MT :: Volume #2

#192: Meeting

Heavenly Wolf Young Master and Young Master Dragon Hu, did not keep on proclaiming Chu Tian did sneak attack them? Doesn't want to kill Chu Tian to be then quick? Isn't to the Chu Tian very non- husband and wife? 天狼公子、龙虎公子,不是口口声声说楚天偷袭他们吗?不是欲杀楚天而后快吗?不是对楚天很不夫妻吗? Good! 那好啊! Chu Tian gives an opportunity! 楚天给一个机会! He sends out duel to two Central State famous rare talents directly! 他直接向两个中州久负盛名的奇才发出单挑 The vibration that these words create is too big, just likes the bolt from the blue, the numerous bombardments, enlighten the benighted, dizzy absent-minded! 这一句话造成的震动太大,犹如晴天霹雳般,重重轰击,振聋发聩,让人目眩恍惚! The young robe is little simple, both eyes actually look like the stars to be bright, a pair of magic netherworld lamp vision, is keeps the people from looking straight ahead, aggressive asking: „Do a few words, dare to fight!” 少年青袍朴素破旧,双目却像星辰般明亮,一双神灯般的目光,更是让人们无法直视,咄咄逼人的问道:“一句话,敢不敢战!” The person complexions of two respected families are pale! 两大家族的人脸色铁青! If before conversion, Chu Tian these words are courting death simply! 若换成以前,楚天这句话简直是在找死! Now is different, Three Great Clans comes under the attack of varying degrees, that rampant arrogance even somewhat vacillates Three Great Clans, although they know obviously that Chu Tian cultivation base is impossible to be victorious Ye Tianlang and Luo Xianglong. 现在不一样了,三大家族都受到不同程度的打击,那嚣张气焰甚至有些动摇三大家族,虽然他们明明知道,楚天修为不可能打得过叶天狼洛降龙的。 But...... Does not know why such lacks self-confidence at heart?! 可……就是不知道为什么心里就这么没底呢?! The youth do not press the common sense to play a card, often unexpected, they somewhat feared really! 少年不按常理出牌,每每都出人意料,他们真的有些怕了! Three generations of juniors who the entire clan clan thinks highly of will have any accident again, the Three Great Clans new generation glory will submerge all, so-called Four Great Young Masters prestige, will become a Central State City big laughingstock! 全族族器重的三代子弟再出什么意外,三大家族的新一代光辉将尽数淹没,所谓四大公子的威名,甚至将成为中州城的一大笑柄! Three Great Clans that previous quarter threatening. 前一刻气势汹汹的三大家族 Now fails to explode collectively! 现在集体哑火了! Chu Tian laughs, aggressive asking: „Didn't the courage that Central State Four Great Young Masters, continually fights now have?” 楚天哈哈大笑,咄咄逼人的问:“中州四大公子,现在连一战的勇气都没有了吗?” Fights then fights!” Ye Tianlang angry exclaiming: I will tear to shreds you!” “战便战!”叶天狼愤怒的吼道:“我必要将你碎尸万段!” Ye Tianlang has planted maliciously one time! 叶天狼已经狠狠栽一次! Because of so instead is not having the extra worries! 正因如此反而没有后顾之忧! full Naozi takes revenge, he must wipe out a disgrace, wipes out a disgrace, wipes out a disgrace! 满脑子复仇,他要雪耻,雪耻,雪耻! The best practices are not keeping off the surface of all people, rips the fragment Chu Tian one after another! Initially in South Sky City, Chu Tian so shamed in him, this became Ye Tianlang shadow for a lifetime, if this enmity did not report, this life this life was hard to be potential achievement! 最佳做法不就是挡着所有人的面,把楚天一块一块撕成碎片!