MT :: Volume #2

#184: Decisive battle Chu Xinghe

The monster that came in swarms felt that a dignified strength arrives, seemed frightened the deterrent by some consciousness, all roared tidal is vanishing to retreat. 本来蜂拥而来的怪物感觉到一股威严的力量降临,似乎是被某种意识震慑到了威慑,全都呜吼着潮水般消失退走了。 How monster vanishes to disappear!” “怪物怎么都消失不见了!” „Did Chu Tian succeed?!” 楚天成功了吗?!” Has a look quickly!” “快去看看!” The puppet that Nangong Yun and Yun Yao are bringing two being scarred returns to the main hall, almost sees innumerable Rune like the meteor lasing to the same position, just likes the spider web interconnection unifies, finally condenses a leaf of giant incomparable shutter, 20 ten feets in height, dignified grand, is very magnificent. 南宫云云瑶带着两尊伤痕累累的傀儡回到大殿,几乎一眼就见到无数符文就像流星激射到同一个位置,犹如蜘蛛网般互相连接结合起来,最终凝聚成一扇巨大无比的光门,高20丈,威严雄伟,十分壮观。 Opens the gate of treasure house!” “开启宝库之门!” Rewards 200 Trial Points!” “奖励200点试炼分!” Chu Tian explains Light Mirror big to open the gate of treasure house instance, the front jade sign above digit fluctuates immediately unceasingly, the entire growth reaches 200 points much! 楚天破解光镜大阵打开宝库之门的瞬间,胸前玉牌上面的数字立刻不断浮动,整整增长多达200点! This is enters the smelting trial space to come the highest reward! 这是进试炼空间来最高一次奖励! This means that opens the difficulty of treasure house, Good enough is unties Rubik's cube secret lock over ten times! 这意味着打开宝库的难度,差不多是解开魔方秘锁的十倍以上! The Chu Tian success, this has buried innumerable year of the secrets of really in the Central State tower, finally successful untying in the hand of Chu Tian, they have not entered in the main hall completely. 楚天真的成功了,这个埋藏在中州塔中无数年的秘密,最终在楚天的手里成功的解开,两人都还没有完全走进大殿中。 Chu Tian not, therefore relaxes, because of the true trouble, just started now! 楚天并没有因此松一口气,因为真正的麻烦,现在刚刚开始! You come in quickly!” “你们快进来!” Chu Tian sees Nangong they to come back, immediately beckons to them, who knows that at this time, three golden light have delimited the main hall suddenly! 楚天见南宫两人回来,立刻对她们招招手,谁知道就在这个时候,三道金光忽然划过大殿! " Be careful! " "小心!" Chu Tian issued the warning too to be late. 楚天发出警告却太迟了。 Three golden treasured swords like emerging out of thin air, in the wink of an eye shoots to three people, Yun Yao and Nangong Yun were shocked by the grand great gate, suddenly has not responded that was given to pierce by the sword directly, vanished in a white light. 三把金色宝剑就像凭空出现一样,瞬息之间向三人射过去,云瑶南宫云被雄伟巨门震撼到,一时间没反应过来,直接被剑给刺穿,在一道白光中消失了。 Chu Tian was also hit the sword by this, but the sword in the instance of hit body, jade symbol comes automatically shatter, changed to an energy to cover the golden treasured sword shooting. 楚天也被这把剑击中,不过剑在命中身体的瞬间,身上一块玉符自动破碎开来,化作一层能量罩把金色宝剑给弹开了。 Chu Tian reveals the dignified color: damn!” 楚天露出凝重之色:“可恶!” Really blamed! 真是怪了! Chu Xinghe has not returned to the main hall, can summon the flying sword attack unexpectedly? 楚星河没回大殿,竟也能召唤飞剑攻击? Nangong Yun and Yun Yao, had not guarded at that time, therefore was killed directly. 南宫云云瑶,当时都没有防备,所以直接就被干掉了。 