MTTIR :: Volume #2

#199: Great ambition sometimes, will directly link up cloud Fanji the sea

Some Shenzhen stock market area. 深市某区。 Some restaurant theater box. 某餐厅包厢。 Xu Xingchen received the cell phone, looks to that miss in screen. 许星辰接过手机,看向屏幕中的那个姑娘。 This is miss above the face value level, her right hand writes, the left hand proposes a character, on the face is in high spirits, is away from the screen to smell on her thick cultural atmosphere. 这是一个颜值水准之上的姑娘,她右手执笔,左手提着一副字,脸上神采飞扬,隔着屏幕都能嗅到她身上那股浓浓的文人气息。 What that character writes will be great ambition sometimes, will directly link up cloud Fanji the sea, the whole will take the Zhao style running script as the main style, simultaneously graftedtwo kingswriting technique, not only will have the stance of beautiful beautiful, and will be able to discriminate to modeling, will be very pleasant. 那副字写的是“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,整体以赵体行书为主要格调,同时嫁接了”二王“笔法,既有妍美的姿态,又有别致的造型,很是赏心悦目。 Asking that Xu Xingchen somewhat exclaims in surprise: „Is this character, she writes?” 许星辰有些惊叹的问道:“这副字,是她写的?” The Jiang Feng nod said with a smile: „ Un, is she writes, she is the executive vice-president of our Gui Sheng calligrapher association, the calligraphy of most excelling are small, her small on using pens, in the structures tie in the characters, achieved the pinnacles, fully grafted kings " Yellow Court Classic » conception, mixes by Wen Zhengming «Thatched house Ten Will» with the say/way, wrote a new look. 江枫点头笑道:“嗯,是她写的,她是我们桂省书法家协会的常务副主席,最擅长的书法是小楷,她的小楷无论是在用笔上,还是在结构结字上,都做到了极致,充分嫁接了‘大王’《黄庭经》的笔意,又掺以文征明《草堂十志》的用笔之道,写出了一番新气象。 It may be said that is arrives, the character character is splendid. 可谓是笔笔到位,字字精彩。 Although in the lines is slender, but the strength feeling is full, not only that but also is flexible, in the glyph because of the character natural instinct, along with the characters settles, each character is spirited. 虽然线条上非常纤细,但是力感十足,不仅如此,还富有弹性,字形上因字赋性,随字而安,每一个字都非常生动活泼。 Meanwhile her running script attainments are extremely also deep, this you have seen in the pictures. 同时她的行书造诣也极深,这你已经在照片中看到了。 Her grass script also has certain attainments, takes king Duo, insane stretch/open Zuixu as the main access method object, writing is also majestic, changes, has the aesthetic sense. ” 还有她的草书也有一定的造诣,是以王铎、癫张醉旭为主要取法对象,写起来也是大气磅礴,跌宕起伏,极具美感。” Xu Xingchen some saying of envying: „ I am young times, my parents make me study the calligraphy a lot, particularly my mother, her calligraphy also has certain attainments, wishes one could to train the book in circulation legalist school me. 许星辰有些羡慕的说道:“我小的时候,我爸妈没少让我练书法,尤其是我妈,她的书法也有一定的造诣,恨不得把我培养成书法家。 What a pity, calligraphy thing, speaks the talents, but I very obviously am not that brick. ” 可惜,书法这玩意,也是讲天赋的,而我很显然不是那块料。” Jiang Feng haha said with a smile: Mr. permits, you are not a person, when my junior middle school also had the interests to the calligraphy, practices secretly after a period of time, what a pity I do not have the talent in this aspect.” 江枫哈哈笑道:“许先生,你不是一个人,我初中时也对书法起了兴趣,也偷偷练过一段时间,可惜我也没这方面的天赋。” Xu Xingchen hands over the cell phones to Jiang Feng, quite interested saying: This miss looks truly good, Grandmaster river you first said her special details to me!” 