当初在天南城的时候,楚天如此羞辱于他,这已经成为叶天狼一辈子的阴影,若此仇不报的话,他今生今世都难以有所作为! This waste I personally will tear into shreds him!” Ye Tianlang sees the Luo Family person to hesitate, saying that lets somebody cool off or calm down: Your Luo Family does not dare to enter the war, at the same time is looking on!” “这个废物我自会亲手将他撕碎!”叶天狼洛家人迟疑,冷冷的说道:“你们洛家不敢参战,就在一边旁观吧!” Who said that does not dare to enter the war!” The Luo Xianglong disposition is sad and violent, moreover he does not believe that trivial Chu Tian the strength, what qualifications does have to fight him? “谁说不敢参战!”洛降龙性格沉闷而暴烈,而且他也根本不相信,区区楚天的这点实力,有什么资格跟他动手? Even if Chu Tian obtains in fierce treasure. 哪怕楚天获得在厉害的宝物。 He does not have including Illustrious Soul cultivation base eventually! 他终究连显魂修为都没有啊! A Awakened Soul Realm Initial Stage person, what qualifications frontage does he have and Cultivator resistance of Awakened Soul Intermediate Stage? 一个魂醒境初期的人,他有什么资格正面和魂醒中期修士对抗? Chu Tian can defeat three big young masters in the smelting trial space at one fell swoop, closes right up against might infinite Light Mirror purely, if did not have this Light Mirror big, he also has any capital to be so rampant! 楚天能在试炼空间中一举击败三大公子,纯粹是靠着一座威力无穷的光镜而已,若没有了这座光镜大阵,他还有什么资本这么嚣张! Luo Family head of household Luo Liancheng knits the brows asked in a low voice: You may have confidence!” 洛家家主洛连城皱皱眉低声问:“你可有把握!” This person of strength is average, what Zu fears!” Luo Xianglong both eyes burst out cold cold brightness, today works as four to face directly the challenge, Ye Tianlang that fellow dares to confront with him, how could it not be if I don't get rid to be scoffed? Since is he challenges on own initiative, I have killed him directly, Divine Wind Marquis did not have the words to say!” “此人实力平平,又何足惧哉!”洛降龙双眼迸发出冷冽的寒光,“今天当着四家直面挑战,叶天狼那家伙都敢与他对阵,我若不出手岂不被人耻笑?既然是他自己主动挑战,我直接杀了他,神风候也没话可说吧!” Luo Liancheng silent several seconds: Luo Family enters the war!” 洛连城沉默几秒钟:“洛家参战!” Chu Tian breaks off the finger: Good, such being the case, that begins!” 楚天掰掰手指:“好,既然如此,那就动手吧!” Since is the open challenge, that then wants the entire city people to witness!” Luo Liancheng is very calm, he requires time the cushion, on the one hand investigates Chu Tian to have any details, on the one hand keeps the full subsequent party to guarantee that must kill Chu Tian, „after three day Central State big arena life and death struggle!” “既然是公开挑战,那便要全城人见证!”洛连城十分冷静,他需要一点时间来缓冲,一方面调查楚天到底有什么底细,一方面留足后手保证必杀楚天,“三日后的中州大擂台生死战!” Chu Tian shrugs: I do not have the opinion!” 楚天耸耸肩:“我没意见!” Ye Tianlang wants to get rid impatiently, Luo Family postpones the decisive battle, annoyed depressed, is preparing to open the mouth to oppose time. 叶天狼是迫不及待想出手了,洛家偏偏推迟决战,不禁恼火郁闷,正准备开口反对的时候。 „When wipes out a disgrace how could not to have witness.” Ye Wudao said one in side: Three days three days, Ye Family accompanies inevitably!” “雪耻之时岂能没有见证者者。”叶无道在旁边说一句:“三天就三天,叶家必然奉陪到底!” Both sides reach the consensus of opinion! 双方达成一致意见! The fierce confrontation comes to the end. 激烈冲突告一段落。 On road that Chu Tian goes back, people are anxious to him inquired: „The ancient times rare treasure of what big might did you obtain?” 