MT :: Volume #2

#188: ancient god remnant body

Why will Chu Xinghe lose to Chu Tian? 楚星河为什么会败给楚天 Actually the reason is very simple! 其实原因很简单! Chu Xinghe is too proud self-confidently, thinks that can plan Chu Tian, as everyone knows every action and every movement are grasping in Chu Tian. 楚星河太自信自负,自以为能算计楚天,殊不知一举一动都在楚天掌握着。 Chu Tian in Purple gold treasure box of artisan palace, found a substitute person symbol, this symbol effect can exchange the body, for injury that resisting one time must die. 楚天在匠人殿堂的紫金宝箱里,找到一张替身符,此符效果能交换身体,用于抵挡一次必死的伤害。 Chu Tian Talisman, hides behind a mirror from the beginning, Chu Tian exposes a Light Mirror dead angle intentionally, when Chu Xinghe thinks that the deceptive attack has deceived Chu Tian, erupts most finally to strike, attempts to kill a Chu Tian sword certainly. 楚天一开始就把符箓,藏在一面镜子背后,楚天是故意暴露出光镜阵的死角,当楚星河自以为佯攻骗过楚天,爆发出最强最后一击,企图把楚天一剑绝杀。 Finally Chu Tian comes under the attack instantaneous, exchanges with the substitute person symbol automatically, appears in the Chu Xinghe back directly, holds an instantaneous opportunity sword to pierce him. 结果楚天受到攻击瞬间,自动与替身符交换,直接出现在楚星河的背后,抓住瞬间的机会一剑刺穿他。 Chu Xinghe is very strong. 楚星河很强。 This does not need to doubt. 这点是无需置疑的。 Although said Chu Xinghe, only then Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak cultivation base, but do not say that similarly is Awakened Soul 4th Layer ordinary Cultivator, even if the Awakened Soul 5th Layer Awakened Soul 6th Layer person, does not even have the percentage hundred assurances to be able to block him, cutting day that especially under the person sword uniting condition, displays. 虽然说楚星河只有魂醒四重巅峰修为,但是不要说同样是魂醒四重的普通修士,哪怕魂醒五重甚至魂醒六重的人,都没有百分百的把握能挡得住他,特别是人剑合一状态之下,施展出的斩天式。 But, this person disposition flaw is too big, arrogant, proud, blind. 但,这个人性格缺陷太大,自大,骄傲,盲目。 This type seems like the formidable person, actually very frail, he believes that he is strongest, cannot tolerate the failure, this faith truly can let his faster growth, once were attacked, will immediately be unable to recover. 这种看似强大的人,其实非常的脆弱,他坚信自己最强,更不能容忍失败,这种信念确实能让他更快速成长,然而一旦受到打击,立刻就会一蹶不振。 For a long time a Chu Tian sword not only causes the bodily injury that is unable to heal, to the self-respect and frail mind of his vanity causes a ruination to attack. 楚天的一剑不仅造成长时间都无法愈合的身体伤害,更对他虚荣的自尊和脆弱的心灵造成一次毁灭性冲击。 Therefore if as expected, he cannot restore in a short time. 所以不出意外的话,他短时间内是恢复不过来了。 Chu Tian enters the illumination in the middle of the great gate, when across the instance of front door, the back front door was closed, Chu Tian feared that could not return to the giant labyrinth, now in a very strange space. 楚天走进发光的巨门当中,当穿过大门的瞬间,背后大门就被关闭,楚天怕是回不到巨人迷宫了,现在处在一个非常奇异的空间里。 A resplendent in gold and jade green palace! 一座金碧辉煌的宫殿! Chu Tian takes a walk several, the under foot hears the clear money sound, when lowers the head looked in the past, what steps on was the innumerable gold , silver and jewelries piles up the hill that the eye of that gorgeous Can ray twinkle could not open. But vision institute and place, main hall by Jin Shan piling up with! 楚天走动几部,脚下传来清脆的金银声,当低头看过去的时候,所踩到的是无数金银珠宝堆积起来的小山,那绚灿光芒闪烁的眼睛都睁不开。而目光所及之处,大殿都被金山给堆满了! That magnificent picture exceeds the imagination! 那壮观的景象超出想象! One exhibits Soul Communication Tool in item, whole nation difficult homing wondrous medicines and world rare best quality goods material, the priceless treasure, might infinite inheritance Cultivation Technique, here everywhere is, making people be hard to imagine. 一把把通灵魂器陈列在目、举国难寻的圣药、天下罕见的极品材料,价值连城的珍宝,威力无穷的传承功法,这里遍地都是,让人难以想象。 Buried treasure! 宝藏! This is the genuine buried treasure! 这才是真正的宝藏! Here is casual with, can trade the astonishing wealth. 