MTTIR :: Volume #2

#198: Chapter 198

Some Hunan city. 湘省某市。 Celebrated arrives at this to change his lifetime city at the most seven years later again, in the heart could not say is what taste. 贺顶天时隔七年再次来到这座改变了他一生的城市,心中说不出是什么滋味。 Seven years ago, is 24-year-old he to be high-spirited, although is the rural family background, but by a glib mouth, as well as a treatment also calculates that the good work, making him find one to be possible in this city gently the girlfriend of person. 七年前,才24岁的他意气风发,虽然是农村出身,但凭借一张能说会道的嘴,以及一份待遇还算不错的工作,让他在这座城市找到了一位温柔可人的女朋友。 However, is his girlfriend, making his life present the major turn. 然而,就是他这位女朋友,让他的人生出现了重大转折。 That is a seven years ago afternoon, to congratulate meets at the most the girlfriend eats meal, just meets to pester her former boyfriend, distant celebration does not know at the most they said anything, only saw in any case girlfriend is somewhat excited, but before her , the boyfriend exchanges flattery and favors to her. 那是七年前的一个下午,贺顶天去接女朋友吃饭的时候,刚好遇到了过来纠缠她的前男友,远远的贺顶天也不知道他们说了什么,反正只看到女朋友情绪有些激动,而她那前男友又对她拉拉扯扯的。 Sees this, celebrated the anger to come up at the most instantaneously, overran without delay does. 看到这一幕,贺顶天火气瞬间就上来了,二话不说冲过去就是干。 Before her , the boyfriend naturally cannot light/only come under attack does not hit back, two people wrestle quickly. 她那个前男友自然不会光挨打不还手,两人很快就扭打起来。 In the process of wrestling, celebrates depends a strong body strong to do to fall the opposite party to the ground at the most, result good skillful unfortunately, the latter skull of opposite party hit the sharp stone of ground, at the scene then blood stream everywhere. 在扭打的过程中,贺顶天仗着身强体壮把对方干倒在地,结果好巧不巧的,对方的后脑壳撞到了地上的一块尖锐石头,当场便血流满地。 At that moment, not only to congratulate is at the most scared, his the girlfriend who mediated a quarrel in side also has been scared. 那一刻,不光贺顶天傻眼,他那位一直在旁边劝架的女朋友也傻眼了。 The final result was the opposite party hung, but celebrated is sentenced at the most for seven years because of the manslaughter, and must compensate the victim's family member 350,000 Renminbi. 最终的结果是对方挂了,而贺顶天因过失杀人被判了七年,并且还要赔偿受害者家属三十五万人民币。 The past events find it unbearable to recall. 往事不堪回首。 Celebrated paid the deeply grieved price for his impulsion at the most, not only oneself were hit by the disaster of imprisonment, but also pushed to the abyss not the wealthy family, the parents lost everything ask the friends and relatives to borrow again, sufficiently collected the indemnity reluctantly, until now also in repaid a debt diligently. 贺顶天为他的冲动付出了惨痛的代价,不仅仅自己遭受了牢狱之灾,还把本就不富裕的家庭推向了万丈深渊,父母砸锅卖铁再找亲戚朋友借了个遍,才勉强凑够了赔偿金,至今都还在努力还债中。 But goes in the squatting prison less than three months in him, the girlfriend then bid good-bye with him. 而在他进去蹲大牢不到三个月,女朋友便跟他分手了。 At that moment, what to congratulate withstand/top is naive is regret and hate. 那一刻,贺顶天真的是悔恨交加。 What a pity, in this world does not have the regret after the fact to sell. 可惜,这世上没有后悔药卖。 In a flash, seven years pass by. 一晃,七年过去。 Celebrated eventually ended the prison life at the most, then he discovered depressed, the price that he must pay was not limited to this, first worked, has case history him to look for the work, that really compared to ascend to heaven also difficultly. 贺顶天终于结束了监狱生活,然后他苦闷的发现,他要付出的代价远不止于此,首先是工作,有案底的他想找工作,那真的比登天还难。 The sentence is not exaggerating, had him of criminal record to go the little elder brothers not to work as. 