楚天回去的路上,众人非常焦急对他询问:“你是不是得到什么大威力的远古秘宝?” No!” “没有!” You obtain some type ancient times inheritance that lets strength suddenly to increase?” “你是不是得到某种让实力暴增的远古传承?” No!” “没有!” What thing do you obtain? Can he make your battle efficiency increase?” “那你得到什么东西?他能让你战斗力大增吗?” Although obtains a thing in smelting trial Tarry, but that thing cannot use at present, later not necessarily is useful, all looked at the good fortune.” “虽然在试炼塔里获得一点东西,但是那东西目前根本用不上,以后也不一定有用,全看造化了。” „Were you insane?” A Nangong Yun face is astonished: You like this harebrainedly challenge them, do you have confidence?” “那你疯了吗?”南宫云一脸惊愕:“你就这样冒冒失失的挑战他们两个,你有把握吗?” I do not know!” Chu Tian smiles with sincerity, under the duel situation, he has confidence actually, if they on, the stratagem which ensures success may be together lower, tries!” “我不知道!”楚天坦然一笑,单挑情况之下,他倒是非常有把握,若两人一起上的话,胜算可能会更低一些,“试试呗!” The people are about to be wild with rage! 众人都快气疯了! When this bastard anything can long dessert! 这混蛋什么时能长点心! Such acts unreasonably each time really makes the person unable to endure! 每次这么乱来实在让人吃不消! You were also swayed by personal feelings!” A Yun Tianhe face serious color said: Luo Family and Ye Family are also hundred years of old clan, this fights them unable to lose, this war inevitably whole-heartedly, even does not hesitate to use some family secret weapons, to guarantee assurance that 100% win. Luo Liancheng wins three days of time, the biggest goal is so.” “你也太意气用事了!”云天鹤一脸沉重之色说:“洛家叶家也是百年老族,这一战他们输不起,此战必然全力以赴,甚至不惜将家族一些秘密武器都用上,以保证100获胜的把握。洛连城争取三天时间,最大目的正是如此。” Can Chu Tian not know? 楚天又怎么会不知道? The troublesome association that however should come comes, will trouble will be more, might as well solve part first, will suppress two arrogance to say again. 不过该来的麻烦总会来,而且麻烦会越累计越多,不如先解决掉一部分,打压打压两家气焰再说。 Ye Family Luo Family will prepare. 叶家洛家会准备。 Won't Chu Tian prepare? 楚天就不会准备了么? ............ ………… Ye Family headquarters 叶家总部 Ye Wudao inquired that carefully one tries all matters that practices Tarry to have. 叶无道非常仔细询问一遍试练塔里发生的一切事情。 The Ye Tianlang honest complete statement is clear, a part of oversight does not have. 叶天狼老老实实的全部陈述清楚,一点疏漏的部分都没有。 Chu Tian this person really is really the monstruous talent!” Ye Wudao is cloudy an ugly scar of knife wound face, he can defeat your three with the aid of Gu Zhen, although is not own strength, but can achieve this point, showed sufficiently this person is not the generation of commonplace! He is only an under 20-year-old youth, actually does his knowledge come from where?” 楚天此人果然甚是妖孽!”叶无道阴沉着一张丑陋的刀疤脸,“他能借助一座古阵把你们三个都打败,虽说不是自己的力量,但是能做到这一点,也足以证明此人不是等闲之辈!他只是一个不到20岁的少年,他的知识究竟从何而来?” That how?” Ye Tianlang said: He can borrow a win in the smelting trial space, I do not believe in the Central State big arena, he can also unable to find ancient Array available!” “那又如何?”叶天狼说道:“他在试炼空间能借阵取胜,我就不信在中州大擂台上,他还能找得到古阵法可用!” Cannot have a low opinion of the enemy! This war only allow Sheng, must win!” On Ye Wudao blooms, but terrifying killing intent fills the entire great hall, as if must penetrate the roof, direct impact Yun Xiao goes to be the same, naturally, the victory instead is secondary, what is most important is...... Has killed this person at the scene! Otherwise must become the family big trouble!” “不能轻敌!