MT :: Volume #2

#186: Several like several to worry

Central State City, vestige ruins, Central State tries to practice by the tower. 中州城,遗迹废墟,中州试练塔旁。 The weather is gradually late, stars embellishment curtain of night, an earth dreariness, the shining white such as trying of jade practices tower silent standing and waiting for a long time in the middle of the ruins, for a lot of years as if maintain the original conditions, have not presented the excessively tiny bit change. 天色渐晚,繁星点缀夜幕,大地一片沉寂,莹白如玉的试练塔沉默的伫立在废墟当中,千百年来似乎一直保持原状,不曾出现过一丝一毫的改变。 Four Great Families around the Central State tower, has been stationed in four camps. 四大家族中州塔周围,已经驻好四个营地。 The bodyguards of various respected families protect strictly, the intense and disturbed atmosphere, fills the air in the sky of entire camp. 各大家族的侍卫严密守护,紧张而又忐忑的氛围,弥漫在整个营地的上空。 The age of this temporary shortage, ancient times the vestige everywhere was, in the middle of innumerable hiding away the smelting trial type risk was lowest. It not seal cultivation base like ten thousand corpse ancient graves, is not high-risk like other restricted area mystical places, personnel who therefore all previous dynasties attend the smelting trial, the mortality rate is very low. 这个青黄不接的年代,远古遗迹遍地都是,无数的秘藏当中试炼类型的风险最低的。它不像万尸古墓一样封印修为,也不像其他禁地秘境一样充满危险,所以历代参加试炼的人员,死亡率是非常低的。 Most at least constructs city for several hundred years in Central State, has not presented the smelting trial, but death precedent. 最起码在中州建城几百年来,还没有出现过试炼而死的先例。 Be that as it may, actually does not represent to try to practice the tower completely to be safe! 话虽如此,却不代表试练塔就完全安全! Tries to practice the tower mortality rate low primary cause, is the protection of smelting trial principle to smelting trial, in trying to practice in the tower to receive the heavy losses to be certain upper limit, by the smelting trial space principle determines to threaten the life sufficiently time, smelting trial automatically will eliminate the injury, and automatic transmission, to a great extent life that thus safeguards smelting trial. 试练塔死亡率低的主要原因,是试炼法则对试炼者的保护,当在试练塔中受到重创达到一定上限,被试炼空间法则判定为足以威胁生命的时候,试炼者就会自动消除伤害,并且把自动传送出去,从而很大程度上保障试炼者的生命。 What here calculates is instantaneously mortally injured. 这里计算的是瞬间致命伤害。 The injury of if having, causing the smelting trial injury to be serious, actually couldn't achieve the space principle determination the death standard cotton suiting? The situation was perhaps different, even if smelting trial were eliminated finally, still carries the severely wounded condition! 若是累计产生的伤害,导致试炼者伤势严重,却又达不到空间法则判定的死亡标准线呢?情况或许就大不一样了,即使试炼者最后被淘汰出来,也依然是身负重伤的状态! Also or can the smelting trial space principle judge the fault? 又或者试炼空间法则会不会判断失误? If achieves the lethal injury, with enough time has not actually reacted, smelting trial can therefore die? 万一达到致死伤害,却没来得及做出反应,试炼者会不会因此而死亡? Precedent that therefore still directly had not died, but there are has presented 1-2 severely injureds to be emigrated tries to practice the tower, finally the injury has the repercussions, causing cultivation base to pelt the example of gain does not equal the loss! 所以就算至今没有直接死亡的先例,但是有过出现过一两次重伤者被移出试练塔,最终伤势留下后遗症,导致修为大降得不偿失的例子! Four Great Families one second does not dare to idle! 四大家族一秒都不敢懈怠! The family elite is stationed around the Central State tower the camp, prepares the pharmacist and therapist, if the male offspring in trying to practice in the tower to have an accident, can the quickest time react. 家族精锐纷纷驻扎在中州塔周围营地,又准备好药师和治疗师,万一自家子嗣在试练塔内出什么事,也能最快时间做出反应。 