说句不夸张的,有犯罪记录的他连外卖小哥都当不了。 Next looks for the partner, although to congratulate has not gone to try at the most, but the conceivable bride's side has known response that he has been imprisoned. 其次是找对象,虽然贺顶天还没去试过,但已经可以想象女方知道他坐过牢的反应。 Even, his criminal record, will also affect his children in the future, for example the children want to test the official, in political investigation not. 甚至,他这个犯罪记录,未来还会影响他的子女,比如说儿女想考公务员,在政审方面就过不了。 In brief, his past is spur-of-the-moment, the influence was really big. 总之,他当年的一时冲动,影响实在是太大了。 Looked at this familiar and strange city one, celebrates sighs at the most secretly, then rode the public bus to arrive at the xx branches of xx hospital, successfully before found, here sister-in-law/little aunt who girlfriend Zhong Lihong was the doctor. 看了这座熟悉而又陌生的城市一眼,贺顶天暗叹了口气,便坐公车来到了xx医院的xx科,顺利的找到了前女友钟丽红在这里当医生的小姨。 Although seven years have not seen, but celebrate are recognize her at the most. 虽然已经七年没见,但贺顶天还是一眼就认出她来。 At this time, the first girlfriend's sister-in-law/little aunt is seeing the patient, celebrates enters the office to wait for at the most silently, when she sees a patient time, makes noise to greet: Hello, Dr. section.” 此时,前女友的小姨正在给病人看病,贺顶天进入办公室默默等待,等她看完一个病人的时候,才出声打招呼道:“你好,章医生。” Perhaps when is separated too for a long time, but celebrates the image change at the most somewhat is also big, therefore Dr. section has not recognized him to come at once, but also thinks that he is the patient who asks her to see a doctor. 或许是时间隔得太久,而贺顶天的形象变化又有些大,所以章医生一时之间倒没认出他来,还以为他是来找她看病的病人呢。 Then asked directly: „Do you name?” 便直接问道:“你叫什么名字?” to congratulate Dingtian knows that she works busily, does not want to delay her too much time, then shows the status saying: Dr. section, I am Lihong's beforehand boyfriend celebrate at the most, does not know that you also do have the impression?” 贺顶天知道她工作忙,也不想耽搁她太多时间,便亮明身份道:“章医生,我是丽红以前的男朋友贺顶天,不知道你还有印象吗?” Who section Dr. hears word remembered at present this person finally is, the complexion cannot help but changed, original...... was you, what matter did you ask me to have?” 章医生闻言终于想起眼前这人是谁了,脸色不由得一变,“原……原来是你啊,你过来找我有什么事吗?” Celebrates naturally saw alert in her eye at the most, in the heart helpless smiles, „shortly after I just came out, there is a matter to ask Lihong to help, but I already not her contact method, therefore comes to find Dr. section, hopes that you give me Lihong's telephone number, thanks!” 贺顶天自然看出了她眼中的戒备,心中无奈的一笑,“我刚出来不久,有个事想找丽红帮一下忙,但我已经没有她的联系方式了,所以才过来找章医生,希望你把丽红的电话号码给我一下,谢谢!” Dr. section reminded cautiously: Mr. to congratulate, Lihong she has married!” 章医生小心翼翼的提醒道:“贺先生,丽红她已经结婚了!” to congratulate Dingtian smiles bitterly saying: Dr. section you do not need to worry, the past matter was the mistake that I impulsed to make for a while, I have not blamed Lihong's meaning, I do not want to ruin her family, but asked her to help purely.” 贺顶天苦笑道:“章医生你不用担心,当年的事是我自己一时冲动犯下的错误,我没有责怪丽红的意思,我也不想去破坏她的家庭,只是单纯找她帮帮忙而已。” Dr. section hesitates was saying: „Doesn't Mr. to congratulate, Lihong she in this city, you want to ask her to help? Told conveniently me?” 章医生沉吟着说道:“贺先生,丽红她已经不在这座城市了,你想找她帮什么忙?