MTTIR :: Volume #4

#306: Goes against heaven's will changes to assign/life, Grandmaster river you are really the deity are alive

Chapter 306 goes against heaven's will changes to assign/life, Grandmaster river you are really the deity are alive 第306章逆天改命,江大师您真是神仙在世 Next day. 次日。 6 : 00 pm. 下午 6 点。 Some hotel theater box, Chen Zhihai saw being on intimate terms leading lady and her mother. 某饭店包厢,陈志海见到了相亲女主角与她的母亲。 This hotel is Chen Zhihai clenches teeth to decide, he long is so big , attended the friends and relatives wedding time the hotel of this rank has eaten meal, usually he is the cheap fast-food, occasionally with working together the big gear ate one to be even luxurious. 这家饭店是陈志海咬牙定的,他长这么大,也就参加亲戚朋友婚礼的时候来过这种级别的饭店吃饭,平时他都是吃的便宜快餐,偶尔跟同事去大排档吃一顿就算是奢侈了。 He cannot eat actually not, air conditioning repairman like him, when the busy season arrives, laborious truly is laborious, but the moon/month income is also relaxed broken ten thousand. 倒不是他吃不起,像他这样的空调安装工,在旺季到来的时候,辛苦确实是辛苦,但月收入也是轻松破万的。 He understood saves. 他只是懂得节省而已。 His family condition is bad, oneself condition also averagely not wonderful, if had not understood that deposits a money, his this lifetime must keep bach most likely. 他家庭条件差,自身条件也平平无奇,如果还不懂得存点钱,那他这辈子十有八九是要打光棍了。 Under the introduction of Jiang Feng, both sides have greeted mutually. 江枫的介绍下,双方互相打过招呼。 Chen Zhihai does not dare to stare at the opposite party to size up, but looked at one sketchily, the stature of opposite party is very good, because the look the sunglasses blocked from part of facial features, is unable to see too clearly, but from exposing the facial features look like, even if the eye did not push down the score attractively, had more than enough to spare with him. 陈志海不敢盯着对方打量,只是粗略的看了一眼,对方的身材很好,相貌因为墨镜遮住了一部分面容,无法看得太清楚,但从暴露出来的面容看来,哪怕眼睛不好看拉低了分数,配他也是绰绰有余了。 The mother of opposite party is forty -year-old middle-aged women, is kind-looking, should not be difficult to be together, from her five senses can see vaguely when is young is long not badly. 对方的母亲是一个四十几岁的中年妇女,面容慈祥,应该不难相处,从她的五官中依稀可以看出年轻时长得不差。 Chen Zhihai when decides this hotel, has completed massive hemorrhage mental preparation, he thinks very clearly, since asked others to come to the hotel to eat meal, that was natural, other stingy, otherwise might as well went to the big gear! 陈志海在定这家饭店的时候,就已经做好了“大出血”的思想准备,他想得很清楚,既然请人家来饭店吃饭,那就大方点,别抠抠搜搜的,否则还不如去大排档呢! Therefore, ordering food time, the river matchmakers as well as that to mother and daughter is only polite ordered a dish, but Chen Zhihai ordered several dishes on own initiative. 因此,点菜的时候,江媒人以及那对母女都只是客气的点了一道菜,而陈志海主动多点了几道菜。 When the waiting serves food, Jiang Feng said: Xiaoqin miss, here does not have the bystander, can your sunglasses take down?” 在等待上菜的时候,江枫道:“小琴姑娘,这里没有外人,你的墨镜可以取下来吗?” Sure.” path Xiaoqin complied with one, then puts out a hand to take down the sunglasses. “当然可以。”路小琴应了一声,便伸手把墨镜取了下来。 That is at first sight very normal eye, however careful looked, will discover this eye actually lost importantly god, two soulless, said is path Xiaoqin the eyes. 那是一双乍一看挺正常的眼睛,然而仔细一看,才会发现这双眼睛其实失去了最重要的“神”,两眼无神,说的就是路小琴的眼睛。 When seeing the true colors of opposite party, in Chen Zhihai heart fiery, displayed even more warmly, the words were not many he, in the surface satisfied the need Xiaoqin really had unable to say words that wants deeply to understand that all her, to happening were interested at the things of her these bits and pieces. 