MT :: Volume #2

#181: Mirror and evil spirit

The main palace is empty, the deathly stillness strange atmosphere, the entire ferrous metal builds, is a mausoleum constrains gloomily. 主殿堂空无一物,死寂的诡异氛围,全黑色金属打造,是一种陵墓般阴暗压抑。 Strangest, the overlapping mirror, the quantity is really in all directions huge, the mirror mutually complements each other, overlaps unceasingly, extends infinitely, the person toward a middle station, all around east , south , west and north, the innumerable mirror unceasing reflections, looks like like inexhaustible, a person turns into millions of individuals. 最诡异的,四面八方层层叠叠的镜子,数量实在非常巨大,镜子又互相交映,不断重叠,延绵无穷,人往中间一站,前后左右东南西北,无数镜子不断的反射,看起来就像无穷无尽,一个人变成千千万万个人。 These several hundred zhang (3.33 m) wide great mirrors also by some rule arrangement, let, once enters could not find the exit position, is very easy to lose the direction, 这数百面丈余宽的巨镜也是以某种规律排列,让一旦走进其中就找不到出口位置,很容易迷失方向、 Big hammer thump smashes the ground. 大锤子“咚”的一砸地面。 „Is this treasure house? Is this buried treasure? Bah! Wool each!” Nangong Yun ablazes with anger: We were certainly played by the map! Was constructed the person in smelting trial tower to play!” “这是宝库?这就是宝藏?呸!毛都每一根!”南宫云怒气冲冲:“我们一定是被地图耍了!或者被建试炼塔的人耍了!” Other person also some similar feelings, the giant honeycomb cell found big pile of half Saint Level ten thousand years of spirit honey, the artisan palace also harvests big pile of high-quality soul. 其他人也有同样的感觉,巨人蜂房找到一大堆半圣级的万年灵蜜,匠人殿堂也收获一大堆优质魂器。 Everybody walks the labyrinth center laboriously, finally anything does not have, not having the monster to guard, not having treasure box to appear! Can this be passable? Too does not make sense! 大家辛辛苦苦走迷宫中心,结果什么都没有,没有怪物镇守,没有宝箱出现!这能说得过去吗?太不像话了! Map is impossible to have the mistake, the smelting trial space designer so will not be bored.” Chu Tian actually does not believe that he felt, here distributes is very unusual, these many crystal mirrors cannot suspend with no reason at all here, but is he for a while has not cleared off the clue: Looks to look that certainly has the special place!” “地图不可能有错,试炼空间设计者也不会这么无聊。”楚天却不这么认为,他已经感觉到,这里排布很不寻常,这么多水晶镜不会无缘无故摆在这里,但就算是他一时也没理清头绪:“找找看,一定有特别之处!” I found!” “我找到了!” This mirror is a little different!” “这镜有点不一样!” A mirror that Yun Xiao found, the modeling big or medium size and ordinary mirror have not distinguished, only the picture frame is actually the color of Purple gold, does not know that builds with any material, very fine exquisite, blooms slightly the ray, the mirror back not fierce evil spirit totem. 云霄找到的一面镜子,造型大小尺寸和普通镜子没有区别,惟镜框却是紫金之色,不知道用什么材料打造,非常精致细腻,绽放微微光芒,镜背没有狰狞的妖魔图腾。 Feng Caidie curious traces in the Purple gold mirror, finally found a scoop channel at the back of the mirror, the scoop channel was just the square shape, can put any thing. 风彩蝶好奇的在紫金镜摸了摸,结果在镜子背面找到一个凹槽,凹槽刚是方形的,能把什么东西放进去。 The people simultaneously think of the spoon of treasure house! 众人同时想到宝库之匙! Chu Tian puts out block Crystal Stone that in Purple gold treasure box obtains, the contrast looks slightly, the size was just appropriate, does not want to push to fill. 