Chu Tian just completed big, has not guarded with enough time, therefore was also hit by a sword, lucky has the charm amulet that in a labyrinth obtains, can resist an attack, otherwise Chu Tian was also eliminated. 楚天刚刚完成大阵,还没有来得及防备,所以也被一剑击中,万幸的是有一张迷宫里获得的护身符,能够抵挡一次攻击,不然楚天也已经出局了。 What's wrong, is very surprised?” The Chu Xinghe ice-cold sound, from float conveys in the airborne treasured sword: My sword is my heart, although I left, actually leaves behind three swords, I can in the situations through these three sword observation main halls, only blame you being too negligent strangely.” “怎么,很吃惊么?”楚星河冰冷的声音,从悬浮在空中宝剑中传来:“我剑即我心,我虽然离开了,却留下三把剑,我能通过这三把剑观察大殿里的情况,怪只怪你们太大意了。” Really mean! 果然卑鄙! However has to say has real skill! 不过不得不说有两下子! The Chu Tian thoughts place in the lineup, simply has not paid attention Chu Xinghe to lose in several of main hall abandons the sword, who knows that these swords become the eyes of Chu Xinghe. 楚天心思都放在布阵上,根本没有留意楚星河丢在大殿的几把弃剑,谁知道这几把剑成为楚星河的眼睛。 Nangong Yun cultivation base cannot help weakly, most minimum puppet might cannot be underestimated, but Yun Yao cultivation base and Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang Good enough, can become not a weak helper. 南宫云修为弱帮不上什么忙,最起码傀儡威力不容小觑,而云瑶修为洛降龙叶天狼差不多,本来可以成为一个不弱的帮手。 Now is killed by a Chu Xinghe sneak attack. 现在被楚星河一次偷袭都被干掉了。 This also means that Chu Tian has to alone face these three powerful enemies! 这也就意味着楚天不得不独自面对这三个强敌! Ha Ha Ha Ha! Really is the day helps me!” “哈哈哈哈!真是天助我也!” At this time, Luo Xianglong whole face pleasantly surprised turning back, has had a good laugh excitedly, Central State City has spread is trying to practice the legend of tower. 这时,洛降龙满脸惊喜的走回,激动的仰天大笑了起来,中州城一直流传着试练塔的传说。 Tries to practice the tower to hide some formidable inheritance, or makes the person spend freely the endless wealth sufficiently for a lifetime, who can untie to try to practice ten thousand years of tower to lose the topic, who can obtain this inheritance! 试练塔隐藏着某种强大的传承,或是足以让人一辈子挥霍不尽的财富,谁能解开试练塔的万年遗题,谁就能获得这个传承! Many years. 多少年了。 The people found this to lose topic, does not have the means to untie it. Who knew today by Chu Tian this young fellow opening! 人们就算找到这个遗题,却也没有办法将其解开。谁知道在今天被楚天这个毛头小子给打开了! Can Luo Xianglong not be happy? 洛降龙能不高兴吗? In the Ye Tianlang vision also reveals the intense greed, so long as can be tried to practice the ancient times treasure of tower hideaway, he did not endure humiliation in vain was so long! 叶天狼目光中也露出强烈的贪欲,只要能得到试练塔隐藏的远古瑰宝,也不枉他忍辱负重了这么久! Chu Xinghe still silent like the ice, hand pinches the sword to refer , side three treasured swords return, all sneaks in the body. 楚星河依然沉默如冰,手捏剑指,三把宝剑回到身边,全都钻进身体中。 When he opens the eye, in a pair of sharp jet black double pupil, is hiding an intense murderous intention! 当他睁开眼睛,一双犀利漆黑的双眸中,隐藏着一股强烈的杀机! Actually compares chuckling to oneself of Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang, what Chu Xinghe are more is dreaded that deeply dreaded! 