MT :: Volume #2

#187: Miracle!

Yun Yao instantaneously was killed. 云瑶都被瞬间干掉了。 Does Chu Tian all alone, how resist the powerful the overbearing three big young masters? 楚天孤身一人,如何对抗强势又霸道的三大公子? In this weakest Ye Tianlang, achieves Awakened Soul 4th Layer now, moreover entered Awakened Soul 4th Layer more than one year, added handed down in the family Cultivation Technique «Monster Wolf again Changes» cultivates Big accomplishments, had Ye Family many to give up study, year to year fought up and down the country along with Ye Wudao, fight experience extremely rich! The striking power and explosive force, the speed, is common Illustrious Soul Expert is all hard to contend with the situation! 这里面最弱的叶天狼,现在都达到魂醒四重,而且跨进魂醒四重一年多了,再加家传功法《妖狼变》修炼到大成,身怀叶家多门绝学,常年随叶无道南征北战,战斗经验极其的丰富!攻击力、爆发力,速度,全都是寻常显魂强者难以抗衡地步! Does Chu Tian win one time to be what kind in South Sky City by luck? 楚天天南城侥幸胜一次又能怎样? Everyone knows that does not depend on own strength, is draws support from Yin Corpse and Array strength purely! 谁都知道,那根本不是靠自己实力,纯粹是借助阴尸阵法的力量! If fights with Ye Tianlang, on Chu Tian this cultivation base, ten lives feared that insufficiently kills! Let alone has the strength and the close combat ability dragon tiger to show disdain for Luo Xianglong of entire city, as well as the point is dazzling, Chu Xinghe of unmanned energy enemy?! 若真与叶天狼交手,就楚天这点修为,有十条命怕是不够杀的!何况拥有龙虎之力、近战能力傲视全城的洛降龙,以及锋芒耀眼,无人能敌的楚星河?! The Yun Tianhe complexion is pale, the Shen Bingyu whole face is also incorruptible! 云天鹤脸色铁青,沈冰雨也满脸冰霜! The Chu, Luo and Ye, three families person reveals the happy expression, Chu Tian Chu Tian, do you have today? 楚洛叶三家人露出喜色,楚天楚天,你也有今天? This time falls in our hands, you will not die also to make into to lose disabled! 这次落在我们的手里,你就算不死也会被打成残废丢出来吧! Meng Yingying and Meng Qingwu in the Yun Family camp, after obtaining this news, they have a big shock, what to do should this? 梦莹莹梦轻舞就在云家营地里面,当得到这个消息之后,两人都大惊失色,这该怎么办啊? Chu Tian this time troubled in a big way! 楚天这次麻烦大了! A Ye Family elder arrives in front of them: Chu Tian, once were abandoned, your backers but actually, you have thought that Yun Family will continue to oppose with Three Great Clans for you?” 一个叶家长老走到两人面前:“楚天一旦被废,你们的靠山就倒了,你们以为云家会为你们两个人继续与三大家族作对吗?” Yun Tianhe gets angry: „Do you want to do?” 云天鹤怒道:“你们想干什么?” Simultaneously offends Three Great Clans, the impossible whole body to draw back.” The Ye Family elder sneers is visiting them, „, but, the matter is Chu Tian does, we can show mercy, give you two sisters means of livelihood! Now gives Miracle Commerce to our three shares, we forgive your sisters life, is a retinue, calculates that showed mercy.” “同时得罪三大家族,不可能全身而退。”叶家长老冷笑着看着两人,“但是,事情都是楚天干的,我们可以大发慈悲,给你们两姐妹一条活路!现在把奇迹商会转让给我们三家分享,我们饶你们姐妹一命,做个仆从,也算开恩了。” Goes too far!” Yun Tianhe gives a loud shout, the Ye Family elder was shaken directly, old man once more, but also is not one's turn you to be extremely arrogant!” “欺人太甚!”云天鹤大喝一声,叶家长老直接被震出去,“老夫再次,还轮不到你们狂妄!” Meng Qingwu sisters one face is angry. 