这里就算随便拿一把,都能换到惊人财富。 The small fox looked including the eye straight, these many gold , silver and jewelries, these many Heaven and Earth Treasure, these many rare treasure Sacred Object, if evacuated the entire treasure house, feared that was 100 years does not worry to eat and drink. 小狐狸更是连眼睛都看直了,这么多的金银珠宝,这么多天材地宝,这么多奇珍圣物,若把整座宝库都搬空的话,怕是100年都不愁吃喝了。 The capacity for food of small fox can eat for 100 years! 小狐狸的饭量都能吃100年! That is also conceivable, in this palace had many treasures! 那也就可以想象,这座殿堂内有多少珍宝了! Congratulates you, young humanity.” A low and deep solemn and respectful sound resounds in the main hall: You passed final smelting trial, you will obtain to try to practice the ultimate buried treasure in tower.” “恭喜你,年轻的人类。”一个低沉肃穆的声音在大殿响起:“你通过了最终的试炼,你将获得试练塔中的终极宝藏。” The small fox looks around in all directions, person who had not found the speech. 小狐狸四处张望,没有找到说话的人。 Chu Tian knits the brows: „Is so-called buried treasure these common object?” 楚天皱皱眉:“所谓的宝藏就是这些俗物?” No, you have two choices!” “不,你有两种选择!” First, you can carrying off treasure house any treasure in as far as possible. This to Awakened Soul Cultivator, is one astonishing buried treasure that is hard to imagine, making your remaining time not need to worry about food or clothing, is living imperially the luxurious life.” “第一,你能尽可能的带走宝库中的任何珍宝。这对一个魂醒修士而言,是一笔难以想象的惊人宝藏,让你剩下时间都衣食无忧,过着帝王般奢侈的生活。” This sound has not said. 这个声音都还没有说完。 Was needless to say!” Chu Tian directly breaks: I choose two!” “不用说了!”楚天就直接打断:“我选二!” „?” The voice in main hall has surprised, you do not even know that will choose the second reward to face anything! You determined that must give up the extremely easy to obtain riches and honors, pursues illusory and high-risk opportunity? This seems not a sane procedure!” “哦?”大殿里的声音有一丝惊讶,“你甚至不知道选择第二种奖励将面临什么!你确定要放弃唾手可得的荣华富贵,去追求虚无缥缈且充满危险的机遇?这似乎不是一个理智的做法!” Riches and honor? 荣华富贵? You thought that I will be short of money? 你觉得我会缺钱? The small fox scratches the head the scratching with the finger ear, obviously decides to be very discontented to the master. 小狐狸挠头搔耳,显然对主人决定很不满。 Chu Tian said firmly: I must choose two!” 楚天却坚定的说:“我要选二!” Sound silent several seconds in main hall, the low and deep sound said slowly: „The second choice, you will have a time opportunity, since has been the eternity innumerable big those who are able is long-awaited. However, you choose to accept it, means the risk...... You may therefore die, your wisdom, your aspiration, your ideal, will change into the nihility! Your family member, your friend, your lover, will go forever far away. Were you, really clear?” 大殿里的声音沉默几秒钟,低沉的声音缓缓说:“第二种选择,你会拥有一次机会,是千古以来无数大能者梦寐以求的。但是,你选择接受它,也意味着风险……你或许会因此而死去,你的智慧,你的抱负,你的理想,也都将化为虚无!你的亲人,你的朋友,你的爱人,将永远远去。你,真的想清楚了吗?” In the Chu Tian vision flashes through frantic: Let alone rubbish, if linked a risk unable to accept, had the wisdom and aspiration spatially is also useful?” 楚天目光中闪过一丝狂热:“别说废话了,若连一点风险都无法接受,空有智慧和抱负又有什么用?” The resplendent in gold and jade green main hall vanishes, small fox must stretch out anxiously works to grasp, thing that however moves, is a nihility. 金碧辉煌的大殿消失,小狐狸急得伸出抓起去抓,然而所触碰到的东西,全都是一片虚无。 The Jinshan valuables and money vanishes. 金山财宝消失。 Treasure Divine Weapon vanishes. 宝器神兵消失。 The wondrous medicines treasure vanishes entirely. 圣药宝物统统消失。 The entire main hall ray falls into the chaos gloomily, finally transforms plain and worn-out bronze Ancient Palace Hall. Although the scale is great, but appears the rust defeat cannot withstand, everywhere is filling ancient vicissitudes. 整个大殿光芒暗淡陷入混沌中,最终重新幻化成一个古朴而又破旧的青铜古殿。虽然规模非常宏大,但是显得锈败不堪,处处都弥漫着一种古老沧桑。 