在看到对方的真面目后,陈志海心中一阵火热,表现得越发热情了,原本话不是很多的他,在面对路小琴时竟然有说不完的话,想深入的了解她的一切,对发生在她身上那些鸡零狗碎的事情都非常感兴趣。 path Xiaoqin was driven the mood by his enthusiasm, slowly opened the heart to chat with him. 路小琴被他的热情带动了情绪,慢慢的敞开心扉跟他聊了起来。 mother path looks own daughter's change, cannot help but revealed wiped the smile. 路妈妈看着自家女儿的变化,不由得露出了一抹笑容。 The daughter lost one's sight still has eight years, although the daughter basically can take care of oneself in the following several years, but this , when mother where felt relieved that she lived! 女儿失明至今已经有八年了,虽说女儿在后面几年基本可以自理,但她这个当母亲的哪里放心她一个人生活啊! Therefore, in the eight years is she has been taking care of the daughter personal. 因此,这八年来一直是她贴身照顾着女儿。 If daughter being on intimate terms is smooth, with this looks at present the appearance thought the credible man became, that later daughter some people looked, she did not need to worry for this pitiful daughter again. 若是女儿这次相亲顺利,跟眼前这位看面相就觉得靠谱的男人成了,那以后女儿就有人照顾了,她不用再为这个可怜的女儿操心了。 Food gets down, Chen Zhihai and path Xiaoqin feel sorry not to have met sooner. 一顿饭下来,陈志海与路小琴是相见恨晚。 While Chen Zhihai pays up, the Jiang Feng satisfying the need mother said: „Does Aunt path, you look at Brother Chen to be able?” 趁陈志海去结账的时候,江枫对路妈妈说道:“路婶,你看陈哥可以吧?” mother path nods saying: Person is good, spoke non- empty boasting, told the truth, realistic, looks very credibly.” 路妈妈点头道:“人是不错,说话不浮夸,有一说一,实事求是,看着挺靠谱的。” The Jiang Feng nod said: „ Brother Chen people was honest, works for more than ten years to accumulate 400,000, although the money were not many, but even owed the person of debt compared with these moonlight clans. 江枫点头道:“陈哥人老实可靠,打工十几年攒了四十万,钱虽然不多,但比那些月光族甚至是欠了一屁股债的人强多了。 Xiaoqin miss works for five years, should also accumulate a lot of money, two people collect, buys a house provincial capital here, at their current wages, can live very well provincial capital here. 小琴姑娘工作五年来,应该也攒了不少钱,两人凑一凑,在省城这里买套房子,以他们两人目前的工资,能在省城这里生活得很好了。 After having the house, the child later studies anything does not need to worry. ” 有了房子之后,孩子以后读书什么的也不用发愁。” mother path hears to nod again and again, Grandmaster river said is, their weddings I am the approval, so long as their two are together come, that near future can register the marriage.” 路妈妈听得连连点头,“江大师说得是,他们的婚事我是赞成的,只要他们两个相处得来,那近期就可以登记结婚。” Listened to mother path this saying, Jiang Feng to know that this marriage was steady! 听了路妈妈这话,江枫就知道这门亲事稳了! ...... …… Jiang Feng means what he says, is willing to be on intimate terms the blind technician who counts after Cai, he then sends people the material to register, then his 11 groups of these blind person technicians match the object again. 江枫说话算话,在蔡总那边把愿意相亲的盲人技师统计出来后,他便派人过去把资料登记好,然后他再一一帮这些盲人技师匹配对象。 After image match, then naturally has the matchmakers to be responsible, did not need Jiang Feng to take the trouble. 把对象匹配好后,接下来自然有红娘们负责,就不用江枫费心了。 Jiang Feng that idles, felt that bends Haidong should calm down, then the decision flies to Hangzhou to chat with him. 闲下来的江枫,感觉屈海东应该已经冷静下来了,便决定飞往杭市跟他聊聊。 ...... …… On Thursday , August 17 , 2023. 2023年8月17日,星期四。 1 : 30 pm, some Hangzhou teahouse, bends Haidong saw again Grandmaster river who has the mysterious method. 下午 1 点半,杭市某家茶楼,屈海东再次见到了拥有神奇手段的江大师。 Regarding Grandmaster river, bends Haidong the sentiment is very complex. 对于江大师,屈海东的感情挺复杂的。 