MT :: Volume #2

#183: The gate of hiding away

Chu Tian, Chu Xinghe and having own axe to grind. Chu Tian needs to win time, so long as there is a time to prepare to him, not necessarily cannot create counterattacking the opportunity. 楚天楚星河、各怀鬼胎。楚天需要争取一点时间,只要有时间给他准备,未必不能创造反制的机会。 The great strength of Chu Xinghe, is the undeniable fact! Even if same level boundary almost sword handle Chu Tian gives to kill, since that experience also has been Chu Tian arrives at this time, first time encounters with same level cultivation base in causes heavy losses! 楚星河的强大,是无可否认的事实!哪怕同级境界都差点一剑把楚天给干掉,那次经历也是楚天来到这个时代以来,第一次与同级修为中交锋被重创! Chu Xinghe suppresses cultivation base, in addition is so fierce, his true cultivation base close Awakened Soul 5th Layer, this is an overwhelming superiority, as him of head of Four Great Young Masters, even if other three big young masters add unable to fight! 楚星河压制修为尚且如此厉害,他真正修为接近魂醒五重啊,这是一份压倒性的优势,作为四大公子之首的他,哪怕其他三大公子加起来也斗不过! The only opportunity fully controls the Light Mirror strength! 唯一机会就是充分掌控光镜力量! If can grasp Light Mirror, then relies on the formidable light beam strength, was still hopeful with Chu Xinghe contends! 若能将光镜都掌握,那么凭借强大的光束力量,尚有希望与楚星河抗衡! Can't Chu Xinghe astute calm never see Chu Tian intent? But he was too self-confident, Chu Tian will not have the opportunity, several flying swords hang in the Chu Tian top of the head, has any tiny bit change, cuts to kill it instantaneously at the scene! Without any possibility! 楚星河精明冷静又何尝看不出楚天所意?但他太自信了,楚天不会有机会的,数把飞剑悬在楚天头顶,有任何一丝一毫的异动,瞬间就将其斩杀当场!没有任何可能性! Chu Xinghe is different from Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang. 楚星河洛降龙叶天狼不一样。 Violent military force advocation, regardless of Chu Tian has many gratitude and grudges with Chu Family, one side he can throw temporarily, because compares these family gratitude and grudges, is interested to the buried treasure that in the smelting trial space hides! 一个极端的武力崇尚者,无论楚天楚家有多少恩怨,他都可以暂时抛到一边,因为相比这些家族恩怨,对试炼空间里隐藏的宝藏更感兴趣! If can obtain the buried treasure inheritance! 若能得到宝藏传承! Can have countless wealth and resources, Cultivation Technique! 就能坐拥无数财富、资源,功法 The Chu Xinghe strength and influence further enhance inevitably! 楚星河的实力和影响力必然进一步提高! Comes to Chu Xinghe such person, kinship friendship family glory anything is the nonsense, he can not hesitate at all costs for Become stronger, what he pursues is violent individual formidable! 楚星河这样的人来,亲情友情家族荣耀什么的都是狗屁,为了变强他能不惜一切代价,他追求的是极端的个人强大! Chu Tian is only one has skill to open the buried treasure! 楚天是唯一一个有本事打开宝藏的! Chu Xinghe must suppress discards him to impulse, does not attend to Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong resolutely opposed that to Chu Tian one hour, making him try to say again! 楚星河必须压制废掉他冲动,更不顾叶天狼洛降龙的坚决反对,给楚天一个多小时,让他试试再说! Nangong Yun and Yun Xiao, they look at each other in blank diamay. 南宫云云霄,两人都面面相觑。 The atmosphere really dignified fearfulness of scene, the mediation of Chu Tian strives for them to survival time, but is also useful? They are impossible to fight the opposite party, was difficult to be inadequate must open the buried treasure really cheaply they! That might as well takes advantage to mediate now exits directly! 现场的氛围实在凝重的可怕,楚天的斡旋为两人争取到一点存活时间,只是又有什么用处呢?他们不可能斗得过对方,难不成真要打开宝藏便宜了他们!那还不如趁现在自我了断直接出去呢! Chu Tian! 楚天啊! You are actually thinking anything! 你到底在想什么! Chu Xinghe has sufficed, if can be tried to practice hiding away of tower, Central State also who can contend with him? 