梦轻舞姐妹都一脸愤怒。 Too damn! 可恶了! Chu Tian has not come out, this fellows are annexing Miracle Commerce anxiously! 楚天还没出来呢,这帮家伙急着吞并奇迹商会 This Ye Family elder depends Three Great Clans to support does not fear Yun Tianhe: Three big young masters erupt the contradiction in the Central State tower and Chu Tian, even if hits the dead beating to be what kind of Chu Tian remnantly? Divine Wind Marquis has no way to prevent! Afterward, your Yun Tianhe again gets angry, Divine Wind Marquis is discontented, the crime non- responsibility audiences, can't Divine Wind Marquis cramp out Three Great Clans? You are clear, Yun Family could not protect you, did not have Chu Tian Miracle Commerce, what were you?” 这个叶家长老仗着三大家族撑腰也不怕云天鹤:“三大公子在中州塔与楚天爆发矛盾,纵然是把楚天打死打残又能怎样?神风候没法阻止!事后,你云天鹤就算再怒,神风候再不满,正所谓罪不责众,神风候总不能把三大家族都拔去吧?你们两个想清楚,云家根本保护不了你们,没有了楚天奇迹商会,你们算什么?” Central State Four Great Families is the Central State City cornerstone! 中州四大家族中州城的基石! In the entire Central State county to main city under to the villages and small towns, has the Four Great Families influence influence all, these inherit several hundred years of respected family, dumps one is the great unrest, let alone is three! 整个中州郡上至主城下至村镇,无不有四大家族势力影响,这几个传承几百年的大家族,倒掉一个就是轩然大波,何况乎是三个! If three big young masters are trying to practice the tower to discard Chu Tian, Divine Wind Marquis is always impossible to be in a rage Three Great Clans kills? 若三大公子在试练塔把楚天废掉,神风候总不可能一怒之下把三大家族的都干掉吧? The Three Great Clans person is one has victory in the hand the appearance, can solve Chu Tian as for the Chu Xinghe three people? Does this issue also need to think? 三大家族的人已经是一副胜券在握样子,至于楚星河三人能不能解决楚天?这种问题还需要想吗? Offends them. 得罪他们。 This fate is too cheap he! 这下场已经算是太便宜他了! Who knows that in this time, the Central State tower starts to vibrate. 谁知道就在此时,中州塔开始抖动起来。 The Three Great Clans person raises the head to hope that Chu Tian can be lost? This is the time of feeling proud and elated, all people open the eye to come to see! 三大家族的人翘首以盼起来,楚天要被丢出来了么?这可是扬眉吐气的时刻啊,所有人都睁大眼睛来看! The tower top erupts light beam.. 塔顶爆发出一道光束。。 Several figures beat in the nighttime sky: 236 points!” 几个数字在夜空跳动:“236分!” Ha, unexpectedly 236 points!” A Ye Family person shouted intentionally loudly, „the Yun Family waste attained 188 points!” “哈,居然才236分!”一个叶家的人故意大声叫起来,“云家的废物都拿到188分!” Other people also taunted. 其他人也纷纷嘲讽起来。 The Yun Xiao air/Qi results in the tooth to be itchy, does not have the means! 云霄气得牙痒痒,却又没有办法! Actually, this result in former years was very outstanding result! This trying , then appears sloppy ordinary, even by far cannot compare Nangong Yun! 其实,这个成绩在往届是非常抢眼的成绩!这一届的试则显得稀松平常,甚至都远远比不上南宫云 The Three Great Clans person laughs at time incessantly. 三大家族的人嗤笑不止的时候。 At this time the distressed personnel, were shot to come out from the tower together fiercely, numerous falling on the ground. 这时一道狼狈的人员,猛地从塔中被弹出来,重重的摔在地上。 The people see this taoist time, all damn same stares the big eye, all ridicule sounds want to be seized the duck of neck immediately, all of a sudden suddenly silent! 