方便跟我说说吗?” Celebrates at the most somewhat awkward saying: Dr. section, I seven years ago the big trouble that brings, compensates cleanly the family/home, but also made my parents owe a big debt, but after I came out, could not find the work, really did not have the means to think that looked for her taking advantage of the money, look can make a small-scale business.” 贺顶天有些尴尬的说道:“章医生,我七年前闯下的大祸,把家里赔得干干净净,还让我的父母欠下了一大笔债务,而我出来后也找不到工作,实在是没办法了才想到找她借点钱,看看能不能自己做点小生意。” Dr. section thinks, asked: How much money needs to borrow?” 章医生想了想,问道:“需要借多少钱?” to congratulate Dingtian replied: Probably taking advantage of 20,000-30,000!” 贺顶天答道:“大概借个20,000-30,000吧!” Dr. section directly this matter embracing, said: Like this, Mr. to congratulate, you do not need to look for Lihong, you add my WeChat, I forward to you money.” 章医生直接把这事给揽了下来,说道:“这样,贺先生,你不必找丽红了,你加一下我的微信,我把钱转给你。” to congratulate Dingtian heard that the word is somewhat surprised, immediately shakes the head saying: I do not have the cell phone.” 贺顶天闻言有些惊讶,随即摇头道:“我没有手机。” Dr. section looked at the time, then said: That troubles Mr. to congratulate you outside my a half hour, I saw the remaining several patients, gave you to exchange the cash again.” 章医生看了看时间,然后说道:“那麻烦贺先生你在外面等我半个小时,我把剩下的几个病人看完了,再去给你兑换现金。” to congratulate Dingtian grateful saying: Good, thanks Dr. section.” 贺顶天感激的说道:“好的,谢谢章医生。” Is impolite.” “不客气。” Outside two people smalltalk several, celebrated then goes out at the most waits. 两人客套了几句,贺顶天便走出外面等候。 ...... …… After 50 minutes . 五十分钟后。 Dr. section gives to celebrate 30,000 cash of exchange at the most, said: Mr. to congratulate, later does business well, encountering a difficulty so should not be again impulsive.” 章医生把兑换的三万现金递给贺顶天,说道:“贺先生,以后好好做生意,遇事不要再这么冲动了。” to congratulate Dingtian hand slightly some receiving money of shivering, look serious saying: I diligently, waited certainly to make money well returned your money on the earliest possible time.” 贺顶天手微微有些颤抖的接过钱,神色郑重的说道:“我一定好好努力,等挣到钱了就第一时间把你的钱还上。” That congratulated the mister your business to be prosperous ahead of time!” “那就提前祝贺先生你生意兴隆了!” Thanks, I did not disturb you, bye!” “谢谢,那我就不打扰您了,再见!” Bye!” “再见!” When celebrated walked away at the most, Dr. section put out the cell phone Zhong Lihong to call the niece. 等贺顶天走远了,章医生才拿出手机给外甥女钟丽红打了个电话。 A telephone connection, Dr. section then asked: Lihong, you still remembers that celebrates at the most?” 电话一接通,章医生便问道:“丽红,你还记得贺顶天吗?” Zhong Lihong tone complex saying: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, do you raise him to do suddenly?” 钟丽红语气复杂的说道:“小姨,你突然提他干嘛?” Dr. section said: He came out!” 章医生道:“他出来了!” Zhong Lihong silent, comes out to come out, I have not related with him!” 钟丽红沉默了一下,“出来就出来,我跟他早就没有关系了!” Dr. section said: I know certainly that you had not related with him, but under his rushing so the catastrophe, in the final analysis because of you, otherwise he with that person of unknown, is not possible to arrive at that.” 章医生道:“我当然知道你跟他没关系了,不过他之所以闯下如此大祸,说到底还是因为你,要不然他跟那人素不相识,是不可能会走到那一步的。” Zhong Lihong asked: „Did sister-in-law/little aunt, he look for you?” 钟丽红问道:“小姨,他去找你了?” Dr. section un, said: Yes, he looked for me a moment ago!” 章医生嗯了一声,说道:“是的,他刚才来找我了!” Zhong Lihong breathes somewhat loudly, „does he ask you to do?” 钟丽红呼吸有些粗重,“他来找你干什么?” Dr. section said: He asks me to want your telephone number.” 章医生道:“他来找我要你的电话号码。” Zhong Lihong breathes, „does he want to do?” 