On the one hand worships to him very much, after all his grandfather and big grandfather can meet after 81 years again, is completely at present the merit of this Grandmaster river. 一方面对他很崇拜,毕竟他爷爷与大爷爷时隔81年后能够再次见面,完全是眼前这位江大师的功劳。 On the other hand some complaint, if he before the parents did not say that the parents clash with his girlfriend personality, but says perhaps the word of praise of his girlfriend, the parents have relaxed with his girlfriend's relations, where looks like now is so anxious? 另一方面又有些“埋怨”,要是他在父母面前不说父母跟他女朋友性格相冲,而是说一说他女朋友的好话,或许父母跟他女朋友的关系早就缓和下来了,哪像现在这么紧张啊? However, he also understands that this no wonder others, others are tell the facts. 不过,他也明白这怪不得人家,人家不过是实话实说而已。 This time Grandmaster river goes to the trouble of traveling a long distance to rush to Hangzhou to see him, why comes, bends Haidong the gate is clear, the percentage hundred are the parents please move Grandmaster river to urge him to bid good-bye with the girlfriend. 这次江大师不远千里赶到杭市来见他,到底是为何而来,屈海东心里门清,百分百是父母请动江大师来劝他跟女朋友分手的。 After mutual greeting, bends Haidong then selected bright way directly: Grandmaster river, you goes to the trouble of traveling a long distance to see me, should be my parents asks you to persuade me to bid good-bye with the girlfriend?” 在互相打过招呼后,屈海东便直接挑明道:“江大师,您不远千里过来见我,应该是我父母请您过来劝说我跟女朋友分手的吧?” bends Haidong can guess correctly the goal of his trip, Jiang Feng is not accidental/surprised, he nods to acknowledge directly: „The eastern Elder Brother, you guessed right, I by the request of your parents, was truly persuaded your.” 屈海东能猜到他此行的目的,江枫是一点都不意外,他直接点头承认道:“东哥,你猜对了,我确实是受你父母之托,过来劝说你的。” bends Haidong gave Jiang Feng but actually one cup of tea, somewhat unwilling asking: „Doesn't Grandmaster river, my parents' relations with my girlfriend, have the means to recall seriously?” 屈海东给江枫倒了一杯茶,有些不甘的问道:“江大师,我父母跟我女朋友的关系,当真是没有办法挽回吗?” Jiang Feng received the tea to drink one, replied: Their personality to/clashes, according to the common sense infers, their this lifetime does not have the means to be together well, the association/will mutually is unpleasing to the eyes because of this and that matter, quarrelling that is the potluck.” 江枫接过茶喝了一口,答道:“他们性格相冲,根据常理来推断,他们这辈子是没办法好好相处的,总会因为这样那样的事情而互相看不顺眼,争吵那是家常便饭。” The closing eye of bends Haidong pain, partly makes a sound opens the eye saying: „ She is my first love, is the woman who my this lifetime most loves, although outside in person eyes, she individual condition or the family condition, cannot be joined to me by far. 屈海东痛苦的闭上眼睛,半响才睁开眼睛道:“她是我的初恋,也是我这辈子最爱的女人,虽然在外人眼里,她无论是个人条件还是家庭条件,都远远配不上我。 But I believe that the sentiment looks when should be two people are together the feeling, rather than looks at individual condition and family condition, I with her in the same place, I felt that I am very joyful. 但我认为,感情看的应该是两个人相处时的感觉,而不是看个人条件与家庭条件,我跟她在一起,我感觉自己很快乐。 If bids good-bye with her, my this lifetime perhaps like not loving her will fall in love with another woman. ” 如果跟她分手,我这辈子恐怕再也不会像爱她一样爱上另一个女人了。” Jiang Feng hears word pondered, said: „The eastern Elder Brother, you should know, what I most excel is the marriage affinity calculated, if you bid good-bye, I can help you look to be more suitable your object, can help your girlfriend look for one more suitable her object.” 