楚天拿出紫金宝箱里得到的方块晶石,稍微对比一瞧,大小刚合适,没多想一推塞进去。 Crystal Stone enters the scoop channel, merges into one organic whole with the ancient mirror instantaneously, probably was the same on the mirror. 晶石一进凹槽,瞬间与古镜融为一体,好像本来就在镜子上一样。 The ancient mirror vibrates several, was instilled into some energy! 古镜抖动几下,被灌输某一股能量! Purple gold picture frame surface trace have shone, the smooth mirror surface that fine dust does not dye, condenses some formidable fluctuation of energy suddenly, just likes soon melts general, presents the massive rippling ripples. 紫金镜框表面的纹路一条条亮了起来,那纤尘不染的光滑镜面,突然凝聚起某种强大的能量波动,犹如快要融化一般,出现大量荡漾涟漪。 Bang! 砰! In dull thumping sound! 闷响中! Everybody felt that the eye quickly really does not open, because of one bunch of intense dazzling light, just likes a light beam artillery, jumps to shoot from the mirror surface, bang in a distant place pillar! 大家感觉眼睛都快真不开,因为有一束强烈刺目的光,犹如一道光束炮般,从镜面里面迸射出来,轰在远处一根柱子! The entire pillar breaks large hole! 整个柱子破开一个大洞 After this bunch of ray puncture pillars, crosses the entire palace, falls on wall that in the corridor metal builds, even if separated by 67 li (0.5km) distance, in the high-energy light beam illumination also rapidly has the sign of melting, massive boiling hot roasts the red liquid, follows the wall surface to flow unceasingly tearfully. 这束光线击穿柱子之后,横穿整个殿堂,落在走廊金属打造的墙壁上,哪怕相隔67里的距离,高能光束照射中也迅速出现融化的迹象,大量滚烫炙红的液体,不断顺着墙面汪汪流淌。 Nangong Yun is angry the item to be dumbfounded: Very strong energy!” 南宫云嗔目结舌:“好强的能量啊!” This Crystal Stone function, energizes to the mirror unexpectedly, making the mirror produce the high-energy light beam, in other words the spoon of genuine treasure house, at is not Crystal Stone, but is this mirror, said accurately is this light beam? 晶石的功能,竟是给镜子供能,让镜子产生高能光束,也就是说真正的宝库之匙,根本不是晶石,而是这座镜子,准确说是这道光束么? This light beam is so strong, melts the wall that the [gold/metal] book builds sufficiently.” Feng Caidie said: „Can treasure house gate on the wall on, we need to melt the metal with the mirror light beam can go in?” “这光束如此强,足以把金书打造的墙壁都融化。”风彩蝶说:“宝库门会不会就墙壁上,我们需要用镜子光束把金属融化才能够进去?” Is impossible!” “不可能!” Chu Tian enters the giant labyrinth, he has realized. 楚天走进巨人迷宫来,他就已经体会到了。 This smelting trial not only tests the strength and luck, every so often in test knowledge and technology. For example Rubik's cube secret lock from the beginning, for example enters the secret door of puppet secret room, believes that in entire palace, such similar place is everywhere. 这座试炼不仅仅考验实力和运气,很多时候都是在考验知识和技术。比如一开始的魔方秘锁,比如进入傀儡密室的暗门,相信整座宫殿中,这样类似的地方比比皆是。 The giant treasure house takes the core region of smelting trial field, properly speaking deciphers the difficulty to be highest, even for ten thousand years nobody had opened! 巨人宝库作为试炼场的核心区域,按理说解密难度应该是最高的,甚至万年来都没有人揭开过! Also melts the wall to be so simple at the same time Light Mirror of strong energy? 又怎么是用一面超强能量的光镜融化墙壁这么简单呢? Chu Tian observes the terrain while ponders time, sudden incisive long cry sound, has made suddenly a sound in the ear. 