此战只许胜,也必须获胜!”叶无道身上绽放而出的恐怖杀气弥漫整个大堂,仿佛要穿透屋顶,直冲云霄而去一样,“当然,胜利反而是次要,最重要的是……当场杀了此人!否则必成家族大患!” The victory, that is must! 胜利,那是必须的! Winning is more important, then massacres Chu Tian! 比胜利更重要的,便是杀掉楚天 Ye Tianlang sees the father expression, at heart is also one cold: Must fulfill the mission!” 叶天狼见父亲表情,心里也是一凛:“必不负使命!” You with I'm coming!” “你跟我来吧!” Ye Wudao brings Ye Tianlang to a Ye Family headquarters secret room, this secret room has not come including Ye Tianlang, the midpoint of secret room, the bloody altars, fill the ancient aura. 叶无道叶天狼带到叶家总部一件密室中,这间密室连叶天狼都没有来过,密室的正中央,有一座血淋淋祭坛,从中弥漫出古老的气息。 „Before this is the remote antiquity elder leaves Ye Family, specially for you stays behind.” “这是太上长老离开叶家前,专门为你而留下的。” Is the thing that the grandfather leaves behind!” “是爷爷留下的东西!” In Ye Tianlang heart one startled, the remote antiquity elder is the Ye Family former generation head of household, since Ye Wudao governs the family, the former generation family becomes a remote antiquity elder on the fading out family right level. Chu, Luo and Ye, three families remote antiquity elder, all already no longer Central State, but went to other cities to seek the interests for the family. 叶天狼心中一惊,太上长老就是叶家上代家主,自从叶无道掌管家族以后,上代家族就淡出家族权利层而成为一名太上长老。楚洛叶三家的太上长老,全都已经不再中州,而去其他城市为家族谋取利益了。 The remote antiquity elder is family final backing! 太上长老是家族最后的后盾! This preparation and other strength is promoting points again to you.” The Ye Wudao complexion is dignified, „, but, since experiences this matter ahead of time to open the altar!” “本准备等你的实力在增进一点再给你。”叶无道脸色凝重,“不过,既然遇到这件事就提前开启祭坛吧!” Ye Tianlang asked: What in this altar has?” 叶天狼问道:“这祭坛里到底有什么?” „Before this is the Ye Family ancestor body dies, from Source Spirit pulls out to the strength, the seal in this gear-driven altar, only then the head of household inherits the talented person to have qualifications opening. Your handed down in the family Cultivation Technique «Monster Wolf Changes» already to the Big accomplishments crest, under this strength fills to go against, will achieve the stage of perfection directly, and grasps more than ten families to give up study!” “这是叶家祖先身死之前,从元魂中抽离的力量,封印在这传功祭坛之内,只有家主继承人才有资格开启。你的家传功法《妖狼变》已经到大成顶峰,这股力量灌顶之下,将直接达到化境,且掌握十余种家族绝学!” Ye Tianlang reveals the color of excited shock! 叶天狼露出激动震撼之色! Will Ye Family have this type of good thing unexpectedly? 叶家居然会有这种好东西? If Ye Tianlang obtains this strength, perhaps compared with Chu Xinghe, misses ancient Cultivator inheritance outside a family merely! 叶天狼要是获得这股力量,恐怕跟楚星河相比的话,也仅仅是差一个家族之外的古修士传承而已! Ye Wudao said: Now opens the altar! You must remember, in the Ye Family eye cannot accommodate the sand, you have made Ye Family be shamed to be insulted, if this time cannot both capital and interest ask, Ye Family will not have your foothold!” 叶无道说:“现在就开启祭坛!