用力挣扎,却没有能力挣脱河流的力量,任由河流带动身躯冲向一个固定方向而去。 Chu Tian as if comprehends anything. 楚天似乎领悟到什么。 The destiny like a river, the Spiritual God ants, the supreme beggar, all living things did not have the division of strong and weak, in a fish for the river, is all doomed to be brought to a direction and end point? 命运就像一条河,神灵蝼蚁,至尊乞丐,众生本无强弱之分,皆为河里一条鱼儿,注定会被带到一个方向和终点么? On Chu Tian fills vicious tendencies! 楚天身上弥漫出一丝戾气! Any nonsense analogy! 什么狗屁比喻! The father does not believe! 老子就不信了! Chu Tian bellows, the small silver fish body fills the formidable aura, both eyes presents the kaleidoscope pupil, an ancient and mysterious strength covers, resists the impact of rivers unexpectedly. 楚天大吼一声,银色小鱼身上弥漫出强大的气息,双眼出现万花筒般的瞳孔,一股古老而神秘的力量笼罩出来,竟然抵抗住河流的冲击。 small silver fish swims away to side little, direct hits in the river in the vortex. 银色小鱼一点点向旁边游去,直接一头撞在河中漩涡里。 The entire illusion vanished immediately, Chu Tian returns to Ancient Palace Hall. 整个幻境顿时消失了,楚天又回到古殿中。 All living things are the fish in river of destiny.” In Ancient Palace Hall the sound just likes the ancient temple ding residual sound curls, melodious contains the wisdom low and deep, perhaps has the person of the great power and consciousness like you, can change one, even is one flock of fish. However, forever remembering, fish forever is unable to change flow direction of river, is unable to leave this rivers.” “众生是命运之河里的鱼儿。”古殿里声音犹如古寺钟声般余音袅袅,悠扬低沉而蕴含智慧,“或许像你一样拥有强大力量和意识的人,可以改变一条,甚至是一群鱼。但是,永远的记住,鱼儿永远无法改变河的流向,更无法离开这条河流。” Like an intelligent and old person, is teaching a child diligently. 像一个智慧而又年长的老人,正在孜孜教诲着一个孩子。 Life and death ups and downs, the lively defeat extinguishes, has the creation to have the destruction, had the life to have the death, the destiny samsara always had its fate, in the world did not have the true immortality, did not have so-called eternal. I can feel your ambition, but regardless of as formidable as what kind degree, do not attempt to challenge the destiny, that will make you lose, was involved in the turbulent destiny vortex to rip the fragment!” “生死枯荣,繁华败灭,有创造就有毁灭,有生命就有死亡,命运轮回从来都有其定数,天地间没有真正的不朽,更不存在所谓的永恒。我能感受到你的野心,但无论强大到何等程度,不要妄图挑战命运,那会让你迷失,被卷入汹涌的命运漩涡而撕成碎片!” A wisp read remnantly. 一缕残念而已。 Let Chu Tian have one type to admire the feeling unexpectedly. 楚天竟然产生一种高山仰止的感觉。 To once lived face to face great existences of innumerable years, his first time feels the mortal wisdom limited! 当面对曾经活了无数岁月的伟大存在,他第一次感觉到凡人智慧的有限! Chu Tian looking pensive: „Is inheritance that then you refer to what? It can bring anything to help to me.” 楚天若有所思:“那么你所指的传承到底是什么?它又能给我带来什么帮助。” One strength!” The bronze main hall becomes solemn and respectful grave: This river the strength of destiny, was once the strength that I kill! I hope that you can obtain it, tries to be knowing a rule of life canal.” “一种力量!”青铜大殿变得肃穆庄重:“这一股来自命运之河的力量,也是曾将我杀死的力量!我希望你能得到它,去试着掌握一丝命运河的规律。” Kills the god of death the strength?” “杀死神的力量?” Right, my non- great antiquity time falls from the sky, but dies under this strength!” “没错,我非洪荒时期陨落,而是死在这股力量之下!” Existence that the god demon theory does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish! 