许星辰把手机递回给江枫,颇有兴趣的说道:“这姑娘看着确实挺不错的,江大师你先跟我说说她的具体情况吧!” Jiang Feng received the cell phones, introduced: „ She this year is 29 years old, 1.65 meters in height, graduate from the double first-class xx universities. She is solemn, encounters a difficulty calmly, has the opinions, understands the life affective tone very much. She likes the calligraphy, drawing, playing a stringed musical instrument and drinks tea, good food, traveling wait/etc. 江枫接过手机,介绍道:“她今年29岁,身高1米65,毕业于双一流的xx大学。她端庄优雅,遇事冷静,有主见,也很懂生活情调。她喜欢书法、画画、弹琴、喝茶、美食、旅游等等。 The most important thing is, her self-respect, has not been in love. ” 最重要的是,她自尊自爱,至今还没谈过恋爱。” Xu Xingchen hears to like secretly, he originally not by processed men, but as a normal man, is this self-respect girl who he most likes. 许星辰听得暗暗欢喜,他原本就是没被处理过的男人,而作为一个正常男人,他最喜欢的就是这种自尊自爱的女孩子。 Or so long as is the normal men, girls who like this self-respect. 或者说,只要是正常男人,都喜欢这种自尊自爱的女孩子。 Sees his heart movement, on the Jiang Feng face is hanging the smile: „ I know that Mr. permits you come the scholarly family, the grandfathers and fathers are the academician-level big shot, family's other members are also various domains experts and professors, the entire big families are it can be said that abundance of capable people. 见他心动,江枫脸上挂着笑容道:“我知道许先生你出身书香门第,爷爷与父亲都是院士级大佬,家里的其他成员也都是各领域的专家教授,整个大家庭可以说是人才济济。 But you are also quite outstanding, then attained the top yearly salary of Huawei young, the family background background or you ability is the top picks, the common girls could not really have been joined to you. 而你自身也极为优秀,年纪轻轻便拿到了华为公司的顶级年薪,无论是家世背景还是你自身能力都是上上之选,一般的姑娘还真配不上你。 However I give the miss who you introduced am not an average person, her outstanding you had known, but her family background background was also prominent, the grandfather was some prefectural-level city member, father pupil surpasses the teacher, was one of the Gui Sheng current province senior officials, family/home Aunt uncle also took part in government, basically was the cadres at the departmental level. 不过我给你介绍的这位姑娘也不是一般人,她的优秀你已经知道了,而她的家世背景也非常显赫,祖父曾任某地级市一把手,父亲青出于蓝,是桂省现任的省高官之一,家里的叔伯姑姑也都从政,基本都是处级干部。 Such family background background, believes that is can be joined to Mr. permits you. ” 这样的家世背景,相信是配得上许先生你的。” In Xu Xingchen hears Yanyan one bright. 许星辰闻言眼中一亮。 His grandfather with the fathers is an academician, according to the rank is actually equal to the province senior officials. 他爷爷跟父亲都是院士,按级别跟省高官其实是平等的。 However, is only the rank equality, naturally cannot place on a par with the province senior officials in the power academician, the father of this miss is the province senior official, naturally does not have the issue with him. 不过,只是级别平等,在权力方面院士自然不能跟省高官相提并论,这姑娘的父亲乃是省高官,配他自然是没问题的。 Originally Grandmaster river your customer has such good family background background, no wonder you to look for the partner to stretch across several provinces to her, found this year from last year.” “原来江大师你的客户拥有这么好的家世背景,难怪你为了给她找对象横跨几个省,从去年找到了今年。” Jiang Feng said with a smile: „ Since others trust me, I naturally must do utmost to her look for a suitably matched partner, so with may be not only properly matched, character hobby and other aspects. 江枫笑道:“既然人家信任我,我自然要竭尽全力给她找个般配的对象,这般配可不仅仅是门当户对而已,还有性格爱好等方方面面。 