人们看到这道人员的时候,全都见鬼一样的瞪大眼睛,所有嘲笑声顿时想被掐住脖子的鸭子,一下子戛然无声了! Isn't Chu Tian? 不是楚天 This this...... This his mother is not Ye Tianlang! 这这这……这他妈不是叶天狼么! This youth looks like 24 or 25-year-old, wears the moonlight white long gown, the stature is fine-looking, the facial features monster is evil, is only the color of whole face anger, face upwards to bellow: Chu Tian young child! I and your different Dai Tian!” 这个青年看起来二十四五岁,穿着月光白长袍,身材英挺高大,面容妖邪俊秀,只是满脸愤怒之色,仰天大吼一声:“楚天小儿!我与你不同戴天!” Really is Ye Tianlang! 真的是叶天狼 Most recent several seconds ridiculed that the Chu Tian minute of low Ye Family person, almost does not have a blood to spit at this moment! 前几秒嘲笑楚天分低的叶家人,此刻差点没一口血吐出来! Yun Xiao laughs to shout that said very much shameless: Oh! Isn't this Heavenly Wolf Young Master? Famous does Heavenly Wolf Young Master such select the minute? It seems like the elder brother lives a life of dissipation all day, day in day out soaks in brothel, is not worse than Heavenly Wolf Young Master many!” 云霄则哈哈大笑喊起来,很恬不知耻的说:“哎呀!这不是天狼公子么?大名鼎鼎的天狼公子怎么才这么点分呢?看来哥整天吃喝嫖赌,一天到晚泡在妓馆里,也不比天狼公子差多少嘛!” The Yun Family person laughs loudly. 云家人轰然大笑。 Three Great Clans thorough delay! 三大家族则彻底呆滞了! Central State Tarry remains three big young masters and Chu Tian, why Chu Tian had not been kicked, instead was Ye Tianlang is eliminated ahead of time? 中州塔里就剩三大公子和楚天,为什么楚天没有被踢出来,反而是叶天狼提前出局了? Ye Wudao full is the face of scar of knife wound, twitches like the centipede several, the sinking sound asks: This what's the matter!” 叶无道满是刀疤的脸,就像蜈蚣一样抽搐几下,沉声问道:“这到底怎么回事!” Ye Tianlang pale face becomes flushed. 叶天狼苍白面庞一阵涨红。 In front of these many people, cannot say one defeated by Chu Tian! 当着这么多人的面,总不能说自己被楚天打败了! The Ye Wudao face countenance completely loses was angry: Said quickly!” 叶无道颜面尽失已经非常愤怒:“快说!” Is Chu Tian!” Ye Tianlang has been ready for any sacrifice, that mean sinister fellow, he sneak attacks me!” “是楚天!”叶天狼豁出去了,“那个卑鄙阴险的家伙,他偷袭我!” People in an uproar! 众人一片哗然! This what's the matter! 这到底是怎么回事! Ha, this was I listens to funniest one to laugh, not to mention did Chu Tian have to sneak attack you, even if he did sneak attack you to be also what kind of?” Nangong Yun taunted said: Chu Xinghe sneak attacks us is frank and upright, Chu Tian sneak attacks you, is mean sinister? Good the mouth of talking irresponsibly, really worthily is Young Master stray dog, I thought that you only randomly will also bark!” “哈,这是我听过最好笑的一个笑话了,姑且不说楚天有没有偷袭你,就算他偷袭了你又怎么样?”南宫云冷嘲热讽的说:“难道楚星河偷袭我们就是光明正大,楚天偷袭你,就是卑鄙阴险?好一个信口雌黄的嘴,真不愧是土狗公子,我看你也就只会乱吠而已!” The Meng Yingying also morale greatly inspires, immediately attaches the sound track: Said right! Young Master stray dog knows Wang Wangwang chaotic biting! Do you, want to annex Chu Tian Miracle Commerce? Has a dream!” 梦莹莹也士气大振,立刻附声道:“说的没错!土狗公子就知道汪汪汪的乱咬人!就你们这些人,想吞并楚天奇迹商会?做梦吧!” The Ye Wudao fathers and sons are angry. 叶无道父子大怒。 They do not have manifest suddenly with enough time, Central State tower another happy moves, the tower top flutters one string of figures: 257 points!” 