神魔理论是不死不灭的存在! The great antiquity time ended, the change and contradiction of principle and order, eventually cause the suitable god demon survival the fertile soil not to exist, the god demon does not lose the body of dying, therefore causes the Spiritual God to fall from the sky massively. 洪荒时代结束,法则和秩序的更替与矛盾,最终导致适合神魔生存的沃土不复存在,神魔才失去不死之身,所以才导致神灵大量陨落。 The difficult god of journeys demon also to be killed by other strengths? 难道神魔也能被其他力量杀死? My body, although falls, actually kills my strength to seal in the remnant skull this strength, in the innumerable year of years slowly build up breeding slowly, now condensed a seed. I hope that the seed one day can in this world seed, but this tries to practice the tower construction goal, is seeks for inheritance of one like you.” “我身虽陨,却将这股力量杀死我的力量封存残颅中,无数年慢慢的岁月里缓缓炼化孕育,现在凝聚成了一颗种子。我希望种子有一天能在这个世界萌芽,而这座试练塔建造目的,就是寻找一位像你这样的传承者。” This strength had killed initially the Spiritual God, can Chu Tian withstand it? 这股力量把当初神灵都杀死了,楚天能够承受它吗? This has the one inheritance of considerable risk obviously. 这显然是有着相当风险的一种传承。 The small fox reveals an anxious color. 小狐狸露出一丝焦虑之色。 Entrains Chu Tian with the claw, hints Chu Tian do not impulse. 用爪子拽拽楚天,示意楚天不要冲动。 Chu Tian is aloof, is going against the pressure of Ancient Gods head, stand forth, only thinks gradually every step will produce on the body just likes the mountain heavy pressure, leaves a row of footprint including the firm floor. 楚天却无动于衷,顶着古神头颅的威压,一步一步向前走去,只觉每一步都会在身上产生犹如山岳般的沉重压力,连坚固地板都留下一排脚印。 Interesting!” Chu Tian enters in the water of great antiquity pool on foot, stands before the giant incomparable crystal column, launches both hands slowly, that makes me have a look!” “有趣!”楚天徒步走进洪荒之水的池子里,站在巨大无比的晶柱之前,缓缓展开双手,“那就让我看看吧!” If you hope!” “如你所愿!” Bang! 轰! Energy burst of surging. 激荡的能量爆发出来。 The small fox was flown by a strength ball. 小狐狸被一股力量弹飞了出去。 Chu Tian enters in the crystal column in the flash, naturally not in mortal body shape, by the god demon lord Source Spirit appearance. That gigantic shatter head at present, an invisible energy just likes is filled with wisdom, rinses in Chu Tian Source Spirit. 楚天在一瞬间进入晶柱中,当然不是以肉身形态,是以神魔般的主元魂出现。那一颗硕大的破碎头颅就在眼前,一股无形能量犹如醍醐灌顶般,灌进楚天元魂中。 This strength was too strong! 这股力量实在太强大了! „An item represents one perfect strength, Nine Eyes represents nine types to the strong strength!” In bronze Ancient Palace Hall spreads a surprised sound, you have the potential of god demon! Very good! Very good! You can be good inheritance!” “一目代表一种极致的力量,九目则代表九种至强力量!”青铜古殿里传出一个惊讶的声音,“你本身就拥有神魔的潜力!很好!很好!你会是一个不错的传承者!” The soul was torn the feeling to erupt suddenly! 灵魂被撕裂感觉骤然爆发! This similar feeling, is the Source Spirit birth time has produced, difficult to be inadequate must produce Source Spirit? 这种类似的感觉,元魂诞生时候产生过,难不成又要产生元魂 Said is so scary, actually has not imagined is so difficult!” “说的这么吓人,其实也没有想象中那么难嘛!” No matter any strength, Uncle Chu Tian accepted!” “不管是什么力量,楚天大爷收下了!” Chu Tian bellows! 