In brief and ensure lets her after marriage on the happy life. ” 总之,保证让她婚后能过上幸福美满的生活。” Xu Xingchen gives the thumbs-up saying: Grandmaster river you really lives up to reputation, although I have not seen her, but after your introduced, I really had very big interest in her.” 许星辰竖起大拇指赞道:“江大师你果然是名不虚传,虽然我还没见到她本人,但经过你的这番介绍,我确实对她有了很大的兴趣。” During the speeches, the service person starts to serve food, two people then suspend this topic. 说话间,服务员开始上菜,两人便暂停这个话题。 When on after the service person simultaneous/uniform vegetable/dish leaves, two talents continue to eat continually chat. 等服务员上齐菜离开后,两人才继续连吃边聊。 Jiang Feng ate the strict soup, said: „ Mr. permits, being on intimate terms from being in love is different, if you to Sister Lan interested, that turns head you to notify your parents, first solicited their suggestions. 江枫喝了口老火靓汤,说道:“许先生,相亲跟谈恋爱是不一样的,你若是对蓝姐有兴趣的话,那回头你就跟你父母打个招呼,先征求他们的意见。 If your parents agreed, I arrange your two family members to meet again, how you do feel? ” 如果你父母同意,我再安排你们两家人见面,你觉得怎么样?” Xu Xingchen nods saying: This should be, but this is also only goes through the motions, I was urged the marriage by the parents in the two years a lot, by this miss outstanding condition and family condition, my parents will definitely agree.” 许星辰点头道:“这是应该的,不过这也只是走个过场罢了,我这两年没少被父母催婚,以这姑娘优秀的自身条件和家庭条件,我父母是肯定会同意的。” Jiang Feng said with a smile: Mr. permits you are so outstanding, I believe the parents who Sister Lan will also satisfy your son-in-law.” 江枫笑道:“许先生你这么优秀,我相信蓝姐的父母也会满意你这个女婿的。” Xu Xingchen carries the tea canal: „ Grandmaster river, I respects your one cup by tea generation of liquor, I from studying to the work, has been busy, in addition the character also is a little stuffy, therefore has not discussed the girlfriend. 许星辰端起茶水道:“江大师,我以茶代酒敬你一杯,我这人从读书到工作,一直都比较忙,再加上性格又有点闷,所以也没谈过女朋友。 I am the 30-year-old man, must say that 1 point does not look for the wife at heart anxiously, that is deceives people. 我已经是30岁的男人了,要说心里一点都不急找老婆,那是骗人的。 But I treats the sentiment is quite earnest, either does not look for the partner, looks for that certainly to rush to get married. 但我这人对待感情是相当认真的,要么不找对象,一找那肯定是要奔着结婚去的。 Because I do not have so many time waste on the love, the company gave me such high yearly salary, provided such good platform to me, I naturally must put in lots of energy to attack, produce the achievement to return Ren to my regarding as important. 因为我没那么多时间浪费在恋爱上面,公司给了我这么高的年薪,给我提供了这么好的平台,我自然要投入大量的精力去攻关,拿出成果来回报任总对我的看重。 If this wedding became, Grandmaster river you may help me be busy, after all makes me seek, has not known that must be able to find the satisfactory object marriage lord knows when! ” 若是这门婚事成了,那江大师你可就帮了我大忙了,毕竟让我自己去寻找的话,还不知道要猴年马月才能找到满意的对象结婚呢!” Jiang Feng carries the tea to clink glasses with him, Mr. permits does not need to be polite, by you such outstanding condition, wants to look for wife that too to be really easy. However on the other hand, the condition good person asks the wives to be easy, but wanted to find the satisfied wife, that was not the condition good to be good, but must be fastidious about the fate.” 江枫端起茶水跟他碰杯,“许先生不必客气,以你这么优秀的条件,想找老婆那真的太容易了。不过话又说回来,条件好的人找老婆都容易,但想要找到满意的老婆,那就不是条件好就行了,还要讲究缘分的。” Xu Xingchen deep is so, wants to look for the wife by his condition, makes him select beautiful woman lining up greatly, but wants the wife who looks for various aspects to compatible, was not an easy matter. 许星辰深以为然,以他的条件想找老婆,大把美女排着队让他挑,但想要找个各方面都合得来的老婆,就不是一件容易的事情了。 