MT :: Volume #2

#185: Fully a war

16 golden treasured swords, the size, modeling and size, are all exactly the same. The sword blade edge of each sword smooth like mirror, engraves flood dragon Fu Wen, dreadful Sword Qi burst out surges, just likes storm in fermentation. 16把黄金宝剑,尺寸、造型、大小,全都一模一样。每一把剑的剑刃都光滑如镜,刻印着蛟龙般的符纹,一道道滔天的剑气迸发激荡,犹如一场酝酿中的风暴。 Overconfident!” Chu Xinghe both eyes flashing god light: „The light of trivial firefly candle, dares the livelihood to vie!” 不自量力!”楚星河双目闪动神光:“区区萤烛之光,也敢于日月争辉!” 16 the treasured swords of gathering full energies, the peacock spreads the tail to unfold in the back equally, glittering, is magnificent, speed that afterward the naked eye is hard to distinguish, tearing is void, from top to bottom. Instance that each sword is falling, transforms several golden Sword Qi, for the first time goes shortly, dense and numerous. Just likes a capping comes the irresistible violent storm! 16把聚满能量的宝剑,孔雀开屏一样在背后铺开,金光闪闪,非常华丽,随后肉眼难以分辨的速度,撕裂虚空,由上至下。每一把剑在落下来的瞬间,又幻化数道金色剑气,乍眼看去,密密麻麻。犹如一场压顶而来势不可挡的狂风暴雨! Sword blade edge storm!” “剑刃风暴!” Inheritance Sword Art(s) that this set of far Ancient Sword repairs, ever changing, the fairy not measured that beyond thousand li (0.5km) takes the person severed head, just likes takes something out of the pocket! 这套远古剑修的传承剑术,千变万化,神鬼莫测,千里外取人首级,犹如探囊取物! The sound of that keenly blowing as if can tear into shreds the eardrum of person! 那尖啸的声音仿佛能撕碎人的耳膜! That threatening Sword Qi as if can tear the entire space! 那逼人的剑气仿佛能撕裂整个空间! Good fearful offensive! 好可怕的攻势啊! Really worthily is Chu Xinghe! 真不愧是楚星河 This gets rid is as powerful as a thunderbolt! 这一出手就是雷霆万钧! Brush! Brush! Brush! 刷!刷!刷! Ray litzendraht shuttles back and forth in the invisible hand likely, shortly will form a giant protective cap, but ten thousand sword capping below instance, intercepts that terrifying unexpectedly stiffly strikes! 光线像编织线般在无形的手中穿梭,顷刻形成一个巨大的保护罩,万剑压顶而下的瞬间,竟硬生生拦截那恐怖的一击! Bang! 轰! Main hall vibration. 大殿震动。 Sword Qi break to pieces, the lasing arrives on the main hall pillar, creates deep sword marks! 一道道剑气纷纷碎开,激射到大殿柱子上,造成一条条深深剑痕! „Will I be stupid to helping you open the treasure house?” Chu Tian sends standing that has not injured in a Light Mirror center, surroundings by ray surrounding of spreading across, present entire big mirror, all during I grasp, your Sword Art(s) is wise, can my what?” “我会愚蠢到帮你们开启宝库吗?”楚天毫发未伤的站在光镜阵的中央,周围都被纵横交错的光芒包围,“现在整座大阵的镜子,全都在我掌握之中,你的剑术再高明,又能奈我何?” Now entire space in the eye of Chu Tian, was divided to sit the parameter. 现在整个空间在楚天的眼睛,被分割成一条条坐坐标轴。 Which position regardless of Chu Xinghe appears, where regardless of launches the attack, can the percentage hundred accurate interception attack. Chu Tian when arranges Array to grasp all Light Mirror, why otherwise to dare the gate of Kaibao conceal! 无论楚星河出现在哪个位置,无论从哪里发起攻击,都能百分百精准拦截打击。楚天在布置阵法的时候就已经掌握所有光镜,否则凭什么敢开宝藏之门! Snort! The dead duck is obstinate argumentative! Nothing but draws support from the external force! How many places can you simultaneously defend?” Chu Xinghe leaves the move once more: 32 You Longzhen!” “哼!死鸭子嘴硬!无非是借助外力而已!