两人没来得及发作,中州塔又一阵欢动,塔顶飘出一串数字:“257分!” The tall and strong body of Luo Xianglong shot directly, layer on layer fell on the ground, fell one to go fall flat on one's face! 洛降龙的魁梧的身体直接弹了出来,重重地摔在了地上,跌了一个狗吃屎! Spat blood this feedback to the Luo Family person! 这回轮到洛家人吐血了! What does? 搞什么? Heavenly Wolf Young Master was eliminated! 天狼公子出局就算了! Now does Young Master even/including Longhu also come out? 现在怎么连龙虎公子也出来了? But...... damn!” Luo Xianglong facing countless person strange vision, felt that the bashful anger occurred simultaneously: Chu Tian sneak attacks me!” “可……可恶!”洛降龙面对无数人奇怪目光,也是感到羞怒交加:“楚天偷袭我!” Other Yun Family people and bystanders, laugh immediately! 云家人和其他围观者,顿时哈哈大笑起来! Good sneak attack! 好一个偷袭啊! Chu Tian is in front of three big young masters, first sneak attacks Ye Tianlang, then sneak attacks Luo Xianglong, three big young masters eat the excrement? Works as the surface sneak attack also to be sneak attacked! 楚天当着三大公子的面,先偷袭叶天狼,接着偷袭洛降龙,难道三大公子都是吃屎的吗?当着面偷袭也被偷袭! Luo Family ablazes with anger, the hatred of original Luo Family and Chu Tian is lightest, although was killed two elders and certain deacons, but died after is two ordinary elders, but the ordinary deacon is insignificant. 洛家一个个怒气冲冲,本来洛家楚天的仇恨最轻,虽然被干掉两个长老和若干执事,可是死掉毕竟是两个普通长老而已,而普通执事更是无足轻重。 Until Central State City big game time. 直到中州城大赛时候。 Chu Tian makes into half Luo Jinshi remnantly, harms Luo Family to lose a smelting trial quota, starts to bear a grudge on Chu Tian truly. Finally Chu Tian not only hits remnant Luo Jinshi, unexpectedly also losing to try to practice the tower Luo Xianglong, making entire Luo Family be shamed! 楚天洛金狮打成半残,害得洛家失去一个试炼名额,才开始真正记恨上楚天。结果楚天不仅仅打残洛金狮,居然还把洛降龙给丢出试练塔,让整个洛家上上下下蒙羞! Great shame! 奇耻大辱啊! Luo Family person two eyes red, clench jaws, the necessity must tear to shreds Chu Tian this fellow! 洛家人一个个两眼通红、咬牙切齿,必要要将楚天这个家伙碎尸万段! Ye Family and Luo Family, share a common hatred at this moment. 叶家洛家,此时此刻同仇敌忾。 Chu Family actually still tranquil indifferent. 楚家却依然平静淡然。 Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang, second-class goods. The rank of so-called Four Great Young Masters, Chu Family had not paid attention, how three mediocre people can compare favorably with the god flood dragon! 洛降龙叶天狼,二流货色罢了。所谓的四大公子的排名,楚家本来就没有放在眼里,三个庸才又怎能与神蛟媲美! Central State City talent. 中州城天才就一个。 That is Chu Xinghe! 那就是楚星河 The mentality, intelligence, destiny and courage, Chu Xinghe is the top picks, he cultivates to reach Chu Family Soul Sword Secret Art in the stage of perfection, repaired inheritance sword Secret Art «Imperial Sword Flood dragon Secret Art» that left behind including Ancient Sword tended Big accomplishments! 无论是心态、资质、气运、胆魄,楚星河都是上上之选,他将楚家魂剑诀修炼到臻于化境,连古剑修留下的传承剑诀《御剑化蛟诀》都已经趋于大成了! A Chu Xinghe person sufficiently compares favorably with other three big young masters! 