楚天一边观察地形一边沉思时候,突然一阵尖锐的长鸣声,骤然在耳边响了起来。 „The surrounding mirror belched smoke!” “周围镜子都冒烟了!” Eight side mirrors emit intermittent black demon fog. 八方镜子都冒出一阵阵黑色的魔雾。 Behind these mirrors the evil spirit totem of wolf first person, does not know that received anything to stimulate, actually all lived, only slowly crawled from the mirror, malicious ghost sharp calling out, was full of the entire space suddenly. 那些镜子背后狼首人身的妖魔图腾,不知道是受了什么刺激,竟然全都活过来,一只只从镜里缓缓爬出,恶鬼般的尖利嚎叫,骤然充满整个空间。 Damn!” “见鬼了!” Totem turned into the monster!” “图腾都变成妖怪了!” Monsters drill from the mirror, the wolf first person, the surface is cold, has the lizard type tail, has the bat wing...... Is a nondescript weird creature! 一只只怪物从镜子背面钻出来,狼首人身,面冷狰狞,有蜥蜴样的尾巴,有蝙蝠似的翅膀……是一个不伦不类的四不像! Yun Xiao shouts: Quantity are probably many, What we do ??” 云霄喊道:“数量好像很多,我们怎么办?” The Chu Tian order said: Nonsense! What to do can? Hits!” 楚天命令道:“废话!能怎么办?打!” The evil spirit has about three meters height fully, the demon air/Qi soars to the heavens, the malignant influences are threatening, after completely present, the body of original substantialization, flies high to decompose immediately, releases big group black fog, closes up fast to the people. 妖魔足有三米左右身高,魔气冲天,煞气逼人,当完全现行之后,本来实体化的身体,立刻凌空分解开来,释放出一大团黑雾,快速向众人靠拢过来。 The people control the puppet to overrun. 众人控制傀儡就冲过去。 Bang! 轰! That flashes to be disillusioned the Rune armored hand to attack in one group of black fog, black fog instantaneously shaken is defeated and dispersed. 那闪动破灭符文的铁拳攻在一团黑雾上,黑雾瞬间就被震的溃散开来。 Killed one? 干掉一只了吗? No! 不! So is not simple! 没这么简单! Black fog that disperses, the faint trace continuously gathers, appears in the chest position of puppet giant, entire changes to a giant steel fork, punctures from the puppet giant chest, passes through from the back. 那散开来的黑雾,丝丝缕缕重新聚集,出现在傀儡巨人的胸膛位置,整个化作一把巨大的钢叉,从傀儡巨人胸膛刺进去,又从背后贯穿出来。 Entire puppet giant by living nail on ground! 整个傀儡巨人就被活生生钉在地上! The puppet giant invulnerability, Illustrious Soul level Cultivator is hard to cause the destruction! 傀儡巨人刀枪不入,显魂修士都难以造成破坏! This evil spirit actually easily pierced the puppet body, like piercing a paper easy! 这种妖魔却轻而易举的洞穿了傀儡的身体,就像刺穿一层纸一样容易! Feng Caidie face whiten: My puppet cannot move!” 风彩蝶脸色苍白:“我的傀儡不能动了!” Lin Mu, Fang Han and Yun Xiao want to help not to help matters. 林木方寒云霄想去帮忙也无济于事。 After these evil spirit turn into one group of black fog, the entire body completely has gasified, any fly upon hits above, without any point of application, directly passed through from it. 这些妖魔变成一团黑雾之后,整个身体就完全气化了,任何猛烈攻击打在上面,没有任何着力点,从它身上就直接穿过去了。 78 monsters close in! 78个怪物一拥而上! Entire puppet giant ripped fragment! 整个傀儡巨人撕成了碎片! Another direction, the evil spirit transforms the bow and arrow, whiz however an arrow shoots, this arrow does not have the least bit sound, Yun Xiao not to know that what's the matter had been passed through the body by the stab in the back. 另外一个方向,妖魔幻化出弓箭,嗖然一箭射过来,这箭没有半点声息,云霄都不知道怎么回事就被暗箭贯穿了身体。 