你能同时防御多少个地方?”楚星河再次出招:“32游龙阵!” 16 flying swords were shot instantaneous, the ray dodges to change 32, the dense and numerous sword shades, cover entire Light Mirror big, the attack density promote one time fully! 16把飞剑被弹开瞬间,光芒一闪化作32把,密密麻麻的剑影,覆盖整个光镜大阵,攻击密度整整提升一倍! A lot of Sword Qi Qi Fei! 千百剑气齐飞! That scene storm leads the Tsunami likely, is shelling an isolated island crazily. 那场面像暴风雨带动海啸,正在疯狂的轰击着一座孤岛。 In Light Mirror simultaneously bursts out dozens dazzling rays, weaves a mutual staggered shackles, moreover in unceasing change. 光镜阵中同时迸发出几十道耀眼光芒,编织成一条互相交错的牢笼,而且是在不断变化中的。 Which angle regardless of attacks, cannot injure Chu Tian unexpectedly! 无论从哪个角度进攻,竟然都伤不到楚天 Ray that these paths are hard to try to find out to Chu Tian, can actually lock the control attack that the heart wants or defends, one time has not let slip, the flying sword that invades one's territory is shot to exit. 那些轨迹难以摸索的光线对楚天而言,却能锁心所欲的支配进攻或者防御,从来就没有一次失手,来犯的飞剑纷纷被弹出去。 Cannot come under attack passively! 不能一直被动挨打! Defended for a long time, must have oversight! 防御久了,必有疏漏! Therefore on own initiative attacks is good! 所以还是主动出击才行! Chu Tian waves to operate the primary mirror, the ray perpendicular incidence, but before , reflected skipping several times, the twinkling changed runs out of big to change to together the light spear, swept the ground to leave behind fusing the long mark. 楚天一挥手操纵主镜,光线直射而前反射跳转数次,瞬息化作冲出大阵化作一道光矛,扫过地面留下一条熔融的长痕。 Chu Xinghe actually avoided in the flash. 楚星河却在一瞬间避开了。 Shunted? 躲开了? Chu Xinghe impossible to be quicker than the light, only if before the attack, makes the evasion the movement! 楚星河不可能比光更快,除非攻击前做出回避的动作! Distinguishes the origin of attack from innumerable Light Mirror accurate, this seeing clearly ability is the naked eye does not have, therefore he may open Heart's Eye very much. 从无数光镜精准分辨出攻击的来源,这种洞察能力是肉眼不具备的,所以他很有可能开启心眼 „Is Heart's Eye also what kind of?” Chu Tian pats Light Mirror, the light beam sweeps, illuminates several mirrors successively, the ray has branched out several groups, reflected in Light Mirror unceasingly, changes to 45 attack ins close order simultaneously the lasing in the past, had the skill to hide!” 心眼又怎么样?”楚天一拍光镜,光束一扫而过,先后照过几道镜子,光线分出好几拨,在光镜中不断反射,化作45道密集攻击同时激射过去,“有本事全都躲过去!” Chu Xinghe has Heart's Eye, Chu Tian also has Heart's Eye. 楚星河心眼,楚天也有心眼 Chu Tian fully realized that Heart's Eye sees clearly the ability to have the limit . Moreover the Heart's Eye characteristics are Divine Sense are centralized, cannot the perfect radiation like Mind's Light, when simultaneously makes several light beams attack, Chu Xinghe has Heart's Eye, he does not have the means to look through. 楚天深知心眼洞察能力是有极限的,而且心眼的特点是神识集中,不能像心灯一样完全辐射,当同时制造几道光束攻击的时候,楚星河就算拥有心眼,他也没有办法看破。 Who knows that Chu Xinghe early has the protection! 谁知道楚星河早有防备! „The shield of dragon sword!” “龙剑之盾!” That inserts the golden treasured sword in front of Chu Xinghe in abundance, weaves one set of airtight great shield unexpectedly, the light beam bombardment above instantaneous, the outer layer treasured sword shortly will be melted, the violent strength pushes the great shield to go forward, finally Bang a penetration. 