楚星河已经够强了,若能得到试练塔的秘藏,中州还有谁能够与他抗衡? Chu Tian suggested to turn a blind eye to them, starts to study the mirror of treasure house, altogether had more than 300 giant sperms. Although seems like the disorderly disorder, actually by some specific rule distributed. Chu Tian believes that looked through these rules, certainly will discover to open the means of treasure house front door. 楚天对两人暗示视若无睹,开始研究起宝库的镜子,总共有300多面的巨大精子。虽然看似杂乱无序,其实是以某种特定规律分布的。楚天相信看破了这些规律,一定就会找出打开宝库大门的办法。 Actually is what rule? 究竟是什么规律呢? The light truly turns on the key of treasure house front door! 光才是真正打开宝库大门的钥匙! Chu Tian stands by the primary mirror, two straight ray that stares at the primary mirror to project, has pondered for several seconds, the big brain miraculous glow dodges...... Is this? 楚天站在主镜旁边,两眼盯着主镜射出的笔直光芒,沉思了好几秒,大脑子灵光一闪……难道是这样? Chu Tian lowers the head to observe an under foot ground. 楚天低头观察一眼脚下地面。 The main hall floor engraves dense and numerous Rune. 大殿地板刻印着很多密密麻麻符文 These Rune are very chaotic, is mixing with the meaningless classical Chinese literature and engraved inscription, making people very difficult to distinguish the meaningful information, but Chu Tian looks! 这些符文很乱,其中夹杂着毫无意义的古文、铭文,让人很难从中分辨出有意义的信息,不过楚天一眼就看出来! Rune as if constitutes a Array element! 符文似乎是构成一个阵法的元素! Now constituted Source Energy Array Rune presents in the ground, then the function of Light Mirror did not say to be bright, the energy of light transmitted through Light Mirror, thus constituted Array Design! 现在构成元力阵符文呈现在地面上了,那么光镜的作用也就不言而明,光能通过光镜来传递,从而构成一个阵图 The function of light, complements imperfect Array! 光的作用,是补全不完善的阵法 Chu Tian needs to adjust the Light Mirror angle, guides a correct condition! 楚天需要调整光镜角度,引导成一个正确的状态! Such comes the light beam after these Light Mirror refract unceasingly, finally perfect Array Design and mark seal comes out, Array of Array Design mark union complement main hall! 这么一来光束经过这些光镜不断折射之后,最终把一个完美的阵图和阵纹印出来,阵图阵纹结合补全大殿的阵法 Uses the mirror as the pen, takes light as black ink! 以镜为笔,以光为墨! Thus constitution inconceivable big! 从而构成不可思议的大阵! Only is the dense spoon, turns on the gate of buried treasure dense spoon! 光是密匙,打开宝藏之门的密匙! How to use is a huge difficult problem...... Inconceivable, unthinkable! 如何使用是一个天大的难题……不可思议,匪夷所思! This procedure hears something never heard of before, the smelting trial space designer, is far from the generation of commonplace! 这做法是闻所未闻,试炼空间设计者,绝非等闲之辈! The small smelting trial field, properly speaking is used to give the young people informed and experienced, why will present such complex big? Can complete such difficulty coefficient great, has the unusual attainments in the Source Energy Array domain absolutely, has almost not appeared possibly on the young people! 小小的试炼场,按理说是用来给年轻人历练的,为什么会出现这么复杂的大阵呢?凡能完成此等难度系数的巨阵,在元力阵领域绝对有着超凡的造诣,几乎没有可能出现在年轻人身上! No wonder the meeting can become ten thousand years loses the topic! 怪不得会能成为万年遗题! A little challenges! 有一点挑战! I like! 我喜欢! Chu Tian arrives at this time, difficult problem that comes across too retarded, is meets one time a little to make sense finally slightly, can he not be happy? However the difficulty is bigger, showed that reward is possibly higher, the Chu Tian opening buried treasure is a matter, can obtain the buried treasure is a different matter! 楚天来到本时代来,遇到的难题都太弱智,总算是遇到一次稍微有点像话的,他能不高兴么?不过难度越大,说明奖励可能越高,楚天开启宝藏是一码事,能不能得到宝藏是另一码事! The Chu Xinghe three people eye covetously! 楚星河三人虎视眈眈呢! If opens the buried treasure actually unable to attain, instead makes the bridal clothes to the generations of three wolf, the loss of that Chu Tian was too big! 