楚天大吼一声! Disruption that the entire Crystal Stone column shakes. 整块晶石柱都震的碎裂。 Above that fierce lord Source Spirit forehead, splits a seam unexpectedly, presents a new eye, but the emergying eye closes! 那尊狰狞的主元魂额头之上,竟然裂开一条缝,又出现一只新的眼睛,不过新出现的眼睛是闭上的! Nine are the pole numbers, nine are supreme! Own potential is formidable incomparable, no wonder can withstand this strength with ease!” The voice of bronze main hall said slowly: Above pole number, adds a number again, is actually what kind of good fortune? Really makes the person anticipate that what a pity could not see!” “九为极数,九为至尊!自身潜能已是强大无比,难怪能轻松承受这股力量!”青铜大殿的声音缓缓地说:“极数之上,再添一数,究竟是怎样的造化?真是让人期待,可惜是看不到了!” Chu Tian was covered by prostration exhausted feeling. 楚天被虚脱般的疲惫感笼罩了。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Why cannot feel the change! 为什么感觉不到变化! The Ancient Gods remnant knowledge as if can the thing Chu Tian thought that that ancient sound explain frequently slowly: I only responsibly keep a seed, when sprouts, can sprout, all looks at the fate good fortune!” 古神残识似乎能时刻东西楚天的思想,那古老声音缓缓解释起来:“我只负责留一颗种子,何时萌发,能否萌发,全看命数造化!” How if can't be life-long to sprout grows works as?” “若终生不得萌发成长又当如何?” That is the fate is also the result! You are doomed unable to grasp this strength.” “那也是命数所致!你注定不能掌握这股力量。” This is too not responsible for! 这也太不负责了吧! Source Spirit absorbs the new strength, truly has certain changes! 元魂吸收新的力量,确实产生某些变化! Chu Tian and cannot say that is anything changes, but an intense weak feeling is covering him frequently, within the body seemed broken one greatly empty, needs the massive strengths to fill! 楚天且说不上来到底是什么变化,但一种强烈的虚弱感时时刻刻笼罩着他,体内仿佛被破开一个巨大空洞,需要大量的力量方能填补! Chu Tian sits in the pool central disk, lets the whole body immersion in the water. 楚天在池子中盘坐下来,让全身浸泡在水里面。 The entire clear shining liquid, raises the Ancient Gods remnant skull many years warm, contained the strength of god demon, happen to be used is the Chu Tian repair. 整池晶莹发亮的液体,温养古神残颅多年,其中已经蕴含神魔之力,正好能用来为楚天修复。 Chu Tian puts out together stars Stone Peng in the control. 楚天拿出一块星辰石捧在手心里。 Suddenly! 一时间! The pool of water flows in all directions slowly. 四面八方正池水缓缓流动起来。 The stars stone blooms a light star splendor, covers evenly around the body of Chu Tian, making him look like just likes the deity descends to earth. 星辰石更绽放出一层淡淡星辉,均匀覆盖在楚天的身体周围,让他看起来犹如天神下凡般。 After obtaining the brand-new strength, Chu Tian welcomed a breakthrough turning point, with the aid of the water of entire god demon, in this stars stone with the aid of the hand, completed a leap sufficiently! 当获得全新的力量之后,楚天迎来一个突破契机,借助整池的神魔之水,借助手中这块星辰石,足以完成一次飞跃! Chu Tian such calmly cultivates. 楚天就这么静静修炼。 Entire past day a night! 整整过去一天一夜! He like a sponge, probably about half water was absorbed. 他就像一块海绵般,大约近半的水都被吸收了。 Bang! 砰! Chu Tian leaps, whole body nearly becomes transparent, the skin best quality goods diamond, actually reflects the light star splendor likely! 