The jade sign of smelting trial gushes out a white light package! 试炼者的玉牌涌出一股白光包裹! Yun Xiao vanishes in the smelting trial space! 云霄消失在试炼空间里! Yun Xiao is eliminated! 云霄淘汰出局! The people are terrified the discoloration. 众人都悚然色变。 This is some first people are eliminated. 这还是第一次有人淘汰出局。 Chu Tian said to the small fox: They look like the evil spirit lives, do you have the means to restrain them?” 楚天对小狐狸说:“它们看起来像妖魔生命,你有没有办法克制它们?” The small fox shakes the head, gesticulates several with the claw. 小狐狸摇摇头,用爪子比划几下。 Although is evil spirit life, but the small fox feels that they are very as if special, receive some strength protection, under this condition does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, regardless of any formidable attack, will not play any role to them. 虽然是妖魔生命,但是小狐狸感觉到,它们似乎很特别,受到某种力量保护,这种状态之下是不死不灭的,无论任何强大的攻击,都不会对他们起到任何作用。 A Chu Tian brow wrinkle: „Will smelting trial space have the invincible monster to appear? This is unreasonable!” 楚天眉头一皱:“试炼空间怎么会有无敌怪物出现呢?这不合乎情理!” The small fox turns rolled one's eyes, indicated that it does not know. 小狐狸翻翻白眼,表示它也不知道。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Could not block!” “挡不住了!” Dozens monsters come in waves, Lin Mu and Fang Han puppet was broken successively, they by hit of mysteriously appearing and disappearing, instantaneously were also eliminated the smelting trial space. 几十只怪物纷涌而至,林木方寒的傀儡先后被破,两人也被神出鬼没的击中,瞬间被淘汰出了试炼空间。 Too quick! 太快了! The evil spirit not only does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, battle efficiency very formidable, but also the speed is extremely agile, everybody has not made the response time with enough time, completely had been surrounded in all directions. 妖魔不仅仅不死不灭,战斗力非常的强大,而且速度极其敏捷,大家都没来得及做出反应时候,四面八方就已经被完全包围了。 Nangong Yun sees this complexion is also one white: Then was finished!” 南宫云见此脸色也是一白:“这下完蛋了!” The voice declines. 话音都没落。 A big group evil spirit condenses one, just likes black tornado clashes. 一大团妖魔凝聚成一股,犹如一阵黑色旋风般冲过来。 What to do? 怎么办? The physical attack, the element attack, all does not have an effect! 物理攻击,元素攻击,全都不起作用! Had!” This crisis moment, Chu Tian gets a sudden inspiration: Quick! Illuminates it with Light Mirror!” “有了!”这个危机关头,还是楚天灵机一动:“快!用光镜照它!” Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie and Yun Yao are suddenly enlighted immediately! 南宫云风彩蝶云瑶顿时恍然大悟! Right! 对呀! Is Light Mirror! 光镜 Feng Caidie was recent away Light Mirror, overruns to grasp Light Mirror to aim at one group of black fog, the light beam sprinkles in the evil spirit instance, the evil spirit sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, black fog rapid restraining, changed the touching type of wolf first person, the condition of transforming all vanished! 风彩蝶光镜最近了,冲过去抱住光镜对准一团黑雾,光束洒在妖魔们身上的瞬间,妖魔就发出凄厉的惨叫,黑雾迅速的收敛,变回了狼首人身的摸样,幻化的状态全都消失了! On these evil spirit has the chap, goes all out to resist the Light Mirror illumination with both hands. 这些妖魔身上都出现龟裂,拼命用双手抵挡光镜照射。 