若启宝藏却拿不到,反给三个豺狼之辈做嫁衣,那楚天的损失就太大了! That puts together one! 那就拼一把吧! Chu Tian felt that the float treasured sword, steeling one's heart suddenly, depending on this big, he has 30% assurances, can rumble to kill them, looked that who acted is quicker. 楚天感到悬浮的宝剑,猛然的把心一横,凭这座大阵,他有三成把握,能一句将他们轰杀,就看谁动作更快了。 When Chu Tian adjusts several Light Mirror, prepares to exhibit the offensive time. 楚天调整几面光镜,准备摆开攻势的时候。 Suddenly, about two channels of giant treasure house hear a bellow, is having the monster of troop troop, crazy has welled up toward this 突然,巨人宝库的左右两条通道传来一阵轰鸣声,正有大群大群的怪物,正疯狂朝此涌了过来 Chu Tian knits the brows: Blocks them! I break through the enemy lines the time unable to be disturbed!” 楚天皱皱眉:“去挡住它们!我破阵时候不能被干扰!” The Chu Xinghe corners of the mouth hang up one to sneer, where could not see Chu Tian just intention, now Chu Tian opens their intentionally, nothing but prepared to oneself. 楚星河嘴角挂起一丝冷笑,哪里看不出楚天刚刚的意图,现在楚天故意将它们支开,无非也是给自己做准备而已。 Has not related! 没关系! Let him prepare! 让他准备把! So long as opens the buried treasure, depends on this person of ability, how could to fight with me? 只要打开宝藏,就凭此人能力,岂能和我斗? Now is not in fights the internal friction the time, if the monster tide wells up, both sides must be finished. Because the treasure house has two entrances, the Chu Xinghe three people defend, Nangong Yun they bring the puppet to defend other while, both sides have a tacit understanding. 现在不是内斗内耗的时候,怪物潮要是涌进来,双方都得完蛋。因为宝库有两个入口,楚星河三人守一边,南宫云两人带着傀儡守另外一边,双方心照不宣。 Chu Tian is actually thinking anything!” Yun Yao is puzzled: Even if cannot obtain the buried treasure, cannot be attained by them!” 楚天到底在想什么!”云瑶一脸不解:“哪怕得不到宝藏,也不能被他们拿到啊!” Nangong Yun walks while knits the brows, afterward said: Boss has certainly his idea! I understand her! A matter of point assurance, he will not have done!” 南宫云一边走一边皱皱眉,随后说:“老大一定有他的想法!我了解她!没一点把握的事情,他是不会去做的!” That is he does not understand!” Yun Yao calm dignified face: He by far has definitely underestimated the opposite party, Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang, Chu Xinghe cannot contend absolutely!” “那是他不懂!”云瑶沉着一张凝重的脸:“他肯定远远低估了对方,洛降龙叶天狼就算了,楚星河绝对是不能抗衡的!” „Is Chu Xinghe very really strong?” 楚星河真的很强吗?” Said that if I with it to, Chu Xinghe spare no effort in getting rid situation, a move must defeat, three moves must die!” “这么说吧,若我与之对上,楚星河不遗余力出手情况下,一招必败,三招必死!” The Nangong Yun whole body shakes. 南宫云浑身一震。 In three moves can die? 三招内必死? Yun Yao said that also shares the honor with Chu Xinghe, and has Soul Communication Tool Thunder Spirit Bead, couldn't have blocked Chu Xinghe one move unexpectedly? He formidable to any situation! 云瑶怎么说也跟楚星河是齐名,而且拥有通灵魂器雷灵珠,竟然还挡不住楚星河一招?他到底强大到什么地步! The fights of both sides corridors opened. 两侧走廊的战斗已经开启了。 Chu Tian hits the energy completely, more than 300 Light Mirror are placed in the surroundings, dozens on wall even ceiling. 楚天把精力完全击中,300多面光镜摆在周围,还有好几十面在墙壁甚至天花板上。 Most Light Mirror can 360 degrees turnover! 大多数光镜都能360度周转! Most Light Mirror can also 90 degrees high and low incline! 大多数光镜还能90度上下倾斜! Each Light Mirror position must be exactly right, each side Light Mirror angle must perfect incomparable, but must guarantee the light beam to be able according to the correct order, one time after each side Light Mirror! 每一个光镜位置必须分毫不差,每一面光镜的角度都必须完美无比,还必须保证光束能按正确顺序,一次经过每一面光镜 Cannot be wrong, cannot be chaotic. 不能错,不能乱。 Harshly to make the blood boil! 苛刻到令人发指! Only has so can the complete opening treasure house! 