钟丽红呼吸一顿,“他想干嘛?” Dr. section said: „ He just came out from inside, because of being imprisoned, the work could not find, because in the family/home also the past matter compensated cleanly, but also owed a friends and relatives big debt. 章医生道:“他刚从里面出来,因为坐过牢,工作也找不到,家里也因为当年的事赔得一干二净,还欠了亲戚朋友一大笔债务。 He asks you to ask that you lend money to make a small-scale business, but you currently have your family, I do not think that he disturbs you, took responsibility taking advantage of his 30,000 dollars. ” 他找你是想问你借钱做点小生意,不过你现在已经有了自己的家庭,我不想他去打扰你,就做主借了他三万块钱。” Zhong Lihong sighed: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, waits to meet me to forward to you money.” 钟丽红叹了口气道:“小姨,等会我把钱转给你。” Dr. section shakes the head saying: Ok, the sister-in-law/little aunt I do not miss this money, calls you, but wants to tell you this matter one, so long as he does not bear a grudge you, that money he has not mattered.” 章医生摇头道:“算了,小姨我不差这点钱,打电话给你,只是想把这个事情告诉你一声而已,只要他不记恨你,那钱他还不还都无所谓。” Zhong Lihong said spookily: Truly is I am unfair to him, but he was sentenced for seven years, rather than seven months, I not possible his seven years.” 钟丽红幽幽道:“确实是我对不起他,不过他被判了七年,而不是七个月,我不可能等他七年的。” Dr. section understands saying: Lihong, you also leaves extremely rebukes oneself, you can only say with him are people are just the victims of fate, is predestined friends does not have the share.” 章医生理解道:“丽红,你也别太过自责,你跟他只能说是造化弄人,有缘无份。” Ok, does not mention this matter, the sister-in-law/little aunt, I will lead two little fellows to look at you several days later.” “算了,不提这事,小姨,过几天我带两个小家伙去看你。” Good, for sometime has not seen their two sister and brother.” “好啊,有段时间没见他们两姐弟了。” Then, second cousin chatted for enough more than ten minutes to hang the power failure words. 接下来,姨甥俩聊了足足十多分钟才挂掉电话。 ...... …… After celebrating borrows money at the most, first goes to the cell phone shop to spend several hundred dollars to buy a cheap cell phone, then did the mobile number, goes to train station buying a ticket to directly soar the Guangxi province provincial capital. 贺顶天借到钱后,先去手机店花几百块钱买了一个便宜手机,再搞了个手机号,就去火车站买票直奔桂省省城。 He has wanted to be clear for several days, if after borrowing money, makes a small-scale business to the Guangxi province provincial capital. 他这些天已经想清楚了,如果借到钱后,就到桂省省城去做点小生意。 Reason that chooses the Guangxi province provincial capital , because his university read here, to this city was very familiar. 之所以选择桂省省城,是因为他大学就是在这里读的,对这座城市还是非常熟悉的。 ...... …… On Monday , April 3 , 2023. 2023年4月3日,星期一。 5 : 00 pm. 下午 5 点。 Some Shenzhen stock market area. 深市某区。 The Chinese promising company entrance, Jiang Feng is examining( one of the children of high-ranking officials bright blue in high end office presenting, position with white almost matches the material of object peacefully): 中华有为公司门口,江枫正在查看蓝盈盈(高端局里出现的高干子弟之一,身份地位跟白子安差不多)匹配对象的资料: Name Xu Xingchen 【姓名】许星辰 Age 30 years old 【年龄】30岁 Height 179 cm 【身高】179cm Body weight 70 kg 【体重】70kg Family background background Comes from the scholarly family, the grandfather and fathers are the big shot of academician rank, the paternal grandmother, mother, paternal aunt, uncle, brother-in-law and little aunts are various domains experts and professors. 【家世背景】出身于书香门第,祖父与父亲都是院士级别的大佬,奶奶、妈妈、姑姑、姑父、小叔、小婶都是各领域的专家教授。 Character hobby...... 