A Xiong Wuji general armor commands troops to guard around the vestige, his duty is responsible for maintaining the order, this Four Great Families usually disagreed, if presents any contradiction, the military will involve the mediation. 熊无忌一身将军铠甲率兵镇守在遗迹周围,他的任务就是负责维护秩序,这四大家族素来不和,如果出现什么矛盾,军方就会介入调停。 Xiong Wuji shows a happy expression: This smelting trial strength polarization, however several hours passed, was actually eliminated does not have, is really unexpected!” 熊无忌露出一丝笑意:“本届的试炼者实力两极分化,然而十几个小时过去了,却一个被淘汰都没有,真是让人出乎意料啊!” Yes!” A vice general also quite strangely said: If in the former years feared that was eliminates half to continue!” “是啊!”一个副将也颇为奇怪说:“若是在往届怕是淘汰一半都不止了!” This smelting trial strength dropping variance is big. 本届试炼者实力落差非常大。 Chu Xinghe is four people are Illustrious Soul level above Expert. 楚星河为首四人都是显魂级以上强者 Chu Tian, Nangong Yun, Yun Xiao and the others, all are Awakened Soul 2nd Layer cultivation base. 楚天南宫云云霄等人,全是魂醒二重修为 Chu Xinghe is outshining others, his strength other people add, is not necessarily able to fight its one person! 楚星河更是其中的一枝独秀,其实力就算其他人加起来,也未必能斗得过其一人! However because exactly formidable Chu Xinghe exists, the smelting trial difficulty will pull large scale, wanted compared with the former years severely strict. Chu Tian again is smart, under so bad smelting trial environment, how many can be eliminated? 不过恰恰因为强大的楚星河存在,试炼难度将会大幅度拉高,比往届都要严厉严格。楚天就算再怎么机灵,如此恶劣的试炼环境之下,总该被淘汰出几个吧? Four Great Families also wonders! 四大家族也是非常纳闷! Especially Chu, Luo and Ye, three families! 特别是楚洛叶三家 How this does! 这是怎么搞的! Unexpectedly made Chu Tian that fellow try to practice Tarry to stay was so long? Already had not urged them, enters the tower immediately to make into the disabled person Chu Tian, then throws him? 居然让楚天那家伙在试练塔里呆了那么久?不是早就叮嘱过他们,一进塔就立刻把楚天打成残废,然后把他扔出来吗? Yun Tianhe, Shen Bingyu and the others, then some is anxiously disturbed. 云天鹤沈冰雨等人,则有一些紧张忐忑起来。 Yun Tianhe once made the optimistic estimate, Yun Xiao such child in such an arrangement, can survive for 45 hours well, if Yun Yao can stabilize displays, supports 15 to 20 hours of appearance at most...... As for Chu Tian, this boy variable are too many, really not good to appraise him. 云天鹤曾经做出乐观估计,云霄这样的拖油瓶,能存活45小时就不错,云瑶若能稳定发挥的话,也顶多支撑15到20小时的样子……至于楚天,这小子变数太多,实在不好对他进行评估。 Now passes for several hours! 现在过去十几个小时了! How can a person not come out? 怎么会一个人都没出来? Will not have an accident! 不会出事了吧! Yun Tianhe somewhat worries at heart, Yun Family this time is going against the tremendous pressure after all, Yun Yao grasps the Thunder Spirit Bead strength to increase, once Chu Luoye three big young masters collaborate, Yun Yao is impossible to be capable of contending! Let alone Yun Xiao that waste! 云天鹤心里有些着急,云家此次毕竟是顶着大压力的,云瑶就算手持雷灵珠战力大增,楚洛叶三大公子一旦联手,云瑶不可能有能力抗衡!更别说云霄那废物了! Shen Bingyu is also the brow tight wrinkle. 沈冰雨也是眉头紧皱。 She now is not only the Chu Tian follower, is Chu Tian worshipper, in addition Chu Tian is she breaks the straw to grasp of current predicament! 她现在不仅仅是楚天的追随者,更是楚天崇拜者,此外楚天还是她打破当前困局的救命稻草! Ka! 咔咔! The Shen Bingyu fist grips tightly little, vague light killing intent fills the air! Chu, Luo and Ye, three families dares to make any out of the ordinary matter to Chu Tian, she will not let off these fellows! 沈冰雨拳头一点点紧握起来,若有若无的淡淡杀气弥漫开来!楚洛叶三家敢对楚天做出什么出格事情,她不会放过这些家伙的! Various everybody bosom thoughts past two hours. 大家各怀心思又过去两个小时。 Tries to practice the tower ray to dodge, vibrated slightly. 试练塔光芒一闪,微微震动了起来。 Some people came out!” The people are the spirit shake: Who can be?!” “有人出来了!”众人都是精神一震:“会是谁?!” The peak in Central State tower blooms one bunch of rays, several ancient Rune, are going against the beat in the tower, that was an ancient times digit: 188 points!” 