Mr. permits, Sister Lan's situation, I told similarly you, you also told that me your situation, what I understood was only your some simple information, concrete was not clear.” “许先生,蓝姐的情况,我都跟你说得差不多了,你也跟我说说你的情况吧,我了解的只是你的一些简单信息,具体一些的就不清楚了。” Ok, I told that you my situation, I this year am 30 years old, 1.79 meters in height, was born in......” “行,那我就跟你说说我的情况,我今年30岁,身高1米79,出生于……” Xu Xingchen introduced his material all affairs big or small, Jiang Feng, although was familiar with his material, but also exhibited the appearance that earnestly listened attentively. 许星辰事无巨细的介绍他的资料,江枫虽然对他的资料了如指掌,但也摆出一副认真倾听的模样。 This food, two people ate for enough one -and-a-half hours to break up. 这一顿饭,两人吃了足足一个半小时才散场。 List that Xu Xingchen rushes to buy. 许星辰抢着买的单。 Had/Left the restaurant, arrives at the parking lot, prepares to board, Jiang Feng said: Mr. permits, I first walked, turn head our again telephone communication.” 出了餐厅,来到停车场,准备上车的时候,江枫才说道:“许先生,那我就先走了,回头咱们再电话联系。” Xu Xingchen waves saying: Good, Grandmaster river said goodbye!” 许星辰挥手道:“好的,江大师再见!” Bye!” “再见!” ...... …… After Jiang Feng distinguishes, Xu Xingchen returned to him in the family/home of Shenzhen stock market. 江枫分别后,许星辰回到了他在深市的家。 This is he after starting the work the parents for the house that he buys, the position leaves the company is not far, house value 10 million Yuan. 这是他在参加工作后父母给他买的房子,位置离公司并不远,房子价值一千万元。 Fortunately is money that the parents pay, if makes he himself buy, even if at his yearly salary, must not eat and drink for 56 years to afford this house. 还好是父母出的钱,若是让他自己买的话,哪怕是以他的年薪,也得不吃不喝五六年才买得起这套房子。 Arrives on the sofa of living room to sit, Xu Xingchen then puts out the cell phone, sent the WeChat video call to mother. 来到客厅的沙发上坐好,许星辰便拿出手机,给母亲发了微信视频通话。 Quick, the video connection, elegant Ms. Xu is smiling asking: „Did son, eat meal?” 很快,视频接通,气质优雅的许母微笑着问道:“儿子,吃饭了没有?” Xu Xingchen replied: Just finished eating the food to come back outside, did mother you eat? My father at home?” 许星辰答道:“刚在外面吃完饭回来,妈你吃了没有?我爸在家吗?” Ms. Xu said: I have eaten, your father was busy at very much, less than midnight not coming back recently.” 许母道:“我已经吃过了,你爸最近忙得很,不到半夜不会回来的。” Xu Xingchen has been unalarmed by strange sights, then said to mother: Mother, has a matchmaker to look for me to our company entrance this afternoon, said that must introduce an object to me, I a moment ago with the dinner that he had together.” 许星辰对此已经见怪不怪了,便对母亲说道:“妈,今天下午有位媒人到我们公司门口找我,说要给我介绍个对象,我刚才就是跟他一起吃的晚饭。” Hears this, Ms. Xu spirit inspires, pursues hastily asks: Son, where does this matchmaker come? Is credible? The present deceitful trick emerges one after another incessantly, you cannot deceive to others. If you want to look for the partner, I with your father as well as your paternal aunt brother-in-law they knew that many outstanding girls, you liked what type we giving you to introduce on the line.” 听到这个,许母精神一振,连忙追问道:“儿子,这媒人哪来的?靠不靠谱?现在的骗术层出不穷,你可不能给人家骗了。你要想找对象的话,我跟你爸以及你姑姑小叔他们都认识很多优秀的姑娘,你喜欢什么类型我们给你介绍就行了。” Xu Xingchen said with a smile: Mother you felt relieved that I am not silly, where had is so easy to be deceived, this matchmaker was not that obscure preliminary matchmaker person, but had the big matchmakers of several million fans, he most famous one time acted as a matchmaker the experience, was last year acts as a matchmaker to the crown prince master and big star of Xiao Min Wangshi Group.” 