你要记住,叶家眼里容不得沙子,你已经使叶家蒙羞受辱,这一次若不能连本带利讨回来,叶家将无你的立足之地!” Ye Tianlang feels a chill in the air: Yes!” 叶天狼感到一丝寒意:“是!” Starts!” “开始吧!” Before Ye Tianlang arrives at the altar, in the heart is full of the disturbed color, both hands places in the altar slowly, an ancient aura fills the air immediately from the altar. 叶天狼走到祭坛前,心中充满忐忑之色,双手缓缓放在祭坛上,一股古老气息顿时从祭坛中弥漫出来。 Ye Tianlang feels immediately that has an invisible strength, in spilling into body. 叶天狼顿时感觉到,有股无形的力量,在涌进身体之中。 Ye Tianlang as if presents the illusion, he sees even several person's shadows, is practicing «Monster Wolf in his front Changes» Cultivation Technique, although does not see clearly the concrete appearance of opposite party, but Ye Tianlang can feel the bloodlines aura of that inheriting. 叶天狼仿佛出现幻觉,他看见一个甚至几个人影,正在他的面前正在练习《妖狼变》功法,虽然看不清楚对方的具体长相,但是叶天狼能够感觉到那种一脉相承的血脉气息。 Right! 没错! This certainly is the Ye Family ancestor! 这一定是叶家先祖! That mysterious ideal condition and Martial Arts rinse in the Ye Tianlang mind, making Ye Tianlang have a headache to want the feeling of crack, almost makes him unable to support, but thinks Chu Tian after his shame, he erupts the formidable fighting spirit, clenches teeth to endure patiently, withstands completely. 那神奇的意境和武学纷纷灌进叶天狼的脑海中,让叶天狼有一种头疼欲裂的感觉,几乎让他支撑不下去,不过想到楚天对他的羞辱之后,他爆发出强大的斗志,咬牙忍耐,完全承受。 Ye Wudao nods in side. 叶无道在旁边点点头。 The hatred makes the person grow! 仇恨让人成长! After this matter, Ye Tianlang definitely became will compare was stronger before, the Ye Family third generation also presents by the brand-new aspect the front of people! 这次事情之后,叶天狼必然会变得比以前更强,叶家第三代也将以崭新面貌呈现在人们的面前! ............ ………… Luo Family. 洛家 Luo Liancheng sits on the high throne, by more than ten family senior elder standing, Luo Xianglong bows the head holding the fist in the other hand to stand in the below of great hall, the scene atmosphere is dignified solemnly and respectfully, seems holding some ceremony to be the same. 洛连城坐在高高的宝座上,十余位家族资深长老纷纷站立两侧,洛降龙则俯首抱拳站在大堂的下面,现场氛围非常凝重肃穆,似乎在举行某种仪式一样。 Luo Liancheng like a statue, is sitting in the seat is slightly motionless: Falls the dragon, the mission of this decisive battle, can you know?” 洛连城就像一尊石像,正坐在座位丝毫不动:“降龙,这次决战的使命,你可知道?” Oath kills Chu Tian! Rectifies names for Luo Family!” “誓杀楚天!为洛家正名!” You understand well!” Luo Liancheng let somebody cool off or calm down said: „The appearance of Chu Tian gave to confuse the Central State City power balance, now has Yun Family with it acting in collusion, there is a biased protection of Divine Wind Marquis, making other family status receive very serious challenge. This person does not eliminate, Central State chaos!” “你明白就好!”洛连城冷冷地说:“楚天的出现把中州城势力平衡都给搅乱了,如今有云家与之沆瀣一气,又有神风候的偏颇保护,让其他家族地位受到很严重的挑战。此人不除,中州大乱!” Luo Xianglong said confidently: Asked the father to feel relieved freely that the Chu Tian skill was mediocre, this necessity was doomed!” 