中州塔的顶端绽放出一束光芒,几个古老的符文,正在塔顶跳动,那是一种远古数字:“188分!” 188 points?! 188分?! This result to all previous years, was very outstanding result! 这种成绩就算对历届而言,都是非常非常优异的成绩了! A white robe youth springs front door, numerous falling in ground! 一个白袍少年弹出大门,重重的摔在地面上! The Yun Family person reveals the color of great happiness! 云家人露出大喜之色! Damn, isn't this little young master Yun Xiao of their family? 见了鬼了,这不是他们家的小少爷云霄么? Other people were scared, was regarded Yun Xiao of waste playboy by long time, makes 188 points of remarkable progress unexpectedly? How this was! He cheated! 其他人都傻眼了,一个被长时间当成废物纨绔的云霄,竟然取得188分的卓越成绩?这是怎么了!他作弊了吧! The Yun Family person is in high spirits! 云家人则一个个精神振奋! The really pleasant surprise, can feel proud and elated finally well one! 真是意外的惊喜啊,总算能好好扬眉吐气一番了! Yun Xiao does not have what to obstruct greatly, is neat was sprung the smelting trial space, has not received anything to suffer in inside, he stood to be foul-mouthed: I hold! These monsters were too abnormal! Unexpectedly puts the stab in the back cloudy father! I refuse to accept! I refuse to accept!” 云霄没有什么大碍,是干脆利落的被弹出试炼空间,没有在里面受到什么折磨,他站起来就骂骂咧咧说:“我操!那些妖怪太变态了!居然放暗箭阴老子!我不服!我不服啊!” Yun Tianhe hurries to ask: Now tries to practice in the tower any situation!” 云天鹤赶紧问:“现在试练塔内什么情况!” Boss, big sister and eldest sister in the same place, I come out, they should be all right! However they had tied down by one crowd of very fearful evil spirit, no matter what attacks is useless, perhaps the situation is not very wonderful!” “老大、老姐、大姐头都在一起呢,我出来的时候,他们应该没事!不过他们被一群很可怕的妖魔缠住了,不管什么样攻击都没有用,恐怕情况很不妙啊!” Yun Tianhe brow tight wrinkle. 云天鹤眉头紧皱。 Three Great Clans secretly chuckles to oneself! 三大家族则暗暗窃喜! Best disposable to eliminate to be good completely! 最好一次性全部淘汰出来才好! Yun Xiao exchanging the thing, has given the grandfather completely, this time I am trying to practice the tower harvest to be giant, these with the thing that the integral exchanges, suits the Yun Family use Martial Arts to have several sets, for example this set of «Crazy Thunder Collapsing» almost can the second kill our family majority of Martial Arts, this set of «Thunder Yingbu» is the best quality goods movement......” 云霄把兑换到东西,全部交给了爷爷,“这次我在试练塔收获巨大,这些都是用积分兑换到的东西,其中适合云家使用的武学就有几套,比如这套《狂雷崩》几乎能秒杀我们家大部分武学,还有这套《雷影步》更是极品身法……” 45 thunder attribute Cultivation Technique! 45部雷属性功法 Three -and-a-half Saint Level herbal medicines! 三株半圣级的草药! Two bottles promote the skill the compounded drug! 两瓶增进功力的丹药! Yun Xiao through trying to practice the thing that the tower brings, actually does not have same is every, is the best quality goods thing, made the Yun Family strength grow a big truncation sufficiently! 云霄通过试练塔带出来的东西,竟然没有一样是凡品,全都是极品东西,足以让云家实力增长一大截了! Chu, Luo and Ye, three families reveals the color of envy! 楚洛叶三家都露出嫉妒之色! Yun Xiao this waste makes such outstanding progress, then Yun Yao will be definitely higher, Yun Family this two people attend the smelting trial, really picked up a big bargain! 云霄这个废物都取得这么优秀的成绩,那么云瑶肯定会更高的,云家此次两个人参加试炼,真是捡了大便宜了! Good! Good!” The Yun Tianhe old bosom opens consoles, this good-for-nothing grandson makes a contribution for the family finally, from now on nobody dares to smile his old gentleman in the back again, dry good, rests!” “好!好!”云天鹤老怀开慰,这不成器的孙子总算为家族做出一番贡献,今后再没有人敢在背后笑他老爷子了,“干的不错,去休息吧!” The result has not arrived at the quarter. 结果没到一刻钟。 The Central State tower vibrates, Lin Mu and Fang Han were kicked. 中州塔又震动起来,林木方寒被踢了出来。 195 points! 一个195分! 190 points! 一个190分! The people eyes were red! 