【性格爱好】…… Sentimental experience Does not have 【感情经历】无 Current marital match value 77( couple sentiment 76 + properly matched 78 + family relationships 77) 【当前婚姻匹配值】77(夫妻感情76+门当户对78+家庭关系77) Limit marriage match value 87( couple sentiment 88 + properly matched 87 + family relationships 86) 【极限婚姻匹配值】87(夫妻感情88+门当户对87+家庭关系86) To be honest, reads the material of this buddy, Jiang Feng really admires full of admiration, the whole family is various domains experts and professors, the grandfather and father is the big shot of academician rank. 说实话,看完这哥们的资料,江枫真是佩服得五体投地,一家子都是各领域的专家教授,爷爷与父亲更是院士级别的大佬。 But he is extremely also outstanding, the road of concrete studying did not say that only says the result, he becomes one in Huawei talent youngster three years ago, and is few experts who attain 2 million top yearly salaries. 而他本人也极其优秀,具体的求学之路就不说了,只说结果,他在三年前成为华为天才少年中的一员,并且是寥寥几个拿到200万顶级年薪的牛人。 By the rush hour, Jiang Feng then pulled out to make Xu Xingchen's telephone directly. 到了下班时间,江枫便直接拔通了许星辰的电话。 A telephone connection, Jiang Feng then polite asking: Hello, is Mr. Xu Xingchen?” 电话一接通,江枫便客气的问道:“你好,请问是许星辰先生吗?” I am Xu Xingchen, what matter asks me to have?” “我是许星辰,请问找我有什么事情吗?” Jiang Feng enters the subject saying: Mr. permits, I called Jiang Feng, came from Gui Sheng, was a professional matchmaker, now is asked to act as a matchmaker for you, does not know that Mr. permits did facilitate to chat?” 江枫直入主题道:“许先生,我叫江枫,来自于桂省,是一名职业媒人,现在受人之托过来替你说个媒,不知道许先生方不方便出来聊聊?” Xu Xingchen said with amazement: Is asked to act as a matchmaker for me? Is who holds you to act as a matchmaker? How don't I know this matter?” 许星辰惊讶道:“受人之托替我说媒?是谁托你说媒的?我怎么不知道这事?” Jiang Feng said with a smile: Mr. permits, I have arrived at your company entrance, the convenient words do we meet to chat?” 江枫笑道:“许先生,我已经到你公司门口了,方便的话咱们见面聊可以吗?” Xu Xingchen said: Good, you and others my several minutes, I immediately come out.” 许星辰道:“好吧,那你等我几分钟,我马上出来。” Good, a meeting!” “好的,一会见!” „A meeting!” “一会见!” After hanging the power failure words, Jiang Feng waited probably for 45 minutes, then saw Xu Xingchen to walk. 挂掉电话后,江枫大概等了四五分钟,便看到许星辰走了出来。 Jiang Feng waves toward him, when he approached, puts out a hand saying: Mr. permits hello/you good!” 江枫朝他挥了挥手,等他走近了,才伸出手道:“许先生你好!” Xu Xingchen put out a hand to grasp with him, hello/you good, river matchmaker.” 许星辰伸手跟他握了一下,“你好,江媒人。” The Jiang Feng smile said: Here is not the talk place, on the road that I come saw a restaurant, otherwise do we chat while eating to there?” 江枫微笑道:“这里不是谈话的地方,我过来的路上看到了一家餐厅,要不然咱们到那里边吃边聊?” Xu Xingchen naturally does not have the opinion, therefore two people then drive respectively, goes to a nearby restaurant. 许星辰自然没有意见,于是两人便各自开车,前往附近的一家餐厅。 After 15 minutes . 十五分钟后。 Repairs in the elegant theater box, Jiang Feng and Xu Xingchen sit facing each other, vegetable/dish that two people optional point several loves ate, after the service person leaves the theater box, starts the formal talk. 装修典雅的包厢里,江枫与许星辰相对而坐,两人随意点了几个爱吃的菜,等服务员离开包厢后,才开始正式谈话。 Xu Xingchen looked that said to Jiang Feng: River matchmakers you seem like really quite young, should not have 25 years old?” 许星辰看向江枫道:“江媒人你看起来真的好年轻啊,应该还没有二十五岁吧?” Jiang Feng nods to say with a smile: I this year am 23 years old.” 江枫笑着点头道:“我今年二十三岁。” Xu Xingchen exclaims: Fierce, such young matchmaker, I have not seen!” 许星辰惊叹道:“厉害啊,这么年轻的媒人,我还没见过呢!” Jiang Feng said with a smile: My this is anything, Mr. permits your 27 years old enters Huawei, then attained 2 million top yearly salaries directly, that is true young and promising!” 