Arrives here, manifests your ability sufficiently!” “走到这里,足以体现你的能力!” Unties big, displays your wisdom sufficiently!” “解开大阵,足以表现你的智慧!” Resistance enticement, shows your pattern sufficiently!” “抵御诱惑,足以展现你的格局!” Conforms to all standards, you are eligible for this inheritance!” “符合所有标准,你有资格获得这一个传承!” The small fox lies on the Chu Tian shoulder, how many chirp chirp called, as if was very angry, when this fellow this fox didn't exist? 小狐狸趴在楚天肩膀上,叽叽的叫几声,似乎很是愤怒,这个家伙难道当本狐不存在吗? The masters do not want the buried treasure, this fox wants! 主人不要宝藏,本狐要啊! The small fox looked in all directions shifty-eyed for a long time, actually could not find the position of speaker, person who or has not spoken, realized together, this consciousness has merged into one organic whole with bronze Ancient Palace Hall. 小狐狸贼眉鼠眼四顾许久,却根本找不到说话者的位置,或者说根本就没有说话的人,是一道意识而已,这道意识已经与青铜古殿融为一体。 Many years!” This consciousness has the feeling of feeling relieved: You are first come here!” “多少年了!”这道意识有种如释重负的感觉:“你是第一个走到这里的!” Chu Tian cannot bear the unstated criticism. 楚天忍不住腹诽。 Isn't this idle talk? 这不是废话吗? The difficulty of this broken smelting trial tower is so high, limits the age and cultivation base of participant, even if in that age of Chu Tian life, few has the skill to pass personally. 这一座破试炼塔的难度这么高,更限制参与者的年龄和修为,哪怕是在楚天生活的那个年代,也没有几个人有本事通过。 The bronze main hall voice continued: Finally reminded your one time again, you obtained to accept the inheritance freely the qualifications, but you were actually not necessarily able to be accepted by it, if unable to fuse it, fell the body disappearing [say / way] finally!” 青铜大殿声音继续说:“最后再提醒你一次,你尽管获得接受传承的资格,但是你却未必能够被它所接受,若无法融合它,终将身消道陨!” Chu Tian brow micro wrinkle, feels relaxed afterward smiles: „? I must have a look actually, is actually anything to inherit, can make my body disappearing [say / way] fall!” 楚天眉头微皱,随后释然一笑:“哦?那我倒是要看看,究竟是什么传承,能让我身消道陨!” The bronze main hall has not spoken, a Ancient God secret broad strength arrives at the main hall. 青铜大殿没有说话,一股神秘恢弘的力量降临大殿。 Thunders, about front ground separates, entire clear shining liquid, this type of liquid looks like the water of life, limpid, sparkling stone is bright, flood the gentle ray, is containing the formidable energy, its quality goes far beyond the ordinary water of life. 一阵轰鸣中,前方地面左右分开,整整一池晶莹发亮的液体,这种液体看起来像生命之水,清澈、莹亮,泛着柔和光芒,却蕴含着强大的能量,其品质远远超过普通的生命之水。 In this pool mysterious water, Chu Tian even feels an ancient great antiquity aura! 这池子神秘水中,楚天甚至感觉到一股古老的洪荒气息! Is the thing that great antiquity time leaves behind? 难道是洪荒时代遗留下来的东西? Not to mention is any water, depending on strength of the great antiquity, the value of this pool water is unquantifiable. The small fox sparkling eye stared at the pool, the corners of the mouth is flowing including the saliva. Chu Tian has not prevented with enough time, it leaps, the preparation jumps to drink to heart's content. 姑且不说是什么水,光凭其中一丝洪荒之力,这池子水的价值就难以估量。小狐狸亮晶晶的眼睛盯着池子,嘴角连口水都流出来了。楚天还没来得及阻止,它就一跃而出,准备跳进去痛饮。 At this moment! 就在这时! The small fox feels some pressure suddenly! 小狐狸忽然感觉到某种威压! It had a scare, hurries to run away. 它被吓一跳,慌忙逃遁了回来。 Chu Tian feels some surprise, in this world can make the small fox frightened thing not many, when he looks to the pool, sees only the pool center to present an vortex, afterward has ten meters high crystal column fully, slowly from rises, presents in the Chu Tian front. 楚天感到有些诧异,这世上能让小狐狸受惊的东西可不多,当他向池子望去的时候,只见池子中央出现一个漩涡,随后一条足有十米高的晶柱,正缓缓地从其中上升起来,呈现在楚天的面前。 Bang! 轰! Chu Tian draws back half step, the small fox raises up hair, reveals an intense hostility. 楚天不禁退半步,小狐狸更是竖起身上毛发,露出一丝强烈的敌意。 