Small fox eye one bright, immediately jumps jumps, makes an effort to attract to the evil spirit, evil spirit within the body strength instantaneously likely incorrigible, completely by small fox drawing within the body. 小狐狸眼睛一亮,立刻纵身的跳起来,用力对着妖魔一吸,妖魔体内力量瞬间像脱缰野马般,全部被小狐狸给吸进体内。 Just likes dozens bedstone shapes, complete collapse splits! 犹如几十座石像,全部崩溃裂开! Nangong Yun waves the big hammer, layer on layer pounds on an evading arrest evil spirit, really in hitting of success the monster, hits to fly upside down directly the monster, at the scene broken fragmentation! 南宫云舞动大锤子,重重砸在一只漏网妖魔身上,果然成功的打中怪物,直接把怪物打得倒飞出去,当场碎裂成碎片! Good! 好! Succeeded! 成功了! Trick really on mirror! 猫腻果然在镜子上! Entire one pile of evil spirit were eliminated, everybody also without enough time happy moment. 整整一堆妖魔都被消灭,大家都还来不及高兴片刻。 Ray after the monster, falls on the front mirror unexpectedly, finally suddenly has reflected, falls on the behind together mirror. 光芒穿过怪物之后,竟落在前方一面镜子上,结果忽然间反射了回来,又落在背后一道镜子上。 The light beam undergoes 56 reflections continuously. 光束连续经过56次反射。 „!” “啊!” Feng Caidie calls out in alarm one, was hit by the ray instantaneously, was delivered from the smelting trial space at the scene! 风彩蝶惊叫一声,瞬间被光芒击中,当场从试炼空间被送了出去! Nangong Yun shouted abuse: I hold! Is this is doing! She returns to the body the illumination, oneself oneself killing!” 南宫云破口大骂:“我操!这是在干嘛!她把光照回到身上,自己把自己给干掉了!” All these occur in instantaneous. 这一切都发生在瞬间。 Feng Caidie does not know that what's the matter was killed! 风彩蝶都不知道怎么回事就被干掉了! Yun Yao dignifiedly said: All around everywhere is the mirror, the light beam after the repeated reflection, no one can judge its trend, in the Light Mirror use process is very dangerous!” 云瑶则凝重说:“四周到处都是镜子,光束经过反复反射,谁也不能判断它的走向,光镜使用过程中是很危险的!” The ray that the primary mirror releases, reflects after several mirrors unceasingly, has formed one dense and numerous light beam nets, the energies of these light beams are strong, even if moistens to the little near, shortly will be killed! 主镜释放出来的光芒,经过十几面镜子不断反射,已经形成一片密密麻麻光束网,这些光束的能量非常强,哪怕沾到一点点边,都会被顷刻间干掉的! In the main hall the mirror vibrates in abundance. 大殿内镜子纷纷抖动起来。 Also over a hundred evil spirit came out from inside! 又有上百只妖魔从里面出来了! Nangong Yun lacks self-confidence at heart, immediately steels one's heart, hugs must plan deadly: I control the mirror, you deftly! Annihilates them!” 南宫云心里没底,立刻把心一横,抱着必死打算:“我去控制镜子,你们麻利点!把他们消灭掉!” The primary mirror position is definitely dangerous. 主镜位置肯定非常危险。 Before Nangong Yun only hopes to be killed, solves this batch of monsters. 南宫云只希望被干掉前,解决掉这一批怪物。 Nangong comes back, does not need you to take risk!” Chu Tian stops the Nangong Yun crude behavior, since has found out the rule, then Chu Tian has solution, lets I'm coming!” “南宫回来,不用你去冒险!”楚天制止南宫云鲁莽的行为,既然已经摸清楚规律,那么楚天自有解决的办法,“让我来!” Mind's Light burns! 心灯燃! Divine Sense blooms! 神识绽放! Chu Tian shortly will lock the evil spirit position, the long-distance range with the Divine Sense locking primary mirror, controls primary mirror fiercely one revolution, that formidable light beam according to about hundred evil spirit, scatters protection strength instantaneously. 