MT :: Volume #2

#182: The advantage of elderly fisherman

The evil spirit book is extremely formidabe, now fuses in together, becomes formidable, even if the Light Mirror illumination also lost the function. 妖魔本就是极难对付的,现在融合在一起,变得更加的强大,哪怕光镜照射对它也已经失去作用。 This hits is good? 这该怎么打才好? The evil spirit innumerable octopus antenna energy arm, starts to extend crazily in all directions, sweeps away the whole wide world the strength, unfolds in the main shrine completely. 妖魔无数章鱼触角般的能量臂,开始疯狂向四面八方伸展开来,横扫八荒的力量,完全在主殿内铺开。 A terrifying energy, is fermenting on the monster. 一股恐怖的能量,正在怪物身上酝酿。 Was awful!” “糟糕了!” It must put the unique skill probably!” “它好像要放绝招了!” Chu Tian like the ice, knits the brows to ponder calmly that the monster had the overwhelming strength, is Awakened Soul time Cultivator is hard to defeat, now also has does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish the strength, any attack loses the effect to it, is unable to force it to appear the primary form including the light beam illumination. 楚天冷静如冰,皱着眉思考起来,怪物本就具备压倒性的力量,是魂醒修士难以战胜的,现在又具备不死不灭之力,任何攻击都对它失去效果,连光束照射也无法逼迫其现出原形。 This monster is invincible! 这怪物是不可战胜的! However, this does not conform to common sense obviously. 但是,这显然不符合常理。 The smelting trial space will never present the difficult problem that is unable to solve, but had not found the correct solution. Chu Tian unfolds Divine Sense, scans nearby mirror, suddenly in the heart moves, as if understood anything. 试炼空间不会也不可能会出现无法攻克的难题,只是没有找到正确的解决方法而已。楚天铺开神识,扫描附近镜子,突然心中一动,似乎明白了什么。 The right hand wields. 右手一挥。 The primary mirror reverses dozens degrees. 主镜扭转几十度。 ! 啪! The light beam falls in the front ordinary mirror surface, after the reflection, becomes 90 degrees projects suddenly, beats severely again on the evil spirit, a big piece of blue smoke braves, the giant evil spirit was screaming withdraws several steps. 光柱落在前面普通镜面上,骤然经过反射,成90度射出,重重打在妖魔身上,一大片青烟冒起来,巨型妖魔尖叫着退后几步。 I understood!” Chu Tian is crystal clear, the detection is mysterious: „The light beam that primary mirror projects directly is weakest, each time after reflection, the might will strengthen a point, if can reflect on other crystal mirrors unceasingly, strength that finally has sufficiently its striking back primary form.” “我已经懂了!”楚天洞若观火,察觉其中奥妙:“主镜直接射出的光束是最弱的,每次经过反射后,威力就会强化一分,若能在其他水晶镜上不断地反射,最终产生的力量就足以将它打回原形了。” Nangong Yun and Yun Yao are angry the item to be dumbfounded. 南宫云云瑶嗔目结舌。 The difficulty was also too big, the mirror was the disorder distributed, if refracted one time, but can also achieve reluctantly, but this controlled the ray reflection, after multi-reflection, just hit on the giant evil spirit? 难度也太大了吧,镜子是无序分布的,若是折射一次,还能勉强做到,可该怎么控制光线反射,经过多次反射后,又刚好打在巨型妖魔身上呢? Chu Tian unfolds Divine Sense completely, covers surrounding Gu Jing: You help me win time!” 楚天神识完全铺开,覆盖周围的古镜:“你们帮我争取一点时间!” Good!” “好!” Yun Yao and Nangong Yun, control the puppet, starts to dash about wildly in all around, is attracting the attention of evil spirit. 云瑶南宫云,控制傀儡,开始在四周狂奔,吸引着妖魔的注意力。 