那一把把金色宝剑纷纷插在楚星河面前,竟然编织成一套密不透风的巨盾,光束轰击在上面瞬间,外层宝剑顷刻间被融化,猛烈的力量推着巨盾前进,最终砰的一声穿透而过。 Melts sword everywhere to fly upwards innumerably. 无数融化断剑漫天飞扬。 Chu Xinghe actually already not after the shield, the sword shield for time that he won, tore by Chu Xinghe cultivation base enough security. 楚星河却已经不在盾牌后了,剑盾为他争取的一点时间,以楚星河修为足够安全扯开。 60 four Roaming Dragon Sword!” “60四游龙剑阵!” Flood dragon long cry, resounds through the main hall! 蛟龙长鸣,响彻大殿! 64 swords produce, hangingly, dense and numerous, releases the Source Spirit strength, making each sword contain the strength of flood dragon, 64 swords turn into 64 the [gold/metal] flood dragons of making threatening gestures directly, nimble and resourceful changeable, the might multiplies, no longer like the attack that just went straight there and came straight back! 64把剑重新生成,悬空而起,密密麻麻,又释放出元魂力量,让每一把剑都蕴含蛟龙之力,64把剑直接变成64条张牙舞爪的金蛟,灵动多变,威力倍增,不再像刚刚一样直来直去的攻击! Chu Xinghe is very formidabe! 楚星河果然很难对付! His strength is probably inexhaustible! 他的力量好像无穷无尽般! Although cultivation base actually merely only then the 4th Layer peak, this battle efficiency makes the Central State City many elders great people feel that sufficiently blushed with shame! 虽然修为却仅仅只有四重巅峰,这种战斗力足以让中州城很多老辈大人物感到汗颜了! Chu Xinghe treadons [gold/metal] Jiao, innumerable [gold/metal] Jiao surrounds, the whole body is forever glorious, the imposing manner at the height of power, just likes the deity is dignified, a pair of vision cloudy and cold and fearful. 楚星河脚踏金蛟,无数金蛟环绕,浑身光芒万丈,气势如日中天,犹如天神般威严肃穆,一双目光阴冷而又可怕。 You think that Light Mirror can block me? I have then destroyed this, leaves the nonego asylum, I want to take a look at you but actually whether to block the strength of my striking!” “你以为一座光镜阵就能挡得住我?我便毁了这阵,离开外物庇护,我倒想看看你能否挡住我一击之力!” The Chu Xinghe sound is self-confident! 楚星河的声音充满自信! He is impatient! 他也没有耐心了! 63 golden flood dragons obtain the verbal command, just likes shark that smells the smell of blood, all throws to nip crazily to Light Mirror big, these [gold/metal] flood dragons also want the maneating several fold compared with it forward flight sword, weak point light beam cannot even strike its bang flies! 63只金色蛟龙得到号令,犹如嗅到血腥味的鲨鱼,全都疯狂地向光镜大阵扑咬过去,这些金蛟比之前飞剑还要凶悍数倍,弱一点的光束甚至不能一击将其轰飞! Chu Xinghe is thinks that the violence destroys big! 楚星河是想暴力破坏大阵啊! Once has been separated from Light Mirror big, Chu Tian cannot even fight Ye Tianlang, say nothing of Chu Xinghe of head of Four Great Young Masters! 一旦脱离了光镜大阵,楚天甚至斗不过叶天狼,更不用说四大公子之首的楚星河 Chu Tian Divine Sense releases fully, controls dozens Light Mirror, Light Mirror was seeped by Chu Tian Divine Sense, all vibrates unceasingly, the ray sweeps, but delimits an arc, in Light Mirror big ray is natural immediately. 楚天神识全力释放出来,控制住几十面光镜,光镜楚天神识渗透,全都不断地抖动起来,光芒一扫而出划出一个弧形,光镜大阵内顿时光芒大方。 Dozens light beams through different mirror surface lasings, are dense and numerous to sprinkle finally to the sky, [gold/metal] Jiao receives the continual bombardment of ray, was only recoiled to the midair. 几十道光束通过不同镜面激射,最终密密麻麻向天空洒过去,金蛟受到光芒的连续轰击,一只只都被弹回到半空中。 