许星辰笑道:“妈你放心吧,我又不傻,哪有这么容易上当受骗啊,这媒人可不是那种默默无闻的小媒人,而是拥有数百万粉丝的大媒人,他最有名的一次做媒经历,是去年给汪氏集团的太子爷与大明星肖敏做媒。” Ms. Xu hears the secret heart startled, she works in the Guandong provincial capital, but the headquarters of Wangshi Group are located in the Guandong provincial capital, the big matchmaker who therefore she to this Wangshi Group some finding, the son said can acts as a matchmaker for the crown prince master and big star of Xiao Min Wangshi Group, that truly is not the common matchmaker! 许母听得暗暗心惊,她是在粤省省城工作,而汪氏集团的总部便设在粤省省城,因此她对这个汪氏集团还是有些了解的,儿子所说的这个大媒人能替汪氏集团的太子爷与大明星肖敏做媒,那确实不是一般的媒人啊! Xu Xingchen continues saying: I have online checked his material, truly is a very fierce matchmaker.” 许星辰继续说道:“我在网上查过他的资料了,确实是非常厉害的一位媒人。” After confirming the matchmaker status, Ms. Xu then impatient asking: „Did son, what object that this big matchmaker give you to introduce?” 确认了媒人身份后,许母便迫不及待的问道:“儿子,那这位大媒人给你介绍了什么样的对象?” Xu Xingchen said: „ He gives the object who I introduced is Gui Shengren, this year is 29 years old, 1.65 meters in height, is the executive vice-president of Gui Sheng calligrapher association, was the Guangxi province most famous female calligrapher. 许星辰道:“他给我介绍的对象是桂省人,今年29岁,身高1米65,是桂省书法家协会的常务副主席,是桂省最有名的女书法家。 I watched her picture, the person also well, I issued you picture, you looked. ” 我看了她的照片,人长得还不错,我把照片发给你,你看一下。” Speech at the same time, Xu Xingchen then issues his picture repeater to give mother Jiang Feng. 说话的同时,许星辰便把江枫发给他的照片转发给母亲。 Ms. Xu is the calligraphy amateur, hears the matchmaker to introduce that to son's object is the famous female calligrapher, had a big favorable impression instantaneously. 许母原本就是书法爱好者,听到媒人介绍给儿子的对象乃是有名的女书法家,瞬间就产生了不小的好感。 When the son sends the picture of that miss, she instantaneously in that character by picture capturing attention. 等儿子把那姑娘的照片发过来,她瞬间就被照片中那副字给吸引了目光。 Although the calligraphy attainments of Ms. Xu could not have reached the level of calligrapher by far, but could also be the calligraphy expert in the amateur, nature saw this running script the place of good fork. 尽管许母的书法造诣还远远达不到书法家的水准,但在业余爱好者中也算得上是书法高手了,自然一眼就看出了这副行书的牛叉之处。 Worthily is the executive vice-president of Gui Sheng calligrapher association, this line writes really well.” “不愧是桂省书法家协会的常务副主席,这行书写得真好。” Xu Xingchen said with a smile: According to Grandmaster river, this miss most excels is actually not the running script, but is small.” 许星辰笑着说道:“据江大师介绍,这姑娘最擅长的其实不是行书,而是小楷。” Ms. Xu acclaimed again and again, transfers to that miss the vision from that character slowly, on the face could not bear and hung all over the smile, „was really the style shows the man, this makings I liked. The son, this miss is truly good, can teach such outstanding daughter, isn't her family background bad?” 许母赞叹连连,慢慢把目光从那副字移到那姑娘身上,脸上忍不住又挂满了笑容,“果真是字如其人,这气质我喜欢。儿子,这姑娘确实很不错,能教出这么优秀的女儿,想必她的出身也不差吧?” Xu Xingchen nods saying: Her family background is better than me, the whole family is an official, the grandfather once was the member in some prefectural-level city, the father was pupil surpasses the teacher, was Gui Sheng one of the province high occupying, uncle paternal aunts were not lower than the division level, it can be said that had more than enough to spare with me!” 