其实相比洛降龙叶天狼的窃喜,楚星河更多的是忌惮,深深地忌惮! Chu Xinghe witnesses the entire process of Chu Tian lineup, this youth was too fearful, his existence sooner or later threatens, his ray possibly has even covered Chu Xinghe! 楚星河目睹楚天布阵的全过程,这个少年太可怕了,他的存在迟早是威胁,他的光芒甚至可能盖过楚星河 Chu Xinghe is insufferably arrogant. 楚星河不可一世。 Also can tolerate one to exist compared with he more outstanding youth? 又怎么能容忍一个比他更优秀的少年存在? Even if kills non- deceased person in the mystical place, most at least can discard him, ruins his future! 哪怕在秘境里杀不死人,最起码能将他废掉,断送他的前程! Does not know really should say your luck good luck to be bad!” Luo Xianglong restores from the initial pleasant surprise, looks at Chu Tian with a vision of teasing taunt: I must thank on you actually that [say / way] defense jade symbol, if not for it blocks Chu Xinghe to strike, too to be cheap you?” “真不知道该说你运气好还是运气差!”洛降龙从最初的惊喜中恢复过来,用一副戏虐嘲讽的目光看着楚天:“我倒是要感谢你身上的那道防御玉符,若不是它挡住楚星河一击,岂不是太便宜你了?” You opened the door of buried treasure for us, now did not have the value. " Ye Tianlang cloudy and cold said: " Then makes us calculate account!” “你为我们打开了宝藏之门,现在没有价值了。"叶天狼阴冷的说:"接下来就让我们把帐算一算吧!” Things have gotten to this point, why must to talk too much?” Chu Tian naturally stupid to thinking to convince three people to share the buried treasure with him, the vision flashes several, maintaining composure said: " You are plan on, prepares on together? " “事已至此,何须多言?”楚天当然不会蠢到以为能说服三人与他共享宝藏,目光闪动几下,不动声色的说:"你们是打算一个一个上呢,还是准备一起上呢?" Dies to be imminent, but also dares to be so extremely arrogant? 死到临头,还敢如此狂妄? He faces, but three in Central State Four Great Young Masters! 他面对的可是中州四大公子中的三位啊! In this any is to cause a stir in the Central State top character, let alone simultaneously faced three! 这里面任何一个都是轰动中州的顶级人物,更别说同时面对三位了! Since you have the big enmity, then gives the Heavenly Wolf Young Master solution.” “既然你们有大仇,那么就交给天狼公子解决吧。” Many thanks!” “多谢!” Ye Tianlang reveals a happy expression. 叶天狼露出一丝喜色。 This opportunity waited was too long! 这机会已经等的太久了! Ye Tianlang without demur, displays handed down in the family Cultivation Technique « Monster Wolf Changes " personhood wolf shape, the four limbs throw toward a ground step on. 叶天狼二话不说,施展出家传功法《妖狼变》化做人狼形态,四肢往地面一蹬扑过去。 " Suffers to death! " "受死吧!" On the Chu Tian mouth cold sound smiles, instead relaxes at heart. 楚天嘴上冷声一笑,心里反而松一口气。 Chu Xinghe is the plans is also deep, actually he does not want with Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang share buried treasure, therefore intentionally said. Otherwise how unable to look depending on the Chu Xinghe ability, Ye Tianlang clashes now, only then dead end! 楚星河也是心机深沉,其实他并不想与洛降龙叶天狼分享宝藏,所以才故意这么说。否则凭楚星河的能力又怎么会看不出来,叶天狼现在冲上来,只有死路一条! Also good! 也好! If they are collaborate. 若他们是联手起来。 The Chu Tian too big stratagem which ensures success, currently instead has not had basically certainly grasps. 楚天基本没有太大胜算,现在反而有一定把握了。 „To make to be remnant I? First asks my puppet does agree!” “想弄残我?先问问我的傀儡同不同意吧!” The Chu Tian back puppet clashes one to stand, a fist to the Ye Tianlang bang in the past. 楚天背后傀儡冲一步站出来,一拳向叶天狼轰过去。 