众人眼睛都红了! Damn, damn, two mercenary soldiers, do not have the background, does not have the backstage, is the luck good to obtain the smelting trial qualifications, has not thought that these two fellows, not only obtain the smelting trial qualifications, makes such high progress! 他妈的,真见鬼,两个佣兵而已,没有背景,没有后台,全是运气好才获得试炼资格,没有想到这两个家伙,不仅仅获得试炼资格,也取得如此之高的成绩! Only feared that traded wondrous medicines to have more than enough to spare! 只怕换一株圣药都绰绰有余了吧! These two grassroots fellows were stand up from failure thoroughly! 这两个草根家伙算是彻底翻身了! Angriest not crosses Chu, Luo and Ye, three families! 最愤怒的莫过楚洛叶三家 These person quotas are their, can make such high progress including these waste, the talent of Chu, Luo and Ye, three families key training goes , will that result also lower? 这几个人身上的名额本来是他们的,连这几个废物都能取得这么高的成绩,楚洛叶三家重点培养的天才进去,那成绩还会低吗? The Yun Xiao whole face wonders: „Were you also killed?” 云霄满脸纳闷:“你们也被干掉了?” Lin Mu and a Fang Han face sighed: That evil spirit is too formidable, our means do not have, one did not pay attention to be killed!” 林木方寒一脸叹息:“那头妖魔太强大,我们一点办法都没有,一不留神就被干掉了!” In the Yun Tianhe heart sinks. 云天鹤心中一沉。 Although does not know that tries to practice the tower to have anything, since they display are not difficult to see that Chu Tian was certainly bogged down in difficulties very stern. 虽然不知道试练塔发生什么,不过从他们表现不难看出,楚天一定陷入了非常严峻的困境。 Does the quantity reach several hundred much? 数量更是多达好几百只? Is physical attack energy attack invalid? 物理攻击能量攻击都无效? Can the destructive power tear into shreds the Illustrious Soul level defense with ease? 破坏力能轻松撕碎显魂级防御? Under such terrifying monster group attacks, how could to be eliminated directly? 这样恐怖的怪物群攻之下,岂能不直接被淘汰出局? Central State tower another rocks 276 points! 中州塔又一阵晃动276分! People in an uproar! Such high score? Almost breaks Central State City recorded high! 众人一片哗然!这么高分数?几乎破掉中州城的最高记录了! What this time was transmitted is Feng Caidie. 本次被传送出来的是风彩蝶 She is a face is also regrettable, moreover what are more is depressed. 她也是一脸遗憾,而且更多的是郁闷。 Because Feng Caidie is different from the first three people, Chu Tian had found to cope with the evil spirit means that Feng Caidie in using the Light Mirror process, rebounded solving unexpectedly carelessly oneself! 因为风彩蝶和前三人不一样,楚天已经找到对付妖魔办法,风彩蝶在使用光镜过程中,竟然不慎反弹回来把自己给解决掉了! Can this not be depressed? 这能不郁闷吗? Feng Caidie turns over to depressed depressed, before being eliminated, she one kills many evil spirit, therefore the score is higher than a big truncation compared with first three! 风彩蝶郁闷归郁闷,不过在被淘汰出局之前,她一下干掉不少妖魔,所以分数远比前三位高出一大截! Therefore this informed and experienced travel, what are more is outside pleasantly surprised! 因此本次历练之旅,更多的是以外惊喜! Because the harvest far exceeds the imagination! 因为收获远远超出想象! One by one many!” “一个比一个多啊!” Four Great Families feels one's blood bubbles up to the brim! 四大家族感到热血沸腾! If gets down according to such speed and trend, is the person result of then more behind coming out higher? 若是按照这样速度和趋势下去,那么越后面出来的人岂不是成绩越高? Yun Tianhe inquired the process, thumped the table and shouted praise: Young fellow, has really his! Can in the crisis moment, find these evil spirit unexpectedly the flaws! It seems like they have not hoped not completely!” 云天鹤询问经过,不禁拍案叫绝:“好小子,真有他的!竟然能在那么危机关头,找到这些妖魔的破绽!看来他们不完全没有希望!” Yun Family has two smelting trial! 云家有两个试炼者! Yun Xiao is Yun Family received exchange several precious Thunder Xi Cultivation Technique, several -and-a-half Saint Level super herbal medicines! 一个云霄就为云家换回数部珍贵的雷系古功法,好几株半圣级的超级草药! How then Yun Yao does have will display? 那么云瑶有会表现如何呢? A childhood! 一个小时候! Rumbling! 轰轰! Tries to practice the tower ray to soar to the heavens, two digit reappear. 试练塔光芒冲天,两个数字浮现出来。 318 points! 318分! 331 points! 331分! Nangong Yun and Yun Yao were sent out! 