唯有如此能完完全全的打开宝库! Is this difficult matter? It is not the person can complete! 这是何等困难的一件事情?不是人能完成的! The Chu Tian time are not much, he must complete in yiliangge hours, means that must complete one time, a wrong attempt cannot have. 楚天的时间并不多,他必须要在一两个小时内完成,就意味着必须一次性完成,连一个错误的尝试都不能有。 Wrong one step! 错一步! Means the gravity head again! 意味着重头再来! Does Chu Tian have this time? 楚天有这个时间吗? Not to mention can Chu Xinghe to him this time, the smelting trial space Become stronger monster submerge here unceasingly sooner or later, they will not give Chu Tian this time! 姑且不说楚星河会不会给他这个时间,试炼空间不断变强的怪物早晚会淹没这里,它们也不会给楚天这个时间的! Does not allow the leeway of bargaining! 不留讨价还价的余地! Either succeeds at one fell swoop, either wastes all previous efforts! 要么一举成功,要么前功尽弃! When Chu Tian facing the tedious abstruse Light Mirror distribution, in the heart gushes out warm-blooded, he does not have to dread and vacillate slightly, instead felt that is excited and excited. 楚天面对繁琐深奥的光镜排布,心中涌出一股久违的热血,他没有丝毫畏惧和动摇,反而感到一阵兴奋和激动。 Does not need to doubt. 无需置疑。 This eternity loses the topic really together! 这真的是一道千古遗题! Although does not know that who buries it in the smelting trial space, but this difficult problem from ancient to present, should nobody be able to untie, in this definitely is covering some startled day secret! 虽然不知道,谁把它埋在试炼空间里,但是这道难题从古至今,应该没有一个人能够解开,这里面肯定掩盖着某种惊天秘密呢! Don't let me down! 别让我失望啊! Chu Tian lightens Mind's Light, lets Divine Sense, just likes the ray, covers in all directions, covers these several hundred Light Mirror. 楚天点亮心灯,让一股神识,犹如光线般,笼罩四面八方,覆盖这几百面光镜 Each side Light Mirror position and platoon mother, angle, each detail of main hall, all great thin development with nothing left in the Chu Tian mind. 每一面光镜的位置、排母,角度,大殿的每一个细节,全都巨细无遗的展现在楚天的脑海中。 This type toward wide scope , and comprehensive sensation of non- dead angle, is Heart's Eye cannot achieve, if Chu Tian has not obtained to select the Mind's Light ability in the halfway, he simply does not have the means precisely grasps Light Mirror, the profound and abstruse principles of comprehensive seeing clearly main hall. 这种朝大范围并且无死角的全面感知,是心眼所不能做到的,若楚天没有在半路获得点心灯的能力,他根本没有办法精确的掌握光镜,全面的洞察大殿的玄机。 However, Mind's Light, the consciousness is the core, the spirit is the oil! 然而,心灯者,意识为芯,精神为油! Although the coverage scope is formidable, but is too quick to the Divine Sense spending rate, Chu Tian Divine Sense rose suddenly freely, is actually not able long-term ignition Mind's Light, otherwise the continuous Divine Sense consumption, to become the permanent damage that to other party is hard to repair! 虽然覆盖范围非常强大,但是对神识消耗速度太快,楚天神识尽管已经暴涨,却也无法长时间的点燃心灯,否则源源不断的神识消耗,会对他造成难以修复的永久性损伤! Started!” “开始了!” Chu Tian observes the Light Mirror distribution at the quarter, more than 300 Light Mirror branching locations and angles, have all understood clearly Yu Xiong, at this time Chu Tian released Divine Sense comprehensively. 楚天以一刻钟来观察光镜排布,300多面光镜的分布位置、角度、全都已经了然于胸,这时候楚天全面释放神识 The small fox chirp chirp calls out in alarm several. 小狐狸叽叽惊叫几声。 Several distance near Light Mirror little rotate, the invisible hands, are provoking with promoting to be the same. 几座距离较近光镜一点点自己转动,有一只无形的手,正在拨弄和推动一样。 Recent row of Light Mirror reverses. 最近一排光镜扭转完毕。 Second row of Light Mirror starts to be moved. 第二排光镜又开始被挪动。 Third row and fourth row and fifth row...... 第三排、第四排、第五排…… Chu Tian Divine Sense drives the thing, stimulates to movement Light Mirror precisely, lets Light Mirror, from the stance of disorderly disorder, defers to some order and angle completely, just likes the constellation is closely packed. 