Ye Tianlang is not the generation of commonplace, flies high suddenly a step on, takes the footboard by the air, draws back 45 zhang (3.33 m) far suddenly, shunts the puppet giant is disillusioned a fist: such insignificant ability, you think that this goods can block me?” 叶天狼不是等闲之辈,凌空突然一蹬,以空气作为踏板,骤退45丈远,躲开傀儡巨人的破灭一拳:“雕虫小技,你以为这种货色能拦得住我?” Good! 不错! The puppet can go smoothly everywhere in the labyrinth, to a great extent is the monster intelligence quotient is low. 傀儡在迷宫中能无往不利,很大程度上是怪物智商低下。 The generation of Ye Tianlang this fight rich experience, is impossible to spell with the puppet hardly, so long as bypassed the puppet to launch the attack to Chu Tian to be OK. 叶天狼这种战斗经验丰富之辈,不可能会跟傀儡硬拼的,只要绕过傀儡对楚天发动攻击就可以了。 The puppet cannot hit, kills Chu Tian, easy as pie! 傀儡打不过,干掉楚天,易如反掌! Who knows that the Chu Tian corners of the mouth show a strange smile: This you may make a mistake!” 谁知道楚天嘴角露出一丝诡异的微笑:“这你可就错了!” A giant palm from back racket to Ye Tianlang. 一只巨大手掌从背后拍向叶天狼 Ye Tianlang in great surprise...... Has the sneak attack! 叶天狼大惊……有偷袭! When responded, was too late, this palm beat severely again on Ye Tianlang, the direct bang has broken to pieces his protecting body Source Energy, retook the Chu Tian front him again. 当反应过来时,却已经太迟了,这一掌重重打在叶天狼身上,直接轰碎了他的护体元力,把他重重拍到了楚天的面前。 The second puppet! 第二只傀儡! This fellow...... Controls two puppets! 这个家伙……控制两只傀儡! Originally, Chu Tian operates own puppet, temporarily compels draws back at the same time Ye Tianlang, releases unexpectedly Divine Sense, controls giant's heart that Nangong Yun leaves behind, simultaneously operates the Nangong Yun puppet, a palm of the hand hits on the body of Ye Tianlang. 原来,楚天操纵自己的傀儡,暂时把叶天狼逼退的同时,竟然把神识释放出去,控制住南宫云遗留的巨人之心,同时操纵南宫云的傀儡,一巴掌打在叶天狼的身上。 Is the strength of puppet strong? 傀儡的力量何等强大? Ye Tianlang had not caused heavy losses lethal, lost the defensive power temporarily. 叶天狼就算没有被重创致死,也暂时的失去了防御力了。 In Chu Tian heart of ray puppet dodges, front puppet both hands grasp, just likes the big bob, from top to bottom layer on layer pounds, in the middle of Ye Tianlang unwilling roaring, changes to a white light to vanish to disappear directly. 楚天手里面傀儡之心光芒一闪,面前傀儡双手一握,犹如大摆锤般,由上至下重重砸去,叶天狼不甘的怒吼当中,直接化作一道白光消失不见了。 Young Master stray dog also on this ability!” 土狗公子也就这点能耐了!” Chu Tian leaves behind the puppet to control Yun Yao, three puppets stood in the front abreast in row, exhibited a defense the stance. 楚天又将云瑶留下傀儡控制住,三台傀儡并排站在了前方,摆开一副防御的架势。 Chu Xinghe like the water, as if already guessed correctly the result tranquilly. 楚星河平静如水,仿佛早就猜到结果。 A Luo Xianglong face is amazed: How possible? He can simultaneously control many only puppets, can his psychic force split?” 洛降龙则一脸惊诧:“怎么可能?他能同时控制多只傀儡,难道他的精神力能够分裂吗?” This is the strength of Divine Sense.” Chu Xinghe let somebody cool off or calm down said: His Divine Sense has surpassed Heart's Eye boundary, can therefore leave the body, long-distance grasps the puppet controller.” “这是神识之力。”楚星河冷冷地说:“他的神识已经超过‘心眼’的境界,所以可以离开身体,远程掌握傀儡控制器。” What? 什么? Surmounts the Heart's Eye boundary! 超越心眼的境界! This is unprecedented! 