许星辰点头道:“她的出身比我还好,一家子都是当官的,爷爷曾经是某个地级市的一把手,父亲更是青出于蓝,乃桂省的省高居之一,还有叔伯姑姑都不低于处级,配我可以说是绰绰有余了!” Ms. Xu hears word is really satisfaction, son, do not improperly belittle oneself, me am not bad, you are also quite outstanding, you two are really a match, this big matchmaker also really very insightful.” 许母闻言真是满意之极,“儿子,你也不要妄自菲薄,咱家也不差,你也极为优秀,你们两个真的非常般配,这大媒人还真的挺有眼光的。” Xu Xingchen said: According to Grandmaster river, he was last year met bride's side's request, then starts all relations to find this year from last year, from stretching across several provinces, found finally my.” 许星辰道:“据江大师所说,他是去年就接了女方的委托,然后发动所有关系从去年找到今年,距离横跨好几个省,才最终找到我的。” Ms. Xu exclaims: Fierce, no wonder even woof of Wangshi Group ask him to act as a matchmaker, If nothing else, only this professional spirit trustworthy.” 许母惊叹道:“厉害啊,难怪连汪氏集团的汪总都找他做媒,别的不说,单是这敬业的精神就值得信赖。” Xu Xingchen smiles saying: Mother, you , if no opinion, I gave Grandmaster river to answer, making him arrange the time and place that our two family members met.” 许星辰微笑道:“妈,你如果没意见的话,那我就给江大师回话了,让他安排我们两家人见面的时间与地点。” Ms. Xu said immediately: I naturally do not have the opinion, you hurry to give him to answer.” 许母当即说道:“我当然没意见,那你赶紧给他回话。” Xu Xingchen asked: Mother, you thought which day the arrangement in does meet is quite appropriate?” 许星辰问道:“妈,那你觉得安排在哪天见面比较合适呢?” Ms. Xu hesitates saying: I am actually good to arrange with your time, on Saturday Sunday basically can find the time, your father's time a little did not say actually certainly, or I first call him, told him this matter, looked that his Saturday Sunday can find the time.” 许母沉吟道:“我跟你的时间倒是好安排,星期六星期天基本都能抽出时间来,倒是你爸的时间有点说不准,要不我先给他打个电话,把这事告诉他,看他星期六星期天能不能抽出时间来。” Xu Xingchen said: Good, that first hung, you ascertained sent the video to me again.” 许星辰道:“好的,那先挂了,你问清楚了再给我发视频。” Waits to hang the video, Xu Xingchen stared at the bright blue picture to look again, two people were in ten thousand do not have a high score value match object worthily, he only thought that the miss in picture more looked is more attractive, did not hate to move out of the way the eye. 等挂掉视频,许星辰再次盯着蓝盈盈的照片看了起来,两人也不愧是万中无一的高分值匹配对象,他只觉得照片中的姑娘是越看越漂亮,都舍不得挪开眼睛了。 Until mother sent in the video call of WeChat, makes him recover. 直到母亲发来了微信的视频通话,才让他回过神来。 Put through the video, Ms. Xu then said directly: Son, matter I had told your father, he said that this Saturday Sunday can find the time, you catch up to follow close on that big matchmaker to relate, making him make the time with the opposite party!” 接通了视频,许母便直接说道:“儿子,事情我已经跟你爸说了,他说这个星期六星期天可以抽出时间来,你赶紧跟那位大媒人联系,让他跟对方约时间吧!” Xu Xingchen nods saying: Good, I knew, that first this, my contacts with Grandmaster river, waits time place that arranges to meet, I sent the video to tell you again.” 许星辰点头道:“好的,我知道了,那就先这样,我这就联系江大师,等安排好见面的时间地点,我再发视频跟你说。” Ms. Xu un, the injunction said: Son, this miss is really good, you may result on the dessert, knows?” 许母嗯了一声,嘱咐道:“儿子,这姑娘是真不错,你可得上点心,知道没有?” Knew, first this, I hung!” “知道了,先这样,我挂了!” Off topic 题外话 Thank the light shadow 0 meteor and book friend Something went wrong, the fragrant quiet 2019, miumiu and other big shot of hitting to enjoy. 感谢光影0流星、书友[Not Found]、馨恬2019、miumiu等大佬的打赏。 7017 k 7017k Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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