Chu Xinghe is cloudy the face operation. 楚星河阴沉着脸操纵。 You Jiao times launch the attack. 游蛟一次次重新发动攻击。 Chu Tian is as stable as the rock of Gibraltar, Mind's Light range radiation reduces, covers a whole body dozens zhang (3.33 m) range, actually the Divine Sense effort within enhancement range, thus locks each You Jiao position keenly. 楚天则稳如泰山,心灯范围辐射缩小,覆盖周身几十丈范围,却增强范围内的神识力度,从而敏锐锁定每一只游蛟的位置。 Each boundary surface angle and motion position. 每一块境面角度和移动位置。 Each [gold/metal] flood dragon speed and attack position. 每一条金蛟速度与攻击位置。 All was seen clearly by Chu Tian Divine Sense, he wholeheartedly multipurpose, controls Light Mirror big, the unceasing ejection of ray in big, death light beam unceasing flying high intercepted [gold/metal] Jiaopu to raid, making Chu Xinghe for a long time unable to break through! 全都被楚天神识洞察在内,他一心多用,操控光镜大阵,光线在大阵中不断弹射,一道道死亡光束不断的凌空拦截金蛟扑袭,让楚星河久攻不破! Bang! 砰! The golden light and [gold/metal] Jiao collide! 金光与金蛟碰撞! The midair blasts open massive golden energy fragment! 半空炸裂出大量金色能量碎片! Each attack and collision extremely shock, seems shivering to sway including the main hall! 每一次攻击、碰撞都是极其震撼,似乎连大殿都在颤抖摇晃! The Chu Tian computing power was too fearful, achieves the foolproof plan basically, by the Light Mirror big formidable complex system, as well as the light beam attacks the speed and precise beyond comparison, stiffly prevented dozens wild with rage flood dragons outside. 楚天计算能力太可怕了,基本做到算无遗策,凭借光镜大阵强大复杂的系统,以及光束攻击无以伦比的速度和精确,硬生生的将几十条狂怒的蛟龙阻挡在了外面。 Sky Sword young master’s sword Secret Art on this degree?” “天剑公子的剑诀就这种程度吗?” Chu Xinghe hears the provocation of Chu Tian, in vision kills intent to be getting more and more thick, he has not thought that a Illustrious Soul strength does not have the disciple of thieves, can insists unexpectedly under his «Imperial Sword Flood dragon Sword Secret Art» power and influence such for a long time! 楚星河听到楚天的挑衅,目光中杀意越来越浓,他从来没有想过,一个连显魂实力都不具备宵小之徒,竟然能在他的《御剑化蛟剑诀》的威势之下坚持这么久! Must know. 要知道。 Even if Awakened Soul 5th Layer Cultivator, face to face to the Chu Xinghe potential when extremely heavy sword, could not resist ten rests time, this set of might infinite sword, unexpectedly could not take this damn fellow. 哪怕是魂醒五重修士,当面对楚星河势若万钧的剑阵时,也抵挡不了十息的时间,偏偏这套威力无穷的剑阵,竟然拿不下这个该死的家伙。 He depends one set of big merely! 他仅仅是仗着一套大阵而已! The Chu Xinghe sword, nothing which is not broken, nothing which is not will the enemy, how tie one law under one trivial Awakened Soul 2nd Layer Cultivator control? 楚星河的剑,无所不破,无所不敌,岂会受束一个区区魂醒二重修士控制下的一座法阵? God flood dragon day falls!” “神蛟天降!” More than 60 [gold/metal] flood dragons shoot up to the sky, gathers in the Chu Tian top of the head completely, finally simultaneously dives, that imposing manner has the rivers and streams to flow in backward releases such as the feeling of note! 60多条金蛟冲天而起,全部聚集到楚天头顶,最终同时俯冲而下,那气势颇有江河倒灌一泄如注之感! Is it possible that can stake everything on a single throw of the dice? 莫非要孤注一掷? The Chu Tian right hand pats primary mirror, the ray falls on the surroundings mirror, after innumerable refracts, interweaves Zhang Shuo da the network of ray, the flood dragon that will fall instantaneously blocked completely. 