Chu Tian controls the bronze mirror with Divine Sense, he must rejoice that the evil spirit build is huge, therefore does not need too accurate, the bronze mirror reflection angle just can on sufficed. 楚天神识来控制铜镜,他必须要庆幸,妖魔体型庞大,所以不需要太精准,铜镜反射角度刚好能对的上就够了。 Several Gu Jing transforms angle slowly. 十几面古镜缓缓转换角度。 The light beam of primary mirror shoots, falls on the first ancient mirror, reflects to second, reflects to third...... So after repeatedly about ten times, finally the ray becomes the dazzling several fold, just likes together the high-energy laser beam, falling maliciously in the chest of evil spirit. 主镜的光束一射而出,落在第一面古镜上,反射到第二面,又反射到第三面……如此反复大约十次之后,最终光芒变得耀眼数倍,犹如一道高能激光束般,狠狠的落在妖魔的胸膛。 The evil spirit called out pitifully sad and shrill, the whole body black fog evaporated fast, must at the scene by the striking back primary form. 妖魔凄厉惨叫起来,浑身黑雾快速蒸发,当场就要被打回原形了。 Possible!” Chu Tian laughs, on quick! Kills him!” “有戏!”楚天哈哈一笑,“快上!干掉他!” The small fox makes an effort to attract, the spirit body shape evil spirit less than half body swallowing, Nangong Yun and Yun Yao operation puppet has rushed, being disillusioned god fist crazy bang on, hits the evil spirit body to be stave. 小狐狸使劲一吸,把灵体形态妖魔小半身体给吞掉了,南宫云云瑶操纵傀儡冲上去,破灭神拳狂轰而上,打得妖魔身体破碎。 This monster again valiant, now was suppressed by the strong ray, receives several people to besiege, obviously is unable to resist, calls out pitifully a thorough breakage. 这怪物就算再彪悍,如今被超强光芒压制,又受到几个人围攻,显然还是无法招架,惨叫一声彻底的破裂掉了。 Strikes to kill the protector of mirror, obtains 60 Trial Points!” “击杀镜之守护者,获得60试炼分!” A Chu Tian person obtains 60 Trial Points! 楚天一个人就得到60试炼分 The small fox, Nangong Yun and Yun Yao also participate in the fight, it is estimated that divides to many Trial Points, from the reward fully explained that this monster was formidable! 小狐狸、南宫云云瑶也参加战斗,估计分到不少试炼分,从奖励就足以说明这只怪物有多么强大了! In the main hall remains several fragmentary evil spirit. 大殿内剩几只零星的妖魔。 Light beam, light beam!” Nangong Yun hurries to shout: Photo dies they!” “光束,光束!”南宫云赶紧喊:“照死它们!” Chu Tian rotates Light Mirror, the light beam sweeps, the evil spirit was compelled the primary form by the ray, the small fox gets rid, was killed completely! 楚天转动光镜,光束一扫而过,妖魔被光芒逼出原形,小狐狸一出手,全部被干掉! Yun Yao and Nangong Yun long one breath. 云瑶南宫云都长长出一口气。 They cannot believe all that simply just had. 她们简直都不敢相信刚刚发生的一切。 Cannot believe that can live in such fearful monster! 更不敢相信能在这么可怕的怪物手里活下来! All these are the Chu Tian merit, if no Chu Tian formidable judgment and insight, do not say that afterward fused the super giant evil spirit that forms, an most common primitive evil spirit sufficiently made a team group extinguish! 这一切都是楚天的功劳,若没有楚天强大的判断力和洞察力,不要说后来融合形成的超级巨型妖魔,一只最普通的原始妖魔就足以让一个团队团灭了! Chu Tian was also too formidable! 楚天也太强大了! Is he a person? 他还是人吗? Perhaps the world cannot baffle his matter again! 恐怕世界再没有能够难倒他的事情了吧! Worship of Nangong Yun to Chu Tian in the extreme, disposition arrogant stubborn Yun Yao also has had to full of admiration that this youth admires. 南宫云楚天的崇拜已经无以复加,性格高傲桀骜云瑶也不得不对这个少年佩服的五体投地。 They just prepared saying that two feelings, who knows that the words have not said. 