南宫云云瑶被被送出! All people by thorough shock! 所有人都被彻底的震撼了! Broken 300! 破300了! Unexpectedly broke 300! 居然破了300! The Yun Family person burst with joy collectively! 云家人集体沸腾了! Recorded newly! Broke records newly! 新记录了!打破新记录了! Yun Yao obtains 331 points of terrifying result, Central State City has history comes high is less than 300 points, Yun Yao one thoroughly renovates Central State for several hundred years the highest record! This is really the Miracle same result! 云瑶获得331分的恐怖成绩,中州城有史来最高的不到300分,云瑶一下就彻底刷新中州几百年来的最高记录!这真是奇迹一样的成绩! Nangong Yun exchanges a quality excellent Level 2 wondrous medicines ten thousand years of phoenix ginseng, this medicine can help its breakthrough bottleneck in later to the Illustrious Soul level strength fully. In addition also exchanges big pile of precious Cultivation Technique equipment, the harvest is very rich! 南宫云兑换一株品质上乘的2级圣药万年凤凰参,此药足能在以后助其突破瓶颈到显魂级实力。此外还兑换一大堆宝贵功法装备,收获可谓是非常丰厚! Yun Yao also exchanges good wondrous medicines, will be used to attack Awakened Soul 5th Layer in the future, in addition will exchange some formulas, old books and Cultivation Technique emphatically, will make the contribution for the family. 云瑶也兑换一株不错的圣药,用来日后冲击魂醒五重,此外着重兑换一些药方、古籍、功法,为家族做贡献。 Who said that Yun Family is feeble? 谁说云家衰弱? Yun Family wanted the counterattack! 云家要逆袭了! When Yun Family person collectively jumping and shouting for joy time, Chu, Luo and Ye, three families is cloudy the face! 云家人集体雀跃欢呼时候,楚洛叶三家则阴沉着脸! Properly speaking the smelting trial score is impossible to be so high, former years can attain more than 100 points of good result, these people must have the fortuitous encounter in the smelting trial space! 按理说试炼者分数不可能这么高,往届能拿到100多分就算不错成绩了,这些人在试炼空间里必有奇遇! Damn! 该死的! How can like this! 怎么会这样! At this time Nangong Yun and color of Yun Yao face anger: Chu Xinghe mean villain! Sneak attacks us unexpectedly!” 这时南宫云云瑶则一脸愤怒之色:“楚星河卑鄙小人!竟然偷袭我们!” The people stare. 众人一愣。 Yun Tianhe hurries to ask: What's the matter?” 云天鹤赶紧问:“怎么回事?” Yun Yao has not spoken, Nangong Yun indignantly shouts: Chu Xinghe is unprepared while us, suddenly initiates the sneak attack to us, our two were killed by Chu Xinghe! Otherwise we definitely take divide!” 云瑶都还没说话,南宫云就愤愤不平喊道:“楚星河趁我们不备,突然对我们发起偷袭,我们两个就是被楚星河干掉的!不然我们肯定拿更多分!” Yun Yao is a face is also angry! 云瑶也是一脸愤怒! This procedure was too mean! 这种做法太卑鄙了! If conflicted directly is defeated, Chu Xinghe that bastard sneak attacked purely! 若正面冲突被打败也就算了,楚星河那混蛋纯粹是偷袭! The Yun Tianhe hear the cause and effect, on the face reveal one startled to accommodate: You said that Chu Tian also in inside? Moreover a person and Chu Xinghe, Luo Xianglong, Ye Tianlang, three people to?” 云天鹤听完前因后果,脸上露出一丝惊容:“你是说,楚天还在里面?而且一个人和楚星河洛降龙叶天狼,三个人对上了?” Boss has a guard jade symbol, can counter-balance an injury, therefore the Chu Xinghe sneak attack should unable one to kill him!” “老大有一张护身玉符,能够抵消一次伤害,所以楚星河偷袭应该没能一下干掉他!” In a flash! 一瞬间! Yun Tianhe complexion one white. 云天鹤脸色一白。 Now is one's turn Chu, Luo and Ye, three families to reveal the color of grinning fiendishly! 现在轮到楚洛叶三家都露出狞笑之色! A Chu Tian person with three people to, what consequence that is, even to know with the buttocks! 楚天一个人跟三人对上,那是什么样的后果,哪怕用屁股想都知道! Feng Caidie, Yun Xiao and the others also changed the complexion, Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong, they may not only probably kill Chu Tian to be so simple, they want to make into the disabled person Chu Tian with hate of solution heart! 风彩蝶云霄等人也变了脸色,叶天狼洛降龙,他们可不仅仅是要杀楚天这么简单,他们更想把楚天打成残废以解心头之恨! It is not good! 不好! Chu Tian has the danger! 楚天有危险!
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