楚天一跃而出,浑身近乎变得透明,皮肤像极品金刚石,却折射出淡淡的星辉! Succeeded! 成功了! Immortal body enters the step to Diamond Body smoothly! 不灭体顺利进阶到金刚体 Chu Tian cultivation base achieves the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer boundary with ease! 楚天修为更是轻松达到魂醒三重的境界! Chu Tian Cultivation Technique cultivation base also progresses, strength once again enormous promotion! 楚天功法修为同时进步,实力又一次极大的提升! Remember, if not the true crucial moment, do not open the tenth eye forcefully, you are unable to control this strength by far.” In bronze Ancient Palace Hall the sound changes is gradually small: Perhaps, seed will regain consciousness, grow on the 1st and expands, at that time various deity demons will also shiver for you!” “记住,若非真正的生死关头,不要强行打开第十只眼睛,你远远无法驾驭这股力量。”青铜古殿里面声音渐渐变小:“或许有一日,种子会苏醒、成长、壮大,那个时候诸天神魔也会为你而颤抖!” Your meaning is, in the world still does the bright demon exist?” “你的意思是,世界上还有神魔存在?” Also extremely distant to you!” “对你来说还太过遥远!” The Chu Tian spirit inspires greatly! Although the opposite party had not replied directly, but acknowledged that basically perhaps the god demon has not died certainly, left this side world. 楚天精神大振!虽然对方没有正面回答,但是却基本承认神魔没有死绝,或许只是离开了这一方天地罢了。 My mission is completed!” “我的使命完成!” Wait / Etc.!” Chu Tian felt that the opposite party must leave, immediately a fox grasps: „Can you help me have a look, what is it?” “等等!”楚天感觉到对方要离开,立刻一把狐狸抓起来:“你能不能帮我看看,它到底是什么?” I do not know that its blood relationship implication formidable potential, the ancestor is not certainly simple, perhaps is some only big demon god. However memory flaw, I am unable to tell your accurate answer!” “我不知道,它的血统蕴含强大潜力,先祖一定非常不简单,或许是某只大魔神吧。然而记忆的缺失,我无法告诉你准确的答案!” Isn't this idle talk? 这不是废话么? I also know that its ancestor is not simple! 我也知道它的祖先不简单! I also know that its blood relationship is not ordinary! 我也知道它的血统不一般! What gadget is this fellow? What ability does it have? 这家伙到底是什么玩意儿?它到底有什么能力? The small fox happily turns upwards the mouth, probably was saying to Chu Tian: Now knows this fox fierce? Hurries to give me delicious tasty is supplying, this fox in the future will become the big demon god, naturally can cover you!” 小狐狸得意翘起嘴巴,好像在对楚天说:“现在知道本狐的厉害了吧?赶紧给我好吃好喝的供着,本狐将来成为大魔神,自然会罩着你!” Bah! Ancestors extravagant great?!” Chu Tian knocks on the head directly: You is a gluttonous lazy death fox!” “呸!祖上阔过就了不起?!”楚天直接在脑袋上敲一下:“你就是一只贪吃懒惰的死狐狸!” The small fox shouted indignantly! 小狐狸愤愤不平叫起来! Tried to practice the tower time to finish.” The bronze Ancient Palace Hall sound is not willing to say much: My last worried already, will fall the eternal deep sleep in the chaos, finally gave you again a small gift...... Parted forever in light of this, inheritance!” “试练塔时间将结束。”青铜古殿的声音不愿意多说:“我的最后一丝牵挂已了,将陷进永恒沉睡于混沌,最后再送给你一件小小的礼物……就此永别了,传承者!” Chu Tian hurried to call out: You called anything! Please tell me!” 楚天赶紧叫道:“你叫什么!请告诉我!” No matter the strength is useful finally, received the inheritance of opposite party eventually, should know the name of opposite party, however bronze Ancient Palace Hall has not responded, the name is unimportant regarding such existence. 