两人刚准备说两句感想,谁知道话都还没有说出口。 At this time. 就在这个时候。 Spreads the keenly blowing sound from the corridor direction, several golden treasured swords shoot suddenly, falls on Chu Tian all around mirror, the mirror department hit changed the direction. 从走廊方向传出尖啸声,十几把金色的宝剑骤然射来,落在楚天四周的镜子上,镜子部打得改变了方向。 These mirror angles were Chu Tian just personally revised, letting Chu Tian can control the beam-direction through them, now was disrupted, obviously some people want to restrain the Chu Tian attack strength! 这些镜子角度都是楚天刚刚亲手修改的,让楚天能够通过它们控制光束方向,现在都被打乱了,显然是有人想约束楚天的进攻力! You are really the good luck!” From the end of main hall, spreads a laughter of letting somebody cool off or calm down suddenly: Can find such fierce Mechanical Puppet unexpectedly, even can defeat the evil spirit in main shrine! However luckily you arrived here ahead of time, perhaps otherwise we have not been possible to cope with these hard to deal with monsters!” “你们真是好运!”从大殿的尽头里,突然传出一阵冷冷的笑声:“竟然能找到这么厉害的机关傀儡,甚至能打败主殿里的妖魔!不过幸亏你们提前来到了这里,否则我们恐怕还不一定能对付这些难缠的怪物!” It is not good! 不好! Chu Xinghe they! 楚星河他们! Because of Chu Tian, had the Chu Xinghe three people of competitive relations to form the temporary alliance mutually. 因为楚天,本来互相存在竞争关系的楚星河三人形成暂时联盟。 These three people of strengths originally greatly strengthened, especially Chu Xinghe, close Awakened Soul 5th Layer cultivation base, has extremely deep cultivation base, giant bodyguard such formidable existence, he also has the ability with it dogfight! 这三人的实力本来就极强,特别是楚星河,接近魂醒五重修为,又拥有极其深厚修为,巨人侍卫这样强大的存在,他也有能力与之缠斗! Currently also has Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang to be auxiliary, like the hard labor low status exists, regardless of the quantity many cannot pose the threat again, three people can definitely cut to kill a troop with ease, facing the giant bodyguard such terrifying monster, there is the most minimum self-preservation ability. 现在又有洛降龙叶天狼辅助,像苦役这样的低等存在无论数量再多都构不成威胁,三人完全可以轻松斩杀一大群,面对巨人侍卫这样恐怖的怪物,也有最起码的自保能力。 Because of so. 正是因为如此。 Three people come here smoothly. 三人顺利走到这里。 When they see the Chu Tian gang to operate Light Mirror and puppet, in fighting with main shrine time, they by the Chu Tian wonderful technique shocking. 当他们看见楚天一伙人操纵着光镜和傀儡,正在和主殿中的交手的时候,他们都被楚天神乎其神的手法给震撼到了。 Even if Chu Xinghe cannot achieve. 哪怕是楚星河也做不到。 Not only after all needs the strength, bigger degree in test wisdom! 毕竟不仅仅需要实力,更大程度在考验智慧! Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong want to sneak attack Chu Tian, but had been prevented by Chu Xinghe, three people have been ambushing standing by, must wait till now this mutually wounded aspect. 叶天狼洛降龙本来想偷袭楚天,但是被楚星河阻止了,三人一直潜伏着作壁上观,就是要等到现在这个两败俱伤的局面。 Now! 如今! Was time coming out reaps profits! 是时候出来坐收渔翁之利了! Nangong Yun angry shouting: I was worrying that does not have the place to look for you, does not have to think one run to bring death, the words such being the case, that tastes fierce of great-aunt!” 南宫云愤怒的喊道:“我正愁没地方找你们呢,没想到自己跑出来送死,既然如此的话,那就尝尝姑奶奶的厉害!” The word finishes. 言毕。 