楚天神识驱物,精确催动光镜,让一面又一面光镜,从杂乱无序的姿态,全部都按照某种顺序、角度,犹如星座般紧密排列。 This process is not quite easy. 这过程是不太容易的。 Chu Tian Divine Sense achieves Mind's Light rank still to be weak freely, this is one has the challenging big project for him extremely. 楚天神识尽管达到“心灯”级别却依然较弱,这对他来说是一项极有挑战性的大工程。 Light Mirror distribution will to 50% times. 光镜排布堪堪到一半的时候。 Bang! 砰! Mind's Light extinguishes! 心灯一灭! All fall into the darkness! 一切陷入黑暗! Chu Tian discovered that Divine Sense is insufficient! 楚天发现神识不够用了! When Chu Tian is bogged down in difficulties, a small fox gem limpid eye bone common revolution, closes the eye suddenly, the brow presents an incantation seal, a pure running water invisible strength, forms in the Chu Tian body suddenly. 楚天陷入困境的时候,小狐狸宝石般清澈的眼睛骨碌碌的一转,突然闭上眼睛,眉头出现一个咒印,一股清流般无形的力量,骤然在楚天身体里形成。 Well?” “咦?” This strength is...... Divine Sense of small fox?” Chu Tian is somewhat unbelievable: This kid Divine Sense is not unexpectedly weak!” “这股力量是……小狐狸的神识?”楚天有些难以置信:“这小家伙神识竟然还不弱!” Chu Tian does not know that the kid through any means that can unexpectedly altogether shares own Divine Sense and Chu Tian, but this strength official Chu Tian need. 楚天不知小家伙通过什么办法,竟然能共将自己的神识楚天共享,不过这股力量正式楚天需要的。 The Mind's Light afterburning, Divine Sense puts again, covers the main hall, Light Mirror successively is adjusted the best angle! 心灯复燃,神识再放,重新覆盖大殿,光镜纷纷被调整到最佳角度! Big has been completed! 大阵已经完成! Chu Tian shows a faint smile, touches the small fox head with the hand: Many thanks!” 楚天微微一笑,用手摸摸小狐狸脑袋:“多谢了!” The small fox looks like a little exhausted, actually very excited called several: Opens big quickly! 小狐狸看起来有点疲惫,却非常激动的叫几声:快开启大阵啊! This kid was also attracted, a little impatient wants to have a look, this unprecedented Array, actually will produce what results finally. 这小家伙也被吸引,有点迫不及待的想看看,这个前所未闻的阵法,最后究竟会产生什么样的效果。 Chu Tian nods: Do not be anxious. This started!” 楚天点点头:“别急。这就开始了!” Chu Tian arrives by the primary mirror of Purple gold picture frame, succeeds or not, in this at one fell swoop! 楚天走到紫金镜框的主镜旁,成功与否,在此一举! The right hand wields, the primary mirror adjusts the angle slowly, one bunch of dazzling light beam lasings, fall on front side Light Mirror and reflect to second, third...... 右手一挥,主镜缓缓调整角度,一束耀眼光柱激射而出,落在前方一面光镜并反射到第二座,第三座…… Is the light speed how swift and violent? 光的速度是何其迅猛? Entire Light Mirror big, the entire giant treasure house, is almost the flash is lightened! 整个光镜大阵,整个巨人宝库,几乎是一瞬间被点亮的! That swift and fierce light beam like the Array Master writing ink mark, the ray that each skipping reflects, thick or thin, angle, all precise unmistakable, goes to the incredible harsh situation. 那凌厉的光束就像阵法师笔下墨痕,每一次跳转折射出的光芒,粗细、角度,全都精确无误,达到让人难以置信的苛刻地步。 Finally! 最终! Giant three-dimensional light of octagon, arrives loudly in the ancient smelting trial field! 一座八角形的巨大立体光阵,轰然间降临在古老的试炼场中! Everywhere Rune poured into a strength, from ground in abundance flutters the midair, innumerable abstruse Rune like were attracted by an attraction, gathers in a point completely, fused with the ray in one! 满地符文被注进一股力量,从地面纷纷的飘到半空,无数深奥的符文就像被一股引力所吸引,全部聚集在一个点上,与光线融合在了一起! An ancient energy arrives above the main hall! 一股古老能量降临大殿之上! Just likes through ancient times on the control world myriad things, is eternal the silent strength, is containing the principle of world main road, formidable, making the person shiver! 犹如亘古就主宰世界万物,却又永恒沉默的力量,蕴含着天地大道的法则,让人敬畏,让人颤抖!
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