江枫闻言沉思了一下,说道:“东哥,你应该知道,我最擅长的是姻缘推算,如果你们分手了,我可以帮你找个更适合你的对象,也可以帮你女朋友找一个更适合她的对象。” bends Haidong shakes the head, stubborn saying: „ Thanks Grandmaster river your good intention, I believe that by your ability, truly can achieve. However...... is just like somebody to cultivate an internal strength heart law laboriously, cultivated the extremely high boundary this internal strength heart law with great difficulty, becomes the master class in rivers and lakes. 屈海东摇了摇头,固执的说道:“谢谢江大师您的好意,我相信以您的能力,确实能够做到。但是……就好比某人辛辛苦苦修炼一门内功心法,好不容易把这门内功心法修炼到了极高的境界,成为了江湖中的一流高手。 One day, had the martial arts world expert to put out an internal strength heart law to him, making him diverge the internal strength that before cultivated, cultivated this profound internal strength heart law, and ensure he will certainly become expert in extremely rivers and lakes in the future. 忽然有一天,有位武林高人拿出一本内功心法给他,让他把之前修炼的内功散去,重新修炼这门高深的内功心法,并保证他未来一定成为江湖中的绝顶高手。 This saying, he certainly believes, after all this martial arts world person of high skill of noble character and high prestige, not possible to come to crack a joke with him with this matter. 这话,他当然相信,毕竟这位武林高人德高望重,不可能拿这种事来跟他开玩笑。 But he now is the master class in rivers and lakes, is living the idle cloud wild crane life, does not want to experience that growing out of nothing pain to compel the life again...... ” 可他现在已经是江湖中的一流高手了,过着闲云野鹤般的生活,根本就不想再体验那种从无到有的苦逼生活……” Hears here, Jiang Feng understood. 听到这里,江枫懂了。 Thinks is also, making two people who fall in love with bid good-bye, even if then found for two people is more suitable their objects, that pain that may bid good-bye, two people also must experience. 想想也是,让相爱的两人分手,哪怕接下来又替两人找到更加适合他们的对象,可分手的那种痛苦,两人也必然要经历。 He also has bad relations between means solution Mr. Qu Ms. Qu and good orchids, why does being probable make two people who fall in love with experience bidding good-bye pain a time? 他又不是没办法解决屈父屈母与牛兰花之间的恶劣关系,又何必非得让相爱的两人经历一次分手的痛苦呢? Thinks of here, Jiang Feng changed the mind, carried the tea to drink one, looked that said to bends Haidong: „The eastern Elder Brother, I understand your meaning, since you fall in love with your girlfriend, but you also really have the couple fate, that urged the words that you bid good-bye, I no longer said.” 想到这里,江枫改变了主意,端起茶喝了一口,看向屈海东道:“东哥,我明白你的意思,既然你跟你女朋友这么相爱,而你们也确实有夫妻缘分,那劝你们分手的话,我就不再多说了。” bends Haidong hears word relaxes, adds the tea to Jiang Feng, while expressed gratitude: Thanks Grandmaster river your understanding.” 屈海东闻言松了口气,一边给江枫添茶,一边道谢道:“谢谢江大师您的理解。” Jiang Feng beckons with the hand saying: Is impolite, this weekend, leading your girlfriend to go back to see your parents!” 江枫摆手道:“不客气,这个周末,带你女朋友回去见见你父母吧!” bends Haidong somewhat awkward saying: Grandmaster river, you know that my parents do not like my girlfriend, bringing words both sides that she goes back to be uncomfortable, might as well does not return!” 屈海东有些尴尬的说道:“江大师,你知道的,我父母不喜欢我这个女朋友,带她回去的话双方都难受,还不如不回呢!” Jiang Feng said with a smile lightly: „The eastern Elder Brother, you felt relieved that the belt/bring girlfriend goes back, waits to meet me to pay some prices, changes assign/life for your girlfriend slightly, making her clash with your parental no longer personality, can the peaceful coexistence.” 江枫淡淡笑道:“东哥,你就放心带女朋友回去吧,等会我付出一些代价,替你女朋友稍微改一改命,让她跟你父母不再性格相冲,可以和平共处。” bends Haidong heard that the word stared in a big way the eye instantaneously. 屈海东闻言瞬间瞪大了眼睛。 Goes against heaven's will changes to assign/life, this has the skill in legend! 