洛降龙信心满满地说:“请父亲尽管放心,楚天本事不过如此,这次必然在劫难逃!” You have this confidence to be good! However cannot have a low opinion of the enemy, Ye Tianlang is because has a low opinion of the enemy, the one person alone goes to South Sky City to kill Chu Tian, therefore ends up to turn out the result that today the prestige damages greatly!” Luo Liancheng spoke of here time, beckoned with the hand gently: With!” “你有这份信心就好!不过千万不能轻敌,叶天狼就是因为轻敌,孤身前往天南城楚天,所以才落得今天声誉大损的结果!”洛连城说到这里的时候,轻轻地摆摆手:“拿上来吧!” A senior elder is holding treasure box, the whole face serious arriving main hall center: This thing may help little main helping hand!” 一位资深长老捧着宝盒,满脸严肃的走到大殿中央:“此物可助少主一臂之力!” This is......” “这是……” Luo Xianglong opens treasure box instantaneous. 洛降龙宝盒打开瞬间。 In the main hall fills the savage aura suddenly, a dignified lion tiger hissing roars suddenly crack, let in all will of the people are thump, obviously by savage aura frightening. 大殿内忽然弥漫凶残气息,一阵威严的狮虎嘶咆骤然炸响,让所有人心里都是咯噔了一下,显然是被凶残的气息给震慑到了。 One pile of dark golden arm protectors, calmly lie down in treasure box, the unusual brightness pasts, the aura is threatening. 一堆暗金色的护臂,正静静躺在宝盒内,宝光流转,气息逼人。 Luo Xianglong startled [say / way]: „The arms of nine lion nine tigers!” 洛降龙惊道:“九狮九虎之臂!” This thing Luo Xianglong will not be strange, this is one of the Luo Family heavy treasures, can unify with Luo Family Cultivation Technique «Lion Tiger Double-phase» perfectly, it is said wears can increase the strengths of nine lion nine tigers directly, sweeps away all obstacles, destroys the hardest defenses! 此物洛降龙不会陌生,这是洛家的重宝之一,与洛家功法《狮虎双相》能完美结合,据说佩戴着能直接增加九狮九虎的力量,所向披靡,无坚不摧! This thing is a remote antiquity elder most important weapon! 此物是太上长老最重要的一件武器! However after the remote antiquity elder leaves Luo Family, then this thing remaining. 不过太上长老离开洛家之后,便将此物给留了下来。 „The arms of nine lion nine tigers are best quality goods soul! When not inferior Divine Wind Marquis is young has used Divine Wind Sword!” A Luo Liancheng face said seriously: If I have not guessed that wrong, the treasured sword in Chu Tian hand, is Netherworld Sword that in the old book records, is Soul Communication Tool. However, the Netherworld Sword dust-laden time is too long, although now began using, but spirit restores insufficient, this restrains Netherworld Sword to the arm protector sufficiently!” “九狮九虎之臂是极品魂器!不逊色神风候年轻时使用过的神风剑!”洛连城一脸郑重的说:“若我没有猜错的话,楚天手中的宝剑,是古籍中记载的幽冥剑,是一件通灵魂器。然而,幽冥剑尘封时间太久,现在虽然被重新启用,但其中器灵恢复不足而成,这对护臂足以克制幽冥剑!” Luo Xianglong reveals the pleasantly surprised color, somewhat is depressed: Kills the chicken to need the oxen knife?” 洛降龙露出惊喜之色,却也有些郁闷:“杀鸡焉需用牛刀?” Do not ask these many, making you take away with takes away to use! This war must guarantee Wan Wuyi to lose, do you understand?” “不要问这么多,让你拿去用就拿去用!此战必须确保万无一失,你懂吗?” Compliant!” “遵命!” Luo Xianglong both hands hold treasure box. 洛降龙双手捧过宝盒 Reported the head of household!” At this time a senior elder entered great hall: Sir City Lord!” “禀告家主!”这时一位资深长老走进大堂:“城主大人到!” You draw back first!” Luo Liancheng eye one bright, immediately to Luo Xianglong makes a look, Luo Xianglong hurry to leave, Luo Liancheng stood saying: Invited City Lord!” “你先退下!”洛连城眼睛一亮,立刻对洛降龙使一个眼神,洛降龙赶紧离开,洛连城站起来说:“有请城主!”
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