楚星河一人就足以媲美其他三大公子! Therefore saw that Ye Tianlang was eliminated, then saw that Luo Xianglong is eliminated, the Chu Family person not startled is still unhurried, because Chu Family believes that Chu Xinghe is invincible in young one generation! 所以见到叶天狼被淘汰,又接着看到洛降龙跟着出局,楚家人依然不惊不慌,因为楚家上上下下坚信,楚星河在年轻一辈是无敌的! Chu Xinghe becomes famous to go smoothly everywhere, many thick patch of grass Loose Cultivator and folk outstandingly able people, were deterred by his glory, prostrating oneself of finally being willing works oneself to death for him in the Chu Xinghe under foot! 楚星河成名来就无往不利,多少草莽散修和民间奇人,纷纷被他的光辉震慑,最后心甘情愿的拜倒在楚星河脚下为他卖命! This kind of formidable man, he is impossible to lose! 这样一个强大的男人,他是不可能会输的! This is Central State City so far, can only become like Divine Wind Marquis formidable the super nova! 这是中州城目前为止,唯一一个能成为像神风候那样强大的超级新星! Luo Xianglong was eliminated, was Ye Tianlang eliminated? Chu Family not only does not have the startled anger, instead in chuckles to oneself at heart secretly, after this service, several respected family disparities will be further pulled open, after Chu Xinghe has tries to practice the fortuitous encounter of tower, other three big young masters again do not want to surpass! 洛降龙出局了,叶天狼出局了?楚家非但没有惊怒,反而在心里暗暗窃喜,经此一役之后,几大家族差距将被更进一步拉开,楚星河有试练塔的奇遇之后,其他三大公子就再也别想赶超了! Approximately past a half hour! 大约过去半个小时! Rumbling! 轰轰! The Central State tower vibrates, light beam projects the sky, demonstrates figure 400 points! 中州塔震动起来,一道光束投射到天空,显示出一个数字400分! Broken 400! 破400了! Just right 400 points! 正好400分! A people piece calls out in alarm! 众人一片惊呼! The Yun Yao record forms has not arrived for two hours, immediately by a higher record breaking, is this Chu Tian result? This also calculates to be fair but actually, although many people are undeniable, but Chu Tian has many skills after all. 云瑶记录形成没到两个小时,立刻被更高的记录给打破了,这是楚天的成绩吗?这倒也算合情合理,虽然很多人不可否认,但是楚天毕竟还是有两把刷子的。 Who knows that under ten thousand people focus attention on. 谁知道,万人瞩目之下。 A Xiao Suo form, goes out from the tower slowly. 一个萧索的身影,从塔中缓缓走出。 The blue robe and [gold/metal] sword, white jade crown, is tall, the aura is formidable, just likes a treasured sword! 青袍、金剑、白玉冠,身材高大,气息强大,犹如一把宝剑! Treasured sword that this valuable sword edge glow four shoot, today loses the sharp cold glow that in those days absorbed the person heart and soul, instead like is rusts! 只是,这一把宝剑锋芒四射的宝剑,今天失去往日摄人心魄的锐利寒芒,反而像是生锈一样! Is Chu Xinghe! 楚星河 A scene deathly stillness! 现场一片死寂! Why was Chu Xinghe walks? 为什么是楚星河走出来了? The people cannot think in any event can be such result! 众人无论如何都想不到会是这样的结局! The Chu Family person is brain blanks, because this was too for them inconceivable! Chu Xinghe is a Chu Family myth! When looks helplessly a myth is disillusioned, can they not feel shocking? 楚家人更是一个个大脑空白,因为这对他们来说太不可思议了!楚星河楚家的一个神话啊!当眼睁睁看着一个神话破灭,他们怎么能不感到震惊? Chu Shanhe has gawked for enough several seconds: Xinghe! What's the matter!” 楚山河愣了足足数秒:“星河!你怎么回事!” The Chu Xinghe complexion did not suit, he stopped the footsteps, in the vision does not have the ordinary arrogance, remaining is only vacant and empty, when realizes swept the people, he suddenly smiles. 