The puppet that she must operate the sores all over the eye fought in the past. 她就要操纵满目疮痍的傀儡过去战斗。 Chu Tian actually knits the brows: Nangong, holds on a minute!” 楚天却皱皱眉:“南宫,且慢!” Chu Xinghe is not an idiot, just the opposite, this person of thoughts are exquisite, moreover is extremely calm, this person is very formidabe. 楚星河不是白痴,恰恰相反,此人心思细腻,而且极冷静,这种人是很难对付的。 He observes in side such for a long time, must know that the battle efficiency of puppet, is more impossible unable to distinguish clearly the situation, if no 100% assurances, will not get rid by the Chu Xinghe disposition absolutely. 他在旁边观战这么久,不可能不知道傀儡的战斗力,更不可能分不清局势,若没有100的把握,以楚星河的性格绝对不会出手。 A Chu Tian side after the match, is the loss is serious! 楚天一方经过此役,已经是损失惨重了! Even if remains several puppets, feared that cannot have the strength of great power. 哪怕剩几尊傀儡,怕也起不到回天之力。 Puppet destructive power close Awakened Soul Late Stage True Soul time Expert, but is damaged now seriously, could not play the might, said again, three people are generations of the rich experience, do they why go all out with the puppet? Bypasses the puppet bang to kill Chu Tian several people directly is! 傀儡的破坏力接近魂醒后期真魂强者,但是如今受损严重,已经发挥不出威力,再说了,三人都是经验丰富之辈,他们何必跟傀儡拼命?直接绕过傀儡轰杀楚天几人就是! By their strengths, can achieve absolutely! 以他们的实力,绝对能够做到! Moreover, Chu Tian can find the puppet from giant labyrinth, the Chu Xinghe three people are impossible not to have a fortuitous encounter! 另外,楚天能从巨人迷宫中找到傀儡,楚星河三人身上不可能没有一点奇遇! Therefore , does not have the percentage hundred self-confidence. 所以说,没有百分百的自信。 Three people will not stand! 三人是不会站出来的! Now once fights, several people must defeat without doubt! 现在一旦交手,几人必败无疑! Yun Yao thinks of these issues obviously, she understands the Chu Xinghe strength compared with Chu Tian and Nangong Yun, even if no Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong, this person sufficiently posed the significant threat to them. 云瑶显然想到这些问题,她比楚天南宫云都更了解楚星河的实力,哪怕没有叶天狼洛降龙,这一个人就足以对他们构成重大威胁了。 His inheritance sword Secret Art is too strong! 他的传承剑诀太强! Definitely has to be able before three people operate the puppet, gives to kill three people instantaneously! 绝对有能在三人操纵傀儡之前,瞬间把三人都给干掉! The Chu Tian intention phonograph, had the idea immediately: You have the skill to go to this place, explained that in your hands also has the map! I think that you should not know, here is the core region of giant labyrinth! The buried treasure of entire smelting trial field, majority was buried here!” 楚天心念电转,立刻有了主意:“你们有本事来到这个地方,就说明你们的手里也有地图!我想你们应该不会不知道,这里就是巨人迷宫的核心区域!整个试炼场的宝藏,大部分都被埋藏在了这里!” That is also what kind of!” Luo Xianglong sneered was saying: We solve your several waste first, then treasures hunt is not late!” “那又怎么样!”洛降龙冷笑着说:“我们先解决你们几个废物,再去寻宝也不迟!” A Chu Tian face taunt said: Buried treasure opening way is related with the mirror . Moreover the difficulty coefficient is extremely high, the person who your trivial Rubik's cube secret lock cannot untie, can the name open the buried treasure the secret? Isn't this dream of a fool?!” 楚天一脸嘲讽说:“宝藏开启方式与镜子有关,而且难度系数极高,你们连区区一把魔方秘锁都解不开的人,称要打开宝藏的秘密?