这是前所未闻的啊! Chu Xinghe then said: Brother, can you have confidence?” 楚星河接着说:“洛兄,你可有把握?” Luo Xianglong quickly returns to normal: Ye Tianlang that waste really manages does not accomplish, such being the case, by I'm coming!” 洛降龙很快恢复平静:“叶天狼那个废物果然办不成事,既然如此,就由我来吧!” Chu Xinghe looks at Luo Xianglong to walk, corner of the eye flashes through an indifferent taunt. 楚星河看着洛降龙走出去,眼角闪过一丝冷漠的嘲讽。 Chu Tian stands in the Light Mirror big center, three puppet hearts gather round the whole body to revolve, the puppet giant standing and waiting for a long time front that three being scarred, a face said calmly calmly: „Do you also want to try the might of puppet giant?” 楚天站在光镜大阵的中央,三颗傀儡心脏围着周身旋转,三尊伤痕累累的傀儡巨人伫立前方,一脸冷静沉着说:“你也想试试傀儡巨人的威力?” Puppet giant?” Luo Xianglong Ha Ha the belt smiles arrogantly, leaves a sending out mysterious strength Talisman, on a post toward oneself, erupts one to roar from the mouth: Toy!” “傀儡巨人?”洛降龙哈哈带笑傲,出一张散发神秘力量的符箓,往自己身上一贴,从口里爆发出一声怒吼:“玩具而已!” That jade symbol blooms suddenly the intense ray! 那玉符骤然绽放出强烈光芒! The Luo Xianglong direct incarnation becomes 20 meters high giant, is huger than the puppet giant a section, throws is a fist, hits a puppet giant body directly torn to pieces! 洛降龙直接化身成20米高的巨人,比傀儡巨人还庞大一截,扑上来就是一拳,直接将一头傀儡巨人身体打得支离破碎! Then quickly, a foot tramples on another puppet giant, kicks the corner the puppet giant directly. 然后又以迅雷不及掩耳之势,一脚踹在另外一尊傀儡巨人身上,把傀儡巨人直接踢到墙角。 Finally the both arms are uneven, just likes Shuanglong goes to sea, pulls out the chest of broken last puppet giant directly! 最后双臂齐出,犹如双龙出海,直接掏碎最后一只傀儡巨人的胸膛! Wild! Ruthless offense! 狂暴!狠戾! Three puppet giants walk, the whole body damaged cannot withstand, defends Rune to expire. Luo Xianglong through transform Talisman, was increased by oneself battle efficiency instantaneously, in light of Luo Family terrifying fighting hand-to-hand fight Cultivation Technique, three puppets the hitting back leeway is not having, living by Luo Xianglong tearing down! 三只傀儡巨人一路走来,浑身已经破损不堪,防御符文已经失效。洛降龙通过一张变身符箓,让自己瞬间战斗力大增,在结合洛家恐怖的肉搏战斗功法,三尊傀儡来还手余地都没有,活生生的被洛降龙给拆掉了! Really! 果然啊! They have the harvest in the giant labyrinth! 他们在巨人迷宫中也是有收获的! Luo Xianglong with Talisman the transform giant, the battle efficiency promotes 56 times to continue temporarily, reaches close True Soul level the might, the battle efficiency has gone far beyond the puppet giant! 洛降龙符箓暂时变身巨人,战斗力提升56倍不止,达到接近真魂级的威力,战斗力已经远远超过傀儡巨人! This also means that pure battle efficiency, already not inferior armor giant, what is most important is compares not to have the wisdom to be possible the armor giant of word, Luo Xianglong has various Cultivation Technique and Martial Arts. 这也就意味着纯战斗力,已经不逊色铠甲巨人,最重要的是相比没有智慧可言的铠甲巨人,洛降龙拥有功法和各种武学 Absolutely is very fearful! 绝对是非常可怕的! Did not have these toys!” The Luo Xianglong sound becomes is loud and fearful, exclaiming speak unhurriedly and clearly: I can crumb your bones! In order to thank you opens buried treasure for me, my movement will be agile!” “没有了这些玩具!”洛降龙声音变得粗重而可怕,一字一顿的吼道:“我就可以一根根捏碎你的骨头了!