不管力量最终有没有用,终究是受了对方的传承,应该知道对方的名字,然而青铜古殿没有回应,名字对于这样的存在来说根本不重要。 The light beam broke to pieces thoroughly. 光柱彻底碎开了。 Drops out several black crystallization from the Ancient Gods remnant skull. 古神残颅掉出几块黑色的结晶。 Chu Tian sighed the one breath, picked up the crystal to inspect several, in the heart moves suddenly...... Blood? 楚天叹一口气,捡起晶体检查几眼,心中忽然一动……血吗? The Spiritual God blood definitely is very precious! These god blood were sealed up by some ban, even if carries over the smelting trial space, does not need to pay any price, obviously is Ancient Gods stays behind intentionally. 神灵的血液肯定是非常珍贵的!这些神血都被某种禁制封住,即使带出试炼空间,也不需要付出任何代价,显然是古神故意留下的。 Otherwise to try to practice the rule of tower, thing that beyond the normal smelting trial space obtains, is needs Trial Points to exchange. 否则以试练塔的规则,正常试炼空间外获得的东西,全都是需试炼分来兑换。 How many Trial Points does an entire Ancient Gods remnant skull need? Does not dare to imagine simply! 一整颗古神残颅需要多少试炼分?简直都不敢想象! These god blood sufficed! 这些神血就够了! Chu Tian installs the Spiritual God blood, is about to leave. 楚天把神灵血都装起来,正准备离开的时候。 The small fox chirp chirp called several, gathered round the god skull fragment to spin excitedly, keeps turning in inside is looking for anything. 小狐狸叽叽叫几声,激动的围着神颅碎片打转,不停地在里面翻找着什么。 A Chu Tian brow wrinkle: „Do you do? These things cannot bring!” 楚天眉头一皱:“你干什么?这些东西带不出去的!” The small fox holds up together clear such as the jade gigantic sphere, happy jumps and jumps, the monkey that probably picks the apple, that thing also wants big several times compared with the body of small fox, should be the eyeball of Ancient Gods. 小狐狸举起一块晶莹如玉的硕大圆球,开心的又蹦又跳,好像捡到苹果的猴子,那东西比小狐狸的身体还要大十几倍,应该是古神的眼珠吧。 Afterward, the small fox is keeping off the Chu Tian surface, the gigantic eyeball toward mouth Bariset, that has the grinding pan that big eyeball directly by some type of energy package, can see the speed to reduce by the naked eye fast, finally turns into one just to be able by the volume that the small fox eats. 随后,小狐狸挡着楚天的面,直接把硕大眼珠往嘴巴里塞,那颗有磨盘那么大的眼珠被某种能量包裹,以肉眼能见速度快速缩小,最后变成一颗刚好能被小狐狸吃下去的体积。 Chu Tian has a scare: You insane you! Discards quickly!” 楚天吓一跳:“你疯了你!快丢掉!” This is god corpse! Can eat casually? Even if the body of small fox, perhaps cannot withstand! 这可是神尸啊!能随便吃吗?哪怕是小狐狸的身体,恐怕也承受不住吧! Small fox with disdaining look slanting Chu Tian one, just likes eats a small fruit, is taking the Ancient Gods eyeball, in one toward the mouth loses...... 小狐狸用不屑眼神斜楚天一眼,犹如吃一枚小果子般,拿着古神眼珠子,往嘴巴里面一丢…… Chu Tian wants to prevent without enough time, only to pat the forehead: Ended!” 楚天想阻止都来不及,只能一拍额头:“完了!” The small fox covers the throat to scream that the painful tumbling everywhere, the small body rises red, like is the gasification swells instantaneously, turns into dozens times of volumes, almost turns into a hill. 小狐狸捂住喉咙尖叫起来,痛苦的满地翻滚,小小的身体涨得通红,瞬间像是充气一样胀大,变成几十倍的体积,几乎变成一座小山。
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