楚天右手一拍身边主镜,光线落在周围镜子上,经过无数次折射,交织成一张硕大的光芒之网,瞬间将落下来的蛟龙全部挡住了。 All gives me to break!” “全给我破!” Giving a loud shout. 大喝一声。 [gold/metal] Jiao explode the flying ice to restore the primary form. 金蛟一条条炸飞冰恢复原形。 Chu Xinghe stimulation of movement under foot [gold/metal] Jiaosou however attacks, changes to a golden flowing light, chops instantaneously to Chu Tian, finally still in the halfway, light beam sweeps. 楚星河催动脚下金蛟嗖然出击,化作一股金色流光,瞬间向楚天劈过去,结果还在半路,一道光束扫过来。 Chu Xinghe hurrying horizontal sword keeps off. 楚星河慌忙横剑一挡。 The terrifying strength bombs the treasured sword directly, has thrown into the middle of him the midair. 恐怖力量直接把宝剑炸断,把他抛到了半空当中。 Was one's turn me!” “轮到我了!” Light beam reflects dozens times, with reflection increase, not only can increase the light beam might, can get rid of Chu Xinghe Heart's Eye to see clearly, keeping him from expecting! 一道光束反射几十次,随着反射次数的增加,不仅仅能够增加光束威力,更能摆脱楚星河心眼洞察,让他根本无从预料! Quick! 快! Too quick! 太快了! This after is the light! 这毕竟是光啊! What thing does in the world have to be able light to be quicker than? 天底下有什么事物能比光更快呢? The golden ray shoots through the Chu Xinghe chest like a great spear, the might extreme that this strikes is formidable! 金色光芒就像一根巨矛射穿楚星河胸膛,这一击的威力极端强大! Even if impossible to resist by Chu Xinghe protecting body Source Energy, the chest was pierced like a paper, the body carried over dozens meters, finally threw down on the ground. 哪怕以楚星河的护体元力也不可能抵挡,胸膛就像一张纸般被刺穿了,身体被带出好几十米,最终摔倒在了地上。 Was killed? 被干掉了吗? If merely is so, then famous Chu Xinghe , has unearned reputation! 若仅仅是如此,那么大名顶顶的楚星河,也不过是浪得虚名罢了! After Chu Xinghe the ray pierces, everywhere golden flying sword has not actually fallen, instead in a accumulation of strength, gathered one completely. 楚星河被光芒洞穿之后,漫天的金色飞剑却没有落下,反而在一股力量的聚集中,全部汇聚到了一起。 The Chu Tian look slightly changes! 楚天神色微微一变! A midpoint sword ray dodges, turns into the Chu Xinghe appearance unexpectedly, wears the white jade crown, the green long gown is floating, the hand pinches the sword Secret Art, stance cold proud, just like the sword immortal being near world, that sharp point is unable to look straight ahead! 正中央的一把剑光芒一闪,竟然化成楚星河的样子,头戴白玉冠,青色长袍飘飘,手捏剑诀,姿态冷傲,宛若剑仙临世,那锐利锋芒无法直视! Chu Tian looked at just hit Chu Xinghe again, where also had the body of Chu Xinghe? 楚天再看刚刚被击中的楚星河,哪里还有楚星河的身体? Only remains a handle struck off treasured sword. 只剩一柄被击断的宝剑而已。 Camouflage? 障眼法? Intermediate total? 中计了? Group flood dragon Qi Gong is the deceptive attack! 群蛟齐攻是佯攻而已! Chu Xinghe pays attention to be shifted while Chu Tian, has made the exchange with the under foot flood dragon instantaneously, turns into itself [gold/metal] Jiaojian with some mystique, but transforms oneself appearance the [gold/metal] flood dragon sword! 楚星河楚天注意被转移,瞬间与脚下蛟龙做了交换,用某种秘法把自己变成金蛟剑,而把金蛟剑幻化成自己样子! When group flood dragon Qi Gong is defeated, Chu Xinghe with the under foot [gold/metal] flood dragon deceptive attack, the goal is delivers to by Chu Tian oneself once more actually. 当群蛟齐攻失败的时候,楚星河用脚下金蛟再次佯攻,其实目的是把自己送到楚天旁边。 