楚天顷刻间把妖魔位置都锁定,远距离以神识锁定主镜,控制主镜猛地一转,那强大光束照在近百只妖魔身上,瞬间驱散身上的保护力量。 Kid, looks your!” “小家伙,看你的!” Small fox several flicker to move to rush to side, is attracting to evil spirit one fast fiercely, the evil spirit of these spirit body shapes, once after losing the protection strength, immediately becomes very frail, in the wink of an eye was drained the strength, then in the Light Mirror illumination the broken cleavage fracture opens. 小狐狸几个瞬移冲到旁边,快速对着妖魔一阵猛吸,这些灵体形态的妖魔,一旦失去保护力量后,立刻变得非常脆弱,瞬息之间就被抽干力量,然后再光镜照射中破裂碎开。 Strikes to kill the evil spirit of mirror, obtains Trial Points 3 points!” “击杀镜之妖魔,获得试炼分3点!” Strikes to kill the evil spirit of mirror, obtains Trial Points 3 points!” “击杀镜之妖魔,获得试炼分3点!” Strikes to kill the evil spirit of mirror, obtains Trial Points 3 points!” “击杀镜之妖魔,获得试炼分3点!” „......” “……” The Chu Tian jade sign figure flashes unceasingly, suddenly obtains 200-300 Trial Points! 楚天的玉牌数字不断闪动,瞬息间获得两三百点试炼分 Nangong Yun shouts pleasantly surprised: Dry attractiveness!” 南宫云惊喜喊道:“干的漂亮!” Yun Yao discovered that the surplus most evil spirit are separated from the mirror, gathers completely together, reminds Chu Tian immediately: Be careful, many!” 云瑶发现剩余大半妖魔纷纷脱离镜子,全部汇聚到一起,立刻提醒楚天:“小心,还有很多只!” About 200 evil spirit gather together. 大约200只妖魔汇聚到一起。 Forms a plate however big thing from 200 individuals! 从200个体汇成一个盘然大物! Nangong Yun laughs: These fools, do not know that the build more big target is bigger? The Boss, the snapshot dies it!” 南宫云哈哈大笑:“这些笨蛋,难道不知道体型越大目标就越大吗?老大,快照死它!” The ray one according to the past, giant evil spirit emitted the massive blue smoke. 光芒一照过去,巨型妖魔冒出大量青烟。 It as if by together iron burning, although pain yelled that like before by the direct striking back primary form, still had not been protected actually by the mysterious strength, condition that almost does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish! 它似乎被一块烙铁给烫到,虽然痛的哇哇大叫,却没像之前一样被直接打回原形,依然受到神秘力量保护,几乎是不死不灭的状态! What's the matter?” Yun Yao was shocked: „Did Light Mirror lose affects?” “怎么回事?”云瑶惊呆了:“难道光镜失去作用了吗?” Chu Tian knits the brows saying: „It is not Light Mirror expires, is the evil spirit gets together in together, thus condenses to resist the Light Mirror strength sufficiently!” 楚天皱着眉说:“不是光镜失效,是妖魔聚合在一起,从而凝聚出足以抵抗光镜的力量!” Nangong Yun opens mouth: „Is this also good? How that hits is good!” 南宫云张张嘴:“这也行?那怎么打才好!” The newborn giant evil spirit, face upwards to roar, the innumerable black antenna energy arm, extends unceasingly from within the body, has several hundred, like a gigantic incomparable octopus. 新生巨型妖魔,仰天怒吼一声,无数黑色触角般的能量臂,不断地从体内伸出来,足足有几百根之多,就像一头硕大无比的章鱼。 That terrifying pressure fills the air! 恐怖威压弥漫开来! Almost has surpassed Awakened Soul Realm, achieves the high-level boundary! 几乎已经超过魂醒境,达到更高层的境界! This monster has not refused stubbornly to extinguish the strength, it is not the Chu Tian gang can defeat, let alone Light Mirror has not affected to it now! 这怪物就算没有不死不灭之力,它也不是楚天一伙人能战胜的,何况现在光镜对它也已经没有作用了!
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