逆天改命,这可是存在于传说中的技能啊! Grandmaster river is unexpectedly fierce to this situation, goes against heaven's will continually changes the life to achieve? 江大师竟然厉害到这种地步,连逆天改命都做得到? At this moment, bends Haidong really shocked! 这一刻,屈海东是真的震撼了! After recovering, bends Haidong whole face excited saying: Grandmaster river, the work you took the trouble, your great kindness I cannot forget with my girlfriend for a lifetime, as long as later has to have a need for my place, Grandmaster river you told although, I do not decline.” 回过神来后,屈海东满脸激动的说道:“江大师,劳您费心了,您的大恩大德我跟我女朋友一辈子都忘不了,以后但凡有用得着我的地方,江大师您尽管吩咐,我绝不推辞。” The Jiang Feng smile said: „ The eastern Elder Brother spoke discreetly, my is not true going against heaven's will to change to assign/life, erases side that between your parents and your girlfriends the character to/clashes at most, making them each other look pleasing to the eyes. 江枫微笑道:“东哥言重了,我这个算不上真正的逆天改命,顶多就是抹掉你父母与你女朋友之间性格相冲的一面,让他们彼此看得顺眼。 Locates as for the relations are good, but must come between the dispatch to be good by you. ” 至于关系处得好不好,还要靠你居中调度才行。” bends Haidong is pleasantly surprised, this is very good, so long as they mutually are not reprehensible like the present, I have the confidence to make them locate the relations.” 屈海东惊喜莫名,“这已经很好了,只要他们不像现在这样互相看不顺眼,我就有信心让他们把关系处好。” Un, you have the confidence to be good.” Jiang Feng nods. “嗯,你有信心就好。”江枫点了点头。 Then, two people drinks tea, while chatted. 接下来,两人一边喝茶,一边闲聊。 To two points, bends Haidong tied the account, then thanked profusely went to work. 一直到两点,屈海东才把账结了,然后千恩万谢的去上班。 When bends Haidong leaves, Jiang Feng thinks, then made a phone call to bends Haidong father bends Shiqing. 等屈海东离开,江枫想了想,便给屈海东的父亲屈世清打了一个电话。 The telephone connection, two people first were the smalltalk two, Jiang Feng said: Uncle Qu, I in Hangzhou, just meets to discuss his marital problem with eastern Elder Brother now.” 电话接通,两人先是客套了两句,江枫才说道:“屈叔,我现在在杭市,刚刚跟东哥见面谈了谈他的婚姻问题。” bends Shiqing impatient asking: Grandmaster river, how, can that brat listen to your urging finally?” 屈世清迫不及待的问道:“江大师,结果怎么样,那臭小子可听您的劝?” Jiang Feng said: He has not listened......” 江枫道:“他没听……” The words have not said, bends Shiqing cursed angrily: This bastard, really irritated me.” 话还没说完,屈世清就怒骂道:“这个混蛋,真是气死我了。” Jiang Feng urged hastily: Uncle Qu, you first calms down, eastern Elder Brother his heavy affectionate righteousness, is not willing to disappoint the girlfriend, this we should also understand, have a plan for the present, want to solve this problem, only had means.” 江枫连忙劝道:“屈叔,你先消消气,东哥他重情重义,不愿意辜负女朋友,这个我们也应该理解,为今之计,想要解决这个问题,就只有一个办法了。” bends Shiqing returned to normal a mood, asked: „Is Grandmaster river, what means?” 屈世清平复了一下心情,问道:“江大师,是什么办法?” Jiang Feng said: „ You clash with that good orchid character, did not have the means to change, therefore just started me also to approve that your ideas, urged them to bid good-bye with every effort. 江枫道:“你们跟那牛兰花性格相冲,原本是没办法改变的,因此刚开始我也赞成你们的想法,尽力去劝他们分手。 However chatted a meeting with eastern Elder Brother a moment ago, can visit him very much to be truly good with the sentiment of girlfriend, this breaks up me not to have the heart forcefully. 不过刚才跟东哥聊了一会,看得出来他跟女朋友的感情确实很好,就这样硬生生的拆散人家我也于心不忍。 