What Chu Tian focuses on projecting on is substitute person, but to flying sword that trivial shoots, has dealt conveniently, has not started the thunder to strike. 楚天集中力量打到的是替身,而对区区一把射来的飞剑,随手应对了一下,没有发动雷霆一击。 Chu Xinghe that at this time came, has been in the Chu Tian place above. 这个时候现身的楚星河,已经处于楚天的上方。 Chu Xinghe has been using Heart's Eye to observe. 楚星河一直都在用心眼观察。 He discovered that this position is the dead angles of most Light Mirror scopes! 他发现,这个位置是绝大多数光镜范围的死角! Although Chu Tian can make Light Mirror move with Divine Sense, so long as the Chu Xinghe speed is fast enough, can cut to kill it before Chu Tian absolutely! 虽然楚天能用神识光镜移动,但是只要楚星河速度够快,绝对可以在楚天之前将其斩杀! Wan Jiaoru body!” “万蛟入体!” Person sword unites!” “人剑合一!” Dozens swords change to the golden light to sneak in the body of Chu Xinghe, this moment Chu Xinghe and sword merge into one organic whole, the person is the sword, the sword is a person, all strengths hold on the body, both hands pinch the sword Secret Art, the giant sword glow refers to shooting up to the sky from the right hand sword together. 几十把剑化作金光钻进楚星河的身体中,这一刻的楚星河与剑融为一体,人就是剑,剑就是人,所有力量都加持在身上,双手一捏剑诀,一道巨型剑芒自右手剑指冲天而起。 Bang! 轰! The ceiling was punctured a big hole! 天花板都被刺出一个大窟窿! Soul Sword Secret Art!” 魂剑诀!” Cuts day!” “斩天式!” The might of this sword was too fearful! 这一剑的威力太可怕了! Chu Xinghe worthily is one generation of Chu Family rare talents, he unexpectedly combines «Imperial Sword Flood dragon Sword Secret Art» and Chu Family inherited «Soul Sword Secret Art», first in strongest the style with the imperial sword Secret Art completes the person sword to unite, under condition that then in the person sword unites, is the sword, displays to cut day! 楚星河不愧是一代楚家奇才,他竟然把《御剑化蛟剑诀》与楚家祖传《魂剑诀》合二为一,先用御剑诀中最强的招式完成人剑合一,接着在人剑合一的状态之下,以身为剑,施展斩天式! Cuts day is in Soul Sword Secret Art, the sword of strongest might! 斩天式是魂剑诀中,最强威力的一剑! Chu Xinghe itself has to jump the ranks the strong strength of challenge, let alone fully displays in the situation of being outspoken? 楚星河本身就具备越级挑战的超强实力,更何况是在毫无保留的情况下全力施展? This sword might has been hard to imagine! 此剑威力已经难以想象! Even if facing the person of Awakened Soul 6th Layer , the sword cuts the opportunity of killing, even Expert of True Soul level, resists directly is striking, will possibly cause heavy losses! 哪怕是是面对魂醒六重之人,也有一剑斩杀的机会,甚至真魂级的强者,正面抵挡着一击,也可能会被重创! This is Chu Xinghe! 这就是楚星河 The Central State City first talent! 中州城第一的天才! That soars to the heavens Sword Qi to have dozens zhang (3.33 m) fully, the time of not having swept, that greatest reduced pressure has caused the Chu Tian not standing body, surrounding Light Mirror changes in abundance carelessly, has not definitely been able to be controlled by Chu Tian. 那冲天剑气足有几十丈长,还没有扫下来的时候,那莫大减压已经使楚天站不直身体了,周围的光镜纷纷胡乱转向,已经完全无法被楚天控制。 Bang! 轰! A Sword Qi ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mighty current howls! 剑气似万丈洪流呼啸而过! Only leaves behind together deep sword mark! 只留下一道深深的剑痕! The main hall center extends beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m), is firmer than the iron stone ten times of ancient law, by cleavage stiffly, that side also at the scene was disrupted unexpectedly by the primary mirror of mysterious strength protection. 