为感谢你替我打开宝藏,我的动作会利索一点!” In us some people will certainly obtain this buried treasure.” Chu Tian looks helplessly three puppets were destroyed by the violence, is self-poise throughout, has not winked including the eye: But this person, is not you!” “我们中一定会有人得到这座宝藏的。”楚天眼睁睁看着三尊傀儡被暴力摧毁,却始终镇定自若,连眼睛都没有眨:“但这个人,不会是你!” Chu Tian waves gently. 楚天轻轻一挥手。 The primary mirror light beam photo comes. 主镜光束照过来。 The Luo Xianglong complexion changes: „......” 洛降龙脸色一变:“难道……” What he as if realizes, wants to run away actually without enough time, what speed does the world have to be able the light to be quicker than? When the light beam according to a mirror, undergoes 30-40 reflections instantaneously, finally changes to an infinite formidable strength, on giant who the violent bombardment in the Luo Xianglong incarnation becomes. 他仿佛意识到什么,想要逃走却来不及,世界又有什么速度能比光更快呢?当光束照在一面镜子上,瞬间就经过三四十次的反射,最终化作一股无穷强大的力量,猛烈的轰击在洛降龙化身而成的巨人身上。 No!” “不!” Luo Xianglong called out pitifully, was advanced the main hall end, the ray from the chest penetration! 洛降龙惨叫一声,被推到大殿尽头,光芒从胸膛穿透而过! The white light dodges! 白光一闪! Luo Xianglong was also sent out smelting trial space. 洛降龙也被送出了试炼空间。 Chu Tian handles an immaterial matter likely, his vision falls on the body of Chu Xinghe, that manner is temperate, on the image plane to the old friend who many years do not see: Sky Sword young master, you have made two mistakes, first should not injure my person, second should not entrap your teammate to bring death intentionally.” 楚天像是做一件无关紧要的事情,他的目光落在楚星河的身上,那态度温和平静,就像面对多年不见的老友:“天剑公子,你犯了两个错误,第一不该伤害我身边的人,第二不该故意坑害你自己的队友来送死。” Chu Xinghe let somebody cool off or calm down said: „Is that also what kind of?” 楚星河冷冷地说:“那又怎么样?” Chu Tian replied: I will kill you personally.” 楚天回答道:“我会亲手干掉你。” Actually from the beginning I can deliver you to be eliminated, but I do not have such to do, instead puts you to walk intentionally, nothing but for can open this buried treasure.” The Chu Xinghe laughter night owlet is likely low and deep, you make the biggest mistake are...... Has underestimated my strength by far!” “其实一开始我本可以送你出局,但我没有这么做,反而故意放你们走,无非是为能开启这座宝藏。”楚星河笑声像夜枭般低沉可怕,“你所犯下最大的错误就是……远远低估了我的力量!” Chu Xinghe pinches the sword Secret Art. 楚星河一捏剑诀。 The golden treasured sword divides into two in vain, two are divided into four...... Finally splits 16, is surrounding around the Chu Xinghe body high-speed revolving, almost achieves the naked eye the speed that is difficult to distinguish. 金色宝剑徒然一分为二,二分为四……最后分裂成16把,环绕着楚星河身体周围高速的旋转起来,几乎达到肉眼难辨的速度。 You think that you can defeat me?” The Chu Xinghe body gradually flutters the midair, just likes certainly the generation of sword gods, the point keen eyes, are insufferably arrogant, the unfeeling sound resounds through the main hall, is ordinary like sword edge: I will make you know that this idea is stupid!” “你以为你可以战胜我?”楚星河身体缓缓飘到半空,犹如绝代剑神,锋芒锐眼,不可一世,冷酷无情的声音响彻大殿,像剑锋一般凌厉:“我会让你知道,这种想法有多么愚蠢!” Chu Tian smiles: ” I do not think! „ 楚天嘿嘿一笑:”我可不这么认为!“
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