这不是痴人说梦吗?!” This is ** bare despising! 这是**裸的蔑视啊! In three big young master hearts is burning with anger! 三大公子心中都是怒火中烧! However Chu Tian said right, they who trivial Rubik's cube secret lock cannot untie, possibly opens hiding away in legend? 不过楚天说的没错,区区魔方秘锁都解不开的他们,又怎么可能打开传说中的秘藏? Nonsense!” Ye Tianlang hates to the marrow of the bones to Chu Tian, killing intent steaming exclaiming: Can't attain the buried treasure to be also what kind of? You give up any idea of the protracted time! My this then takes your dog's life!” “狗屁!”叶天狼楚天恨之入骨,杀气腾腾的吼道:“拿不到宝藏又怎么样?你休想拖延时间!我这便取你狗命!” cheng! 琤! A golden treasured sword is in front of Ye Tianlang. 一把金色宝剑横在叶天狼面前。 The Ye Tianlang complexion sinks: Chu Xinghe, do you do!” 叶天狼脸色一沉:“楚星河,你干什么!” Chu Xinghe has not paid attention to Ye Tianlang, lets somebody cool off or calm down asks one: „Can you open the buried treasure?” 楚星河没有理会叶天狼,冷冷问一句:“你能打开宝藏?” Does not know, if said that in us also the person can open the buried treasure, then besides me, who also has this skill!” “不知道,不过若要说我们中还有一个人能打开宝藏,那么除了我以外,谁还有这个本事!” On learned and knowledge! 论博学和知识! Chu Tian is nobody can compare! 楚天是无人能比的! Luo Xianglong and a Ye Tianlang unbearably anxious appearance, they do not care about any nonsense buried treasure! 洛降龙叶天狼一副急不可耐的样子,他们不关心什么狗屁宝藏! Kills Chu Tian, hits remnantly him, delivers him to be eliminated, this is worth compared with the illusory buried treasure! 干掉楚天,把他打残,送他出局,这比虚无缥缈的宝藏更值得! Who knows that he is not talking nonsense, but to delay time? 谁知道他不是在胡说八道,只是为了拖延时间呢? Chu Xinghe asked that how long time?” 楚星河问,“多久时间?” Chu Tian replied: About one hour of foot!” 楚天回答道:“大约一个小时足矣!” Chu Xinghe, couldn't you have looked? This sly bastard in protracted time!” Ye Tianlang resolutely opposed: We cannot the intermediate total! Buried treasure that since the eternity nobody can untie, why you believe that he can untie?” 楚星河,你还看不出来吗?这个狡猾的混蛋在拖延时间!”叶天狼坚决反对:“我们决不能中计!千古以来没人能解开的宝藏,你凭什么相信他能解开?” „Do several motley crew, what Zu fear?” Chu Xinghe snaps fingers gently, the golden treasured sword floats around the body, my sword, momentarily cuts to kill them sufficiently, gives them time!” “几个乌合之众而已,何足惧哉?”楚星河轻轻地一弹指,金色宝剑漂浮在身体周围,“我的剑,足以随时将他们斩杀,就给他们一点时间!” The self-confidence of Chu Xinghe has the reason. 楚星河的自信不是没有理由的。 Several puppets that Chu Tian takes advantage of which do not go compared with the armor bodyguard, let alone seriously was damaged now, the defensive power falls large scale, even if three puppet head confrontations, Chu Xinghe having confidence perfection. Let alone, Chu Xinghe «Imperial Sword Dragon Secret Art» is ever changing, cuts to kill three people sufficiently directly! 楚天依仗的几具傀儡不比铠甲侍卫强哪去,何况现在已经严重受损,防御力大幅度下跌,哪怕与三个傀儡正面交锋,楚星河都有把握不败。更何况,楚星河的《御剑化龙诀》千变万化,足以直接把三人斩杀! Not to mention three people of puppets do not arrive at the True Soul level the intensity, even if is really the might of True Soul level, even surpasses the True Soul level might, the manipulator dies, is useful? 姑且不说三人傀儡不到真魂级的强度,哪怕真是真魂级的威力,甚至超过真魂级威力,操纵者一死,又有什么用?
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