大殿中央延伸出几十丈外,比铁石更坚固十倍古老法阵,竟然被硬生生的劈裂了,那一面受神秘力量保护的主镜也当场碎裂。 Entire Light Mirror big is overshadowed immediately. 整个光镜大阵顿时黯然失色。 This sword, has destroyed this big unexpectedly! 这一剑,竟然摧毁了这个大阵! Chu Tian human body every embryo how can there be entire corpse? So looks like both sides strength after all disparate oversized, finally faces is defeated, is Chu Tian! 楚天肉体凡胎又岂有全尸?如此看来双方实力毕竟悬殊过大,最终面临落败的,还是楚天啊! The Chu Xinghe complexion becomes palely, looks main hall that is tearing at present, that indifferent such as on ice face, finally reveals sneering of taunt! 楚星河脸色变得苍白许多,望着眼前撕裂的大殿,那张冷漠如冰的脸上,终于露出一丝嘲讽的冷笑! Was too look at him eventually high? 终究还是太高看他了么? Copes with this role also to compel me to use the unique skill, was really makes him lose too magnificently! 对付这种角色也能逼我用出绝招,实在是让他输得太华丽了! However, this is also the Chu Xinghe style! 不过,这也正是楚星河的风格! Chu Xinghe nature grain arrogantly and extremely overbearing, since Chu Tian thinks that depends one Light Mirror to defeat him, then Chu Xinghe must destroy with the same place! 楚星河性格冷傲且极霸道,既然楚天以为仗着一座光镜阵就能打败他,那么楚星河就偏偏要连人带阵一起摧毁! Own formidable irresistible image, is rooted in maliciously the Chu Tian heart of hearts, becomes on his practice path the mountain that is hard to cross, heart demon that forever is unable to overcome! 将自身强大不可抗拒的形象,狠狠地根植到楚天的内心深处,成为他修行道路上的一座难以跨越的高山,一个永远无法克服的心魔! The road of practice is so difficult! 如此修行之路寸步难行! The Chu Xinghe goal was also achieved! 楚星河目的也就达到了! Chu Xinghe relieves the person sword to unite, takes back the scabbard the sword, suddenly...... He felt fiercely a strange sharp strength, ferments unexpectedly in own back. 楚星河解除人剑合一,将剑收回剑鞘,突然……他猛地感觉到一股诡异锐利的力量,竟然在自己的背后酝酿起来。 It is not good! 不好! That returns to the treasured sword of sheath to shoot up to the sky once more, however has not waited for him to display the sword Secret Art, wipes the gorgeous combustion sword light, pricks from the chest of Chu Xinghe, has passed through from his back. 那一把回鞘的宝剑再次冲天而起,然而还不等他施展剑诀,一抹绚丽的燃烧剑光,从楚星河的胸膛刺入,从他的背后贯穿了出来。 Netherworld anger flame cuts!” 幽冥怒焰斩!” Chu Xinghe reveals a panic-stricken color! 楚星河露出一丝惊骇之色! A youth simple long gown, sends without the wound from top to bottom, perfect standing in front, that young on face that does not make sense, is hanging sneering of ridicule. 少年一身朴素长袍,浑身上下毫发无伤,正完好无损的站在面前,那张年轻的不像话的脸上,正挂着一丝嘲弄的冷笑。 In the hand a treasured sword of handle combustion, passes through own body maliciously, turbulent Netherworld Flame instills into all the limbs and bones unceasingly. 手中一柄燃烧的宝剑,狠狠贯穿自己的身体,汹涌幽冥火不断灌输到四肢百骸。 No...... Is impossible!” “不……不可能!” Chu Xinghe does not believe in any event, how Chu Tian possibly fortunately survives, that is is very difficult to resist including Illustrious Soul peak Expert strikes! 楚星河无论如何都不信,楚天怎么可能幸存,那是连显魂巅峰强者都很难抵挡的一击! Chu Tian his possible to send has not injured? 楚天他怎么可能毫发未伤? Those who most keep Chu Xinghe from accepting, his sword cannot kill Chu Tian, actually instead by the Chu Tian sword killing! 