江枫笑道:“我这算什么啊,许先生你二十七岁进入华为公司,便直接拿到了200万的顶级年薪,那才是真正的年轻有为啊!” Xu Xingchen was praised to show the smile, immediately asked: River matchmaker, you had not told me, who is holds you to come to me to act as a matchmaker?” 许星辰被夸得露出了笑容,随即问道:“江媒人,你还没跟我说,到底是谁托你来给我做媒的呢?” Jiang Feng takes one tableware to open while to reply: Mr. permits, I was actually held by the bride's side, looks for the object for her, I start all relations, stretched across several provinces, found this year from last year continuously, found Mr. permits you, you with my customer are good combination, extremely appropriate match.” 江枫拿过一套餐具一边拆一边回答道:“许先生,其实我是受女方所托,为她寻找对象的,我发动所有关系,横跨了几个省,从去年一直找到今年,才找到了许先生你,你跟我那客户可谓是天作之合,极为相配。” Must be so exaggerating, acts as a matchmaker to stretch across several provinces, found this year from last year?” “要不要这么夸张啊,做个媒横跨几个省,从去年找到今年?” Jiang Feng said with a smile: „If the ordinary customer, that definitely does not use the fee/spent such big vigor, but the exceptional customer treats specially, naturally must find good that most matches.” 江枫笑道:“如果是普通客户,那肯定不用费这么大的劲,但特殊客户特殊对待,自然是要找到最相配的才行。” At this point, sees in Xu Xingchen heart some doubts, Jiang Feng then reminds: Mr. permits, I in the online a little fame, you might as well first accesses the net to check my material, so as to avoid regards the swindler is not unamusing me!” 说到这里,见许星辰心中有些疑惑,江枫便提醒道:“许先生,我在网上还是有点名气的,你不妨先上网查一下我的资料,免得把我当成骗子就不好玩了!” Xu Xingchen hears word pulls out the cell phone, operation while said: River matchmakers you should not be offended, is mainly the deceitful trick of this age swindler emerges one after another incessantly, is wanting the say/way incautiously, has to enhance vigilance!” 许星辰闻言掏出手机,一边操作一边说道:“江媒人你别见怪,主要是这年代骗子的骗术层出不穷,一不小心就要着道,不得不提高警惕啊!” Understanding, trading to make is I walks by a stranger suddenly, in the heart some anxieties, my online nickname will also be called Grandmaster river, you checked to know!” Jiang Feng washes with hot water the tableware with the tea, while said. “理解,换作是我突然被一个陌生人找上门来,心中也会有些疑虑的,我网上的外号叫江大师,你查一下就知道了!”江枫一边用茶水烫洗餐具,一边说道。 Xu Xingchen searched the material of Grandmaster river quickly, entered thousand degrees thousand branches to look, exclaimed: My goodness, acts as a matchmaker to woof of Wangshi Group unexpectedly, Grandmaster river you deeply concealed really!” 许星辰很快就把江大师的资料搜索了出来,进入千度千科看了一遍,才惊叹道:“好家伙,竟然给汪氏集团的汪总做媒,江大师你真是深藏不露啊!” Jiang Feng said with a smile: Mr. permits, I compares others in other domains, but is acting as a matchmaker this, I who refuse to accept.” 江枫笑道:“许先生,在其它领域我比不过别人,但在做媒这一块,我谁都不服。” Xu Xingchen haha said with a smile: Really, you had the qualifications to speak this saying, which professional matchmaker because I have not really seen to be able for the person of woof this position to act as a matchmaker.” 许星辰哈哈笑道:“确实,你有资格说这话,因为我还真没见过哪位职业媒人能替汪总这种身份地位的人做媒的。” Jiang Feng adjusts the bright blue picture, gives him saying: This is I plans to introduce that to your miss, you first have a look at the appearance to conform to your aesthetic standard.” 江枫把蓝盈盈的照片调出来,递给他道:“这就是我打算介绍给你的姑娘,你先看看长相符不符合你的审美观。” Off topic 题外话 Thank hitting of day of wolf big shot to enjoy. 感谢天狼大佬的打赏。 7017 k 7017k Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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