楚星河脸色一直不对劲,他停下了脚步,目光中没有平常傲气,只剩下茫然和空洞,当实现扫过众人的时候,他忽然笑了。 I lost......” “我输了……” Then, a big blood face upwards the blowout, fell down at the scene backward! 说完,一大口鲜血仰天喷出,当场向后倒在了地上! Quick life-saving!” “快救人!” Chu Family People startled, encircles completely, helter-skelter lifts Chu Xinghe. 楚家人大惊,全部围上去,七手八脚把楚星河抬下来。 At this time Chu Xinghe completely lost the consciousness, fell into the middle of the stupor. Obviously, when Chu Xinghe walks, he has seriously been damaged, but supported has been arriving here. 这时候楚星河已经完全失去意识,陷入了昏迷当中。显然,当楚星河走出来的时候,他已经严重受创了,只是强撑着走到了这里。 „It is not good!” A senior elder takes the pulse for Chu Xinghe, the complexion sudden change said: In few main bodies the meridians were burnt down by Netherworld Flame! All has the sign of atrophy! Perhaps the skill will reduce greatly!” “不好!”一位资深长老替楚星河把脉,脸色骤变道:“少主体内经脉都受到幽冥火的焚烧!全部出现萎缩的迹象!恐怕功力会大减啊!” The Chu Family people were quick the paralysis! 楚家人都快瘫了! Actually this was affected by the Chu Xinghe injury! But because of this injury, Central State City only then a person can create, that is the Chu Tian Netherworld Flame Sword method! 这倒不是被楚星河伤势所影响的!而是因为这种伤势,中州城就只有一个人能造成,那就是楚天幽冥炎火剑法! In a flash! 一瞬间! The final bubble was disillusioned! 最后的泡沫都破灭了! The Chu Family person has to face a brutal reality! 楚家人不得不面临一个残酷的现实! They are proud, they are pleased with oneself, the head of glory infinite Four Great Young Masters, defeated in the hand of Chu Tian unexpectedly really! 他们引以为傲,他们沾沾自喜,光辉无限的四大公子之首,竟然真的败在了楚天的手里! Chu Tian has not eliminated, instead eliminated three big young masters?” 楚天没淘汰,反而把三大公子淘汰了?” Chu Xinghe has not defeated!” 楚星河从来没有败过啊!” How he achieves!” “他到底是怎么做到的!” Yun Tianhe and Shen Bingyu, Xiong Wuji, and even all bystanders deeply were shocked by this result! 云天鹤沈冰雨,熊无忌,乃至所有围观者都被这个结果给深深震撼到了! Does not hesitate at all costs!” “不惜一切代价!” Must kill him!” “一定要杀了他!” Must kill him!” “一定要杀了他!” The Three Great Clans hatred like momentously gushes out, they clear realizing, they have annoyed a monster, this monster is not formidable at present, if makes him grow, Central State does not have the Three Great Clans place to stick an awl again! 三大家族恨意就像排山倒海般涌出,他们已经清晰的认识到,他们惹到了一个怪物,这个怪物目前还不强大,但是一旦让他成长起来,中州再无三大家族的立锥之地! Distant place. 远方。 On a big tree. 一颗大树上。 The Divine Wind Marquis whole body covers in jet black cape, he has not thought that can be such result, finally fortunately survives the final person, is the Chu Tian trivial Awakened Soul 2nd Layer cultivation base fellow? 神风候浑身笼罩在漆黑的斗篷里,他也没有想到会是这样的结局,最终幸存到最后的人,是楚天区区魂醒二重修为的家伙? Inconceivable! 不可思议! Unbelievable! 难以置信! Makes the person have to believe! 却又让人不得不信! ( This book on top carriage, currently just has a activity next Monday, recharges to obtain high quota to return to advantage, hopes to have the friend of condition, when traveller far from home top carriage supports!) (本书下周一就上架了,现在刚好有个活动,充值能获得高额返利,希望有条件的朋友,在游子上架的时候支持一下!)
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