最让楚星河无法接受的是,他的剑没能干掉楚天,却反而被楚天的剑给干掉了! I am a person of keeping promises!” “我是一个说一不二的人!” I said that must kill you personally, then definitely personally will kill you!” “我说要亲手干掉你,那么就必然会亲手干掉你!” Chu Tian particularly stressed that ” personallythese two characters, this is especially grating in the Chu Xinghe hear! 楚天特别强调”亲手“这两个字,这在楚星河听来格外刺耳! No matter you do believe that you lost! So-called Sky Sword young master, but is a joke!” “不管你信不信,你已经输了!所谓的天剑公子,不过是一个笑话!” When the angry flame cuts to stab the Chu Xinghe instance, Chu Xinghe did not have the ability to revolt, because Chu Xinghe in just fully a sword, had released complete Source Energy, in within the body meridians had not been filled by Source Energy again, suddenly was stabbed by this wild sword, Netherworld Ghost Flame will shortly have filled his within the body. 当怒炎斩刺中楚星河的瞬间,楚星河就没有能力反抗了,因为楚星河在刚刚全力一剑中,已经释放出全部的元力,当体内经脉没有重新被元力充满时,突然被这狂暴一剑刺中,幽冥鬼火顷刻间充满了他的体内。 That sharp Netherworld Sword also pierces the heart! 那锋利幽冥剑也刺穿心脏! Even if by the Chu Xinghe formidable strength, has been powerless! 哪怕以楚星河强大的实力,也已经无力回天了! The Chu Tian right hand wields, Netherworld Sword inserts the scabbard, only keeps the back that a simple long gown dances in the breeze with the wind, not walked to the great gate. 楚天右手一挥,幽冥剑插回剑鞘,只留一个朴素长袍随风飘舞的背影,连头也不会的向巨门走了过去。 One group of fog flash before, small white fox appears on the shoulder, this fox also looks at Chu Xinghe with the smiling face of taunt, but also has made an ugly face to him! 一团灰雾闪现,小白狐狸出现在肩膀上,这狐狸也用嘲讽的笑容看着楚星河,还对他做了一个鬼脸! Finally. 最终。 Chu Tian enters the front door! 楚天走进大门! The gate of that gigantic treasure house slowly closed, then vanishes in the main hall! 那硕大的宝库之门缓缓闭合,然后消失在大殿中! No!” “不!” Chu Xinghe bellows, the next second of Netherworld Flame broken body, has swallowed the body of Chu Xinghe instantaneously, afterward the chest jade sign blows out the glare, a strength emigrated him directly has tried to practice the tower. 楚星河大吼一声,下一秒幽冥火破体而出,瞬间吞噬了楚星河的身体,随后胸口玉牌爆出强光,一股力量将他直接移出了试练塔。 Lost! 输了! Sky Sword young master lost! 天剑公子输了! Central State first Chu Xinghe lost! 中州第一的楚星河输了! In any event does not think clearly, how Chu Tian achieves! 无论如何都想不明白,楚天到底是怎么做到的! A person, not having made him produce felt like this that the incomparable shame is angry, as well as...... From trembling of soul! 从来没有一个人,让他产生这样感觉,无比耻辱愤怒,以及……发自灵魂的颤栗! ( This chapter is the big chapters about 5000 characters, moreover announced two news, a bad news, a good news. The bad news is, this book receives the instruction of edition, it is expected that in next Monday appearance top carriage. The good news is, because the public time ended, later can pick up the refresh rate gradually. Although does not hope the top carriage very much, but this is the website arranges after all, the traveller far from home cannot resist. The subscription result is a book most important result, the reader who hopes to like this book, can draw traveller far from home.) (本章是近5000字的大章,另外宣布两个消息,一个坏消息,一个好消息。坏消息是,本书收到编辑的指示,预计在下周一的样子上架。好消息是,因为公众期结束,以后可以渐渐加快更新速度了。虽然很不希望上架,但是这毕竟是网站安排,游子是不能抗拒的。订阅成绩是一本书最重要的成绩,希望喜欢本书的读者,能来拉游子一把。)
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