Is good because, I understand some methods, only needs to pay some prices, can erase you with side that the good orchid character to/clashes, as the matter stands does not need to break up their to the lover, does not need to be worried that your later being together issues, it can be said that kill two birds with one stone, how does Uncle Qu you feel? ” 好在,我懂得一些手段,只需要付出一些代价,就可以抹掉你们跟牛兰花性格相冲的一面,这样一来既不用拆散他们这对有情人,也不用担心你们以后的相处问题,可以说是一举两得,屈叔你觉得怎么样?” bends Shiqing hears also incomparably to shock, can erase them with side that the good orchid character to/clashes, this is the flamboyant method, the ratio calculated the position that simply a person is at must make one shock. 屈世清听得也是无比震撼,能够抹掉他们跟牛兰花性格相冲的一面,这是何等牛逼的手段啊,简直比推算一个人所在的位置还要令人震撼。 Recovers, saying that bends Shiqing worships: Grandmaster river, you are the deity are alive simply, my family that brat what virtue what can, be able to make you pay the price to display this going against heaven's will ability, where he can withstand!” 回过神来,屈世清敬若神明的说道:“江大师,您简直是神仙在世,我家那臭小子何德何能,能让您付出代价去施展这种逆天能力,他哪里承受得起啊!” Jiang Feng said with a smile: Uncle Qu you spoke discreetly, so long as resorts to this method the number of times is not many, the price that I pay is not very big, do not have what psychological burden.” 江枫笑道:“屈叔你言重了,只要动用这种手段的次数不多,那我所付出的代价就不是很大,你们不要有什么心理负担。” bends Shiqing grateful saying: Grandmaster river, thanks words I was not many said that later the matter was my matter.” 屈世清感激的说道:“江大师,感谢的话我就不多说了,以后您的事就是我的事。” Uncle Qu does not need polite......” “屈叔不必客气……” Then, the smalltalk, hung the power failure words. 接下来,两人又客套了一番,才挂掉电话。 Jiang Feng carried the tea to drink one, then the ability had/left the marital match panel of bends Haidong and good orchid, two people marital match value was this: 江枫端起茶喝了一口,然后才调出屈海东与牛兰花的婚姻匹配面板,两人的婚姻匹配值是这样的: Current marital match value 53( couple sentiment 74 + properly matched 53 + family relationships 32) 【当前婚姻匹配值】53(夫妻感情74+门当户对53+家庭关系32) Limit marriage match value 62( couple sentiment 83 + properly matched 62 + family relationships 41) 【极限婚姻匹配值】62(夫妻感情83+门当户对62+家庭关系41) Immediately, the Jiang Feng use broken-down wall function without hesitation, then two people marital match value then turned into this: 随即,江枫毫不犹豫的动用破壁功能,然后两人的婚姻匹配值便变成了这样: Current marital match value 67( couple sentiment 74 + properly matched 66 + family relationships 61) 【当前婚姻匹配值】67(夫妻感情74+门当户对66+家庭关系61) Limit marriage match value 79( couple sentiment 83 + properly matched 77 + family relationships 77) 【极限婚姻匹配值】79(夫妻感情83+门当户对77+家庭关系77) Looks at the data change of this marital match value, gets quick results simply, believes that this weekend bends Haidong goes back to see the parents the good orchid belt/bring, both sides not again mutual interference like before, but can exchange well. 看这婚姻匹配值的数据变化,简直是立竿见影,相信这个周末屈海东把牛兰花带回去见父母,双方不会再像之前一样互相抵触,而是能够好好的交流。 Completes this matter, in the Jiang Feng heart a relaxedness, the tour of this Hangzhou, made him clearly become aware something, the sentiment of person was most complex, moreover everyone was different regarding the happy definition, like everyone smiled differently. 做完这个事,江枫心中一阵轻松,这趟杭市之行,也让他明悟了一些东西,人的感情是最复杂的,而且每个人对于幸福的定义都不一样,就像每个人的笑点都不同一样。 In other words, the limit marriage match value can only be the reference, cannot be the only standard, perhaps many couples cannot reach the limiting value for a lifetime. 换而言之,极限婚姻匹配值只能作为参考,不能作为唯一的标准,或许很多夫妻一辈子都达不到极限值。 Is just like the normal life span of person is 100 years old, how many but can live also to have 100-year-old? 就好比人的正常寿命是一百岁,但能活到100岁的又有几个?
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