When the crystal column appears, ancient just like Spiritual God dignified aura, suddenly fills the air in the middle of the entire main hall, making Chu Tian feel that innermost soul palpitates, advocates Source Spirit unexpectedly some uncontrolled manic, just likes encounters some provocation to be the same. 当晶柱出现时,有一股古老宛若神灵的威严气息,瞬息间弥漫在整个大殿当中,让楚天感觉灵魂深处一阵悸动,主元魂竟然有些不受控制的狂躁起来,犹如遭到某种挑衅一样。 This is......” Chu Tian reveals one to shock slightly: Ancient Gods remains?” “这是……”楚天露出一丝微微震惊:“古神的遗体么?” In these ten meters high crystal columns, is sealing a gigantic head unexpectedly, the brave and intrepid, is growing the corner, with place house size Good enough. However, this head as if came under the attack of some fearful strength, Good enough is destroyed one-third! 这十米多高的晶柱中,竟封着一颗硕大的头颅,铜头铁额,长着犄角,跟座房子大小差不多。不过,这颗头颅似乎受到过某种可怕力量的攻击,差不多被打碎了1! Died does not know that several million years of Ancient Gods heads, actually still release the intense power and influence, making Chu Tian feel that the body is hard to move, the leg and foot probably sealing up to be the same by some strength. 一颗死掉不知几百万年的古神头颅而已,却依然释放出强烈的威势,让楚天都感到身体难以动弹,腿脚好像被某种力量给封住一样。 Is stave from great antiquity Continent, great antiquity time ended, this world did not have existence of god demon. 自洪荒大陆破碎,洪荒时代结束,这个世界就没有神魔的存在了。 Each other dimension can actually find some god demon wreckage, the values of these wreckage are hard to imagine, 各个位面却能找到一些神魔残骸,这些残骸的价值是难以想象的、 Chu Tian wants to make the Ancient Gods corpse to study in the past together, but has run through most Continent, cannot find a fragment, but existing fragment that was already unearthed, all by major Sect with top influence, when the most precious object same is hiding, is not willing the external loan. 楚天当年就想弄一块古神尸体来研究,但是跑遍了大半个大陆,都没能找到一块碎片,而早就被挖掘出来的现有碎片,全都被各大宗门和顶尖势力当至宝一样藏着,根本不肯外借。 Has not thought. 真没想到。 Here can find a Ancient Gods head! 这里能找到一颗古神头颅! This head only remains two-thirds freely, but also is very rare was complete! 这颗头颅尽管就只剩2,但也算是非常罕见的完整了! The god demon is life infinite existence, if can obtain a god demon corpse, then the research to Chu Tian is greatly helpful...... Ultimate buried treasure that the Central State Tarry hides, is the head of this Ancient Gods? This really may the implication transcend life and death the secret, as if agrees with the Central State tower legend. 神魔都是寿命无限的存在,所以要是能得到一具神魔尸体,那么对楚天的研究是大有帮助的……中州塔里隐藏的终极宝藏,就是这颗古神的头颅吗?这确实有可能蕴含超越生死的秘密,似乎与中州塔传说相吻合。 Invincible might is without turning a hair before.” The voice of bronze main hall remembers once more, young humanity, your quality imagines me is higher.” “神威在前而面不改色。”青铜大殿的声音再次想起,“年轻的人类,你的素质比我想象中要高。” Chu Tian snort|hum: „A dead head! This my prize? I satisfy reluctantly, packs to carry off to me!” 楚天哼一声:“一颗死脑袋而已!这就算我的奖品?也罢,我勉强满意,给我打包带走吧!” I must give your thing, is not my head!” “我要给你的东西,可不是我的头颅!” What? Your head!” “什么?你的头颅!” Chu Tian almost frightened to urinate, in bronze Ancient Palace Hall, was speaking to him, was a Ancient Gods soul! In this world also has living god demon? 楚天差点吓尿了,难道青铜古殿里面,正在跟他说话的,是一个古神灵魂!这世界上还有活着的神魔吗? Chu Tian thinks of here. 楚天想到这里。 Exceptionally is suddenly excited! 突然间异常激动起来! Spiritual God! This is a Spiritual God! 神灵!这是一尊神灵啊! Isn't that he boundary that longs for even in dreams to pursue? 那不就是他梦寐以求追求的境界么? Chu Tian as scholar, has too many issues to ask! The great antiquity time left behind too many unsolved mysteries! Now living life appears in the front, but also there is any ratio this more thrilling! 楚天作为一个学者,有太多问题想问!洪荒时期遗留太多未解之谜了!如今一尊活着的生灵出现在面前,还有什么比这更让人激动的! Even if this smelting trial anything has not obtained, depending on obtaining one time with opportunity of Spiritual God dialog, this line is not empty! 哪怕本次试炼什么都没有得到,光凭得到一次和神灵对话的机会,此行便已是不虚!
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